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@MarkTrapp We are using the word "bad" differently.
answered, but still vague, should be closed:
Q: I can't remember the name of this ~1998 PS1 platformer starring a pink haired character

HalThere is a game I used to play, and I can't remember its name! I actually played it on a demo disc for the Playstation. All I can remember about it is that it was a platform game and that the character had pink hair. I can remember playing it with my little cousin when he was 10 years old, so it...

I don't understand why ITGs receive upvotes. Ever.
too much coffee today
this is the #1 thing that is going to make me happy if we ban ITGs. no more "wtf itg" comments ever again.
Q: Mu Online level up guide

RedDragon23Can anyone provide a good level up guide comprising each class in Mu Online ? What I want is basically a table relating level to training spots or strategies. I am using free servers, not paying for items with real money or accessing gold channels.

@OrigamiRobot I think you're trying to make the argument that Stack Exchange has a separate definition of quality from the general definition of quality, so a bad question on Stack Exchange is not necessarily a bad question anywhere else. I'm saying that's not the case: Stack Exchange's quality guidelines are borne from general definitions of quality: we're just fairly good at enumerating what makes a question good or bad.
@Wipqozn maybe you should start a meta thread or something?
and/or flag these if you think they need deletion?
@agent86 I know haha, I starting looking for an example question... but now I'm just seeing out terrible question.
@agent86 not supposed to flag for closing.
yeah, was thinking more for deletion
@Wipqozn +1
@Wipqozn I was under the impression this was appropriate for really old crap that's been sitting around for ages.
@MarkTrapp What is the reason for downvoting a question?
but you're probably going to spam people and run their enthusiasm out.
@FAE Just post in chat.
@agent86 The vote seems awfully close. Not exactly the consensus I personally was expecting
With that said, I think I might actually start a meta thread.
@FAE really old crap that's been sitting around for ages = delete
@Wipqozn The spam thing, pretty much.
I'll take the time to go through all the pages ever, and post all the questions that need to be closed.
@JuanManuel Well I know I've flagged stuff like that for closure before and it's been approved.
@NickT ZOMG stop retagging all the meta questions
@FAE flags are auto-approved if a post is closed/deleted.
@OrigamiRobot To dock the user points for wasting people's time, to alert others that the question is a waste of time, and to hopefully get it off the question lists with a -4 score faster than it can be deleted
@FAE yeah, I've acted on quite a lot of yours too, but they were probably candidate for deletion too
@Wipqozn Well my point there is no one's ever said "No, bad FAE, don't do this."
@FAE I only found out about this amonth ago myself, for the same reason.
I noticed a flag was declined since it was said to "not require moderator attention".
I asked and chat, and @GraceNote was nice enough to clear things up for me and understand why.
@MarkTrapp I'm saying if you don't see a difference, why are downvotes and closevotes separate?
Conclusion was the flags should only be used when you need a moderator for something. Since I can cast close votes, I don't need to flag for closure.
@Wipqozn That's the opposite of the experience I've had, if you'll notice.
@FAE Same here, because, as I said above, flags are auto-approved when a question is closed.
@FAE Flagging is okay even if you can vote to close if the question is old enough that it won't be able to accumulate the necessary close votes. For a new question that still has some visibility, it isn't necessary and might result in declined flags.
@Fabian Yeah, I've only ever done that on stuff that's like, from 2010
@Fabian Yeah, I can agree with that, but as grace pointed out you could just post it here in chat.
I've had to swift my entire flagging paradigm actually, since I seem to have been under a completely wrong impression of what flags are used for.
Posting in chat to get a mods attention doesn't seem much different than flagging it
I think there's some threshold for age and downvotes that takes care of "old stuff"
@Sterno posting in chat to get the attention of other 3k+ users.
So you're bothering 4 people instead of 1?
Don't get me wrong, I link stuff in here for closure all the time
@Sterno flags are for when a moderator is required, not when they would make something happen faster
(to misquote @grace, who will show up shortly to teach my why the subtle difference means everything)
But I don't really see it as awful to flag some out-of-the-way post that your single VTC will never close without help
Q: Can I increase the 50 save limit?

