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Excellent, table booked. Thai Food tomorrow.
@Stephen I don't know that I support the statement that the pool of good questions has dried up, I've asked 3 in the last day (give or take) that cleared +5. I'd like to make it so that everybody's got a good chance of winning good prizes, so I'm open to suggestions.
I just don't know that requiring 1k views is really the best way. The sharing requirements, imho, are better than that
it gets more "useful" views
Yeah, I don't think it's dried up, especially the story based ones
@Wipqozn That sounds like a delicious plan.
IMO requiring a small about of 1k view posts would be okay, but it sohuldn't replace the vote metrics. it could be an extra, little qualifier like the Shares feature is
@agent86 I'm certainly not giving up :) I don't think that the sharing is getting good views, but that's me. As a member of other forums it was very easy to get 15 click throughs (eventually).
That remind me, I need to book a squash court for friday as well.
I've gotten like 5 1k view questions just from this promo
@AshleyNunn Yeah, going out for thai food with my friends for my bday (Which is next week)
@BenBrocka Yeah I think story based and mission based are going to have to form the bulk of the remaining q's for me, but we'll see :)
@BenBrocka I got like 5 10k view questions from Skyrim...
@Wipqozn Oh, that sounds like fun. Thai food is awesome. :D I think I told you this already, but happy early birthday! :D
@agent86 I don't know if you saw the edit to the meta post, but one thing I suggested was the use of "OR" conditions ... so 5 shares in 15 posts OR 1k views on 5 posts (as an example)
@AshleyNunn You did, I don't mind though.
oh, tomorrow is also the last day for the ITG vote.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I figured birthday wishes are always awesome. :D
@Wipqozn Wait, you're the same age as me and have a birthday close to mine? Well done, sir.
@Wipqozn It just got another pro-ITG upvote :(
We're only winning by 8.
@StrixVaria at least the correct answer is winning.
@StrixVaria in two weeks? Wouldn't really surprise me though, I'm sure it was an even bigger launch
@StrixVaria Hey, that is better than the 2 we were winning by before.
and it's a much more open ended, potentially confusing game
@TimStone I'm fairly impressive like that.
@StrixVaria I wonder how many of them are brand new users who got criticized for asking an ITG.
It's harder to get totally stuck in ME3 like you can in TES games
@TimStone: When is your birthday?
@OrigamiRobot Have there even been a lot of brand new ITG questions for you to make such an assertion?
Q: Which class is best suited for a ME3 Insanity playthrough?

ShurikenAs per the title. What would be the easiest to play? What's your personal preference?

Q: What happens if I turn off my console while it is saving data?

Mehper C. PalavuzlarAll console games warn players at the beginning of any game: Please do not turn off your console when you see the saving icon/indicator. What if I turn it off or there occurs a power outage while saving data? What are the chances? Is it for sure that there will be a harm in every case?

