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@LessPop_MoreFizz A charge?
Not to mention, slows, stuns and an AE accuracy debuff.
I don't believe you.
@RavenDreamer yeah.
Q: When do new faction warfare plexes spawn?

EveWith the recent Crucible expansion CCP changed the spawning mechanics of the faction warfare plexes, allowing them to spawn more often. Capturing as many plexes as possible is essential for switching occupancy of a system, so understanding which factors affect plex respawning could help to maximi...

Q: Is there a use for delicate items?

UllallullooI've noticed that you can upgrade your accessories to either delicate or durable versions. It seems like the delicate is completely useless though. It costs a lot more gil, and the delicate versions seem to be weaker: the Power Wristband normally gives you +10% strength, the Durable Power Wristba...

@RavenDreamer 30m charge, does damage and roots the target for 3 seconds to boot.
What's the abilty called? I could have sworn I looked around on my Vanguard, but couldn't find anything like that.
@RavenDreamer Jet Charge. It's a shield tech talent
21 points in.
Ooooh, that's why. I was looking in the shared tree.
The, "I'm on fire!" tree.
Yeah. That's the first thing I noticed when I hit 10 on my powertech.
"Well crap. My range is 10m now."
Who will be our new Gaming overlords... oh the anxiety!!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is Daenerys really blond?
I, for one, will welcome them
@LessPop_MoreFizz 30... minutes?
@bwarner She's described as having 'white' hair, which I always interpreted as platinum blond.
@GraceNote Meter. :P
@GraceNote C'mon, GN. Get metric.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Interesting. I guess I didn't pay as much attention to the descriptions as I should have. I always pictured her with dark hair.
@RavenDreamer There is no metric unit of time!
@GraceNote Seconds is technically metric
It's as metric as it is imperial, I says!
@Raven I am disappointed in new Vayne skin! I forgot about Valentine's and was expecting something completely different. :(
(Which is to say, I just consider time outside the scope of measurement systems)
@GraceNote Actually, it is.
Metric time is the measure of time interval using the metric system, which defines the second as the base unit of time, and multiple and submultiple units formed with metric prefixes, such as kiloseconds and milliseconds. It does not define the time of day, as this is defined by various time scales, which may be based upon the metric definition of the second. Other units of time, the minute, hour, and day, are accepted for use with the modern metric system, but are not part of it. History When the metric system was introduced in France in 1795, it included units for length, area, dry vol...
Like others before me, Wikipedia is dead to me.
Also, second is an SI unit
@FallenAngelEyes I have not seen it.
The second (SI unit symbol: s; informal abbreviation: sec or double prime symbol ″) is a unit of measurement of time, and is the International System of Units (SI) base unit of time. It may be measured using a clock. Early definitions of the second were based on the apparent motion of the sun around the earth. The solar day was divided into 24 hours, each of which contained 60 minutes of 60 seconds each, so the second was of the mean solar day. However, 19th- and 20th century astronomical observations revealed that this average time is lengthening, and thus the sun/earth motion ...
@GraceNote Because it disagrees with you?
Or because it snuck into your room at night, stuck its face in front of you, and woke you up by shouting "ooOOOoOOooOooOooOOh! I'm the ghost of Encarta!"
@RavenDreamer Not really.
@RavenDreamer And hey, I liked Mind Maze. I was great at it.
@RavenDreamer +1, Encarta
@FallenAngelEyes you have a pic?
@RavenDreamer She would be very cold on the winter map, lemme put it that way.
@GraceNote Mind Maze was the fucking bomb.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes it was.
@FallenAngelEyes More tasteless fanservice, then.
@GraceNote Yeah, well, who said the imperial and metric systems couldn't agree on something?
@RavenDreamer Yeah. :(
@RavenDreamer It's the first time she's not really wearing pants, but you could barely call it a skirt, either.
Although to be honest the world needs more kiloseconds.
I thought about skirts this morning.
Then I decided I should go out and buy a kilt.
But that's neither here nor there.
tzenes has a utilikilt. You should get one too
