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Imma painting a digimon.
The kit is pretty simple, so it won't take long to finish.
Hoping to have the gross work done by Thursday.
@GnomeSlice Same; I'm a little underwhelmed so far though.
@Frank you know which one?
@Memor-X Omegamon
@Frank had to double check the name for that one. seems like i've just been remembering the name it went by in Our War Game where it's called Omnimon
@Memor-X Same one.
They made him pretty mecha-ish for the kit.
Pfft. People are suing Trump for blocking them on Twitter.
The argument is that by Trump being the President, his Twitter account is a public space, and the government can't censor criticism of their policies.
They want him to unblock them immediately.
@Frank i can see that since he seems to post there first before doing anything
though a better solution would be for Trump to not run the country off Twitter
are these recent blocks?
@Beedrill I think I know what you mean but I'm getting more into it the more I play
I started with the 2048 campaign
I did a bit of the 2048 campaign and a bit of the HD campaign and the 2048 one seemed faster.
*sees Idea Factory email* oh hey Dark Rose Valkyrie is out int the U.......S........why are all the screenshots showing the characters in their underware
Also I have no idea what "zone" races are but I got a gold medal by just driving around the track a few times in weird colors.
> The objective of Zone is to navigate successfully around the track without damaging the ship for as long as possible before suffering too much damage, destroying the ship.
I think in zone the speed class slowly ramps up
Yeah, I'm reading about it now.
These early races are slow lol
Google "Wipeout phantom"
Highest speed class
I remember phantom in Wipeout 64 being more or less unplayable for me
AG systems are still the best ships
I haven't paid any attention to the names of ships I've picked.
Apparently June 8-12 is double XP weekend in Overwatch.
@Beedrill they have a flavour, like the qirex ones are all tanky and deadly, AG systems all have good handling
I played van something.
Had really good handling and pretty good top speed.
Oh that's the bonus one you get with the code
Or something
Or is like an exclusive new ship
I don't have any codes.
I don't think I have it??
Yeah the box came with one oh right
Yeah I think that's just for avatars actually
I want to play Wipeburnout.
Wibupernout. That's the one.
Anyways, the point is, I want a game about high-speed antigrav racing where you're encouraged to ram your opponents into traffic.
I just tried a race on phantom and wrecked on my second lap
...... so.... is there a Department of Justice right now?
It seems unlikely that Sessions will actually resign but if he did and this, of all things, was what was his political undoing I'd laugh and laugh and then cry a bit and then maybe laugh some more
Of course on the flip side now that we know Trump refused his resignation maybe Trump will inexplicably 180 and demand it
And then he wouldn't nominate an AG because that's somehow the Senate minority's job or some shit
"it's like watching Fyre Fest being organized but for government" daaaaaaaaaaaaamn
This sounds so wrong. Shouldn't it be the other way round?
@PrivatePansy Oh, I thought that was her new slogan and I thinking-faced hard there
@PrivatePansy igh god dammit I swear to God @fredley
@PrivatePansy they can't hate us for our freedoms if we have no freedoms!
Haha I found a typo "defult controls"
If labour doesnt win we will judge you more
On one of the loading screen tips
@GnomeSlice That's a Microsoft Word-level typo right there, too
I'm dying https://t.co/NdROgIXuOY
Hahah, nice
@TimStone Everyone knows that Trump is a control freak, so he won't accept a resignation, he'll fire you instead. Unless he thinks you're super loyal, in which case he'll keep you on longer than anyone would advise.
Used a kit's stickers as masking for my paint job.
@Frank oooooo
@Memor-X Nice sharp lines.
Had to be super careful peeling them off, though.
@Frank why?
@Memor-X They're stickers; they stick better than painter's tape.
Peel 'em off too fast, and they take the paint with them.
Pretty set on moving to Canada now though so... Eh
@Frank oh right. i generally though that only happened if the sticker had been on for a while
@fredley Oh?
The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) is a protocol allowing websites to declare their intended use of information they collect about web browser users. Designed to give users more control of their personal information when browsing, P3P was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and officially recommended on April 16, 2002. Development ceased shortly thereafter and there have been very few implementations of P3P. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge were the only major browsers to support P3P. The president of TRUSTe has stated that P3P has not been implemented widely due...
Huh, so this is a thing
HAHAHAHAHA I didn't notice this:
> Donald Trump Expansion Made in China
@fredley dammit
Cc @Wipqozn @GodEmperorDune
Holy shit what
.@karenhandel doesn't want workers to make enough money to live https://t.co/9Gxiahq8Zb
Literally what
Let me just
Quote you there
