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so it's not really the first step, at least in my knowledge (which isn't that large)
@Ash are there upgrades to automatically collect the gold drops?
lol, i have red crabs and fat purple crabs now
@GodEmperorDune Like while you're playing, or when you've got the app closed?
@Ash while playing
i didn't know there was idle progress, that's cool
Yeah, when you've got it closed the queens still attack so when you open it again you'll have some gold waiting for you
@GodEmperorDune Not so far as I've found, but if I am tapping anyhow, I tend to just scoop it up
ooh, also these crab names are reminding me that i need to start watching stephen universe again
I need to get caught up on SU as well
Q: How to test for the enitity closets to the player?

yoyo_cuber34So I am making a map and I need to be able to test for the CLOSEST entity to the player, is this possible with /testfor yet? /execute @e[type=entity name here] ~ ~ ~ /testfor @p will test for the player closest to an entity, instead of the closest entity to the player. So how do I achieve this? ...

@GnomeSlice why are they making an emoji movie?
I sent that to the wrong window
lol my crabs are fighting @Wipqozn now
@GodEmperorDune The only thing I don't like is that after the first day the daily wildebeast fight gets SUPER hard
@Ash It was! I saved myself $40/month for two years!
@Frank wut
@Frank Nicely done :D
will you negotiate with my ISP?
@GodEmperorDune The competition offers three times the speed for half the price.
@Frank oh that won't work here, we don't have competition
@GodEmperorDune Yeah. For me, it was more, "I like you guys, and I know you can't match the speed. But can you make me a better deal?"
It's funny, I hear about the Designated Survivor and other such "this is what we do if disaster happens" Presidential stuff for the US, and it makes me realize I have 0 idea how Canada handles any of that
There's a show about that now
I suspect it's a little different because we don't make a big thing over teh switchover like with Inauguration or whatever but who knows
@GnomeSlice About which?
@Ash the designated survivor
Designated Survivor is an American political drama television series created by David Guggenheim, starring Kiefer Sutherland, airing on ABC. The project skipped the pilot stage and was ordered straight to series on December 14, 2015, followed by a formal announcement on May 6, 2016. The first episode premiered on September 21, 2016, with a full season order of 22 episodes coming eight days later. == Plot == On the night of the State of the Union address, an explosion claims the lives of the President and all members of his Cabinet except for U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development...
@Ash i wonder if publicizing it is a way to dissuade any would be attackers
Entirely possible.
or canada is just less paranoid about such things
I kinda want to try that show but I suspect it will be like Madam Secretary where I can only watch like one ep before the tension means I need a break
(speaking of which, I should get caught up on that show again.)
so does this throw a wrinkle into your scheme to assimilate all the leaders at the state of the union @ash?
You'd never know.
Although really, doing that when I am in Canada doesn't make sense
and I don't think, considering the current political climate, I want that kind of responsibility
Unless I just get them to declare it tea and cake and hugs for all
@Ash well when trump stops with the gold and starts with diamonds, we'll know it was your influence
I'm just imagining what Real Life Moderation would look like, I'm okay with that not being a thing
update on the whitehouse petition that trump will most likely ignore: 40k out of 100k signers. It is supposed to hit 100k in 30 days. it was posted today.
I suspect it will go nowhere.
@GodEmperorDune Petition for what?
@GnomeSlice to release Trump's taxes and all other info to check the constitutional conflict of interests
He's gonna end up getting impeached
@GnomeSlice pence is worse to the left
BREAKING: White House says Trump chief of staff Priebus to issue government-wide order immediately freezing regulations.
Like, all regulations?
@Unionhawk they're MEI-king america great again
@Unionhawk Okay, that was my question as well. Regulations on what? That's really wide brush....
Are we in a purge right now?
@Ash well they're going to freeze "regulations" but not laws and bylaws and other wordsmithing things
Mhm, I see, suddenly its all clear now...
just like this "it's not a tax, its a fee paid to the government" thing
Tax implies it applies to all people
You know, income tax applies to all people*
*unless you're smart, or make less than the standard deduction
@Unionhawk except the people whose birth certificate is in all caps or w/e
A: Bridge Movie Night - February 2017

GnomeSliceIdiocracy Relevant. Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most i...

@Unionhawk fights global warming
Q: After change in troop training times, what is the point of upgrading multiple barracks?

CeleritasNow that when you train troops they are all in the same queue, what is the point of upgrading multiple barracks? Is it that they trains faster? For example in the past individual barracks could be used independently to train different troops, so if you wanted to train a particular troop you would...

