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@RonanForman Just listen to it?
@RavenDreamer No, help me make another one of those.
@RonanForman Ah, sorry, can't really talk at the moment.
@agent86 Not even just "Small famous"?
@agent86 Also Claudia Black is apparently does Aethyta, which I totally did not catch in 2 til I looked it up. It's very obvious she does Xen, but I did not hear her in Aethyta.
@GraceNote it would have to be pretty small famous.
@agent86 why not?
@agent86 As an example, the first person panel I attended was the panel of Ian McConville, author of Three Panel Soul (and formerly of Mac Hall), at a Genericon a few years back.
@TimStone Where are you?
This may have actually been the same year that multiple people kept stopping me to take pictures of me.
@IanPugsley a couple of reasons. one, I have a perception of them from whatever they're famous for that's probably horribly inaccurate. Two, I wouldn't know how that interaction would go, essentially. They probably get the full gamut of reactions to their notoriety, so what am I contributing? I'm probably unlikely to gain anything from it, and neither are they.
just seems like we'd be wasting each other's time
The only famous person I would actually like to meet is Alan Alda.
@agent86 Aw, some people are really genuinely nice though and love to hear from fans.
@agent86 This is the same reason I don't fantasize about celebrities.
@RavenDreamer This helps avoid a lot of that issue, aye
@RavenDreamer yeah, this is how it tends to go for me as well.
I prefer to limit my delusions to people I know in real life.
Which has its own suite of problems...
I might find them attractive or talented, but I have a hard time with any other feelings towards them
@FAE yeah, that's kind of why I say they'd have to be particularly small. Small enough that hearing from me would make a difference, y'know?
that there'd be some point to our interaction
@agent86 Just get famous, and then talk to them. Then it flows both ways.
I once met Patrick Stewart on a flight. I asked, "Aren't you...?" and he turned and said, "Well, aren't YOU!" (Do it in his voice for fun.)
@GraceNote awesome - Mac Hall was the first comic I ever read, I've followed Ian and Matt for a while
this may be the only time I say this, but this conversation reminds me of a line from the Street Fighter movie
@IanPugsley 8-Bit Theater was my first, but Mac Hall was one of my favorites. This panel was shortly after they started Three Panel Soul, in fact, so it was cool to meet Ian.
@agent86 people who are famous and put themselves out where fans can meet them - kind of expect to meet fans. You aren't wasting their time, it's what they showed up to do.
@GraceNote Where do you get your LoL username from?
@GraceNote I was actually introduced to Mac Hall by someone named Matt, and both of us lived in MD at the time (not far from where Matt Boyd ended up working, I think)
@IanPugsley I I think MegaTokyo's the first webcomic I really followed regularly
@FAE I tried for weeks to like MegaTokyo (continuing to read it despite hating it)
I met Jonathan Frakes (Riker), Robert Picardo (The Doctor) and Tim Russ (Tuvok) at conventions. It was really fun and memorable.
@RonanForman It was my name in DotA.
@FAE I started with MegaTokyo. Then I got into Real Life and DAR...
@IanPugsley Heh, nice
@GraceNote Where'd you get that from then? Or was it just random?
@Tristan You're supposed to be interviewing!
@IanPugsley I have the first 4 books, though I haven't been caught up on it in years
@RonanForman Just a name I came up with. It has thematic associations, naturally, but nothing that really makes sense.
May I ask why the sudden curiosity? ♪
@GraceNote My brother thought it might be from homestuck.
@RonanForman I've never seen or read Homestuck
@FAE I really should try to get more webcomic books - most of my book money goes to comics/TPBs
@GraceNote In contrast to Epic Gear, I assumed.
@GraceNote I said I didn't think you did.
I saw a lot of... @Mana... at Genericon two weekends ago, though. And there was an MSPA panel (I didn't attend)
@OrigamiRobot Actual in contrast to COMBAT TECHIES
@IanPugsley I have books for MegaTokyo, Questionable Content, and Bunny
The actual name is GenericGear., with a period at the end (it's pronounced "Geardot"). But League wouldn't have that.
@Tristan DAR?
@FAE I have all of the Unshelved books, except the last one.
Q: Where is the treatment plan for the "Citadel: Chemical Treatment" mission?

johnjonA doctor from the Huerta Memorial Hospital is looking for a treatment plant to aid one of his patients with chemical burns. The quest description is as follows: "A doctor is looking for a way to treat a patient with chemical burns. Find a treatment plan and deliver it to the Huerta Memorial H...

