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@BlueBarren Yea, in this case it's a clear case of ban-circumvention, which is something SO really does not like.
Q: Multiple accounts being used to dodge a question ban

Wesley MurchFrom what I've read on meta, multiple accounts by one user are "OK" as long as they aren't being used as "sock-puppets" to upvote eachother. Well I've come across someone who is registering multiple accounts to admittedly evade a question ban. This is a recent exchange I had with this person: ...

you risk getting banned for a year
@Avery connection refused on this end
@Arperum well I was trying to keep my work stuff separate from my regular account but that didn't end up happening anyways so I'll probably just merge them
@Nzall fixed
@Nzall Or forever.
> please don't try and evade our bans, we will end up blocking your IP range and disable you accessing the sites at all.
@BlueBarren Whatever you do, you will probably get a lengthy ban
stack doesn't do IP bans anymore iirc
@Arperum well now that I know this I should obviously merge the accounts
@Avery I read the replies to jimmywales' tweet about this topic, people are like "REMOVE LIES AND PKK SUPPORT AND WE WILL UNBLOCK!!!! YOU ARE SUBJECTIVEE"
@Arperum or not at all!
I've seen that happen
Here's a reporter using a metaphor with Donald Trump, who is confused and talks about what he literally sees, then… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/859400937680588805
A metaphor George W Bush used, no less
Ahh, handing out blocks, best way to start a dat
> The Surface Laptop ships with Windows 10 S, the new cut-down Windows 10 SKU Microsoft announced today. Out of the box, the operating system can only run apps from the Windows Store, though it's possible to upgrade it to a full Windows 10 Pro install for $50.
just what I wanted for christmas
Hmm, I have a USB A male to USB A male cable
@KevinvanderVelden uhh okay?
thanks for sharing?
Those should not exist
why not?
As in, the standard explicitly forbids them
@KevinvanderVelden That's bigotry!
@KevinvanderVelden Huh, TIL
As in, plugging them into several devices can blow them up
True, most devices are protected against that but it can still be a bad short
@KevinvanderVelden I didn't think USB A can carry enough power for that to happen
so what you're saying is I shouldn't daisy chain devices together using USB cords?
@PrivatePansy sensitive electronics are easy to blow up =p
@BlueBarren not with USB A male to USB A male
USB A male to USB A female is fine
@KevinvanderVelden I was about to say you probably shouldn't have sensitive electronics on the other end of USB, but then again that is what the U in USB stands for
@KevinvanderVelden I only have male to male USB cords though
male USB A to male USB something other than A is fine
@KevinvanderVelden I have one
for extensions
@KevinvanderVelden wait, what's this "A" you keep referring to?
Yes, I have a thing you can plug in to the computer at both ends
@BlueBarren The "big" USB plug
USB A male ^
Any other USB form is not USB A
@PrivatePansy oh yeah
USB B is printer
yeah okay
so a to c is fine?
what about c to c?
Not sure
I want to plug my Switch into @Yuuki's Switch
for uh "Science" reasons
I think those are fine?
@BlueBarren Kinky
@BlueBarren I need an adult.
Because they're for both host and client, where USB A is only for host
@Yuuki lucky for I'm legally an adult in my country
(that's also the issue, you shouldn't plug a host into a host)
SO supports emails you things
I can't access my one email at work
but then I can't access my work email from home
@BlueBarren Not even from your phone?
If you have cellular data, that is
@PrivatePansy my cell signal isn't strong enough for data at my desk
and it's raining so I can't go outside
@badp Oh, it's suppose to be a Chromebook competitor
@PrivatePansy Christmas intensifies
That makes... a little bit more sense. Still weird that they're crippling the OS for no actual technical reasons (unlike Windows RT)
Won't be the first time Microsoft shot itself in the foot. Let's see how this goes.
> A Core i5 model with 4GB of RAM and a 128GB SSD will start at $999.
isn't that the price of a Pixel?
@badp Huh, they even cloned the Chromebook Pixel!
back when Google was selling the Pixel
it didn't exactly fly off the shelves
@badp *implying Google actually sold a Pixel
I've seen a dozen of Pixels
...in the Google offices in Munich
their displays were easily the brightest in the room, easily outclassing anything Apple from the time
Oh. See I thought you'd have the same reaction I had when I saw a Blackberry Passport in the wild
But multiplied twelve-fold
@PrivatePansy It'd make sense if it impacted the price point but they're either taking a hit on the $50 upgrade or it's only cutting $50 which on a $1000 machine seems kind of pointless
First bewilderment, then curiosity, then a feeling of "but why?"
And a twang of disgust and envy that there are people in the world with that much money to burn