FAEUnfortunately, the PC version of Mass Effect 3 has a limit of 50 saves (again). Once more, I've hit the limit. Is there any solution to this for this game? Yes, moving out saves is possible, as the solution to the linked question for ME2 stated, but it's not ideal. Is there any setting, buried ...

Q: Is it possible to save the wounded Batarian in the refugee camp?

johnjonIn the mission "Citadel: Wounded Batarian", you encounter and speak with, well, a wounded Batarian named Ghorek. The guy's pretty beat up and only has a "50/50" change at survival. You talk to him a bit and then are given the decision to put the fella' down quickly or let him suffer awhile. Neith...

@agent86 I understand the argument. I'm just disagreeing with it in this circumstance. :)
@Sterno A single vote to close never closes without help.
@agent86 Yeah, I'm surprised she hasn't come in yet.
@OrigamiRobot I do see a difference. Voting is a personal action, closing is a community action. They have overlap, but they aren't the same things. It's like the difference between voting for an initiative, and volunteering as an activist for an initiative. An activist is still going to vote.
There she is.
@GraceNote True, but on new ME3 questions, I can VTC something as a dupe, and will rest fairly assured that even without linking it in here, 4 more people will see it and VTC it
Some 8 month old post... not so much.
@Sterno Right, which is the meat of the stuff you don't need to flag for moderator attention.
@Sterno you... disagree with me? on the internet? Don't you realize I have enormous amounts of fake authority??
@agent86 Power! Limited, narrowly scoped power!
why, I could... do very little to you for that.
@GraceNote That part I definitely agree with.
maybe go downvote something. Not a lot of things, but just a few.
@Sterno Older stuff is still plausible, but it's also stuff that normal users can handle, especially thanks to chat. Which means that having a moderator take time off to handle that is time not spent handling, perhaps, more urgent material that only a moderator can handle.
but then I'd feel bad afterwards :(
@agent86 You can just sit back, wait for some serial upvotes from about 2 hours ago to get reverted, and revel in my rep loss!
@Wipqozn That works for this site, it doesn't work for many others with completely deserted chat rooms
This is the best thing I've watched in a long time.
if it's so old that nobody's looking at it, what does it matter if it's open or closed? I can see an argument for maybe it being a broken window, but again, nobody's looking at it
@GraceNote That's fair. If I were to do it (which I probably wouldn't because I'd get yelled at!), I'd post in chat first and only flag it if not enough people were around/interested-in-clicking-it to VTC it themselves
@agent86 OCD!
It's basically a matter of outsourcing - the site is community run, so we figure that the segment that can handle things like closure can, well, handle it (since we have quite enough in our chat room for that), leaving the stuff they can't handle to those whose appointed position is to do just that, make calls or handle tasks that a normal user cannot do.
@agent86 I'll know it's there. I'll lie awake at night thinking about it!
"If you're planning to invade a planet by strapping guns to your kids' schoolbus, maybe it's a bad plan" I love Joker
I moderate very small sites compared to Gaming, so my perspective is a bit skewed towards smaller sites. On Skeptics or Biology I can't get stuff closed by the community by posting it in chat, as there is at most a few moderators there.
@Fabian yeah, I agree our site is an exception to many rules due to our active chat.
@FAE Joker is epic :) I enjoy his and EDI's banter
there's one part where he and garrus are having a joke-off - did you catch that?
@agent86 yes, almost died laughing
I was thinking about this after a similar discussion the other day. Proper behavior at <3k rep is to flag to close, but at 3k+ rep it's to VTC. It's kind of weird in a way.
but now work time is over and off to home I go!
@Sterno this is why trying to flag as one of the close reasons turns into a VTC :)
usually if something's got a couple of close votes on it and it gets flagged by a user without VTC, I ignore it
usually the situation resolves itself shortly
According to a friend of mine, this contains information on how bioware originally intended to end ME3
I actually got a (pretty major) feature-request implemented just now, I though I'd never get to that point again.
@Fabian Which one?
Q: Automatically redirect anonymous user from unanswered duplicate question to corresponding answered version

FabianDuplicate questions that use different words to describe the same problem are important for people to find the content via search engines. But the user experience when an anonymous user arrives at a duplicate is less than ideal. They have to notice the duplicate link and understand that the answ...