@OrigamiRobot turns out it wasn't an interview. It was a written test which they claim no one has ever finished...
@Tristan Did you finish?
@Tristan dot dot dot
@Tristan sounds like the sort of place you never want to work for!
@Tristan Oh, wow. Ick.
@Tristan wha
I'm not sure why this is bad, but then I've never worked, so enlighten me.
@RonanForman I did.
@Tristan Well done then.
@Tristan what is this job about?
@RonanForman Kids these days.
@RonanForman Gracias. Now I just wait for a call for the actual interview, apparently.
@OrigamiRobot Yes...
@agent86 They manufacture copper wire... O.o
@Tristan also if you're looking for work, have you made use of indeed.com ? I can't remember if I've suggested it to you or not
@Tristan is there... considerable skill required to manufacture copper wire?
@agent86 I don't remember either. But now I shall check it out.
@agent86 And a lot of writing apparently.
And... I didn't think there was. O.o I've worked harder factory jobs that didn't require any sort of test.
@Tristan I've used it in two previous job searches to great effect. well, the first of those two didn't turn out so well in the long run, but it did get me out of a job I seriously needed to get out of, so
@RonanForman Here, now, apparently.
is the legend of dead kel dlc for kingdoms of Amalur released already?
@JuanManuel I don't think so, but I'm checking
@JuanManuel apparently on 3/20
so questions about it are probably premature at this point
The third of the 20th month?? :P
ok, thanks!
@JuanManuel bah, don't try to force your DD/MM standards on me! I'M 'MERICAN, and we stand up for what's right and also for what's confusing, misleading, and silly. eagle screeches and flies past majestically
@OrigamiRobot Ew...
@JuanManuel So when do you celebrate pi day?
@OrigamiRobot on the 14th month of course
Someone made a cute pi day line on the Lounge yesterday, but since it's no longer pi day, I can't recite it.
@GraceNote You would get arrested.
@OrigamiRobot Hence the whole "I can't recite it"
@Tristan You obviously have brain problems.
@GraceNote I was just clarifying why you couldn't for the sake of those who may not know the rules.
@agent86 I'd just like to say I hate the American default date system of MM/DD/YY. I blame you for that.
@Wipqozn move to Canada, you america hater!
@OrigamiRobot Obviously. She looks too Calista Flockhart-y...
but you have to leave your bacon here.
@Tristan I don't know who that is.
Q: Can the chat interface also offer us the user's profile from the chat room's site?

agent86When I click on a user's name or gravatar in the chat interface, I get a popup with a number of options. The top two are always: user profile user profile on (chat user's parent site) Frequently, though, I need to access the user's profile on the site the room belongs to. For instance, on...

Damn... I got Applejack. =(
@agent86 Ah, which reminds me, I should change my parent user to Gaming..
Also, up voted and such.
Have all my upvotes. All 1 of them.
@TimStone wooo upvotes
Also the nice thing about the Ask Ubuntu ad in the Ubuntu installer is that it opens a browser and is pretty much the only way to do something while the OS installs
it still is pretty much cheating though
@badp next we need a gaming.stackexchange ad on the loading screens of popular games
@Tristan ...?
"Continue the legend by purchasing DLC and then going to gaming.stackexchange.com to ask questions about it!"
@GraceNote I got a happy meal at McDonald's in the hopes of getting Fluttershy so I could perpetuate the stereotype. But I got Applejack.
Well, Applejack is better, so...
"How will you gain valuable gaming reps if you aren't playing games? The ME3 DLC is where all the rep is at!"
I disagree.
"Minecraft: the game that offers the most valuable Gaming reps per dollar! It basically repays itself!"
> "Hell, Minecraft even paid back for itself before somebody bought it for me! -badp, Gaming Moderator"
@Tristan do you feel odd, walking into a McDonalds and ordering a happy meal, sitting down, pulling out the toy, and going "awww..."
Q: Can I fail to meet the minimum necessary effective military strength?

