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@AshleyNunn I have so many games to play @_@
@FAE Haha I know the feeling - my Trello board of things to play feels huge. XD
Is it bad that I spent so much time on this page already that I started wondering if I could do a JavaScript injection attack with the msg attribute?
Probably, yes.
Q: Can you damage the Banshee when she is teleporting?

Elpezmuerto"How do I stop that banshee from eating my face?" provided good strategies for dealing with Reaper Banshees. However I am curious if you can damage the Banshee when she is teleporting.

Q: Value per weight Oblivion mod

corsiKaWhen playing Skyrim there are a number of mods that give you a value/weight column in your inventory. After searching Nexus and a couple other sites, I still cannot find a UI mod for Oblivion that has such a feature. Any advice?

I'm too lazy to actually try it, though.
Plus that would require leaving the counter page.
\o/ 2000!
@badp I'm not that wowed by that, but maybe that's just me.
We need a memorable name to get people really talking about our site and recommending it to others.
@TimStone Were you around for our last... discussion of this?
It did not go well...
The problem is not everyone will be happy with the name, whatever we settle on.
I think Game Council is just fine. One of those names you'd be surprised to find available.
@FAE Yeah....I was trying to dig through the ME3 resource files to find something, and got a bit carried away. >_>
It's not OMFGWOWYES, but it's good.
@StrixVaria There is that. There is always going to be a group of people who aren't happy with any decision.
while not thrilled by the name, it is an improvement.
Oh they're actually going to call it Game Council?
I didn't realize that.
I don't like it.
@StrixVaria Yes, that's the suggestion.
But then, I didn't expect to like whatever we call it.
@FAE Depends on which discussion specifically, although it's usually safe to assume I was aware of anything on the network. ;)
As long as we get a name at all, I'll be just fine.
@StrixVaria HOLY CRAP you don't like something? I am surprised, shocked, and dismayed.
@TimStone Our attempts at coming up with a domain. It was messy.
@agent86 I don't like anything except Diablo 3.
@StrixVaria yeah, you and francis should start a club :P
I am just delighted we get a name at all. Because honestly, I think it works.
@FAE Ah, yes.
@agent86 Actually, Francis was always my favorite :)
Duke Nukem 3D is $3 on GOG
@badp still not worth it
I'm pretty neutral on Game Council. It sounds decent, not wow-ing, but it's decent. Also wondering if people will end up confused if it's only a redirect.
wrong game
@FAE “Join the Game Council” is awesome
I think it's the kind of name we'll grow to like.
It comes with the relevant domain to boot.
@badp This.
@badp It's definitely better than nothing.
It's way off topic and it's from the very earliest days of the site.
And someone just used it as a counterexample to his question getting closed.
@StrixVaria Oh, lovely >.<
@StrixVaria Never.
@StrixVaria :( I had just reached nine thousand!!
what I don't like about "Council", is the central control it implies. Seems counter to the SE SOP.
how-do all?
Also, this is the question in question that he's arguing about.
It only needs 1 more close vote.
@JuanManuel ;_;
@DavidB I don't read it as "central authority of people who are in charge rawr" but that might just be me
Let me just find one of @badp 's posts so I can take my revenge
Slowly, slowly, I eke my way to the peanut gallery Admiral's Lounge
@FAE Seasoned Advice, Ask Different, and Cross Validated haven't been all that problematic
@DavidB Maybe, but it sounds cool.
@badp I don't know, when read out loud it sounds like 'game console'
I guess I'd still come here if it was called that, so +1 from me.
@GraceNote That's good. I don't frequent any of those (can't cook, don't use apple stuff, and I have no idea what the other one is) so I wasn't sure how it went there
@FAE Statistics
@YiJiang So it does...I wonder if that was intended.
@YiJiang Hm, yeah, aurally, that'll probably be what people hear at first.
@Ullallulloo Nay, but at the same time, that's what the tag line is for
So let's hope they don't try to go to gameconsole.com :P
need more cards to hand out, obviously
@GraceNote Ah, I suck at that too
@FAE while I do things I occasionally pass off as statistics, I'm pretty terrible at statistics.
@agent86 I like reading them
@FAE You just like bar charts and pretty graphs? :P
I'm not crazy about "Game Council" for a name...
@Ullallulloo I dunno...For some reason it seems to imply we're deciding things...which doesn't quite fit for me.
I mean, what kind of meme is that?
@OrigamiRobot we're voting you off the council then. pack your stuff and go home.
The Defense Council in ME3 was damn useless, whatever that implies for our possible new name ;-)
@TimStone Think of it less as a council of decision, and more of a council of knowledge and authority
@TimStone Well, the community does.
The whole community would be the council is what I get from the name.
@YiJiang I think stuff like this is really cool.
Q: Is there a way to gift Blizzard games using Battle.net?

