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Q: Is Bailey voiced by Colonel Tigh?

aslumEvery time I talk to him I keep picturing him w/ an eye-patch. Is it the same actor? I'm a ways from the end and would like to know now rather than have to wait until I beat the game.

Q: How does the burning damage over time effect interact with your destruction skill-gain?

EnderWhen you slap your Fire Spell of Choice on your Arch-Nemesis Mob of Choice in Skyrim the evildo-er (or rightous pr--k) takes a healthy does of instant fire damage, and has a worthwhile DoT effect applied to him as well. My question is, does your destruction skill increase from ONLY the initial ...

Q: Do monsters spawn in unlit caves?

JustARandomPersonI'm new to Minecraft and I want to go mining, but I don't want to encounter any monsters. Basically, I'm searching for Iron so I can make buckets, armour and swords. If I lit a whole cave with torches, would they still spawn? Can you explain what goes on in these caves?

@Sterno Huh? I'm at 29/35
@LessPop_MoreFizz there's a counter bug going on
Hi, @LessPopMoreFizz! I beat ME3.
@RavenDreamer Grats! Time to play it again as Paragon something that isn't biotic?
@LessPop_MoreFizz After the ending... I'm really... I don't know.
I must be the only one that played paragon my first time through
I suppose I will play it again so I can get Hale instead of Meyers.
<--- Paragon
@RavenDreamer Alternately, you could just play a bunch of multiplayer now, or move on to some other game.
I like being evil in some games, but honestly it's just not the same when you can't just randomly wreck people's sh*t
I loved Infamous for that
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think Traynor deserves my love, though.
Favorite new character by far.
Multi is very fun if you haven't played it
Though to be fair, there were really only... 3? Ish?
great way to check out the diff classes too
@RavenDreamer Yeah, she's pretty great.
@BenBrocka See, I like Renegade because it's not evil.
@BenBrocka I've been playing it. I've also been bitching at EA's crappy server-staying-up-ness.
It's a good guy that just wants to tell everyone to fuck off.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was gonna say, yeah, it's more just being a dick
but somehow being a dick in ME's universe makes your eyes glow red
Which I suppose is pretty good incentive to be polite
@BenBrocka Only if you're part Robot.
Like Shep.
Is that why?
"Even you are part synthetic."
@BenBrocka Yeah, Dr. Chakwas explains it at the start of ME2.
so is that what's up with the Cerberus soldiers that were all glowing?
@BenBrocka In Sheps case, the cybernetic implants don't react well to stress.
And being a dick is stressful.
You'd think not giving a fuck would be LESS stressful
@LessPopMoreFizz Do you know how to get Matriarch Aethyta in the Citadel?
btw, what's a ship's doctor actually do? Still haven't been able to charm Dr whatever into coming aboard
you only get 1 chance to get her onboard
Geez, you guys need to finish ME3.
Less chat, more...
there's still the option to talk to her
crap. I'm sure there's some ME-centric word that rhymes with chat.
I didn't say no, I said no to Chakwas
I just don't have enough rep to get her on board, the charm/intimidate dialogs are greyed out
@LessPopMoreFizz do weapons go to level 5 or level 10?
5 I Think
@RavenDreamer 5 normally, 10 in New Game +
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ahhhh.
Have you tried the Graal Spike Launcher?
My favorite shotgun.
It's like a snipeshotgun.
And it's chargable.
And it fires 9 in nails of death.
Mind blown; Kal'Reegar = Adam Baldwin.
Adam Baldwin is Legion. He is forever.
@MarkTrapp we are forever.
Adam Baldwin destroyed and replaced those referenced as "we" because he's too kickass to be merely one member of a group
Q: How do I effectively kill Banshees?

TarkenfireI've played through ME3 right now and it seems I ALWAYS have trouble whenever a Banshee appears among the enemies. Now my usual Infiltrator tactics (cloak and shoot things) don't really do much and the non-ammo powers I have don't do much either. I tend to stick to the philosophy I did in MEII o...

