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oh man, this game, I swear.... I feel so terrible whenever I can't do anything to protect people
@Wipqozn Forgive me? Please? That was because of that %$#@# game =\
@Gigili (@Wipqozn's kidding.)
Wow CE is expensive today.
What do you mean, today?
Isn't it fixed?
@Gigili CE trading is a player set market.
Every trade I make is with another player wanting the opposite.
2 more +5s to go!
@Gigili Any preference what run we do? What tier clearance do you have?
@Gigili well, I suppose I can forgive you.
(but yes, as @John said, I was just just kidding @Gigili)
@Wipqozn Quit bullying people around! Sheesh!
First me, now poor @Gigili. You're such a monster.
@John I think we established a long time ago that I'm a terrible person.
I'm not ashamed to admit it.
In fact, I'm rather proud of it.
@Wipqozn Yep, the results are right here. You are a terrible person. We weren't even testing for that.
@BenBrocka Only the first three cells are important
@James What's the blue and red stuff?
@John Balls
@James Ooh ok.
@John I'm not a good multitasker =|
@Gigili Haha that's ok. I just picked one. :P
@Wipqozn damn chickens
Am I a terrible person for first trying to use Din's Fire to fight back against the swarm of cukoos?
@BenBrocka I think we've all tried that.
It is the logical defensive move
Q: What bonuses are gotten from Mass Effect: Infiltrator?

Samuel StandrinI recently got Mass Effect: Infiltrator, Mainly waiting for ME3 to come out, I haven't completed it yet, nor do I have ME3, but I would like to know what weapons you get from beating the campaign... I know about the Intel (as it is mentioned everywhere I look). However when I look for informati...

Q: Is there a name for games that do not try to "keep" you playing?

Tom BritoI prefer games like Plants VS Zombies, because it is a way to have fun in, say, 30 minutes. I really don't like online games or games that try to keep me playing, because I have little free time. So, when I'm searching for new games, is there a name I can use to refer to this games that will not...

whoa, readiness up to 73%-76% from that
readiness increases pretty fast from multiplayer, especially if it's unknown location
@Wipqozn -2
@badp +9003
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, 5 of my areas are now at 100% readiness.
@ArdaXi there's no way that can be right
It has MLP, it has LoZ, it has Rainbow Dash as Link. What's not right about it?
the first and the third. Thus: -2
thanks for coming up with an explanation so I didn't have to
He's right you know
the third is probably bad enough for a -2 by itself though
clearly Twilight makes more sense as Link
@BenBrocka I'd been thinking about that...
@RavenDreamer I just opened up a vanguard asari and she starts off at level 13 o.O
Quiet, uses lots of magic
Somehow I still think Dash is more fitting. Not sure why.
@FallenAngelEyes You level the class, not the character.
@RavenDreamer Aaah I see
which is sweet, since the two human characters basically let you experiment with different powers
But when I promote does the whole class go back to level 1?
@ArdaXi Because Rainbow Dash is a total bad ass, and so is Link.
@Wipqozn And Twilight isn't?
@ArdaXi To be perfectly honest,I am not Twilight Sparkle fan.
She's my least favourite pony, although Pinkie Pie is fairly close.
Rarity's my least favourite to be honest.
Hang on.
Am I seriously...
Uh oh.
One of us. One of us. One of us.
Help me...
I hate you Arda
Why me? It's @Wipqozn's fault!
@ArdaXi I'm just too gosh darn lovable though.
Like a Teddy Bear!
@ArdaXi That's absolutely correct by the way
@ArdaXi Rarity is the best
That's why I'm working behind the scenes to disqualify Wipqozn from all the things ever. Something about copyright infringment and trademarks and whatnot.
Oh, good.
Clearly we cannot stand behind that.
@badp Disqualify ALL the things!
Just the Wipqoznic ones.
Clearly the thing to do would be to find the Commander Shepard fan ponies.
@badp I like the part where @ArdaXi pinned that.
@John Um, something is wrong with someone! (hint: it's me)
@badp Well I'm screwed.
@RavenDreamer 6 classes, 6 ponies, sounds perfect
@Wipqozn Have I missed our deadline?
I'm betting it's already been done.
@Wipqozn Ssh, don't tell him, he'll make me regular. :(
I completely forgot about it.
@Gigili Erm, yeah, I noticed.
they've had TF2 ponies for ages
You know what would be a good way to disqualify me from all things @badp? Making me a room owner again.
That would teach me.
@Wipqozn Yes/no?
whooops, my mouse slipped
@StackExchange lolololl
Oh @badp, you character.
@badp Best mouse slip ever!
@Wipqozn ....?
@GnomeSlice It may have, I'm not sure. Ask @badp.
If you're okay with continuing from here, I can order up a game.
@GnomeSlice Well I guess I can give you a few more days? Just because I made a post in meta where I sounded all very strict and stuff?
Sorry, been busy.
@badp Thank you so much, btw. :D
@GnomeSlice just have at it
@GnomeSlice I don't mind.
@GnomeSlice So you would ask about it.
> Deleted at author's request. – Raven Dreamer♦ 2 mins ago edit
(also it's a pretty bad question)
@John I just recalled you wanted it and you didn't ask for a while :P
@badp So that does work! :D
Well, I guess you win @Wipqozn.
My mother doesn't want me to be on here. Again.
Oh cool, victory by default. The best way to win.
3 mins ago, by badp
@GnomeSlice Well I guess I can give you a few more days? Just because I made a post in meta where I sounded all very strict and stuff?
@GnomeSlice ^
We can play tomorrow
don't worry about the deadline, just do play
Q: Do squad members run out of grenades?