@FallenAngelEyes It hurts Vayne doubly because her last skin was tasteless fanservice also.
@RavenDreamer Also that comment lifted me a little out of my disappointment in the new Vayne skin, so you get a star.
@FallenAngelEyes Woo! \o/
I made a girl smile on valentines day!
@RavenDreamer It's essentially continuing the same direction, just with pink stripped thigh-highs
@GraceNote This might be a bit of a random tangent... but are you familiar with the anime "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt?"
@murgatroid99 it's the film I had no idea I was missing!
@RavenDreamer I am knowing of it and some portion of its content, yes.
@RavenDreamer I forgot about V-day, so when I read the description of "Heartseeker Vayne," I made the mistake of thinking it would be something that looked badass and deadly. So my expectations were quite harshly dashed.
One thing a lot of folks don't seem to realize: AL:VH is by the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
@RavenDreamer Careful, @FallenAngelEyes collects people.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How do people not know this?
@OrigamiRobot Well, it works out then. I'm a priceless collectible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If this is the "film [we] had no idea [we were] missing", this sounds like the book we had no idea we were missing.
@GraceNote You saying "Thigh highs" reminded me of the whole, "I can turn my stockings into bitchin' Angel swords." schtick they've got going on.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aww, my versions of Encarta didn't have that.
@badp You had a very, very underscored childhood then
@FallenAngelEyes I found the chinese art... but I don't think the American art is going to be any better. -_-
"Progress 0/20000"
that's scary
@RavenDreamer I'm not sure what to think if this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of thighhighs. Other than the part where you may possibly be a strongly devoted fan of the show.
@RavenDreamer I haven't seen the Chinese art
@GraceNote Or that I don't wear them, so they're the only association I have with the word
@RavenDreamer At least in that one, you can actually see the crossbow. You can barely see it in the American art.
The Crossbow, I like.
It's the inexplicably missing pants that distress me.
@RavenDreamer I don't wear them either. They can be pretty uncomfortable without, say, garters.
@RavenDreamer I admit I do think that's neat. But the rest, yeah.
@GraceNote Yeah, you might get some weird looks if you did that.
Poor Mundo.
Anyhoo, time for class, So I take my leave of you.
Ciao, Lady. Gentlemen.
@RavenDreamer I find this also disappointing because I was just reading some great posts Iron Stylus made the other day addressing complaints about male-gaze focused design. :(
Later, @Raven
@FallenAngelEyes Clearly males are the only people who play video games.
@RavenDreamer Not trying to stir up trouble, but if we get on @GnomeSlice's case for posting risque pictures of ladies, this isn't any better.
You are allowed to flag things other than what @GnomeSlice posts, y'know
@GraceNote Really? Oh wow, I didn't know that.
@GraceNote But bringing it up is better than just flagging it.
@OrigamiRobot If you want me to eliminate those images without an associated flag spreading across the network, just prod me.
I'm not even sure I understand how you can tell she wouldn't be wearing underwear
This does raise a good question of what we can and can not post on the bridge in terms of "risque" content.
I ought to learn a progamming language that doesn't suck, any suggestions?
@Wipqozn meh, I'd very much rather not have any hard rules on the topic
@badp Yeah, I agree, but some more guidelines for users would probably be nice. Just so they have something to go on.
@RonanForman Learn something and don't suck at it!
@RonanForman Python
@FallenAngelEyes No, I mean pascal actually sucks.
Okay then.
@badp beat you to it
@RonanForman ...PaScal
also, in a number of ways Pascal is much better than C
most importantly under the chapter of strings
@Wipqozn Context is everything. If they make sense in the context of the current conversation, they're probably fine - and when in doubt, use a link instead of a one-box.
That should cover 99% of situations I'd think.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, that's mostly what I've been going on.
That and just how sexual the picture is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Link instead of onebox" is generally a good practice for that kind of content in general
