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Weeeel, check this anyway. (NSFW)
You might be amused.
On an unrelated note, some concept art for the upcoming spider-man movie:
@RavenDreamer The title of that link just makes me think of the images that AWKWARD ZOMBIE posted.
@tzenes There is nothing to be ashamed of in not being a redditor. Reddit is a cesspool.
@RavenDreamer the tag is actually how my friend refers to the game, although he uses it in a derogatory fashion.
man, one of these posts is titled: "Dem Hexigons"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you have something like reddit you prefer?
@RavenDreamer Not per se.
Which, speaking of AWKWARD ZOMBIE, amidst all the EO4 craze I forgot to check her Monday update.
this is making me laugh so hard:
it's like reddit only better
@agent86 I can see why, I'm only managing to stifle here.
@tzenes App. Spring is probably my preference, have not heard Dodger
Q: What is the base duration for Defense Drone?

FallenAngelEyesThe rank 4 evolution of the Defense Drone says that it increases the Duration by 100%. However... As you can see from the image above, it doesn't list the base duration at all on the upgrade screen. Since it obviously isn't 0 seconds, does anyone know the base duration for the Defense Drone?

@NickT it's a goodin
I mainly just rely on EJBB for links
@GraceNote The post is in reference to him looking at another character's butt
@tzenes Kind of limited subject matter, though, neh?
@Raven I dont' understand
@tzenes then there's always Beef (Hoedown?)
@tzenes teamliquid focuses on e-sports, yes?
specifically Starcraft
@tzenes I can expect that much given the current discussion, but it doesn't change the fact that his expression is still a mite stifled-chuckle worthy.
@GraceNote I think he looks kinda skeevy
I think it's funnier when people intentionally make ugly shepards.
@RavenDreamer some LoL, sorta..
I think the awkward seriousness in the right eye skews that from being too creepy.
what's with his lips? is this photoshopped?
@tzenes did you see any of IEM? were there any good matches?
I'm sort of waiting for JYP to come out of his shell
also, I want to go to IPL in Vegas
@RavenDreamer there was one I posted earlier that was also pretty funny
it's next month
@tzenes should talk SE into sponsoring your trip :P
I think it's the 'do that really finishes the look
I'm not really sure how...
oh man Awkward Zombie is hilarious
Also, @GraceNote, have you heard of MegaMan X: Corrupted?
@Wipqozn Is that the one where the neuro-weapon, charged, makes a ride armor out of junk parts?
@GraceNote Not sure. I only discovered the project yesterday.
wait, this guy has been working on this for 5 years?
@Wipqozn (The answer to both your question and my question is "Yes")
@tzenes So it would seem. It looks really good, although it looks like he still hasn't announced a release date.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I disagree with using "-phobia" to mean hate. :(
Also, those people are terrible.
@OrigamiRobot I agree actually. There should be a better term.
@OrigamiRobot I also agree with this.
@OrigamiRobot it's phobos not phobia
@Wipqozn You programmed me to think these ways
@tzenes Same same.
different root
@tzenes fear != hate
tell yoda that
@tzenes He never said they were the same.
sorry, that was ment to be a joke
I didn't think you'd take it literally
@tzenes I know, I like to argue.
@tzenes I am a robot.
This hotel room is absurdly large.
Which is nice, because I'm in it for two weeks.
Where'd they put you this time?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I hear you're in my neck of the woods.
@OrigamiRobot You're in Pittsburgh?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was lied to.
@OrigamiRobot /s/you're/you'll be
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was told "next week"
@OrigamiRobot Were you told this this week?
@Wipqozn Next week and this week aren't mutually exclusive
Also, I can't imagine I your creator would have built you with so much trust in your fellow man.
@OrigamiRobot two weeks.
Little more actually.
...wait, not fellow...
First week in April.
@Wipqozn I merely said that I heard it, not that I believed it.
This is a good beer.
@OrigamiRobot Okay, good.
What, how can you be in Pittsburgh for the first week in April? That's PAX East week!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well in any case, what part of Charlotte will you be in?
@GraceNote I'll be in Charlotte the first week of April.
And skipping PAX East this year. Beerfest was last month after all.
Ah, gotcha.
Is Puerto Rico actively trying to become a state?
@OrigamiRobot not sure, should no more in a week or so
@RavenDreamer Yes.
@RavenDreamer As is Washington DC.
But 50 is such a nice number...
@OrigamiRobot So is 52!
I was unaware.
@OrigamiRobot Alternately, we can just combine the Dakotas and the Carolinas. Nobody can tell them apart anyway.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It isn't as nice.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I refuse to be lumped together with the South Carolinians!
@OrigamiRobot But we could have a DECK OF CARDS for it!
Or we could code ourselves to the letters of the alphabet, capital and lower case!
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're talking to a pair of North Carolinians.
goes to bed
@GraceNote We do that already. Only we call them US Postal Abbreviations, and they don't map nicely.
@RavenDreamer You say this like I'm not aware.
What kind of quick-turning non-federalist do you think us Tarheels are!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Combine the Dakotas and the Virginias.
@LessPopMoreFizz you get to play mass effect in your hotel room at least? :(
@OrigamiRobot But that would break the West Virginia Quarantine Zone.
We can't let the West Virginians out! Think of the consequences man!
@LessPop_MoreFizz They've been inbreeding long enough :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz You have a point.
I say we throw Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico in a no-holds barred, non-continental deathmatch.
@RavenDreamer Not only should I be able to play Mass Effect...
Whoever wins gets to be / stay a state.
This is the best goddamned hotel internet I've ever used:
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow, 8 Mb/s up!
@RavenDreamer Isn't Alaska big enough that it could just sit on top of the competition and win?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I'm really impressed.
@GraceNote Alaska is big, but it's empty.
It's like a balloon.
@GraceNote Yeah, but it's also the coldest. It'll have to catch the other ones first. And that Hawaii is one nimble little devil.
Q: How do you get rid of converts in Idle Worship?

