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I think I'm super irritable this morning
every consistent noise this morning is bothering me
this guy blowing his nose 4 times in a row
someone rubbing their hands together
it shouldn't bother me it just is
Okay let's move on to not discussing this user. I suggest we talk about how awesome I am.
it's one of those morning
@Wipqozn that'll be a very short conservation
@KevinvanderVelden because my awesomeness defies explanation?
@Wipqozn because there's so little of it
(it being your awesomeness)
I'll rate that burn 4/10
mostly due to originality
and the lack there of it
@BlueBarren I'd rate you 4/10
I'm at least a 5
Cc @Dragonrage @GodEmperorDune on that sick counter burn
@Wipqozn I'd rate your rating 1/10 You Didn't Even Try
I rate @Wipqozn 12/10. As in December 10. Because he lives in canada. Idk this is a really stupid joke
wait if you're calling me 4/10 does that count as mod abuse?
today is a very important date!
I'm late for one of those.
it's 2016-13-31
palindrome date!!
well not with the year in there
13-31 is
the year has become window dressing at this point
it's always going to be 2016 forever.
Even 31-13 is :o
@Unionhawk yeah dude
it's good stuff.
also it's 1-31
where are you getting 13?
@badp until at least 2020 yeah
In other news:
> The wall, the ban, even the lousy cabinet picks--all are intended distractions from what's really going on, orchestrated by (President) Steve Bannon. He is the power behind the throne, carrying out his oft-stated agenda of overthrowing the government. Trump himself is no more than a pawn in Bannon's shadow game. The remaking of the NSC is only the tip of the iceberg.
Why do I even Facebook?
@Unionhawk but is it really
or are you thinking 1-3-1
because that's a little better
It's also 11*11*11
@Sterno poor poor delicate weak precious poor poor sweet precious weak sad poor Trump
where is this other 3 coming from?
@BlueBarren it's the thirteenth month of 2016
@BlueBarren do try to keep up
In @badp-ania
you know sometimes you guys are kinda lame
@BlueBarren sometimes?
2016 is yuge
all the time
almost 14 months
and counting
@Unionhawk that's not how Canadian date formatting works
yo calendar so fat we don't know it has no end
you do realize if we don't increment the years trump will be stuck in office, right?
@Wipqozn That's what makes it even better
And worse
At the same time
@BlueBarren by that logic he never would have entered office
@BlueBarren Actually he'll never start. Since he starts in January 2017, and it is still 2016
and that's how I saved the world
alas time goes
now praise badp as your modrater
@BlueBarren false, you just pointed out how we saved the world, cause we're awesome
even if 2016 doesn't
@KevinvanderVelden I call dibs on being the hero
And I just called dibs before you
therefore I am the hero
@BlueBarren pff, we already know your grasp of time is faulty
doesn't change the fact I called dibs
you can't disregard the rules of dibs
otherwise there would be nothing sacred left
I hate to break it to you
True, but I think that if you properly understood time you'd see that 1) we called dibs before you and 2) you didn't call dibs at all
but this is 2016
there is nothing sacred left.
it was already over before it even begun.
Hold on, I'm thinking of a rebuttal
I mean it has but only barely
Hold on
I got this, believe in me please
If 2016 was over before it even begun
@BlueBarren We're fresh outta chances
@BlueBarren kinda?
@Sterno To be fair, Bannon has been quoted describing Trump as a "blunt instrument" with which to achieve his goals, so while that's a little hyperbolic it's probably not entirely without merit
@Yuuki kind of
is that better?
5 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@BlueBarren sometimes?
@KevinvanderVelden There's a slight difference.
@Yuuki same thing
Unless you were wondering about word choice and not implication
"Sometimes" implies frequency, "kinda" implies amplitude/intensity.
In this particular sentence.
That's true
We're all going to die in 2012 anyway
look on the bright side
there are many this pears like this but this one is mine
at least the switch comes out in a month and since it's portable we can just take it to hell with us
you know what's also portable
this pear
like the fruit?
take it anywhere
take it everywhere
you can't take it off
this pear forever.
Sometimes I wonder what a drunk @bapd would be like, and then I realize - how would I tell?
I thought @badp is always drunk
@JasonBerkan the Badp American Police Department would never drink on the job
except during lunch breaks
but then does that really count?
I mean it's an American Police Department. Standards are pretty low.
it is your lunch break
@badp Badp American Department of Policing.
@PrivatePansy nah, he said "bapd"
Hey, I did. What's up with that, @autocomplete?
@badp Well I'm sure we all know that most Barium are filthy criminals who need to be kept in line by a strong police force
depends on their country of birth really

YES - goto 2

@badp Man, Monopoly: President Trump Edition really sucks
@PrivatePansy one person gets the orange hamsterhead and starts with hotel on all the properties, then the game starts
Of course, that's probably a better game then regular monopoly because at least it'll be over fast
Q: Do type matchups have an effect in Pokemon Duel?

