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By putting it in the FAQ, you make it that way, because then it is official site policy, which the mods have to enforce unless the community overrides it.
Which means that whenever someone does put a spoiler in the title, their question is edited.
Then I ask again
@TylerShads We don't enforce policy by suspending people, usually.
How do you make "How do I save Wrex on Virmire" into a valuable title without spoilers?
@ArdaXi I'm being extremest there :P
@TylerShads You can't, which, as I said three times already, is the downside of that policy.
In some cases, you can either have a valuable title or a non-spoiling title, not both, unfortunately.
Which is my point, it then causes crappy titles, therefore its either spoilers, or crappy question titles.
a point we agree on ! ^^
@TylerShads I challenge that.
I'm saying that in some cases it can lead to sub-optimal titles.
Not that in every case it leads to crappy titles.
However, allowing spoilers has the downside of people discovering our site, finding spoilers in related question titles even though they weren't looking for that game and never returning again.
@ArdaXi Yeah, I have a few friends playing ME3 who refuse to use the site currently because of that.
Exactly. If I Google a Portal question and the related questions bar has an ME3 spoiler, I can imagine being pissed off at that if I played ME3.
@ArdaXi All the fancy lazers could have that same effect. They could claim the style hurts their eyes. THey could say "I dont want people editing my stuff" and leave. They could be not come back because the main symbol is a 8-bit heart. so should we change all of that?
If you try to please everybody, then you please no-one
@TylerShads Except I don't think there's anyone who really wants spoilers.
Like, they'll leave the site if we don't put any spoilers on.
I can't imagine someone going "I came to this site to be accidentally spoiled and it didn't happen! I'm never coming back again!"
@ArdaXi Then you clearly haven't been on the internet long enough. There is every type of person on the internet. People who want spoilers, and people who want to have a printer dropped on their head, its the freaking internet xD
@ArdaXi You would be surprised >.>
Still, I think that the group of people who want to avoid spoilers outweigh the group who want to be accidentally spoiled by so much that the latter group is completely insignificant.
Besides, on average people attach much, much more value to being spoiled than to arbitrary design choices.
Then here's what you do. Do what you're doing for ITG right now. Make a question, put 2 answers, and have people vote.
Only proper way to do it.
@TylerShads That's not really the proper way to do it.
We're only doing it for ITG because we have no other choice.
Our site generally works on consensus, not simple majority.
But you think majority agree there shouldn't be spoilers with no evidence of numbers.
I could be wrong though, as I'm a newcomer. I'm not trying to change anything, I like it here ^^.
@TylerShads Because I've seen many users complain about spoilers, and none about a lack of one.
Then if that's how it is, its how it is.
It's not exactly scientific, I admit, but unless you have a counter-example I think it's a reasonable assumption.
My counter is only my opinion on the matter, of course.
@TylerShads You come to sites especially to be accidentally spoiled?
Ie. spoiled without any way to avoid it?
No, to win REPs (EXP) [joke for htose of you familiar with evan carrol]
@TylerShads So your opinion on the matter isn't a counter.
its purely from the view of someone who expects spoilers when I'm browsing this site, which is my point.
You expect them. You don't go looking for them. You're not disappointed when they aren't there.
So that viewpoint is not an argument to keep spoilers.
Its an argument of why spoilers shouldn't matter
@TylerShads In a debate, you put pros against cons. Mehs don't fit in anywhere.
In my debate, I defend my opinion with my views and thoughts. There is no hard data, so there is no real way to analyze pros and cons far as I can see.
So in favour of spoilers in title we have searchability, against we have "letting people who don't want to be spoiled browse our site normally"
@TylerShads "It doesn't matter" isn't an argument in favour or against, so it doesn't add anything.
You can add to in favour of ease of wording of questions due to not having to avoid spoilers.
Therefore, encouraging questions instead of having to skirt around and awkwardly word question tittles to appeal to a group.
@TylerShads Those are both about the same thing.
The skirting around and awkward wording is what hurts searchability.
searchability i see more for the site's google rankings or site searchability. what I'm saying is for the asker themself, individually.
@TylerShads The awkward wording hurts both in the same way.
I guess you might be right actually, more of a subpoint.
I'm planning to write a meta post about this, I just want to make sure I mention both sides as properly as possible.
Q: How much money do I need to buy everything?

yx.Since there isn't enough money to buy everything in one playthrough, and the estimated credits total in the game is at around 800k, I'm trying to figure out how many playthroughs I'll need to be able to afford to fully buy/upgrade everything in the game. But how much is that exactly? If you sum...