Kort PlecoIn the facebook game Idle Worship, how do you get rid of mudling converts on your island?

Q: How do you place more prophets on enemy islands in idle worship?

Kort PlecoHow does one place more prophets on enemy islands in Idle Worship?

Q: Stack Gaming at (a) PAX

Nick TPAX East is coming up soon (4/6-4/8, Boston, MA), and while getting passes is difficult for the average plebian, there's still a little section... Exhibitors Interested in exhibiting at PAX East 2012? Contact Bill Butler ([email protected]) for info on booth space and sponsorships. ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz The weight of dirt is pretty heavy when it is huge and has huge guts!
So who were we supposed to make MtG cards for?
What's the occasion?
People asked nicely.
@OrigamiRobot Me!
@OrigamiRobot Mine could use a touch-up since I'm about more than Terraria and Bronydom.
@Tristan Are you now?
Also, we finally caught up on Adventure Time.
@OrigamiRobot I think I've proven that with LoL, and my extensive contributions to our Spleef servers. =P Also, awesome! But now I'm behind.
@Tristan You should switch to Fluttershep. I linked it for a reason.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I saved it for when I have real Internet. It will be so.
@Tristan Eh, we all get our own associations, neh?
Q: A Pro invitational League of Legends Tournament sponsored by Stack Exchange on the ggChronicle

Seth RogersStack Exchange is sponsoring a pro-level League of Legends tournament called the ggClassic. The ggClassic is a series of tournament matches beginning next week. Gaming Stack Exchange will get good exposure to Pro LoL teams, players and their followers through advertisements on the livestream and ...

