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@GodEmperorDune prepare for incoming Mos Eisley/Sphinx Lair drama.
@KutuluMike \o/
So we have a working phonograph/gramaphone/turntable now.
cc @GnomeSlice
Q: What mission gives the most money the fastest?

Shadow Z.In Payday 2, I am trying to go Infamous. To do so, I need 200 million dollars in my off shore account. What mission can I do to get the most amount of money the fastest? If it is the same mission across all difficulties, then tell me which. If it is different across all of the difficulties, tell...

@Yuuki oh i get it now! a @gnomephonograph
Delta Concludes From Multiple Witnesses That YouTube Prankster Was Actually Shouting, Disruptive… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/811725221715705861
Ah, yeah, I figured that was likely how that'd turn out
Not because I doubted the likelihood of the event happening, but because that guy literally just made another video claiming he flew inside of luggage
when did "youtube prankster" become a profession
Then yelled at the airline on Twitter
i think since patreon?
@TimStone but luggage is xrayed by TSA so....
They also had video of him getting on the plane too, but yeah, obviously fake
Didn't really bode well for this being truthful
Q: How do I find a Stronghold

Night_Of_Raider GamingWhen I make a end portal in minecraft XboxOne Edition Winter Upate it doesnt work all of then are facing in lava and everything so I decided to go to a stronghold but I didnt know how to get to one. So i'd like to know how! :-)

but making fake shit go viral just contributes to later accusations of crying wolf
You stop right there with your logic and facts sir
the post truth era sucks
@Unionhawk that could be avoided if the news stopped reporting on what happens in social media in the first place...or on the internet
"oh but this guy on the interwebs said it happened so it has to be true"
> This comes after reports earlier today from veteran journalist Soledad O’Brien, who said a lot of passengers were “disputing the call to mom.”
debunking crap is what the news is supposed to do
@GodEmperorDune but why does it need to be debunked in the first place? didn't "a known prankster" and "known for producing fake Anti-muslim videos" not make anyone second guess why they need to even report debunking it.
@Memor-X people don't read context or look at sources anymore
@Memor-X Because not everyone is going to know those things
"it is on the internet and matches my biases, therefore it must be true"
The guy from the #boycottdelta video literally makes a career going on planes and throwing a scene. https://t.co/9smBtljt8a
also, people still weirdly trust a lot of the shit they read online because it's "printed", therefore true, ESPECIALLY if a news source reported on it
i mean any time you do an "experiment" without a control group, it's not much of an experiment, is it?
@GodEmperorDune not unless you're Cave Johnson
Social media "experiment" usually equals "how many people can I mock/humiliate/hurt and still yell LOL JOKES"
@Memor-X maybe black mesa... that was a joke, haha, fat chance
@Ash On the other hand, people also really easily disbelieve stuff they read online that they disagree with.
Everyone loves things that align with their already held biases
@Ash because they prove how RIGHT i am
i'm busy with things, i don't have the time to re-evaluate every time a new piece of data comes in
@Ash .....before i get my head smashed in"
if anything i'm waiting for the news report "prankster's social media experiment lead to 27 stitches"
Q: Adding player head to Entity 1.11 minecraft

Griffin M.For some reason, when I try to spawn a zombie with a player's head in minecraft 1.11, something glitches out and I just get a plain old zombie. Here is the code I've been using: /summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:skull,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:NetherBolt}}]} Is there a way to do...

Game Freak pls
@Yuuki oh for a moment there i thought you was trying your hand at making up a pokemon
@PrivatePansy "i'll have a pony of vodka" lol
@Memor-X I've never heard that usage before
@PrivatePansy everypony uses it
@PrivatePansy neither have i. i think if i shouted that in a pub people might assume i wanted to drink out of a pony
Anybody want to play Paragon?
@arda @Yuuki? @Fluttershy @StrixVaria
Q: When PokeBank comes out, can I transfer FROM sun and moon TO ORAS

MabiIs transfering gen 6 and under pokemon from sun and moon to oras a feature in pokebank? I'd like to breed on sun and moon, transfer to oras to get move tutors, then back to sun and moon.

oh boy
indie gala is running a christmas hentai bundle
> Dear Customer,

We have some important information to share about the Loudr Store.

