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@GraceNote Is that through long term exposure?
Anyone free to commentate?
@YiJiang No, I just like them.
Yeah, I'll... send some your way
@MichaelMrozek asking what is or isn't abusive is abusive. I'm hereby banning you.
Oh snap!
Every time a MLP image shows up in here while I'm at work, I'm worried someone's going to glance at my screen and think I'm a pedo trying to chat up children or something.
@OrigamiRobot Dammit! I already changed my gravatar once this week...
@Tristan Jewel Staite?
@Sterno Just explain to them that you fervently adore MLP. That will solve everything
@OrigamiRobot Yep...
@RonanForman What kind of commentating?
@Sterno this isn't true about you? I guess I should stop harassing CPS to come and arrest you then.... sheepishly hangs up phone
@OrigamiRobot Oh, she is fantastic.
@YiJiang jawdrop Those are SO CUTE
@YiJiang This is the cutest thing ever.
@TimStone You talk about what's going on, make fun of my inability to open doors, that kind of thing.
@YiJiang They look like little loaves of bread...with faces.
@RonanForman Hmm
@Tristan Karen Gillan?
@OrigamiRobot Kill it with fire. Freema Agyeman.
@Tristan Forget their characters. What about the actresses? (Also I like Freema Agyeman too)
@TimStone Are you free now? If so I could really use your help.
@RonanForman I may be free here shortly.
@TimStone Awesome!
@OrigamiRobot Alright. Characters aside, yes. Karen Gillan is pretty.
@OrigamiRobot *sighs audibly*
Well, technically I'm supposed to be working, but I skipped the office today because I'm a bit sick...so all of these things factor in. But let me finish up a few things and then I'll see if it's something I'm up to helping with.
@OrigamiRobot yes, karen gillan. I would wait in a time bubble for years if she'd be mine afterwards.
@Tristan dammit! Aubrey Plaza?
@agent86 I've never heard of this person
@FAE Amy Pond.
@OrigamiRobot Uh...?
@OrigamiRobot From Scott Pilgrim? Absolutely.
@Tristan grrrrr
@FAE Amy Pond is the companion of the newest Doctor (from Doctor Who)
although she's leaving the show this coming season :(
@agent86 Boooo
@OrigamiRobot I get the feeling we could do this all day...
you tennant-ophiles can keep billie piper
@IanPugsley I see.
@agent86 I like Rose as a companion, but I'm not into Billie Piper.
@agent86 so much barf re: Rose
@agent86 Billie Piper is gross. Freema Agyeman.
in actress and character
Can anyone tell me why I'm still awake here watching you guys talk about your television crushes?
Amy > *
@Tristan Martha Jones FTW!
At 2am in the morning?
@YiJiang you're a huuuuge nerd?
@YiJiang I've just been looking in other rooms for now and doing work
@agent86 Well yes.
@YiJiang @Tristan and I have to sort this out.
@YiJiang that's an excuse for practically everything.
@OrigamiRobot there's nothing to sort out; apparently you, @StrixVaria, and @Tristan are all the same person
@OrigamiRobot Sort quick. I'm leaving for my interview in twenty minutes.
@IanPugsley Yeah, didn't take long to figure that out, either.
@IanPugsley @Tristan isn't GIR.
@IanPugsley this adds a whole new meaning to "sock puppet" that I'm not sure I'm comfortable with
@Tristan I guess it can wait. I'd rather not have to fight you. I'm pretty wimpy.
I should buy one of these. Let's you play gamecube games with a classic controller or playstation 1/ 2 controller.
@StrixVaria After the ME3 missions end, I will be.
Oh and can can anyone tell me if reddit.com/r/karengillan is cute or stalkerish creepy
My request for days off from work to play Diablo 3 was approved!
@OrigamiRobot I know, those arms are made for dancing, not lifting.
@StrixVaria I need to make sure nothing is going on...thank you for reminding me
@OrigamiRobot I'm getting wimpy... But I have been trained to kill. =P
@StrixVaria Awesome! :D
@StrixVaria Out of curiosity, did you tell them it was to play Diablo 3?
I think my boss would be okay with that explanation. He's probably planning to do the same thing.
@Sterno No. PTO is PTO here. Take it for whatever you want, as long as you give notice.
@Sterno I told my manager that I needed a few days off for Halo 2. There were twelve of us that got the day off. =P
@StrixVaria same - I've even gotta use PTOs for sick days here :(
@YiJiang Depending on your perspective, anywhere from the latter to somewhere in the middle.
@IanPugsley Same. I don't even understand the difference between PTO and sick days. They seem the same to me.
@StrixVaria It depends where you work. Some companies will pay you for one and not the other, and some companies will be very strict on what you can use sick days for, but won't care about PTO.
@YiJiang I made the mistake of reading a reddit thread once where the person asked people to confess what the creepiest thing they've ever done was.
@FAE this is like sniffing something horrible after someone tells you it's horrible to me
@Wipqozn Seems easier to just lump it all together.
you really don't want to, but you can't not do it
@IanPugsley I have trainwreck syndrome. :(
@FAE this does sound like a recipe for disaster on the internet.
@IanPugsley Pretty much
I never doubted it'd get approved, it's just official now.
@FAE Oh, wow, that must be horrifying
@FAE Me too! Someone shows me something and I'm compelled to watch the entire thing.. Or whatever is needed.
@IanPugsley A lot of people tend to do that
@agent86 It... mostly involved a lot of guys leaving a lot of a particular bodily fluid in various places and the inspiration for such.
As in why they did it and whatnot.
...right, now this topic is starting to leave my comfort zone
@GraceNote Hey, just now?
Q: Which missions are on Disc 1 and which are on Disc 2?

