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@Avery tl;dr, a message with text of Flags aren't jokes, please don't use them as such. If you're trying to make a point, well, still don't use flags. was flagged, I dropped by, wrote "what the <profanity> is wrong with you? Stop abusing flags." and people got more mad over me using profanity than flag abuse. Fun times.
hey @uni i thought you were going to meta
@Avery people are dumb.
I think Microsoft hates me
@BlueBarren hm?
@KevinvanderVelden hail google.
@Avery added a reference then put in my using reference and it doesn't know the reference
@djsmiley2k (I like DDH calc of DDG more)
just look at that
it's glorious
(ddh=duckduckhack, page of calc is at here)
that took you how many clicks?
hey that didn't work at all
i typed '3 days in hours'
@Avery aside from offering calc history how is that any different?
hey i found some SFW veep jokes
@BlueBarren it's open source and stuff and no offense to googlers here but I prefer DDG over Google.
@Avery False.
I hate people who respond like that
"You're literally wrong"
@BlueBarren it's an office refrance
@GodEmperorDune uh yes and no
I know it's in the office
and some people use it because of that reference
but there are some people who genuinely just argue like that
like a friend of mine
@BlueBarren so they use "false" == "fake news"?
do they dance?
because if they don't
they aint no friend of mine.
@GodEmperorDune alternate facts.
@BlueBarren false
@Avery something something black bears
@BlueBarren you're literally wrong
(feels good to be evil at times >:D)
@Avery something something Dwight Schrute
@Avery "Heroes never die!"
(I was a mercy main back in the day)
"back in the day"?
Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.
overwatch came out last year
I never bought overwatch
I only played beta
well you're literally wrong
@BlueBarren @avery is so young that last year was a significant portion of her lifetime ago
@GodEmperorDune on a scale of 1 to young how young?
@BlueBarren You know how they say "I wasn't born yesterday"? That doesn't apply to @Avery. She was literally born yesterday every day.
@GodEmperorDune yeah, 6% of my life was in last year
@BlueBarren @avery is as young as @sterno is old
@Yuuki if it weren't for you kids meddling around I could get around with hiding my age.
@GodEmperorDune crap, so @Avery's age is in the negatives?
@avery's age << every other human's age << @sterno's age
@GodEmperorDune No, that's @Ronan.
ronan recently turned 16
@GodEmperorDune every other human's age << the age of the universe << @sterno's age
he's younger than me
holy bananas
@Avery @Ronan has always been 16.
I remember being 16
And will forever be 16.
@Yuuki lucky him
like 5 years ago
@Yuuki until he's 17
@Yuuki nah at least @ronan could drive. and it's the uk so probably drink too
@BlueBarren no
he has been 16 forever
I feel like most of you guys are old
@BlueBarren grabs ID does math oh crap I'm 16 too
28 secs ago, by BlueBarren
@Yuuki until he's 17
Like 22+
@DanmakuGrazer hahaha.gif
@BlueBarren nope
@DanmakuGrazer false
@BlueBarren There's no point in mentioning events that will never happen.
@Yuuki like me getting banned, right @Beedrill?
@DanmakuGrazer sterno's like 90 yo
@Avery more like 90 million
@GodEmperorDune more like 90 million billions
yeah I'm apparently 16
who would've knewn
@Avery "apparently"
@BlueBarren ah you missed the incrementals heyday. everyone knows the bigger number prefixes now
@DanmakuGrazer 22 isn't old ;-)
@DanmakuGrazer yeah @sterno literally fell off his dinosaur
@GodEmperorDune what are the bigger number prefixes?
aww maaan
@BlueBarren A million billion is Peta-
can't even edit in real facts about sterno to wiki
@Avery turkeyblocks, amirite?
@BlueBarren i dunno, i always switched it over to scientific notation
@GodEmperorDune nah, I'm on avepn 7-24, I used to do editing through non-vpn but now as I can't access without VPN I guess I'll have to mail the stewards.
@GodEmperorDune uh how does one "science"?
