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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. @GoogleMapThing: work dammit! I do not want any more crashes!
Or weird resizing issues.
(It's the combination of maps + other code that went crazy, nothing maps specific anymore)
bah, I spent ages trying to debug a problem
The solution was cacheing
I feel like a fool
everything is terrible, @fredley, and so are you, and everyone else
I hope you can find some solace in this
even if the solace is terrible
we're all in this together
well except for the trump bits, or the brexit bits, maybe.
RIP @Strixvaria
@fredley Same here, I also feel a bit like a fool. I had this weird error where on my development environment, my application wouldn't even start properly because the Hibernate dialect couldn't be filled.
Turns out, the version of MySQL I use has a default password expiration policy of 360 days, and my root password expired
And yeah, I know that you shouldn't use root for daily use. it's only a dev environment
@fredley Oooh! I also wasted multiple hours to a caching issue today.
Q: Will I appear to be spoofing my location?

OmamArmyEvery morning I walk to the subway, right before I go down into the subway there are 2 poke-stops. I then "swipe" the poke-stops and get the items, then close the application. I then get into the Subway, 5 minutes later I will get off the subway click on the app, I then swipe the 2 poke stops at ...

> You may have heard that milliners tend towards insanity. The hat makers of the Neath are the maddest of them all, and this is nothing to do with mercury fumes. How would you feel if your finest creations were the ones most likely to devour you?
I keep forgetting about Alphabet
I was reading this article and it was right there at the beginning
Prequel memes will reach a 90 day high today. Sell now.
@Unionhawk May the 4th be with you
Oh right that's a thing
It's remembrance day over here today
It's a dumb thing tbh
oh what
"May the 4th be with you"? Yeah it is
there's ranking on SE
You should hit 3 on that board once it refreshes
oh crap that bounty
I just got that
@BlueBarren Fun games last night.
Even though we had some rough losses :|
@Beedrill now only if we could've won more games :/ (We won one, didn't we?)
Yeah we won one.
that means my win 3 games quest is still at 1/3
I feel like I keep getting the play 8 games and 3 games quest
I never get play 3 specialist anymore
or warrior
or 2 warcraft heroes
I don't think I've ever seen the 3 specialist quest.
Do they get rid of quests?
@BlueBarren That dropdown has a horrible sorting method
@Yuuki Natural selection
@Yuuki want to go play on the jungle gym? I'll give you a push down the slide if you want
@BlueBarren you could definitely do that in MK8 on WiiU
@Chippies well I'm thinking it's the setting for local multiplayer
like where you specify cc and CPUs and stuff
there's item settings there too
but I wanted to confirm what each item mode was and stuff
@BlueBarren there was a custom race option with a bunch of settings that could be changed, including enabling/disabling items
but I don't have MK8D on Switch and I don't have a WiiU anymore, so I can't give specific directions
yeah so we're probably thinking the same thing
most likely
I'll just favourite this and if it isn't answered by the time I get home I'll give it an answer
You can't specify specific items, but you can select categories of items.
Like "shells only", "bananas only", or whatever "Frantic Items" means.
The items randomly attack you if you don't shoot them
(kidding, but I'd totally play it like that)
@Yuuki really? I thought there was a grid of items you could enable/disable... I could be wrong, it's been a long while since I played MK8 and custom races weren't really a thing I did much anyway
@Yuuki yeah see I don't know all those off the top of my head, hence I wanted to check, maybe all also include a screenshot or something
@Chippies that's Super Smash Bros.
@BlueBarren eh, might be
haven't played that in a long time either
@BlueBarren The one that holds the list of sites.
All Nintendo games are the same
my WiiU was a netflix machine for the last year or two
@Chippies I just checked local multiplayer VS Races.
It seems to be ordered by date of creation, rather than alphabetically by name or even domain
@Nzall I was assuming it was going by popularity
@BlueBarren ah, yes, that also makes sense
Just look at those stretch goals!
@Sterno what's the goal? I don't see one
@Sterno I'm surprised there's no fee for posting a kickstarter yet
@Chippies with the possible returns would that matter?
@BlueBarren $50
get over 100k on kickstarter ask for a $500 fee?
@Sterno oh so it's been funded already...
@BlueBarren most of these "troll" kickstarters don't reach the goal, so they don't get anything
at least it would add some risk factor
> 247 backers pledged $1,824 to help bring this project to life.
I don't understand why I'm not making kickstarters for a living
yeah but how much do you charge?
because it then gates actual good projects?
@BlueBarren 50-100$ seems reasonable
@Sterno hahahaha this is awesome
maybe if you reach the goal, you get the fee refunded
> $5000 We actually buy softward that can run spellchjecker
@Chippies $50-$100 is nothing though
> +$5000 savior of the world. Name on the cover and we won’t send you a copy of this game.
@BlueBarren it's something if you're not getting anything back
@Chippies I guess
It came up because the guy actually just delivered the PDF to backers
Which puts him ahead of like 70% of RPG kickstarters
it won't stop all the troll kickstarters, but it will make it less enticing for some to just post kickstarters for lulz
> $315 I hire my buddy Jay to help
@GodEmperorDune also I marathoned the entire new season of trailer park boys yesterday
> $500 I add the Bard
$501 I remove the Bard
> $801 My mom gets a birthday card
@Sterno you were right, these are great
> $888 I eat the potato salad
@GnomeSlice has the liquor spoken to you?
> $912 I run a game for you
$913 I fly out to run a game for you
$915 I drink all your parent's liquor
$916 I actually run the game for you while sober
$917 Nevermind, forget that idea
> $5100 Jennifer takes me back
That was great
Oh shit
Time to dodge all the May the 4th memes
@Sterno Good luck.
@Sterno I find your lack of memes disturbing
@Sterno too late
@badp Read it, sounded great, read comments, everyone is angry.
@Beedrill you must be new here
They look like changes to deal with sneaky shit
I wonder how "I decline bad rats that's been in @Sterno's inventory for 2 years" resolves in the new system
Probably "@Sterno gets 23 cents steam wallet"
I hope I just get to regift it to someone
they said existing gifts are unchanged.
I propose he just starts receiving physical copies of bad rats in the mail
@BlueBarren a user who is notorious for changing their name and avatar a lot
Come to our side – follow us on twitter on #StarWarsDay https://t.co/zAuPQRFMi7
thinking face intensifies
@Sterno currently you do
Somehow it wasn’t mentioned that LGBT rights are already protected in Russia and that there are no legal actions fr… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/860110279702708224
Thinking face shatters into a million pieces at the what
Yeah pretty much
I mean, it's true! All the rights LGBT people have in russia are protected, it's just that they have no rights
When is the vote again? 1?
All of this is fucking exhausting
Q: How do I get a balanced arte set up?

