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@Wipqozn excellent
Some company has been sticking advertisement for Modafinil all over the school's toilets with the tagline "It's like viagra for your brain"
meanwhile at @fredley's
#News today that slipped under the radar: Pfizer pulls out of UK, to close all UK plants & move to Belgium, Germany by 2021. #brexit #pfizer
Someone scribbled "Makes thinking harder" on one
@badp Can you hold off for like, a day.
@Pam_koh @RichardTol "It is important to note that these proposals are in no way related to the result of the Brexit decision," company said
@Wipqozn Like we can trust them!
@badp Oh, interesting, a reporter working for both the BBC and the local news channel
@fredley there are brakes on a train that has derailed, but they are not very effective
if you want good news, the currency exchange trends from early last night got reversed in late last night
the only currency that apparently got really messed up was... Mexico's!
@badp They'll have to pay for that wall obviously.
meanwhile pope's like "well, fuck"
May we make God’s merciful love ever more evident in our world through dialogue, mutual acceptance and fraternal cooperation.
that's "well, fuck" in popespeak
Angular 2 stable uses experimental Typescript features
@PrivatePansy they just want to make frameworks great again
hopefully he doesn't overturn gay marriage like he said he would
Just... Why?
@PrivatePansy Typescript is moving fast enough that I wouldn't find that too bad. (there is the general issue that Angular 2 is pretty bleeding edge while not communicating that fact well, from what I heard)
@GnomeSlice fortunately he doesn't have the power to
IIRC it was a high court judge that ruled the limits unconstitutional
@PrivatePansy Usually, you just choose a stable version that has all the features you need and use it until something breaks or you need new features.
In other news, Dishonored 2 comes out tomorrow but you won't be able to read any reviews about it until probably Friday. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT? KIND OF PUTS THIS WHOLE ELECTION IN PERSPECTIVE, DOESN'T IT?
@KevinvanderVelden I wouldn't put it past him to change the constitution. I mean, he has full control over the government
Oh yeah that's a thing for reasons
@Nzall You need a supermajority for that, I don't know if they have that
@Nzall It's usually the other way round though - experimental frameworks using experimental APIs. Now the framework is tightly coupled to an unstable language which may or may not have bugs in it.
Decorators, by the way, is the feature. It's used extensively in Angular 2.
@Nzall To change the constitution requires (IIRC): 75% of the House, 75% of the senate and 75% of the states themselves? Very high bar.
@KevinvanderVelden cc @Fluttershy if it helps
@Kaz Okay, it's much closer than that fortunately
It feels like trying to build a building on a shaky foundation.
Also, that video might lift your spirits somewhat
@Nzall Changing the interpretation of the constitution (same thing) comes down to the supreme court, which he has a much greater ability to influence.
@Kaz oh right, he can appoint a new judge
@GnomeSlice Yeah, he'd need to convince the supreme court... which does have an opening and no limit on how many people are in it bustle.com/articles/…
@Kaz 2/3rd, not 3/4
@MadScientist That happened during the entire development process - there was breaking changes all the way up till release, with major changes between even RC versions
They tried to solve that problem by marking individual modules with different levels of stability instead.
The problem with decorators is that this is core to the entire framework
decorators are only experimental because they're not in the js spec yet, as far as I understand. Which is certainly a reason to avoid them for some, but it's not an unfinished feature
@Sterno My god you're right
compared to that the election doesn't seem so bad!
oh god please hold me
Oh hey!
@Sterno, when you're playing tyranny it'll be all the more relevant
@MadScientist The TypeScript documentation itself says so. Assuming the reason why is because the JS specs are not complete, I assume they want to be forward compatible (otherwise they can just declare this to be a TypeScript exclusive thing)
The problem with that is that that still leaves any Angular 2 code you write now in danger of being obsoleted by any changes to the ECMAScript specifications
On the browser API side the framework also uses a large number of polyfills. Our app currently comes bundled with 201kb of polyfills.
That's larger than the entire Vue 2.0 framework.
I mean, I'm all for frameworks backporting language features, but this feature is not even in a future version of the language yet.
@Wipqozn I already made that joke (at some earlier point I'm too lazy to find)
i don't even want to go to work now
this is shitty
No concession speech from Clinton? Weird
and I'm not even American
@GnomeSlice Don't make me go find your quotes of "it'll be fine"
@Sterno She'll probably do it later today. Kerry did the same thing back in 2004
@GnomeSlice Hey, don't give up, all will be still mostly fine for now (except if you are a minority in the US, which you aren't)
Unless you mean the Dishonored 2 thing, in which case, yeah, I don't know man, games seem to be going that way!
@Sterno DAMN
She already sent her supporters home after Trump won over 260 votes
@Nzall Didn't realise this was where the Inception soundtrack was from
@KevinvanderVelden Thanks for the correction.
I'm going to pretend that all that's happened is this
@Nzall why add the fucking music
So, guys
Sombra, eh?
@badp not my video
I know
We didn't even have to worry about the playability gap!
@Sterno probably
it's still shitty
Guess this is America's series finale
eh whatever I'm sure nothing too bad will happen
> Hey, beautiful people on the winning team!!

