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@Unionhawk You know he'll manufacture his own if one doesn't happen soon enough for his tastes, too.
@Frank good thing infowars is great at finding false flag operations
@Frank trump is erdogan confirmed
@GodEmperorDune there good judges, tramp
@GodEmperorDune Like the FBI has been doing for the last several years?
@Yuuki Wrong there.
@Frank Intended, I guess.
@Yuuki they're good civil rights tremp
Custom games are weird.
@GodEmperorDune they're good countries trimp
don’t worry the brilliant legal minds of the trump subreddit have it all figured out https://t.co/EorfCFadvi
@Unionhawk lelele
wait, how can we determine which one has more bars?
what he have here are units of dotness
as you can see here IDEA is the superior editor because it has more dotness to it.
Sublime Text's dotness is less of a dotness and more of a barness.
and maybe some of them are good bars,
Clockception! This clock made of clocks is awesome. https://t.co/stYrP6r6du
@badp What about normal vim?
@SaintWacko iunno
I wonder how much different from normal editing emacs editing is
why would I give up multiple carets
@badp What does the first row mean?
the article goes in way too much detail on everything
@PrivatePansy Sad!
@Fluttershy @Sterno Well Nioh is fun. The level design is crap though. Definitely feels like an after thought. The combat is good though. That said I've only beaten the first non-tutorial mission, so maybe the other missions are better.
reading the decision holy fuck this EO is going to fall on its face in the original WA Fed court
@Chippies that is so neat.
user image
your daily dose of cute
user image
work to real right now, but this is another union recommended contract the teachers have turned odnw
never a good sign if the union reps and the union members aren't seeing eye to eye
my ESO account is with an email I deactivated
and if you login on a "new device" it wants an email confirmation
Moral of the story kids, sell your internet
so i got the rest of the day off topay because the major ISP who handles the net connection is screwing up.
we had basic internet connections to some sites and no connection to our own databases
@Unionhawk it's not that simple i hope
I have no idea
Probably not
I'd assume if he tried that he'd be found in contempt
But I don't think that's a thing, idk, IANAL and neither are those two idiots
Q: Is there any benefit to prolong the King Leo batle with SFX Magic?

Memor-Xat the beginning of the game when the Tantalus Theater Troupe from Lindblum performs I Want to be Your Canary the crew have access to a type of SFX Magic which does no damage, after the performance and crash in the Evil Forest this magic is removed. considering you have to deal so much damage to...

Q: When trying to link Nexus Mod Manager to Skyrim, it claims I don't have "Update.esm", A file that I have verified I do

Jack MouseNeeding a little help troubleshooting this problem. I have the latest version of Nexus Mod Manager with the intent to mod Skyrim with all its massive collection of content from the community. I have used the Mod Manager in the past, but only recently had any issues. Lately, when I try to tell the...

President Trump tweets: "SEE YOU IN COURT" WA state AG responds: "We've seen him in court twice, and we're 2 for 2… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/829892081241972736
Blarg. Fingers hurt.
I can't wait for the Supreme Court to 8-0 the TRO so Donald gets flawlessed
> However, through 2008, the Ninth Circuit Court's rulings reviewed by the Supreme Court were affirmed only 20% of the time and reversed and or vacated 80% of the time; a rate substantially higher than the median reversal rate of 68.29% for the same period.
I'm a little worried that that won't happen.
I'm pretty confident it'll at least 4-4 and end up in favor of State of Washington
There's no dissent for the court to rely on in this case, so a dissent would have to come from the ground up
@Unionhawk Honestly, I could see it going 5-3 in favor of WA. 9th circuit is Anthony Kennedy's old home.
I have faith
And worst case this is just the emergency appeal on the TRO
so more decisions will be coming even after SCOTUS rules I think
Or donald can take the L and go back to the drawing board
He won't do that
@Fluttershy Kennedy doesn't strike me as the type to be sentimental.
But he could
When... what, like 5 or 6? Federal judges apply TROs to your EO, odds are there are problems with it that you should consider
At least 4
@Fluttershy I'm mainly confident in the fact that they did find precedent to burn the EO under 1A grounds
I thought that the situation with Giuliani and the EO reminded me of Lukumi Babalu Aye, let me explain https://t.co/EPPJCjXW4I
By the way, if you don't follow her, you should. She is one of the best at breaking some of this stuff down, I think more so in the technical realm, but also here to some extent
Her Oracle v Google liveblogs were the greatest