I mean
it was a bit nicer than my intern-grade chromebook
and that thing had ssh, which made it technically more than enough for work
or at least the kind of work I'd want to do from home
I'd just ssh into my desktop in the office and do the things.
So much bat jokes
It also ran much faster than your average spinny-disk laptop of the time
The lecturer is presenting Nagel's attack on materialism
and they still sell spinny-disk laptops today
Which involves a bat analogy
in 2017
it is a travesty
@HazyKingdom Well, Duke Nukem Forever got released
@PrivatePansy Egh, don't remind me.
@badp Just by dint of having less overhead at the OS level?
@badp Economics of scale and whatnot but still crazy the physical assembly of spinny-disks is still cost-effective over SSDs
I mean, in addition to the SSD
@PrivatePansy it didn't have a spinny-disk, but a tiny SSD.
@HazyKingdom I just hope they re-release Shenmue and Shenmue II.
8-10 seconds boot times
I loved Shenmue, but Shenmue II was super buggy on the Xbox, and kept freezing on me, so I never got to finish it. :(
@badp Now you can SSH with a Chrome App and rejoice
and it was some bottom-tier Acer thing
@TimStone that was already the case, yes.
Ah, good, good
"Chromoting" as the slang goes
@Fluttershy Ha, I know! Shenmue I on the DC was pretty legendary. Bummer on II, I didn't finish it either.
@badp Kids these days
The lecturer has become a memelord
including the Chrome built-in RDP thing
I'm strangely okay with this
@badp No
@PrivatePansy google it.
@badp heh, noob! 4sec here.
@badp Oh right, I forgot about that
yay linux
So, I've pretty much exclusively been listening to the Your Name OST since seeing the movie. And I'm sad I have to wait til October to see it again.
@badp I know, I use Chrome RDP myself. I still do not endorse this neologism
@Fluttershy hmm, self note, I should watch kimi no na wa...
@Avery is your laptop a bottom-tier Acer €400 thing from 2013
@Avery Yes. Easily one of the best, if not the best, anime movies I've ever seen.
@badp my laptop a bottom-tier Dell €400 thing from 2013
I have the original Samsung Chromebook and…owning it is about all I can say about it
@Fluttershy I saw on Sunday.
@Yuuki What'd you think?
It was definitely more cheerful than some of Shinkai's previous work.
@badp try arch
I never cared to time the boot time of my work Dell because the vast majority of it is taken by me typing the decryption password
@Yuuki I've not seen any of his other stuff, but I'm really interested in it seeing more now.
It has the same problems I see with most/all movies, though I chalk that up to the medium rather than any faults of the film itself.
In that I don't get enough character development for the emotional impact to actually hit.
> Startup finished in 15.202s (kernel) + 11.288s (userspace) = 26.490s
@Yuuki "Ugh! I have to watch things! With my eyes!"
dunno if systemd-analyze counts the password time
but yeah, not 4 seconds.
ooh gits2017 dropped on... usual places.
@Yuuki Ah, yeah, I think that's due more to the lack of a proper first-person perspective when you compare to, say, a novel
unlike kimi no na wa which still only has 480p version :(
For me, most of the emotional impact seems to come from the idea of the conflict rather than any sense of attachment to the characters.
@Avery Are you sure you wouldn't rather (re)watch the original + sequels?
I will
@PrivatePansy Eh, more of a function of "so all this character development has to happen in 2 hours?"
@PrivatePansy I've always felt like anime does a better job of this than live-action films. In a lot of live-action movies, you don't ever get a sense for what's going on in the character's mind, but anime isn't afraid to vocalize thought.
I just don't think movies do a good job of portraying relationships from start to end.
Unless that start to end is a matter of a few weeks.
@Yuuki Chasing Amy does this really well, I think.
@Yuuki I don't know, I thought eg. Eternal Sunshine did some incredible job with character development and ensuring the viewers are invested in the characters
Also has one of the most realistic break-up fights I've ever seen on film.
To be fair it did it by not showing most of the relationship, but leaving it up to the viewer to infer
I should really get better cell service
If you have never watched it, by the way, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotness Mind is really good
There. Hike pictures. :3
@Fluttershy that is a gorgeous area, where is it?
Ugh, outdoors.
*closes curtains*
I dunno, I feel like Kimi no Na wa's character development via montage ended up hurting it more than helping.
@GodEmperorDune Crowder Mountain in North Carolina.
Those cliffs are nice
@PrivatePansy People were climbing them! :D
@Fluttershy nice, i'll have to visit if i am ever in the area
Also surprisingly unspoiled by guardrails
@Fluttershy Oooooh, I like these
Q: What are all of Jessica's hangman papers and what do they say?