Loudr is transitioning its digital music distribution business to CD Baby as part of a shift toward products and services that benefit songwriters and improve music licensing. As part of this process, track preview streaming will be disabled on December 31, 2016, and the music purchase feature will be disabled on all Loudr-hosted album pages on January 31, 2017.
@arda @GodEmperorDune
@GnomeSlice Playing some Rainbow 6: Siege with my brother. Sorry.
Q: Can Generation 2 Pokémon (e.g. Pichu) hatch from an egg I got before the update that added them?

ThunderforgeI have a number of eggs that I received before the update that added Generation 2 baby Pokémon (e.g. Pichu). Do these eggs have a chance to hatch these Pokémon that were not in the game when I got them?

Q: I can't use my chat

kimber martinezSo I just started my own server. I have credits but when I try and use the chat all that comes up is chat.type.text someone please help.

@GnomeSlice wat
or eroge at least
Q: What points go towards soldier levels and what points go toward class levels?

Phil DDIn Battlefield 1, your soldier levels up based upon total points achieved during the round. However, I noted that the individual classes level up much slower. What points or actions apply points toward your class levels (assault, scout, medic, support) vs your overall soldier level?

Q: skyrim se set ownership house

user174712Skyrim Special Edition: How do I set house ownership for a house (mods ex: Brisheim outside Whiterun, Riverwood Lakehouse outside Riverwood) and get full functionality (wife, kids move-in). If I ask Lucia if she wants to be adopted she asks: “do you have a house?” player skript says no even tho...

Q: Helping Preston and forgetting about Shaun

James MongerMy cynical character believes that Shaun is dead and will never be found, and so he hasn't even headed to Diamond City to look for him. He does, however, like the look of this Preston fellow and likes everything he stands for. Can I complete the Minutemen story without doing anything on the m...

Q: Does Swansong count for Berserker?

Shadow Z.When Swansong is active, is Beserker also active? I understand that the player is below the Beserker threshold(as they have 0% of their hp max), but I want to double check.

cc @GodEmperorDune
@GnomeSlice hue
@GnomeSlice Okay that's kinda great
@GnomeSlice hue
@GnomeSlice this actually looks like a super interesting concept
@Unionhawk Pretty sure I've seen it before, but yeah
I have too
@GnomeSlice "Seems to me the penguins are sick and tired of being the laughingstock of the animal kingdom and have decided to take charge." i beg to differ....Prinny's aren't a laughingstock, they just get treated like crap in the Netherworld and used as live ordinance
Penguins, not prinny
@Memor-X And they just don't stay dead.
@GnomeSlice they look the same and in the end are you going to question if the new recruits are Penguins or not when they bring their own knives and blow up when tossed
@Frank yes, meaning infinite ammo. stuff cannon balls and rams, just get a trebuchet and load them on it
@Memor-X Well, you still have to revive them. You'll run out of MP eventually.
@Frank not if we are on MP Recover Geoblock/panels. seriously how are you sieging places and not getting your Prinny's to set up the Geoblock/panels foundations.
@Memor-X Like they wouldn't be the first targets for the besiegers.
makes an army of puppies out of pipe cleaners for presents
(They're more fun than bows)
Q: About Pokemon go

PolyI am playing pokemon go; however, I am gonna stop using the phone that I used and buy a new one. If I start playing pokemon go with a new phone with using a same account, will the data or pokemons that I caught be saved in my same account with a new phone? I feel really worry for losing everything

Q: Small White Soapstone vs. White Soapstone

CarcigenicateI managed to acquire both a Small White Sign Soapstone and a White Sign Soapstone. Before I sell the small version, I want to make sure that it's useless considering I have a normal soapstone. I looked over both the wiki pages, and the small version just seems to be a more restricted version of...