FoxMcCloudSo, with previous Tales games it was pretty easy to understand. You just had to use links from basic and altered and all that to set up your artes. In Berseria, it's a bit different. Here's what I'm doing now. I'm putting a single element through all 4 stages on a single button. So X Stage 1-4 i...

@TimStone my thoughts exactly
@Unionhawk They claim they have enough votes, but do they really?
With any luck, if it manages to pass in the house, the senate won't be able to pass it.
@TimStone There was a point where they are a parody of themselves. This is past that point.
> In addition to rape, postpartum depression, Cesarean sections, and surviving domestic violence are all considered preexisting conditions [under AHCA]. Companies can also deny coverage for gynecological services and mammograms.
Gotta love the Republican naming sense though. "Oh, the ACA is actually popular? Let's name ours 'AHCA' to try to confuse people."
@Yuuki Seriously? you mean that if a woman gets raped, she risks losing her health insurance?
@Nzall #america #profamily
@Yuuki The C-section thing basically means any "high risk delivery" (which now a days includes twins) could prevent you from getting coverage in the future.
Q: How can I tell what the hundreds/thousands digits are in a players level?

PowerlordSince Heroes of the Storm 2.0 dropped, player levels are now determined by their character levels. However, it only uses a two digit number for display with the colors and borders changing instead of having a 3+ digit number. What do the various number colors and borders mean level-wise?