Juan ManuelCan I buy a Blizzard game (Diablo III, Starcraft 2, or WoW suscriptions) for another Battle.net account? I'm thinking about gifting a game, and I was wondering if there was a similar process as you can do it in Steam. If it is possible, how is it done? Do I have to enter the recipients email ad...

Q: A new name for Gaming Stack Exchange?

David FullertonIn the past 3 months, Gaming has grown to be one of the largest sites in the Stack Exchange network. Skyrim boosted it into the big leagues in November, and now Mass Effect 3 is showing that that wasn’t a lucky, once-in-a-lifetime event but something that can be repeated. Those events were main...

Q: How do I locate and defend against cloaked Geth Hunters?

SathyaGeth Hunters make heavy use of cloaks and are almost impossible to detect, unless you observe keenly or shoot at them. Are there any ways to highlight them and find out where they are?

@YiJiang I'd move your comment to an answer, really, if it concerns you that much
@GraceNote Yeah, I get it...but I have to make the effort to, which is why I guess I'm not all that enthusiastic. I'm not vehemently against it despite that, of course.
@GraceNote I always associate the word with more the former than the latter as well
...really? I always thought about it of the latter, even before I came to like the name (I wasn't a fan when we first proposed it)
@FAE Me too.
I can't think of anything better, though :/
@GraceNote I wouldn't associate council with knowledge first, which makes the name a bit strange on first impression.
@Fabian I specifically associate it with authority - and, with authority on a subject matter, comes knowledge of that subject matter.
> A mass effect. 8) – Mana 54m ago
... :P
@GraceNote Yes, but the authority and knowledge are specifically used for decision making.
out of curiosity
@OrigamiRobot I never really looked at it in that perspective, honestly
is there any major gaming site that could be acronymized to "GC.com"
or is normally called GC.com
@GraceNote Well, it's coun-sole vs. con-sole. It's distinct, but not very distinct
@TimStone Quotes onebox if you post the permalink.
@badp Game Critics
My 2c is that I'd associate council with an authority/decision maker and counsel with advice
@Ullallulloo They don't
@badp gamecheats.com?
Game Cube
@YiJiang I... can't find myself saying Coun-sole. I use a long-o for the second syllable of Console, but more of a schwa or short I when saying Council.
@Stephen We're supposed to be authoritative.
34 secs ago, by Yi Jiang
@Ullallulloo They don't
@Ullallulloo He was quoting comments, not chat
@Ullallulloo That was a comment, not a chat message
@GraceNote As I just realized as soon as I posted that.
I'd like the name to conjure thoughts of an ancient tome full of vast knowledge.
Q: Add chat oneboxing support for comment links

XeoSince we have direct links to comments now, IMHO it would only be fair for comment links in the chat to be treated on the same level as question and answer links. (This question feels kinda empty, and I don't even have a pony picture handy to pad it...)

@GraceNote I can definitely see it being mistaken for ESL-ers
I just got the meta-pundit badge! All I had to do was mention lasers.
(for completeness :P)
@FAE I don't expect an average ESLer to know console. I'm still surprised that more people think it's more confusing with console than counsel.
@OrigamiRobot Summer Glau?
@StrixVaria I infer authority as in controller not as in authoritative or expertise when used in context with council.
@GraceNote Well, counsel is a verb, so contextually it doesn't usually make sense
@YiJiang And as a name for a Q&A site that includes PC gaming, contextually game console doesn't make sense as a name.
@GraceNote "game console" is one of those really common phrases that your brain kind of automatically defaults to if you hear something somewhat homynymous (I don't think that's a word) with it, at least for me
@FAE The pronunciation of council and console are different enough that I can't see myself making this mistake.
@GraceNote "Hey, check out our site, Game Console dot com"
Maybe for non-native speakers.
But I can't speak for them.
Game council also sounds a bit strange to me, I'd have thought something like Gamer's council would be more natural
copying a 60kb file (2 minutes remaining)
@YiJiang Would you really just stop there? Who just goes to a site without knowing what it is?
@StrixVaria I spend most of my time around such now, so I guess it's more readily apparent to me
@BenBrocka modern computers are FAST!
@Tristan Of course! Especially in Alphas.
@GraceNote "Hey, check out our question and answer site for gamers, Game Console dot com"? Still make sense in that context
@Blem it's a remote pc getting a file via satelite :/ not exactly modern
@YiJiang Not to me - game console sounds like something that should have to do with consoles. Like a shop.
@OrigamiRobot Ooh, I haven't seen that yet, but I want to.
we turn the site Swedish and name it gaming, then it will be www.gaming.se
@OrigamiRobot Alright, last one... Jodie Whittaker?
@Blem bork bork bork!
Realm of the Mad God got badges on Kongregate!
Now where do I play it?
Do characters work on both?
@Ullallulloo Where else do you play it?
@YiJiang Steam
I just replaced my Kong account with my web account that I linked with my Steam account though.
Now stuff works
hrm. Does anyone else think that a simple answer to this question might but ok ... "Game Authority?"
I thought I'd make use of a resource at hand, it'll be interesting to see what pops up
Q: What is a single word meaning "authoritative source of knowledge"?