So the admins have reached out to us mods, and have informed us that pedes are causing site wide abuse, mostly in the form of harassing and violent messages to other subreddits.

We just want to take this moment to tell our subscribers to NOT harass or threaten or send violent messages or posts to other subreddits or other members on Reddit. This is against sitewide rules, this is also against our own subreddit, and it's just plain not cool.

Tendies are flying, but no one EVER to threaten or harass. We all love our community and don't want to
Why did I go to /r/the_donald?
@Sterno Because you hate yourself
@GnomeSlice I'm hoping for a season finale with a reboot afterwards, like Series 4-5 of Doctor Who just about whas
> and Trump himself wouldn't support that kind of behavior.
@Sterno What the hell is that code they're using? pedes? tendies?
dunno about tendies
They should have just taken the hit in closing that subreddit down as soon as it became a hotbed of hatred and racism. I mean, they did that for FPH, they could do it again
I mean, They got a new mod there, he started deleting racist comments, he got removed from mod status because he was censoring
I didn't see anything overtly racist on there the few times I browsed it
Yeah, Grey's not happy this morning.
> Some elements of the Electoral College, such as the indirect vote through intermediaries, were hotly debated at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. It was eventually justified in part as a stopgap to potentially reverse the vote if the people elected a criminal, traitor, or similar kind of heinous person.
So umm....
But recounts might make this better.
Don't cling to false hope, man.
Q: In Pokémon Go can the other IVs be in the same "range" as the "strongest" IV?

Tester101When appraising a Pokémon, the team leader tells you which IV is the strongest. Then they give you a hint, as to what the value of the strongest IV is. For example, if you're on team Valor, the leader might say "Its HP is its strongest feature.", followed by "its stats indicate that in battle, ...

Q: Premade minecraft bukkit server problems

alan asdI have recently downloaded and tried to set up a pre-made bukkit server from: I have followed the instruction attentively but unfortunately encountered problems in the bat file like: Could not load 'plugins\Clearlag.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.In...