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in the multi-faceted issues that face those who are hosting guests (dinner guests, overnight guests, etc.), conferences, concerts, etc.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for those who are or are thinking of living or working in a country different to their own.

Closed before being launched.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Hmm 🤔
So apparently the keybindings for Nights of Azure are completely screwed up.
And I had to sit through the several minutes long unskippable cutscene to find that out.
Q: How would I get taint to spread? Thaumcraft

Bananapower54I was wondering how I would get taint to spread. My friend has been gone for a while and I want to prank him by tainting his base. I descovered that if you throw bottled taint in an eerie biome, then it makes spreadable taint. The taint was spreading good for a while until it stopped. I kept poll...

Q: Gtav online president CEO confusion?

Brad BrownI'm on ps4, and I am the CEO of a company, and I purchased a bike club, not knowing you can only manage 1 at a time. Is there a way to assign my friend as president for the bike club?

And I had to ALT-F4 out of the tutorial to fix the mappings.
And now I have go through the cutscene again.
@Yuuki unskippable cutscenes are the @wipqozn of gaming
@Ash actual cupcakes to eat.
i have a bit of a sweet tooth
This is true, actual cupcakes would be stellar
personally, i would go for some nice chocolate cupcakes right now
With chocolate frosting, or another flavour?
i personally love this frappucino frosting i had once on chocolate cupcakes. that would be pretty great right now
@Dragonrage That sounds good
they were. i havent had cupcakes for a long time though. i should go get some sometime
I kinda feel like I need to make these sometime: sweetrecipeas.com/2016/10/13/jack-and-coke-chocolate-cupcakes
they look good, but im not really into alcohol in my foods or otherwise
I just like random things turned cupcake flavours
Heck yes those sound amazing
Q: help me growing my clan in clash of clans

aryamanI made my clan recently, I am townhall6 max, I don't have any townhall 7+ player and 5 players in my clan currently (which are my classmates) give me some tips for growing my clan in clash of clans. my clan tag is #RVPC20J0.

Q: big gold and blue thing in terraria

user179187so i found something in Terraria, and i want it, but i don't know what it's called. help me please. it looks gold and blue and i think you can get it from the celestial towers. i tried asking the guide for help, i tried asking players for help, nothing. i would post an image but it doesn't let...

Q: can i put mods into an existing minecraft server?

Aqil AdliI just want to know of it is possible to install mods into my own server that I have already played in. This is for me and my friends to play in

Q: Minecraft Server Ram Error

DragonGamingI made a local minecraft server on my PC with 16GB of DDR3 ram and the newest version of java and my friend could join just fine but there is one problem with the server and that is the fact that is i try to add more RAM to the server it won't boot up for some reason if someone might know why ple...

Q: Can i delete the walking dead 1 without deleting my choices?

Manuel GonzagaCan i import my choices without the walking dead 1 app cause i cant seem to download more than 1 telltale app ? Can i delete the app without deleting the choices i made to continue the story?