@BlueBarren in the settings menu
@GodEmperorDune oh btw turkeyblocks.org invited me over to their place yesterday. Considering visiting them tbh.
u'll likely be watched
be careful
something something I don't even care at this point
@Avery sure its not a trap?
@GodEmperorDune If they reply, no, it's not. If they don't, then it is and I need to run NOW.
(the mail wasn't signed, but I sent reply in an encrypted form)
some day you can option your life story to hollywood and make the big bucks, fam
you know... I might've sent reply with wrong key heh. At least for isik.
@GodEmperorDune yea eventually
nah, I used the proper keys (removed the one above as it contained a bit of my sent history, sorry!)
So you know how we're all paid Soros shills, right?
How long does a can of @Sterno burn for?
(By the way, did anyone not get their check at the beginning of the month?)
@Dragonrage as long as @Wipqozn allows it
25 secs ago, by Unionhawk
@Yuuki yeah i'm missing mine
Apparently, Jared Kushner also has business ties to Soros.
@GodEmperorDune I'd rather have my past forgotten than announced to the globe.
45 secs ago, by Unionhawk
25 secs ago, by Unionhawk
@Yuuki I didn't get mine either
then again I don't work
that opens an interesting topic
The joke is that Soros doesn't pay protestors and you actually have to be stupid to think he does
@Avery i meant more of all the crazy shit you have to deal with that most of the population doesn't but yeah i forgot about deadnaming and all that
Why do all SO questions have really stupid titles
Because it's a stupid tag?
@DanmakuGrazer I mean the meta "get rid of this tag?" Tag
@Unionhawk because everyone loves a laugh
except @uni, clearly
> what's the DEAL with these questions?
Like the current one on there "Has anyone [interpreted] the purpose of this tag?”
@Unionhawk It's a meme, you can't expect much
Prepare for disappointment
I am disappointed
@GodEmperorDune It's more than deadnaming or misgendering, it's a rabbit hole that just goes down and down, and I've lately started to remember stuff I forgot after trying so hard and honestly I was much happier not remembering them, so I will go down the path of forgetting again when I feel like forgetting them is safe, and yeah, having it in a form of movie or any form of media would not help me get over it again. At all.
@Avery for sure, I was definitely not trying to encourage you to do something harmful
I understand. Sorry for bashing out, it's not your fault.
no worries, i'm always happy to a get better understanding of what i did wrong when i mess something up
@Avery What a suck up
@Wipqozn oh no it's @jerkqozn
If you want the mods to like you, you gotta bribe us. Kind words are not enough. We're too corrupt.
@Wipqozn would you like a flag as a form of bribal?
@Avery No. Cold hard cash.
I mean @Unionhawk has been sending us money for years
I was shocked at how much bribe money mods get when I got my diamond
@Wipqozn I mean, they start you off with a diamond. That has to be expected.
@Wipqozn we can pay you with hahstags
Also that initial message was meant to be sarcastic ribbing. I don't think that came across right.
because yeah I appreciate that @Avery, thanks
@Wipqozn how cold though? Turkey's cold money isn't even close to canada's colds probably.
@Wipqozn sarcasm for her pleasure?
@Avery I prefreeze for at least 24 hours and then ship by refrigerated truck
@Unionhawk ah
@GodEmperorDune OH myyyyy
@Wipqozn NW, modding is mostly a thankless job, but it's our fault mostly for thanking in cold hard cash (smh @uni) and not words. You deserve to be recognised for the great service modabuse you do to the community.
@Avery there was a Democratic congressman who got busted for bribery years ago. He was keeping all his money in his freezer. The headlines had a field day.
@GodEmperorDune one of the national bank's owner kept bribery money on shoeboxes, which caused a meme.
and mom was working on that bank at the time.
Fun times.
