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When do they announce the winner?
Typically, later tonight.
Around 9-11p CST, depending on how close the election is.
The worst part is that technically it's not over until January 6th when Congress actually counts the electoral college votes that are cast on December 19th
Because apparently we enjoy dragging our pain out as long as possible
And the potentially worst part is that it's not over until 4 more years after that
@TimStone If they overturned the people's vote there would be anarchy
@Sterno 4 more years and 2.5 months
@fredley Godspeed to parliament
@TimStone :(
I'm just going to distract myself from our potentially impending doom by thinking about @frexit instead
You know the best part about brexit?
The NYPD has found a dead guy inside the Russian Consulate by the way, in case this election needed more drama
It will potentially not be over ever
@fredley Well, anarchy didn't happen the last 4 times. Though I guess we came close when JQA beat Jackson in the House.
@Yuuki That wasn't 2016 though
Now it's 2016
@Unionhawk Oh no, this is basically the situation now
2016 forever
100 years 2016
@fredley Well, until Bill Murray manages to get his romance quest solved
The n Years Dungeon is just being forced to relive 2016 again and again
If Trump wins the campaign I'm renaming this room Trump
@fredley You may as well leave it as The Bridge so that people can jump off it.
@TimStone Oh boy. Was it a Russian
@TimStone wat
Why don't they just go back to fighting to the death
@GnomeSlice No idea yet
to decide who wins
Actually, now I want someone to make a movie where the main character is stuck in an endless loop of the year 2016 repeating. An endless loop of Harambe dying, Brexit being voted, the US election disaster,... Like Groundhog Day
Except instead of one day, it's an entire year of misery
Putting Harambe next to the other two makes me laugh.
The only silver lining is that 2016-wipe is going to be the best ever.
and the only thing he can do about it is stopping every single negative event.
then, plot twist: once he fixes it and 2017 finally happens, it's revealed that it was just a simulation he was stuck in like a Lotus Eater machine, and when he gets out nothing he did mattered
@fredley #article50
Now I'm imagining a scenario where Trump is elected and both Chief Justice Roberts and Speaker of the House Ryan just completely ignore the Inauguration Day.
"Mustn't be too hasty!"
@Nzall You're a horrible person.
@Arperum Oh, I know. I so very much know that I can be horrible when the situation demands it
It almost scares me myself at how horrible I can be
Oh WOW. The daily mail has "good Brexit news"
"'Growing fears over job security and Brexit have fueled a slump in sickies, with the average worker taking just 1.67 days off for illness this year, a study has revealed.'

"If you read down into it a little further, it turns out that three in four people, just just over 73% of us have admitted going to work despite feeling ill enough to stay at home because they're frightened about their job security and the economic situation created by Brexit.

"So today's scrapings from the bottom of the barrel are sick people are going to work because they're scared. And that is a Brexit bonus."
@Nzall success.badp.jpeg
@Nzall "Fear is a great motivator." - Neoconservatives, 2016
I mean, they're saying that people are risking their health and the health of others because they're worried staying at home might risk their job in this post-Brexit UK
Q: Looking for the sound files of IT-O

UrbanEscI am looking for the soundfiles of the interrogation droid IT-O that is featured as an easter egg in the game. Anyone that can help me with that?

Man, I need to get Prison Architect
It looks awesome
@SaintWacko It is awesome.
I'm watching NerdCubed to a playthrough right now
I got the the prison break level and got bored. I like the management side of thing, but found the rioting rather tiresome
Hmm, a standard deviation of 1.5times your average.... iinteresting
(these http request reply times are pretty bad)
Can't wait to see his or her painting after Krokodil
BREXIT odds on morning of June 23: 1/4 REMAIN 3/1 LEAVE Current #ElectionDay odds: 1/4 CLINTON 3/1 TRUMP
Either I don't understand those stats or they're wrong.
Or both
Well, someone having 3 out of 1 chances to win a single event does innately sound wrong.
Basically, flipping a single coin and getting 3 heads.
Trump is being loudly booed at his polling place
I believe that means if you bet trump and win you triple your money
@Yuuki It's not 3 out of 1, it's 3 to 1. I assume
@Unionhawk Right
remember guys
why 👏 are 👏 all 👏 of 👏 you 👏 so 👏 dumb? https://t.co/bRZ2OZSLq8
I do not understand what 1 to 4 odds means
@Unionhawk weird brit betting notation I bet
@Unionhawk If you bet $4 and win you get $5. I think
Q: What is the platform underneath the map?