um, wat
@GraceNote True. For instance, I am almost certain when/if I ever get a card, it will primarily be about my emphasis on down voting bad things.
What of it?
was that the first announcement?
@GraceNote Not sure I follow you...
It was the first announcement to us, yes.
a full 10 days after signups closed?
@NickT Don't think of it as a participatory event for us, think of it as an ad buy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's my only idea so far...
@Tristan For example, I'm more than an age-defying witch, but, well, that's still a notable aspect, so it's what's on my card. ♪
@LessPopMoreFizz the post should really mention that
12 hours ago, by Seth Rogers
@FallenAngelEyes absolutely. I coulda been quicker on it, apologiezz. Was waiting until we were officially "in" before announcing it. The ggChronicle posted earlier (before the deal was done) because they had to start inviting teams.
@OrigamiRobot LessPop, FAE, Ashley, Strix, and anyone else who wants one
@IanPugsley FAE
@GraceNote True... But I haven't played Terraria in quite some time. Once we all started playing LoL and Minecraft together, Terraria no longer got any activity. I'm not saying he needs to change it. Just that I wouldn't be upset if he did. =P
@IanPugsley I thought FAE's was already done
@GraceNote ah right, @OrigamiRobot posted hers afterwards (forgot to take her off my list)
@GraceNote I think Gnome's really sums him up nicely :P
@IanPugsley I would, but I have few notable aspects.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that... an in-game Twitter thing?
I believe that's the Datapad app for iPhone
@GraceNote it's the new tie-in iOS app.
Those are emails from my crew
based on my progress in the game.
Pretty nifty actually.
Mmkay, we'll run one more cycle then I need to retire for the night.
That email from Ashley kind of reaffirms @agent86's suspicion that Vega slipped her something.
@TimStone I regret not letting her die in Mass Effect...
Grats General @FallenAngelEyes!
@Tristan You fool!
@TimStone I actually have a suspicion that Mr. Vega plays for the home team.
How are you people getting so many link shares? =(
Note his banter with Cortez, and while he flirts shamelessly with femshep, he'll never act on it.
@Tristan Have twitter account with lots of followers, collect links. Alternately, just post interesting things on Reddit.
@agent86 bit of a cryptic comment
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have neither of those. =(
@Tristan reddit.com/r/masseffect - it's a cesspool, but it's a useful cesspool.
Before I post a question for it, has this been discussed before? First time I've seen it
@Sterno Whazzat
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks man. Side note: I somehow hit rep cap yesterday. O.o
@LessPopMoreFizz That's what I'm wondering!
Q: Does reputation or morality matter for my allies or squad mates?

johnjonThroughout the course of the game, you end up allying yourself with various members of the Mass Effect 3 cast. Does the act of allying with a specific character change my own morality or reputation? That is, do certain characters have an inherent morality and, if so, does associating with those c...

Q: Who benefits from Squad Bonus?

BlemOne of my squad members have Arms Master and with the way Squad Bonus(Rank 6 Arms Master) is displaying the bonus I'm wondering who it affects. The wording and the way it is displayed on Shepards squad bonus abilitys(no green bar to indicate an improvement) made me think it was other members of ...

Q: What weapons punch through what cover?

johnjonI've noticed that some attacks have the capability to punch through cover depending on a combination of the type of cover, the weapon used, and what weapon mods are equipped. That is, if a enemy "E" is hiding behind cover "C" and I shoot at him with my "M"-modded "W" weapon, enemy "W" may or may...

Q: What's an Equipment Pack?

SternoSo, I've seen the Recruit, Veteran, and Spectre packs, and even asked a question about them. I mostly understand how those work. But today while playing multiplayer, I saw an Equipment Pack, which I have never previously seen. How is this different from the other packs? What does the time lim...

