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@StrixVaria The top 5 answers are actually answers
Well that got downvoted quickly... why?
@GnomeSlice The Guild, yeah. She did star in Buffy the Vampire Slayer before that though
@badp They answer the question, just not well.
@GnomeSlice Because it doesn't make any sense.
@StrixVaria Bounty tiem it can has be then?
@StrixVaria Look at it...
@badp I was thinking about that.
@GnomeSlice Do you understand that websites are usually built around 1024 - 1280px width?
Honestly this answer doesn't seem too bad
@YiJiang Yes.
@badp Oh I missed that one actually. Yeah that one seems better than the rest.
@GnomeSlice Well then I don't see why you should think that is a bug
Anyway, I found my way there because this question is a dupe of it.
If the close squad wants to get going.
@StrixVaria is "What are viable early gank builds and routes?" a dupe too?
> Nothing to complaint about...
Wow, fine, I guess it's just me then.
Q: Log In/Out Screen is Vertically Challenged on High Resolution

GnomeSlice I'm using a 2560 x 1440 monitor and Chrome. As you can see, the page background isn't quite able to fill the entire page.

Q: Which are viable non-banned Junglers nowadays?

DashzappI have been jungling for a while now, but I mostly took the most common or recommended ones (Warwick, Lee Sin, Rammus, Nocturne, Skarner) but these often get banned from low to high elo. But I wonder, what Junglers are also good? And why? Also when answering, tell me viable early gank builds (t...

@badp Well, that's a recommendation anyway. That part isn't a dupe but it's just as closeable IMO.
And he added that after I voted.
The ITG train moves forward today. How exciting.
What he should be asking is "What route or items work well for Jungler X in order to help my early game ganking?"
@GnomeSlice cuteness warning
Instead of "Which jungler should I use and how should I use him to gank early?" which is too broad and discussion-y.
@Wipqozn I thought this was just your standard way of letting @GnomeSlice know you arrived in chat.
@OrigamiRobot lololol
Mornin' chat.
What's up with ClarityForce's rep: gaming.stackexchange.com/users/12002/clarityforce
@fredley He gave out a 500 rep bounty
Ah of course
Not visible on rep graph for some reason
@fredley It's visible on the timeline
Q: What is the meaning of the number 54 in Blizzard's games?

ClarityForceIn many places related to StarCraft and World of Warcraft there is a number "54". Is it really just a part of the decoration, or it has a special, secret meaning? Below are a few links, mostly to discussions on the forums: What does this number mean under my portrait? http://us.battle...

Visible on this graph but not on the mini profile-graph - possible bug?
I hate bounties like this. Whenever I see them I just feel bad for the people putting them up, because the answer probably isn't out there. :(
Yeah bounties don't show on the minigraph
@LessPop_MoreFizz Anyone got email addresses of blizzard employees? Basically anything they say is Word of God so would be a 'correct' answer.
@fredley I used to, but it's been too long for me to be comfortable using it
Caution: the previous post contains a ninja tvtropes link. Proceed with extreme care.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh I don't mind about that sort of thing, give it to me and I'll have a go
@fredley no.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Worth a try :-P
Can someone else please step in here and back me up. This guy isn't understanding what I'm trying to say.
@StrixVaria I would if I wasn't completely ignorant of all the weird terminology and gameplay stuff of LoL
@TimStone Hahahaha, the subtlety I would expect of EA (smoke)
@Unionhawk That's only live questions.
There are two deleted questions which are at -17 each, both of which have no upvotes as well. So, no, @GnomeSlice is not a record holder.
@StrixVaria Done.
@GraceNote I am now officially concerned about my DS. I cannot find the charger either.
@Wipqozn Thanks!
@StrixVaria Looks like he self deleted.
@BenBrocka actually, the ending fades to black and says You must buy the "Aftermath" DLC in order to see the fate of the galaxy from your decisions!! (2 exclamation marks for real excitement)
@OrigamiRobot I had that, once. It turned out to be exactly where I thought it was, I just couldn't find it there the first eighteen times I looked.
@GraceNote Wherever the charger is, that's where the DS is. I was originally unconcerned because "The charger is just in my room, so the DS has to be here somewhere."
@OrigamiRobot That was my logic as well, when I noticed my charger was not in any of the usual places
I can't remember if I took it to Ohio for Thanksgiving.
@BenBrocka Can I request that you reconsider your accept on this question:
Q: Does Mass Effect 3 have "DRM Servers"?