@Avery salt bae crossover memes would be great with that
@GodEmperorDune it was in 2014
it wasn't much either
just 4.5m usd
barely enough to get a decent house in LA probably
you can get a decent house in the suburbs, but not a fancy house with that much
maybe you can get a closet in the bay area
In LA no but in most of the rest of the country sure
LA is an outlier in pretty much all respects
I thought NY was more expensive than LA
@Avery it depends
the zillow estimate was on one of the luxury places in LA, so... I guess their average is for closets
The american midwest has reasonable prices for cost of living.
like there are parts of LA downtown that are ridiculously expensive but probably similar expensive places in SF or NY
but that's not close to average or median for the area
plus LA is big, so the median kind of depends where you cut it and say "this isn't LA anymore"
yeah, I guess
plus the housing market is kind of overinflated right now, anyone buying is most likely overpaying
I believe the Cincinnati and Dayton metro areas are going to join forces in 2020 to defeat how large LA is
it'll crash soon because yay we nerfed the things that were supposed to stop another 2008 crash
buying stuff is rare in big cities in USA atm AFAIK.
@Unionhawk 1-800-get-rekt
I can't believe they took that many pages to say "Dodd Frank is repealed let 3 years of infinite looting commence"
even dodd frank didn't do enough to stop it
it was a step in the right direction, but most of that has been cut away by now
Whatever, "all regulations are repealed because business business business"
even during the obama administration
Boom, done, I did your bill for you @gop
You're welcome
@Unionhawk now it's like "we're just not going to hire people to run the agency that oversees things"
Well that's because of Democratic obstruction in the Senate
earpiece we are getting word that no the president just hasn't submitted any more nominees for Senate confirmed positions
kill the noise dropped a hot new mixtape. Dunno if you like mixtapes, but still, cc @god @gno
The sadness, people.
All it took to beat Knight Artorias was farming 3 more soul levels and a ring.
And now, let's go facing the dragon. ç_ç
@Zachiel Dark Wood Grain?
whhhhhhhhhhhhha! wharrgarbl.
@Yuuki +20% sorceries damage
Bellowing dragoncrest ring, I think it's called in english
It's a little bit sad. The only way I found to avoid dying against him was to one-shot him.
Whops. Getting up the ladder again is not a viable tactic...
@fredley I'd buy it
I'll give you $15
@fredley ... if I had a spare black metal switch and time...
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I've only got a speed metal switch
Hmm, the switch that photoshop is based on is buyable
@KevinvanderVelden That's totally not going to get DMCA'd.
@KevinvanderVelden that's an ugly ass logo on top
totally deserves the nintendo switch retheme
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, "based on".
please fucking work you fuck
best account
It'll be difficult to make it a switch version though, you'd need to replace the top with a new one and I think it's one piece with the front
trying get up fucking js
is that a new framework?
"git lost" XD
Q: Dota 2 Vs League of Legends, what are the differences?

Computing CornSimply put, what are all the differences in both games in terms of gameplay, mechanics, characters, user experience , map, content and any other differences?

It comes with a free sticker!
I'm amazed that when it came to the arm he didn't go for the dad joke "And this arm cost me an arm and a leg"
@badp I'm watching the "sketchy heatsinks ep2" from yesterday, those guys really should have looked up some things on how normal people DIY cast aluminum
@KevinvanderVelden the first video came up a LITTLE better
aesthetically speaking
What they should have done is put the fins pointing downward so the aluminum would flow into the thing
@badp From the title, this looks like it can be safely ignored
Also fricking sand the thing
he does do that
No, he cuts it with a reciprocating saw (unless it's later in the video then I am)
towards the end
@KevinvanderVelden buy me one of that switches and I'll make it a nintendo switch for you
@DanmakuGrazer if you like linus's humor it is great
@KevinvanderVelden I'm going to guess I don't, it doesn't seem to be aimed at me
Yeah, this is mostly a video for people who already witch their videos
Ah well, time for bed \o
@Avery yuss for unintentional line length matching
Oh god
I saw someone try a lazy bastard/there is no spoon/4 others run
They didn't get it in time but the others were done
I did lazy bastard, it was pain
@Avery makes awesome timelapse
I approve.
haha was about to post that image.
