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"What's that game where you try to save the Earth from Reapers? I think it's a sequel, it came out in like 2012 or something."
@IanPugsley I was so tempted to post that.
some people feel like ITG questions are useful to more than the asker. following from this stance, they believe they should be preserved.
But no, really, I'm not trying to just stir the pot here. I'm trying to understand the purpose of updating old ones. Is the idea that we're providing value to some future googler?
Or is it simply so they aren't deleted, with the attendant rep loss?
@Sterno I'm not sure how rep loss from deletion works currently, but I don't think it's as severe as it was under previous calculation systems
If it's the former, than I really feel like we're trying to create a game database, which seems odd. If it's the latter, I guess I understand it from that perspective.
I think I remember reading that after a certain time period, you won't lose rep if it's deleted.
Found it. Needs score 3 or higher, and visible on site for at least 60 days
@Sterno it's score +3 or greater, and visible for 60 or more days
So if the reason to update ITGs is the to prevent rep loss, you can at least lighten the work load by a lot by cutting out all the ones that wouldn't lose rep anyway
@Sterno it's the contention of supporters of this plan that ITG questions are found by, and used by, people long after they are asked and answered
@agent86 Lilith FTW
Loooooove phasewalk
Try crawmerax with a team, someone needs to be Lilith
@BenBrocka I had the sniper guy, and my wife was playing the soldier. I know it's possible to win with Lilith, I just never had a lilith powerful enough.
@agent86 Okay. Which brings us back to a "game database". Which I can stop arguing about here, I guess.
I just wanted to make sure we weren't creating work we had no need to create.
Ack, sniper would be terrible against him, too hard to hit between his claws
@OrigamiRobot Zombified
Anarchy SMGs are where it's at
@Sterno if people asked ITG questions about every game, then yes, we'd eventually end up with a game database. I think with how sparse the ITG question field is, it's unlikely to get to that point.
this is not something I've researched, and not a position I'm prepared to defend, however
If ITG is eventually allowed, I'll make an alt and write game-rec questions thinly disguised as ITG
I'm certain that at this point, more games are released every year than we get ITG questions, so no we'll never have all of them
Unless we start getting exponentially more ITGs, which would be a huge problem
@BenBrocka there's probably a bias against "mainstream" games in these type of questions as well.
@ArdaXi I will make intentionally misleading ITGs which 100% fit the proposed criteria.
I'm sure there's enough indie or mainstream games to surpass the #of ITG we get anyway
I see @OrigamiRobot has been upgraded to a SIR
@OrigamiRobot "It's a game where you have like a crowbar and a bunch of guns and maybe a crossbow and you go around killing aliens and there are really tall aliens with three legs and you have a gun that can pick stuff up. But it's not Half-Life 2. I promise."
the 16th
@Sterno friday, noon central time. it's in the question.
Yeah, I just found it and self-edited :P
that is, unless I go out to lunch that day. in which case you guys will have to wait.
@StrixVaria Closed. Too vague.
@Ullallulloo Well, closed for not following the template.
looks like (finally) a solid victory anyway
I will also claim that I played the game in 2010 no matter when I think the game was released.
I honestly don't know what our current "criteria" are for ITG anyway since I just VTC and downvote all of them no matter what.
you guys and the hate. man. I wish I could bottle all the energy you guys use to come up with ways to troll the system and sell it. Or hell, drink it. probably better than caffeine. I'm not a big ITG supporter personally (you might have noticed) but jeez. It's like they kicked your collective puppy and stole your lollipop.
