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@Elizer and now you've done it
@Unionhawk YOUR PEOPLE
@badp What did I do?
1 min ago, by Elizer
Oh lordy. Not another "insert race here" lives matter. All lives matter people!
@badp Oh. Yes. Wait, why is that bad?
now you're going to sit through the discussion you wanted to avoid
@badp oh no
Oh no.
room topic changed to chatroom name here: General Arqade chat, wherein we have the worst arguments on the internet. Period. [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [murder] [-politics] [success] [wrong]
Oh no.
You're about to force my hand here
@Elizer The basic thesis of the Black Lives Matter movement is that society values black lives less than other lives, and that that should be changed. Responding with "all lives matter" effectively dismisses that concern without solving the problem
uh oh
something something prequel memes
Q: Are all the Just Cause games along the same timeline?

ExoMuteFrom what I've heard, all three protagonists in the three Just Cause games are named "Rico Rodriguez" (I know that's what Just Cause 3's protagonist is named, and I believe the same is for JC2). That makes it sound like they're all the same guy, so does that mean the Just Cause games take place o...

@Unionhawk I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me....
@BlueBarren something something bad conext
@murgatroid99 Some people don't believe that society values black lives less than other lives
@GnomeSlice They're wrong.
oh no
@badp They think you're wrong, though
@Avery something something I should use more @ symbols
@GnomeSlice And yet, there is ample evidence to the contrary
people ok let's stop this is not the place fo
don't use up the @ stockpile, we only have so many for the year.
there is a message between the message I wanted to reply to
@Yuuki you have lime juice in your eye don't you
and i can't use anymore @ symbols so how do I reply?
you can't
badp: we can go IRC again
@Unionhawk No, I put too much in my green chile pork and now it's bitter as f--k.
wait a minute...
toxicfrog: I wonder if this messes up with the irc bridge
oh no
now does this fall into good modabuse or bad modabuse?
I prefer the former
What exactly is he doing?
Dammit, I was going to change to room name, but I committed sudoku earlier and so can't.
who doing?
you doing!
Although that's perhaps for the best.
me doing?
why me?
why not you
I want to know what you did!
I'm starting to lose count of all the IQ points I'm losing reading this
I have no idea what's happening
Am I still awake
@Unionhawk yes
an @ symbol! :o
quick catch it!
@Unionhawk If no one is awake subconsciously, then they are 6 ft under
Don't make me turn this bridge around
@Unionhawk Who me?
@Unionhawk there's a gif for this somewhere
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Arqade chat, wherein we have the worst arguments on the internet. Period. [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [murder] [-politics] [success] [wrong]
okay, dumb is over
I can't read that
Yay! I can go back to regaining some IQ points that I lost by having that conversation. ( I lost them due to what I said)
it's in some other language
@badp I'd like to point out that that is Japanese Engrish.
@badp Oh geez.
Wait so can you guys listen to pandora Wherever you are? Avery I know that you can't.
It costs data so yes but no
but also yes
and kinda no
Yes but no? That makes none sense to me.
Why I outta give you some sense!
@Elizer sometimes when you can, you should consider if you should
@Chippies Ah. I see.
@BlueBarren Please do.