It was inspired by a ME3 duplicate question I posted (this question with a significant plot spoiler).
@Fabian That's an awesome feature.
The duplicate had a non-spoilery title, which was why I didn't find it before. And my duplicate already has 4k views.
IS there a way to sort posts in descending order? Like from low-high votes?
Ascending order...
Actually, there must be a meta describing all the search terms.
They hit over 1m in what, the first 24hrs again?
@FAE Thanks :)
@Wipqozn No, but just go to the last page and go backwards
Q: Will I get my rank 10 job back?

ParalyticUpon making rank 10 in the military, I noticed i only work once a week. i found a part time job that doesnt make me work on that day. I decided i would try juggling both for some extra cash and so i can work on the other sims in the family a bit more. Turns out the game doesnt let me do both jobs...

@Fabian yes, but I want to do it the other way :P
@Wipqozn If you just want to find the lowest-voted questions, just sort by votes and go to the last page
45 secs ago, by Wipqozn
@Fabian yes, but I want to do it the other way :P
Although you could have just misunderstood me.
I just don't want to go to the last page, and then forward.
I was hoping there was a way to change the sort order.
@Wipqozn There is no way to do exactly what you want, so I just ignored that part ;-)
@Paralytic You are aware that in a few minutes, @Lazers will post your question here?
Any reason why we haven't renamed Lazers in EDI yet?
"Head inside of the seasek office"...."seasek"? I assume they mean "C-Sec", but I was more in awe of how they chose to spell it than anything...
@Paralytic Have you been here all night?
Q: Where is the "suspicious activity" in Presidum Commons?

johnjonI ran across two feuding fellows and picked up a new mission called "Citadel: Cerberus Retribution" in my log. I'm supposed to go to Presidium Commons and look for an "suspicious activity." When I go to the Commons, I don't notice any of the aforementioned "activity." I was expecting something p...

Q: Will I get my rank 10 job back?

ParalyticUpon making rank 10 in the military, I noticed i only work once a week. i found a part time job that doesnt make me work on that day. I decided i would try juggling both for some extra cash and so i can work on the other sims in the family a bit more. Turns out the game doesnt let me do both jobs...