Q: Is it possible to save both Mordin and Wrex in the second Tuchanka Mission?

ryansworld10During the second Tuchanka mission in Mass Effect 3, you can choose whether to cure the genophage, or sabotage it. If you cure it, Mordin dies in an explosion. If you sabotage it, you are forced to kill Mordin to do so. However, you can save Mordin if both Wrex isn't alive and you destroyed Male...

Q: Do headshots do extra damage to synthetic enemies?

Dave McClellandI know that ME3 deals extra damage to headshots on organic enemies, which is reasonable since they have their vital squish brain parts up there. But with synthetic enemies like the geth, they could be designed to store their vital components in a more protected area. Do headshots do extra damag...

Q: Why do we swim up some water currents faster than other?

ProSaySometimes when i swim up long streams of water i swim really slowly but fast other times. this applies for any length of water. And also the speed differs when i reach certain sections for the stream. Whats going on?

In case anyone here is interested ---^
Anyone here?
Q: Characters have different weights depending on their race and sex. How does the weight (not Carry Weight/encumbrance) of a character affect the game?

galacticninjaCharacters (both player and NPC) may have different weights depending on their race and sex. See: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Races Note that I am not referring to Carry Weight AKA encumbrance. All races and sexes have 1 weight, except for the male and female Altmer, male Argonian, and male ...

Q: I am looking for sort of logic

ArunWell i am new to android gaming . i am using LibGdx for game development .Now the problem is i am stuck with logic problem. Say i want to draw a platform in which my character will run ,i have 3 differnt platforms say plat1,plat2 and plat3 . there is sequence like plat1 will appear first then a...

@GamingnotonGaming Wut?
WTF is the last paragraph saying?
Q: Are there cheat codes for Mass Effect 3 on the Playstation 3?

johnjonI want to know if there are any cheat codes for the Playstation 3 version of Mass Effect 3 and, if so, how to enter them and what they are. Possible codes: God mode Unlock all weapons Invisibility Noclip mode Level unlocking Infinite money/resources Thanks. (See related Xbox 360 question he...

Q: Where can I find a list of my minor tasks in Mass Effect 3?

oersI read my privates messages on board the normandy and got 2 messages that told me to go visit 2 persons in the Citadel (Thane in Hospital and some guy in a bar). Now I 'm back in the citadel and can't find referring journal entries. Are those minor tasks visible somewhere? They don't show in th...

Q: Skyrim - Can I betray Molag?

arothI got the Molag Bal quest in Skyrim, where he wants me to lead the priest to his altar and then kill the priest. When starting this quest I felt certain that there must be, at some point, an option presented to betray Molag and side with the priest instead. He's the god of betrayal/treachery af...

@YiJiang Nice gravatar :)
@James The eyes... they stare into your soul
1 hour later…
Q: Mass Effect 3 Import issues

VasilWell It's not actually an issue but I'm wondering...If I don't import a ME2 character will the squad mates from ME2 be in the game:Garrus,Thane etc.?

Q: When is the last time you get to meet Christopher, the human-demon vendor?

James JiaoI am going for the High in Las Vegas achievement where you need to get 80 red gems. My question is, when will be the last time I get to see Christopher to sell my white gems (in exchange for red gems), before I no longer have access to him?

Q: How to purchase war assets?

Martin MelkaHow can I purchase war assets for in-game money? According to this question it should be possible. Or if not, where can i spend it? I found only little ways to do it. (The Citadel is under Reaper control, so I can't go there)

Heh, last year's gems. Back when we really over-did the whole context-less title thing.
Q: When should I start drinking?

bwarnerMy current strategy for Desktop Dungeons is to collect potions and save them up for the last battle. I only attack monsters if I can defeat them without using a potion, and then heal by revealing more parts of the map. But I've started wondering, would it be more advantageous to use potions ear...

A: How to purchase war assets?

hjkdfgergONLINE STORE : ====( www.fullmalls.com )===== http://redir.is/apo Christan Audigier bikini $23 Ed Hardy Bikini $23 Smful short_t-shirt_woman $15 ed hardy short_tank_woman $16 Sandal $32 christian louboutin $80 Sunglass $15 COACH_Necklace $27 handbag $33 AF tank woman $17 puma slipper...

