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@TylerShads during conversations. I find myself laying down on the couch while playing most times (which probably means I need to up the difficulty), and holding the controller can become tedious. using connect for the dialogue lets me put the controller down
@row1 true. I actually still hold the controller in one hand or the other, so I can usually get the interrupt.
@MBraedley ehhh still a relatively stupid thing to put in the game, considering its only kinect and not all mics
and yep, that does it. misspelling Kinect means I'm done gaming for the night
The fact is, if the feature isnt supported for PC/360/PS3 headsets, then its a waste of development effort and functionality
@TylerShads they rationalized it by saying that Kinect + 360 offers (at the very least) an abstraction layer that they'd have to create for other platforms
@MBraedley might be easier to program, but its alienating to say the least
Didn't Socom on ps2 have a similar squad command thing?
@TylerShads as a programmer, I'm going to have to say no. Apparently, the abstraction layer that Kinect offers is so high that pissing off PC gamers is worth it.
If you're in programming for pure ease, you're doing it wrong. You should be in it to make something you like and if you want to give voice commands, why limit it?
@TylerShads I think most PMs would disagree with that.
@TylerShads Yes, but do you want to create a pure software voice recognition library from (near) scratch that doesn't need training and has comparable accuracy to Kinect
how many PMs actually program vs be a delegate?
@MBraedley for this game, the choice is clear that it doesn't need voice in the first place :)
How many programmers can do anything without the PM giving it the go ahead? Not to mention MS probably gave EA $$$ to support it
@row1 so then there's something we agree on, its all EA's fault >:)
@TylerShads but because of the abstraction layer, Kinect was an easy choice to implement. the software is essentially handed a string with what Kinect thought it heard, and it's a simple comparison to see if it's close to one of the options available
lol yeah
@MBraedley I'll agree that that sounds very easy to implement, its a matter of, is it necessary and what value does it add to the game? If its purely for EA's benefit and M$ benefit of saying "OH LOOK MORE KINECT STUFFS!" then well, that's just idiotic.
@TylerShads Okay, if we want to take it into player benefit territory, then one thing that I've used voice commands for, other than dialogue options, is quick saves. On PC, that can be mapped to a key. No such luck on 360
quick saves?
on 360? blasphemous
@MBraedley on ps3 you can quicksave
try select
when there's no enemies around
@MBraedley Try the back button
dammit, I think my argument just fell apart...
Q: What determines the characters in the end?

ZenoIn the scene before the credits, Which doesn't make any sense, as the squad I took for the final part The ending was What determines the characters in that scene?

Q: Has Shockwave range been nerfed in Mass Effect 3?

RESPAWNI just started playing ME3, and it appears that the cast range for Shockwave is greatly reduced. 've only played the starting mission on Earth, but it seems like I had to wait for the enemies to get much closer to use Shockwave than I did in ME2. Am I just not doing something right or has the e...

Q: Rachni in Mass Effect 3

Fredy31I saved the Rachni in ME1, so now in ME3 I have to kill them on a frequent basis. I'm just wondering, what would happen if I would have killed them? Would they still be there, or replaced by another ennemy? Also, if they are still there, what is the explanation why this species you made extinct ...