@OrigamiRobot brand new users who only have ITG questions probably don't have enough rep to vote like that
@Wipqozn The 18th, seems to be a Sunday this year.
@BenBrocka It's pretty easy to get around ME3 ... scan all sectors to 100%, talk to every person on the ship and citadel, do the non-priority missions, talk to every person on the ship and citadel then do priority missions. Repeat.
@Stephen pretty much
@BenBrocka Oh, I forgot. Talk to every person on the citadel and ship. Again.
there's realtively little "Okay, you need to talk to this one guy, in this one house in this one town, and you also have to have talked to this other one guy, in this one..."
@TimStone Mines the 20th. Fairly close.
also, dang, that means you're 2 days older than me!
I was hoping I could call you a young yipper snapper...
We'll have to throw an epic party. And then invite no one.
@TimStone Sounds like a plan.
@OrigamiRobot Bully @John some more, and you will be.
Excellent @OrigamiRobot. You can be the body guard.
I am always fascinated by what new users choose as their username.
Horrible pun of the day: White Supremacist Barbarian: Barbaryan.
@OrigamiRobot hehe, heard that in Legion's voice
@Wipqozn I don't need any more. This missions is torture enough.
@OrigamiRobot :(
@NickT lololol
I really want to approve that, but not sure if I should.
I'll let someone else handle it.
Seeing as everyone abbreviates me anyway, time for a display name change
Aww, now I can't give you cute names working off of "Fall" or "Fallen", then.
I prefer "Field Application Engineer"
@GraceNote Haha, you haven't done that in ages
A lot of things haven't been done in ages, true.
@NickT I used to get "Fuel-Air Explosion"
eat less beans
But they say you never realize what you enjoy until you're about to lose it.
Sounds hyperbolic. Who is "they"?
Sometimes me, but not in this case. It's all vagueries.
Which amused my friends, as many of them would call me "FAE-chan," so then I became "Fuel-Air Explosion-chan"
@FallenAngelEyes That's not a bad idea.
So, Fuel-Air Explosion-chan, what's up?
@FallenAngelEyes Hm. I am trying to figure out how to pronounce "FAE-chan". XD
@FallenAngelEyes You told me to abbreviate you.
@AshleyNunn Are you familiar with -chan as a Japanese honorific? Pronounce it like "faye-chahn"
@John Verbally, it's easier. On the site, it means I miss pings.
@FallenAngelEyes Oh yeah.
I always use Fallen in comments, I imagine.
@FallenAngelEyes use IPA or the pendants will strangle you
But I can sympathize with missing pings.
that's me right there
Except I would never flip my cat.
:3832679 language dude
Can we please keep an eye on comments on the latest question. Would really prefer they remained classy and non-... horrible.
@Wipqozn got suspended?! This feels so right. :)
And he can't even respond to that to troll me or anything. :)
This totally needs to happen more often. :)
@John I like how much you're smiling
@John You're both on Steam.
@FallenAngelEyes :)
@Ullallulloo Shh!
@FallenAngelEyes This. It's a good change.
You see, this is what's wrong with chat flags, I can drop a single offensive word (not even that offensive in context) in a post/tag wiki and nothing really happens other than it being edited back, but here you get banned for 30 minutes
@Ullallulloo :) See what happens when that meany @Wipqozn leaves?
@John What did he do?
@OrigamiRobot He got himself suspended.
@OrigamiRobot Posted a naughty word.
Because this is the internet, and we don't allow them
@John I gathered that. How?
@OrigamiRobot A comic he posted contained the f-word.
@John dot dot dot
@OrigamiRobot A review by axman13!
I think that suspension was a bit harsh, IMO, I was seconds away from marking it invalid. this is why this site specific flagging system needs to be inplace
ThThank you if you undid that.
@GraceNote I don't know what this means.
This is why chat flags are bullshit
Did someone just get suspended?
@StrixVaria Wipqozn.
I'm rather annoyed at. Whatever happened to giving people warning? This is the first time I can recall me ever posting something with poor language and not putting a language warning on it. Which, by the way, I put in as soon as the message got flagged since I realized I forgot to.
@Ullallulloo Uh...no?
@StrixVaria He did, it was undone
@StrixVaria Yes
Aha ok.
@Wipqozn I unsuspended, I don't think a comic containing one offensive word is enough for a suspension
@Fabian Thank you. As you can see, I even switched it into a language warning text when I realized I forgot to.
@TylerShads I had actually marked it as invalid and the counter went down to 0. I was kinda surprised when he got suspended anyway.
@John A mod had to approve it.
@TylerShads I think a lot of people don't understand that a "spam" flag, if validated, suspends the user and docs them rep (I think), if you're an actual mod, just deleting the post is better sometimes
@Wipqozn And I approve that mod.
@John Yeah, I was about to mark it as such as well when it disappeared
@BenBrocka Only on posts
@John I'd do the look of disapproval, but I don't know the code. plus I'm too lazy to get it. Plus your message was funny.
@BenBrocka That's why I usually mark invalid unless its something blatant. Usually I'll mark as invalid and if it's mildly offensive-ish, ill edit/delete
@GraceNote chat flags don't have the rep penalty then?
@BenBrocka No.
Q: Cortez thinks I'm gay, will it affect my chances to date women?

StephenMy male Shepard has been trying to be a general nice guy to Steve Cortez, maybe a little too much, encouraging him to take shore leave "for me" and encouraging him to visit the refugee remembrance wall. Now he's asking me out for drinks and I need to let him know I'm not that kind of guy without...