It's hurting me! :(
I'm not yelling at it, I'm yelling at you guys
@KevinvanderVelden Don't wildly headbang for no reason until your neck hurts.
@KevinvanderVelden don't yell, it'll strain your neck
@KevinvanderVelden here's something to get your mind off the neck. Trump got defeated in court and in response he's announced he supports One China
also everyhing is still terrible
including your neck
@Memor-X \o/
@badp /o\
@KevinvanderVelden It's only half true though. (first half)
> “President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our ‘One China’ policy,” the White House said, referring to a diplomatic understanding by which Washington does not challenge China’s claim over Taiwan, a democratically ruled island that Beijing considers a breakaway province.
after being told no he needs to do something to make himself feel he still has power
question: how involved is the story of Stardew Valley? Is it just about improving the valley and the farm without much else?
@Memor-X Did not know that
@Nzall that's what i read. that and getting a husband/wife
i read you can get a prize if you improve the farm to a certain level in the first couple of years but i don't think that's really story
So there is not really a central narrative that pushes progress along? Good to know. Probably won't continue playing then
@Nzall i havn't played it but from what i read it's more Harvest Moon that Rune Factory where Rune Factory is Havest Moon with a deeper involved plot
I see. I heard a lot of people gush about it, but I prefer my games to be narratively driven, not free form
or at least to have a goal explicitly given by the game to work toward
@Nzall the goal of Harvest Moon Games generally is to get the most difficult partner to court
Games like Minecraft, Kerbal, I don't really enjoy open-ended sandbox games
Me neither... I never really enjoy open world sandboxish games
GTA JustCause Prototype inFamouse I never finished those open world games. They get boring way too quick for me
Pictured: the Netherlands
They probably removed the shower curtain for the picture, the rails are still there
and maybe they're good curtains,
@KevinvanderVelden That plus they'll keep the curtains for their own next home, and make the buyer buy his own curtains.
@KevinvanderVelden Just so it's a friggin long walk to get to the other side of the place as possible.
Also wanting really tight tolerances for no reason
@KevinvanderVelden According to the fire inspector, they had 15 meetings on what the fire escape signs should look like
> Its central office building – a massive ring of glass frequently likened to a spaceship – could be a challenge just to navigate, she noted.
> One of the most vexing features was the doorways, which Apple wanted to be perfectly flat, with no threshold. The construction team pushed back, but Apple held firm.

The rationale? If engineers had to adjust their gait while entering the building, they risked distraction from their work, according to a former construction manager.
working while walking seems like an accident waiting to happen
It also means every time there's even a bit of rain it'll get inside
@KevinvanderVelden ssssh We're talking design, not practicallity
100% code coverage from Unit Tests https://t.co/6X7HlmbNdv
Thanks @badp for linking that
@KevinvanderVelden "This computer is a perfect cylinder." "Wow that's neat. Where do you plu---" *shovel to the head*
Wireless charging man, it's the future!
Q: Problems with the F3 key in Minecraft, how to fix?

DennisPVPmatserPressing the F3 button yields no result on both single and multiplayer. What to do?

Q: Is theorycrafting off-topic?

dlyTheorycrafting would probably be considered off-topic as those questions usually ask about certain details of game mechanics and (a lot of) maths, which would be a good reason to close them as OT. However, in World of Warcraft theorycrafting is widely accepted and a lot of guilds actually encoura...

Q: legendary chance in creature quest?

kl78I openend about 150 Diamond boxes now, and have still no boss creatures. Looking at other profiles I see many players with a lot of boss creatures. Now I wonder, am I very unlucky or is the boss-quote very low. Does somebody know the actual chance of getting a boss-creature out of a diamond-box?