Ben BrockaI plan to play Mass Effect 3 on PS3. I've heard horror stories of EA's DRM that requires communication with their servers, but I never had to connect to EA to play Dead Space 1 or 2 on PS3. Will I have to connect to DRM servers in order to play Mass Effect 3? Will I be able to play locally if EA...

I'm trying to play ME 3 right now and it's not letting me load my save because it has the companion from the day0 DLC and thus needs to verify with EA.
@TylerShads ...seriously?
@BenBrocka Yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It sounds like DLC does require a connection then, right?
I heard rumblings about that but wasn't sure, I don't have DLC myself
wait...@LessPopMoreFizz is this answer correct then?
A: Does Mass Effect 3 have "DRM Servers"?

shaneI can confirm what Alec was saying, as far as the PC/Origin Version of ME3, if you have any dlc attached to your account, ANY/EVERY time you launch ME3 it will check to verify your DLC...there is no "one-time verification" it is all the time. If you do not have internet and you have a save that y...

@BenBrocka Yep. Hold on 2 minutes though, gonna cut my connection again and take a screenshot.
PC version?
Maybe the PC version needs a separate Q, that might be an Origin thing...does anyone have the DLC on a console version?
@BenBrocka that is of course, after you get "The Final Battle" DLC, right before you can even do all that.
@TylerShads Based on what they dished out for an ending instead, somehow that seems preferable. |:
@Wipqozn That's the second question of his that has been off topic and he's self-deleted.
I hope he tries again and gets it right this time.
@BenBrocka ..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd now I'm unable to duplicate it.
@TimStone From what I'm hearing about the endings, it's like the Lost ending, you're going to get people who have MASSIVE expectations and the best route to go is to just let them have their own theories about the plot because if you try to explain, you're just going to get into deeper shit.
I despised the Lost ending, as a side note, until I watched it again, then I was like "Ok, ya know what, this is good, I'm ok with this"
I cut my internet connection and I was able to load my save just fine
so something else is going on here.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Weird. Sounds like a PC-only, DLC related thing
Might be worth a Q on it's own. Do you know if you can download the DLC, kill your internet and play without ever verifying?
@BenBrocka Not enough experience to test
@BenBrocka It might also be affected by the fact that I'm using Origins cloud storage.
So many variables, tough to say
Q: Do I need to verify my DLC?

Ben BrockaI've heard that some people have to verify Mass Effect 3's DLC every time they launch the game, but as someone without DLC (and the console version) verification isn't required at launch. How does the DLC verification system work? Can you download the DLC and play it without verifying with Origin?

Seems weird enough people might be Googling it
Someone remind me to answer four more ME3 questions and then find somewhere to share said answers so I can quickly bump myself up to 1st Lieutenant.
Right now though, I am definitely late for work... leaves
Borderlands uses my laptop speakers even when I have earplugs in
I suppose I should get my shares in order, I'm 8 upvotes away from General.
Interesting choice of messages to star
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sorry to disappoint, I was quoting the heavy :P
@badp You uncultured swine.
@badp It's okay, I knew what you were quoting
@badp Borderlands also insisted on taking input from the DDR mat I had connected to my computer.
The only way to get it to stop spinning in circles was to unplug it.
@StrixVaria DDR Borderlands?!
That is the best possible thing ever.
@StrixVaria This actually raises the prospect of an exciting new control scheme!
I was always spinning to the left and looking up, and I could fire by hitting the right arrow.
It wasn't as good as it sounds in theory.
You just gotta shoot to the beat!
Also avoid throwing up
There's no music in the game...
at least not in the 30 minute demo I played on OnLive
You bring your own music
it's like Beat Hazard, but sniping
...and less seizure inducing
My (at the time) roommate tried to play Halo 3 with a Guitar Hero controller.
> Fine, if you are so enamored of that object, then I suggest you get your own feces analyzer.
okay, reinstalling the sound drivers made no difference
@LessPop_MoreFizz if you love it so much, why don't you marry it?
borderland is still special
Do you want to marry it?
Q: Do I need to verify my DLC online to play?