Q: Mass Effect 3 Ending

VasilSo...I just finished ME3 and I choose the option to destry the reapers...as some of you may know both endings show the Normandy crashed and Joker and the others come out...but my ending was like a mix of them both.When the Normandy door opened the credits started.They didn't show Joker!After the ...

@TylerShads Not in the title. ;-)
This is true.
...huh, Fortification and Defense Matrix are apparently functionally identical. I was typing up a question asking about how Defense Matrix works and apparently it would've basically been the same question as @Tyler's about Fortification.
@FallenAngelEyes O RLY?
@TylerShads Apparently! I hadn't looked at the Fortification question at all because, well, I don't have it on me or my squaddies, but I didn't really understand how Defense Matrix was supposed to work.
@FallenAngelEyes I really hate how some powers are kinda vague in their wording
@TylerShads Yeah, the description for Fort/DM isn't really clear at all
Dupe dupe dupe
Q: What weapons in Skyrim are one-handed?

garrettI am forging some new weapons for myself, but I don't want to waste my hard earned resources on a two-handed weapon. (I am proficient in one-handed battle)

@OrigamiRobot You're here!
@RonanForman I am! All hail your mechanical savior!
adfjaldfjkad i have a question sitting at +7 and its all i need for rank 4
@OrigamiRobot You know where @John is?
@TylerShads down votes
AGAIN? sobs
@RonanForman He said he wouldn't be able to make it until 12 EST or later
That's 5UTC right?
My time zone just changed from EST to EDT, but UTC stays the same, right? Instead of subtracting 6 hours, I should subtract 5 now?
@StrixVaria It is almost 4pm UTC, work it out.
I hate daylight savings.
What. But. That's 4 hours. That shouldn't...be...possible.
@StrixVaria EST is usually -5. now it's -4.
It used to be 6
@TylerShads Everyone does.
I always thought it was -6 from UTC x.x
How did I ever show up for Game Ons at the right time?
*points and laughs from the equator*
So @RonanForman, 4UTC is now 12 EDT.
@OrigamiRobot Really?
It is 11:44 right now.
Has daylight savings happened?
@RonanForman Yes, last night.
Yes last night
I am so confused.
Has it happened to me?
@RonanForman Not yet
> 3:45pm Sunday (GMT) - Time in GMT
Europe does it at a different time? Of course, for maximum convenience.
@StrixVaria The US changed when they did it in... 2007 I think?
@StrixVaria I love DST as much as I love ITG.
Is it the map @fredley made today?
US used to do it at the same time as Europe, but since then, they haven't.
We need a userscript for chat that automatically converts times said in chat.
@FallenAngelEyes We have to be different. It's in the Constitution.
No one ever pays attention to my dupes T_T
@OrigamiRobot I'm not convinced it's a dup.
@Wipqozn dot dot dot
Convince me.
Oh, @FallenAngelEyes, I tried to determine an equation for the ME2 fuel question after collecting more data, but no dice. :( I assume it's some base + (random factor * distance weight), but...Still doesn't appear to be much rhyme or reason to which mineral it selects, though it seems to usually be a toss-up between Iridium and Palladium for me.
@Wipqozn IT'S A DUPE!!!
@RonanForman Well, that's planned for the evening.
@Wipqozn All you have to do is read?
Although we can do ut during Game on! if everyone wants.
Convince me
@Wipqozn So the map is separate to game on!?
Does L4D2 spawn bot special infected if there aren't 4 players on that team now?
@TimStone Thanks for the info! I'm still baffled that it's so unclear. o.O
@StrixVaria Like the director always has, yes.
Yeah, I don't get that either. That, or I'm just being particularly dense about it, but I really can't see anything. O_o
Anyways, I need two more close votes on this question:
@Wipqozn Q1 "What weapons in Skyrim are one-handed?" vs Q2 "How can I tell if a weapon is one or two handed?"
L4D definitely didn't do that, and I don't remember L4D2 doing that, but I haven't played it in years.
Q: What weapons in Skyrim are one-handed?