@Frank they'd have to run though the rain of screaming Prinny's first. i don't know about you but Penguin looking things falling from the sky crying and screaming "Dood" before they explode would terrify me
@Memor-X They also blow up if you look at them funny, so they're as dangerous to the attackers as the defenders.
They're like little mobile sentient ammo dumps.
@Frank seriously? i wonder how Etna stops her's from blowing up then
@Memor-X They're too scared of her to blow up in her face.
@Frank ahhh. well then i'll be sure to recruit Tsubaki if i ever start World War P
@GodEmperorDune So I have this book to make pipe cleaner puppies and right now I am making a pug. I don't know how much it will look like one when I get done but whatever I will know what it is supposed to be
@Ash yussssssssssss
Post pictures of pipe cleaner puppers, we will rate
@Ash pics when you're done
Anyone know if Firefox can pinpoint which files tags come from?
I've got a <br> that I'm trying to track down that is eluding me in the source.
@GodEmperorDune I have a dachshund and a poodle at the moment
@Frank i generally locate a nearby class name or id that encapsulates rogue html and search for that
@Memor-X Yeah, found that. Found both sides, even. But not the tag itself.
And it's between tables, and table rendering does weird stuff sometimes; putting tags before or after if they're not in proper <tr> and <td> tags.
user image
@Ash 11/10 rekt
@Frank If you're looking at the inspector, that's the "sanitized" version of the HTML
If the HTML is broken, the browser tries to fix it, and the inspector will show you that instead of the original source
@PrivatePansy Yeah. As far as I can tell, I'm getting a line break where there should be nothing.
@PrivatePansy Oooh like the hat placement.
@PrivatePansy The original source doesn't have the line break.
But...it also doesn't show me where the problem might be.
Woo! Found it.
Silly tag was between two </td> tags.
The dorkiest pug that ever was
Q: Assassin Creed 3 Bug Cursor appear when use Shift+F2

David VincentI have a problem with my Assassin Creed 3 when I want to check my FriendList with Shift+F2, the cursor should be normal cursor (desktop cursor), and when I close it by pressing Shift+F2 again, the Desktop Cursor is Stuck and I have two kind of cursors, Assassin Creed 3 Cursor and Desktop Cursor. ...

Q: you're going to have to get these ripped

jiryevasxerFor everything, you need vigor even if you wish to get up from the bed. With this illustration, it gets effortless to appreciate how so much quantity of power you're going to have to get these ripped Supreme X Muscle mass in your body. With out vitality, it is virtually impossible to spend a min...

@Lazers2.0 Spam
@Ash cute but not as round in the body as what i was expecting
@Memor-X Pipe cleaners are hard to work with
Materials Science and Engineering

Proposed Q&A site for all the materials scientists and engineers in the materials domain. Either experimentally or computationally study of materials science. Possible topics: Smart materials and systems, Photonics, LASER, Nanoelectronics, Optoelectronics, Quantum systems

Closed before being launched.

@Ash amazing
I'm having fun with them
anyone awake who is less immediately cynical than me wanna put this through a sniff test? hackeryou.com/front-end-web-development-immersive
It feels like my friend (who has 0 programming experience and so on) is potentially signing herself up for heartbreak
@Ash 12/10
I worked with pipe cleanera before and these look better than anything I was able to make
@arda aww, thanks :)
@Ash $8500 is a lot to wager on this type of thing
My fine motor skills are not the best so I was kinda nervous
@Ash thats a bootcamp so she can learn stuff even if she knows nothing, though It'd be much simpler for her if she learned the basics online if she doesnt want to bet on it
@GodEmperorDune That was my thought as well
@arda yes that's a more eloquent way of saying what I was thinking
@arda She doesn't want to do online stuff, she wants to go to "proper school"
She basically thinks she can go from 0 knowledge to a super great super awesome high paying fancy job
I think week 1 is tough for people who don't know about HTML and css
with this thing
and I worry she is going to waste her money
@Ash it preps you for junior UI dev
I don't know how the pay rates go in canada
@GodEmperorDune I am just trying to figure out how in 9 weeks she will learn enough to get jobs my friends who went to 3 and 4 year programs get
junior frontend designers do get paid well, but finding a job as a junior isn't the simplest thing
Q: What do I do with Oracle Ascension coins?