@Sterno I'll cling all I want! I'm only peripherally affected.
Over 11,000 people voted for Harambe. Harambe is a dead gorilla. Those 11,000 votes would have saved our country. #ElectionNight
Yeah. No.
I hate people who complain that all the meeting rooms are booked when they need one right now, who don't have one because they never bothered to book one
@Nzall no they wouldn't have
If you want one, book it, and going to book it 5 minutes before you need it doesn't count.
I mean if it's free and you then book it sure whatever, but not "herp derp it's always busy when I try to book 5 minutes before!"
@Wipqozn I have seen places where booking gives you priority... only from other people at the same level (or lower) in the company organizational chart...
@Nzall while I appreciate the sentiment I am tired of this game like this assuming that it was Hillary votes that were lost, because you literally have no way of knowing that.
I was talking to my father over the phone. We came across the topic of Trump, and we couldn't repeat his whole "build a wall, make Mexico pay for it" line with a straight face
@Wipqozn Doesn't that imply, though, that there are not enough rooms available for people to all have their meetings at that time?
My parents think his policies are literally unbelievable
@Sterno No, people just want this very specific room and then complain it isn't free
Basically this person just strolled up, wanted this room, and started complaining it was booked
@Ash I'm also not sure exactly where you'd have to distribute those 11000 to magically make her win. Not sure it's possible
@Sterno She lost by a narrow margin, but not that narrow
@Wipqozn You should let them know that they are a terrible human being
@Sterno Tempting
@Sterno IIRC, that's only happened with 2 votes this millenium. 1 vote in 2000 and 1 in 2004.
according to google Hillary had more votes than Trump by nearly 150 thousand
@Sterno She's honestly one of the worst people to work with. Won't even lie, ever since I became more senior, I always 'delegate' her requests to the newer folks.
One more upvote and I get 10k rep :o
@Kaz considering this millennium has only had 4 elections...
but politics are weird
Plus you gotta learn to deal with shitty clients eventually
@Ash I'm fairly sure it has had more =p
Even if you only count american elections
Which are every 2 years and not every 4 (and probably there are some other elections too? I 'unno)
@KevinvanderVelden Depends what you mean by "this millennium"
@Ash You'd have to get, what, at least 10 electors to betray their manadate? And probably more like 20-30. The last time that happened was a couple centuries ago, because the candidate in question died the day before.
Ambiguous sentence is ambiguous and I am too tired for these things
@KevinvanderVelden only presidential elections use the electoral college
@KevinvanderVelden their presidents only change every 4 years, so I doubt they have presidential elections every 2 years and they just discard every other election
@Kaz Okay, we now know what to do. /s
@Chippies they also have gubernational elections
Err, gubernatorial*
@Sterno Sticking to states that have been called, those voting for Stein could have flipped Wisconsin over to Hillary, which would be enough to take away the clear electoral college win, for now.
@MBraedley That's magical thinking
I love how the Wikipedia pages for "Visa Requirements for X citizen" pages have ISIS listed under "Disputed Territories"
I mean, mathematically it might be true, but I think it's unlikely they would have all voted Hillary had they been forced to choose between the two
@PrivatePansy [citation needed]
As if ISIS actually cares about visa
Or even voted, period.
@Sterno Which isn't to say that Stien really played spoiler there (Johnson had more votes than she did), just that third parties may have made an impact in some races.
if you're still feeling down, take this
Also for some reason it's listed under Europe, which is odd
I thought its territories are on the Asia
And of the decided races, Wisconsin was the only one that truly applies.
@Kaz tbh if the electoral college gave it to hillary anyways there'd be legit civil war in the US
@PrivatePansy link?
Visa requirements for Singaporean citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states which are imposed on citizens of Singapore. In February 2016, Singaporean citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 173 countries and territories, ranking the Singaporean passport 5th in the world in terms of travel freedom (tied with Austria and Japan) according to the Henley visa restrictions index. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) also published a report on 15 January 2016, ranking the Singaporean passport first in the world (tied with Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy...
@PrivatePansy that's just one country. the US doesn't have that part
Weird. It doesn't seem to be in the right place either (wrong continent)
Maybe someone put it there as a joke
Diablo 1-ish thing is on D3 PTR now
@PrivatePansy I'm seriously considering putting something about it on the talk page. There is no reason why a universally unrecognized terrorist state should be on there.
@Sterno Do I go PTR for that or not. hmmm.
@Arperum It looks... unimpressive
I guess fun if you're already still into D3
@Sterno Sorta not really. Maybe. I just want the season unlocks, but haven't been able to bother to fully level up yet.
I skimmed through a YouTube video of some guy playing it. He facerolled through it in 27 minutes and wasn't trying to speedrun or anything
I also only noticed that there was a new season earlier this week, so that also gives some information...
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Arqade chat wherein everything is fine, nothing is ruined [+murder] [+pedantry] [+wrong] [-drama] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [-popcorn]
u goddamn right it did https://t.co/QkAHWL5w6u
@Sterno ooooooh
@Arperum anything interesting? I haven't touched D3 since season 5, I think, not sure what I've missed out on
@Chippies DOn't think you missed anything. Not sure. It's still just cosmetic unlocks.
'Snake on a Plane' wreaks havoc as nobody knows how it got on board http://tnw.me/YJbRrwx https://t.co/OzDnPO70w0
Q: Is this "Individual Values" tag necessary?

VemonusI happened to notice that this question had an unfamiliar individual-values tag on it. Curious, I did a search to see if other questions related to IVs in the Pokemon series had this tag, but apparently it is a new tag. I feel that it's worth mentioning that there are quite a few questions about...