FabianThe war asset display in the war room on the Normandy shows a graph of the effective military strength with a marker at a minimum. So there seems to be a minimum amount of EMS I need to get to be able to save the galaxy. Can I actually fail to gather that minimum amount of EMS? And if it is p...

Q: Where are Barla Von's Shadow Broker forces?

johnjonI talked to Liara who, in turn, sent me to Barla Von who, in turn, wants me to rescue his Shadow Broker buddies in the Dranek system. That's all well and good, but when I get to the Dranek systemm there's nothing there. I feel like some sort of squad combat sequence was supposed to be triggered ...

@agent86 Haven't we all (those of us who used to grab Happy Meals, at least) done that at least once?
@GraceNote yeah, but not since I, y'know, graduated elementary school
@agent86 I went through the drive-thru. Also, I ordered something else so it didn't look like I was just ordering for the toy. Which, admittedly, I was.
@GraceNote I've probably done that once with Kinder eggs, but I can't recall.
@badp they banned those in the us:( stupid government
@Tristan so your shame was blunted somewhat through misdirection.
@BenBrocka That's also why I'm mentioning them. =)
@agent86 You stopped doing Happy Meals at elementary school? Yeesh...
I would go to McDonalds and order only a Happy Meal and request the specific toy I want.
(I never had a happy meal, nor have most Italians)
@badp Not happy enough?
@OrigamiRobot You can request a specific toy?
@Tristan Yes, and sometimes you can even just buy the toy if you're up to it
When KFC did a Pokemon plushie thing waaaay many years ago, that's what we did. We just got all of them.
@GraceNote wish I knew that when I was hunting for a MewTwo in the pokemon thing
@Tristan I can request anything. Whether that request is met depends on the McDonalds.
"Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition" for those of you waiting on the countdown.
@Tristan Most McDonalds will give you the toy for like 99 cents or something. And if you go when they're not busy, you can get the one you want, and sometimes they will even let you get multiple toys - I know people have gotten the whole MLP set that way.
@TimStone I'd just left for food, I'm back now.
@AshleyNunn Now I'm sad. I mean, Applejack didn't even come with a hat.
Slow down there cowboys.
@Tristan Seriously? No hat? But....she NEEDS a hat. It's like the rules.
McDonalds is giving away MLP toys?
@Wipqozn It's Applejack. GET HER
@Wipqozn Yup. This is the second round of them, I believe.
I was unaware of this.
(This is why following Equestria Daily is so useful!)
She's got a new hat!
Probably because I don't eat fast food.
@AshleyNunn: Link to something about this?
@Wipqozn Sure, hang on
@Wipqozn Don't waste your time. Applejack has no hat, and her cutie mark is wrong.
@Tristan Seriously?
@AshleyNunn For serious. No hat and one big apple instead of three smaller ones.
@Tristan Laaaame
@Tristan I see McDonalds has the same level of quality with their toys that they have with their food.
@Wipqozn Hahaha yeah
@BenBrocka They're banned?
I like the blind bag toys except for the fact that at least in this pic, fluttershy is all yellow.
WTF is a "Kinder egg"?
I know Kinder is German for children.
@RonanForman As it turns out, I was also just getting food.
That doesn't help me know what that is.
@StrixVaria D:
I just got serial upvoted again. 17 things in ~2 minutes
@FAE Yeah, the US has a rule about no toys in food, and a kinder surprise counts.
You can't get me this time, mystery person!
@StrixVaria Kinder Bueno eggs I assumed
@FAE Still not helping.
@TimStone You good to go now?
Let me get something to drink, sec.
Kinder Surprise, also known as a Kinder Egg or, in the original Italian, Kinder Sorpresa, is a confection manufactured by Italian company Ferrero. Originally intended for children, it has the form of a chocolate egg containing a small toy, often requiring assembly. Overview Kinder Surprise originated in 1972 in Italy as Kinder Sorpresa. The German word "Kinder" in the name came about because in 1967, Ferrero's German subsidiary introduced Kinder Chocolate ("Kinderschokolade") to the German market, and in 1968 that product was introduced to Ferrero's native Italy, establishing the "Kind...
@StrixVaria An a hollow egg made out of chocolate, with a small plastic capsule inside that contains a toy that you usually have to put together. Sometimes you get a figurine or a puzzle.
That sounds...annoying.
I can understand why they're banned.
@StrixVaria Annoying? They are awesome.
Can some go here and check the levels are right?
@RonanForman The sound seems okay, if you mean that
...where did all my medi-gel go...
@FAE I ate it
it tastes like...science
@FAE Vega's got a 3-charge a day habit. He mixes it with the steroids.
if you take him on a mission, expect it to go missing
@agent86 I started this mission with 8 and I suddenly have 0, even though I didn't use any...
this is why the only safe thing to do is to leave him in the shuttle bay
@FAE I blame... reapers. or perhaps the geth.
@agent86 Why do you hate Vega so much, Loco?
I still don't know why I can't kill Vega
I figured that was pretty much the only reason to introduce such an annoying character so late in the series.
"Hi, I'm some random roid freak that the devs decided to put on your team. Why not any of those really awesome characters from previous games, instead? Well, probably because they aren't voiced by me, Freddie Prinze Jr."
@Tristan when I write my fanfic ending to ME3, you'll see.
also, he got ashley drunk last night and had sex with her. this has amplified my hate by a factor of 5
@agent86 ...I restarted the mission to try to fix this and now one of my squadmate's has her powers inexplicably blocked even though she's very much alive
@GraceNote I have Little Busters stuck in my head
@agent86 Is it going to involve Ashley being pregnant with his date-rape baby?
@FAE wow, I think the reapers have infected your PC.
@OrigamiRobot The chance of this being the actual song I think of when you say this is slim. You're probably thinking of the one from the pillows
@Tristan no. shudders
@agent86 restarting again...
Q: Does the Scorpion pistol work as expected with mods and ammo powers?