VemonusI've gotten roughly 10-15 Oracle Ascension coins during my time playing FFXV. They seemed to have some sort of significance, since I got my first one from Ardyn in a cutscene. What exactly do I do with them?

I mean part of me is just going to wait and see if she a) gets in and b) sticks with it but it just feels fishy
@arda designer and dev are different things here
mind you I am very jaded because I spent 10k on a 10 month course for social work that was a total waste of my life
@GodEmperorDune very different yes
and this thing raises similar radar
@GodEmperorDune my bad, but that doesnt matter as my point was the fact that finding jobs as juniors is not simple
Designers do get paid a lot but getting to that point you need a lot of hands on time experiencing all the CSS weirdness
@arda agreed
Correct me if I am wrong, but this feels like one of those fields where it is a lot of people, less jobs?
Competitive, that's the word I want
(whee, tired)
The industry meet at the end is nice but you'all be competing against people who are much more experienced than you
it'd help her to have stuff to show on her cv at least, and her point of not wanting to learn anything until that camp is not helping me believe that she'll do stuff thats worth adding in a CV (contributing to open source projects etc) after the camp
And especially as a junior you don't want to be hired off on your own to do senior level work for junior level pay
@arda yes, because other people in the boot camp will have done those things
Programming and design just clicks for some people and not for others
okay, yeah, she says "I am taking the full time course to learn, why would i learn before, this way I can just start from the beginning"
sorry, guys
I just worry about my friend - she likes to jump from thing to thing to thing
headdesk exactly what schoolfolk says, but about university
@ash if this is your friend's dream and she just wants to learn to dabble in it, it's her money to spend, but guaranteed job at the end of 9 week course is VERY unlikely
@arda aaaaa no that's not
@GodEmperorDune she wants to learn because she thinks this will take her from like min wage food service to making what I make or even more
and seriously, I see a lot of people graduate from CS knowing nothing
hahaha I actually became a meme at one point
@arda I have friends in dev type places who do interviewing, yeah, they tell me horror stories
I mean the hardest part of web design is getting the browser to display what's in your head, because the little quirks mess things up and they are HARD to debug
It's not an easy field
@Ash that's the same slogan used by this online learning course i see on TV
"from Waiter to IT Specialist"
@GodEmperorDune This is my other concern.
I made a speech to univ folk, cs people in third year. They knew nothing. They have a picture of me at end, just looking depressed as hell, and that became a meme.
I mean all I can really do is let her try because she's a grownup
But I just am doing that thing where I care too much
I mean first she even needs to get accepted to the thing
and sort out funding
@Ash you're doing a good thing
@GodEmperorDune actually the hardest part i find is getting the browser to display what's in the customer's head before they change their minds
@Ash Please please don't let her borrow money for something like this, she has to have a backup plan for if it fails and debt is awful
@Memor-X hehe too true
Customer wants you to make an ugly as sin website, what do
@GodEmperorDune She's going to go through OSAP, which is really her best option here
The mind changers are fine as long as they know the price goes up every time they change things
(gov't backed student loans, very low interest and flexible on stuff to a point)
@Ash great things that I wish we had in the US, got it
@GodEmperorDune turkey has it, fly over here :)
@GodEmperorDune It's a pretty decent program ,if you can get it. Apparently this thing accepts OSAP funding, so if she gets in she just needs to get that sorted (although it really depends on what you make and all this other stuff, it's not a guaranteed thing)
@ash if she is dead set on this, the least she can do to increase her chances of success are to familiarize herself with the programs and tools they'll be using
One less thing to have to learn
@GodEmperorDune She won't, because she doesn't want to "learn the wrong things"
@GodEmperorDune are you sure? marquee > comic sans font > rainbow text > marquee rainbow but the text to remain still > plain Arial black text
@Ash try to make her at least get started a bit by online ones. Learning basics will help her find out if she is good with programming or not, and anyways it'd only help her in bootcamp to know that stuff anyways. i can link some if you want. I have to go now.
@arda Thanks for the advice. I've tried linking her to stuff but so far no dice
@Ash getting the IDE online and running on her machine is not "learning", it's like a prereq
shrug It feels to me like you've done pretty much anything you could do.
And this boot camp seems pretty fast paced, you don't want to have technical issues slowing you down
If she doesn't accept help, that's sad, but you don't need to tgink tgat much over it
@GodEmperorDune I was like "well what if you just get the tools" and she was like "what if I get the wrong stuff and I don't know how to do it anyhow its fine they will help me"
@Ash ok teacher secided to not drop by so I'm back to thinking: You might try linking her some microsoft virtual academy ones. Surely microsoft cant go wrong
he's here but yoy get the idea. bbl.
Sorry, guys. I don't mean to be all aaaaaaaa
@Ash you gifted us with pipe cleaner puppers, I think it's a fair exchange
Aww, thanks
Here, have a panda playing with a snowman as reimbursement
@GodEmperorDune Well fine be that way
Q: Modded Minecraft world crashing, help?