Oh... okay, well here you go. Hands over all sense
Well i don't want all of it Hands back half
here's something that will help you deal with all the dumb above
Speed unboxing?
Fine. Eats rest of sense
@MadMAxJr the least dumb thing this hour
Now that is just nonsense
@badp this seems like more dumb
All right. I gotta go.
Don't forget your sense
@GnomeSlice that mix you cc'd me on yesterday (I think, Idk, saw it this morning) is pretty good
Wick-It? Yeah it's damn good
too bad the download is just one long-ass mix, instead of separate tracks
@Chippies something something Metal Gear Solid reference
@Chippies It's a live set
@Elizer iirc it's US only. Or US+CA.
@GnomeSlice ah, that explains it, I guess
I can listen to pandora however.
VPN is a thing
@Chippies a lot of his tracks are free
> Pandora isnā€™t available where you areā€¦ yet.
Pandora is only available in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand right now ā€“ but we are working on bringing our music service to other parts of the world.
like, most of them I'm pretty sure
@Chippies ah
@GnomeSlice did you listen to gryfon? I linked a song a while ago, although I should've just linked the user
some good stuff there
I listened to the track you linked
didn't check out the rest yet
very similar style to JUELZ
@Chippies huh, really heavy. Lo-fi feel too. Definitely pretty glitchy
not bad, but it's a bit unstructured for me
Also, no downloads :(
@GnomeSlice yeah, I had to use some soundcloud to mp3 website. I still feel dirty about it
soundcloud uploads are only like 128 but doesn't really matter I guess, especially with lofi stuff
I really should start learning guitar again.
They changed Twitch
@DanmakuGrazer I blame 3v
Hmm... there's a lot fewer proper covers/instumentals of "Aoi Shiori" than I thought there would be.
.... What did they do to Twitch?
Can I pay someone to google things for me?
Oh hey, OW world cup vote results are in
Team USA national committee is Ster KyKy and Jason Kaplan
Not to be confused with Jeff From The Overwatch Team
@Unionhawk Well yeah, if Jeff From The Overwatch Team was on the USA team, then everyone else might as well surrender.
Nobody wants to wrestle with Jeff From The Overwatch Team.
@Unionhawk NEPOTISM!!!
@Yuuki Jeff is like plat lol
@Yuuki I will!
@MBraedley they're not related
@Unionhawk Memes
@Unionhawk perceived nepotism!
Yeesh, Canada and Turkey are in a rough group
Wait no I'm dumb
Oh man, I feel really sorry for Austria.
(And everyone in S. Korea's group, but mostly Austria)
Imagine being a 31 seed in this format, first of all
Our group looks cake
Poor kangaroos
Canada Singapore and Turkey are all in a single group lol
Seriously, RIP Austria.
With Russia
Question how the fuck is Canada seeded higher than Russia
What I came back here to say is that I really hate the amount of boilerplate code I need to write just to add a message format to this application. Too many hoops to jump through that would be better served with some meta-programming.
Portugal has this tourney in the bag, no problem.
@Unionhawk Wait, we're sending Ster again?
@Yuuki ye
@Unionhawk Canada's university esports scene is ramping up.
@Yuuki I have faith
There were so many better analyst options though...
Ster might be a good player, but I'm not quite sure about his coach-related abilities.
He's done some analysis, I think we'll be fine overapl
Well, at least we're better off than UK.
Poor chumps, they got Stylosa.
I don't know if the USA World Class Player base is even 6 players deep though lol
Especially since nobody on nV is from NA