@GraceNote Yeah, I agree 100% with that.
I usually do that when I link to videos with swearing. Just throw in a language warning on the link the and post it.
Who should our moderators be? http://meta.outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/117/who-should-our-moderators-be
I didn't know the twitter bots would also post meta stuff
There's limitations on what Meta stuff gets shown, but yes, they can show Meta stuff
so e.g. featured questions?
When dos the election end? In an hour, or an hour and a half?
More of "feature requests and discussions that [possibly, to an algorithm] look cool"
88 minutes
@Wipqozn Hover and look at time stamp
@GraceNote It's not so much that I want them removed, its just not being consistent in regards to what Gnome gets in trouble for on a regular basis. On the other hand, he does it in excess and continues after he is asked to stop. I was more just pointing it out and saying things to get it off screen.
@GraceNote ah okay, thanks.
@OrigamiRobot You posted the two main problems with gnome.
@OrigamiRobot We should be consistent, though, so if we feel it's borderline or worse, then we should take action.
He does it a lot, and will often continue doing so after being asked to stopped (sometimes he'll continue doing so just out of spite)
@Wipqozn I agree, but we shouldn't give him ammo to say "Well nobody said anything when so-and-so did it."
@Wipqozn At least he knows he's doing it, which is more that can be said for some.
@OrigamiRobot I agree with you, but there are also times when things are over looked.
Whether or not something gets flagged depends heavily on who is in the chat room at the time.
My wife just sent me that. Gamer wife = awesome
@OrigamiRobot We shouldn't let it by in the first place, nevermind concern ourselves with ammo
ooh, Killing Floor's 85% off.
I've been wanting that, but it's rated M, and I don't turn 17 until the day after the sale ends. D:
@Ullallulloo you're serious, aren't you
@GraceNote I know. I'm just saying on top of the normal reasons, it looks like playing favorites. I wish there was a way to simply hide individual images. I'm not offended by any of these, I'm just at work.
@IanPugsley Partially.
But since my mom wouldn't care, I'm gonna just put her age or whatever.
@Ullallulloo well just buy it as a gift for someone, and then have that someone be you
@IanPugsley It doesn't let one view the store page unless you're 17.
@Ullallulloo are you telling me you just lied on the internet?
@OrigamiRobot Which is why we take action
@badp Thanks as well. It occurs to me I only thanked grace. How rude of me.
@Wipqozn meh, no probs
@IanPugsley No. :o I'm...doing something else...
Enter my mom's age and buy it on her behalf with my money or something.
@Ullallulloo It's a gift for your mom!
@Wipqozn Right! Buy my own presents with my own money so she won't have to!
Would it be worth it to buy the bundle?
With the Character Packs?
@Ullallulloo No.
@Wipqozn Why does that take 3 edits? D:
It's like a character per edit.
@Ullallulloo Don't bully me :(
@Wipqozn Okay. :)
@Wipqozn He has to bully you now in case you get a diamond in 15 minutes
@DaveMcClelland If that happens...
@DaveMcClelland an hour and 15 minutes actually.
@GraceNote Right. I got too caught up in the discussion to actually flag it. I said something partially to point it out and partially to let Gnome know we aren't all out to get him.
@Ullallulloo Brony massacre?
I will never watch another MLP episode.
@Wipqozn Oh, crap. I guess I can't math
or something
@RavenDreamer I haven't played it yet. I need to set it to download today...
@DaveMcClelland No, the election page is just weird.
thanks for reminding me
It rounds down, not up, which can create some confusion.
@OrigamiRobot I've since changed them to links for now.
When it's 2, and the election ends at 4, but it says only 1 hour remains... it's fairly odd.
@Wipqozn That's sort of silly. It should just round to the closest hour
@DaveMcClelland I agree.
Okay so Laura is talking to Joel about the copyright stuff. And will get back to me tomorrow morning UTC. I need to remember to get up then.
election, suspense, killing, etc.
@RonanForman I think you accidentally a word
@IanPugsley Where?
@RonanForman "tomorrow UTC"?
@GraceNote Also, I didn't want to cause a big to-do where mods come in from near and far to see what the problem was.
@RonanForman also aren't you UTC, and her something many hours behind UTC?
Q: Has Arngeir completely run out of Words of Power?