G'nite all. See y'all next timing-thing.
a question? how quaint
@NickT No, it's just mistagged.
My tit is better than any of those 6
nice photobomb tho :P
My beer is empty.
I think this means it is bed time.
Worst Skyrim Patch Note in the History of Skyrim Patch Notes:
and here's some pussy:
How old is Garrus?
he says he remembers Liara's mother, and Liara's over 100...
@BenBrocka Turians live approximately as long as humans, if I recall. Note that Liara's mother is a character in Mass Effect 1.
So, we can probably assume Garrus is roughly Shepard's age.
@Ullallulloo Thanks.
@OrigamiRobot I want a card.
Huh. Can't find anything on Turian life expectancy or Garrus' age at the wiki
> In addition, the lifespan of a turian is comparable to that of a human
@NickT Yes, that's the first they told us about it. I have semi-gently pointed out this flaw on the Google+ post by SE announcing this event (they announced it a month ago).
Sourced to a forum post though, which is a broken link due to them updating the forum URLs. |:
I guess birds...or insects...or lizards...don't live especially long, the way it was said just seemed to imply he'd been around for an long time, and I know he's supposed to be "old"
Yeah, he tells a lot of stories that you could probably use to take a guess at approximately how old is he, but they're scattered across all of the games, so I'm not really positive.
There's some interesting discussion in this thread, and similar speculation on Garrus' wiki talk page. Seems to put him between 25- 35.
The debate seems mostly over whether C-Sec would be considered Turian military service and if it makes sense for him to be older than Shepard.
25?! I was figuring 50s in human years considering how he talks about being old
Yeah, I'm personally inclined to go with the higher end of the scale.
Q: What do I do with Indaryn's Gold Necklace in Skyrim?

wjlIn Skyrim, I have "Indaryn's Gold Necklace". It's marked as a quest item so I can't drop it. What do I do with it? A google search for the item name yields zero hits. All of the Skyrim wikis seem to be completely silent on the topic. Does anyone have any idea? This is Skyrim on PS3, with all th...

Q: Are there any other hilarious sequences/dialogues similar to Blasto 6 in ME3?

magoyaBadassfully: I had a huge laugh listening though the Blasto 6 poster end to end. Any similar things? Blasto 6 so far is one of my top 3 highlights of the game.

Q: Is the Mass Effect 3 promotion going on too long?

ResorathFirst, I just wanted to say this was a great promotion. I'm sure we hit some sort of acceleration record for questions (and answers) both due to the grant and the prizes. My main concern is this promotion is still going on for another week. I think it is fair to say that we have covered most of...

I'll break someone's legs if the contest ends before I get my link shares in. Just sayin'.
I was lucky enough that apparently enough people click my links through twitter shares
@TimStone <3
Link shares are easy. Just beg on facebook. You have more than 15 friends right?
(facebook friends)
While I'm sure my friends would click on random links (unfortunately |:), I'm not sure they'd do it 15 times.
you just need it 5 per link
oh thats right
so just put 15 links in one post, 5 friends shift + clicking madly
@TimStone I need link shares too... I want that damn messenger bag...
I created this query and i was sad it only returned one result, then i realized it only updates monthly
@GraceNote night
@BenBrocka Garrus helped kill Liara's mother.
@RavenDreamer awk-ward
To be fair, she was indoctrinated and trying to murdelate a lot of people.
Canonically, Liara helped kill Liara's mother.
Of course, on my playthrough, I saved her last, even after Virmire, which meant...
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is pure Win in my book :)
Bedtime. I wonder if when I get up in the morning I'll have serial upvoting correction and get to become an Admiral a 5th time!
@RavenDreamer That thing is going to give me nightmares.
@Sterno Says you are for me.
@Sterno We can only hope :)
@RavenDreamer For now!
That sentence finally finished processing.
@GraceNote Oh, my. The New champion looks right up your ally.
Kewl, amazon giving prime another 3000 videos over the next few weeks including Myth Busters! I hope Modern Marvels gets in there too :)
Q: Where are the Manual Overrides?

Bravo840In rescuing the recruits/students/biotics from Orion Hall I am asked to find the manual overrides. I have no idea where they are as I missed the first few words that potentially contained a clue as to where I am supposed to look and now the "Objective Indicator" says "Find Manual Overrides." So,...