Be prepared, you might have a heart attack watching that
@Unionhawk I'm not even italian and I feel sick.
I'm pretty sure this counts as you trying to murder all of Italy.
I'm American and it looks gross
@Unionhawk wait that is for a single person to eat?
I mean
I assume they'll let you idk
but it's not like on the menu it says "feeds 2-4 people"
No idea
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, that's the problem. We can't even hope for something to happen to Trump, because the alternative is worse
See, I'm not so sure of that now
At least Mike Pence is a standard politician, who operates within the parameters of standard politician
Donald Trump operates within the parameters of whatever the fuck he wants
it's like Chaotic evil vs lawful evil
chaotic probably will damage himself in his chaos, lawful will not
Yeah exactly
If we're doing that, can we put Bernie in chaotic good?
Or maybe neutral good
i mean i am reluctant to paint one tribe as good and one as evil
> It's like the fun uncle of lasagna.
they have differing visions of what is in "the people's" best interest, i just happen to vehemently disagree with one tribe a lot more
curse you @murgatroid99 and that red tribe/blue tribe tolerance article
look what you've done to me
You're right, everyone is true neutral and it's just about different visions
Well, ok, Donald is Chaotic Neutral at best
Let's be honest
There we go
well /r/the_d is chaotic-lulz
to be honest, there's probably actually an /r/the_d that is just penises
Q: I can't make Fallout 4 work

KoderatorWhen I go to load my copy of Fallout 4 on my Xbox One it goes to the "please stand by" screen and then it loads for 1-2 minutes and then crashes. I am very confused and I can't find anyone else with the same problem. Note that I got the game new with a free copy of Fallout 3, so no mods.

@Unionhawk i'll take "things i am not going to investigate" for $200, alex
@Unionhawk I lied. r/the_d is full of jokes about "the d"
Q: Can you wipe a ps3 clean to sell but keep the downloaded games on it

EmmyCan i wipe clean a ps3 for sale while keeping the downloaded games on it? Or will that leave me vulnerable to cc theft or other fraud.

Q: Angry Birds Transformers: bug: transforming transformers when boarding astrotrain

Iguanodon_Bubbles7777777I notice that if I transform my transformer int a vehicle just before they board the astrotrain, it shows lots of dust and they speed up, but it doesn't show their vehicle form. Do you know why this is happening?

@GnomeSlice yes, exactly
Also hue for the d
That's one of my favs
@GnomeSlice She wants the /mnt/sdb
@Sterno @Yuuki Well tis is interesting! I only just now got around to watching this long war 2 intro video, and experience is now gained primarily from completing a mission. You do still get experience from kills, but a lot less than you used to.
@Wipqozn So disappointed that wasn't Friday
Q: Can't find world in Single Player, but save file is in .minecraft saves

m1kaI recently started a single player survival world a few days ago. Today when I hoped on with the intention to keep progressing and finishing off my farms and such, I couldn't find the World in my Single Player Section of the Minecraft Menus, however, when I go Start >%appdata% >Roaming >.min...

@Sterno I'm so sorry
I keep forgetting it's friday
THis has been a long week
It's been a long day
and it's not even because of my wacky neighbors!
It's been a long 9 hours
@Wipqozn are you referring to the US as "your wacky neighbors"?
i have a feeling it will be a very long 4 (please not 8) years
@Unionhawk Only 1459 more days to go!
Actually I've been thining about that
but don't midterms happen in 2 years?
So even if trump continues to exist past then, he wouldn't have nearly as much power of the seats are changed up a lot
keep in mind that I'm not really sure what happens in midterms
Oh dammit
They must have copied followers from @POTUS44 to @POTUS
dun dun dun
So does he still have @realdonaldtrump
How long till he drunk tweets the nation at 3AM?
@GnomeSlice Yes, but he probably has to get rid of his phone as he knows it now
> Trump has said he plans to continue using his @realDonaldTrump account, which has 20.6 million followers. The tweets posted during the Obama administration in the POTUS account have been archived at @POTUS44.
He has plans to, doesn't mean he will. Obama had a phone but it was very locked down from what I understand.
@Unionhawk Yeah, I saw something earlier that led me to believe that would happen
And like he's not a dictator, he can't just do what he wants, regardless of what he thinks.
Locked down by whom
It's an interesting choice
The secret service I guess
@Wipqozn Although the fact that his party has the whole government makes it easier...
@SaintWacko yuuuuuup
@Wipqozn he can now play candy crush!!
I, for one, am still hoping for Bernie Sanders to win.
@GnomeSlice Secret Service and department of white house telecommunications
or whatever
@Wipqozn That dude doesn't know what he's doing
@GnomeSlice Not really sure where you're getting that from, but okay.
Yeah, I... ok
@Wipqozn Breitbart, probably.
@Fluttershy Nope
It just seems like he always evades questions, especially when it comes to financials
Like I get disgreeing with the mans policies, because politics, but I don't get thinking he's got no idea what he's doing
it just seemed to me that he made promises and claims for things he would do without actually understanding the logistics
he always seemed really vague to me
that said
You are thinking of Bernie and not Donald right?
I'd still probably be a lot more comfortable with him on the international stage
he could sit around for 4 years and do nothing until a real candidate came along
but guess we're stuck with dolan tremp now
@Unionhawk tbqh I don't think donald knows what he's doing either
Q: What is the minimum jump range inside the bubble to get anywhere?