aditya menonArngeir, the monk at High Hrothgar, used to give me word locations, where I would go and learn the shouts. I have only learnt about 16 shouts right now, and most of them only partially. But when I ask Arngeir, he says: "There is only silence right now." Has he completely run out of words? Or wi...

@OrigamiRobot This is what I hinted at when I mentioned you could just poke me rather than flag.
But this also implies you should afford GnomeSlice the same courtesy. So be sure to keep to that, neh? ♪
I have done my bit for democracy.
@ThomasMcDonald Thanks.
@Ronan No problem.
@GraceNote For the same reasons, I have never flagged an initial GnomeSlice lady pic. That I can recall.
@RonanForman You're democracy?
@OrigamiRobot Excellence
Now to write a test suite! Fun fun fun fun.
@Ullallulloo No, but he clearly voted for me.
@RonanForman He probably wrote me in.
@GraceNote guitar sounds
@RonanForman So, when you lose to me, are you going to get all upset?
@Wipqozn All but five people probably would.
@Wipqozn Yes, I will through a tantrum. Claim it's rigged, and then nuke all the social networking sites.
@RonanForman Luckily you can't nuke the FAcebook page.
I think so anyways...
I assume only gnome can nuke it.
@Wipqozn It takes 2 weeks to nuke it.
@RonanForman -1 for non-red freehand circle.
@RonanForman We're doomed.
@RonanForman what is be#er?
@RonanForman It's still blue.
@OrigamiRobot be#e/?
@OrigamiRobot I actually use variously colored freehand circles as well. :x
@Ullallulloo It's fine as long as you are trying to distinguish from whatever you first used red on.
All right, everyone line up to attack my handwriting.
@RonanForman shudders to think what future archaeologists will think of these images
@RonanForman I can barely read my own sometimes, so I have no right to comment
@JasonBerkan You mean the fact they're being critiqued?
@JasonBerkan "What is this hunk of metal for? Is it magnetic?"
@RonanForman Without context, it is a very odd image.
So I'm not really learning anything from this tutorial.
Q: Good PC stealth games

emzeroI know this is not a specific and objective question, but I've seen these kind of questions in other stack exchange sites. I'm a big fan of stealth games. Really loved the MGS saga. Liked the Splinter Cell. Deus-Ex: Human Revolution. And I know most games nowadays are pure FPS/instant-action, ...