Timmy JimWhile progressing through Outlast 2, there are multiple times where you are taken to what appears to be another dimension of the Catholic school that Blake, Jessica, and Lynn attended. During these "flashbacks" to the school, you will find pieces of paper with a hangman game left behind by Jessi...

@PrivatePansy "artificial intelligence"
Why do I bother reading these lecture slides
These puns are terrible
@PrivatePansy I find it interesting that the lecturer felt it necessary to give Vaas an additional "villain" label.
wait so in addition to mega graphics cards, now gaming PCs re going to need powerful CPUs to run NPC AI?
Which is why I'm sharing them
@Yuuki He looks so much like the good guys!
@fredley Isn't it a collective noun?
@GodEmperorDune I do think the lecturer is overestimating the sophistication of today's AI, but that's not essential to the actual argument
@PrivatePansy A sheeple of people?
Which is a thought experiment, ie. the simulation argument
@fredley Eh, it sounded better in my head
@PrivatePansy maybe we're all being simulated. :thinking:
@fredley ur face is a sheeple
it kinda works
@GodEmperorDune Brain in the jar, etc., yes, that's the crux of the argument
@GodEmperorDune that's a possibility and that kinda explains everything
@GodEmperorDune ur face is sheeple
ur face is a sheerson?
@GodEmperorDune best way to emulate a human is using the Random() feature of your language of preference.
i've heard people say "you're such a sheeple"
@Avery @GodEmperorDune Specifically, Bostrom's version of the argument: simulation-argument.com/simulation.html
which is relatively cheap
Personally I think he's a hack, but I don't have a good reply to this specific argument
@fredley A lambson, obviously
Maybe sheeple is uncountable
Oh god, and now he's butchering Moore's law
(with extra insult for implying the person is childlike)
This is a bit painful
Thankfully this is a recording, so I can skip this
@PrivatePansy wow this took a dark turn
@GodEmperorDune keep playing
@Avery yeah i completed it
@Fluttershy :O so much green
@GodEmperorDune Thanks! You can read down from that message - I think you'd like the original paper the project was based on
@PrivatePansy crap i closed it too early
@Avery There was a lot of green.
@Avery thanks fam
@Fluttershy (how did the amazon thing go, btw?)
@Avery I'm not really sure. It wasn't an interview. It was a conference where they had us all do a drug test, then went over what comes next. But there was some confusion. They said it was a part-time position, but my application said full-time. So they gave me a website to go to where I could email someone.
Ah, best of luck with emailing :)
@Fluttershy companies are weird
Q: Minecraft Forge 1.7.10 isn't showing up in folder

Golden GamerI downloaded Minecraft Forge 1.7.10 and it successfully said it was downloaded, but it is not shown in my Minecraft versions folder. Does anyone know how to fix it?

@Fluttershy This warehouse work or something else?
@djsmiley2k Warehouse work. They're building a new fulfillment center in Charlotte.
they building one here too
I can see it from my house, i think
(i can see something, that is a warehouse, in it's general direction)
@Fluttershy There are stories about Amazon warehouse work. Not good ones.
it's the most terrible placed thing ever
there are, but work is work...
@PrivatePansy I figure it can't be any worse than my time at the lumber yard or slaughterhouse, so...
@Avery @GodEmperorDune this is dope
new release on simplify
So apparently you can't name files nul on Windows reddit.com/r/rust/comments/68hemz/…
or con
My request to rename the [simcity] tag seems to have gained a good amount of traction. What should I do now? gaming.meta.stackexchange.com/q/12395/181240
@StevenVascellaro We petition the king, of course!
@PrivatePansy I assume 'the king' in this case would be 'the mods' :P
Nah, they can't chop ya head off
But I like me head! D:
It's all pixely
Welp. I think the SE API just went down. User profiles and the iOS apps are borked
@StevenVascellaro No, we had a damp lassie hurl a kukri at someone.
That person is now King of SE.
@Yuuki They also fit the requirement of being much pro

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