So it's past 8am and I haven't heard any news. The Queen is okay then?
@Nzall Not necessarily losing, but rather getting denied coverage in the future if you want to change plans. I haven't heard of anything where insurance companies can drop you if you're already covered.
@Yuuki Philip is stepping down from official royal engagements
The man is 96 years old, after all.
@MBraedley current prediction is pass by 1
And let any other undecideds vote no or abstain
@Unionhawk That's cutting it a little close...
@Unionhawk Oh, in that case, that's unfortunate.
@MBraedley #freemarket
@MBraedley actually preexisting conditions are covered but insurance companies will be allowed to use significantly higher rates
Within the state's department of insurance however since it also allows policies to cross state lines.......
@Unionhawk Which for practical purposes for most people is denied coverage.
@MBraedley yep, "BUT TETCHNICALLY" - speaker ryan 2017
at least I already knew I needed to eliminate my member by primary so it's not like him voting for or against it matters
"I don’t think we should pass bills that we haven’t read and don’t know what they cost,” Paul Ryan said in 2009
Fucking hypocrites.
@Yuuki What the hell. That's just flat out insane.
Literally every lie about ACA being rushed is currently happening and it's bullshit
GOP senator: Comey "as popular as cholera" on Capitol Hill http://hill.cm/YB53Cgq https://t.co/KeXoZHG4GQ
Is cholera a pre-existing condition?
@TimStone Probably, papercuts probably also count.
@Dragonrage Maybe I shouldn't have picked up Sejuani. She's apparently really broken right now and is permabanned.
The worst part about all of this is the GOP knows the media will pull this nonsense instead of calling them out
Fact Check: On pre-existing conditions, both sides are stretching the truth http://nyti.ms/2pJAoff via @YLindaQiu https://t.co/ITJuevMVBs
Literally what the fuck
> “Up to 17 million children who have pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage by insurers.”

This is misleading. Ms. Pelosi’s office cited a 2011 Department of Health and Human Services report, but the 17 million figure is the upper limit
That is a beautiful kickstarter starred on the sidebar.
America: maybe time for the second republic?
That's why she said "up to" you fucking idiot how do you work for NYT as a fact checker
Have a chat with France, they're good at replacing republics with other republics
@Unionhawk Yeah, saying up to 17 million is misleading, it's only up to 17 million.
Priority Software Web SDK

Proposed Q&A site for priority programmers who want to build a web or a mobile application that works with Priority.

Closed before being launched.

Opinion Mining and Natural Language Processing

Proposed Q&A site for researchers in ASR/ASU, Opinion mining and Sentiment Analysis, AI enthusiasts, practitioners in Audio and Video Processing and Students : Focused on openSource Tools & FrameWorks

Currently in definition.

@Ronan Up to 70% off!
What the literal fuck is this "both sides" nonsense
@fredley Of the population?
Bah, why didn't we add comments for what each of these columns mean? Some of them are obvious (name, last_update), but others are rather ambiguous.
@Ronan Probably
It'd be funny if we weren't equally as fucked
No it wouldn't be
You're right, it wouldn't be
srsly tho America, overthrow your Government please
@Yuuki are you looking for a new main champ?
Q: Can I recall my US Senator or Representatives in Congress?

user1858I live in Texas, is there an effective proceedure to recall my senator or representatives in Congress? Has an online petition ever been effective at recalling a Senator or Congressman?