@OrigamiRobot How old do you think I am, eight?
@GnomeSlice It'd be a legitimate argument, however tried it may sound
=[ Yeah probably.
I change my mind.
I liked that latest Game rec.
His last graf amused me.
"I've read your FAQ, but I don't quite believe you, so I'm going to ask my question anyway, but if you have to close this, so be it. But I really want an answer, so please don't."
Having a fun time reading my question? I miss the part of "Catalogues prohibited" in the FAQ, so I'm sorry, don't be such nazis.
Hi @emzero! To provide you with an actual answer, have you played the old Thief games?
So now I'd like to know what are your favourite Stealth games.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is this some kind of slang for "paragraph"?
@emzero Please don't godwin this. Please don't.
@StrixVaria Yes.
@StrixVaria Yes. At least that's what Wikipedia says.
@emzero Stealth Bastard is pretty goo. And free.
Nope, haven't played them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thief was a great game.
It's really old right? Like 99 or something
@emzero Yeah, though they're making a 4th one now!
4999 followers! Come on - SOMEONE follow us!
but the first 3 are basically the bible of stealth gaming.
@GnomeSlice Yes, I've downloaded it, didn't played it yet. Thanks
@RonanForman Too late hot plate.
@emzero sigh - youngsters.
They are to stealth mechanics in video games what A Trip to the Moon is to Special Effects.
I'm pretty sure there's a Chronicles of Riddick game that had stealth.
@GnomeSlice I love that phrase. I know I've said that before, but I don't care. Saying it again.
That must be good, based on the franchise.
I remember spending part of my first paycheck as a wage-earning teen on Thief.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Apparently, I'm very non-religious in gaming
@StrixVaria Yeah, I've heard about Chronicles of Riddick, but doesn't call my attention for some reason. I'll check it again to see it gets me now.
@MarkTrapp Thief 2 was a formative experience for me.
@emzero I was joking. That game is terrible.
Metal Gear Solid, anyone?
@GnomeSlice Never heard of it.
@StrixVaria Buh, ok =P
@StrixVaria Oh, okay.
@GnomeSlice I've just finish MGS4 and with it the whole saga last week. Drop a tear =(
Although I might just be purposely pretending it doesn't exist because the "plot" makes my brain hurt.
@emzero But yeah, you can get the first two Thief games for 10bux/per at gog.com which is an excellent deal and will change the way you see games for a while.
Also, the early hitman games were quite good in a similar vein and are also on GOG now.
@emzero Have you played 'Beyond Good and Evil'?
Beyond Good & Evil had some stealth portions in it, though it wasn't a huge chunk of the gameplay.
@StrixVaria If Powerlord were still in chat, he's totally say something like "I need scissors! 61!" right now
@JasonBerkan HAH.
@LessPopMoreFizz Great! Thanks. Yes, I've played Hitman series, they are good, but didn't really love them.
@GnomeSlice F***ing IE9.
@GraceNote I don't get this joke but I don't think I want to either.
I had that typed up 3 minutes ago, but it hung on me.
@StrixVaria MGS reference.
@GnomeSlice Nop, it is good?
I haven't even played the game and I know that one, come on.
@StrixVaria The line comes from MGS 2 ( I think it was the second one). The context isn't any better than I've presented you.
@emzero Extremely.
@GraceNote I really hope he returns at some point.
@emzero If you want something with a really heavy narrative that's a bit old, I love love love Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines as well, but the stealth mechanics are... wonky at times, and you need to be sure to get the various community patches to fix it or it will be a broken mess.
@Wipqozn I do too, not just because I liked his company, but also because he asked me a question before he vanished and I never figured out what he was asking me.
@GraceNote I can't stand that.
He asked me "How did the experiment go?", and I still don't know what he was referring to, even in context
I also kind of miss him trying to get me to play TF2
@GraceNote It's not that great.
@LessPopMoreFizz Besides there are not much stealth games nowadays, the old games work like crap in Windows 7 x64. You have to patch it, fix it, edit registry keys. Stupid things... You should be able to play old games, come on =P
@emzero If it's on GOG you can play it on Win7 with no fucking around.
That's a part of why GOG is awesome.
@LessPopMoreFizz Really? Awesome. Didn't know GOG. I'll check it out, seems to have good prices. Even the USD is expensive in my country =P
Well, thank you guys. See you.
@badp You know when you unpinned the message that was at the top, did you have have any issue with the fact it was double-pinned?
@emzero Yeah, GoG's whole thing is that they sell old games, cheaply, DRM free, guaranteed working on Win 7, and often with various freebies thrown in (soundtracks, wallpaper, that sort of thing), and at the same price worldwide.
btw, I just found a new site on Reddit that's entirely for product recommendations: get.com
@LessPop_MoreFizz They're now trying to get new games too.
@Ullallulloo I don't want to know how much that domain cost to acquire.
really so if I get Fallout on GOG it will work on win 7 with no problems?
@emzero No problem. Hope you didn't take any offense at my bemusement with your question, and if you have any questions about playing some of those reccomendations... bring 'em our way!
@LessPopMoreFizz I see, I'll check it, thanks.
@Pyrodante Yes.
waaaaah what's this about new DF?
@LessPopMoreFizz haha, no problem. I won't ask you how to play a game guys, ruin the fun of it. I'll figure it out myself =P
and GOG is free (besides price of games)?
> Compatible with: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
@Pyrodante GOG isn't a service it's a store.
@emzero Well, if you get stuck... that's why we're here. :P
@LessPopMoreFizz I love getting stucked, that's the part where you use your brain. Most games today you just press W and aim/shoot everything. BORING.
30 minutes left, has everyone got their party hats?
I don't really understand how MW has so good reviews, I hated it, all of them =P
30 min until?
@emzero There are game types other than FPS.
@RonanForman The bigger question is, do 8 of you have your disappointment hats?
@Pyrodante Election results
ah goes back to work
@LessPop_MoreFizz You mean 8?
@emzero True, but sometimes everybody needs help. :P
@JasonBerkan I know, but I used to love good FPS. Nowadays FPS are just aim and shoot everything, doesn't give you any challenge at all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I got mine last week.
@RonanForman I have no idea what you're talking about. Of course I mean 8. That's why I said it.
@Wipqozn That will be 8 of us in 30 minutes.
@JasonBerkan And since there are not many popular stealth games, I came here to ask =P
Well I'll check that GoG, thanks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Very recently. Got an email about it within the last 2 weeks I think.
Q: What Wii games allow the second player to produce sounds on the Wiimotes?