NeensOn my mod pack world, my computer was completely fine, but then my minions from the minion mod started spewing cobblestone everywhere and now my game keeps crashing... is there any way to stop this? I want my world back.

@Ash it is still an amazing video
@GodEmperorDune I like the part where he is on the head and then it falls
6 hours ago, by GodEmperorDune
@Unionhawk so great when the top sphere rolls off
best part, by far
@GodEmperorDune Great minds, and all of that :)
Have pandas on a slide then :D
(neural mindlink)
pandas are great
@Ash lol when the one runs back up and cuts in front to ride again
@GodEmperorDune it cracked me up
it must be great to wake up one morning and have cool things to play with
also it's great how they curl into a ball whenever they fall because they seem to fall often
They're good at falling
being a panda seems fun
Q: Is there an item in Pokemon Moon that increases the rate at which you find shiny pokemon?

ass4ssin snipeI remember back in Pokemon Black that when you beat the game and had a certain amount of pokemon in your pokedex Professor Juniper would give the Shiny Charm. Is there an item like that in Pokemon Moon?

> And if you're going to point to other stuff and say "but you didn't nerf this thing or that thing" I would invite you to consider that I also did not nerf your face.
jick is great
@GodEmperorDune but what about your brain :D
@Yuuki for some reason this made me think of you ;)
I am on my 4th straight day of answering every question with "Consider the coconut."
aaaaa so cute (just watching the snowman vid)
@Ash haha same
aaand now im downloading moana. good.
@arda you're welcome
Q: What does servicing the Regalia do?

VemonusI decided to humor Cindy by having her service the Regalia for a change. To my dismay, I paid her a ton of Gil and saw no change in performance or appearance. What exactly did I pay her to do?

@arda awesome. It's a great movie.
Q: Item Location & Order to get them

Namikaze SheenaI tried to do 100% speedrun in this game. Some item require you to have transformation dance to go through. Can someone tell me the order & location to get each items ?

Q: pokemon go no poke stops

ayush majumderI am a trainer of pokemon I caught many pokemons but I am very woried because there is no any poke stops or gym or pokemon center where I live please help me.I live in India,Tripura,Belonia

remember the maths teacher who told I was wrong? I explained it the same way to her and pointed out my proofs, she's now like "You couldn't explain properly before". Yeaaaaah.
@arda So she dismissed it as wrong because you couldn't explain it properly according to her?
@arda the important thing is that you're right
She agreed that it was right in the end, so that's a start.
most often you get to pick between being happy or being right
here you can have both
Q: is the Overwatch developer team exploring 3rd person view