DMA57361I've spent a little time in the firing range trying out my collection of weapons, which I've mostly ignored so far, and have spotted the Scorpion pistol. Unlike most of the game's weapons it shoots little timed sticky grenades and is therefore my new favourite toy. I'm wondering, does it work wi...

@GraceNote Yes.
@agent86 I hated Ashley as much as Vega... So I'm pretty meh toward him. Garrus and Tali are always the only squad I'll need.
I don't even know the words.
@RonanForman Sorry, went to get a drink and then someone at work decided to...well, time wasted, so, what am I doing now?
@OrigamiRobot I hardly consider that to be an issue.
@TimStone Click on this link and join me on mumble justin.tv/stackgaming
@Tristan I don't particularly like ashley, and I haven't taken her on any missions that it wasn't required, but I do think she deserves better
Did I mention I attended a live concert for the pillows? It was the best thing ever.
One of the, at least
@agent86 she's my least favorite character in the series. The only reason i let her live in the first one was because I was romancing her...
@Tristan I didn't particularly care for Jack. Not enough to wish her harm, but just enough to ignore her. Her and Vega can hook up any time, imho
@TimStone What's the hold up?
@GraceNote It is not, I was just commenting on it's ability to get in my brain despite not know any of the words.
Aww.. I liked Jack.
@RonanForman Mumble installation and what not, forgot I didn't have it set up on this computer yet.
@GraceNote I have no words for my jealousy.
@TimStone I see.
@OrigamiRobot It took me many years between first hearing Ocean Avenue and learning its lyrics, all during which I had the song stuck in my head very often (and it ended up inspiring a couple game elements from what warps I could figure)
@GraceNote Are you talking about Yellowcard?
@Tristan Yes, I did shift to them
If I want to know where all the keys are in the Angler's Tunnel because I need one more and have no idea where it is, and my map si no help because it doesn't show any more chests, can I ask for the locations of all the keys (because I don't remember which ones I have)? Or is that a list question?
They made me want to learn the violin... So I bought a violin... Still don't know how to play.
@AshleyNunn Do you have the compass?
@GraceNote Yeah, I do
And no rooms are pinging the key sound above-ground?
but it isn't showing any rooms with stuff in, minus the boss room being, well, where the boss is
@GraceNote oh, like the sound? Hm. Maybe. checks
@RonanForman Which mission are you at now?
@RonanForman Aye. What connection info am I using for mumble?
@Fabian I just got alerted that there was something wrong on level 3.
@TimStone mumble.stackgaming.com
@AshleyNunn There's a specific room where a key falls into a hole (and so you need to go to a specific basement area after getting the flippers) - this would be my thought pattern as to where it is if you don't find a room that is pinging.
@GraceNote which sound is the key sound?
@GraceNote Ah, that would probably be it.
@AshleyNunn It's a rising 4-tone sound made when you enter a room that has a key in it in some fashion (chest or otherwise)
@AshleyNunn I'd lean towards asking about the specific key, based on this.
@GraceNote Right, I am thinking of the right sound, then.
@FAE Rock on, I figured it was something like that. Glad I checked. :)
@GraceNote Okay, now I just gotta find that key XD
This might just be one of the dumbest answers I've ever seen.
Hm... I just realized I never used Cryo Ammo in any of the ME games...
@Sterno You haven't seen anything yet, then.
@GraceNote Fair enough. Though I don't count the not-an-answers in that, such as the one that was nothing but obscenities earlier today.
@Sterno Don't worry, those are in its own class.
But let's break that answer down. Q: "Where do they spawn? A: "All over. Including near spawn points." Wherever they spawn is by definition a spawn point!
@Sterno laughs Now you are just being ridiculous ;)
@Sterno I think he meant "player" spawn points...
@Tristan Yeah, he probably did, but it's still a ridiculously bad answer. Plus, there's only one player spawn point, not multiple
@Sterno Fair enough. I'll just shut up and eat my pie then. lol
Who spawned in Grant's Tomb?
Q: Are the Dungeon Siege games story driven?

