@Yuuki The best thing would be if he gets all nukes out of here back to the US, so that in case of relationship with europe going sour we can't steal his nukes.
Convo with dad: 'you.told your grandmotjer you'd call back yesterdsy. You didn't' / 'I was busy. I'll call her when I can' / 'busy for 24 hours? Heh.' she calls me thrice / I took a picture of current speaker,sent to him with caption 'busy atm' / 'you better get free and call her soon'
Ahaha, I love how T_D has now given up on spamming Trump's face to the front page and are now resorting to posting the American flag to try to avoid downvotes.
> It's a hot mess Anne Hathaway mind-controlling Godzilla and Godzilla is a metaphor for how she's careless with relationships, but the monster shows the physical damage whereas she would've otherwise caused unseen emotional damage! She's gonna learn her lesson today in the biggest monromcom of the summer.
@GnomeSlice Can you blame him? He wanted to leave a great legacy, and instead he's handing over the reins to a cheeto who's already working on dismantling everything he did
I bought a Wii U Pro controller + a Mayflash adapter in order to connect it as a 360 controller in Windows 10. The problem is that the calibration is off. When I calibrate it it looks fine at first but it doesn't make a difference when testing it. Plese see the video I made:
I have a young child and work full time and I now make time to play Zelda very infrequently (months in between). Zelda games only save my progress at major points, and there aren't too many ways in Zelda games for finer-grained saving (like, i know i can save, but it won't for example keep my pos...
I was trying to set up a game with 12 players. But the play with friends lobby would not let more than 10 players join. How can i set up a game with more than 10 players
I tripped detection early because for some reason, the tile was being watched even though I spent at least three minutes looking for a movement tile that wouldn't end concealment.
Followed by four people shooting at the same alien that was like 5 feet away and not behind cover and missing.
@Unionhawk Of course chemtrails are real. Jet fuel can't burn steel beams so it had to be the chemtrails in the planes that burned at a higher temperature.
the reasoning seems to be that they "want to avoid a future FHA bailout" if the market tanks, which sounds so reasonable... so why do they want to repeal dodd frank which does similar things for the financial industry?
> The Trump administration overturned a mortgage-fee cut under a government program that’s popular with first-time home buyers and low-income borrowers.
I'm pretty happy that we have free college here, starting out with a hundred thousand or more in debt doesn't sound attractive, especially if not everything goes according to plan
Proposed Q&A site for professional Geologist, a site where professional Geologist can discuss about geological problem answering general question sent by people, scientist and geologist
In Fallout 4, when there is no one in your sight, a short press on VATS button will do nothing.
A long press, will activate an empty VATS. Is there a use for this?