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@Tristan I haven't heard of either of those
@JasonBerkan It's the sequel to Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D.
The Vow is another Channing Tatum romance. His wife has amnesia, or something.
user image
This would be a pretty cool valentine.
Haha, nice
I just realized
I lost my chance to earn a marshal badge :(
@Oak Flag! Now!
@Oak No you didn't
You should give up your diamond to me so you can get it.
Doing it without being completely abusive is still possible, after all.
@GraceNote when is flagging as a mod appropriate?
Clear spam/offensive material by flagging it as such
@Oak To get the marshal badge.
@badp I'm limited to about 54 flags per day, so it's hopeless anyhow :)
@AshleyNunn This is awesome.
@Wipqozn It makes me happy. :)
If you plain delete it, it doesn't count as anyone being helpful, but if you flag it in kind, then you lock it, cause the appropriate mark down by Community, and on top of it you auto-validate yourself. Oh, and it gives us better records for tracking things that we said we might eventually track. Eventually.
The only way it could be cooler is if it was a card with one of those sound thingies in so it would play the Zelda song that you get when you open a chest.
@GraceNote I completely lost you
@Oak If someone else flags something as spam/offensive, and all you do is delete the post, you're not just denying yourself a badge, you're denying that user a badge. So you'd be a mean mod if you did that. Don't be a mean mod.
@AshleyNunn oh god that would be amazing
@FallenAngelEyes Wouldn't it?
@AshleyNunn That would kick as much ass.
Q: How do I do an inverted ledge takedown?

splattered bitsTo earn one of the medals in Batman: Arkham City's Police Brutality (Extreme) Predator Challenge, I'm supposed to do an inverted ledge takedown. I've tried standing on ledges above enemies, but never get the takedown notification. What am I doing wrong? How do I perform an inverted ledge takedown?

There are no words to describe how awesome that would be,
@AshleyNunn Clearly, this has to be done.
@GraceNote If only I knew how!
@GraceNote oh... so I should use span/offensive flags, for the good of the community. And a badge.
@AshleyNunn I'm going to just say "arduino". I don't even know what an arduino is, but it's totally used in a lot of things like that. So that must be the solution.
@Oak Yes. For the good of the community.
@GraceNote lol
@GraceNote A microcontroller!
@GraceNote You know, that sounds like an excellent solution. XD (I also do not know what it is)
@FallenAngelEyes I am picturing a teeny NES controller. I am pretty sure that is probably not what you mean.
Like, the first arduino thing I saw was a real-life "breakable" Minecraft block. It's probably somewhere in this chat transcript.
@AshleyNunn XD
@LessPop_MoreFizz this will haunt my dreams
Aug 27 '11 at 21:38, by FallenAngelEyes
It's... it's an IRL Minecraft block. This is awesome.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is....very disconcerting.
@FallenAngelEyes That is cool, even though I know next to nothing about Minecraft (other than people build cool things in it, so it is like LEGO on the computer sorta)
@FallenAngelEyes I pride myself on instantly knowing what a piezo element is, though
@LessPop_MoreFizz How does the composite sketch software work? Does it just go off the written description or is a person involved with telling the software what to do?
> In terms of image-construction itself, Davis used the forensic software program Faces ID, which gives users (creepily, incredibly) about 10,000 individual facial features to choose among. He then used the authors' descriptions of their characters as guidelines in his selections, selecting the most true-to-text facial features, Identikit-style. For the inevitable gaps in the characters' descriptions (noses and ears, Davis discovered, were often ignored by authors)