mike1987If you're playing xbox 360 Mass Effect 3, you might find it infuriating (as I do) that at the beginning of the game is a chop of "INSERT DISC 1" and "INSERT DISC 2" depending on what order you choose missions... I chose to do grissom academy mission (DISC 2) before going to do the missions rega...

Q: Why isn't Zaeed's name listed?

SathyaZaeed was part of my team in ME2 & all of my team members made it out alive from the suicide mission.

Q: Where is the failed Medi-Gel Experiment during the the "N7: Cerberus Labs" mission?

johnjonI know there's a "failed Medi-Gel Experiment" somewhere during the "N7: Cerberus Labs", but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Where is the failed experiment located in the level? I'm trying to kick off the related quest; I just need to find the starting point first.

Q: Battlefield 3 ''Race'' in ME3 Multiplayer

ElpezmuertoIn the ME3 multiplayer lobby, I've seen some people list Battlefield 3 instead as their race. How do you obtain this? Is there any other perks other than the name change?

@GraceNote That's the limit of detail I'll be getting into. Not particularly interested in remember specific posts in that thread. shudder
@GraceNote This.
So I just clicked on the "Show removed posts" checkbox at the bottom of my rep page. And suddenly I'm seeing a bunch of +1 reps from deleted posts. What's that +1 come from?
@Sterno Downvotes?
@Sterno You downvoted something that got deleted so you were refunded the 1 rep cost.
@Sterno Probably deleted posts you downvoted
Ahhh, duh
@Mana Crushes aren't outside my comfort zone, and until now that's all it really was about.
That and cockroaches, but come on, cockroaches are always in your comfort zone, whether or not you like them. Which is why those who dislike them tend to dislike them.
@GraceNote fair nuff
@Tristan I will try to come up with more obscure crushes. I do want to continue being friends...
@GraceNote cockroaches are outside my comfort zone. I am not a big fan of them.
I pay other people good amounts of money to deal with those types of problems for me
@Tristan Natalie Morales?
@agent86 Normally, I'm not one to say "Whoosh", but...
@GraceNote ::delurk:: cockroaches are lizard food. ::relurk::
@Sterno Thanks for the file. Really helped :)
@GraceNote facepalm
@voretaq7 That's wonderful... if I have a lizard to feed that is
updated my ammo drop answer with actual data from the game settings
@YiJiang You should get a monitor. It wouldn't help all that much, but come on, it's a monitor!
@GraceNote The only monitor I'm going to get is the one I'm sitting in front of right now
it would help lots.
well, if the roaches are big enough to interest it anyway.
Disadvantage to name change: smaller area upon which to hover the mouse for rep change
Five more days.
@FAE Why did you change your name anyway?
@OrigamiRobot Wendy yes, Natalie Morales no
@GraceNote I mean that I pay people to keep them out of my comfort zone.
@RonanForman People were replying with @FAE, and it wouldn't ping her.
therefore, they are squarely outside of it.
my comfort zone is a cockroach-free zone.
@agent86 We'll see about that.
@Ullallulloo But there's autocomplete now for both comments and chat
People aren't that lazy, right?
2 hours ago, by FAE
@StrixVaria Because people on the website have the tendency to abbreviate it anyway, even people I don't know personally, and I've thusly missed pings before because of it.