Anyway, I don't really see a problem with implementing Kinect features if it's easy enough and some players find it helpful
Still, I think it's easier than hitting the select button </pompous posturing>
If the devs came out and stated that they wanted to toy around, fine. Though, even if Bioware came out and said that, I wouldn't believe it. But say Notch releases Minecraft on PS3 as well and only implements Kinect on 360 due to that and says "i wanted to toy around with it, sorry PS3 guys" then I wouldn't be so apprehensive. Its the matter of voice wasn't exactly a high feature requested as the removal of the Mako and it all just seems like uneccesary marketing from EA/M$
@murgatroid99 Nail on the head. Adding Kinect was "easy". Adding generic voice recognition would be hard
@TylerShads I don't really get your point. Why does it matter what internal reasons the devs had for implementing Kinect voice commands if players like having it?
Because if voice commands can be implemented across the board, why just appeal to the people who put out $150 for the 360's toy?
ugh, way to test, EA
this stupid academy mission is INSANELY laggy on PS3 right now
@TylerShads But it looks like it is much easier to implement Kinect voice commands than other voice commands
Ok, and if the game didn't need it in the first place, as in the first 2 titles didn't have it, and it doesn't add any actual improvements (it is quicker to push a button than to voice a command, thats a fact) then why implement it at all?
@TylerShads If players like having it, how is it not an improvement?
My inability to map sprint, take cover, and jump over cover to different buttons on the PC are fueling my rage at consoles
@TylerShads because I just told you that across the board isn't easy. Kinect does all the hard work in ME3. The only thing that ME3 has to do (and this is my opinion based on observation) is parse a set of words
@Sterno it's not really consoles fault, that's simply how they made the game
@BenBrocka Consoles only have so many buttons. It drives UI decisions like this
@murgatroid99 players like taking longer in battle to speak their command vs simply pressing a button for a quicker effect? Ntm, where are all the clamors for voice commands in the ME series?
they could have still separated the actions for PC, and many games on consoles still have a dedicated "cover" button
@TylerShads People in this chat indicated that they liked having Kinect voice support
@MBraedley I realize that and agree with that point, but I'm talking the usefulness of the feature in the first place. If the implementation was a simple switch statement then I agree with the ease
@murgatroid99 not exactly the overwhelming majority of ME fans
@BenBrocka specific enough now? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/54769/…
@TylerShads I didn't say everyone likes it. But a feature adds value to a game if it adds something for some people and doesn't subtract anything for the rest
@murgatroid99 So then any new feature to a game is beneficial?
Oh nice, just got another good answer badge
I've all but told you that I, personally, don't use Kinect for combat. But that's because I'm already a gamer, and have played through ME1 and 2. If I'm new to Mass Effect, and I choose to go through the game in Story mode, then yes, Kinect commands durring combat might be useful
A: What does the term "rail shooter" mean?

WipqoznA rail shooter is a shooter game in which you don't have control over your movement, at least for the most part. The movement of the character is per-determined, although some rail shooters will give you some movement control. Although this normally amounts to nothing more then choosing which pat...