> I do not support a livable wage.
Beginning and end of sentence
Prefaced by "this is the difference between a liberal and a conservative"
You can't make this shit up
so just wondering. with Ending E how do you get it? i read in some places you just see Endings C or D a second time, other places say you see it after Ending C or D depending on which you got second and others that say you have to get both C and D first then replay one of them
@Vemonus ^ since i know you seem to know almost everything about the game
@fredley I see what you did there
@Memor-X I believe you just have to get them. When you go for the second one, you'll get the prompt for ending E.
@Vemonus shit.....is Ending E different between A2 and 9S or is it the same?
@Memor-X it's the same, don't worry
@Vemonus oh good. i really don't like 9S so i guess i can plan A2 casually and then skip most of 9S just to get Ending E
@Memor-X you could just use chapter select to skip right to the final fight. It takes about 2 minutes to get ending C/D after you've gotten the other one
Also, I can confirm that you only need to do each ending once for ending E's prompt. I was given the trophies for seeing ending D and E at the same time
@Vemonus that'll make it easier
@Memor-X yeah. But let's be real. That entire final chapter is godlike
Who wouldn't replay that
@Vemonus not sure what you mean anyway until i play it myself but i don't really see it changing my view on 9S
oh yeh while i got you here. after you let the title screen sit for a bit you get this cutscene. in it there's a scene showing 2B walking acorss that bridge to the shopping mall and she seems to be getting hacked. is this actually a scene in the game
@Memor-X oh I didn't realize you hadn't reached the ending at all yet, my bad. No, 9S is still insane.
I'm not sure how far you are, but that scene is roughly 1/3 into the third route.
@Vemonus yeh i'm still on Route B but have been reading up on the other endings since i heard that there was 3 playthoughs
@Memor-X ah okay, that makes more sense. The third playthrough is much much different than the first two. In terms of chapter select, routes A and B deal with chapters 1-10, while routes C-E handle chapters 11-17.
didn't realize how close i got to getting one of the joke ones after Adam. saw 9S and saw the exit and was thinking "you know, this is my chance to get rid of you, i really should after having to deal with all that whining you do about work, how you''re so quick to tell me what to kill, how you almost blew me up and how you screwed up my plan with A2" but then i reconsidered
@Vemonus curious, does any of it explain how/why Eve changed colors? like i assume it was to make him seem opposite to Adam at that point but in universe how/why
like i don't need an explanation now, just if it is explained or not
@Memor-X I don't think it's explicitly mentioned in game, but I am fairly certain I read somewhere it's a reference to something in the original NIER or one of the Drakengard games. Let me check real quick
Yeah, it's from Drakengard:
The tattoos that appear on Eve's body form the symbol of the Cult of the Watchers from Drakengard. The significance of this is not yet known. However, the founder of the Cult, as well as the significance of the Cult's symbol, are both references to the biblical story of Adam and Eve.
@ash I dunno if you do nonfiction, but here is a massive list of good stuff
Rack 'em. https://t.co/KlahZvR4iT
@Vemonus i see. i haven't played any of the Drakengard and my knowledge on the biblical story of Adam and Eve is basic at best but i get why Adam though that eating apples would make him and Eve smarter and was half expecting a third enemy to appear having been the one who made Adam and Eve twisted as they are
all i know about Drakengard and Nier is that apparently Nier is the result of a divergent timeline caused by one of the ending on one of the Drakengard games
might look to get them now...depending on what gameplay is like with them
@Memor-X yeah I bought the original NIER after beating Automata a couple months ago but haven't gotten around to playing it. I have too many games.
The combat isn't as good though, since it doesn't have Platinum handling it
@GodEmperorDune I read mostly fiction but I do grab some non fiction now and again so that is a good list
@Vemonus i got alot of games aswell. a good thing for those times where there isn't much new stuff out which you'd want. Nier is currently out of stock on Oz Game Shop so i can't get it there so i plan to check the PSN and XBox stores and if i can't get them there check eBay when i get Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and Naruto: The Broken Bond
@Memor-X right now is one of those times for me. Of course, instead of playing something new, I'm going back through NieR before the crash bandicoot trilogy remake is out at the end of the month
@Vemonus as in the original 3 being re-released? i really only enjoyed the third one out of them
@Memor-X I've only played the third one. But yeah, they "rebuilt them from the ground up" as they said at E3 last year. I heard it was at least slightly influenced by people's reaction to the crash segment in Uncharted 4
Q: Can Genji damage himself by reflecting Junkrat grenades?