@Arperum I like cosmetic unlocks though :/ Just wondering if it's anything cool looking
since the Necromancer was announced, I lost all interest in playing Diablo until it's released
@Chippies ANdariel arms/wings things and a frame that looks kinda cool I think.
Just go have a look on the D3 site. It'll float around somewhere below the blizzcon info.
I think I'd rather just play D1 with the HD mod
@Arperum wings sounds fun, I guess I should look into it...
@Chippies So did they announce what the Necromancer does that the Witch Doctor doesn't already have a handle on?
@Yuuki Skeleton horde, nostalgia and corpse explosion.
Did I mention Nostalgia?
@Chippies I generally don't use any of the wings. So I'm going for the portrait frame, but I need motivation.
@Arperum Really? Doesn't D3 not track corpses like D2 did?
All right, stock account worth 16 last night, let's check how it's doing this morning
... Actually precisely the same
@Yuuki 16...thousand
@Arperum I generally don't use the wings because I don't like the ones I have + everyone uses the same ones
Given as a stock gift from my parents to go directly to loans
I just haven't sold yet
@Yuuki different skills and aesthetic
it can actually aim his skeleton minions, unlike WD
Oh hey, Trump won Texas by only a 10-point margin.
@Unionhawk The Dow is up 8 points, so probably not terribly
@TimStone it's actually currently at what it closed at yesterday
And that's rounding up.
There's a dip from earlier but it's back up
@Yuuki Trump really only won because (white) Democrats didn't turn out :/
Clinton was 6.8 million off Obama's numbers, Trump was 1.9 million down from Romney
They need to start giving pre-voter bonuses like pre-order bonuses
Like, you get a cooler "I Voted" sticker
People love pre-order bonuses
She definitely lost the election, instead of him winning. But the fact he was at least strong enough to take advantage of that is very disheartening
And I don't envy the millions that will likely suffer as a result :/
@TimStone I think that's the worst part. The best thing for them would actually be for Trump's economic plans to not go into effect
Trump has plans?
Like, actual plans with details?
Donald Trump?
@Sterno Details that involve going trillions into debt!
Well, a trillion was the last estimate I think.
I don't believe you. He's got great people. Everyone tells him how good his people are.
Mar 4 at 11:12, by Arperum
@Derpy insert rant about why preordering is a bad idea
> Cancellation of all payments to UN climate change programmes
Using that money to fix US infrastructure
Label China a currency manipulator
(pardon, was the wrong message - fixed now)
@PrivatePansy The last part is too little too late. China's pretty much stopped currency manipulation since they're trying to get good with the IMF.
> He has threatened to scrap a number of existing free trade agreements, including the North American Free Trade Agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico, which he blames for job losses. He has even suggested withdrawing the US from the World Trade Organization.

> He is also in favour of taxing imports, and has talked about imposing tariffs of 45% on China and 35% on goods shipped from Mexico, in an effort to prevent companies moving jobs south of the border.
@Yuuki It is also a completely meaningless label
@Sterno everyone but @Arperum
Economic future is not looking too rosy. And I hate having schadenfraude as something to look forward to.
45% tariff on goods from China is... well, ridiculous.
I just hope President Trump gets to ride a tiger with Putin.
It'll hurt the poorest the most, as a matter of fact
@Sterno Yeah but then we get President Pence.
That's not worse. Stop acting like it is.
I live in Indiana. I know about Pence.
51 secs ago, by Sterno
That's not worse. Stop acting like it is.
@Sterno Did I say it was worse? Have I ever said in this chatroom that Pence is worse than Trump?
It's definitely not better.
@Yuuki Oh, I took your comment to be a negative outcome of tiger riding.
Every politician should have to ride a tiger for 5 minutes before assuming office.
I think we'd end up with Paul Ryan
He could probably do it
Dude lifts
I don't know, Pence would be pretty bad
@Unionhawk Speaker of House doesn't take office unless President and Vice-President are incapable.
I think that unlike Trump, he actually believes what he's saying
@Yuuki I mean, if we went with "5 minutes tiger riding" assuming Don and Mike can't do it
@Yuuki If both President and VP are deemed incapable BEFORE the electoral college votes, what happens then?
Like, will they have to assign a new candidate or something?
as far as I can tell, speaker of the house becomes president elect
And the SotH always is of the leading party in the house, right?
it'd be Paul Ryan (R) who would be... probably meh overall
definitely better
not Awesome per se but better
can we still make it Robbie (Meh-PM)
why tho
if it is before the inauguration the RNC picks the replacement
@Unionhawk The bar is pretty darn low
@badp because he wasn't on the ballot
@Unionhawk what a drag
Q: Why is there a baby crying in Bloodborne?

jgadouryI'm currently at Cainhurst Castle, and for a while I've been hearing a faint baby cry in the background. I seem to be hearing it anywhere I go. It also seems to have started when the Blood Moon showed up, but I'm not sure. Without telling me any spoilers, can you tell me why there is a baby cryi...