yx.Is there any reason to get the +2 to grenade count for rank 5 of a grenade for any squad member?

Argh, I hate it when I find fuel when I'm full
@FallenAngelEyes You drink fuel?
That's not very health @FallenAngelEyes
@FallenAngelEyes That's all the wreckage every is.
War assets are only on planets or stations
Anything else is fuel.
still worth getting though, as it counts toward the 100% complete thingy on the map
basically so you don't get false positive
You scan it, find it, then scan the rest of the system, then get it on your way out.
So many ME3 dupes and half-closed questions!
@Wipqozn Play what? What deadline?
@Sterno Link a few here. I'm sure there are folks here with close votes left.
Thank gawd, I finally get full edit priviledges
@John I'm sorry ...
@BenBrocka I know that feeling. Every SE site...
@Gigili Don't be. You weren't ready for that level and I didn't know that. :P
There's a policy about questions asking why X was designed Y way, isn't there? Example:
Q: Why does the HP field allow six digits?

DragonLordThe HP field on the Crystarium and several other screens in Final Fantasy XIII-2 permits six digits: Source I'm not familiar with FFXIII-2, but why would this be allowed? I've read that the sixth digit in the HP field is reserved for future expansion via DLC, but does this serve any other pu...

@MarkTrapp Yep. I think it's referred to as "Why did they do it that way?"
What's "increase force bonus" mean in ME3? Does that effect all abilities with a Force stat?
Here's a dupe:
Q: How can I shatter the cockpit of an Atlas?

SternoI've seen a question about hijacking Atlas after the cockpit is shattered, and I've seen an in-game loading screen tip saying it can be done, but I have never managed to pull it off. What are some strategies for increasing my chances that the cockpit shatters? I am playing on Insanity if it ma...

@MarkTrapp depends, if might be answerable in this case if HP can actually be used
That damn @Sterno, always posting dupes
@BenBrocka Yup.
Increases Newtons
too bad we still don't know how newtons relate to damage
@BenBrocka The likely cause is what's in my answer, but the question I think is a little on the side of "I can't refute the future if there's no evidence to suggest you can HP break in future DLC"
@RavenDreamer I'm sure it's just an absolute value used so the strength of attacks can easily becompared
@John Bah, I didn't know an email costs 25 crowns. That's really something.
and it's deleted. Problem solved
@Gigili 100 if you're sending items
@BenBrocka We should ban him.
@Gigili Yeah...
Yes, that sucks pretty much. Good that pressing enter is still free ..
@Gigili Heheh, yeah.
Excuse my Melodrama.
@Wipqozn Still up for our games?
@GnomeSlice Whatcha playin'?
@GnomeSlice Sure
@John Frozen Synapse. Why are you all italicy?
@GnomeSlice It doesn't show me to myself as italicy...
@John You are 'John'.
Badp made him room owner
gotta refresh I think
@Wipqozn Want me to specify team loadouts?
I remember when I used to be a room owner, and then I took a @badp to the knee.
Or just see what the random generator gives out.
@GnomeSlice If you wish.
@GnomeSlice I think that's because I'm now a room owner.
Pft, room owner. I'm a moderator
OWn all the rooms!
@Wipqozn Wow, we only got two units each. I got two MGs and you got an MG and a Shotgun.
@BenBrocka Hey, I tried for that post. I failed.
I'm not a mod on Gaming, just on UX. In chat all mods are just mods tho
What's the point of sad smiley to be starred? You like to see someone's sad, huh?
it's @Wipqozn's weird fetish
Q: How Can I Take Down Big Daddies?