garrettI am forging some new weapons for myself, but I don't want to waste my hard earned resources on a two-handed weapon. (I am proficient in one-handed battle)

Dup of:
Q: How can I tell if a weapon is one or two handed?

spugsleyIn Skyrim is there a way to tell if a sword is one or two handed without picking it up. I'm not a fan of two handed weapons and I don't want to pick them up just to drop them when I realize it's not one handed. Specially, I want to know about swords but the answer may apply to other weapons as we...

I'm not convinced.
@OrigamiRobot You posted the first vote...
Huh? what was that?
Also, there is a copious amount of coming @Wipqozn's way.
I think I just heard the sound of @OrigamiRobot's joke going over @ArdaXi's head.
Right. This is why I shouldn't chat and program at the same time.
@OrigamiRobot That can't be good.
@Wipqozn Don't worry. Robots can't get to Canada. We don't have imaginations so we can't visit imaginary places.
@OrigamiRobot l o l o l o l o l
Excuse me while I eat my All-Dressed chips then.
@Wipqozn Delicious
@FallenAngelEyes I think tech armor works the same way too (if we're talking ME3 powers)
@agent86 I've never used any of those powers, haha
@FallenAngelEyes lol, I don't find them to be terribly useful personally. I don't like to get up close and personal if I can avoid it.
@agent86 Ah, see, I'm a Vanguard, so up close and personal is the name of the game for me, haha
@FallenAngelEyes ironically, I play vanguard and don't get up close and personal.
Mission 6 complete.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Congratulations!
@agent86 Then you're doing it wrong.
@LessPop_MoreFizz \o/
Charge melee charge.
@OrigamiRobot So it's midday now?
@RonanForman It is noon, yes.
@agent86 I'm not sure how you play vanguard at a distance. :o What do you do?
@FallenAngelEyes lots of shockwave + chakram launcher + ammo powers + my SMG
I don't mind getting up close and power meleeing once in a while, but I don't particularly care for the biotic charge move
@agent86 I haven't even tried my chakram launcher yet, haha
@FallenAngelEyes it's pretty crazy. they say it's an AR, but it's really a no-sway sniper rifle that fires chargeable explosive rounds.
I don't much care for the KoA armor set, but that thing's pretty badass
@agent86 If you prefer fighting at a distance, wouldn't something with better range options suit you more? Vanguard's weapon passives don't help SMG at all.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, I didn't know how I was going to play before I started.
I could restart and respec my classes, but eh
it's working fine for me :)
@agent86 aaah, gotcha
I just kind of looked down the class list and picked one that sounded interesting.
I knew I didn't want the sniper guy with cloak, because the cloak didn't really do anything productive for me in the demo
What'd you play in 1 and 2?
@FallenAngelEyes I feel like I played infiltrator in 1, can't remember in 2
Ah, I did Vanguard in 1 and 2 as well, though the class pretty drastically changed in 2
> Unless I am mistaken (which is entirely possible), we didn't get the kickass rifles in time before they sold out. Lauren or Seth will confirm (or refute). If it is indeed the case that we're tragically rifle-less, we'll pick another (equally awesome) prize option to replace it, so never fear. – Abby T. Miller 15h ago
Hmm...Now to decide if I want to share just enough posts to park myself at Mission 3, or to continue my push to Mission 6 anyway...
@TimStone That sucks. :/
Have they removed it from the webpage yet?
Lauren and/or Seth hasn't confirmed yet, so it's still on there until they do and/or find a replacement, I suppose.
@FallenAngelEyes No.
Oh nice, congrats @agent86 on making rank 5!
I don't really want a Vita, and I kinda..have everything else (or comparable) on the page besides the bag/comics, so until I see what they replace the rifle with the comics are probably what I'm after most. Should go ahead and share those posts, then, I suppose.
@FallenAngelEyes Looking over all the classes, there's not really one that I look at and go "I'd use all these powers" - having the option of close quarters but balancing the class more towards ranged combat seems to be working for me. Maybe if I play on a harder difficulty the second time around I'll have to rethink my strategies.
@RonanForman Hello, I'm not going to be around this evening until later, but if you guys want to start the map without me go ahead!
@FallenAngelEyes thanks! I was getting kind of close yesterday, and on a whim I shared a couple of links this morning that apparently put me over the top.
@TimStone I'd ideally like to get to Vita-level. I don't think I have a chance for rank 6.
@agent86 Yeah, cloak isn't quite as useful as I'd like it to be, but I have found it relatively helpful in certain cases. In particular, when flanking enemy snipers, you can easily get up close enough to gut them without being detected.
Q: When can I use Javik as a companion?