Иво НедевHas there ever been anything officially mentioned about the option to play in 3rd person view (think Reinhardt when he has his shield up, but all the time)

@Arperum I gave her half a page of proof AND a brute force result. You can't disagree with that.
@GodEmperorDune Happiness is overrated.
@arda brute force is partial anyway :p There is no way to bruteforce proof for all numbers.
@arda say it with me now, "happy spouse == happy house"
@Arperum like she cares
@GodEmperorDune bad timing
@arda ouch, sorry about that
@GodEmperorDune nw, you didn't know
Q: How do I get task force members in Boom Beach?

NightmareI created a new task force, but none of my friends play the game and when I write in the Supercell formums no one joins either. Is there another way to get new members? Maybe some one wants to join: task force name: Nightmare Squad tag: #929CQR0C

people are idiots.
why the hell do you bring an ecig to school, let alone vape in class?
@arda lolwat.
@Arperum that guy is always a dick to me. I might return the favor.
@arda Don't lower yourself to his level.
@arda because vaping is peak 2016
it's a grating ironic statement on the current geopoliitical panorama and the bleak perspectives on the future leaking into the place where the foundations of your futures are supposed to be built
please try not to get cut on this edge
imagine him saying "brexit", "trump", "aleppo", "coup" or "karlov" with each puff
Q: Santa's Surprise Spell

Mehravish TemkarIn friendly challenge I could see that after I use the Santa's Surprise spell on something, after the damage is done to the buildings, a couple of Presents appear on that base. What are the Presents for? Do they do something during attack or after the attack? I couldn't figure it out as I am not ...

Q: How do I read documents in Risen 1?

d3vidI'm playing the Windows GOG release of Risen with keyboard, mouse and controller. I have received a list from Master Belschwur with names of people I should be healing. But I can't open the list to read the names. In the meantime, I can get the list from various walkthroughs, but there will be mo...

sorry US
Correct Earth Time moves the leap second to the following 12-month cycle
you're welcome
@arda ecig as in one of those electronic cigarettes?
Hmm brainfart, "What is your zipcode?" ... eerrr, the only one I can think of is my my parents one
@KevinvanderVelden he.
@Memor-X yes
Like, I got the numbers of my own... and then the letters from parents
Also, the sneaky bastard, norway made a settlement next ot me
@arda i assume the school has a rule against smoking. one of those should be breaking the rules too
i know in my high school a guy got into trouble trying to smoke a rolled piece of paper he had coloured the ends of so it looked like a cigarette
@KevinvanderVelden Have you seen that there is a poland DLC now. and some other DLC that is way overpriced (5 euro for a scenario and three natural wonders...)
I have
Have you bought any of it?
I'll probably wait for quite a while.
People are mad about the scenario pack counting for the extended edition or whatever it is called.
Oh norway declared war on me, now I can take that city \o/
@KevinvanderVelden that's one way of doing it.
Q: Clash Royale countering Royale Giant

SrdjanI have a question about how to counter a royal gaint. I'll ask about two specific cards, Mini P.e.k.k.a. or Inferno Dragon? My current deck consists of giant, archers, tombstone, zap, fireball, baby dragon, mega minion and mini pekka. Tell me your opinions. :) thanks in advance.

@Memor-X its both illegal and off rules
though neither laws nor rules apply to rich folk like him
equality is a lie in turkey.
rich/poor. majority/minority. male/female. straight/queer. muslim/nonmuslim.
Q: How to: 3D Mode - Prison Architect EASTER EGG (Tutorial)

ArtsicleIt is pretty easy to do this, first you would open the the main menu. Then, you go to extras. You might see something on the bottom left, its more visible when your mouse is over it. It's a faint PI symbol I believe. Click it. Have fun with your new 3d prison!