dewordeI'm at the beginning of the game on Normal, and am currently finding fighting the Big Daddies to be a bit challenging. As in I wasted half a clip of Machine Gun Ammo and 3 EVE Hypos taking down the ones in the Medical Bay, and I'm now being toasted in Neptune's Bounty. Should I just wait till la...

@Gigili @Wipqozn likes it when I'm sad, because he's mean.
So now whenever I post a message that just says ":(", it gets starred.
I'd link you to where it started if the chat search didn't appear to be broken right now...
Does UTC not do Daylights Savings time?
(My relationship with @Wipqozn is somewhat of a joke)
@RavenDreamer No? That's the point, really.
@John Just like @John
@Wipqozn :(
I'd link the frenemies video but I'm lazy
@Wipqozn I know.
@John You can't search for :(
@RavenDreamer it's Universal time, not "I'm an annoying douche and I like to screw with everyone's clocks Time"
@ArdaXi I know. That's not what I was searching for.
@Lazers I should write an answer for this, but I just don't feel like it.
@John I love how patronizing they are.
@ArdaXi Heh, yeah.
That was how I felt.
You're the one who called it a meme.
@ArdaXi So? I didn't create it, I just called it what is was.
@John You called it what you considered it to be.
Memes are serious business
Props for the winner
Wow, Minecraft hates multiple trips to and from the nether it seems
@GnomeSlice what was your last message?
I left the game before I seen it
@Wipqozn "How long was he waiting there, you did it on the last turn"
@GnomeSlice He got there on the last turn.
on the turn before, he was just outside the area.
BALLSACK. Do you not bid at all?
@GnomeSlice Yes, I bid on a small one square area.
Wow, you got a grenade man, this isn't even fair.
We should define teams.
I don't mind these teams at all.
You have a massive advantage.
Grendaiers are beast for Secure.
Why I cannot star messages?
Like I said, I don't mind the teams at all.
Although if you wanted to remake I wouldn't complain.
@Gigili Does it give you a message if you try to star them?
@Wipqozn That would be ideal
@GnomeSlice So, you forfeit then?
@Wipqozn Not if you're going to count it as our second game...
@GnomeSlice haha, no, remake :P
no worries
but yeah. Remake @GnomeSlice?
Or continue with this one?
We'll see how it goes.
@Wipqozn Um, "you have fully used your vote allowance for today". I starred one message or two, at most.
I'm not too worried.
I don't really have time for the tournament any more anyway.
Maybe it was more ... an Alzheimer's patient
@Wipqozn I say we count that one.
@GnomeSlice I bet you do.
Okay, now for the tie breaker
We can re-go if you like, the teams weren't the same.
@Wipqozn Want to come up with identical teams for this one?
@GnomeSlice Go ahead.
I'm fine with anything.
@Wipqozn What would you suggest.
shotgunner + machine gunner?
@Wipqozn Just two? That sounds good. Why not go three?
Just give me a sec, writing an answer.
I see
Q: For singleplayercommands, what is the full spawn list for /spawn "[name] [quantity]"?

brandenI want to spawn a crapload of iron golems but don't want to make 10,000 rows of iron.

Gotta go for dinner @Wipqozn.
When I get "insufficient energy" means I cannot play for now @John?
@Gigili That is correct. Wait a few hours to get some more mist.
@John Full mist will make ce?
@Gigili Unfortunately not.
@John The designer wasn't that innovative, I didn't have the problem during the week, only at weekends that I can play.

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