@Unionhawk Yeah but UK's gonna have to pick up seven players to have someone competent to fill in Stylosa's committee spot.
And even several C9 players are from EU so we can't just fill it with those memelords
On the other hand, I think the rumors were that the pros weren't taking WC seriously last year so maybe it's a good thing we don't have a lot of pros to choose from.
Is reaver USA? We could have LETSGOCHAMP on the team
hey, looks like the US match is playing near me
I can't tell if I fixed my problem or made it worse
This is amazing. Someone accidentally sent an email to the whole company with "ACTION REQUIRED" in the subject line. After an hour, there are over a hundred replies, and the thread has forked at least once
Is it killing the mail server?
@BlueBarren What's your problem that you're unsure of?
@murgatroid99 reply all "please take me off this list" is best reply
The only team I'm even slightly worried about in our group is Chinese Taipei
@MadMAxJr I'm pretty sure that if any mail server can handle several million emails per hour, it's Gmail
@MadMAxJr i would hope not
Ah. I had that happen on an exchange server back in 2007 with a global company
CIO hit reply all asking people to stop hitting reply all.
That was the last mail anybody got for four hours.
@GodEmperorDune I think "please stop replying all" is better
@MadMAxJr hue
is the upload button not working for anyone else?
now it is
So why does the chat sometimes put a whole bunch of spaces when someone messages?
@BlueBarren I think that you may or may not have access to C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\0. Maybe.
@Yuuki it is quite possible
Oh, I actually missed one of the threads. There are actually well over 200 replies to that email, so far
But clearly this answer isn't definitive and I should do more testing
@BlueBarren Well is it working now?
@Elizer no, ask again in 3 seconds
@BlueBarren What about now
28 secs ago, by BlueBarren
@Elizer no, ask again in 3 seconds
Oh god, someone CC'd congratbot
well \0 doesn't exist apparently
So does anyone have an answer to my question?
Sometimes, the splines just have to reticulate.
@Elizer 37
@BlueBarren wut?
@Elizer that's my answer
@BlueBarren Okay then....
@yuuki are you sure you don't just have to unfold some foldy chairs?
OMG chat just did it again!
@murgatroid99 jokes on you, I don't even can my PC!
> The Google researchers found that MsMpEngine contains a component called NScript that analyses any filesystem or network activity that looks like JavaScript. NScript isn't sandboxed and runs at a very high privilege level, and it's used to evaluate untrusted code by default on almost every modern Windows system.
why would anyone think this is a good idea?
@GodEmperorDune B/c people can be pretty dumb somtimes
2 replied
@Elizer but i expect better from microsoft's security teams
@GodEmperorDune Good point.
this isn't some fly by night IOT company with an unsecured public facing mongo db
like I said, good point.
so uh
I don't think I can reply to comment flags, but
if you see an outdated comment, don't flag it, get writing
I have no idea how and why this comment is obsolete...
but unless all of it has stopped being true, "delete" is not what should be happening
I can't figure out what is outdated there either
@badp what question is the comment on?
Mann co caps still appear to exist, and backpack limit is still a thing
And it still operates like that
Oh Mann co online store no longer exists?
Maybe that's it
you can still buy stuff if you have the link
but it doesn't have a storefront
So much fucking boilerplate
Q: How can I counter the Chirrut and Baze ("Chaze") combo?