JamesCWThere are some plates and figure abilities that give bonuses to various types, but I have not observed any effect (increased damage, decreased miss chance, for example) in matchups where I would expect one figure to have a disadvantage (water v. fire, fire v. grass). Do type matchups between figu...

We do have temporary injunction protecting people who are already here, now
also when you pass go you get 400$ from Mexico and put them straight into the wall fund
owned by the orange hamsterhead
Though many CBP agents have disregarded those orders
now you know where those $400 come from when you pass go
you win when the wall fund reaches $16,000,000,000,000
@badp This game is terrible. Can we play Bingo now?
@PrivatePansy maybe next year
pictured: the winning strategy at Trump Monopoly
@Unionhawk too bad we failed at executing it
@badp That's the current action plan
@badp Withhold consent and filibuster until the travel ban is taken care of
so never
and also vote no on Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos
and probably more
Trump has already said they're only going to lift the travel ban given the countries on the other end cooperate
Ollie is still free. There is still hope
Iran has already replied with a middle finger
Also Oprah is coming to 60 Minutes
so never.
@badp I mean judicially and legislatively
We already have temporary victories on the judicial side, so there's a pretty decent chance it won't hold up in court
@Unionhawk that's fair
@Unionhawk When you say legislatively, you mean Congress passing new laws that overrules Trump's executive orders? Because I don't really see that happening
EOs cannot contradict legislature, but I don't see the laws actually passing
Several republican senators have already come out against it. The current plan is to turn up the pressure and make sure that acting on that is a priority 1 item
Speaking of the judiciary, the BBC's take on the legal challenges mounted against the order: bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38766364
I'm curious: People are using the first amendment to fight against the #MuslimBan. The text of this amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Trump isn't part of Congress, right? He's the POTUS
I don't think any judge would ever interpret 1A that pedantically
Q: Once Containment bugs, can College of Winterhold questline be completed

Carl HanckeDon't know if it's necessary to put this here, but: spoilers ahead! So I've run into the bug on the Containment quest, whereby it doesn't trigger after the completion of Revealing the Unseen quest. After the explosion caused by Arcano, I was asked to find the Arch-Mage, but the Containment quest...

Q: How to allow only one cracked account join my server

R2bEEatonI have a minecraft 1.11.2 vanilla server that i want only premium accounts to join. But, I have a cracked account, obtained using mineshafter, that I want to be made able to join. I could set online mode to false, and that would allow my cracked account to join, but then other peoples' cracked ac...

Q: Anyway to complete an assignment by save editing or console commands?

EublepharisI completed Feros before grabbing the freelancer's data, so now I can't complete the assignment. Is there anyway to complete that assignment with console commands or editing the save?