I've been waiting for this for years
@DanmakuGrazer nice
Night shifts -_-
@djsmiley2k hm?
watch the vid
(it's 2.5 hours man)
just a lil'
@djsmiley2k the video loops multiple times
every 5 minutes and 42 seconds the timelapse starts over
@fredley hard mode for sure
Dark Rose Valkyrie for the PS4 comes out on the 9th of June, 2017. Limited Edition Pre-orders start the 8th of May in both Europe and the US
Limited Edition includes:
- Dark Rose Valkyrie game
- ACID Medal Pin
- "Anti-Chimera Interception Division Confidential Documents" Art Book
- Soundtrack
- Reversible Cover Sleeve
- Collector's Box
Man, $221.70, just for the privilege to legally drive on the road for the next 2 years. Being an adult is expensive.
@MBraedley Well, that's less than $10 a month? So that's....something?
tries to be positive
@Avery yeh. i'm getting it.....ofcause there is very little from Idea Factory i don't get
@MBraedley that's canadian drivers license or car registration or...?
Mind you, that excludes MVI and license renewal. Luckily MVI is offset from registration, since I bought the car new.
@GodEmperorDune Registration
license is good for 5 years
And it's all provincial, not federal.
@MBraedley MVI?
Motor Vehicle Inspection.
@MBraedley oh, ours are more expensive
also for anyone who wants to sleep cuddling up to the guys in the Shinsengumi of Edo Period Vampires Idea Factory is also selling Hakuokai Body Pillows
and once a year, not once per 2 years
@Memor-X pls to heals
@MBraedley Ah.
Periodically I miss having a car. Then I start adding all that stuff up in my head and miss it less
@Memor-X that's... a... horizontal dakimakura? what?
@Memor-X for some reason the interface made me guess it was Iffy
Even when next month I have to start paying $82/month for bus pass, I don't mind
@Avery more or less
hopefully it's not as much of a disappointing game as FFF
@badp Fairy Fencer F?
also the grade that the game deserves
@badp this the original game or Advent Dark Force (i think both were release on Steam)
original is what I've played.
@badp ahhhh ok. i have both on the consoles but Advent Dark Force is apparently the original game + improvements + more story
it's the one i plan to play when i get around to it
I definitely can't recommend the original game. They took all of the mechanics from the Neptunia series and... ruined them
Every difference makes for a less fun and enjoyable game
@Ash When I worked 9-5, and if buses were regular, then it'd be good for me
by the end I was just sick and tired and I just ran through each map skipping all of the encounters just to get the boss battle out of the way, watch the next cutscene and be done with the game
but I work shifts (including nights), and buses here suck :(
I look forward to our automated transport mobiles
Q: What are the requirements for a pc to run the sims 3 with 4 expansions?

MackI want to buy a computer that can run the sims 3 along with university, seasons, island paradise. But I am also on a budget of 400$ max. Please help.....this is really important to me. It has been a lifelong dream to own and play the sims 3 on PC

@badp yeh looking at the screenshots it looked kinda like the Neptunia Games after Mk. II. i'm not sure if Advent Dark Force just takes any improvements to the system made by the other Neptunia games or does improvements on it's own
1. Make peanut butter
2. Feed it to your dog
3. Laugh
@Memor-X I've written a long review on Steam on the differences and why they suck. To be fair some of the ideas were picked up again in Nep V2, and they arguably contributed to making it even better than V/Reb3
given the differences between the Nep games and the Rebirths, it IS possible or even likely that ADF is even much better than FFF.
then again I understand that NepU is a much better game than vs Zombies so uh.
@badp while i didn't play Victory on the PS3 and haven't played Re;Birth 3 yet the difference between Mk. II and Re;Birth 2 are very minor. just the change to Remake System from the original synthesis system and that you now have 4 Characters in the party (Mk. II you could only have 3 which made things hard for when i recruited Lady Blanc and her sisters) and they ditched the re-texturing for Nepgear's HDD Body. battle wise seemed the same to me
very excited that racism has been confirmed for the new call of duty https://t.co/uI9zCB97yy

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