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hopes this last second sucking up works :P
cmon windows
@Wipqozn anybody who hadn't voted probably wouldn't have been swayed that late :)
@IanPugsley I can dream ;)
> Winners are agent86 and Oak.
Losing video it is!
@TimStone holy crap, seriously?
Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file 3[1].
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 176 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 176 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Gaming Moderator Election 2012 using Meek STV.
Congrats @oak and @agent86!
Ooh, 4th I wasn't expecting that!
Landslide for Oak
Yay! Oak won in the first round~
Wipqozn got third?
Congratulations @Oak and @agent86!
Congratulations, @Oak and @agent86!
@Ullallulloo It appears so
Too close, there.
thank you everyone :)
Hey look @Wipqozn you almost didn't lose.
Arda wasn't 4th this time
My first 2 choices :)
@StrixVaria Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
I voted for the two last and first. :P
Also Ronan beat Arda.
@Ullallulloo No, it looks like Mark was 3rd
@badp Aren't I great.
Amazed only 176 people voted
Never mind, I'm silly.
yep, Mark was 3rd
@GraceNote Oh, yeah.
@Wipqozn not even close :P
@badp herp a derp
Was thinking I was @MarkTrapp
Also, my winning video was this (a surprise, I'm sure):
@Oak @agent86 Congratulations!
@Wipqozn It happens a lot to people
@Wipqozn that's a still, not a video
Mark Trapp wasn't too far behind at the start, but once the new votes started pouring in, he got squashed
And now I'm back to being productive. Whoooosh!
I'm sad my top 2 picks didn't make it :'(
Note to self: bribery works.
well, thank you very much to everyone that voted, I appreciate your support :)
So this is a case where the primaries predicted how the position of the first four candidates spot on.
Q: Are there any optional "mega bosses"?

Mr. NovemberI know a lot of Final Fantasy games have had optional side bosses that were quite a feat to defeat. Does Final Fantasy 13-2 have anything similar?

Q: Where can I buy Mana III potions?

Mr. NovemberI'm at a point in the game where I need a lot of heavy mana spells to get through this one part, but the best I can find is Mana Potion II in stores. Is it possible to purchase these from a store or do I have to bind them?