@BenBrocka This is a pattern that happens time and again. Look at any PC-only title and compare it to a cross-platform title.
I think they did a decent enough job with the Kinect integration. I was surprised that it works as well as it does, especially since I can't get the 360 dashboard to obey any of my commands
@BenBrocka You shall never diminish my hatred for consoles!
pro-ITG is winning by 1 T_T
I just hate all these gimmicks in general, so don't let my argumentive/debating attitude detract from your love of a feature ^^
@TylerShads I said "and doesn't subtract anything for the rest". If I don't use a feature and it doesn't affect me at all, I don't have any problem with it
@OrigamiRobot IT's very upsetting.
@OrigamiRobot clear cut victory!
@murgatroid99 misread when I responded, my mistake
@TylerShads If it's not affecting you, why do you think it makes it worse?
@OrigamiRobot That's it, I'm calling in the Reapers.
I hate ITGs, but as close as it is, even if "get rid of them" came out a little ahead I think the new policy is owed a try
@TylerShads Oh, I loves me a good debate
We really should have banned everyone in favour of ITG for a week and then held this vote.
@murgatroid99 because, I miss playing Nintendo games. Though, I think M$ got it the best by making it an optional component for the console, lets just say, I wasn't a huge fan of the latest Zelda title, coming from a die hard Zelda fan
@Wipqozn I am rather disappointed in the clear lack of mod abuse, yes.
@Wipqozn We really should have banned everyone not in favour of ITG for a week and then held this vote.
M$? Really?
@Wipqozn Everyone ignores the whole voting issue. Its not that the questions are low quality. That can be fixed. It's that they will have to get "special rules" for voting.
@TimStone I know! What's the point of having power if you don't abuse it?
@TylerShads I don't understand how this is a response to what I said
I thought our mods were more corrupt with power than this. There's much they still have to learn.
@Wipqozn where would that have placed me? My meta contributions put be squarely in the middle before the most recent vote
I know at the company I work, they are also interested in making money!
@Ullallulloo My word! That would be unethical!
@murgatroid99 I thought you meant my argument against gimmicky game mechanics in general.
@OrigamiRobot No they don't, but I really don't want to debate this again whenever someone votes on the losing side. D:
@TylerShads Right. I don't get why you missing Nintendo is related to other people getting things that you view as gimmicks in their games
@Ullallulloo I have not seen one pro-ITG argument that addresses the fact that voting makes no sense on ITGs
@OrigamiRobot Vote up the answer that fit the OP's question. Downvote those that don't.
@Ullallulloo So I should upvote incorrect answers and potentially downvote correct ones?
@murgatroid99 the Wii, the entire thing, wish it never happened and they released GameCube2, the whole motion controls sparked all of this
@OrigamiRobot I (partially) disagree. Voting on the question makes perfect sense. However, if you're referring to votes on answers, I have no remark for you.
@MBraedley Yes, I was referring to voting on the answers.
@TylerShads I don't know. I think that it's a good thing that Nintendo is willing to experiment with the video game medium instead of just making exactly the same thing over and over again forever
@OrigamiRobot Your answer was correct, but it didn't fit the question since the asker remembered details incorrectly. Therefore, I'm downvoting your correct answer since it's a bad fit, even though it's already accepted!
@murgatroid99 Experiment, yes, release a console that doesn't even have an internet network ala xbox live/psn, and doesn't even do HD, no.
@OrigamiRobot I'm tempted to say votes mean good vs. bad instead of correct vs. wrong. In ITGs, a good answer can still be wrong, while a correct answer can be bad.
@OrigamiRobot If there are wrong answers that fit the criteria, then the question is most likely too vague. If there are right answers that don't fit, then the question most likely doesn't have a right answer. Again, it comes down to whether or not we can get the questions specific enough.
@MBraedley That doesn't make any sense.
@MBraedley generally that is the case, votes are supposed to indicate things like usefulness and research effort, not necessarily that they solve the asker's problem
@MBraedley No, that would be bad and defeat the point of voting.
@TylerShads I don't think the motion controls are related to their inability to use modern technology. They still don't have very good internet stuff in their handheld released several years later
After all the asker might have a completely stupid "problem" that would be better solved with a different approach
@Ullallulloo So no two games could possibly meet the same criteria that agent86 proposed?
@murgatroid99 Name one first party game before SS that used the motion controls in a major way?
@BenBrocka Yes, but if your answer is completely wrong, it shoudl be down voted, not up voted.
@Ullallulloo No, that largely is the point of voting
@Ullallulloo I think the only thing that could ever be specific enough to fit that definition is a question that was something like: "I'm remember this game I played on the NES. It was the first Zelda game to come out. I think maybe Zelda was in the title"
@OrigamiRobot Ideally they couldn't.
that's the problem with ITGs, in almost no other sort of question is there only one single right answer
And the fact that Nintendo doesn't really seem to care about a Nintendo network, severely impacted how much I enjoyed Brawl =[
@BenBrocka To upvote wrong answers that show research?
@Ullallulloo dot dot dot
@Ullallulloo That's why I said "tempted". As far as Gaming.SE is concerned, correct vs. wrong should take precedence over good vs. bad, ITGs included
@BenBrocka There are a ton with only one right answer.
@TylerShads I don't even know what that is. Are you criticizing them for not overusing the gimmick in the console they created?
@Sterno I guess the problem really comes back to the guessing game issue
@murgatroid99 Skyward Sword. And yes, they introduce the technology, why shouldn't I expect them to extensively use it in their first party titles?
@BenBrocka ME3 alone has a ton of "Who wants my <X>?" or "Where do I get quest item <Y>" questions
though I don't really think we should reward or punish people for incorrect guesses, only for terrible/great attempts at answering
which is what we always do
Answers can vary by detail and clarity, but there's really only one thing that's correct
The reason I hate ITGs is specifically because we have to use the word "guess" for them
it's not the same when "wrong" answers couldn't possibly have been identified as wrong by the answerer
Answers are supposed to be expert and authoritative
@BenBrocka I think I agree with you about ITGs. I disagreed with the assertion that they're the only questions with only one right answer
@TylerShads OK now I don't even know what point you are arguing anymore. Do you want people to create new technologies in video games and then overuse them even when they are completely unnecessary or do you want them to never add any gimmicks to games at all?
To some of the criteria, if I don;t know, I can just amke something up and no one would be the wiser.
"Year: What year was the game released, or failing that, what year did you first play it?" "I dunno, I'm gonna say 1995."
@murgatroid99 its spiraled out of control :) my fault. Time to get food methinks ^^
Also, the year you first played it is practically useless.
@OrigamiRobot well it puts an upper bound on the year it was published
This entire discussion is why I've been on the fence of whether or not to allow ITGs. I voted in favour of strict ITGs because I think that they will provide enough detail for the community to determine if an answer is right or wrong.
the console puts a lower bound
@murgatroid99 Not if the user is just pulling a number out of the air so his/her questions can stay open.
@Sterno I meant there's multiple ways to explain the right answer, which is why you can have multiple posts, even on those one-answer problems, that are worthy of upvoting
The way I see it is that there are two ways to look at ITG:

A) They are just a guessing game. "What am I thinking of?". That has *no* place on the site. We're supposed to be a site for experts, we're not a game show.