@GraceNote this sounds like a threat. isn't getting me sick that one time, accosting me with various woodland creatures, and occasionally threatening me with image-manipulation-related terrors enough for you?
@YiJiang They are
@GraceNote :|
@agent86 To be fair, bugs have always been much more in my domain than woodland creatures.
@GraceNote your creature-based terrorism knows no bounds.
@IanPugsley This doesn't concern you.
@OrigamiRobot that'd be because your entire list consists of "skinny girl with big eyes"
@IanPugsley you almost owed me a keyboard
@OrigamiRobot We can still be friends. I have no idea who that is. Christina Hendricks?
Haha, I'm sooooooo glad I don't have ME3 on 360:
Q: Which missions are on Disc 1 and which are on Disc 2?

mike1987If you're playing xbox 360 Mass Effect 3, you might find it infuriating (as I do) that at the beginning of the game is a chop of "INSERT DISC 1" and "INSERT DISC 2" depending on what order you choose missions... I chose to do grissom academy mission (DISC 2) before going to do the missions rega...

@BenBrocka to say this is irritating is putting it mildly. I think I'm squarely on disc 2 at this point though.
@BenBrocka doesn't the xbox copy discs to the hard drive for playing? That's how I would do it if I built a console
Not all of them
@BenBrocka I remember the time where I played games on my Amiga 500 and most of that time was switching diskettes, as the later games had often 5+ disks.
@JuanManuel you can copy the disc to the hard drive, but you still have to swap discs. the game authenticates the hard drive data.
copying it to the drive just means you're not constantly spinning the disc. there are occasionally small loading time boosts.
@agent86 But it's the same game! Uh...
physical media
@YiJiang preachin' to the choir.
especially oooold physical media
@agent86 So it verifies the disc, not the game
Of course it has to verify the disc
you scumbag pirate
@YiJiang yes.
♪ Abusing social media! Abusing power! ♪
@Tristan Eh, she's ok.
if either disc would validate, I could play on xbox1, while gf plays on xbox2.
Everyone that buys videogames is a scumbag pirate. That's what it says in my EA employee manual here
@IanPugsley Does not!
Well, not on purpose!
@OrigamiRobot If by okay you mean perfection incarnate, I agree
@TimStone You still around?
@Tristan she doesn't fit his "not intentional" pattern
@Tristan I thought Felicia Day was at the top of your list?
@FAE Congrats on general!
@DavidB actually, ironically enough, you can play multiplayer ME3 this way.
@DaveMcClelland Thank you!
if you buy a second online pass, both discs can be used for multiplayer independent of the other
well, I can't - no gold sub.. :)
@agent86 which, funny enough, is probably a lot more common than trying to share the single player game
@OrigamiRobot She is.
@FAE claps yay!
I don't want to get general.
@agent86 \o/
@RonanForman Then I shall downvote you into the ground, good sir!
@BenBrocka I'm not there yet, I want to get captain.
@RonanForman I assume you can ask for a prize from the lower levels
@Tristan Now I'm just depressed because if I ever actually met any of these people, I would die.
@JuanManuel I'm not risking it.
@OrigamiRobot I would die... Due to a severe lack of blood to the brain. Buuuuuut anyway... Interview time.
Motherboard's here
Be back later.
@Tristan good luck, do well!
@Tristan Don't tell them about the thing, you know, I'm not going to say it here but...
@RonanForman Ground!
@OrigamiRobot That sounds like a bad condition
Q: What does the N7 Warfare Gear DLC do?