@RavenDreamer Been thinking about playing that again
Weird... It won't let me award my bounty...
@RavenDreamer New champion!?
@Tristan Hasn't been long enough yet.
@TimStone Oh. Thanks!
(a little over an hour to go, looks like)
@RavenDreamer Is she a Mage, then? Or a support?
@Tristan Looks like a mage, and I've heard nothing about a new support champion.
Well... I'll be buying her then.
Dear Riot, Did you know that you can download data and patch files at the same time? That would really help NOT WASTE MY TIME.. UGH! rage Sincerely Yours, Me.
When I get back to internets with which I can play...
Whoa, this is trippy.
Wow, that's pretty cool
1 hour later…
Q: Charm/intimidate option in ME3

Ashwin GaneshIs there any sure shot methodology to get the charm/intimidate option to be available in mass effect 3? For instance in Priority : Tuchanka, i had to lose Mordin Solus because i didnt have a suitable charm/intimidate decision. I would like to know what i should do to get these in my decision tree...

Q: How does firing from behind cover affect accuracy?

johnjonDoes firing from behind cover affect weapon accuracy? I can see this going either way from a "real-life" standpoint. I can see the accuracy increasing and recoil decreasing due to stability provided by a hard slab of material to rest your arms and weapon against. I can also see the accuracy decre...

Q: Is "inline text" supposed to be visible in the spoiler tag?

Resorath Is inline text supposed to be visible inside the spoiler tag like this? It is an interesting design feature if it is, otherwise I would call it a bug.

Q: some anti-creeper building tricks in minecraft

ParalyticI love building in minecraft just as much as i love the idea of random mobs attacking me while i build however i dont not like it when im just walking out my door after a snooze and a creeper didnt get the memo and was hiding on one side of my house and sneaks up behind me as i walk out and does ...

Q: Can Shen teleport Fiora around the map?

RapidaAssuming they are on opposite teams, if Fiora uses her ultimate on a Shen that is channeling his ultimate does the Fiora end up with the Shen at his new location?

Q: Does completing mass effect 2 on insanity difficult have any rewards for mass effect 3?

ChristopherAs per the title; does completing mass effect 2 on insanity difficult have any rewards for mass effect 3? I am considering replaying ME2 to see how different choices effect ME3 and want to know if it is worth playing on insanity.

Q: How do Vanguards handle Silver and Gold Multiplayer matches?

ParalyticIt seems to me that most Vanguards i see are when i occasionally play bronze to level up some of my characters for some N7 Rating. I never see a Vanguard playing in Silver or Gold. I'm curious if they would be any good as it would appear that if they arent extrememly careful they would be demolis...

@Sterno If you are able to get me the file it would be helpful. I'd like to extract some numbers so I can do some more official math with it.
Hi there. I'm stuck with interface problem
Is it possible to switch to a full edit window instead of the in-question one?
Cause I lost the ability to upload images
Oh wait
Is the previewer broken?
Ok never mind, it's back
Glad that worked out cause I have no idea and I think im the only one here :)
... at least the only one paying attention ;)
there any step by step instructions on how to change the image for my profile?
@Ktash I wouldn't go that far :)
@Paralytic Go to your profile, find the change avatar and it will take you to Gravatar. sign up if you havent and upload an icon
Then just set it as active for G/SE
@James Heh, I was referring mainly to me lol
@james just not seeing it :C
@Paralytic Your User page -> Edit (it's in the top right hand side of the white area) -> Change Picture (below your current picture)
@Paralytic If you can wait for me to finish this round of LOL I can help more hand son :)
Sign up with your email that you have in your profile, and then change your avatar through gravatar
@Ktash there we go, i must be blind not seeing that haha
@Paralytic It happens to me all the time. No worries
thanks for the help tho c:
@Ktash surrre, help em out while I am finishing up my game, I see how it is! :)
@James Heh, hey, I know how important a LoL match is. Wanted to make sure you were able to keep your focus
@Ktash haha, was against bots
I just suck at Dominion, I dont know why.
It's okay. I suck at LoL. And barely passing at DOTA which I played a lot more
Never played Dota :)
@James they finally added Bots to Dominion then?
Ah well, 2am, and my breathing is back to normal.. Me thinks... @Jam pings me? Really??? Anywho.. Methinks its time to try calling it a night again.
I like Dota more. But that's just me
Only in Co-Op vs AI, I was unable to do a normal custom game against em
Yeah, the @ doesn't auto-complete on enter @Paral
@Ktash It did ping me though
haha yah was laughing when i did it
Guess I am the closest to Jam there is right now :D
@James Yeah, I think it pings you if you are the only match
Anyway, I'm off to bed too. 2am is a little too late for me to be doing nothing lol
@Ktash Same.. Cya @Paralytic :)
gnight you two
Q: Minecraft server world moved to bukkit server but its loading the world as if it was made a week ago