@BenBrocka not as far as I know
@BenBrocka Not rep, since it's global, that'd kind of be impossible.
Ah, that makes sense
@BenBrocka No, they do not (also, post flags don't suspend)
@Wipqozn :)
@GraceNote I thought successful spam/offensive flags in chat did
@Sterno I am definitely intrigued
@BenBrocka Nope, post flags just dock reputation. Chat flags just suspend.
@John Stars there, you earned that.
@Wipqozn Thank you. :)
@Ullallulloo Not really. Just dock from the parent user.
@Wipqozn What if you're in a room for a site you don't even have an account on? Losing on your parent account by your chat account is practically inane.
@GraceNote I agree with you, I was just saying that it would be possible, whereas @Ullallulloo said it would be impossible.
didn't say the solution wouldn't be terrible ;)
It depends on what you consider possible - mechanically versus sensibly
@GraceNote I was talking pure mechanics.
We can't work on just mechanics, though. Things collapse that way.
@FallenAngelEyes That was my thought - I understood the honourific, but I was curious if "FAE" was pronounced with each letter individually or as one solid word.
I agree, I just thought the mechanics is what @Ullallulloo's post was directed at, which is why my response was directed at that.
@Wipqozn I said kind of.
...so @Tristan did change image.
@AshleyNunn People usually go the latter route with me
'Ello @John, are you still mad at me? =\
@GraceNote I did indeed. But I kept the original theme.
@FallenAngelEyes Cool. That's how I said it when I tried to pronounce it, so I wanted to know how right I was ;)
In any case, to whoever flagged that.... I think I do a good job of always posting images / articles with 'poor' language with a language warning, so the odd time I forget, I'd appreciate you giving me a heads up before just flagging me.
@AshleyNunn You are super right :D
@FallenAngelEyes Hurray! :D :D :D
I guess the question is, will Fallen be playing the upcoming Fae Sorceress? ♪
@Wipqozn I did, as part of my "flags are broken" campaign
@AshleyNunn Though apparently my name change hasn't taken yet in here
@NickT Ah I see. Well, point taken.
@FallenAngelEyes Not that I can see. :)
@GraceNote I want to buy her when she releases, but I doubt I'll be able to. =(
@GraceNote She has "fae" in her name and is purple, so I'm leaning heavily towards yes!
I'm really curious about her kit, so we'll see.
Though I'll have to see what kind of champ she is first
Woah, did I just hit 10k globally?
You're at 10.4k
flag ahois again. wth
Because I saw a little blue notification.
So unless you gained 427 reputation swiftly, then you've been 10k for a while
@GraceNote Cool. How'd I get 600 rep without knowing it?
@TylerShads Did something else just get flagged?
2 hours down since I learned the release date of Diablo 3. 1429 to go.
@Wipqozn just glancing, something from @OrigamiRobot
Answer ME3 questions, get piles of rep :P
@BenBrocka It's how I hit 1k on gaming in a week :)
@Wipqozn Thanks to you, in fact.
@Wipqozn You got @OrigamiRobot suspended...
@John what, how?
I guess that'll teach him to do what you say...
What happened?
@TylerShads 1800 this week :)
@Wipqozn He got suspended for bullying John at your command.
@GraceNote :P
@GraceNote I can't say I'm displeased at that.
@GraceNote What post did he get suspended for...?
@Wipqozn Calling John names.
@GraceNote yeah, he just told me which one.
who can vote on chat flags?
@Wipqozn The one replying to this:
34 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@OrigamiRobot Bully @John some more, and you will be.
@NickT Yes.
Um, how I can flag something that it's not written.
@NickT Anyone that can chat.
Really, it just says that @Wipqozn is the one who should be suspended for that chat flag.
@NickT Anyone who can see them.
@Gigili What do you mean?
Why not just have the rep for close-votes be 20 as well
Someone is ignoring me and I got offended but I cannot flag it for moderator attention!
@Gigili You can't flag someone for ignoring you.
@NickT You need 10k global rep to vote on chat flags.
@NickT Because close votes actually can affect the site.
People don't need to speak to you. They have every right to ignore you.
I am offended that you would take offense to that /flag
You can cast offensive flags on the site at very little rep too.
@Wipqozn Why not? isn't it considered rude and offensive and whatnot?
@John that was my initial question...
@Ullallulloo 15
@Gigili You don't flag people, you flag messages/posts - actual content.
User X is ignoring me (perhaps with the actual feature, maybe he's just AFK), I am offended. /flag
@NickT I know. You need 10k to see them, and anyone who can see them can act on them, like I said. Heirgo, you need 10k chat rep to act on chat flags.
@NickT now that would be hell...
"hell" /flag
@John I think its 10ks can vote while blues are final
@NickT Sadly they're not AFK, she/he's talking right at the moment.
@TylerShads Yes, both of those are included in "act" :)
@Gigili We don't suspend people for being rude, and even if we did, ignoring someone wouldn't be a reason. We have an "ignore user" button for a reason. It's what you're supposed to do when you don't want to deal with someone, if they are annoying you, et cetera.
@GraceNote I need to, I need to flag someone as NARU.
@Gigili ...eh?
@Gigili Not a real user? Really?
@Wipqozn That's not the case, it's the other way around. I'm trying to communicate and the one keep ignoring my messages.
@AshleyNunn Really.
That user probably doesn't want to listen to you, then - not much we can do about that. Seeing as you've also used the ignore feature, I'm sure you can understand the desire, neh?
@Gigili Because they aren't talking to you? That doesn't make them a non-real user.
@GraceNote I can.
Weeeeew! Job interview today.
@AshleyNunn Without explaining why?
@Tristan Congrats! \o/
@Tristan Good luck!
Only 24 more hours of ITG questions?
Good luck with that.
@Tristan Good luck.
oh no.
It's their right to not pay attention to you, much in the same way one has the right to leave a chat room if people are bothering them in that room.
Thanks all.
@Tristan Ooh! Good luck! sends you good thoughts
@Tristan Yay! Then you can get proper internet again!
@Wipqozn Sometimes we do suspend users for being rude (there's a "be nice" clause in the FAQ on all sites), but you'd have to do something pretty spectacular to trip that - and simply not talking to someone isn't it. :)
If they don't want to explain it, there's really no need or requirement for them to have to explain themselves.
@AnnaLear I concur, but I think when you "trip" that line, you've gone from being rude to offensive.
Okay, I'll do the same.
@Ullallulloo She closed the only one she opened.
Is the ITG poll going by a simple majority rule or does there need to be some supermajority?
@Ullallulloo I know, I almost thought the same.
I love the ignore user feature.
@NickT simple
@John Me too. XD
@AnnaLear: Offensive may not be the best word, insulting would be a better fit.
@StrixVaria It's completely useless.
@StrixVaria I never really use these because it's very disconcerting to try to follow chat when people are replying to things you can't see
@Wipqozn I don't think it is.
How do we deal with questions asking about secrets that don't exist, like this:
Q: How does one unlock a Volus Adept?