Donald Trump is saving puppies via Twitter
@SepiaLazers What the actual fuck
After reading the "We are a gaming website, but we don't hardware" argument, the "We are a gaming website, but we don't do lore" argument, the "We are a gaming website, but we don't do pllot" argument, the "We are a gaming website, but we don't do services" argument and now the "We are a gaming website, but we don't do game mechanics" argument
what the fuck is this website even about
It's about:.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah agreed. There's literally no excuse for it. The only concern is someone skipping it by mistake, but that's a solved problem: you ask for confirmation with a different button, and require a button hold.
Yeah but press-to-skip is trivial to implement and that's harder
@badp I didn't say theorycrafting is off-topic. I said it was a poor fit for the format Stack Exchange uses
The problem is that theorycrafting inherently expects feedback and discussion on what the best way to model something is, or what the best talent is
> those questions usually ask about certain details of game mechanics and (a lot of) maths, which would be a good reason to close them as OT
maybe I don't understand what such a question would be
@badp I really agree with @Nzall here. Especially the "Ask questions, get answers" part. Questions/topics about theorycrafting are better in a classic forum format. However theorycrafting can obviously be used in an answer to (im)prove it.
If you look at some theorycrafting topics on mmo-champion they are often 500-1000 pages long.
Theorycrafting is a lot of back and forth, it's not really a Q&A as much as... well crafting a solution
from what you're describing
the problem isn't "off-topic"
they're just not questions
but again I'd need an example to go more in the specific
at the moment it's sounding like if I wanted to ask about the exact curve Mario makes in SMB1 when he jumps, you're going to tell me it's off topic.
@badp A typical WoW theorycrafting question is "How does mechanic X work?"
and that's perhaps kind of a silly question, but there's no way in hell that is off topic.
@Nzall that would be perfectly on-topic
and then once people know how that works, they start making models around that
@Jutschge so long as the scope is reasonable.
@Nzall so what you're telling me is that if someone asks "Can I make this jump in this game" and someone brings up graphs and charts and mathematical models, their answer is off-topic?
and what would we do then
delete their answer?
because it's too detailed?
@badp no, what I'm talking about is "this mechanics works in manner X"
and then 100 comments detailing "what if we do Y?"
@Nzall yes, that's 80% of the questions on this website
well, I don't know exactly.
One of the problems is that Theorycrafting is not just "how does mechanic X work", but also "How do I play Windwalker Monk at max DPS"
both questions seem fine to me.
@Nzall These comments don't make the original question invalid.
so long as you ask one at a time.
and each question is reasonably scoped.
And that usually involves a massive guide, followed by 30 pages of people trying to eek out 0.01% more DPS
The matter of on- and off-topicness is something completely different from what you're trying to get at.
Let me put it differently: a question asking "how does mechanic X work" and a simple answer based on that is on-topic
but that's only a fraction of theorycrafting
why are you talking about answers being on topic now
I think most theorycrafting topics would simply be too broad. The answers would have to be extremely long (probably longer than any answer on this page) considering all the different variables in a game like WoW.
A lot of theorycrafting involves napkin math and validating that math, creating simulation tools and improving them
and THAT is less useful on here
> Now, is our Q&A area the best place to host the shared development of an approximate model of game mechanics? No, probably not. That doesn't mean answers shouldn't bring maths to the table, and that newer answers shouldn't challenge the assumptions made in the older answers, and that people can't discuss the matter in the comments area or on chat.
People won't theorycraft on this website because it's a pain in the ass.
that is a different thing from
People should not theorycraft on this website
@Unionhawk No.
@KevinvanderVelden it's already in your head
@Unionhawk I still haven't listened to more than the first 3 notes
Because I don't click on something and then ignore it's existence while it loads
> because Stack Exchange inherently doesn't like people discussing things in details.
I actually can't think of any question about theorycrafting itself... It's usually just used in answers.
Damnit, I keep accidentally closing Chrome tabs instead of selecting them
so what you're trying to say is that we expect answers to be reasonable in size; if you have to write a book to answer the question fully, don't.
It's okay to use some handwaving.
There is no obligation to theorycraft.
and perhaps we are usually more interested in dealing with realistic play rather than what would happen in frame-perfect lagless gameplay, despite the fact that I'd love to see more activity of TAS- and speedrun-like topics here.
but that's a soft problem -- we don't have TASers or speedrunners, so they don't discuss that here, so we don't have TASers or speedrunners
not a matter of policy
I mean we do have a speedrunner... @Chippies I think?
@KevinvanderVelden HAHA, nope
lots of people here speedrun though, I thought?
@Fluttershy was it?
@KevinvanderVelden It's @Fluttershy who started working towards speedrunning Ori.
he was looking for something to speedrun recently
My word
@badp posted a gif and everything
There must be a really intense discussion going on
I'm too lazy to look through everything though, so I'm just going to blindly agree with whatever @badp is saying
@Wipqozn doing that can and will infuriate users at some point. (In this case I agree with @badp too, doesn't mean blindly doing so is always good.)
(I'm not saying it will infuriate me, I can just see perfectly how it will make some people mad)
also I'm faaaaiirrrlllyyyy certain I've written some actual code and model for an answer at least two or three times
A: What is the quickest way to compare the DPS of two weapons?