Wow, this didn't take long to show up
Don't bother downvoting, just flag as spam.
@ArdaXi I was thinking the same
@RonanForman I was just about to ask that question.
@ArdaXi Really? So was I!
@RonanForman Apparently.
@RonanForman I'll just settle for answering it.
That got pinned? Phuck!
Cancel... stars?
You get more per for answering anyway.
It is a real thing!
I remember the time someone abused that feature. :(
I use it all the time.
Q: Run borderlands in windowed mode

Ronan FormanIs there any way yo run borderlands in a window, or even better in a border-less full-screen one. I can only see options for changing the full-screen resolution in the options menu, so I'm hoping I just missed something.

I forget, is Borderlands a Steam-only game?
Hmm, when did Grace pass me in rep?
'Ello @all. Any native English speakers here?
@Gigili @RonanForman is.
Um, Have a minute @RonanForman?
Could you please proofread the text I translated: paste.ubuntu.com/878825 ?
@Gigili Foreign Affairs should probably be capitalized.
As should President Consular, if it's a title.
@ArdaXi Uhum, thank you.
@ArdaXi's Probably better at this than me.
And Police Commander of Vardag Square.
Okay, thank you.
> He wants to travel abroad and has requested a test of criminal liability which has been confirmed as “no criminal liability” according to the letter number 203, dated Thursday, November 3, 2011 by the head of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking.
Has he requested a criminal test on himself?
Okay, then it looks fine.
@RonanForman Many people need to do that kind of thing for employers and such. It's just so you have a record.
Islamic Republic should be capitalized
Change it to future reference, rather than references.
@RonanForman It says "further references," which is something different from "future reference."
Thank you @ArdaXi, @YiJiang and @RonanForman.
@Gigili By the way, one bit I just noticed.
> This is written from the request being made by “”.
@ArdaXi I forgot I can't read.
Oh, they left again.
@RonanForman I read that on my first read as well. You see what you're conditioned to see, I suppose.
Hmm... someone should ask a question about how to make any game full-screen borderless. I see plenty of game-specific questions on-site, most of which ending in "It's not possible," while it is possible for any game that supports windowed mode.
Oh, there is one. Never mind.
Q: How can I give my squad more weapons?

fredleyI have quite a lot of weapons to choose from for myself, but how do I give some to my squad? Currently they only have one each, and some empty slots.

Q: Is dying a bad thing?

fredleyI've died quite a few times, does it have any impact on the game as a whole, or is it just a question of restarting that particular scenario?

Q: If I miss some weapons/upgrades during a mission, will I ever be able to get them again?

fredleyI'm always paranoid I've missed a particular weapon or mod pickup during a level. If I do miss something, is it lost forever?

Q: Are the damage-numbers above heroes the real damage?

WandangI was wondering if the number that is shown above a heros head when he recieves damage is calculated with armor/magic resistance or if its only the damage before any calculations.

Q: Are there story elements in Mass Effect 3 which are directly influenced by actions in the first game?

JohnoBoySince ME1 never came out on the PS3, the PS3 version of ME2 made up for the inability to import ME1 saves by including an interactive comic DLC (Mass Effect: Genesis) that makes up for the "missing" game by letting you make decisions that will affect the second game. I assume an imported save f...

@RonanForman Hang on, I'm going to bump it anyway.
A: How to force Maximized Fullscreen mode in any game?

Arda XiThere's a very simple utility that I've used for ages to accomplish this very purpose. It was originally written for EVE Online, but it will support any game. Gamers Window Relocator When you install it, it looks like this: You basically choose the game you're running, and it will automatica...