Michael StumHope it's on topic: I'm wondering what kind of game the Dungeon Siege games are - are they Story heavy like Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age or Neverwinter Nights? Or are they more action grinders with a light story and focus on re-playability through map generation?

@OrigamiRobot I don't see a problem with it.
Is this good? I think not.
@OrigamiRobot I don't think it's a good question, but that doesn't mean it should be closed.
I don't think "What kind of game is X?" questions should exist.
@Tristan Well, he deleted it now anyway. I love getting my downvote rep back!
@OrigamiRobot I voted to close as NC when I ran across it. The answers and the comments on the answers demonstrate how subjective it is.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that's pretty subjective.
@OrigamiRobot Of course, I felt similarly about this one, since it's purely subjective
Q: Do I need to have played Mass Effect 1 or 2 to understand Mass Effect 3's storyline?

ahsteeleI have never played Mass Effect 1 or 2. Do I need to play the first and second installments to understand the third? Are there enough story recaps to fill in some of the back story? Will I be lost?

Two more posts to share and I finally manage to get to General
@Wipqozn Bad questions should be closed. That's the point!
My VTC on it even expired :(
Q: A key fell into a hole. How do I get it?

Ashley NunnI need one more key in the Angler's Tunnel. I vaguely recall one falling into a hole earlier on, but I don't remember where it happened. Which room is this key in? What do I need to do to get it?

Q: Xbox 360 slim with HDMI and Audio adapter - No display

HatInACatBasically I have a new Slim 360 and because I'm connecting to my monitor (which has no speakers or sound output), I need to use the hdmi for video and a RCA audio adapter for sound. Here's the audio adapter I have: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Audio-Cable-Adapter-XBOX-Slim/dp/B005EDAFFS/ref=cm_cr_pr_...

Q: Does the e-shop version of Link's Awakening have the Color Dungeon?

Ashley NunnThe first time I played Link's Awakening, I played the DX version for Game Boy Color, which had the "Color Dungeon", which awards you with a choice of one of two different stat-boosting tunics if you finish it. Does the version of Link's Awakening that you can get on the Nintendo e-Shop have th...

Q: How do I guarantee saving Admiral Koris?

FAEWhat do I need to make sure I do to ensure that Admiral Koris survives during the mission Rannoch: Admiral Koris? I've reached a point near the end where I have a chance to speak with him. He's apparently trying to hold off a wave of geth. My current dialogue options are "We're coming" or "Hold ...