ZenoThe official OXM magazine says: Recruit Packs will help you flesh out your arsenal, but it's probably worth saving for the better Reinforcement Packs. Rare weapons make a big difference in battle, and you'll also have a better chance of unlocking new characters like the surprisingly cute Volu...

@Wipqozn Yeah, that's pretty accurate.
It's hard to answer "that doesn't exist" because they can always just say "NO IT'S A SECRET"
flags are for when you need a moderator, urgently - not because you want to prove something or someone's bothering you or you're irritated or whatever.
They're going to be deleted or locked with the historical thing?
@agent86 yeah, but chat isn't the main site
@FallenAngelEyes I have to use it otherwise I'd get suspended every time...a certain person...said anything in chat.
@Gigili False.
It's useful for ignoring people.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I've noticed how much that certain person gets on your nerves.
@BenBrocka Well, actually...
for reference here, we're really keeping @OrigamiRobot suspended for what he said to @John?
@IanPugsley Yeah... I don't think that's right, considering he was clearly joking.
I didn't even see a (removed)
@Wipqozn right...
@IanPugsley I'm kinda surprised that @Wipqozn got off but not him.
@Wipqozn Agreed.
@StrixVaria I'm actually kinda surprised by this, but I just never expected things to explode like they did.
Although, if you actually took offense to anything @John, my apologies for starting it.
@NickT It's up a ways.
47 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@OrigamiRobot Bully @John some more, and you will be.
After that.
@Wipqozn Accepted.
@Ullallulloo Deleted messages are removed from the transcript.
@GraceNote I don't want to get into the details here lest I get suspended again.
@TimStone there's 0 evidence of it existing, and it sounds extremely much like a troll/misunderstanding.
@John Right.
Plus I severely doubt they'd make a playable Volus
@StrixVaria I already know the details - I saw the incident. I know who you're referring to.
@StrixVaria You can see other people replying to their messages, and more importantly, making their avatar small in the list is more distracting than their avatar in normal size.
@Gigili If you don't like the feature, don't use it. I don't know what else to say.
I guess (removed) messages are actually removed from the transcript, not just redacted as such
@John I'm sure he was joking, and that you actually smell very pleasant.
@Wipqozn Wait... @OrigamiRobot got suspended? =(
@BenBrocka Right, there's not even a character model for it (per the screenshot, where you can see the BF3 models even)
@NickT Yeah, they are.

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