@RonanForman This should work with Borderlands.
I never liked the AHK solution because modifying the window of a DirectX application directly can cause crashes.
@ArdaXi Does it have to be full screen, can you set them to certain sizes too?
@RonanForman It's about full-screen windowed mode, not strictly border-less, although the effect is border-less because the borders are pushed off-screen.
Has the Gaming homepage stopped auto-updating for anyone else? Wondering if it's just me.
@FallenAngelEyes Fine on my end.
Weird, it stopped working yesterday. Do I need to allow adzerk in NoScript?
I dunno... I allow adzerk because I like SE's ads.
Q: Does Mass Effect 3 have a secret ending

CaulynDarrThere's a rumor that if you finish a second game of ME3 or import a ME2 save file you get an extra secret ending. I've also heard that this is just: Anyone know for sure?

Q: Where is Kasumi after completing the mission with here? (Mass Effect 3)

ChristianI completed the mission with doing all this terminal stuff and Kasumi is saying that she will again help shepard and join his group. Well, if I now want to continue playing by picking another mission I am not able to choose kasumi, she simply isn't there. She also isn't standing somewhere on the ...

@FallenAngelEyes Oh, huh, after a refresh live updating doesn't work on my end any more either.
@ArdaXi Um, sorry. I had to upload the translation for the customer. What was wrong with it? I'm not "they", by the way!
@Gigili I use 'singular they' when I'm unsure of gender. I'm sorry if I offended you.
WTH, not again please. Why everyone is unsure of my gender on SE. I think I look like men, I have to go to see a doctor ASAP.
What I meant to highlight is that "written from the request" isn't standard English. You'd sooner go with something like "written in response to the request" or something like that.
@Gigili I don't make assumptions unless it's clearly stated, to avoid offence really.
@ArdaXi Ah okay, thanks for letting me know!
Looks like the code has been removed from the page.
@ArdaXi Assumption? Great jeepers! Never mind then, address me as "he".
@Gigili As you wish. (Personal pronouns are really tricky territory on the internet...)
Q: How to get assets after the last Cerberus mission?

Martin MelkaI just finished dealing with the Cerberus and my assets are pretty low. I want to improve the odds, but when I got to the galaxy map, there was absolutely nowhere to go, no possible places to complete any quest. Does that mean that whatever I have when starting the Cerberus mission is all I'll ha...

Q: What effect do the various Galaxy At War tie-ins have on multiple play troughs?

CaulynDarrIf you start a new game of ME3 what effect does your bonuses from Mass Effect: Infiltrator and multiplayer carry over?

@ArdaXi Uhum (My account got suspended once because of the same issue, I'll lose my temper.)
I'll add a part to my profile" It's okay if you don't trust people on the internet, it's okay if people are fake sometimes, it's okay if they don't show their real personality BUT I AM FEMALE"
Can anyone remind me of our spoilers in title policy?
@Fabian Avoid.
g'day folks
@ArdaXi Hmm, based on this old question of mine, where I initially avoided a spoiler and the title was later clarified and the spoiler added I thought spoilers in titles were allowed
@Fabian A useful title for searching trumps not having spoilers.
@StrixVaria That was generally how I understood it, but on this ME3 question I'm getting some pushback from several people on the spoiler in the title. Was wondering if I missed some policy changes on that.
Q: How do we behave with questions/answers that reveal spoilers?

user59For games, like movies or books, one of the worst things that can happen to you is that they spoil details of the story or even the finale. How do we behave with questions/answers that reveal spoilers?