B) You're trying to list games which match the criteria. That's basically just another form of game rec, and even if it wasn't, "List games which match criteria X" is neither a problem nor a question.
@murgatroid99 Not if the user is just pulling a console out of the air so his/her questions can stay open.
@BenBrocka Gotcha
@OrigamiRobot of course with any ITG question we would have to work under the assumption that askers are giving accurate information
@Wipqozn You're forgetting the third way to look at it: "C) Who cares? They're fun!"
@Wipqozn Plus, the whole "asking questions" bit makes them discussions.
@Sterno I don't think that really has a place on this site either
@Sterno rageface.png
There shall be no fun on Gaming.SE!
@Sterno Exactly!
P.S. - I'm anti-ITG, btw. I'm just being sarcastic
Finally, someone that understands.
@Sterno I know :P
...why are there random model ships thrown all over my ship?
wtf, I do 2 missions and all my fish are dead FUUUUUUUU
@murgatroid99 I "remembered" my ITG game being a DOS game. It wasn't. I just thought it was because it was old.
@Sterno but "who cares, they're fun" questions are pretty much globally off topic. There are a few exceptions (as mentioned in the latest podcast), but generally, I won't like seeing them.
@TylerShads you have to feed them EVERY mission I believe
@BenBrocka You imported a ME2 save with them. See this!
@BenBrocka well shit
or you could be like me and not get fish until I can get that fish tank
I assume these fish are DLC?
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite fish tank on the Citadel
Q: Where is this terminal?

yx.I have to activate the terminal for the Hanar Diplomat quest, but I can't seem to find it? The only terminal I can find in the security checkpoint area (I'm standing next to it on the map) cannot be interacted with.