AssylumSome ships have really awful FSD range. Or you need to save on some module for power or money. So I am wondering, what is the minimum jump range needed on a ship to be able to plot a route to anywhere inside the Empire?

Q: Help With Morrowinds Construction Set

Jiub The SaintHere's the problem; Using Morrowinds CS to change Gameplay > Settings > fEncumbranceStrMult to get more carry weight works like a charm, BUT there is a ssssssssssslight problem. Every text in game a has an "S" in front of it (sDexterity, sHealth, sLong Blade etc). I am out of idead how to fix it...

@GnomeSlice He's also quite possibly the world's worst when it comes to evading questions.
"Mr. Trump, can you tell me what 2+2 equals?" Sure, let me answer that for you, I've got my best people on it, believe me. My dad used to saoisjdt;asjtgaso9fghortghar90pgahrg;jarejgao
^ This is him rambling about himself for twenty minutes.
In other news, Richard "Heil Trump" Spencer got punched today
In the middle of an interview
Apparently while he was in the middle of explaining that pepe has become a symbol for their... Movement
I heard he got attacked against shortly after?
I don't know.
@Lazers2.0 Empire space is pretty fucking big lol
@Unionhawk it looked painful from the gif
Q: Where in Undertale does it ever say that Sans has "karmic retribution"?

TheGreatDuckI've noticed quite a lot in comment regions on youtube and such mentioning that Sans has this thing called karmic retribution which means people who have committed sins take more damage from him. Now, I've never played undertale (far too difficult for me) but I have watched 2 entire playthroughs ...

Howdy fine folks
Hey howdy
How goes it?
I'm good.
I've been working on smcer.gomix.me and I'm pretty happy with it now, so that's nice.
How are you?
I'm good, and it's mostly due to the rum and friendship this evening.
The fact that I won't be earning (up to) 20 hours of flex time at work next week has me a bit bummed out though.
Also I don't know how familar people here are with Gabe the Dog, but he died yesterday so that's a bummer: facebook.com/gabethedog/photos/…
Here's one of the tributes:
@Ktash hey
@RedRiderX Any death is a bummer. Well, for values of "any" not equal to "complete asshat and evil".
#optimisticchallenge https://t.co/eIlZtZ264k
@RedRiderX yeah there was a tribute on dog_rates
should brighten what I'm sure was a shitty day for most of you
@RedRiderX that's good. Glad to hear :)
@MBraedley well that's good at least. Always good to have friends around.
I think the reason why there wasn't much Friday trolling today is because Inauguration Day was the greatest Friday troll of all.
I mean he was freely elected
@Yuuki i'm not sure what you said there. i know what Reality Marbles are but that's about it
12:40 am is the PERFECT time to set up a budget, right? :P (At least I've used YNAB before, so I know what I am doing)
The cake on the left is the one I made for President Obama's inauguration 4 years ago. The one on the right is Trum… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/822675780341641216
oh my god its 1 am why do I have to hold to speak to a bank rep its 1 AM :P
I'm surprised bank reps are available at 1 am :o
They have a 24 hour line
And their online banking password reset thing is not working so I was hoping I could do it this way
Oh, that second part is annoying :(
Oh sweet, it just doesn't work in Chrome for some reason
Tried it in Edge while i was stuck on hold on a whim and made that work
(I just wanna know the large number i owe)
Okay, YNAB doesn't play nice with my one credit card
oh well
I will just do it as a manual thing
Oh god I forgot the depressing part where YNAB shows you how in debtyou are
Q: Are shrine effects predetermined?

santyclauseMy friend and I were running across a planet willy nilly in Starbound and ran across one of the common status pods (the rotating shrine-like ones, not the breakable pods). After activating it and getting bombs everywhere, we got into a joke argument that if the other had done it, it would have be...

Google doesn't like you adding a daily reminder that repeats forever (well, it keeps telling me an error occured, but I don't actually think anything's wrong, because I see the reminder every day from now til infinity)
Q: faceHow to apply this cream

enaldjurithe most strong anti-getting older cream available in the market. With its usual and amazing components, it could surely support Luxia No 7 you to Borealis Cream do away with the complete signs of sunlight damage and wrinkle getting older dermis. It contributes to a more youthful look. On utili...