I have been wondering where my lollipop went.
@agent86 I was built by @Wipqozn. I run off spite. What do you expect?
@agent86 If my hate could kill people, Sage Software would be missing some "designers" and "developers" today
@Sterno you left it in the admiral's lounge. I confiscated it as payment for peanut theft.
I think the hate comes from all the extra work and strife ITGs cause, while simultaneously no one can actually articulate the benefits.
@agent86 I feel like if you could bottle up hate, it should definitely not become a beverage
@agent86 Oh, I'll be back. I'll probably get kicked out again, but I'll be back!
There isn't anything good about ITG.
That about sums it up.
@StrixVaria They give us something to nerdrage about.
possibly a biological weapon or useful super-acid, but definitely not a beverage
I hate things that are completely devoid of good-ness.
@Sterno Also the fact that multiple pro-ITG people have said they wouldn't mind if it was banned, and yet they fight fervently for them to stay.
@Sterno yeah, okay, fine. but if there was a little blood pressure monitor attached to people in here when we start talking about this subject, I could watch the mercury rise in it to the point of veins popping out of their necks.
@IanPugsley it would require a certain amount of distillation, to be sure. I think I could maybe extract the energy and refine the negativity out of it somehow.
@agent86 Oh yeah? Want to see something cool? Hey everyone! EA rocks! Microsoft rocks too!
@agent86 Distilled hatred sounds like an even worse idea!
This is how 28 Days Later started, isn't it?
I really love the Origin service. I feel it has enhanced my gaming experience.
@IanPugsley haha, you have no faith in my faux-chemistry abilities.
@agent86 next you'll want to create the superflu from The Stand
or start experimenting on how to reanimate dead tissue
@IanPugsley I don't have time to find the relevant User Friendly strip.
@IanPugsley I doubt it could stay in a bottle without dissolving it.
Someone collected all the distilled hatred from Usenet and it became Hastur.
@IanPugsley I believe the technical term is Haterade
Why is it so unbelievably hard to draw on an iPhone?
@Tristan It's easy peasy on my Android phone! You should upgrade.
There I drew an iphone :D
@BenBrocka nah, I grew up on haterade - that stuff is delicious
Oh, ON an iPhone
That's slightly more complicated
@StrixVaria I had an android and it broke... Three times.
They do make styluses/styli for capcitive touch screens
@Tristan I'm actually on iPhone #3. The first two were already broken straight out of the box.
point is, I'm not sure the iPhone quality is that great either.
@RESPAWN Probably not, but I needed a change.
In truth, it's the apps that get you. I came from a Blackberry to this and... I'd be lost without my iPhone now.
And now that I've bought an iPad, it's just gotten worse.
I hate to admit it, but Apple has slowly gotten their hooks into me. :(
If this ridiculous Gaming.SE fan fiction contest picks ME3, I'm going to enter despite knowing nothing at all about the universe. I'm going to name my Shepard Jack and have tons allusions to Lost.
@RESPAWN But Android has free ones.
@StrixVaria you just made me realize that I don't think there are any fat people in the Mass Effect universe
@IanPugsley Space dwarves (whatever they're called)
@OrigamiRobot humans (or whatever they're called)
@IanPugsley You forget about the Volus
@RESPAWN Yea that!
They're like little walking eggs!
clarification; I don't think there are any fat humans in the ME universe
@IanPugsley Multiple character models for one race? Ridiculous!
@RESPAWN I am so, so sorry. Do you think there is any hope for you?
@ArdaXi Not as long as I keep working at an office that's 50% Mac. :(
@StrixVaria Gaming.SE fan fiction? wat
@Tristan the horrors
Q: Interested in a short story contest taking place in games' story lines?