Gah. I'm sleepy.
and I still have to work for 3.5 more hours.
But after that I'm going to pick up my girlfriend :D
@Lazers2.0 some people just don't like to recognize they are doing the wrong thing
In the list of stuff I should stop doing: kick my shins in unknown objects.
I discovered a couple days ago that I did at some point of the day damaged my shins. I don't know when or how. But the wounds are annoying me.
@Arperum i kicked my middle toe into a door frame and felt a nasty kind of cracking feeling. after a couple of days it was fine so just give it some time, might heal itself
@Memor-X I know, I'm not going to get anything done to it. It's just annoying. And I don't know at all what I ran into.
@Arperum could just have strained it from running or something
@Memor-X Not with the type of wound. It's an open wound, very clearly from hitting something. And my other shins are just healed from hitting something else (I know what I hit, even though I only figured out two hours or so after the actual hit that it was bleeding)
I do frequently run into stuff, so it's nothing special. I'm just ranting :p
@Arperum well there's your problem. if you didn't run into stuff so oftern you wouldn't loose track of what you've ran into
@KevinvanderVelden "This item does not ship to [Location] Australia" oh for fuck sake! Amazon coming to Australia can't happen soon enough
@Memor-X I think it was the wall corner at the top of the stairs here at work, or maybe the doorframe on top of said stairs. Or I have no idea.
> Color: beije
j =/= g
A: Bandwidth spikes lead to crash on specific world on server

ArtsicleMaybe the server is farther away from you than the other players if its only you. This answer will self destruct at -1 upvotes.

This guy...
The system is going to kick in soon and prevent him from answering anything; he's deleted something like a dozen questions and answers, as soon as they get any downvotes at all.
@Frank all downvoted?
@Memor-X Yeah, he's super sensitive to downvotes.
@Frank would explain it why he deleted his question/answer hybrid rather than try and fix it
@Memor-X Perhaps. I sent him a link to the tour on one of his previous answers, but it doesn't look like he's made an attempt to read it.
@Frank he doesn't have the badge so either he hasn't read it or he hasn't made it to the end
Jersey Mike http://time.com/4606813/democrat-republican-name/ https://t.co/bs5mC3sCbq
Well that explains a lot
> The name Timothy is highly Republican
Have you been trusting me up until now?
@TimStone one of my names is democratic, the other one doesn't exist and i shortened it
@TimStone as far as I can throw your avatar
@badp Which, being a mod, you can throw pretty far.
Off-screen, even!
@Frank He's a mod too, though
@badp ....mod fight?
so at the very least I don't have a convenient button to defenestrate his avatar
@badp would 2 mods cancel each other out?
at best I cause his browser to refresh the page
and even that's tedious.
like that took half a minute
do you know how much mod abuse I could do in half a minute
@badp But it was worth it!
You just mod abused another mod.
I'm not even positive the page refreshed
(I wasn't looking)
Oh yeah, it did
Glad we could solve climate change
I have the worst migraine ever
you can be heard
but by yelling you just ensure you'll screw my brain even more
Q: What drops to keep - endgame

Jakub KlawonI'm playing Level 50 (CP300) Magicka Templar Healer, wearing mostly Light armor. I am struggling with figuring out what to do with all the drops I have each day from running through daily dungeons or getting from chests. The inventory and bank space is limited and I don't know the worth of each ...

Q: How to automate generators?

AlexI have a generator that generates (no way) energy from Organic placed on it. Is there any way to automate this process? Maybe using a storage unit where you place a generator and organic?

Q: Santa's Surprise Spell Damage on storages

Mehravish TemkarWould Santa's Surprise Spell do any damage to any storages? Or are they not affected?

87 more to 20k
@TimStone my name is the best name
@Unionhawk Prepare to be trusted
@Unionhawk Wow, you're going to get to 20k before I get to 20k on SO. I should be ashamed
I hit 103 on SO this year
(it was a suggested edit fixing a dead java documentation link)
So you do have me way beat there
I haven't answered in forever, just coasting on sweet sweet necro rep
I got 45 rep on tuesday from saying "Don't use regex, use a proper parser"
@TimStone same tbh
Except it's not as lucrative on gaming

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