Steven VascellaroJunkrat's Total Mayhem passive ability makes him immune to explosive damage from his own grenades. I was curious how this would work with Genji's deflect ability. Can Genji damage himself when reflecting Junkrat grenades if he's close enough when they explode?

1 hour later…
Q: When does my Magikarp catch fire?

dead insideOccassionally after a training session I will notice the message will change from "Time to head home" to "Magikarp is on fire and will swim all the way home". I know this is a random encounter, but is this encounter tied to the performance you get from doing any sort of training? Does it matter ...

@fredley wb
@Yuuki eggs are there, surely she'll be back
@Lazers2.0 That's a terrible title. It has nothing to do with the content of the question.
@Arperum question titles that need context i assume
@Memor-X Even with context it's a dumb title that makes no sense.
It's aimed at HNQ. And has nothing to do with the context of the question.
The excerpt here shows enough of where the stupid title came from. "Magicarp is on fire" => turned into "Magicarp catches fire" because that'll cause more people to click. This is not an issue of someone accidentally doing this. It's Retro. This is not an accident.
@Arperum not saying it's not dumb. generally when you aim for that it's normally forced. the actual funny one, to me at least, are unintended ones
@Arperum i remember @Beedrill warning retro not to do this a little while ago
@GodEmperorDune Yes.
Frankly, I don't care if he courts the HNQ with his titles that tenuously make sense in context... It's the inevitable coming into chat and whinging, insulting, and rules lawyering that goes with it when the title is brought back in-line.

Proposed Q&A site for anyone who want to know about the largest democratic country in the world.

Currently in definition.

Cc @badpai
@GodEmperorDune Did he just... make a "Notice me Senpai" script?
@Nzall kwaaaaaaaaa
You d-d-didn't have to write automated unit tests for that
Q: Grand Theft Auto V brings down entire PC

kelarioAfter a seemingly random amount of time at seemingly random points, GTA V cuts to a black screen and I am unable to get out of it, through Alt+Tab, Ctrl-Alt-Del, or any other means than rebooting the computer through the power button. This is a new problem that has popped up in the last 48 hours...

@GodEmperorDune (whispering) but then he did anyway
Q: Easiest way from Undead Crypt to Majula (no bonfire)

klm123I'm doing no bonfire run. So far at the end of each long path, after each Great Soul I had a Primal Bonfire, which tp-ed me back to Majula. The next long path would Undead Crypt and, as far as I know, there is no primal bonfire there. I wonder if I miss some other easy path from Undead Crypt back...

BREAKING NEWS → The House just voted to condemn violence against protestors outside Turkish ambassador's residence.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/872225978940084224
> we urge istanbul
> istanbul
@Avery how long has it been since? and why do you need to vote on it
@Memor-X a couple weeks, because it's a diplomatic issue. But that's not the point.
the capital isn't istanbul.
@Avery ha, ha, ha, ha, i only just noticed that
you see Istanbul (with a dot) is where the DEEP STATE is
@Avery That's always been the case, right?
Oh, huh. :thinking face intensifies:
I mean, you don't even need to use W|A (which I don't expect anyone outside of STEM to know of)
Google will also tell you
@SpeakerRyan CORRECTION: We urge Constantinople to finally accept responsibility for this egregious incident #istanbulisconstantinople
^ Net Neutrality Gathering, Pokemon on Switch Mistake and Qatar fallout and guess who tweeted about it
why are you expecting this administration to do things like "research" or "due diligence" or "any diligence"
@Memor-X I think "indie news" is killing indie news
I thought it was millennials
isn't it millennials
Nah, it's avocado toasts
@PrivatePansy oh i didn't take much on that since what Youtube monetizes or not from my understanding has made as much sense as why Trump does things
not really sure also what counts as indie news anyway
Also, the first result in that Google search lead to a Quora page, onto which someone has edited in a bunch of referral spammed links
The same page also links to Yahoo Answers.
I always had a low opinion of Quora, but this is just sad
@PrivatePansy yes since turkey was formed
ottoman empire's capital was indeed constantinople
@PrivatePansy i normally use ddg and was too lazy to open google
the capital of Turkey will soon be punishment
I have jokes, I have the best jokes. When people need jokes, they come to me.
Sure but there isn't an IA for it
(Instant Answer, what those things that appear on top is)
terrible pizzas on the way
Q: How can i make a command that detects if a player is on a certain color of wool