@fredley Is that a node application that generates Factorio blueprints?
@Ronan Yes
Eventually you'll be able to hook the game up to the node application directly, and I'll finally be free
I'm always annoyed at the lack of interesting programming games.
@Ronan TIS-100, human resource management,...
Uplink, although that's more hacker than programming
I've played Human Resource Management, it's okay but it suffers from the same thing most bad programming games have.
@Ronan which is?
Namely really bad difficulty curve, and them just asking you to do exactly what they thought of as the solution.
9 minutes until the weekend!
@Arperum You don't work on Friday?
I am so not starting a new thing
@Nzall I have a day off this week
@Arperum nice
A week of three working days is rather nice.
@Jutschge Nah, I had 6300+ IP and was looking for another champ to pick up.
Was either going to pick Jhin for the random times I feel adc'ing or another jungler.
user image
Aurelion! He's actually a decent jungler. And he's extremely strong in a tank meta
Also star-dragons
I want to say I already have Aurelion. Maybe. I know I've played him a couple times but it could've been during free rotation.
I'm guessing his stars help out a lot, but wouldn't W put all of them out of range of the jungle mobs?
And doesn't most of his damage come from his W?
You do have to do some weird kiting movements when jungling with him (rotating around the monsters) but it's what makes him fun and challenging to play.
And well yeah most of his damage comes from W but against champs you can do the Q->R->W->Q combo which explodes every squishy and takes about 50% off a tank
@Ronan Factorio is turing complete I think
@Nzall There's now Shenzhen IO, which is kind of a successor to TIS-100
Or at least the latest update has made it os
@RedRiderX Both of those are on my wishlist.
As is minecraft! And minecraft has programmable turtles in it
#BREAKING: Trump to visit Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Vatican in first foreign trip http://hill.cm/TnvknaP https://t.co/u8LmNxzxOG
Wait, so like, if he doesn't burst into flames on that last one do we just have to cancel Catholicism?
I don't think you can take "Hellspawn walking into a holy place" much further than this
Win/win, either he bursts into flames or we cancel catholicism
@TimStone Not until the Pope throws holy water at him
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, but Factorio
Or even better, just drive a stake through his heart
The Pope is the world's greatest vampire slayer, no?
No that's buffy
bunos dias
es en ingles
a pues
@CriticalGhost heya
@Avery you are speak spanish?
@PrivatePansy I'm willing to believe this
@MBraedley ... Fortran
@PrivatePansy Also need to be a US citizen
@CriticalGhost a little- sorry :(
@Avery ok, not problem :3
ps, y yo que hablo español jejeje
alguien habla español???
@CriticalGhost This room is for conversation in English. Please try to keep it to English.
There is likely a room somewhere for Spanish conversation.
@Beedrill ok
hi there
@lois6b Hello, men :3
@Ronan Play TIS-100. It's literally assembly programming, but on a CPU design that seems to be from an alternative universe
Q: Alguien sabe porque el final de outlast 2?

user186568Buenos dias, Alguien puede explicarme el final de outlast 2? no lo entiendo muhco

Actually, I have an extra copy of TIS-100
@PrivatePansy ... I hate myself for knowing what that's from.
@Yuuki Eromanga-sensei
Well, "hate" is a strong word but I don't really like Eromanga-sensei.
I like the idea of TIS-100, but I find that the restrictions it places on you are way too heavy-handed, and they just make it annoying
@murgatroid99 It's... different, that's for sure
Assembly programming by it's very nature is restrictive
Plus, highly parallelized lockstep concurrent programming isn't exactly something that is very useful elsewhere
I haven't read it in awhile, but last I checked it was one of those "incest is wincest" manga.
@PrivatePansy I mean in comparison to actual assembly
Q: Alguien sabe porque el final de outlast 2?

user186568Buenos dias, Alguien puede explicarme el final de outlast 2? no lo entiendo muhco

I also want to put a warning on that link
but it would ruin the surprise
@CriticalGhost Yo no hablo español
@BlueBarren In English, the question was edited.
Yo soy una biblioteca.
translate: Buenos dias, Alguien puede explicarme el final de outlast 2? no lo entiendo muhco
It's still in Spanish for me
Good morning,

Can someone explain the end of outlast 2? I do not understand it well,

Since in the end only he is and his baby and suddenly is in the school and there are ends, I do not understand that end.

How weird, I edited it in English
@murgatroid99 I think the most demanding part of the restriction is the memory restriction - that each "core" only holds two numbers at once
Also it's trivially simple to deadlock the system
@PrivatePansy Right. Two is a really obnoxious number of registers, because most of our operations are binary, so it's the smallest number that doesn't give you scratch space for doing arithmetic operations, or even a simple swap.
I haven't played Outlast 2 so who knows?
@murgatroid99 Right - it forces you to use the cores themselves for storage, which in itself is a really weird idea
I remember spreading numbers around for storage, not to take advantage of parallel computation
The only other thing that really bothers me is that you only get like 10 instructions per core. Assembly is inherently a verbose language, and that's just ridiculously small.
Q: minecraft working cameras

THE Diamond SheepI've been trying different ways to make a working camera system but it never works can someone tell me how to make one if you know how send me a link to download a video of it on mediafire.