badpI've written a terrible program in terribly written Python that attempts to do DPS calculation at a very basic level. I've been using it to compare weapons for a while and it doesn't seem terribly wrong most of the time. What it does is simulate firing a gun for 60 seconds, then divide the damag...

I think the whole question is what you WoW people would call "theorycrafting"
neither my answer or Michel's did very well though.
probably because they weren't like a form you could punch numbers in
@Arperum I'd be more concerned if I wasn't joking
and it wasn't obviously a joke
@badp probably because running a python script eliminates a ton of people who are confident in doing it, thus making your answer useless to a ton of people
anyways BACK TO WROK
@Chippies hey what can I do
@badp there's a lot of people who use this site that I would bet don't even know what Python is
The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, from the Greek word python (πυθων), are a family of nonvenomous snakes found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the world. Eight genera and 31 species are currently recognized. == Geographic range == Pythons are found in sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, southern China, Southeast Asia, and from the Philippines southeast through Indonesia to New Guinea and Australia. In the United States, an introduced population of Burmese pythons, Python molurus bivittatus, has existed as ...
@Chippies their loss =p
@Wipqozn Yea, the thing is that the discussion is with someone who has sometimes difficulty with seeing those kind of jokes (I'm also rather bad at catching those kinds of jokes frequently)
I mean blindly agreeing with @badp will see yourself being right like, 73% of the time or more
It might even be as high as 75%!
@Unionhawk Probably. Not relevant to the infuriating people part though.
If all of the ruling power are blindly opposing you, that's not going to be a fun experience.
I don't mind everyone siding with @badp all the time, I do mind if that happens blindly.
In other words, @Wipqozn jokes like that need an even clearer indication of it being a joke =p
Also, @Wipqozn is working, ping the turtle!
You don't want to ping @Wipqozn?
@Wipqozn gets enough pings already
You guys are meab to @Wipqozn
@Unionhawk But if @Wipqozn is making jokes in a bad way, we should make it clear.
@Unionhawk Should we ping you instead?
If you want pings, that's no fun.
@Wipqozn SHOULD PING @Unionhawk
(also editing pings repeatedly so that's okay)
Oct 16 '13 at 1:02, by Wipqozn
I always feel so popular when I get blamed for things when I'm not even around.
@Chippies Yeah. I'm trying to learn the All Skills run for Ori. Reeeeally struggling, though.
RIP @Ori
I hold my internet name to too high regards
@Wipqozn I wouldn't say the level design is crap but it's definitely nowhere near Dark Souls
Which is disappointing, because I saw one review praising it
Oh god can you imagine what quotes they'd use for GOTY edition or whatever?
US is so good that it's bad.
That I love it to much, it makes me harder to aim for other countries after trump :(
@Sterno Honestly, I don't know that we'll ever see a game with better level design that the Souls series.
passport application page of turkish govt is down
too many people want in?
That would be out I believe
I'm in the Schrodinger's box of work environments: my home office.
too few people want in and their scaling thing killed the last webserver instance?
No, Passport is out
Visa is in
or payment
coffee is slow in kicking in.

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