Ronan FormanWhen I got the game I got the N7 Warfare Gear DLC, I've installed it, but I have no idea what it does, apparently it adds 'Argus 55 Rifle, plus additional content'. Where do I get this rifle or do I start with it, and what's the additional content it's talking about?

Q: What are stones and bottles for in Silent Hill: Downpour?

Mehper C. PalavuzlarIn Silent Hill: Downpour, there are plenty of stones and bottles around. I don't quite prefer using them as I find other tools like axe, wrench, etc. more powerful. So, is there something special about the stones and bottles in the game? Why should I use them? I know they can be thrown upon crea...

Q: Can all weapon mods be found?

BlemIf you pick up every item in every mission will you be able to reach level 5 on all weapon mods or do you need to buy some levels of weapon mod at vendor no matter what?

Q: Where is the asari widow's journal?

johnjonI talked to an asari widow in the Citadel and she (it?) says she wants a message from her bondmate. I'm willing to help the gal out, but I need to know where to look for the thing. Where is the message the asari widow is seeking?

Q: What are the new achievements in Legend of Dead Kel?

user21599The new dlc for kingdoms of Amalur says it has 5 new achievemens, what are they and how do I get them? Thanks

Q: What is the base chanceof the Cryo Ammo power to freeze an enemy?

FabianThe Cryo Ammo power has a certain chance to freeze the enemies you shoot at, but the description of the power doesn't mention how high that chance actually is. The second rank of that power increases the chance to freeze an enemy by 30%, but 30% of what? How high is the base chance to freeze a...

Q: How do I exit Journey properly?

AlexI bought Journey today, and when I tried to exit the game I naturally pressed Start to open the menu, but there was no option to quit there. The only thing I could find was to press the PS button and choose Exit Game from there. I don't like doing that as it's usually a 'hard quit' that doesn't...

@Tristan Good luck! :D
@GraceNote Severe Celebrity-Onset Death
@GraceNote It is. I'm ridiculously shy around people I don't have a huge crush on.
@BenBrocka Celebrity-ness has nothing to do with it.
@OrigamiRobot This seems strangely conflicting with your attendance to conventions and your gorilla Steampunk attire
@OrigamiRobot It just seemed a more polite way to put it
@OrigamiRobot So you're not shy around people you do have a huge crush on?
@FAE No, he apparently perishes in that situation
@GraceNote I don't do it for the attention, that's for sure. And if @spugsley wasn't also steampunking, I definitely wouldn't dress up.
@OrigamiRobot I don't think you do it for attention, I just figured you'd be more comfortable about seeing people is all if you actually go to conventions.
All my cosplay plans have just been "For the hey of it". I'm probably too shy to want people to take pictures (but at the same time, too shy to deny any requests for it).
@GraceNote This.
That said, apparently I don't need to cosplay for people to ask me for a picture...
meeting's over, 'lo again
@GraceNote When people try to talk to me at conventions, I usually just awkwardly smile and nod.
@OrigamiRobot I see, I see
just tell them you play portal - instant new friend.
interesting read if you weren't already familiar with the voice actors of the ME series
@RavenDreamer You free?
I for one never caught Quark's voice.
@RonanForman for what?
although Carrie-Anne Moss is criminally underused in ME3
@GraceNote Even if one of these awesome people is at a convention I go to, I would probably avoid them. :(
@RavenDreamer Audio commentary.
@agent86 I can't unhear Loghain when Gerrel or David Archer speak
@OrigamiRobot Not even attend a panel or autograph session?
@GraceNote I might attend a panel and sit as far back as possible.
@GraceNote I don't really ever want to meet someone famous.

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