Yes, historically it has been interpreted as no-one may do so
Otherwise individual states can do so
Well, no, that's covered in like, 9A
"Anything not in here is left to the states"
And the converse is true, "anything that is in here is not up to the states"
Dumb question - approximately how long would any legal case against the refugee / immigration executive order take?
We have emergency injunctions now, one of them expiring 2/5, but we expect some additional ruling prior to that
Presumably? Long
I have no idea though
Just wondering, given that the EO is 90 / 120 days long. Why not wait it out?
@GnomeSlice Who shows off their Pokemon binder and doesn't show shiny foil original Charizard?
I'm having that moment where I think I'm actually accomplishing something
@JasonBerkan because that would mean people are barred from going home for 120 days?
On the note of pokemon cards some scummy kid stole my holo pidgeot when I was little
@JasonBerkan Where would you wait it out?
@JasonBerkan A lot of refugee stuff will probably expire, so odds are a lot of refugees would have to start over from the beginning
In this case of this one guy, he got redirected to Saudi Arabia.
Additionally, it blocks Syrian refugees indefinitely
That's right, I forgot one bit was indefinite.
Plus there is no guarantee he won't extend the ban once the 90 days are up.
He's also lowered the cap of refugees to 50,000, which is the lowest that number has been since 1980, when we're at a height in the crisis now
We let in roughly 75,000 last year, and POTUS44 upped the cap to 110,000
Also, just allowing bigots to do what they want as long as it's only for a limited period is a bad idea
@KevinvanderVelden That too. Very much so.
Because that would result in them being able to build up to even more fucked up stuff.
"Well you'll only be send to Auschwitz for a limited time" IS NOT A REASON TO LET IT HAPPEN
@KevinvanderVelden I mean, these days Auschwitz is more of a museum and it means you get to go to Germany so I'd rate that as a net plus.
@badp So how does your "forever 2016" calendar handle leap days?
@Yuuki you're a net plus
@quartata There are no leap days, only @badp.
Anyways, given that Affleck has been the lead in a lot of his directed films, I'm a little suspicious of this statement.
@Yuuki poland*
Reading between the lines, I feel like he was pushing back against the studio too much and they're forcing him out of the director's chair.
same thing (no it's not) shut up
It was returned to poland after the war ended
AFFLECK: I'm not gonna direct the movie if the script's not good. *one month later* AFFLECK: I'm not gonna direct the movie.
We need an upside-down thinking emoji
@Unicode get on it
There's no meta-character for upside-down rendering?
Get on that @Uni code
I dunno
Surprisingly no.
All I know is that upside-down-smiley is a thing
Consideing Unicode has transitioned full time from making meta characters to making emojis we'll probably never see it either
@Yuuki I mean, this shouldn't come as a surprise
> In a twist of irony, Aquaman is shaping up to be the best DC film.
So Michelle MacLaren dropped out of Wonder Woman, David Ayer clearly had Suicide Squad cut to pieces. And the Flash movie lost two directors and is now undergoing a day-one rewrite.
Basically, DC Cinematic Universe is turning out to be a massive shitshow.
well... that's good
We'll see how it holds up
@Yuuki Wait, hold on, is the title of the movie actually The Batman?
@PrivatePansy I mean, where can you go for a title, there's been so many Batman movies.
Batman (2006)
Is it going to be 90 minutes of a man flapping a black cape making bat noises?
110 minutes, probably
Maybe 125 or so
@PrivatePansy I mean, given previous performance, that's probably be better than what they have on the table right now.
but probably not
@Unionhawk I think that's against the Geneva convention
> Wonder Woman coming out only a week after Pirates 5, and Justice League hitting theaters right in between Thor and Star Wars. Not to mention Coco, the next Pixar movie after Cars 3 releases only 5 days after Justice League
DC Cinematic Universe on suicide squad watch.
So I have quit playing XCOM 2. I don't like it.
But who will overthrow the alien oppressors now @JasonBerkan? Are you just gonna leave it to trump and @Wipqozn?
@KevinvanderVelden In my XCOM games, I always won, so the alien oppressors never took power.
@JasonBerkan they were actually simulations ran in your head, you already lost. The aliens were just learning from you
@KevinvanderVelden Well, that just makes a little too much sense.
So XCOM: EU/EW was all a dream?
@Yuuki it's actually canon btw
@quartata ezy pzy, there's just going to be a febpentruary 29, 2016
and a febnonuary 29, 2016
and a febdecaternary 29, 2016
and a febdecaheptuary 29, 2016, in the very unlikely case we make it that far
I propose that it's actually 2016-11-91
@KevinvanderVelden Well, I knew that that the Commander was abducted by aliens and turned into a tactical computer overmind, but I didn't know it was canon that XCOM: EU/EW are actually the kind of simulations that the aliens ran on you.
instead of 2016-13-31
@Unionhawk that's the eternal september scheme
that's november but I understand what the refrance
I thought there was no need to deprecate months in addition to years
@Yuuki I don't know about EU/EW, true
"Wake Me Up When September Ends" is a song by American rock band Green Day, released on June 13, 2005, as the fourth single from the group's seventh studio album, American Idiot (2004). The song was written by frontman Billie Joe Armstrong regarding the death of his father. The song became a hit single, peaking at number six on the Billboard Hot 100. It was also a top ten single in the United Kingdom, Belgium, New Zealand, and was a number one single in the Czech Republic. In the United States, the song became symbolic after Hurricane Katrina, where it was dedicated to victims of the disaster and...
@badp are you going to make the thing?
@KevinvanderVelden maybe a js library.
I guess I'll just have to see if I can fork the thing for you then
I don't use mutt or xclock
Well yeah, but it wraps localtime and gmtime, so applications that use those would work
@JasonBerkan There must be something wrong with you.
Did you like the previous XCOM?
@Sterno Absolutely loved it. One of the best games I've ever played.
Fidget Cube hasn't updated status
Supposedly it delivers today
I felt like XCOM2 improved upon it so I'm surprised you disliked it
@Arperum My dice arrived yesterday
@SaintWacko \o/
Dammit DHL
@Arperum They're not bad, although they're nowhere near the quality I was expecting when I backed them
XCOM felt like a game of chess. Movement, strategy, picking the correct order to do things. XCOM 2 feels like a boxing match. Punch the guys while they punch you.
So following along logically, XCOM 3 should be like chessboxing.
I feel like they could've used some adjustment with the concealment mechanic.
@SaintWacko Same. I'm not convinced about the fairness of the dice either. I should do some statistics thing at some point.
@Arperum Plus, it doesn't roll for crap on a hard surface
And the LEDs are poor quality
I don't like that taking out one squad within one or two turns still alerts other squads, including the one on the other side of the map.
@JasonBerkan Like, who can burn through the other's HP first?
At least, I assume they are. It may actually be something inherent in it
@Sterno Very much so. And destructible cover means the correct action is always explosives.
Oh, yeah, that part was true. Grenade launchers were OP
But I played most of the game able to avoid injury
That part felt the same to me
@JasonBerkan Wasn't there destructible cover in the first one?
@Yuuki Only some of it was.
Not to the same extent
@SaintWacko There is a difference in strength between different LEDs for sure.
Fair enough. I feel like cover made too much of a difference in this one as well.
Which exacerbated the effect.
@Arperum That, and the mixed color LEDs seem to have a fairly wide offset between the R, G, and B LEDs
I did decide I just don't have enough gaming time to want to do a Long War campaign for XCOM2
Which means that the color changes if you're looking at it from an angle
Like low cover for aliens cuts my accuracy by like 50-70% sometimes.
@SaintWacko The online manual also says not to roll on hard surface for risk of repositioning LEDs...
@Arperum Sigh...
I kinda want to look at making my own now
Because it's a really cool idea
Just not a great execution
@SaintWacko Yes, the purple has some sides way redder and some way more blue.
death comes, to those who wait.
@SaintWacko If you end up doing it, I might be willing to buy a couple. Go for D20's or something :p
@Arperum Yeah, that would be neat
Probably won't be any time soon. That will cost money, and I'm currently saving for a big curved wqhd monitor
I won't spoil it, but the battle with the Axxxxx was seriously unbalanced.
I'm saving for a new roof that I should place between first of july this year and next year (because doing so would result in getting €3333 or ~€6820 back from the government (not sure which one)
How would you fit the numbers for a D20 in leds on it though
@KevinvanderVelden Single bigger LED block per side, and part of it obscured by dice cover?
That's what I'm thinking off but that's kinda fake
@KevinvanderVelden ur face is fake
@JasonBerkan Not to mention that it kinda comes out of nowhere... Although I guess I was supposed to evac in that situation or something.
@JasonBerkan @Sterno Yeah grenades are always the correct answer
I just wrote an executive order on my desk. It says MORE EXECUTIVE ORDERS.
Hmmm, I'm totally not looking at how to fold a D20 right now
> So, I had a laptop system board fail. Under warranty. No problem. Engineer comes on site. Does the job. All good.