Well, glad to see we now have two excellent new mods :)
@badp I don't know how to read that.
@agent86 now get to work
@OrigamiRobot You got last. :(
@OrigamiRobot in each of the 11 rounds, there's one number per candidate
room topic changed to The Bridge: of the SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we arm our lazers in the general direction of our moderators-to-be and prepare the initiation protocols (no tags)
@GraceNote True facts: if you run the election with 4 slots, I get elected in the 2nd round. Guess I wasn't very many people's second choice
@MarkTrapp ...as second place?
@MarkTrapp You were my second choice!
@GraceNote Aren't places only determined by the number of additional seats required for the candidate to be picked though?
That's how I do it anyway
I don't know at all
@GraceNote Yeah. More slots = lower threshold, so people with high first choice votes have an easier chance to get elected. Higher thresholds (due to lower slots) means second choice votes matter a whole lot more
@StrixVaria Yay! Thanks :P
Ah, so you'd be in on the 2nd round, but still rank "3rd"
@MarkTrapp That's interesting.
@MarkTrapp Which boils down to more people had agent86 as their second choice than had Mark as their second choice.
@JasonBerkan Yeah, if I'm not screwing up the math
I'm still waiting for @RonanForman to throw this tantrum of his.
I was pretty convinced that I was going to come in third. I rated that highest on the probability curve, then either 2nd or 4th, and beyond that the probability was relatively negligible.
Who decided these results were best presented top to bottom. Left to right would have been way easier to read
@agent86 Why is this?
@MarkTrapp Sorry man, it was kinda hard not giving first choice to Oak. Nothing personal
@Wipqozn just... a hunch, I guess?
@badp Oak was one of the pro-terms mods, wasn't he?
@badp Oak was my first choice too. Well, after myself of course :P
I did okay in the primaries, but I wasn't convinced that would transfer to the election.
@Ullallulloo This is acceptable to me.
yeah, I think Oak was a forgone conclusion :)
@OrigamiRobot You were my second pick if it helps.
@MarkTrapp I think that if you as a candidate don't rank yourself as your own first choice you're kind of wasting everybody's time, given how STV works
@agent86 Yeah, same. I don't think there were any doubts that would oak would win.
@Wipqozn doubts?
@Ullallulloo I was my last pick.
@Ullallulloo oops :P
and how (correctly) sensitive it is to 1st choices
@MarkTrapp, nice race, that was pretty damn close.
I... didn't vote Oak first, but only because I had enough faith in his following that I knew I could bolster my second place to an ideal win by putting them as my first choice.
I put him in 2nd just as a backdrop measure in case everyone on Gaming failed me.
@GraceNote Your trust isn't misplaced, but not everybody can play that game
@OrigamiRobot I think you would make a really good mod after the town hall meeting.
@badp Of course not everyone can play that game. You play this game on the understanding that not everyone is playing that game.
@GraceNote That's not how game theory works!! or something.
prisoner's dilemma
Actually, it is precisely how it works
Quick someone find that scene from A Beautiful Mind
@Ullallulloo I think I would make a good mod too. That's why I ran. I definitely don't think I was the best choice. I thought I did terrible at the town hall. Looking back, I missed a lot of the questions.
Thanks, @Juan
I think almost everyone who ran could've done a smashing job as a mod.
Isn't the solution to that dilemma "everybody gives in?"
@GraceNote Now to ban those that made you say "almost"
looks at @Wipqozn
@GraceNote Except ronnie :P
@badp but he's so pro much!
The prisoner's dilemma is a canonical example of a game analyzed in game theory that shows why two individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interest to do so. It was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher working at RAND in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence payoffs and gave it the "prisoner's dilemma" name (Poundstone, 1992). A classic example of the prisoner's dilemma (PD) is presented as follows: :Two men are arrested, but the police do not possess enough information for a conviction. Following the separat...
@GraceNote Just noticed the almost
@badp For the prisoner's dilemma, sure, but it's more on the same manner of expectation of the other's cooperation and capitalizing on it
@Mana Hi!
Hi @Mana and @Raven, what fortuitous timing!
@JuanManuel I hate game theory. It glosses over the fact that I may hate the other guy and turn him in based on that. Or that he is my brother, so I will never turn him in.
@GraceNote How good of them both to arrive as their positions are usurped. Mana, Raven, you can turn in your diamonds at the door.
@GraceNote You missed me when I popped in here 5 minutes ago?
Well, cool stuff
7 mins ago, by Raven Dreamer
@RavenDreamer Willingly, yes
@RonanForman wat
Though, admittedly, my response at the time was more "intrigued grunt" than anything meritous of an actual response.
@badp It's the results.
oh, I don't visualize them like that
fires up Excel
Mark Trapp Agent86 Oak Kevin Y Ronan Forman Wipqozn Arda Xi fredley John the Green OrigamiRobot
29 36 64 6 9 15 8 4 3 2
30 38 59 6 9 16 8 4 3 2
31 39 59 6 9 16 8 4 3 0
31 40 61 6 9 16 8 4 0 0
32 41 61 6 10 16 8 0 0 0
33 42 59 7 10 16 9 0 0 0
33 45 60 0 10 17 10 0 0 0
34 45 58 0 10 17 10 0 0 0
34 48 63 0 10 19 0 0 0 0
35 50 65 0 0 23 0 0 0 0
38 57 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
There's the numbers.
@RonanForman That's not hard to read or anything
@Wipqozn It wasn't to read, it was for @badp to paste into excel,
@RonanForman ah okay
@RonanForman Excel can open the ballot file directly
Really? Cool.
@RonanForman Well, on the bright side, due to my color blindness my bar looks identical to oaks bar, so I can look at that and pretend I won.
@badp How?
@OrigamiRobot poke.
Tell it it's a space delimited file
Still not getting it.
@RavenDreamer 3 more hours :(
Oh, @Raven, do you have experience with League of Legends replay files?
@GraceNote None.
@OrigamiRobot roger that, sir!
@RavenDreamer there's this thing he's got called a jerb
it's pretty gross, I keep telling him to get it looked at
@JasonBerkan I did screw up the math, particularly by not realizing that both Oak and agent86 get elected in the first round in a 4-slot race. I would get elected in the 2nd round because agent86 was already elected. 2nd choice votes for me or agent86 didn't affect either's chances of getting elected
@IanPugsley I want one!
@MarkTrapp So close!
@RavenDreamer Do you have any cool skills?
@RavenDreamer everybody wants one, until they have one, then they want a different one :P
@RavenDreamer C'est la vie :P
also, to any people of UK location who know anything about comic books, Brett White needs your help figuring out how to get comics to other UK people:
Q: Ongoing Comic Book Grant [Updated Feb 14 2012]

Brett WhiteIn the interest of increasing the sci-fi/fantasy comic book content on the site, I am proposing an ongoing comic book grant that would reward multiple users on a regular basis, and hopefully be a quick way to get newer users more involved in the grant process and site in general. Pre-emptive TL;...