GarrettJWhen Chirrut and Baze are on the same team, it seems like I can never kill either of them. Chirrut heals too much and does too much damage, and Baze is so tanky it feels like he can't die. I've tried using characters that apply Buff Block to either of the two characters, but apparently Chirrut ha...

Q: Damage at level 70 in Pokemon XY

ElizerWhat Pokemon has the highest base attack at level 70 in Pokemon XY? I think It might be Zygarde but I'm not sure.

Damn the bridge for getting me into HOTS. It's all I want to do now.
Is it nice after the 2.0 change?
Yep, major upgrade. Serious fun w/ friends.
@MadMAxJr 2.0 didn't change the gameplay, just the meta around leveling up, hero access, cosmetics, etc.
Yep, but having ~15 heroes to choose from is way better than grinding 30 games for 2 low cost heroes.
I got raynor to level 8 when HOTS first came out just trying to get two other heroes.
So long as Tychus is still a good shooty man.
I haven't played in months. My Bliz game playgroup kinda left with my ex.
lol he's a low tier right now i think, but he's really popular for trash players like myself.
I just like playing infested Tychus.
ah dude you're preaching to the choir, I only know like a handful of RL people who don't hate my face that plays blizz games. all thanks to the ex.
That's a killer skin.
Waiting for my first 70k check from Twitch
Wow, @Sterno looks a lot younger than I had imagined.
I almost held up a sign that said "I'M NOT THAT OLD" for that picture
but I figured some jerk would just photoshop it
Granted, my mental picture of @Sterno was something like this, so...
@Sterno That still looks pretty young for @Sterno.
Only 5 rep? Weird. I thought he had enough to chat.
I always imagined @Sterno to look something like this, but older
Maybe I was thinking of this
@Sterno that's probably his son
I've got a Blue Yeti too.
A little longer and I can go play STRAFE
there are few things more boring that watching a podcast of people talking about their podcast.
for 15 minutes
@MadMAxJr I tried the desk stand for it and my keyboard was coming in way too loud. So I got a boom arm, then realized my desk has sloped edges and I can't actually clamp it
Ended up drilling a hole in my desk to mount the arm there
I bought a mic stand and the shock mount for the Yeti Blue.
The... Radius II shock mount.
So far I don't think I need a shock mount but we'll see
@TimStone yeah i heard about this kind of thing 15 years ago
certain hillsides and stuff can't handle lawnmowing or brush clearing equipment, so they use goats
Yeah, but the logical conclusion to this is that Amazon delivers you goats via drone
@Sterno TIL @sterno is kevin smith
Other way around.
@TimStone and then picks them up later via drone again, after all you're only renting them
All recent UFO sightings have been Amazon testing this technology
@TimStone Makes sense.
@TimStone hence the calls to the victims of alien crime hotline
> and you'll get to keep this fertilizer as a friendly parting gift!
@KutuluMike shitty gift, amirite?
> Customers who viewed this also viewed: Thumbs Up! Glow in The Dark Toilet Paper
so @TimStone when are you hiring the goats?
@Lazers2.0 @Elizer If you keep up asking questions like this and deleting them, it won't take long for the system to disable your ability to ask questions.
@Frank Alright. I won't delete anymore questions.
I'd say it's better to ask good questions
@DanmakuGrazer yes
@Elizer I'd also recommend putting in research before asking. We like to see effort. Many of your questions don't.
@Frank Got it.
Yes, I know you're behind a school firewall. Doesn't matter. If we don't see effort, it's going to get downvoted.
if you are not sure if the question is a good thing to ask, put it in a pastebin and ask us for guidance here in chat
@GodEmperorDune What is the pastebin?
its a place where you can put some text in if your question is too long for a single chat message
@GodEmperorDune Oh. Thanks!
Oh shit
BREAKING: FBI Director James Comey has been fired, White House says. http://abcn.ws/2k57DU9 https://t.co/U3Mxx8LY2p
I thought the White House couldn't do that?
@10k'ers, if there's a flag on a message in another language which I don't speak, do I click "not sure" or just ignore it?
@Yuuki You're thinking of Flynn
@MBraedley Actually, I think I'm thinking of Yellen.
@Chippies I always click "Not Sure" because I honestly don't know if it's a valid flag
@MBraedley I'm just not sure (lol) what "not sure" implies. Is it the same as basically ignoring or something more?
@Chippies AFAIK, yes
@TimStone shit just got real
what difference is there between "not sure" and ignoring? besides the fact that "not sure" will get it off of my notifications
also nice way to repay the guy who got you elected, mr. drumpf
I'm guessing the notification thing is the main purpose of "not sure"
@TimStone weird back pat in that letter too
Right? That's crazy
@TimStone sadly not unexpected
@comey release the pee tape on your way out
@TimStone oh hey, let's fire people who stand up to you
I'm surprised he didn't wait until Saturday tbh
@TimStone maybe he was concerned about something else in the news cycle?
@TimStone that's his golf day
this is a great way to kick the yates stuff out
@GodEmperorDune I mean maybe but if he's going to go full Nixon he really should stick to tradition
@TimStone he's going andrew jackson, i dunno how much clearer he can make it
@TimStone Can the americans of american write a letter to trump, we here by fire you, as while we appreciate you telling us you will make us great again, we side with the rest of the world in thinking you are a total f*&kwit....
@djsmiley2k his supporters still love him
Newly confirmed DAG Rod Rosenstein lays out the case for firing Comey in memo sent out by the White Houseā€¦ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/862063814531067905
no fucking way
I was just in a team meeting at work, and I realized that of the 29 people who showed up, only one was a woman. My team pretty much exemplifies the tech gender imbalance, and it makes me sad.
@murgatroid99 my company is a bit better, but the vast majority of women here are in non-tech or QA roles instead of as devs

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