Ben BrockaI've heard that some people have to verify Mass Effect 3's DLC every time they launch the game, but as someone without DLC (and the console version) verification isn't required at launch. How does the DLC verification system work? Can you download the DLC and play it without verifying with Origi...

Q: Looking for an old AOL-Games game (robots)

DemofoxI am looking for an old game that i downloaded from AOL years ago, now i cant look after it because i get to zylom everytime i hit the "games" button. You could choose one out of 15 robots i believe, then you could fight against others (bots). Every robot got some normal and some melee attacks, ...

time to have people yell at me a borderlands-only problem really should go on SU!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Don't say that, marketers will be then finding a way to put in Kinect functionality in EVERYTHING instead of ALL THE THINGS
Dammit lasers.
G'morning one and all
@badp Knowing the way Borderlands handles hardware, I won't be one of those people this time.
Kinect + Dead Space 3, + Borderlands 2, + ME4 (you know its going to happen), + Halo 4, ARGHHHHHHH infuriating
Kinect Dead space?
"Crumple on the floor to vomit out the acid filling your mouth! Move your hands to grasp for your severed arm!"
I was thinking "precisely poke the areas on the screen that aren't going to recognize your input in order to properly dismember your enemy"
@TylerShads I think we're more likely to see Mass Effect: Subtitle with something else set in universe than a direct numerical 4
Anyone here know anything about the Razr Deathadder mouse?
@TylerShads IT could make stomping fun
At least in the immediate future
But no one stomps like Isaac Clark
@GnomeSlice Heard good things.
@LessPop_MoreFizz we already have one for iOS (technically two)
uh, I have to disable the headphones to get the sound from the headphones
makes sense!
@BenBrocka Datapad is not a game.
It is a fun lore toy.
But otherwise, yes.
@badp also, my professor cut off our internet before I could update my meta post.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's why technically. But I haven't been able to download it yet
because iTunes is a massive piece of $%&$
@GnomeSlice That freehand circle actually made me change from a downvote to an upvote.
I can see it now!
@GnomeSlice You know, there is a reason why people ask for freehand circles
@StrixVaria freehand circles save the universe once again
@LessPop_MoreFizz I direct you to Halo 4 "Halo 3 is the end of the MC saga!!!"
"ME3 is the end of the Shepard saga!!!"
...oh wait that was ME2
My question has now been at the top of the supercollider for a whole day!
And it's not a stupidly titled Gaming question!
Q: Why do progress bars animate backwards?

fredleyGmail's new loading bar drew my attention to this today: The colored pattern inside the bar animates from right to left. The Mac OS progress bars do the same: Is there a reason for this? If I was asked to animate a progress bar I'd automatically do it the other way, so I'm assuming it must...

@fredley Oh, didn't notice that was your Q
very interesting one
@BenBrocka I have a separate, secret identit...oh wait.
@fredley I just thought you were actually a golden piece of pork
@BenBrocka I am a golden piece of pork pretending to be human
So far it's going well
typing can be hard
That pork is a spah!
SPAH, Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica (est. 1963)
@fredley I once did lighting at my high school for this group
@fredley So what happens when you want Bacon?
@DaveMcClelland Wow
@TylerShads What do you think happens?
@TylerShads Whatever it is, probably that.
@fredley Yeah. I could never even remember their acronym
@DaveMcClelland I've forgotten it already
@fredley So...the universe implodes upon itself and then i get a free iPhone followed by some lasers? hmm...interesting
@TylerShads Pity I don't want bacon right now. I'll let you know if I do though.
@fredley Does that happen often?
@GnomeSlice Usually not that often because I am physically made of bacon
Particle Rifle is an... interesting weapon.
@GnomeSlice How often do you crave human flesh?
@fredley I meant the foolishly titled gaming question thing.
@GnomeSlice It's happened before
@agent86 I was about to vote to close that, and while looking up the link for the dupe you closed it all by yourself! Speedy!
Dupes. Dupes everywhere.
I think this one is a dupe:
Q: Do I need to verify my DLC online to play?

Ben BrockaI've heard that some people have to verify Mass Effect 3's DLC every time they launch the game, but as someone without DLC (and the console version) verification isn't required at launch. How does the DLC verification system work? Can you download the DLC and play it without verifying with Origi...