BoltI'm making a map but i cant make a command so that if you step on a piece of colored wool it will make you teleport to a place but i also want to make it so that it has a range so i can still place the same color of that wool and not get teleported

totallyl bigclive
@GodEmperorDune switching to universal ctags yielded a tags file of 2.1 GB
instead of 3 GB
@Unionhawk So that's kind fucked, but, I will toss in that for small businesses staff can be a huge cost to them. Like a place like Wal-Mart can afford that hike increase no problem, the greedy fucks. That mom and pop shop down the road not quite as much. Anyways, my point to all this, is I hate when people use small businesses as an excuse for why minimum wage can't be increased. To me that means government need to find ways to help small business.
@Unionhawk Not sure on the best way to do this, but few ideas could be 1) Small business has a separate minimum wage (personally dislike this idea) 2) Small businesses receive tax additional tax cuts or subsidies so they can afford to pay employees the minimum wage (my prefence)
@Wipqozn Doesn't the USA have variable tax rates based on the size of the company?
@Nzall I'm sure it does, like most countries, but that's why I said "additional tax cuts" if minimum wage was increased
I mean, something like "up to X you have A tax rate, from X to Y you have B tax rate
Yes, and income tax works the same way
@Wipqozn I think a distinction needs to be made between, "livable wage", ie. a full time job pays you enough to meet rent, buy groceries, and pay for necessities, and a, "living wage", which is a newish thing and that's supposed to allow a family of four to live decently.
@Frank However, if you get into that discussion, you also need to answer the question "if the livable wage floor increases, should the wages at the low end of the scale increase as well?"
I support a livable wage. I am very much against a living wage.
@Nzall That is, ideally, the whole point of the minimum wage.
It should be enough to support you yourself.
Not well, by any stretch. But that's the incentive to find something better.
Like, suppose Trump throws an extra tax to people renting homes to civilians, but not to companies, and because of that rent increases and thus the livable wage floor, should a struggling company be forced to also increase the salary they pay, and risk going bankrupt?
@Nzall Pfft. Make a company. Move your assets to it. Done.
@Frank To be honest I don't think I've ever really heard someone argue for a living wage. Well, at least not someone I took seriously.
Because I agree. Minimum wage isn't meant to be "oh look you can live in a huge house"
@Wipqozn They use arguments like, "Trying to lift workers up" and, "Why is it a race to the bottom?"
@Wipqozn How about this: Minimum wage is enough to make living in rural NY livable, but not in NYC. Should people in NYC get a different minimum wage from those in rural?
I see it as a rather vicious cycle; pinning the minimum wage to a living wage is, at best, a short term fix.
They get their increase, inflation catches up, and then they're right back to where they were before.
@Nzall why though? If you can't afford expenses in a place like NYC then just split expenses
this is what roommates are for
All I know is increasing minimum wage makes things cost more and I don't want things to cost more
@BlueBarren And your premier just tried to buy votes next year with it.
@BlueBarren You could also make the same claim for rural NY. Why is the rural NY wage based on supporting a single income household while the NYC wage is based on supporting part of a multiple income household?
Your minimum wage is going up to $15/hour.
@Frank and so we'll she if she's getting my vote next year
Can't judge someone on one policy
@BlueBarren I'm watching how such a jump in minimum wage shakes out in Ontario.
So that if it happens here in Manitoba, I know which way to jump.
How about we experiment with another province? Maybe Nova Scotia? ;)
cc: @Wipqozn
My money's on inflation jumping at least half of the increase, probably closer to all of it.
(That is the province @Wipqozn lives in, right?)
Or we just use Quebec as our guinea pig because they already hate us
@BlueBarren They're not a good benchmark, because they have special privileges.
@Frank so we just give them more to compensate
then they leave Canada, fail real hard at it and come back
@BlueBarren It's not that simple, unfortunately.
Never is
@Avery great.
One should've had hot sauce. Two are.
If you don't like your pizza I'm willing to eat it for you
I'll "take one for the team" so to speak
I can eat all pizzas* (*: ala it doesn't have meat), my sister can't. She doesn't like hot sauce.
so many plane stuff in last couple years
@Wipqozn the Republican party is also the ones who go "well technically there are millions of individual McDonald's franchises that are technically small businesses so technically small businesses employ 80% of people or whatever"