@Sterno no I didn't! Never played ME before this..t.here's just boxes everywhere
@Wipqozn nope
Mass Effect 3: Fish Tank Edition
The fish aren't DLC. They're just something you could collect in ME2
you can buy a fish tank in the Citadel
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I guess that's a point I hadn't noticed before: ITG only works if the users give completely accurate information from their memories of ten years ago
@BenBrocka Huh... I figured they were only there if you imported.
Speaking of fish tanks, how often do I need to feed my fish?
I'm pretty sure that EA will release DLC that lets you get more fish.
YEah, that was the impression I got from that Q
@Wipqozn would anyone buy it?
@Wipqozn nah, they'll make you pay for extra fish type
Fish are the new hats
@murgatroid99 Probably.
@Wipqozn I can't even imagine spending fake money on that (my ship has no fish or tank). As opposed to the actual DLC, which I will probably get
@Wipqozn I wouldn't, but some of those Story mode freaks probably would
the ship has an airlock!
:( why can't I jump out the airlock
Dead Space would let me jump out the airlock...
@BenBrocka because you don't have a space suit on
@BenBrocka correct me if I'm wrong (I've never played the game), but don't you wear a pressure suit?
The downside to ITGs going away would be that we could no longer argue about how and why ITGs suck.
@OrigamiRobot I know they're bad. I just hadn't thought of that particular reason
@Sterno We can still argue nostalgically.
@Sterno And that is the sole reason for us to keep them around
@OrigamiRobot plus I've already read the entire list of cognitive biases article
@MBraedley Yes, but dead space also lets you die in lots of horrible ways as well
@murgatroid99 I know, I've just been waiting to use that link :P
@Sterno Don't worry, we will find something also to argue about.
...though IIRC it ALSO doesn't let you jump into Vacuums without a suit
@murgatroid99 You humans are so unreliable :P
@BenBrocka Well I can find lots of horrible ways to die in ME3. All of them involve reapers or combat mind you...
@OrigamiRobot just remember that humans had to program you robots. You don't know how reliable you are
I mean the fun things! Like letting an elevator land on you
@BenBrocka You're right, can't do that on the Citadel
@MBraedley they would hit you too slowly to kill you
@murgatroid99 Do not blaspheme!
James has been doing pull ups for the last 8 hours
@murgatroid99 They really should have lampshaded that. I mean they lampshaded Garrus' calibrations in ME2
@MBraedley except they wouldn't want to remind anyone of interminable loading screens
I'm not convinced the world has ME really has elevators
@MBraedley And I was sure he miscalibrated something when the Normandy went down.
Right now on the TV, Shia Lebeouf is swinging through the jungle with some monkeys!
They just have magic screens which teleport you instantly around. After a long arbirary waiting period
@Sterno Is it Indiana Jones? I just saw that that was on TV
@murgatroid99 I suppose they actually did it in ME2, although it was under a very particular set of circumstances
@Sterno this is why I think ITG is important to me because a lot of things on movies are identify, being in beta, idk if its smart to nix them at this stage
I remember when Discovery Channel used to be not terrible.
@Wipqozn no way
Now it's just a bunch of stupid reality shows, with the occasional special.
@Wipqozn welcome to my thoughts on tech tv G4
...is there an option to kick James in the balls at any point in the game?
OR shoot him or something?
@BenBrocka idk, ask @James
@Wipqozn just start watching The Hub. We both know that's cool
@TylerShads :P
@James Stop doing pullups you freak
!! one more vote to rank 4 drools
hmm, "serial upvoting reversed" I guess someone was perhaps trying to be nice to me.
@TylerShads down votes all your answer
@BenBrocka James and his pullups was specifically why I asked this question
@agent86 I promise to never be nice to you.
or maybe they just happend upon a bunch of my answers in succession.
@Wipqozn /cry
@murgatroid99 No. The damage has been done. Now he must be punished.
@Wipqozn I expect nothing less (more?) of you.
@Sterno I'm boxing him now. I did my first intentional renegade action because the alternative was hitting on him...EWWWWWW
at least it sounded like it would be
I would just like to point out.. I am not from a video game :P
@Sterno I'd punch him in the junk, but given the size of his muscles, that's probably not the easiest thing to do...
@Sterno You could take the option of never going to that floor or talking to him
@James What? OUTLANDER
@murgatroid99 The damage has already been done. He must be punished.
Oh, right. The clocks go ahead tonight or something equally silly, don't they?
Oh, awesome, i somehow edited my old post instead
@murgatroid99 I didn't know, I couldn't know
@Sterno you could bring him on missions and then keep ordering him to the middle of firefights
@BenBrocka I mean that you could never go back there
@murgatroid99 I wish I could import him into Skyrim and then lead him into one of those swinging spike traps
My gun disappeared!?
@BenBrocka Now you have an invisible gun? cool
2 answers and 10 votes to go for the ME3 badge
I'm missing an assault rifle I JUST picked up...I can't go back and get stuff again, can I?
It was in that academy...
thinking no
luckily it didn't look like it was any good
@Sterno where do you need a vote? Since it's apparent I'm not getting to Fleet Admiral, I want to even the playing field
I've just been upgrading the first one, seems to have worked well
I don't need any undeserved votes! Just vote or don't normally.
what's the tag badge reqs?
I should be getting close to the ME3 bronze badge eventually
@BenBrocka 100 upvotes and 20 answers
oh, crap, it's for answers only?
@Sterno In all honesty, I've probably up-voted most of your posts that are close already