Juan ManuelIf you don't know what the ME3 DLC is about, you may get spoiled. I did the From Ashes mission, and now I have a living Prothean as a potential squadmate. However, in the first mission after rescuing him, I wasn't able to select him, he was grayed out. He did mention that I was lying with words...

Q: How do I sign up for a free LOTRO account?

Sindri TraustasonOut of curiosity and because it's free to play I downloaded Lord of the Rings Online to try out. However I'm unable to get the sign up form to work on the website. https://signup.lotro.com/lotro.php?ftui=LOTRONOV2011 When I fill in the details the form just comes back with the password, birthday ...

Q: Does it matter what order I do the missions on Tuchanka in?

fredleyI'm orbiting Tuchanka, and there are several missions available to me, does it matter what order I do them in?

Q: When should I mention the Shroud Sabotage, if at all?

fredleyThe Shroud sabotage has been revealed to me. When should I mention it, or should I keep quiet?

I'm not far enough in to be able to answer the plot questions. I can answer the nerdy lore questions like these though, because I've consumed pretty much everything related to ME (games, comic books, novels) in the past month.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, at the moment I'm at Mission 4 if I were to share the necessary number of posts...Not sure if I could actually get to 6 or not in the first place, since that's quite a few 5+ posts.
@TimStone honestly, I was thinking that I'd probably end up at the bag rank, and maybe work hard towards the keyboard. The console seemed like a stretch, and the TV right-out.
@TimStone I might roll Adept next time... maybe...
Infiltrator was a fave in the first game, except for the sniper rifle sway towards the beginning of the game.
@agent86 If I end up staying at rank 4, I'll be choosing the headphones, m'self. I already have 2 keyboards hooked up to this pc, don't need another, haha.
Heh, I'm in the same situation re: keyboards.
@FallenAngelEyes see, I've got a really really nice headset system so I don't know what I'd do with that
with my RSI, I have to be careful about keyboards though, so...
@FallenAngelEyes Those headphones look sweet especially if they really do work across all platforms. I'm debating picking them up for myself. I got every current gaming platform in the house (minus the PSP/Vita), so it'd be nice to have something that I can use all over.
@agent86 I've been struggling with what to do about my headset situation for a while. I have a 5.1 sound system on my PC, but I voicechat a lot with friends for social gaming. In order not to lose audio, I have to switch it back to stereo for my headphones. Seems like a waste, you know? :(
@AnnaLear if you end up in the market for a cross-platform headset system, take a good look at the Astro Mixamp (I linked my review just now) - paired with some Sennheiser headphones, it is very good.
@agent86 ... :O I had been looking for good wireless headphones to no avail, you may have just solved my problem.
@agent86 I'm in the market for a new keyboard first, but I'll check it out. :)
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, my setup isn't 5.1 at the headphones themselves, the mixamp is doing the decode from 5.1 -> stereo, but it does an excellent job.
sometimes I have to take my headset off just to verify that the speakers aren't turned on :)
I think the headset they're giving as a prize actually has multiple drivers per ear
@TimStone the astro mixamp is so very good, I can't say enough good things about it. One year I convinced my mother in law to just let me pick my present, and I bought that to be my gift "from them" and omg, so worth it...
@AnnaLear good call ;)