10 minutes later, I'm called down to where he was working by a member of management saying that he must have been doing drugs in there because there's a syringe in the bin. There's about 10 members of staff all freaking out.

It's thermal compound.
Though going back to the boxing thing - it's more than just HP. It's the fact that enemies have 6 powerful abilities and I have 10 powerful abilities. It's giant power creep, when the original was move -> shoot and some abilities that broke those rules.
A friend of mine just said "Games don't buy themselves" and then I just realized what the next big Steam innovation is going to be and how I'm stupid enough to go with it
Give Steam $100-$200 a month and it just buys games for me that it thinks I'll like
Autofill that unplayed game library!
i pay sony £40/yr to do that for me
I wouldn't pay for that
why on earth is it gonan cost you so much?! :O
AAA games, baby
@JasonBerkan I don't really remember anything ability-wise in XCOM 2 that wasn't in XCOM 1.
Well, I guess Insanity causing a whole host of debuffs and granting Sectoids early access to Mind Control is a bit fuct.
@Yuuki My grenadier with Exo Suit has so many abilities on his bar that they run out of hot keys.
@Sterno I know you're being silly, but... i get AAA games, like 3 years late
else I just can't keep up
I don't try to keep up
I mean, as it's my birthday I just got FFXV otherwise, it'd be like 2 years down the line I pick it up
cheap as chips
Don't know if I should buy 1 or 2 tb drive for my ps4
not sure if 2Tb fits XD
@JasonBerkan Even with that set-up, I still think the only thing that wasn't in XCOM 1 was the flamethrower. Maybe. Was there a flamethrower in XCOM 1?
@Sterno humble bundle monthly and the before mentioned sony thing, and I think an ea thing
The flamethrower was part of the MEC suit in the expansion.
Is the Sony thing "You happen to get a free game every month with your online subscription" or something else?

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