Okay, now that I have budgeted it's time for me to sleep :D
@Ash the online ynab does a different thing with credit cards than previous versions, it's worth watching the instructional videos
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, I mostly mean it couldn't import it. I have spent a bunch of my night getting caught up on what has changed since I used ynab (I think I last used ynab 3 but I can't remember)
I think how thet treat them now makes more sense to me than it used to.
Yeah it took awhile for it to click with me then it was like "this is so much better, how did I live without it"
The only thing I am currently confused by is the whole buffer thing is kinda gone
Q: Where is the scene in Undertale where Papyrus and Sans discuss finding a weapon?

TheGreatDuckI've seen images of a scene in Undertale where sans and papyrus discuss searching for some kind of weapon. It looks like it's in some kind of stone storage room with barrels on the bottom right. I'm not sure if it is legit or not. It was quite a while ago. I've seen playthroughs of the true pacif...

Like you used to have a budgeted for next month box where you could dump excess money
Original War - *gives engineer order to build RC Tower* "i'll give you a nice erection"
wait, what?
Ah, okay, I get how they're handling future money now
Hi all
I have a question and I found a partial answer on SE Arqade
but I need some explanations...
can I ask here?
It's about Steam achievements in Fallout 4 using mods and console commands
different sources disagree on this
Q: How do stumble mechanics work?

Sonstebius XIVI unlocked an ability in the third tier of SWAT perks. It says: Increases stumble power 100% with all perk weapons. What exactly does this mean?

@Avery welp he just sent me a lengthy message saying how much he loves me >_>
Q: Is there anyway to get inside area 69?

Shubham WaghI did that black project mission and I want again to go inside that area but there is no way to go there. So how do I go inside of Area 69 if I want to?

Q: My minecraft keeps on crashing? HELP HELP

PETYWHI have just recently updated my windows xp to windows 7. Here is my crash report: [17:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: petywh [17:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: (Session ID is token:1337535510N:e677fa9f442a3e5f9b4b96dccd7efe92) [17:37:09] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4 [17:37...

Q: Herochat / PEX compatibility issue

NickThe Problem My end goal is to use PermissionsEx and Herochat seamlessly to produce a stable group/chat environment I won't need to alter often. I am currently having an issue with Herochat using PermissionsEx prefix/suffix. The Configurations PermissionsEx Permissions.yml: http://pastebin.com...

1 hour later…
Q: i was wondering, i have a ps4 and a ps3 and a ps+ account. can i play gta v online with the same character on BOTH platforms (ps3 and PS4)

taylori have two houses and i have a ps4 at one house and a ps3 at the other i want to be able to play GTA v online with the same character and the same progress, is that possible?

great pixel art.
Q: Why did Havelock throw away the plans in trash in Dishonored?

AchillesThis is in the "The Loyalist" chapter of Dishonored when Corvo is back in his home base. He finds a note from Havelock asking someone to retrieve all information and plans related to the new pylon from Piero. But when Corvo, at Piero's request after Havelock's men have delivered those plans to Ha...

Q: How do you use loot tables to give a written book

aroncraft09I'm having some issues with a written book in a loot table, I don't know how to deal with the quotation marks does anyone know how to fix this? This is what i have so far.

Q: Can I fight the Eye (of Cthulhu) right now?

VoltageGamer1570I have katana (16 dmg), silver bow with frostburn arrows, topaz staff (7 dmg I think) and iron chest plate and tin greaves and helmet. I have a lot of lesser healing potions, ironskin and archery too. Is this enough? If not, what are your suggestions?

@Avery Open source encryption? ...uhhhhhh
@GnomeSlice Actually, encryption being open source is more reliable than it being not open source. It can be audited by many and makes it harder for someone with ill intentions to hack your encryption and hide it (because others would likely find it), like NSA.
Q: An inn/tavern with no innkeeper built inside a cavern with access outside the fortress walls: NPC mechanics etc.?

のbるしtyぱんkyThe Anvil of Assault is an (early stage) inn/tavern which was built in a cavern many levels below ground, with an entry outside the fortress walls, in the year 168. A bunch of cages have been hauled instead of drinks because of the usual stockpile misconfiguration. I can't seemingly craft1 an ins...

@Bebs it probably depends on the mod and the console commands, which would explain the different answers
Aka some mods turn off commands but not all
@Ash my net worth graph over time is great
Every year gradually going down in steps
Alternative Education

Proposed Q&A site for people interested/involved in alternative education. Homeschoolers, charter schools, unschooling etc.

Currently in definition.

Geologi professionisti (IT)

Proposed Q&A site for un sito in lingua Italiana dove geologi professionisti possono rispondere di problemi geologi rispondendo alle domande poste da amanti della materia, studenti, scienziati e geologi professionisti. La lingua ufficiale è Italiano ed Inglese.

Currently in definition.

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