@agent86 I use a Steelseries 6gv2 right now, but the layout changes they did are driving me batty. :(
@RonanForman I hope @John gets here soon!
@AnnaLear looking at a screenshot, I can't tell - what layout changes?
@OrigamiRobot He says he's on the way back from church.
I use a stock Dell keyboard I found unopened in a discard pile at work one day :D
@agent86 They moved the backslash down by the right shift and made the right shift smaller as a result.
I use a Logitech UltraX for typing and a G15 for gaming
I didn't think it was gonna be a problem, but it turned out I use both the right shift and slashes enough that every time I have to use that corner of the keyboard, I have to stop and look. (Or type, backspace, look, type again. :))
@AnnaLear its a tad annoying at first, but you get used to it (owner of one)
@TylerShads I've had it for about a month... not used to it yet. :)
@AnnaLear Ew. I have the UK layout for the G15 unfortunately, and I hate how it's set up. It has a second backslash key next to the left shift and therefore has made left shift smaller.
@AnnaLear ah, I see it now. Yeah, that'd drive me nuts.
@FallenAngelEyes Second backslash key? O_o
@FallenAngelEyes A lot of Canadian keyboards now (especially on laptops) are cutting the left shift to make room for something used in the French layout. It's crazy. Makes buying laptops a PITA.
@TimStone Yes -_-
What is this nonsense?
@AnnaLear I was about to say, I feel like I ran into similar issues when I had to go to Europe on business - they gave me a European layout keyboard and I was always mistyping
That said, if you can get used to the layout, the 6gv2 is a sweet keyboard otherwise.
I really don't like the fat enter key either
and how backslash is moved down to next to the apostrophe
The only reason I can handle the smaller right shift on my laptop keyboard is because I am left-dominant when I type, so I rarely ever use it.
see? This is why I have a cheap dell keyboard. Don't move my damn keys, people!
So I keep my UltraX for typing on my keyboard tray (I prefer low-profile/notebook style keys) and have my G15 sitting on my desk.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am scared to know what it will do.
@FallenAngelEyes Oh god why are the keys like that?
@OrigamiRobot UK layout, I dunno.
@LessPop_MoreFizz you and these bookmarklets. Last time I trusted you, crazy horse stuff took over my webpages. NO THANK YOU SIR.
@AshleyNunn It will make the internet happppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy
@agent86 Horse_ebooks is a saint and a prophet.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I should've guessed XD
@FallenAngelEyes I makes me sad.
@OrigamiRobot What's wrong with the keys?
@LessPop_MoreFizz "nutjob and a nutjob" is what I think you meant to say here. :P
@RonanForman Backslash and Pipe are in the wrong place. Enter doesn't need to be huge.
Need I go on?
I certainly wouldn t get involved with any of that stuff. You don t even have to worry about products,
@LessPop_MoreFizz what is this?
Q: Is the skill level of 501 good?

Shadow MahemI play Battlefield 3 and I really have no idea what skill is. On average I go about 21 kills and 5 deaths, and my skill is 501, is that good?

Q: How to increase the endurance multiplier?

Luc MLonger you resist, higher is your endurance multiplier. What else ? If you summon more than 900 monsters in resistance mode, will you increase your endurance multiplier ?

Q: What are the best archers followers?

RenanI'm having a hard time finding a list containing followers who are high skilled in archery. I need a bunch of them to experiment a team of archers following me. In case anyone's wondering I'm using a mod to get up to 10 followers.