> , he did some educated guesswork, considering factors like the era the author was writing in and other elements of the story that might inform its characters' appearance.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aah okay, thanks.
@Fallen I need to get me one of those.
How do you queue up a YouTube video to start at a certain time?
@Tristan There is an option when you click share
@Tristan Threaten it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Vaughn looks messed up
@murgatroid99 Thanks!
@RavenDreamer There is no audio information included in MIDI.
MIDI is a controller.
@agent86 What platform did you play Batman AC on?
Huh. The 2 things I was waiting for a new version of came out at once. What to play, what to play...
@JohntheGreen what are your options?
Wow. For scoring so low in the primaries, @ArdaXi and @RonanForman went really far.
@JohntheGreen Wow, having you with a new avatar and @JohnoBoy in here with one a bit similar to your old one is really confusing
I'm surprised people voted for me.
@IanPugsley Minecraft mod that makes it like 1602A.D. (aka super awesome) and Dwarf Fortress. I told myself I'd try it when the new version came out because the new version looks awesome too.
Not to sound self-deprecating... I couldn't have been a worse candidate if I tried.
@agent86 Curses! I was too slow on editing my incorrect answer! >.<
@FallenAngelEyes Sorry for confusing you :/ I really should pick a unique avatar
@JohntheGreen I don't like DF but I'd say probably DF :P
@FallenAngelEyes I'm the original John.
I'm never good at picking avatars...
@JohnoBoy Me neither, as everyone here can testify.
Speaking of that, A for effort, @Ullallulloo!
@JohnoBoy Hehe, s'okay, just funny that yours is also green, like @JohntheGreen's was
Well we both had lots of both up and downvotes, and because you can't downvote in the election it makes sanse.
@JohnoBoy Xbox 360
@RonanForman True, but I had upvotes and not really many downvotes, so why didn't I do better than you?
@JohntheGreen Let's pick the same avatar and confuse @FallenAngelEyes
Whoa...@agent86's new avatar is a tad creepy.
@agent86 I played it it the PS3. Just wanted to know...
@JohnoBoy All I would have to do is go back to my last one. It was a default one very similar to yours. :P
@John :P
I changed my chat parent to a site where I still have my old picture. You may refresh chat now.
@JohnoBoy yeah, there's still a few of the challenges I have yet to unlock. I got distracted by KoA.
@Ullallulloo I seriously considered using it, but figured it would make me look weird to everyone that isn't in chat all the time.
@agent86 Decided you had to become a Darth since you're a diamond now?
@agent86 You've been a mod for how long?
Speaking of which, why isn't your name blue yet?
@OrigamiRobot 2 hours?
@agent86 I finished only the fighting challneges. I should go back sometime and platinum the game
@John I told Raven I'd wear a darth mask if I won the election. I honor my election promises.
@agent86 Oh, then WHERE'S MY MONEY?!
@agent86 Now honor my election promise and get @Lazers an appropriate avatar!
@OrigamiRobot I don't believe I'm one yet. I don't think the election gives me immediate access to the mod powers. I've tried pressing the "LAZERS" button and it still says "ACCESS DENIED"
@Tristan Woo! Yay!
@John money? You can have some expired condiment packets, if you like...
@John It takes a couple hours for them to do it.
@agent86 But...you promised...
@Ullallulloo I seem to recall something about that...why isn't it faster?
@John Because it's manual, and people are slow, I suppose.
okay, time to switch environments, I'll be back in a bit... try not to break anything
@Ullallulloo They have >200 mods and it's still manual? This surprises me.
Q: Cisco Heat ROM version with wheel and correct fps