JoshIn Super Mario Galaxy 2 when playing in two player mode, there's a neat feature where the second player can press the + or - buttons on the Wiimote to make audience sounds play on the speaker of Player 2's Wiimote, or use the D-Pad to play a variety of sounds on Player 1's wiimote. I think this ...

Q: Does armor break have any impact on gameplay?

MaxxDoes breaking your opponent's armor effect gameplay in any way or is it all aesthetics? Does wearing different armor effect anything?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Five days ago.
I forgot how this election stuff works. Will the site update immediately and show who the winners are, or do I need to actually get this vote calculator thingy myself?
@LessPopMoreFizz we should have a spoiler-ific ME1->ME2 chat sometime. Is that appropriate for this room?
@StrixVaria The site doesn't show you right away, no.
@StrixVaria Someone has to run it.
@DavidB If people haven't finished ME1 and aren't already spoiled, they must live in a cave.
@JasonBerkan D:
and needless to say, someone else will run it straight away, so I shan't bother.
@GnomeSlice I was trying to have your back. In a way.
@RavenDreamer, okay ME3 demo's on the xbawks, will xbawks it tonight.
@JasonBerkan I have no clue what happens in that game, but spoil away if you want because I never intend on playing it.
@StrixVaria But me!
11 minutes left?! this is your last chance to vote for ME
@agent86 Why would I vote for Mass Effect?
That's just silly.
@Ullallulloo You're just a paperclip though.
@JasonBerkan yeah, that's true... if people haven't played ME1, they should thank us for spoilers... so they don't have to drive around on 50 planets.
@Wipqozn it's commander shepard's favorite election on the citadel.
I don't know who we are talking to, but pick me!
This refactoring is going surprisingly well, which is a nice change.
@DavidB I might like that!
@Ullallulloo if driving's your thing, you can still do it, spoiler'd or not
@DavidB I thought ME1 was a driving simulator...
@DavidB But I wouldn't be thanking you for it then.
Time for my meeting. (Grunt's voice) - "Shepard"
@JasonBerkan What was your username before?
I knew it was something else before you converted it to your name.
@Wipqozn This has always been my username. I just changed my gravatar.
> => #<Serel::Relation:0x007fa74c1a5a90 @type="badge", @klass=Serel::Badge, @scope={:api_key=>"0p65aJUHxHo0G19*YF272A((", :site=>:gaming, :url=>"badges/name", :page=>5}>
Less than FIVE MINUTES then this website closes for good
@JasonBerkan I'm just crazy then.
@badp what?
Wipqozn, don't do it!
@Ullallulloo oh wait I should've left that for later yes?
@Wipqozn I just started hanging around in chat regularly, since I'm "on the bench" and have no actual work to do.
@Wipqozn That is indeed the case...
@Ullallulloo Just try and stop me.
2 minutes.
@Wipqozn votes for good candidates instead
@Ullallulloo I lol'd
Nicely played.
My word, I do say that a lot.
1 minute!
one note before the winners are chosen
the winners will appear on the election page only in a few hours
the winners will get their diamonds only a little after that, it's not automatic
and only after they click through the moderator eula
so go easy on the F5 :P
Mission ends in 30 seconds.
yeah, we were just discussing this. THank you @badp!
May I just say that all you people are so awesome.
Just, so awesome.

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