It turns out it's harder to get yourself on the presidential ballot than it is the moderatorial ballot
who would have thought
Trump would've never made it on the moderatorial ballot
I mean that's more a function of Trump doesn't know anything about video games
so I resent the statement
@Unionhawk I dunno, strictly speaking it requires less qualifications
To approach this from the standpoint of "Every Republican is awful so even if Trump is out and another one replaces him everything is still awful" is, I think, missing the true awfulness of Trump
You actually have to have reps to be a moderator candidate
@Skooba Given that parties aren't an official part of the US Constitution, where are you getting this?
Also yeah hold up no that's not how it works
@TimStone You have to get that far, without getting banned within one year of nomination
let's just say our standards are high enough, @Unionhawk doesn't qualify
/cc @Wipqozn
All candidates must also eat a Double Down Dog while riding the tiger
@badp I was on the ballot last election your argument is dumb
@Unionhawk but did you win
I wonder if Trump might consider pushing election reform considering a rigged system was a large part of his platform.
I mean, victors are typically very disinclined to change the system, but it's an interesting thought experiment.
@Yuuki exactly, there is no rules. but my google research led me to this teachinghistory.org/history-content/ask-a-historian/20431
"Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party's nod."
Hmm, that's interesting.
@Sterno Agreed. Other republicans were speaking out against Trump, which speaks volumes.
I'm looking forward to what John Oliver is going to say Sunday
@Nzall "Well, I guess I could go back to the U— fuuuuuuuuck."
And he'll almost definitely bring up Canada's immigration website being down.
In UK there was a surge in racist attacks after Brexit vote. And we don't have guns. I'm kind of dreading the evening news today.
@Sterno What I've gathered from this is it's the cubs fault
cc @twobugs
huh, he didnt autocomplete
did he get mad at somebody and leave :(
@Yuuki Stephen Harper changed it here to allow himself to stay in power longer than 8 years
Whieeeeee, the only thing worse than glue fumes, glue remover fumes
@GnomeSlice Okay, let me revise that: victors are typically very disinclined to change the system that got them to power.
@GnomeSlice You mean like the average banana republic dictator?
yeah pretty much
Stephen Harper actually did a lot of good for us though
cc: @Ash @spugsley
This isn't an episode. This isn't marketing. This is reality.
but yeah he's a supervillain
@KevinvanderVelden \o/
@KevinvanderVelden Go downvote an answer!
@Yuuki then it wouldn't be a palindrome anymore
@KevinvanderVelden First Trump and now this
@KevinvanderVelden chants One of us! One of us!
> At 2AM, I hugged my friends goodbye and jumped into an Uber. By the time I got home, everything had gone to shit.
Everything went well to shit before 2AM
Oh, European. Nevermind
I didn't realize Europeans had election parties for US elections
Can I be the first to coin the phrase "Dystrumpian"
@Sterno The world burning is hard to ignore
I think this might be one of the few times I hope a politician doesn't live up to his promises.
KKK on the bridge in Mebane, NC this morning 😪 https://t.co/GcSQeUB3w9
Normally if someone I don't like is elected, I just don't bother thinking about it.
@Yuuki It's not about him entirely, it's about the focused people he's bringing along
@TimStone Yay, congressional obstructionism!
@Wipqozn hue
@fredley Just wow
Maybe we''ll all be wrong, and Trump will make America Great Again
That all the terrible things he's said was jsut to ensure victory, so that he could Make America Great Again
@fredley No
Wait Trump played "You Can't Always Get What You Want" after his victory speech?
@StrixVaria :(
@StrixVaria I didn't want to point it out, he already has enough to be sad about
i had hoped that last night was some horrible dream
Q: What is the best tactic to finish the ascension stage in Towerfall on hardcore?

user1511417Ascension on hard mode is ... hard. I'm desperate. How do you do it? Do you have any tips? It's the only stage that's left for me to unlock Gauntlet II. (Btw, I'm playing Co-Op most of the time.)

this is really crap but also really funny
seems like it's not
Like I can't get over this
Makes sense i guess
gotta expose yoself to other opinions, not that out would have had an impact on the outcome
@Unionhawk Well, I guess there's a silver lining, bront.
The other silver lining is that Californians voted yes to legalize pot.
@Unionhawk Dogs will exist all the way up to the nuclear holocaust
@MBraedley yw
The other other silver lining is it was already legal in Colorado, a state that I frequent anyway
New theory: After Trump gets inaugurated, he pardons himself for all past crimes

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