StephenI'm looking for a word that means authoritative source of knowledge. The word would preferably be a noun and could refer to a group of people or a collection of knowledge. Additionally it'd be strongly preferred if the word would not be a derivative of encyclopedia.

@Stephen Reminds me of Sports Authority. That place sucks.
@StrixVaria Yeah but there's no Sports Council to complain about it to :-)
@Stephen Game Bible!
@YiJiang No please.
@YiJiang Gamificapedia!
@TimStone That'd pit us against Wikia
@YiJiang I'd take Game Pundit or Lazer Pundits over anything bible :-)
@badp Seems like an easy fight...
@StrixVaria (It was sarcastic, ya know)
@TimStone Not so much a fight, the sites are just so very different
@YiJiang Whew. I was hoping so, but it's difficult to tell with text only.
positioning ourselves as "the new wikia" would be stupid, that's not what we are.
We're aware that I wasn't at all serious, right? >_>
@TimStone We'd need to reach consensus on that first. Check back in six months
Better Than Games: Because 1) it's cocky just like 99% of gamers and 2) we're better than all the other sites out there like GameFAQs and stuff.
(Failing to reach consensus is another thing I'd expect from a council, so that works too.)
@badp The name's perfect then
@FAE Yup yup yup!
@StrixVaria Are we in a contest for the worst site names? :P
@YiJiang Gaming! Answers
We answer so good we PWN you in the process.
@Tristan nah
Out of curiosity is GameLazers.com allocated?
or QuestionsAndLazers.com
PwnStars? :)
Instruction Booklet
Our tagline should be "Where you can get answers to your gaming questions and argue forever about nothing."
how about lazerslazerslazers.com
@Stephen If you pronounced that 'P'...it could make us sound...adult?
@StrixVaria Or "Where you can get answers to your gaming question and argue until you take a Lazer to the face."
I think we should name it something that's got a lot of excitement behind it. An exclamation, if you will. like Whoo! Answers!
or maybe "Yahoo!"
@Ullallulloo It's ambiguous ... but sounds suggestive enough to be appealing
@StrixVaria UpvoteClicker
@StrixVaria Dream Answers
Gamgasm sounds like some sort of 40s reaction to ladies with hot Gams
@agent86 we'd need to change the name every six months
robotsandpwnies.com you mean
@OrigamiRobot That's our chat.
@badp that's what subdomains are for!
@agent86 nowwithoutitg.gamingbutnorecommendations.com
@OrigamiRobot -1, taken
@badp His personal blog?
Someone who really hates the name should buy it real quick and squat it.
@StrixVaria there you go
That's what I'd do if there were some correlating action for ITG questions.
@OrigamiRobot We are no longer friends
"You have to pay me one MILLION dollars to ask your ITG."
You guys are why I'm REALLY glad SE always keeps the subjectArea.Stackexchange.com domain accessable...
@FAE Can I take it back? T_T
@BenBrocka really?
@FAE How can you not be friends with a pro much guy like @OrigamiRobot?
we could lead to the whole SE.com being categorized as gaming or social
or all sorts of horrible things
yes, I really really really enjoy not having to remember 80 different names and domain names
you should suggest making programming.stackexchange.com work then
like the brilliant "no installation required" title for the web apps site that made no god damn sense to anyone that wasn't already intimately familiar with the site
@badp it's programmers, not programming
@BenBrocka That made sense to me as soon as I heard it.
@OrigamiRobot How can you say no to Jodie Whittaker? She fits with your "skinny girl/big eyes" theme...
@Tristan ...and now you and I are no longer friends :P
@BenBrocka He means SO.
@Tristan I never said that!
@FAE How can you not be friends with a pro much guy like @Tristan?
@StrixVaria I'm fairly certain I've suggested something similar to that
@Ullallulloo the trillogy sites are an exception because they're already accepted brands, they're already huge AND they were made before we had a massively expanding network
@Ullallulloo just leaves and goes back to playing ME3
@badp I may or may not have stolen the only one I liked out of the old domain name question.
@FAE =(
nope, that was Noctrine's, not mine
@OrigamiRobot You made her play games instead of coming up with inane domain names for Gaming!
@OrigamiRobot That'd actually be pretty good, but it's taken.
Oh no wait, Minecraft's still in number 2
Why are these domain names being suggested? What'd I miss?
Q: A new name for Gaming Stack Exchange?