@Sterno yeah, having answered that question already kind of gives me a leg up in knowing it was a dupe, and also finding the dupe :P
There's been an awful lot of questions where I'm like, "I know I saw that..." and it takes like 3-5 minutes of searching to find it
I am frustrated by the fact that you can't search for the word "multiplayer" without it turning into the tag
@BenBrocka nope just good 'o image sprite css 'n js. btw @balpha implemented it, not me. he's a wizard.
Wow this seems really problematic:
Q: Does anyone other than PopCap sell Alchemy?

etherosI know that PopCap sells some of their games through third parties, such as Steam, for example. Does any such third party sell Alchemy?

@OrigamiRobot why?
@Jin Ah, neato
@BenBrocka I don't think "Where can I buy X?" questiosns are on-topic.
It's a shopping question, isn't it?
It's an answerable problem that gamers face. Certainly passes a spot-check of the FAQ
Shopping questions were defined as "what X should I buy" not "how can I buy X"
the problem was subjectivity, not the fact that someone's buying something
Q: Do important people and things look important?

Bravo840Do primary objectives/people have a visual cue that lets you know you are about to embark on a major event (potentially missing uncompleted content)? I know I can go reread my journal to figure out who I am supposed to be talking to but therein lies the dilemma. I tend to try collect all of the...

Q: Do you need a piercing mod equipped to shatter the Atlas Mech's canopy

CaulynDarrI've shot the canopy on the Atals with the sniper rifle several times, and have not seen the canopy shatter. Do you need a piercing mod attached to you weapons to do this?

@BenBrocka What is the problem?
@BenBrocka Under the prohibit section: "Shopping advice and recommendations"
He wants to buy Alchemy, apparently without going through pop cap
As I said, "shopping" has always been about "what should I buy", just like game rec posts, that's the problem with them
@BenBrocka "Where to buy" is advice.
Jeff Atwood on November 23, 2010

Over the last 2.5 years, we’ve identified a few problematic classes of questions that tend to get asked on our sites. Many of these are documented in our standard set of close reasons: exact duplicate, off-topic, subjective and argumentative, not a real question, and too localized.

However, as we launched the great Super User experiment, a new, previously unknown class of problematic questions emerged — the shopping recommendation.

That is, on Super User we began encountering questions like: …

I'm researching how to disable bloom in ME3 and I feel like I'm going down a rabbit hole here. It's like from ME1 to ME2 to ME3 they keep trying to make it harder for PC users to tweak anything.
@Sterno Welcome to EA.
@Sterno really? I could have sworn there's actually an option for that in the console version
EA should just officially change their tagline to "F*** you."
@StrixVaria or "Once we get your money, we stop caring."
@OrigamiRobot Nah, they still care. They want to get you to buy the DLC too
Not in PC, anyway
In ME2 you could do it by editing coalesced.ini. But in ME3, it's coalesced.bin. So now I'm downloading a tool that will help me crack that open :P
I could have sworn it was just in the ingame options
Nor is it in the external config tool
EA Support: Thank you for calling EA Support. How may we help you today
Customer: Hi, I'm having a problem with [game].
EA Support: Have you already purchased [game]?
Customer: Yes, of course. [description of problems]
EA Support: Thank you for purchasing [game]. I am marking this issue as resolved.
To continue this support call, please purchase the Support DLC
@BenBrocka You only hear this if you purchased the Collector's Edition of the game already.
@OrigamiRobot And if you're in Canada, you're out of luck.
@Sterno i thought you were reporting a glitch in the progress bar on gaming.se at first..
@Jin I didn't even know we had a progress bar.
@GnomeSlice Yea, but this statement is true of any situation. :P
Ooh, I'm finding some awesome stuff in here
@GnomeSlice only appears for people who participated in the ME3M contest
I just found out how to unlock all weapons
heya all
@FallenAngelEyes gasp You're alive!
@Jin Did someone say progress bar?
@fredley It's not animated, shush
@YiJiang Well it should be! Backwards!
@OrigamiRobot In the event of my untimely demise, proper notification protocols have been pre-established. You probably would've heard somehow!
@FallenAngelEyes That's slightly morbid
@fredley I prefer to think of it as prepared for the inevitable!
@GnomeSlice Canada is NOT a real country. You are an Englishman with a moose.
@FallenAngelEyes I imagined you sitting dead at your computer with the ME2 loading screen displayed.
@OrigamiRobot Given the number of hours I played over the past couple weeks, this possibly could've happened
@FallenAngelEyes Fair enough, but notifying G.SE, while very sweet, seems a little OTT
@FallenAngelEyes I noticed. I expected Steam to report you playing ME2 for the rest of eternity.
I wonder if she has left us anything on her will
@fredley I'm mostly kidding. :P
Although I did notice you popping in to provide some sage advice to new users from time to time.
@FallenAngelEyes I seriously hope there is some sort of Rube Goldberg machine so that if you die, you trip a wire which shoots a gun that fires a message into the SE server room or something
@OrigamiRobot I was trying to remain somewhat active on the site, but I didn't want the distraction of chat. Also the last time I was here was a bit frustrating, so I decided to take a break for a while.
And now that I finally have ME3, I'll probably just be in here a little bit, but spend most of my time in Summoner's Rift, as I'd really like to avoid ME3 spoilers as much as I can.
@FallenAngelEyes I remember.
Q: How do I stop that banshee from eating my face?