All I can find on meta.
@ArdaXi That's still from the beta, I remember some later discussions but couldn't find them
Like I said, this is all I can find.
I still seem to recall that the policy was "Sure, you can have spoilers in the question, but don't put them in the title."
Avoiding the spoiler in the title for all the ME3 "Can I save character X" questions completely breaks searchability. I asked a duplicate because the first question didn't have the character's name in the title, there is no chance I could have found that duplicate by searching.
@Fabian If it can't be avoided, you're going to have to make a case-by-case choice.
I would lean towards breaking searchability in favour of not spoiling, which works if you're searching on our site, but not if you're searching on Google.
My view: Being on a site like this, if you're not expecting spoilers to be in your face, then you're doing it wrong.
My personal stance is pretty clear, as long as it's not a major plot twist I put the searchability of the title first. I'd follow the site policy if we had a strong one, but it seems we don't have a clear one.
@TylerShads Yeah, this is kind of why I'm thinking of bowing out of future grants. :/
@FallenAngelEyes future grants? not sure if I follow
@TylerShads When I want to remain unspoiled, I usually avoid every site that talks about the game, I read at maximum a few reviews, and avoid anything else.
@Fabian Good man
We had a similar discussion when Movies was just forming, so we got it out of the way with a simple line in the FAQ
>Please note that spoilers are allowed here and may be out in the open. Read at your own risk.
@TylerShads Doesn't work as well now when the game is paid by SE ;-).
@Fabian So whenever I want to remain unspoiled, I can't use Gaming.SE for any game ever?
@ArdaXi No, you put the game on ignore
@TylerShads I take my time playing through the games I want to play and like to avoid spoilers if possible for games with a heavy emphasis on narrative, like ME3. Having to try to rush through so I can get 8 questions out that haven't already been asked lessens my enjoyment of the game, especially when already starting 3 days behind the US release.
@Fabian Can't do that in chat.
Even in official forums where spoiler and non-spoiler is separated, you usually stumble upon posts in the wrong forum. There is no guarantee for remaining unspoiled in most places, so I avoid those places if I want to remain completely unspoiled.
@FallenAngelEyes ah i see
@Fabian Exactly, so your solution is to banish anyone who wishes to remain unspoiled from this chatroom.
@ArdaXi and you could be searching for a pizza recipie and all of a sudden a spoiler for something shows up, is that google's fault?
@TylerShads Well, yes, because that's completely irrelevant to my search query.
@ArdaXi Chat is different, there probably should be a spoiler chat room for such big releases and no significant spoilers in this room.
@ArdaXi This is partially why I'm avoiding this room during high peak hours.
@Fabian Ah, but that doesn't work because @Lazers.
Which brings us back to what the discussion was actually about.
@ArdaXi you could be reading "revenge of the pizza warriors 9" and then the second result is the recipie for defeating the evil pizza overlord
@ArdaXi You can ignore Lazers (actually not a bad idea when the site goes crazy)
@Fabian But I rely on @Lazers to find questions to answer.
But... if you ignore @Lazers, would @Lazers feel sad and lonely? :(
@Fabian What's hard here, at least for me, is that I do want to help the site and moderating it during the high traffic release period.
It's actually not that easy to create an RSS feed that works for everything but a set of tags.
@YiJiang Yes, yes he would.
@ArdaXi if you keep the site open in a tab, you will now see any new activity signified with a (#) in the tab title, not as convenient, but better than constantly refreshing.
Bots are people too!
By the way, what if I'm actually playing that game, wish to remain unspoiled but still want to be able to answer questions I can?
@TylerShads Exactly, new activity. Really inconvenient if you're just looking for new questions.
But at the same time, it's really hard to do so without getting spoiled for major plot points. I already know way too much about who might die than I'm happy with. -_-
@FallenAngelEyes I'm actually content to remain semi-unspoiled now, I used to avoid spoilers more but the stuff I accidentally read doesn't really diminish my enjoyment significantly.
@ArdaXi This is what I have been trying to do. It's practically impossible.
@ArdaXi It's too slow now anyway, it's FGITW now also on Gaming
@ArdaXi if youre looking around for questions, then I'm sorry, but then you should expect spoilers, if you want them or not. This is the internet, you can't expect everyone to not put out spoilers.
Q: Repeating attended mission again and again

GigiliWill repeating missions help me to earn new features and crowns when I don't have enough crystal energy to join a party on a new mission?

Q: getting disconnected in the middle of a mission

GigiliWhen it jumped out of the game while fighting in the middle of a mission, why doesn't it continue when I start again? And do I lose everything I earned when this happens?

Q: Buggy VTOL controls in Crysis?

romkynsI’m playing through Crysis for the first time, and the VTOL controls seem buggy, to say the least. I am currently in a quiet spot, no enemies, so I can experiment with them under no pressure. It seems that at least 75% of the time, pressing the control keys just has no effect whatsoever. I’m hov...