@james i live in germany so my time is a bit different
and sort of
@Lazers I'm not really sure about the... necessity of this question. After reloading a save to check it out and get a screenshot, the targeting reticule appears immediately to lead you to the guy...
@ashleyNunn i figured it was just something you did didnt know it was an automated thing
holy crap, 10 popular questions just from ME3, already
@Paralytic No worries. :) I figured I would point it out. :D
@BenBrocka gratz
Holy crap on a zelda-themed stick. If I had a hundred and fifty bucks, I would be all over buying this awesome zelda art.
@BenBrocka Popular Question badges are handed out like candy here on Gaming (I have 94 of them)
@AshleyNunn I have the money, but I'm cheap.
i have none lol
@Wipqozn Haha, I don't have nearly the money. But oh my goodness, it is very pretty. XD
@Fabian yeah, I've noticed. Lots and lots of google traffic
@Fabian If you play major releases, maybe. ;)
@AshleyNunn Yes, it depends heavily on the popularity of the game
For something like Skyrim or ME3, probably 1/2 - 2/3 of the questions will hit 1k views anyway
And Gaming is by far the easiest site to earn gold badges on due to the Famous Question badge
@Fabian You have a ton of those, iirc
wow, $100 just to frame the picture? sheesh
Is it better to wait to select an answer to questions for more upvotes?
@FAE Far more than gold badges on all my other sites combined
@Paralytic if the answer solves the question then there is no need to wait.. if it is an open ended question (multiple ways to solve it) then you can hold out for a better one if ya want
@FAE As of the latest data dump (feb 2), my question have 770k combined views. I'm still astonished how many people read something I wrote.
@Fabian You're our top Famous Question'er on G.SE I think, neh?
@Paralytic There's nothing wrong with waiting to accept an answer, you also don't need to worry about accepting too quickly. You can always change your accepted answer.
@FAE I think so, but Raven has more total views than me
@Fabian Ah okay, where do you see that? Or do you need to know how to query for that (which I don't)?
...I only have 2 gold, and one of those is just Fanatic.
@GraceNote I only had 1 gold badge for forever and then I got like 5 within the span of a week.
@StrixVaria This sounds like my story except until you reach the "Got 5 in a week" part.
At least the ME3 effect is clearly visible on the traffic graph
@Fabian Thank you. :) I don't know MySQL.
@GraceNote It was Skyrim that did it.
...I'm surprised about the kid-friendly answer that is at 109 votes.
Oh wow, I'm in the top 10 for that. o_O
@GraceNote I still don't think that's a good question
When I try to run the query, I get the very useful JSON response {"captcha":true}
Which renders to the page.
And thus my entire experience is a JSON string.
Ah there it goes.
Whoa I'm fourth
I hate bit rates.
I blame your new nick FAE
@NickT I read that a while ago
In terms of views Skyrim represents 1/3 of the whole site now
@badp Blame for what?
Why have the standard at 8, if turning it down to 5 makes the video 1/4 the size with no noticable difference?
@Fabian you forgot and should probably be
@NickT the query is older than those changes
haha, I have almost 2000 views.. not bad for 6 questions :D
@NickT Interesting article. Also, an Anansi champ would be awesome.
And I still want game and non-game tag support in the SE engine, though we will likely never get that!
@Fabian yeah, but can you edit it?
@Fabian You mission-impossible me into the server room and I'll make it happen.
data centers probably have better security than what you saw on M:I
I managed to play for quite a bit without another question. Damn.
@NickT Should be edited now, that changed since I last used the data explorer. The last time I tried that it created a completely new query
@NickT Just need access to the code base, not to the servers. :P
@FAE Isn't Anansi an African deity?
@Tristan He is.
@FAE I learned that from Neil Gaiman!
@Tristan Haha. I learned it from a book I had as a child called "Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock"
(though I am also a Neil Gaiman fan)
That reminds me,I really need to read Sandman.
So I am the #1 player on Raptr of Bit Trip Beat. Go me?
@badp claps
@badp Yeah, they recently added that player ranking stuff. :/ Wouldn't have minded them not adding that. It'll end up just like last.fm, people just leaving stuff on so they can have the #1 spot.
26th floor
@FAE eh... I leave TF2 on but not to grind points or anything. shrug
@NickT Yeah, I've been there. :)
my social life ends on may 15th
@Paralytic This is why I have friends who game!
I didn't meet @LessPopMoreFizz while I was NYC though, so clearly that adventure was a failure.
Q: Who wants my Turian Toxin Data?

johnjonI picked up some "Turian Toxin Data" from a lab on the planet Gellix during the mission "Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists." I'm assuming there's a quest out there in which someone actually wants this noxious stuff. To whom do I bequeath my newly-acquired jar of Turian Toxin Data and where is said p...

Q: 3 reputation for an upvote on an answer?

ParalyticSo my answer to the question How can i effectively solo the co-op mode got its third upvote and in my reputation log it says i gained 3 rep points. i did notice some talk about a reputation cap didnt think it would be in the 200s range. Maybe im just not experienced enough and missed something i...

@FAE only my family games, my friends play call of duty...sigh
I wonder... when Guild Wars 2 comes out @FAE, do you think you'll forget to eat? :P
@Wipqozn Remember, my b/f brings me food
@FAE ah right, now I remember
He provides you with food, and you provide him with the privilege of dating you? :P
@Wipqozn Har har.
We just had our 9 year anniversary last month, so obviously something's working
Come now, try and control your laughter. I know I'm a comedic genius.
@FAE oh wow, congrats.
Though he kind of misses me right now :P
@FAE Is he away?
Oh, wait, ME3.
@Wipqozn No... I'm... playing a lot of ME3 with headphones on...
@Fabian beat you by 5 seconds.
@FAE Yeah, realized that after I sent it.
I win at meta
that looked better a while ago
... peers at the latest ME3 question Wha...
St. Patrick's Day Indie Royale Bundle's up.
@FAE The punny one?
@FAE Which one is this?
@TimStone Yeah, the one that's like "I've heard speculation that this is a mission, does it exist" >_>
Q: How do I trigger the picture-taking mission?

johnjonI've heard there is a mission on the Citadel where you walk around and use your Omni-tool to snap some photos for the quest-giver. I'm always a fan of this kind of thing in games, and I'd like try out this Mass Effect variation. Where do I need to go and who do I need to talk to get this quest? ...