David FullertonIn the past 3 months, Gaming has grown to be one of the largest sites in the Stack Exchange network. Skyrim boosted it into the big leagues in November, and now Mass Effect 3 is showing that that wasn’t a lucky, once-in-a-lifetime event but something that can be repeated. Those events were main...

16 mins ago, by Yi Jiang
@StrixVaria Are we in a contest for the worst site names? :P
@YiJiang freestuffmonthly.com
@badp 42inchtelevisionsetseverymonth.com
(with obligatory redirects from thetunnel.com, because I demand infamy)
Eh, this states most of my opininos on the naming fiasco already:
Robert Cartaino on October 05, 2010

Friday night we rolled back the domain name of our first out-of-beta website. After less than 24 hours of existing on the internet, nothingtoinstall.com was reverted to its original public beta name – webapps.stackexchange.com.

We’re sorry for springing this on you at the last minute but – at least at the time – it felt like circumstances didn’t give us much choice.

With deep concerns about domain name choices for the 20+ ongoing public betas and some negative feedback about breaking up the network into smaller domains, we made the snap decision to roll back the nam …

Also, I did come into the office right? Kinda forgot about that...
Huh... I like this PAX idea...
@BenBrocka so you expect nothing to change in 2 years? :)
@JuanManuel if anything the problem has GROWN in the last two years
now it's more like 50+ ongoing betas and 20 launched sites, many of which already have identity crises
@BenBrocka we are the biggest site apart from the trilogy, I don't think they are going to name all sites and betas based on this precedent
I recall something about needing to catch up to Super User to get a name.
@JuanManuel we're large, but there's still a problem in dissociation from the SE network, breaking the convention and accepting a name that sounds stupid to boot
Game Council doesn't even sound like a Q&A site
@BenBrocka you sound stupid</macro-response>
does joystik sound like a game news site?
@badp NO U
look I even just typoed it
@BenBrocka Dissociation? Seasoned Advice, Ask Different, and Cross Validated are all still seen as part of the Stack Exchange Network.
it doesn't seem to be doing that website much harm
Game Council implies it IS a news site or something, or a review site
I think we can accept something short of perfect
@badp I've always thought that anything short of perfect and we'll remain Gaming.StackExchange.com
@BenBrocka Does Super User? Or Server Fault?
@GraceNote those at least sound vaguely Q&A related
I don't know why you're still talking about this. @OrigamiRobot nailed it with ProMuch.com
@ArdaXi Or Stack Overflow, really.
@ArdaXi as I said, those sites were created ages ago and started their own brand identity, IMO even before SO had properly nailed down the Q&A aspect of it
@BenBrocka And the goal here is to establish a new brand identity.
'Ello there @Jin
@TimStone howdy
@TimStone @Jin's personal website should totally be named that
Salutations, o hambringer of teh lazers
@YiJiang tempting...
@badp Hambringer? You mean Baconbringer?
@GraceNote Bacongiver
Q: What exactly does "Explosive Burst" do?

Mr SmoothExplosive Burst is one of the choices for the last upgrade for Incendiary Ammo. It's description is: Ignite enemies with an intermittent explosion that covers 2.50 meters for 135 damage. Exactly how often does this explosion happen, and is it a 2.50 meter radius, or 2.50 meter diameter? T...

Q: Is the reputation bonus retroactive?

FabianCertain powers, like Assault Mastery for Vanguards, give a reputation bonus to Shepard. How exactly does this reputation bonus work? Does it just increase my total reputation by that amount, or does it work only on my future reputation gains? I'm mainly wondering whether it's necessary to get...