Seth RogersSome of the games we love on the site have such rich stories and well-developed worlds. Many of us spend good times (and sometimes not as good :) traveling, hacking, defeating and dying in these universes... Would YOU want to participate in a writing contest wherein you pen (with quill or typewr...

@ArdaXi Love it!
Actually, I had to break down and finally order a new Mac for myself on Monday. This one is 7ish years old and is starting to show its age. :(
So I've decided I need that headset.
@BenBrocka I'm expecting "Nick Poodoo, Action Scientist" (for those familiar with Anthony Burch)
@IanPugsley You still at work?
@RonanForman I get home around 10PM GMT(/whatever new GMT is)
@RonanForman The headset from the contest? I feel the same about the messenger bag and Xbox.... lol
and on Wednesdays, more like 1AM GMT (comic book day, usually get dinner afterwards)
@Tristan Considering my recent work, they should just give me one.
@RonanForman If my Xbox breaks, I'll no longer be able to provide valuable input for the site. =P
Q: What dose the blue cross signify?

BlemI'm feeling a bit silly for asking because I'm pretty sure the answer is very simple, but what dose the blue cross next to credits signify on the Mission Computer screen (in game menu screen)?

@RonanForman considering how awesome I am, they should just give me one of everything.
actually, how about two. one doesn't seem quite enough of a celebration of my awesomeness.
@agent86 I'd totally agree if you'd give me on of the headsets.
@agent86 You're already getting the TV, I'm sure. But if you'd rather take the Xbox and donate it to the "Tristan Needs a New Xbox Foundation"...
@agent86 I will take one StackExchange please
@OrigamiRobot yes, now go!
@RonanForman done.
oh hey, the fanfic thing is real
I'm so serving up some ShepardxLegion slashfic action
@IanPugsley I have this shiny new +1 internets for you, sir
@OrigamiRobot hah, nice try assassin-bot.
Something tells me my foundation isn't going to get many backers. lol
@agent86 I've already got one - is this one any better?
@Tristan I'll sign a petition but I'm a bit hard up on Xboxen at the moment
@Tristan yeah, you should set up a DBA as a children's hospital, and then register for child's play
@agent86 you're a monster for even thinking of that
@agent86 Hmm.. That IS a good charity. Though, I could've just bought a new Xbox with all the money I've donated through Child's Play.
also, holy carp I just found out Aesop Rock is doing an album with Kimya Dawson (artist name is Uncluded)
include stdio
unclude unstdio
@BenBrocka I can't imagine that'd be the source of that, but then again, who knows
A: What does the blue cross signify?

CaulynDarrIt's your current amount of Medi-gel

People need to start asking more painfully easy questions so I can get my last +5 posts...
Apparently I need to stop doing work so I can answer more painfully easy questions...
Okay so I'm playing mass effect alone now, you can watch if you like: justin.tv/stackgaming
@BenBrocka Don't worry, i got some more lined up ^^
And if you can join me in mumble!
@RonanForman you're using mumble instead of skype then?
Yeah, less lag.
the sound is pretty bad on justin atm
@BenBrocka I think you're going to beat me to Admiral. I've run out of steam.
@Sterno WHAT?
this is unacceptable. you get back out there and you answer some questions maggot!
I just went through the unanswered list and didn't see any I could answer (without Science!, which I'm unable to perform ATM). I also didn't see a way to improve my +4s.
Oh bloom, why is there no way to disable you?
And, yes, zombies are slow.
Q: What is a tech burst and how do you do it in ME3?

ElpezmuertoThis is probably a silly question but I can't figure this out. I play as an infiltrator, a tech class, and sometimes will kill an enemy with a tech burst. It generally happens in the heat of battle when I not focusing on every single action my team and me do. What is a tech burst and how do I p...

Q: How to remove Swarmers from you in ME3

ElpezmuertoHow do you remove swarmers that are already attached to you? They remind me of the Dead Space swarmers. Unlike the Dead Space variety, there isn't a clear visual indicator or action on how to stop them from attacking you.

@Lazers I think the question everyone is labelling as a dupe seems to be missing the definition of what a tech burst is.
@StrixVaria stars
I wish there was some easy way to jump to the profile of a user on the site the room is from
I could do this. or I could ask for it.
nah, whining is easier
smiles ban-itg is 6 votes ahead. I'm so happy.
@agent86 it's interesting how it just seems to pick a random profile for them
@Sterno nah, it's under the user's control
@Sterno Chat profile is selected by the user.
@Wipqozn Don't jinx it
I should go figure out how to set mine then!
@Sterno Go here. Edit profile.
...wrong link
@GraceNote It's cool, I found it
@GraceNote whoa, you made a mistake?
You must have bumped your head over the weekend or something.
She's weak! Move in for the kill!
@Wipqozn It's just a ploy to lower your defenses.
You have to ask yourself, "Is [Grace's] hand still on the bat?"
^ Called it.
When it comes down to it, there are very few people who will swing the bat.
@TimStone I hope you caught it, too.
I do have excellent reflexes.
@Wipqozn Delayed, but I'll take it.
@StrixVaria Well, I just got home.
While I appreciate the sentiment of whoever just upvoted 3 +4s I had to get me to +5s, I am near-certain at this point that it will be detected as serial upvoting, since that happened the last three times. :P
@Wipqozn Oh you're one of those people who actually reads back a ways.
Who put @OrigamiRobot into obedience mode?
I don't do that.
@Wipqozn @StrixVaria and some other people I don't know by heart, this is for you.
@Sterno For all you know, it's the same person each time
@StrixVaria Nope, I was just checking a reply, your message was shortly after that.
@GraceNote That is true.
@ArdaXi I'm still deciding whether I like MLP or not. The gravatar change was mostly a joke.
And now I'm just too lazy to change it back.
I have to admit, if someone's trolling me with it, they're doing a good job. :)
Even though I was at the Gravatar site today.
And could have clicked once to change it.
@TimStone @RonanForman DID.
An acceptable explanation.
...I only just realized that Strix is now Rarity.
for like a week
@GraceNote Mostly GIR still!
@OrigamiRobot Your eyes are too dark.
@StrixVaria Blame @RonanForman.
Where do we find the details for the SE Gaming events? I am curious if the Dungeon Defenders one will be using Trendy Net characters or not
Just take a photo of it and use that - the red eye should do you well.
Today I saw @badp retweet horse_ebooks, and I knew my work was complete.
Red GIR is like seriously red. Like FF0000 red. Seriously.
Technically 660000 is just as red, just not as bright
So what's this I heard about fan fiction?
@ArdaXi Eso?
Q: Interested in a short story contest taking place in games' story lines?