Wow, encrypting on an Android phone is sloooow.
@agent86 That is strange.
@AshleyNunn Horse_ebooks is a golden god.
How to actually help out your favorite charity, while getting ridiculous
I wanna get ridiculous!
@LessPop_MoreFizz The two are not mutually exclusive.
Note to self: a for loop isn't quite as functional without i++.
What's the point of using that mass 3 mission as template on the main site?
@Gigili; Awesomeness?
And to announce the contest?
@Gigili frequently when a special promotion is active, the site template changes.
@ArdaXi for (;;) is sometimes used for infinite looping
@Fredy31 I don't see no awesomeness, honestly.
see also: hat dash, MW3/Skyrim
@Gigili wait another 12 days or so and it will go away :) except for @Jin 's mothership lazers.
But there should be something about it, a instruction or whatnot
@Congrats, @LessPopMoreFizz
@YiJiang Yeah, I know, but I didn't want infinite looping.
@ArdaXi You're so picky.
@RavenDreamer WOOOOO. Admirals Club!
How much more awesomeness can you want?
Also, you can go backward with i--, which technically speaking is not i++ :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz =\
@LessPop_MoreFizz I personally feel that the lazers have filled my life with absolute awesome. :D
@Gigili You didn't notice the lasers, did you?
@Gigili there is one :) It's at the top center of all the pages. It's a big "Mass Effect 3 Missions" logo. if you click it, it explains the promotion.
@Gigili You just waltzed in here and complained without even seeing the crowning glory that Jin has gifted us with?
These kids. No appreciation for art. For science.
Chill out,I didn't complain.. I just asked! And I did see it.
Is someone hating on lazers?
@Gigili (Hint: they're mostly kidding)
I just dropped to 17 posts at +5, that's odd. no downvotes or unupvotes. must be a bug.
Q: Mass Effect Missions counters bugged

Ben BrockaLooks like the counters for the ME3 missions got bugged. I used to have 11 5+ scoring posts in the mission, now it shows me with 8. You can see the bugged numbers in my profile. As you can see from this search, I actually have 11. From what I heard in chat, this happened to everyone. Probably a ...

@TylerShads yeah, I saw this, and I thought it had been resolved. this happened to me last night as well.
o.O I just survived a point blank reaper blackstar shot
@Gigili If I go on and on at length with lots of BOLD and ITALICS and BOLD ITALICS and CAPS LOCK, you can assume that I'm just joking around.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You love your hyperbole. ;)
@AshleyNunn Hyperbole is the highest form of humor.
@FallenAngelEyes Rule 1 of Heavy Weapons - They're much more damaging to enemies than they are to you.
@RavenDreamer Apparently. I thought it'd be more Cain-style.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've noticed, VERY funny.
this bug is making me want to add some functionality to my tool.
maybe this afternoon
@FallenAngelEyes Cain shows up in the last mission.
It damamges you... a little.
@RavenDreamer ...lol
Looks like @Sterno will be our next General
Hmm, does anyone know if the ME3 keyboard that is one of the prizes is US-layout only?
@Fabian Probably
@RavenDreamer Hmpfh, then I'll have to go for the TV ;-)
@Fabian razerzone.com/me3/bwu check the german version of the page?
@RavenDreamer ಠ_ಠ
@LessPop_MoreFizz I tried, they at least translated the text to german, but they don't write anywhere which layout the keyboard has
@RavenDreamer umm....yeah
Javik the prothean is in game by default, and messing around with Coalesce.bin will make him an avilable squadmate.
Q: At which exact point are the war assets evaluated for the ending?

FabianI just finished Mass Effect 3, though I didn't play the multiplayer and my war readiness was therefore at only 50%. So I didn't have enough war assets to get to the best ending. I now want to play some multiplayer and get that war readiness to a good value, so that I can get the best ending with...