@GraceNote Baconbringer sounds cheesy.
@YiJiang no i don't give bacon. it's all mine.
Porkbringer... misleading.
Bacon and ham are very distinct, though.
@badp Now I want a bacon cheeseburger. You terrible person.
They're as distinct as pork is from the two
@GraceNote don't tell me they both came from the same magical animal
@Jin As much as two separate area cuts
@TimStone You live in the right country for that probably.
You asked for it :D
@GraceNote I prefer ham, so there's that
@badp I would not call the majority of our bacon cheeseburgers "right".
@GraceNote Well Italy is not the right country for somebody looking for any kind of burger.
@YiJiang I hate you. Unless you make that appear before me, then I think you're the most awesome person ever.
@YiJiang did you bring enough to share?
@TimStone It's certainly got an appearance before you right now ♪
^ porno for me
@GraceNote Well played.
@TimStone I'm a gamer. Playing well is what I do. ♪
we need to one-box vimeo!
@Jin pokes @balpha
we should just 1-box the internet and get it over with.
just post the internet the one time, and then we'll pin it and be done.
at least, one-box Reddit. that's like... 50% of the internet
@YiJiang clearly one more floppy will be enough
Based on recent experience, I'm thinking SerialUpvote.com would be good.
@agent86 If you floppies don't hold 25 TB, you should clearly get bigger floppy disks.
i found some Zip disks the other day in my parents' house... I remember those were so uber..
I dunno, 25 TB? Might need a Zip Disk
New very poorly asked ITG coming up
@YiJiang I really hope that question is trolling
@Sterno At the cost of @FAE renouncing our friendship. Not worth it!
I clicked the wrong close reason. I'm a terrible person.
@Sterno trolololoolololololololololoololol
I love that ITG, though. I hope it never gets deleted.
It's okay guys, his mom couldn't remember more details
@TylerShads I need like 2400 more rep for that. I can't vote to delete new closed questions, just old ones.
That seems like a silly restriction.
Everything here is silly, isn't that the point?
@StrixVaria it's to allow people to edit closed posts
closed isn't really supposed to mean "this is totally unsavagable and we hate it"
Though sometimes that is the case
whoa 5 people completed mission6?
@Jin There'll be no TVs left for the Stack HQ ;-)
you people are bankrupting Stack Exchange!!!one!!231!
@Fabian They need more monitors for their amazo-tron-5-monitor-wall-thingie
@Jin and it looks like 2 more are close to doing it too
can't wait for Diablo3 promo :)
Wow... I just realized that the question actually said it was a "console" game for "Win 3.1/dos"
@Jin hey, if they don't want me to win a prize, they shouldn't offer a prize :P
i know! i was j/k
I personally really like this ME3 promo, of course I'm biased since I'm a ME fan
@Jin ... I read this wrong...
@OrigamiRobot lulz
@Sterno maybe he meant command line?
@OrigamiRobot hey, rule 34..
@Sterno On my first read, i thought he was talking about Word Munchers
@Jin That's what makes me sad.
@BenBrocka I'm sure he did based on the "typing stuff in" part, but... egh. Plus, have you ever played a text-input strategy game? What's definition of strategy are we using there? The question is just an gold mine of awesome.
Am I going to be stuck in obedience mode forever?!?!?!
I was tempted to answer: "It must be Space Quest. I fondly remember typing things in and having my character do things!"
@Jin Isn't that just not all that necessary to apply for things that are already humanoid to begin with?
@Sterno it was also in space!
@Sterno I'm surprised you guys closed it, what with the infinite point-proving possibilities that question holds
you could have had entire minutes of fun!
I think that's going to be a sad end for ITG if that's the last one ever posted before they're forbidden
@Sterno maybe it was Liesure Suit Larry?
Q: What is the maximum store discount I can get?

FAEI'm currently sitting at a 10% discount from Intel upgrades (2x 5% discount), but I'd like to know what the maximum potential discount is. Considering weapons and mods carry over into New Game+, what I'd like to do is just buy up as much as I can afford as I near the end of the game so my squaddi...

you mean the last that's ever allowed...
There will certainly be more posted...
@BenBrocka yeah, I meant pre-banhammer
So the new domain should be SkyrimFacts.com. We could even have an SMS subscription service. "Did you know Argonians have three hearts? If you no longer wish to receive Skyrim Facts, text RALDBTHAR to 40382 now!"
@agent86 We were merely enforcing the current quality standards of the site! :)
Honestly, it'd have been fun to leave that open just to see what answers it attracted.
@Jin I'm surprised how those knives seem to cut through a whole animal like butter.
It's really scary.
@MarkTrapp someone in UX suggested SkyrimCraftEffect.com
@badp maybe the animals are made of butter
Those are bones dammit.
@BenBrocka well bacon is butter

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