BrysonicBanshees. They rapidly teleport to cover distance quickly and take you out with an instant-kill attack (with no chance of revival) if you let them get to close. Even at longer distances they have a large area of effect blast and biotic attack. What are some good strategies for vanquishing these ...

Q: What does the "Chat Gem" do in battle.net?

ResorathIn Diablo 2's battle.net chat interface, there is a gem embedded in the middle of the interface. Clicking on it yields the chat message Gem Activated and clicking again yields the message Gem Deactivated Sometimes, the message will seemingly randomly read Moooooooo! and o...

Q: Do I get to keep all of my collectibles from ME2?

RESPAWNLast night while working finishing up ME2, I made a trip to my cabin to swap out an armor mod, and it got me thinking: do all of the various collectibles in my cabin in ME2 make a reappearance in ME3? By collectibles, I mean my space hamster, my fish, my prothean relic, my N7 helmet, etc.

@FallenAngelEyes I'm glad I got spoilered with what the game assumes happened in non-import scenarios. It made me far less interested in playing.
Oh, hey @FallenAngelEyes
@GraceNote Hiyas
@GraceNote Has there ever been any discussion about showing posts with close votes somewhere? The review page seems appropriate. Maybe this already exists?
@OrigamiRobot 10k users have a moderate overview of the lot in their tools.
I see. "Access to moderation tools" is a bit vague.
@GraceNote Awesome! I just killed an ITG question by looking for that in the tools.
4 votes? I'll hop on that bandwagon.
@StrixVaria I am eagerly awaiting the next step in the process on ITGs.
Wee I just deleted 2 questions!
These tools are awesome.
@GraceNote Never actually realized those were links.
~2.5k to go!
@OrigamiRobot That's about what I have for the 20k privileges.
Speaking of which, I'm quite surprised no one asked about snow golems' range before I asked yesterday.
@OrigamiRobot btw, which picture of these do you like the best?
@OrigamiRobot ~500 for me
so close
@FallenAngelEyes Do you know of a specific place I could go in the game to test bloom?
I made 15k this week, so I can apparently protect stuff now
oh, hello @FallenAngelEyes
@FallenAngelEyes I'm looking into how to disable it but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to test if it's really disabled
they're big, btw
@Ullallulloo 2
good to see you
@Ullallulloo Option 1
@FallenAngelEyes I've never actually done that, because whenever I thought to, Community had beat me to it.
@OrigamiRobot So, what's up right now?
@Ullallulloo Sure.
Also, if you could add a diagram of the exact block scenario that would be great.
@OrigamiRobot okay
@StrixVaria Since the implementation of auto-protect, it's almost a useless privilege because the main time to use auto-protect is when there's a history, and that's what the auto-protect works off of.
@Sterno Yeah, I'm wondering if the setting will even work, it didn't in ME1... I find that the view looking out of the windows on the Citadel is rather obnoxious with the sun and all. There's a lot of lensflare on that too though.
@Ullallulloo [sg][e][e][e][e][e][e][e][e][e][mob] Right?
(which I also hate)
@Wipqozn Hiyas!
@OrigamiRobot yeah
@Ullallulloo I'm thinking about expanding the question to include info about their sight range. Or should that be a separate question?
@Sterno I'll let you know if I find more appropriate places, but I'm not very far into the game yet. I usually spend the first half an hour of a game trying to tweak the graphics, but it seems Coalesced is a .bin now, wtf. :|
@OrigamiRobot Wouldn't that be the same as the other mobs? I think we have one on that. At least the wiki does.
@Ullallulloo I don't know. I'll have to check later.
@FallenAngelEyes I just found a good spot in Purgatory, but it looks like it doesn't work
@FallenAngelEyes The "bloom" setting didn't disable it in ME2, but the "bUsePostProcessEffects=false" did
however, in ME3, that doesn't seem to do anything
@FallenAngelEyes I can, however, tell you how to edit coalesced.bin
@FallenAngelEyes Grab this
It's a really easy tool for editing it
@Sterno ...interesting blog name
I'm sad that after figuring out how to get into this darn .bin file, it turns out to not result in an actual answer
@Sterno I appreciate the effort. :) If you'd like to post your results, I'll accept!
@FallenAngelEyes I'm going to work on it a bit more first.
Q: How far can mobs see?