...okay, I'm still baffled by why that one answer has 109 upvotes. Especially when it's just "This is rated M, you should look at ratings", which is in the accepted answer as well as a ton of other stuff. But the accepted answer is only at 22. Why so few compared to it?
@GraceNote Its existence as a whole confounds me.
Hmm, Apple delayed the shipment of my iPad cover.. but made the delivery of the iPad itself a few days earlier.... I am not sure if I should be upset :D
@GraceNote I'm surprised that you're still surprised about the effect question popularity (e.g. due to the MultiCollider) has on voting.
@Fabian I'm... not?
Mars only got +33 votes on the day before the to-be-accepted answer got posted.
@GraceNote Users that come via the multicollider often don't read further than the first answer, so that may skew the votes on an answer that got a headstart.
Keeping in mind that Mars' answer was the accepted answer for that period of time.
@FAE Say what you will about his punny question, but he's been a pretty good member for the site. I don't think he's been a member for very long.
Steam claims I own Dungeons Defenders
@Tristan Existence note was re: the Skyrim question btw.
@badp Free weekend.
@Ullallulloo ohh? you mean right now?
Beware the Barbarian
speaking of which, Orcs Must Die is 75% off.
@badp It truly is missing 75% of the fun of dungeon defenders :)
@FAE I honestly have no idea what that means...
@Tristan You replied to my message about my being baffled about its existence and I was letting you know I didn't mean that other user's question, I meant the Skyrim question.
@TimStone That does explain it a bit better, then.
@FAE Oh. I thought you meant John something or other
@Tristan Nay, not his
@GraceNote Aye. Unfortunately pretty significant vote skew as a result, but not much to be done about that now.
@TimStone Yeah, as it turns out, the voting on the question just stops at around the time the acceptance changed. It's all trickles from there, and Mars just already had such an absurd lead.
ha, @FAE just posted my update on when to obtain it 5 sec after your comment xD
Q: Bf3 on pc won't start up

Jk.I bought bf3 recently on disc and installed it to my computer. It took about 4 hours (strange?) but when I tried to start the game it took abou 10 seconds untill this message popped out: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action please install a program or,...

Q: How do I trigger the picture-taking mission?

johnjonI've heard there is a mission on the Citadel where you walk around and use your Omni-tool to snap some photos for the quest-giver. I'm always a fan of this kind of thing in games, and I'd like try out this Mass Effect variation. Where do I need to go and who do I need to talk to get this quest? ...

Q: Which color packs overlap?

JohnoBoyLooking over the color shop, I can see some color are available in different packs, for example both the fall package and the holiday package contains the same shade of yellow, which is included in the shades of yellow pack as well. If I want to minimize the coins spent and still buy all availabl...

Q: Do I need to clear out all the Reaper code in Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons?

FAEDuring this mission, you're sent into a sort of virtual world. You can clear out Reaper code inside the Geth server by shooting it with your weapon. In the same vein of this question, I'm wondering the following. My OCD-tendencies have me shooting away every last orange cube possible, but in ...