Are there games that aren't story driven anymore? Except for games made by PopCap?
@MarkTrapp No they shouldn't. Bad question != close.
My VTC expired on this
Q: Do all players spawn on the same block in SMP?

disponserDo all players on server spawn at the exactly same spot? What I mean is, do all the players have the exact same spawn coordinates? I know that the player spawns at the same point so if I place a dirt block in the place I spawned all the players will spawn on it?

@Tristan Dragon Age II? rimshot
@Wipqozn Er. What would you do instead?
@MichaelMrozek Downvote.
@MichaelMrozek Down vote. Just because a question is bad doesn't mean it should be closed. A question should be closed if it doesn't fit on our site, or is off-topic.
@Wipqozn Repeating an assertion isn't an argument :/
@MarkTrapp I lol'd.
One of the close reasons isn't "this is a bad question"
@Wipqozn Bad questions by definition don't fit the site. That's why they're bad. If it fit the site, it'd be a good question.
@MarkTrapp Thats not true.
Questions that don't fit the site might be good questions.
@Tristan Even PopCap/casual games are making an attempt at a story now. XD
@Wipqozn The not constructive close reason specifically is "This is a bad question for this site: it blah blah blah"
@MarkTrapp bad quality != bad for the site
> This question is not a good fit to our Q&A format. We expect answers to generally involve facts, references, or specific expertise; this question will likely solicit opinion, debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion.
"I have a HP Photosmart B110a wifi printer. Ubuntu can pick it up just fine. The iPad can access its embedded web server just fine. However, as of a few days ago it also can no longer print with it: No AirPrint printers found. How can I soothe the inner Steve of this possessed device?"
@AshleyNunn Key word being attempt.
@MarkTrapp: It says it is not a good Fit for the site, not that it's not a good question.
@FAE Remember, choose one over many! In relation to your latest question.
@Tristan Yeah, some are better than others. TM games seem to get it, as do HO games, but anything beyond that, it is usually a biiiig stretch.
Seriously, though, I've linked it in chat 4 times now and it's never been closed. Am I just way off base that "Will I be lost if I didn't play the first two games?" is completely subjective?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, it does equal that. Again, saying the same thing over and over doesn't make it true
@AshleyNunn TM? HO?
I know people who could have played the first two and still been lost.
@MarkTrapp I couldn't disagree more.
@Tristan Time Management, Hidden Object. Two subgenres of casual games.
@Wipqozn You're being pedantic. Good question in the context of Stack Exchange means good question for the site simpliciter
@OrigamiRobot ...
@OrigamiRobot Saying the same thing over and over does make it true? Hmm... @OrigamiRobot is actually a woman.
I just set up a spreadsheet to time my sleep schedule leading up to D3 to maximize playtime on day 1.
No, I'm not joking.
Y'know what... That joke is too hard to continue on my phone.
@StrixVaria Day 1: don't sleep
@StrixVaria Don't worry, that's totally normal
@MarkTrapp I'm really not. "Not a good question" and "Not a good fit" are two completely different things.
@MarkTrapp If you're looking at it that way, it changes everything.
@MarkTrapp Correct, but I need to make sure that I sleep enough before that so that that's possible.
I never said "good in the context of Stack Exchange".
But I don't fall asleep easily, so I actually have to deprive myself of sleep early, so that I can fall asleep after work Monday so I can wake up at midnight.
It's a whole process.
Q: When was Civilization 2 released?

Juha SyrjäläWhen was Civilization 2 released?

That's probably a good example.
I'm inclined to say we should close it, but I wouldn't say it violates any of our close reasons.
But it's a terrible question.
@Wipqozn Not here they aren't. The purpose of community moderation is to weed out bad questions with extreme prejudice. All the guidelines we have are there to define what a bad question and what a good question is. They aren't arbitrary: they're descriptive metrics. We close bad questions, that's why Stack Exchange is known for quality.
The limit on the number of saves in ME3 is very annoying in retrospect, there were a few questions where it would be nice to just have a save at that point, but I have overwritten a lot of my saves because of the limit.
@Fabian I didn't realize there was a limit, what is it?
@BenBrocka I think 50 or so
@MarkTrapp Then why don't we delete bad answers?
Q: Where can I find a Infiniminer server?

Jader DiasI can't find an open Infiniminer server. I could just run my own, but I want to find an open server anyways.