phazedSo i moved my snapshot server(the one that just had the jungles made) too the CraftBukkit 1.2.3-R0.2 when i move the world and everything else over it loads the world but the world as if was saved a week ago, everything iv done in the past few days is gone.

3 hours later…
@Sterno Looks like you get to keep your rank! Looks like @agent86 can finish his slow cheer, too!
I just hope i can reach rank 4
Q: Does the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer component has any effect on the Single Player component and vice-versa?

JohnoBoyDo you unlock anything for the single player campaign when playing multiplayer Mass Effect 3 or vice versa, or are the modes completely separated?

seems ive answered this question as well as anyone could, how do i get the bounty for it?
@Paralytic Wait for the OP to give it to you
Q: What is the point of duchies if you're king?

Quentinexample : I'm king of france and count of all counties inside normandy. I'm also the duke of normandy. What benefits does this 'duke of normandy' title give to me exactly? i tried to give the 'duke of normandy' title to another noble and it didn't seem to change anything except he was now the ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Yaaay, thanks!
Awesome. Looks likeWasteland 2 is a go
@OrigamiRobot thanks
@Paralytic I LIVE TO SERVE, SIR.
@OrigamiRobot I keep not seeing you
I keep looking for the green
has it's own tag, why not ...
soo i keep sharing answers and questions on facebook but its not really giving me credit on the mass effect 3 missions thing. what am i doing wrong?
are you using the personalized referral link?
@Paralytic People actually have to click the link.
@Paralytic They need to be upvoted at least once and need to be viewed by 5 different people
They actually have to click
Also they have to be on separate IPs
So if you have like 2 friends in one apartment who share an IP, they'll only count once
a link like http://gaming.stackexchange.com/q/52827/2259 instead of http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/52827/what-determines-how-much-experience-a-champion-receives
the /#### on the end of the first one being your user ID (it's automatically added if you click the "link" button on a question)
man this is gonna be tough then
@NickT make it!
@OrigamiRobot Man, you're making me want to rewatch
@NickT I hated even when I was a nice robot.
Q: Stack Gaming at (a) PAX

Nick TPAX East is coming up soon (4/6-4/8, Boston, MA), and while getting passes is difficult for the average plebian, there's still a little section... Exhibitors Interested in exhibiting at PAX East 2012? Contact Bill Butler ([email protected]) for info on booth space and sponsorships. ...

Good morning all
There are 1672 questions tagged and only 649 tagged .
Now, Skyrim is apparently larger, it has seen some updates, and it also has its fair share of junk and bogus questions... but I don't imagine that accounts for a full thousand of its bulk.
(The time doesn't count, I'm focusing more on question potential than absolute numbers, using said numbers simply to illustrate potential)
@OrigamiRobot there, fixed
@GraceNote I don't think I can see us breaking 1,000 legit, non-dupe questions with the game
@GraceNote Open-world games tend to have more potential questions than more linear games. Subjectively, I'd say that Skyrim has a significantly larger potential question pool than ME3
I somewhat hope that that's not what the issue was
so is the website going to end after the ME3 promotion does?
isn't that what happens in the game?
@FallenAngelEyes That seems almost depressing.
@GraceNote It's the differing nature of the 2 games, like Fabian said. ME3 is way more linear than Skyrim.
In regards to both character builds and area exploration.
@NickT You're going to release PAX at the Penny Arcade Expo?!?! Devious.
Narrative-wise, I find it difficult to compare, considering the import variables of ME3.
For a series that has always been touted on the ability to make choices, that is depressing to hear
touted as having?

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