@Lazers I... kinda wanna play this now I know you guys are...
@FAE I didn't see anything in Coalesced.bin that looked like it controlled the max saves by the way...will take another look to be sure though. Was going to check if it was indeed hard-coded in, but since the executable is encrypted that'd be too much of a pain.
@TimStone sob
Don't really understand why they impose that restriction though, doesn't seem like it makes much difference.
@TimStone What's baffling is ME1 didn't have this restriction
@StrixVaria I apologize for my latest drawing... It looks... Inappropriate.
I suppose maybe there's some motivation to do it on consoles, maybe...but...
@FAE what about 2?
@TylerShads Yep
Hmm, wasn't ME1 ported to PC?
@FAE Then I would assume any way to do it or any reasoning behind it in 2, would explain 3 as they are more closely related to each other than 1
@TimStone yes
But slightly revamped
Are the save files accessible individually?
@FAE Play Draw Something!
@Tristan I'm so glad you know Pokemon.
@Tristan I can't! I don't own a smartphone :(
I took a risk on that one.
@GraceNote Yes
As in, could you perhaps archive save files from much earlier points so that you don't run into the 50 limit?
@StrixVaria Now I'm deathly curious.
@GraceNote I drew Golem.
Hmm, I'm not sure if there's a restriction on ME1 on Xbox. If so, I'd suspect it's because of the cross-system build then for ME2/3.
@GraceNote This. I'm really wishing that I owned a smart phone right about now.
@GraceNote Yeah, that was the only solution for 2, I was hoping there was perhaps some workaround for 3. :(
@StrixVaria ...I suppose there are worse things you could've picked in terms of relative complexity to draw.
@GraceNote I think the only reason it's a thing to draw is because it also means something else. I just went for the Pokemon one because I know it so well.
@FAE Lethal Crisis has a limit on the number of replays you can "preserve" outside of the auto-save bucket, so I've had to do this kind of thing for a while.
Also, now that I'm home, time to download Diablo 3!!!!!!!
@GraceNote Someone apparently made a mod for 2 that removed the save limit, but I could not get it to work.
@StrixVaria I know ALL gen 1 pokemon.
@Tristan The screaming has commenced.
@Tristan I know ALL Pokemon.
@StrixVaria I meant specifically in terms of Pokemon, heh, though admittedly Golem is one of the few that's purely a word.
Except a few from Gen 5 because I've only played through it twice.
@GraceNote I wouldn't want to try drawing Mewtwo, that's for sure.
@StrixVaria Or Nidoking.
@GraceNote I think I could do Nidoking.
It'd be mighty annoying. Those spikes...
@FAE It seriously took me close to an hour in there to clear every bit of it...
What are you downloading @StrixVaria...?
@StrixVaria Do you have the free version of Draw Something?
@Tristan Yes. I went to buy it but I didn't have my new credit card info saved and didn't feel like getting it out.
@Tristan it's driving me nuts to leave it behind
I'm a little worried I'll lose my color packs if I upgrade.
@Wipqozn Diablo 3 (•‿•)
@StrixVaria The full game? I'm rather confused.
@StrixVaria It's really amusing to see you in squee mode
@FAE I know the feeling.
@Wipqozn Pre-load.
preloading is a wonderful thing
@StrixVaria It claims you won't lose your current games or color packs. I have no color packs. =(
@Tristan I have enough saved up for a third color pack. The only 2 colors I've ever wanted but not had are light blue and magenta. I don't think they come in the same pack.
Criminy, why did I not listen to Crush Crawfish until today?
@GraceNote Yeah, that's a good one.
Now that you mention it, I'm going to listen to that one again haha
@Wipqozn I also couldn't help but chuckle when the soundclips in the Final Weapon song played...
I'm supprised I haven't asked any dupes yet.
@RonanForman you're a duplicate.
Take that @RonanForman!
No! How will I live knowing that another me is around? What have you done to me?
holy crap @Wipqozn, you're supposed to notify me when my rep changes. how did I end up #4 in the all time rankings?
@agent86 Haven't you been there for awhile?
@Wipqozn last time I checked I thought I was in the top 20 or something
Nevermind, I just asked one.
You're going to be no.2 before long.
@agent86 We only have 10 20k+ users, so you've been in at least the top 10 for quite sometime.
Before the mod election I believe.
@Wipqozn huh
@FAE w...what?
the mechanic is kind of silly - just aim for the further away areas first
it won't grow back nearly as quickly if you kill the further spots first
I found that whole section to be tiring
@FAE Further in it will grow back until you sever the other connection nearby.

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