@TylerShads "What is going to be our policy?" "You can't expect everyone to follow a policy, so we'll just allow everything."
That's... really not an answer.
Woah, woah, woah @Lazers, not a single ME3 question in that lot? Are you feeling well?
This is StackExchange. We're setting a standard higher than just the general internet.
@ArdaXi Huh? I'm saying if you're digging for questions in a game you don't want spoiled, you should expect spoilers, never said anything about policy.
@TylerShads We're discussing whether we want spoilers in the title or not, right?
The difficult part is deciding when something is a significant spoiler. If you hide any tiny spoiler the whole site consists of spoiler-boxes, that is also not a solution
@ArdaXi You're still relying on internet users, however :P
@TimStone No ME 3 questions in ten minutes!? The Internet must be broken!
You're saying "Allow spoilers in the title because if you're looking for questions, you should expect spoilers."
@ArdaXi Well yes.
@YiJiang We're all doomed!
Which is basically saying "Don't make a policy because you should expect people not to follow it."
@ArdaXi Yes, if you want to answer questions about game X, then you should be expecting that you'll find spoilers whether it be in the title text, or in the first blurb that comes out.
@TylerShads I disagree. Why should I?
@ArdaXi Or just m ake the bloddy policy be "Sorry, but there's going to be spoilers here"
@Fabian For some though, it does diminish their enjoyment. Honestly, I swore really loudly when I saw your question pop up.
@TylerShads Which is the same thing.
I remained unspoiled throughout my playthrough of Portal 2 despite pre-ordering the game and answering questions as I went along.
@FallenAngelEyes Sorry about that.
@ArdaXi Because you're digging around in the sodding question, if I want to ask someone how game X is, then I should expect that they'll either like it or hate it so much that they might give something away about the plot. If I don't want to know about it I'm not going to ask everyone I see and just stick to review sites/trailer media.
@ArdaXi You're comparing the narrative of Portal 2 to ME? SOmething is wrong there.
Even Bioware didn't spoil who the main protagonist of KotOR was in their recent blog post about reputation, and that game's 9 years old!
@TylerShads I'm not going to click a question that asks how game X is.
@TylerShads It's just an example.
You can keep spoilers out of question titles and keep people from being spoiled.
@Fabian It's okay, don't take it personally, and I haven't been involved in any of the editing on it either. It was just a little... crushing.
That is a fact. The question here is whether we should, not whether it's possible.
@FallenAngelEyes That one is a spoiler I wouldn't write into a title.
@ArdaXi A poor one, if you said Kotor or some other game where narrative and story is the key element, then its a good comparison
@TylerShads I'd be lying.
@ArdaXi Then how do you rewrite a question title for "How do I keep Wrex alive?"
@TylerShads I have stated before that if you do so, you lose certain aspects like searchability.
@Fabian I got spoiled on that plot point while I was playing it. >_< It kind of completely killed any desire I had to finish the game.
Which is why I'm on the fence over whether or not to allow spoilers.
@TylerShads Narrative and story is a key element for Mass Effect 3...
@FallenAngelEyes He was talking about how poor my example was.
@FallenAngelEyes Right, but not Portal 2 :P
@ArdaXi Ah I see
I personally don't play many games on launch, so I don't have many games to choose from.
@TylerShads There was some decent story in that!
@TylerShads Besides, you weren't there so you wouldn't know, but we were very much focused on not spoiling Portal 2. Made a different chatroom so we could talk about the spoilers.
Anyone who has finished Mass Effect 3 may wish to give this a read.
@ArdaXi I find that would take too much effort. So when Halo 4, AC3, BL2, etc comes out there should be a separate room for all of them for spoilers?
So in favour of ITG is still winning by 1 vote.
@TylerShads Again, just an example.
Aye ^^
@RonanForman :(
I'm not saying that we should have a separate chat room, that depends on how many people want to talk about the spoilers.
We had like a dozen people playing Portal 2 and wanting to talk about it, so the separate chatroom felt natural at the time.