@OrigamiRobot I can make numbers do things!
@RavenDreamer Hexes!
@OrigamiRobot (And haven't we been over this? I'm a Computer Scientist, soon to be graduated)
@RavenDreamer Then you'll be in industry practicing safe hex?
Ronnie in 2013!
I cant wait to get home and play Twisted Metal
@Stephen HOpes o.
@JasonBerkan I'm playing ME1 now and haven't been spoiled. :(
Also congrats to the winners!
There we go
Q: Do passive auras like Sona's grant assists?

ToastIf Sona grants an aura to an ally that gets a kill, will this count as an assist? I'm assuming she hasn't changed her auras during the fight.

Q: Why Elrindir at the drunken huntsman mad at me?

MikeWe use to be such great friends, like "Ah my Khajiit friend what are you hunting?" or something like that Now it's more of "What do youuu want you rat scum?" What did I do, can I reconcile with him?

Pat on the back to everyone who threw their hat into the ring
@FallenAngelEyes Honestly, I'm 1/2 way through ME1 at the moment. But given how long the game has been out, I figure that avoiding spoilers is going to be difficult.
@IanPugsley I cannot find a comic book store here in the NL to buy American comics and this makes me sad
@GraceNote Why'd you delete your answer?
@RavenDreamer Because I was wrong
@badp Thank you, thank you, thank you, this makes it so much easier for me to parse.
At least, my recollection of, say, "I don't get assists just for being nearby with Will of the Ancients", would make my answer wrong
@FallenAngelEyes buh nuh nuh :(
@badp Darn it!
I was gonna do this, except worse
@GraceNote The thing about Sona's auras though, is that her auras have an active effect that targets her teammates, so it's likely it'll net an assist by actively buffing someone who deals damage.
Oh, dear.
Dwarf Fortress forums crashed.
@RavenDreamer I elaborated on that in my comment to the correct answer
:/ it was formatted nicely
@OrigamiRobot nah, round by round visualization is probably too hard to read to be any use
@GraceNote Ah. I haven't refreshed the page yet.
@GraceNote check meta ♫
@badp Better than the format that they gave.
Also I fail, I should've put in my own election summary in before doing that
as promised to @RavenDreamer:
@badp Which Meta?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I admire the kid for her moxy, but I hate the mentality that sports are important enough to cause as much of a fuss as this caused
Oh, that
@badp Also, who had me as first choice? I advised against that.
@RavenDreamer @IanPugsley will give you his job.
@OrigamiRobot no idea
how would I know?
You are a mod, you know everything
I wasn't actually asking you. It was a rhetorical question.
@OrigamiRobot Rhetorical?
@JuanManuel You are the oracle.
@Tristan morning, sunshine
@FallenAngelEyes Morning! I just realized that I'd been in the room since the winners were announced... And still hadn't said anything. o.O
Congratulations to the winners!
Congrats, guys. :)
@badp thanks for sending me that link
I closed Steam but forgot to say cheers.
@ThomasMcDonald it's only been pinned for a week or so
Yeah, I couldn't remember.
I tried the singular but not the plural.
thank you everybody :)
@Tristan Thanks for popping in just to correct me :P
@OrigamiRobot Happy to help! =D
On another note: The issues I've been having recently, that most of you are aware of, are finally sorted! Within the next week (or two depending on plane ticket prices), I will no longer be living in a hotel! I still want to say thank you to everyone at Gaming.SE for helping me keep my sanity for the past two months.
@Wipqozn I wont be having a tantrum as I didn't lose to you, so it's fine.
@Tristan Hooray! That is awesome, terrific, wonderful news :)
Let this be a lesson to all of you.
If you want to be elected moderator, don't use a pony gravatar.
@RavenDreamer Or just put a Darth Vader helmet on your existing Pony gravatar!
@Tristan I won with a default gravatar!
@RavenDreamer yeah, but it was a default with sharks in it - that's basically cheating
@IanPugsley And a monocle.
@Tristan when you've got your cards, lemme know! We can play on skype or something :)
@IanPugsley Sounds good to me. My deck isn't standard anymore, though. =\
Not so much.
And oh god. That's hard to see.
@Tristan I've got plenty of nonstandard decks, nbd
@RavenDreamer The white blotches on the edges still sorta look like sharks.
Abstract sharks. But still...
@Tristan Now that's all I can see
@agent86 That's sweet.

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