PeanutWhen escaping the map and jumping off, you can find a blackish rectangular prism underneath. What is this platform used for?

Q: Is there any kind of region lock in DOTA 2?

vasili111Is it possible for EU and NA players to play together?

No, I think it means if you bet $4, you get $1 back?
Not sure if serious
Well that literally doesn't make sense, getting your money plus 1/4 winnings makes sense though
No one would ever place a bet where the best possible outcome is losing $3
Well, I know nothing about betting notation.
@Sterno Well, I had originally thought that was the point: to discourage betting on very very likely outcomes.
1/4 means you get 25% extra
So if you bet $4 you'd get $5
@fredley pls to help
@badp ?
3/1 means if you bet $4 you'd get $16
@fredley I guess they know what they're doing but I'd think you'd want some breathing room between some of those drugs...
@Yuuki Bookies don't want to discourage you from gambling. They just want to make sure they set the right odds so that no matter what they make money
@TimStone We know Brexit, we'll have the best Brexit.
@TimStone You sound like someone who gambles often. you should get that checked out
@fredley british betting notation nonsense thingadongdong tingamajigger crocomacroccer
@Yuuki I have no idea to what you are referring good sir
@RedRiderX wooooooooooo arting woooooooooooooooooooooo
@Yuuki that would be if it were consistent with how 1/4 works but it isn't
@badp pls
I may or may not have played some poker in the past, and timstone is correct.
@fredley bettingmcbetface
I think this is a question we should ask @Ash, she should know how betting notation works =p
If she hasn't blocked it out yet at least
What are we asking me?
11 mins ago, by Nzall
BREXIT odds on morning of June 23: 1/4 REMAIN 3/1 LEAVE Current #ElectionDay odds: 1/4 CLINTON 3/1 TRUMP
Just convert everything to D&D attack rolls. Trump needs to roll a 15 or better to kill the presidency.
What does this mean ^
lmao https://t.co/OSt9nRXNXN
ok yeah I take my word back
Video game violence & glorification must be stopped—it is creating monsters!
Uh oh them pepes gonna be pissed
@PTibz is Trump also against anime? Because that would be devastating to his base
@TimStone it's funny because the twitter replies to the N7 dude from before were quoting exactly that but from Hillary.
@KevinvanderVelden say you bet $100 - if you bet Clinton and Clinton wins you get $125, if you bet Trump and Trump wins you get $300
I still think N7 is a dumb name, though not as dumb as alternatives such as New Nintendo Switch XL
@Ash yay clarity \o/
I'm surprised I still remember that.
it's okay guys, this time we have like diversity and stuff
I mean, it's pretty much the only way that makes sense =p
@Sterno (I mean here in Europe we shouldn't comment on that topic since the white portion of voters in Italy is like 95% or something)
@badp It just one of those random coincidences that "N7" from the game corresponds nicely to November 7th :P
Yeah but I try to block out the sportsbook.
@TimStone wasn't that yesterday
He tweeted yesterday
They were angry because he used a game-related hashtag for a political message
@badp really the only relevant statistic is actual voters / eligible voters per "race"
@badp Well, according to wikipedia: Whites (including Hispanics who identify as white) constitute the majority, with a total of about 246,660,710, or 77.35% of the population as of 2014. Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,870,516, or 62.06% of the U.S. population.
Because hashtags have never ever be used for an unintended purpose on Twitter before
So, you know... not sure what we could really expect
Actually, I'm going to remove that message.
it was just funny to look at the graph after reading the editorialization, "the most diverse election ever"
@arda Best way to guarantee I read it!
I identify as marsupial
@badp Wait, they're predicting that turnout will be even less than last election?
(I assume that's why the bars are inconsistently high)
i assume it's because they drew it in ms paint
@TimStone I think it's because they don't all add up to 100 (or even the same number)
Oh, the missing "other" category
That makes sense
My whiteness is being threatened. By 2156 we'll be the ones without a bar!
I look forward to a future where no one will ever have to suffer being as pale as I am
First they take our jobs, then they take our bar graphs.
@TimStone "I have a dream that one day, my children will tan in sun and not have to slather on gallons of sunscreen so they don't get third-degree burns"?
Sort of. I mean, really I could just go outside, but
"outside"? That sounds terrible
uuugh vs can you finish installing c++ tools already :/
@kev I'll try to stick together some basic javascript for building an incremental today
We should talk on steam and plan when I get home (~1 hour)
Ok, message me when you find time
@GnomeSlice this is amazing
Says it all. https://t.co/AA4Vo1azUt
Q: Can Sombra teleport to her teleporter after respawn?