Seth RogersSome of the games we love on the site have such rich stories and well-developed worlds. Many of us spend good times (and sometimes not as good :) traveling, hacking, defeating and dying in these universes... Would YOU want to participate in a writing contest wherein you pen (with quill or typewr...

@GraceNote Ewha?
@BenBrocka There's less red, so it's not as red.
@ArdaXi "That"
There's only like 3/8ths as much red in 660000 as FF0000.
it's still pure red, just at a lower brightness
Ooh, I'm keeping this one.
user image
The ratio is the same, but it's NOT AS RED
man, I can't believe "what happens when the reapers catch me" is my #1 most viewed ME3 question
@ArdaXi Sad that you actually aren't still qualifying for the badge.
If its not fanfiction by this guy I'm not interested.
@GraceNote How did you...?
@ArdaXi I just browsed to the question and saw that your answer was at 9.
Two downvotes? :(
@Tristan Ah, I forgot you.
@ArdaXi @murgatroid99 and @Zam as well.
@agent86 I would think the answer to that would be obvious...
@agent86 Yeah, especially since people could just let them catch up to find out.
@GraceNote Well, I'm never giving it back. Never!
You can't make me!
Oh my god yes, 3/4 assignments done.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What the.... How on earth did you even find such an author?
@ArdaXi I don't like that video. Not just because they are mocking me, but because they are just reusing tired old nerd jokes and sticking MLP in there without making any new or relevant jokes.
His bio doesn't exactly make me want to read any of his stuff.
Hey @Mana!
@murgatroid99 So, not because they are mocking you, but because they aren't mocking you creatively enough.
@ArdaXi The only thing I could relate to in that video is listening to Skrillex. I don't eat Cheetos, have an Internet girlfriend, or own a fleshlight. Nor am I morbidly obese with a vast collection of things related to the show. In summary, that video is wrong.
@Tristan Something is wrong? On the internet?!
@ArdaXi Yes. The fact is that all of the jokes in there could relate to any fandom, which shows that they didn't even bother to learn anything about the people they were making fun of. And that's kind of insulting
How many fandoms originally intended for 8-year-old girls are there?
@Tristan I'm just mostly concerned that you don't eat Cheetos. Something's really wrong with you...
@ArdaXi Hard to believe, I know. But yeah, @murgatroid99 has the right of it.
@ArdaXi ...a ton?
@GraceNote That are also majorly picked up by people outside their target audience on the scale of MLP?
Having watched 7 episodes of MLP, I don't see anything terribly special about it.
@ArdaXi My point is that that's not what they were mainly making jokes about. Every nerd culture has the stereotypical fat cheese fingered guy that watches weird porn. It wasn't very funny the first thousand times, and sticking in MLP figures doesn't make it any funnier.
There are jokes, but there are jokes in any cartoon.
@ArdaXi I don't actually think MLP fandom is really all that overt, honestly.
@StrixVaria This is actually my logic for watching it, strange enough.
@GraceNote Because it's nothing special?
I can watch and enjoy almost any cartoon.
@StrixVaria It's nothing that I have to take special consideration about. At the end of the day, it's an entertaining cartoon.
@GraceNote Scale, not audacity. I mean, 4chan is like the most popular site on the internet, but its members aren't exactly vocal.
@GraceNote Oh, yeah. I'll watch more if I have free time, but I'm not going to set aside time in my schedule for it.
@ArdaXi I meant on a scale sense - I don't think that the "brony" is all that much huge as it just feels such because of the net being in a phase where it's going to pay attention to this kind of thing.
Q: How can I force unlimited arrows followers?

RenanNot all the followers will shoot arrows forever even though you have only given them one unit. What I need to know is how can I force followers whose arrows don't last to be infinite. Mods and console command are also welcome.