ZoredacheHow far can mobs see? I know if I have my render distance set to far then I can see mobs before they see me. Does anyone know precisely how far a mob can see? This would be really nice to know since I could simply make sure there is water around my island that goes further than mobs can see.

@Ullallulloo If you could confirm this with your very scientific trench setup and add it as supplementary info that would also be very nice :D
I hadn't actually considered that their projectile range might be different from their visual range at the time of asking.
@Ullallulloo Oh I didn't notice the checkerboarding. I do like that better.
Let the ME3 spamming begin! :)
Q: Can I miss any of the "ambient conversation" quests?

agent86Whenever I'm tooling around in the Citadel, I find that I can overhear conversations between other residents of the structure. If I listen for long enough, or I return to the same group of people often enough, I sometimes get a journal entry for some new thing I should recover or area to explore...

Q: Is there any way to identify interactive objects from a distance?

Juan ManuelTo find consoles or people to talk to, I have to approach them and see if I get the circle that lets me know I can interact with the object. Is there a better way than running alongside all the walls in every room, to see if I can interact with consoles? Are the interactive ones different than t...

Q: How does one pick the two weapons one wants to fast "X" switch between?

MarkFirst, please confirm my understanding: you can carry up to 5 weapons you can fast switch using "X" between two at a time I am having trouble setting the two fast switch weapons. For instance, say I currently have my sniper and shotgun selected as my fast switch weapons. I then get in close q...

Q: How can I keep my idiot squadmates alive?

Ben BrockaSo I tried playing Insanity mode, and I found enemies seem to be more prone to throwing grenades. I also found my squadmates are completely happy to sit on grenades until they explode. Generally, my squad members are perfectly happy to let enemies kill them. Are there some skills or weapons I ca...

Q: What determines if a lizard will increase my maximum stamina?

WipqoznSometimes when I eat a lizard it will increase my stamina, and other times it does not. What determines whether or not eating a lizard will increase my stamina?

Q: Is there any way to increase my maximum health?

WipqoznI've already noticed it's possible to increase my maximum stamina, but is it also possible to increase my maximum health, and if so, how?

Q: How do I hijack an Atlas?

row1How do I hijack an Atlas? I have managed to shatter the cockpit glass but I do not see any option to hijack it when I get in close and it blows if I kill the pilot.

Q: Is there only one recoverable item per planet?

Juan ManuelWhenever I launch a probe and find something on a planet, can I be absolutely sure there isn't nothing else and am I safe to leave orbit, or is there a chance that I might miss something else?

@James It began days ago.
Shut up @Lazers!
@OrigamiRobot Yeah but not to the level where LAzers posts 4-5 new ME questions every time it ticks
Or in this case, 8
I'm happy that the only two non ME3 answers in there are by me.
I feel so special.
@Wipqozn s/answers/questions/
@Wipqozn Weren't you declared a special character yesterday already? :)
I don't know if I agree with this closing:
Q: How can I get rid of a bounty and keep my stolen items?

Josh Possible Duplicate: After I stole their stuff, how do I survive from angry people? I was screwing around in skyrim and accidently got caught lockpicking something. I have a habbit of stealing tons of stuff so if I pay bounty, or go to jail, I lose most of my stuff. The only way I've ma...

@ArdaXi ...dammit

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