LeandroThis is a two-part question. The first, and the real question, is how can i play this game: that's called Cisco Heat by...

Q: Is there a shop at the Ballads Oratory?

jwaddellWhen I reached the Ballads Oratory as part of the Ballad of Bloody Bones quest my backpack was completely full, so I was delighted to see that the map showed there was a shop inside. However I talked to everyone inside and no one offered the "shop" option. Is this a bug, or is there something I ...

Q: Looking for a strip poker old-based game on DOS

LeandroThat's. I'm looking for a strip poker old-based game on DOS, it has real video. And it was only for dos. I dont think they can be too much games with that description, video and for DOS. thanks!

@John The site doesn't even calculate the results on it's own.
By the way, did anyone act on that chat flag?
@Ullallulloo It's like we're in the stone age.
@agent86 How is KoA, by the way? I liked the demo but I wonder if the full game is worth it
@Lazers this is problematic. On the one hand, we really need more information to be able to answer that. On the other hand, providing more detailed information may make the question NSFW.
@Oak Also it's ITG and they are evil and should be burninated.
@Oak Close it and be done with it.
@StrixVaria Oak doesn't like fire.
@John I had more upvote than you, so more votes in the election, but also more downvotes, but they don't factor in.
@John that is indeed what I've voted on
We can keep good ITG, but I don't see why we should go to the trouble to help bad questions of a type we don't want in the first place.
@OrigamiRobot trees are flammable
@OrigamiRobot I know, and it bothers me that we now are going to have yet another mod that doesn't hate ITG.
@John There is no such thing as good ITG.
@StrixVaria Agreed.
@StrixVaria ITGs can be good questions, just never good for this site.
@OrigamiRobot Sure.
@StrixVaria People get hung up on the distinction.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah. They don't fit here. There are other places online where they do, but this isn't it.
@OrigamiRobot When I'm talking about the merit of a question, I'm always talking in reference to the site.
I'll give game-rec and ITG answers in chat all day long.
Those are honestly fun discussion topics.
But they are not good Gaming.SE topics.
ITGs are awesome. Answering them gives me 1/8th of an orgasm.
@StrixVaria I know that, but others might not. I know its a pain to explain every single time.
I don't think the dude cared which strip poker game he got... he just wanted some strip poker!
@Oak I don't think "Helping people makes me happy" is an argument for why ITG should be allowed.
@Wipqozn This is why I voted for you.
That's so smart!
@StrixVaria oh my, I've always wanted a fanboy!
@Wipqozn Well too bad. It's already over.
@StrixVaria @Wipqozn has a fanboy?! o.O This is immensely scary.
@Wipqozn 1/8th of an orgasm is at least 'estatic', not 'happy'
Did you not see the slash?
@Wipqozn I think 'we should help people' is.
@StrixVaria I still love you and that means @StrixVaria does by default.
@GnomeSlice We can't help everyone.
@GnomeSlice Not really, otherwise we should allow all questions.
@Wipqozn not giving it as a reason, just sayin' :)
@OrigamiRobot You love @StrixVaria which means that @StrixVaria loves @StrixVaria?
@GnomeSlice We should answer expert questions about gaming. If that helps people, then so be it.
If we start allowing any and all questions we would just be Yahoo answer shutters
@Wipqozn Do you mean shudders, or are you closing your metaphorical windows?
@John Does this not make sense to you?
@AshleyNunn ...the second one...yes
@Wipqozn That is horrifying to contemplate.
@OrigamiRobot No, it doesn't.
Yahoo answers is the Camden of the Internet.
@John You should robot more.
Those of you who don't live in NJ won't understand that reference, but it's bad.
@OrigamiRobot I, no bot.
@Wipqozn That would be an effective ITG deterrent - if the windows are closed, they can't sneak in XD
We really do need to revisit the discussion on ITG in meta.
@John @IanPugsley would hate you.
@OrigamiRobot What? Why?
I love how people send message @JohntheGreen and it highlights them for me :/
@John He hates puns that aren't his.
@JohnoBoy That's real nice of chat. XD
@JohnoBoy Really? Huh. Sorry.... be more popular! :P
@JohnoBoy thats...problematic.
Yes. At least it doesn't play notifications.
@JohnoBoy It makes sense, considering that the auto-reply only uses the first word of my name, which also matches the beginning of yours.
Well, thank god there's only just two johns in the room right now ;)
Anyway, think of ITGs this way: Can answers be confirmed or denied by anyone but the asker?
Nevermind, I forgot I changed my chat parent back to just "John". >.>
@JohnoBoy If you haven't refreshed recently, do that. You too @FallenAngelEyes! ;)
Spoiler Alert: No
@John Oh good. I missed seeing that default gravatar of yours.
@OrigamiRobot Can you say this about every other question on this site?
@OrigamiRobot It's that rock problem @Raven talked about on Meta once...
@JohnoBoy Most can be confirmed by someone else, yes.
Wait I misunderstood that argument.
@JohnoBoy People with Skyrim can confirm Skyrim answers.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I thought he meant to say "can't"
@John Aaaaaaaaagh
@Wipqozn Well you will only see it on chat. And every site except Gaming.
@FallenAngelEyes Don't worry, on the main site I'm still green. :P
Err, a different green.
The Green.
@John I prefer this John though.
Well, I see questions like "I've encountered this bug, how can I fix it". And aside from people encountering the same issue, who else can confirm the answer?
@Wipqozn Weren't you one of the people telling me I needed a gravatar?
@JohnoBoy I hate these questions too, so that's not really an argument.
@John That's only because I wanted you to change it to a frowny face.
@JohnoBoy Assuming the bug is reproducible, anyone who cares.
@John This conversation was happening before I got involved in meta. From what little I had heard, the main argument was that they did not benefit any future users. This is the point I disagreed with and became fixated on.
@Wipqozn I would do that in chat if it didn't require me to have that on a site somewhere.
I do think ITG really are one-shots - once they've been answered, they're most likely no use to other users.
@John just make an account on a site you don't use
@JohnoBoy I also hate technical issues questions for the same reasons.
use that as your chat one, et cetera
@Wipqozn I have a few of those. I was surprised that @YiJiang's elections page said I was active on twelve sites. I really spend too much time here.
Why can't we just get rid of all these questions where the answers are all speculation?
It's that simple.
Unless by a stroke of luck someone lands on the question for the game he was looking for while googling
@StrixVaria This. This. 1000 times this.
@StrixVaria Speculation is good. In comments.
Now I'm going home.
@OrigamiRobot Exactly.
@StrixVaria Goodbye!

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