Q: How can I get my butler to come back?

victoriahI had a butler in my mansion who randomly disappeared one day. I tried calling services to cancel the butler, but it said I have to speak with them in person. I found her in my friends list and called her to invite her over, but when she comes over there's no options to interact with her as if sh...

oh wow, someone just found a 1 line hack to get the prothean available without DLC installed...I wonder how legit it is
I'll have to try it later.
But now... lunch!
just realized that is just what @RavenDreamer said ><
Knowing EA, they probably ban your Origin account for life for doing that ;-)
@TylerShads Serendipity!
@Fabian Word is they have begun to do so!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Seriously?
The problem is, only question with that tag get answers.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ha. Kalisah dodged the first punch.
@OrigamiRobot I had that book a a kid.
@RavenDreamer Yep.
@AshleyNunn I didn't know it was a book until just now. I only saw the movie.
@AshleyNunn I had the movie and a ton of those books
They all had little morals in them
@OrigamiRobot I didn't know there was a movie, I only had some of those books. XD
Go go gaming, help me where google has failed!
@LessPopMoreFizz Congrats on fleet admiral!
@DaveMcClelland WOOOO. I'm an Admiral now!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hm. I might could answer that later today if I started a new game.
@RavenDreamer You should.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heh, I just read a few minutes ago it was a power/weapon damage bonus, but I'll try and confirm if I have time.
The pyramid has no apparent connection to nuclear lore, but it can be thought of as the antithesis of the nuclear
@RonanForman I am here.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Does everyone start out with Intel on that terminal?
Vega claiming he has a Harvester that he hatched and trained to fly is just hilarious
@FallenAngelEyes No, I don't believe so.
@OrigamiRobot He's back.
Because I did.
I thought that was normal.
Hesitate. Did not hesitate (to) Do not hesitate (to) Do not hesitate to accept Do not hesitate to refuse Do not hesitate to reply If you do
I did keep my fish alive as well.
@RonanForman He knows.
We're in Mumble.
@John is back.
@RonanForman We're waiting on you.
@FallenAngelEyes Should only be in a new game +
Ah, hrm...
Secrets of expert chicken
Chalupa; Chalupa Supreme
Okay, last one for now:
(personally, when in doubt I blame Mr. Dalton for things)
Spoilers in titles?
Yea / nay ?
lol, scroll up a bit and witness a nice debate i had with @ArdaXi
I don't see it.
I say nay, @TylerShads says yea.
Q: What is the reward for keeping the Prejek Paddle Fish alive?

LessPop_MoreFizzThe official Prima guide notes that if Shepard purchased a Prejek Paddle Fish in ME2, and kept it alive all the way through to the end of ME3, that when starting a New Game+, there would be a special additional Intel bonus available at the terminal in Liara's cabin aboard the Normandy. I don't h...

Q: Custom house in Freecol

HubidubiHow does the custom house work in Freecol? I built custom house but nothing happens. Previously I played Colonization a lot where custom houses worked automatically, they sold available goods.

Q: What is the difference between "Total Military Strength" and "Effective Military Strength"?

TristanAs the title states, I'm utterly confused about these two ratings. The former is at 6712, while the latter is as 3356. Which of these numbers determines my ending? Note: I've seen the answers giving the varying numbers, as well as the IGN link that states them, but I don't know what number they...

Damn, I'm notorious for answering right when someone else does today xD
Hmm... I need a brand. (Ie. a name and a logo)
for what
@ArdaXi 404 on your legal link
@RavenDreamer Better spoilers than engaging in annoying gymnastics with your question title. SEO is king. However, if you can do it without a spoiler without jumping through hoops, be polite, sure.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, I see that. Nothing I can do about it though. I'll just remove the hyperlink I guess. Thanks.
I seem to remember an edit war over a really terrible skyrim question where the guy was so terrified of posting spoilers that it became incoherently vague. "WHAT HAPPENS IF I KILL THAT DRAGON?" "THE ONE ON THE MOUNTAIN THAT THE PEOPLE TOLD ME TO KILL"

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