@StrixVaria Yeah... It uses a formula that's worked several times over, so I figure it must be doing something right. Having adult references like The Big Lebowski and a character suffering from a severe amblyopia helps me enjoy it more, though.
@GraceNote In a Texas Sharpshooter sort of way you mean?
@RESPAWN eh, it was still something of a curiosity for me. My natural gaming instincts say "RUN RUN RUN" but at the time I didn't have the option of testing it. it just surprises me the number of people who are also curious but unable/unwilling to test it
@ArdaXi The only sharpshooter I've ever cared to know is Annie Oakley, and she wasn't from Texas, so I'd have to say your reference is lost on me.
@GraceNote he's referencing the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
I'm sure a wikipedia link is seconds away.
The Texas sharpshooter fallacy is a logical fallacy in which pieces of information that have no relationship to one another are called out for their similarities, and that similarity is used for claiming the existence of a pattern. This fallacy is the philosophical/rhetorical application of the multiple comparisons problem in statistics, and apophenia in cognitive psychology. It is related to the clustering illusion, which refers to the tendency in human cognition to interpret patterns in randomness where none actually exist. The name comes from a joke about a Texan who fires some shots...
@agent86 good call
@ArdaXi I don't understand the relevance
@agent86 Was going to link that, but you did say Wikipedia link.
@ArdaXi so my prediction came true because I predicted it. Very Minority Report-esque.
You mean a self-fulfilling prophecy.
@ArdaXi well, you helped. so I don't know if it was self fulfilled.
unless we're the same person. In which case, what am I doing in the netherlands?
@agent86 It came true because you made it.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Although examples of such prophecies can be found in literature as far back as ancient Greece and ancient India, it is 20th-century sociologist Robert K. Merton who is credited with coining the expression "self-fulfilling prophecy" and formalizing its structure and consequences. In his book Social Theory and Social Structure, Merton defines self-fulfilling prophecy in the following terms: e.g. ...
I guess, kinda, then. I meant more of a "It is more likely that it seems to stand out because everyone is paying attention to it, not vice versa as most people might think it".
@GraceNote That's exactly what that fallacy is about. Well, either that or just a cognitive bias I suppose.
@ArdaXi eh, if you say so. you're the pedant, so I accept whatever pedantic pedantry you peddle.
@agent86 A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true
@respawn shakespearehemmingway and his Garfield fanfic is an Internet legend. You should read his Kings Speech/ Garfield crossover it is inspiring.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Clearly I have not been paying any attention to fanfic on the internet. I'll have to check it out, though, now that you mention it.
@agent86 I lol'd.
@GraceNote Interestingly, it seems a bit different from the inside, but that's not exactly an objective point of view
People have been un-voting for the pro-ITG stance.
It's weird.
I don't mind it, but it's weird.
@murgatroid99 I speak mostly as having observed the lesser-observed fandoms of similar stuff elsewheres - the brony fandom seems just as outspoken and just as proud to be themselves, so I actually see no reason why it seems to stand out so much other than that people just are paying more attention.
@StrixVaria They are seeing the light. I'm sure it's unrelated to my recent change...
@GraceNote You could be right, that it's just a fad that looks really big because the internet is paying attention to it right now, but I guess we kind of feel like our fandom is special (more special than others), probably in part because of the "love and tolerance" thing
@GraceNote I wouldn't say the net is in a phase to pay attention to things, the net just sort of works how it works. It likes memes, but I wouldn't really call that a phase. Memes always existed, people just now know to associate that with cat pictures and crap
@murgatroid99 I think the attention is more of a fad than the fandom itself - I expect the fandom to persist.
@murgatroid99 As for the love and tolerance thing, well, isn't that the point of the show? ♪
The attention has lasted for quite a while. of course it will go away eventually though
"love and tolerance" always made me want to vomit. Being polite is great, but...barf.
(Comparatively, the community for MLP is actually a lot kinder and in many ways not as ostracizing as some of the other fandoms I've seen, this is true, but again, that's just a facet of the people in that community)
okay, I gave my money to wasteland 2 as well.
sign me up for whatever double fine is putting out, and that game
@Wipqozn looks more like everyone's got the Itch
@GraceNote Sort of, but they never actually said it in the show. The community kind of picked up on it as an overall message and ran with it as kind of a motto.
This room needs more tits:
You got hosed by @Wipqozn, @NickT.
5 1/2 pairs of tits that
@NickT I prefer boobies:
...really, @Wipqozn? Are you just waiting?
Wipqozn = Interrupting cowMOOO
Also, could we not do the Comms Room thing and do the whole birds thing?
@GraceNote I'm honestly not. This is awesome.
@GraceNote wat
That's birdist.
@badp The message/image thing is something that had its own relative frequency in that room for a period of time. Among other things.
I guess I don't want to know more

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