I've been posting those too but not as many
I got docked 180 rep two days ago because someone serial upvoted me :P
LessPop got docked for 40 for the same thing yesterday
There's still two weeks to go in the contest. I'm confident of hitting General and Admiral is pretty likely too. It's going to be interesting to see how many people make it
I'm 1/3 of the way to admiral in terms of 5 vote posts (100% in all other ways), so I'm thinking I'm good to go
especially now that I'm actually playing I'll be able to answer Qs
"I'm pretty sure we'll need giant guns. And lots of them."
I like Garrus
my problem right now is shared post throughput. I mean I've only shared one post outside of SE.com, but I don't think I'll be able to get the 5 posts with 5 click-throughs each needed in order to get a decent prize
@BenBrocka wait until the joke exchange between him and Joker
@TylerShads I agree; that was pretty great
What do you mean that hiding in a star doesn't let you avoid the Reapers!
@TylerShads did you just die a horrible horrible death?
just employing some troll logic
That was not the ending I was expecting.
@TylerShads you've met a terrible fate, haven't you?
@RavenDreamer don't spoil it, I'm not even half way through
SPOILERS: Stuff happens
@BenBrocka Well I figured, if I hide inside a Star, then the Reapers should burn up and not catch me
turns out, thats wrong
@MBraedley There were.... guns and explosions. But I think I've said too much.
I don't think that's a spoiler
@RavenDreamer a Michael Bay movie broke out?
@TylerShads I was also kind of surprised you can fly just right inside a star
@BenBrocka I'll explain that away with the fact that the systems aren't to scale
I'm pretty sure they are to scale
makes perfect sense that this planet I saw was 1/2 the size of the star, and literally touching the star
I'm sure that happens all the time
Also, the Normandy is like a million kilometers long
@BenBrocka So Pluto is only ~4 AU from the sun (according to ME2)?
@MBraedley Element Zero did it
@BenBrocka As v approaches C, you're right!
@BenBrocka ahh, that makes perfect sense, actually
Ha ha oh god Tribes: Ascend is awesome
it felt so right to ski around Katabatic again
@RavenDreamer Approaches nothing, v goes way past C!
This is mass effect baby
If it's really low mass, it can break the laws of physics. That's how it works
@BenBrocka Weird stuff happens if you have negative mass
Huh. I didn't receive any downvotes, but I just dropped from 20/25 towards General to 14/25 towards general
serial downvote removal?
@Sterno Yeah, that happened to me too.
2nd time stuck.
@LessPopMoreFizz just dropped to 19/25
I think there's something touchy about the way the stats are calculated.
@Sterno didn't you get a serial upvote removed?
@murgatroid99 Which is also entirely possible in the ME universe
@RavenDreamer I did notice I dropped from 14/15 shares to 13/15 once
Ah, nice.
@MBraedley Right, that's my point. I'm pretty sure that's what the mass effect does to a ship
After beating the game, you go back to before the final mission.
Should I take this as the "real" total, or you think it's a glitch?
hey WTF! I just lost 2 8+ posts and 6 5+s!
seems like a whole lot of people just lost stuff
I... just dropped back down to 30/35
(For Fleet Admiral)
I don't have any serial votes removed at all
I never have unless I missed it, and I still don't see any
It's definitely not serial votes
The counter has to be bugged
shows 39
not 30
Woah, I just lost a bunch too. It looks like the counter does not actually reflect the posts you have. Mine doesn't
I'm just going to ignore it and figure that by tomorrow, not only will my old score be back, but someone will log into my account and post enough answers for me that I'm Admiral by the time I wake up
@RavenDreamer mine shows 11, which is what it should be
@RavenDreamer does it really matter? I still show you as the lone Fleet Admiral
yeah, our current positions don't seem to have been taken away
maybe they took closed posts out of the math?
@MBraedley Well, the idea is that the counter is bugged for me also, and not just Sterno or whoever.
I don't think I have 6 +5 posts in closed threads
actually I don't think that could be it, none of my +5s are closed
Also, it doesn't remove your icon from a position when you even legitimately lose the votes. LessPop had serial voting removed yesterday which bumped him under 25/25 for a bit before he got it back
but it didn't remove his icon from general
This is the worst night... -_-
Don't be such a baby...votes grow back!
(no zey don't...)
I'm sure it'll get fixed
@Sterno Agreed. It is nearly midnight in NYC, so it might be script running time
anyone writing a meta post about it?
I wasn't going to bother unless it persists into tomorrow
Sorry, but it doesn't affect me. I will vote, however.
Well, given that it's closing in on 1AM here, I think I ought to head to bed. Later all.
aaaaaand... already fixed
aaaand... busted again?
Q: What does the red X mean?

aslumI was playing some quick match multiplayer and I noticed one of the players (who was not ready, and was taking a long time) had a red X on his display. What does it mean?

@RavenDreamer Answer me this about the ending: "So good", "no good", or "meh"?
@Sterno I'm going to answer with "wtf?"
I make the meta post and suddenly it's fixed
ok, now the thing affected me, im down to 11/15 instead of 15/15 wtf
I'd undelete it and ask "what's going on?"
I have 17/15 at +1
Q: Mass Effect Missions counters bugged

Ben BrockaLooks like the counters for the ME3 missions got bugged. I used to have 11 5+ scoring posts in the mission, now it shows me with 8. You can see the bugged numbers in my profile. As you can see from this search, I actually have 11. From what I heard in chat, this happened to everyone. Probably a ...

Seriously though, DST iz bad.
every other refresh it's fixed/broke
I better get to bed.

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