I don't think it's really a big deal to just make a separate chat room if you want to talk about ME3 for the first 2 weeks of its release.
My point is, the game could have been spoiled, and it wasn't.
@Wipqozn Hmm, interesting.
Either way, I don't have much pull around here anyway, just voicing my hardened opinion about why avoiding spoilers is just annoying for everybody :) </devil>
@TylerShads Everybody except the people who'd like to avoid spoilers.
Given that the solutions you've proposed for us can be called at least annoying.
I can't change your mind, but I respect that :)
@TylerShads don't worry, nobody can :)
I do love a good debate :) I have one friend that is a Nintendo die hard, defending everything they do and he ticks me off, but I love debating with him.
@TylerShads I can debate anything on anything.
And by can I mean will.
@ArdaXi Ok, which is better, black or purple GO
Green, obviously.
You're both wrong, Blue is better.
@Wipqozn Blue is the colour of authority around here. I hate authority.
Sorry, but the correct answer was racecar thank you for playing.
How palindromic.
And point of annoyance, I find it irritating when people edit my answers with spoiler markup </rant>
@TylerShads Why?
Combination of the same reason why I'm ok with spoilers everywhere and the fact that a single character edit should not be allowed for anyone who isn't a mod on that site.
The question title is a spoiler anyway
@TylerShads The second reason being?
so hiding part of my answer behind spoiler markup is kinda pointless
Also, you make it seem like your argument is "I can't go anywhere without being spoiled, so you can't either evil laugh"
@ArdaXi because it bumps questions no matter how minor the edit is, so they could go around just editing a period at the end of sentences for questions that are a year old.
@TylerShads That's a problem with bumping that has been highlighted before.
@ArdaXi No, if I don't want something spoiled, I just avoid where there might be spoilers. If I don't want ice cream, I don't enter an ice cream store.
I still think we need a "minor edit" feature that doesn't bump.
@ArdaXi Its on meta, I know that much, just like the chat flag situation it seems to just be hanging around anyway
@TylerShads The correct analogy of what you're saying would be "If you don't want chocolate ice cream but you do want vanilla, you don't enter an ice cream store that sells chocolate flavour."
@TylerShads You apparently weren't around when we had a certain user going for Archaeologist.
@ArdaXi And like I just said, for that question, the title itself is a spoiler so what sense does it make by hiding part of my answer (there are still major spoilers in my answer) with markup when, if you're already viewing that question, that part of the game is spoiled for you already
@FallenAngelEyes no i wasnt, that must've sucked.
@TylerShads Fair enough, I haven't looked at the question. I was arguing against "I find it irritating when people edit my answers with spoiler markup" in general.
@ArdaXi But you should expect to see chocolate ice cream in the window.
@TylerShads Yes, but I shouldn't expect it to be in my vanilla cone unless I asked for it.
@ArdaXi I just think that one got to me due to the title spoiler reason more than the other 3 or so that did that.
@TylerShads Fair enough, if the question already spoils in the title it already is a bad question it doesn't really matter any more.
@ArdaXi Funnily enough, I actually used to work for an ice cream chain, you shouldnt expect a bunch of other things that wouldn't be there, but are anyway :P
@TylerShads Ah, yes, but we're trying to build a really, really good ice cream chain.
@ArdaXi It's not a bad question at all, actually, I just don't see how you would word it differently.
@ArdaXi ...I fail to see the difference xP
@TylerShads It was a joke more than anything, that's why I used strike-through.
@TylerShads I think your problem is that you apply Murphy's Law a little too liberally.
@ArdaXi well I am pessimistic on a good day :)
You're going around saying that if it's possible someone breaks a rule, you might as well not have the rule.
There are criminals in our world. Does that mean we shouldn't have laws?
So you're saying putting spoilers anywhere on the site not in markup is a suspendable/closeable offense?
@TylerShads I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying that if we decide spoilers should not be in the title, putting spoilers in the title is an editable offence.

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