@Wipqozn Sure it does: it's off-topic. It's not about gameplay strategies and tactics, puzzle solving or obstacle clearing, game mechanics and terminology, plot and characters in games, or game-specific hardware and utilities
^ that question needs to die.
@Fabian 50, yes
It's pretty ridiculous, as the saves are only 50kb each.
Q: Can I increase the number of allowed saves?

FAEIt seems that, unlike the first game, Mass Effect 2 (inexplicably) has a save limit. I currently have 50 full save slots and the game will not let me make any others. In ME1, there was a PC tweak where you could edit a .ini file in order to increase the number of allowed saves. However, I can't f...

@MarkTrapp I can agree with that, but I'll continue my search for a bad question that proves my point.
The solution there also works for ME3
On that note let's destroy that quesiton.
That's what I've been doing
It's too late for me now, I wanted to check if I still had a save in the Quarian Admiral mission but I overwrote that one already
@Fabian there are some sad possible outcomes there.
I managed to wind my way through them, but I made a "mistake" in ME2
Hm, actually I think it's worth asking again, as maybe the new coalesced.bin has a command for it
DIABLO 3 RELEASE DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!
CLICK MY LINK ... please
@agent86 I'm glad that I downloaded a save instead of starting with the ME3 default. I'm notoriously bad at keeping my old saves.
@spugsley warning: incoming spugsley attack
@OrigamiRobot Because reading an answer is not as big a sell as clicking through to a question. Stack Exchange's value proposition is that questions won't waste your time if you visit the front page or find the question in Google. Good questions attract answers and the experts who can provide those answers, bad questions waste everyone's time. Related blog post
8 hours ago, by StrixVaria
You know, the bright side of me trying to find bad questions which should remain opened is I'm finding question which should be closed
Q: Are there any game crossovers?

ripper234I just found Wii Fishing (through an excellent episode of The Big Bang Theory), and a thought popped into my head - What if, while playing World of Warcraft, you could somehow play a subgame of Wii Fishing? So, a game crossover is a combination or embedding of a game within another game. I don't...

Q: Best OS for Gothic 3?

VercasI have a really old an un-performant computer and I just love the game Gothic 3! For the last year, I left the DVD to dust but now I don't have anything else to play, so I want to get back to it, meaning that I have to install another OS. I'd like to know which OS would be the best to play Gothic...

Did anybody click my link?
@spugsley I asked my friend of a friend to put you down for beta access - keep your fingers crossed :P
@Tristan I did!
Also, @agent86, since you're right there, can you delete this?
Q: Douchebags in teams games (DoTA)

CheluisareHi everybody. I am a low time gamer, focused on WC3 and CS. I'm not so interested in games, but I love to play those two games. I am also a quite strong chess player, and I spend a couple of hours every two days playing blitz games online. I recently (this weekend) started to play DoTA on Batt...

I don't think we need a question asking about douchebags on the site.
@Tristan I'm trying to figure out if its good subjective or bad subjective
@MarkTrapp If you are taking "bad question" to always mean "bad for the site" then there is no argument. I am saying that a bad question is not always a closeable question.
@JuanManuel is the fastest closer in the west: can't even put my words into action! :P [CLOSED]
I.E. dumb questions.
@Sterno I just want the messenger bag...
@agent86 you are my hero. @Wipqozn HA! TAKE THAT
@spugsley I hope you get in.
@Wipqozn I can hear your sarcasm even through the internet
Q: What can I do with a WoW installation?

acidzombie24I tried WoW and didnt like it. The installation is a few gigs and I was wondering if there is anything fun that I could do before removing it. Such as browse materials, characters, sounds, etc. What can I do with it?

close ^
@Tristan I don't think in-network links count as shares
@OrigamiRobot Right, I'm saying that's not true. A bad question is always a closeable question: SE has gotten very good at describing nearly all the ways a question can be bad and providing guidance on how to close them
@Wipqozn ...what a weird question
vague itg, close:
Q: Identify this arcade game: boy with a big hammer with powerups

user7819I am trying to identify this arcade side scroller from 90s, japanese (I think) featuring a cartoonish character with a big wooden hammer it featured a factory setting in the beginning where the enemy were factory workers. I think the hammer could be upgraded to metal

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