Except of course leaving off the first part and still being technically correct
It seems like I missed the minimum wage discussion, but here is an interesting article: businessinsider.com/minimum-wage-effect-on-jobs-2016-5
@RedRiderX I've read that.
But like, either way, can you imagine a more ill advised way to say "I don't support an increase in the minimum wage"?
I think it has less to do with just raising the minimum wage, and raising it a solid third. That's going to have knock on effects that I don't think that study takes into account.
It seems like we're talking about a lot of different places changing minimum wage and I don't think I'm familiar with all those cases
@RedRiderX Indexing it to inflation, or just above, I think the article has a good handle on it.
I know Apple is overpriced
but that iMac pro looks beautiful
especially in "Space Grey"
But jumping minimum wage 31%, like Ontario is doing ($11.40 to $15), is going to juice inflation something fierce.
@Frank Lots of places in the US are looking at even bigger jumps if they get to $15
And probably kill some small businesses outright, as they won't be able to absorb that level of increase.
@Beedrill Eh? I'm not familiar with that.
I'm not terribly worried; all actual economists whose opinions I've read say that goods' prices won't jump as much as minimum wage will jump, and I trust people who make a living studying a thing more than I trust my own amateur understanding.
@Frank Minimum wage here is in the realm of $8/hr, maybe $9. Lots of places are looking at $15 (like NJ) despite the federal government not giving a shit.
Oh, sorry it's $7.25 in the USA.
@Beedrill From a study I've done, Manitoba's minimum wage has outpaced inflation by about double.
That's only a single data point, and I suspect I'm missing gobs of data in the process.
@Nzall 2016 has really been kicking up in high gear these past few weeks
I don't think it's going to be a 1-to-1 match. But it is going to increase costs. It just depends on what else governments do to help small businesses weather the increases.
it almost looked like we were inching our way to 2017 for a bit
we're definitely in Twune 2016 territory tho
Apple I don't understand your products
Why have a Macbook if you have a Macbook Air and a Macbook Pro?
does this inbetween market really exist?
I guess it's also the same logic of having an iMac Pro and a Mac Pro
Why do you need both?
Does that work?
Oh FUN! race condition in a unittest because we use the current time for something that shouldn't be in the past
@Avery I adulted and complained, they brought us a new one.
@Nzall Mocking time is always fun
@Avery Nice
@BlueBarren ... and the baby rhino was forced, forevermore, to stand with two feet in the water.
I read that as free toot and was thoroughly confused.
... Someone in the Enhancement Shaman Discord is getting his cat euthanized later today and now I'm sad
@Nzall :(
@Avery I read it as free foot and wondered what of
Hey, it's okay, you're welcome
@Avery Since when does Twitch Prime come with free cocaine?
For those that don't know, "toot" is slang for a line of coke
@Nzall actually, it's used in general for crushed drugs and doesn't necessarily mean line.
also, my work search history now has references to cocaine in it
@Nzall (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Sterno Stack Overflow needs to sue him for trademark infringement
@Sterno I would prefer a blanket
don't give your savings to twitch they said
everything will go terrible they said
Amazon's stock prices?
nope, that's stockstream
aka twitch plays stock markets
Oh, huh. Not real money, I presume?
I mean, if you're "serious" you'd be looking at, say, quantopian.com
May 30 at 18:35, by murgatroid99
It says real money, so presumably they're buying real stocks with the real money
Real money, real stocks.
They made $1000 out of a principal of $50 000 in one week?
I'm honestly expecting this guy to make a nice profit
That's actually not terrible, but it's only a week, and given how volatile the stock market is...
from the StockStream
I'm getting paid in forms of emojis from that thing
why would you save pictures on your HDD computer storage?
that's just a waste of space
I save to my ssd
that allows much faster memeings
I mean, this is only xkcd 2^9
If something is really worth a save I just save the link on Reddit
So it's ancient
my saved images on reddit include this:
Something ate your 'ht' :(
@PrivatePansy shhh we don't speak of that
I also have a lot of things saved that would make good wallpapers
although I never use them
Then I also saved this thing about Linux for the eventual day I use Linux
although it might be outta date by that point
@BlueBarren they actually got their own site: fakeupdate.net
@BlueBarren still fairly up to date
hmmm I can't save that on reddit though if it's not on reddit

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