I think that's partly to make sure the UI of the game doesn't become overwhelming. It was already hard enough debugging that little code running
> Mr Aik Beng Chia, one of the local Creative Pros, said: “I’m pretty stoked to be able to share what I see, impart my knowledge using my iPhone camera to fellow Singaporeans.”
My brain refuses to believe the first and second part of this sentence belongs together
@fredley yasssssssss
I guess my overall problem was that it felt to me like "It's like your job, but you have to use a shitty proglramming language, and we've added a bunch of unreasonable restrictions and a bizarre concurrency requirement."
@murgatroid99 I find it more puzzle-like than programming-like
But maybe because I haven't looked at the really hard puzzles
I've not unlocked the last row yet
I don't think I did either
How is this field not stored in the database?
@BlueBarren lmao the maid of honor seems to be the only person who cares.
@Wipqozn should read this and get angry
@fredley lol this is ridiculous. This guy needs to go back to the marmalade forest near candy mountain where he came from.
Seriously, how the fuck are vets supposed to get help from their insurance company?
Sorry for the rage, back to my corner.
@HazyKingdom rage is appropriate
@fredley Though from what I read this is not a new thing, but the state that existed before ACA, and now Trump and the Republicans want to go back to that
Not that this makes it any less insane
(although don't vets get insurance through a dedicated insurer (or medicaid)?)
@MadScientist pls
250 wins
Q: Anyone know why the end of outlast 2?

Critical GhostGood morning, Can someone explain the end of outlast 2? I do not understand it well, Since in the end only he is and his baby and suddenly is in the school and there are ends, I do not understand that end.

google translate might help
Q: Anyone know why the end of outlast 2?

Critical GhostGood morning, Can someone explain the end of outlast 2? I do not understand it well, Since in the end only he is and his baby and suddenly is in the school and there are ends, I do not understand that end.

@Lazers2.0 oka
@fredley what's left is truly the best kind of insurance: the insurance that you don't need
"I'm sorry but I'm afraid we can't renew your insurance, you have been witnessed to have a case of the hiccups on December 12th"
I got blocked from house wifi
@Avery factory reset router, continue with your day
@fredley assuming she knows her parents' ISP login details?
@badp Unless it's a third-party router, that shouldn't be an issue
um, at least with our previous ISP you have to provide your username and password on connection
@badp I do
@fredley it is
I don't want to reset it as I don't want to cause a small scale war
I remember when I got 'grounded' from the wifi. I bought a 30 foot spool of Cat5, waited for them to go to bed, then rolled out the hardline.
@Avery Factory resets will continue until morale improves
@fredley I mean we already rented a new place and waiting for stuff to be connected, so.
@Yuuki You can dodge it with a mushroom and good timing
@fredley That's terrible to look at
We have already received two flags from this room...
@fredley That's awesome.
and the flagged message has 2 stars
Like, cool enough to come here just to star it and tell you it's great.
the heck is going on in here
Please do not abuse flags.
@fredley I think you just gave me epilepsy.
@LeakyNun Yeah what the hell is spam anyway
@fredley I can't tell if it's looping or just super long and has different stuff in it
@BlueBarren It does loop
@MBraedley well I guess it would loop eventually
Report THAT as Spam.
@Axelord roger
@Axelord ecks dee!
I really do want to see the response.
"Invalid. That is not spam"
But thanks for posting something that covers that crap gif
Once again, please do not abuse flags.
@Axelord You're a dick, you know that?
HamStare @Bridge
@fredley I'd rather do something more interesting.
@fredley Given that it has 5 6 stars, I would personally like for that gif to be put behind a text link.
s t o p a b u s i n g f l a g s

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