Kevin van der VeldenA teleporter thrown by Sombra will last for 15 seconds, a respawn generally lasts 10 seconds. Can you throw a teleporter, die, respawn and instantly teleport back in to the fight? Or does the teleporter get removed when you die?

@TimStone Christ, what an asshole
I guess he wasn't sure she'd actually vote for him, eh?
Nate Silver right now https://t.co/cjPSOUNtmC
@TimStone If I was Melania I wouldn't be voting for him
In fact, I can see why almost any spouse would vote against their partner.
> In reality, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania likely have little to fear regarding a cyber attack. The machines are too old. They’re not connected to the internet and run on systems like Windows XP.
Do you want plausible fraud allegations? Because this is how you get plausible fraud alle-FUCKITTHATSANARCHERMEMEGODDAMNIT@UNI
@TimStone You are allowed cameras in polling stations? wat
So who won
@fredley I think it's different for presidential candidates.
but literally half those cameras can see the vote
merica pls
@fredley Wait, why are people hating Nate Silver and 538 again?
@Yuuki Hating on?
I mean, look at those comments.
Or retweets.
Or Vines.
Or whatever you call them on Twitter.
> Early voting patterns don’t tell us who will win the election, but they certainly reveal that Americans in battleground states want to have their voices heard. We now have tallies from several that show record-breaking early voting turnout, particularly among Latinos in some states.
@Yuuki Don't read Twitter replies. Don't read YouTube comments. Don't read chat rooms.
> In Florida, 2,636,783 people voted by mail before Election Day, while 3,874,929 voted in person during early voting. That’s more than the total number of Floridians who voted in the 2000 election, period.
Dat turnout
Trump will just say it's clearly evidence of voter fraud
I was just gonna say.
"Dead people voting omg!"
"This system is rigged! How did twice as many people vote as in the previous election? I don't know, but I'm just saying!"
gl America
Trump has a 97.5% chance of winning Indiana. Totally worth that 4 hours I spent voting.
(local elections are similarly lopsided except for school board)
@Sterno You are the 2.5%
(I assume)
(Maybe you're the 97.5%)
I am the 2.5%
I'm the 40.4%
TIL @Sterno can math
Q: Conservation plant woods

CodeCamperWhat does planting woods with your worker give you? I understand old forests give you appeal but it doesn't tell me what planting new forests even does for me... when where why should I plant them?

Senate race might actually matter but I didn't vote for either of them
If Trump wins, don't let me visit /r/the_donald tomorrow
@badp @Uni won, he got @fredley to make an archer meme
@Sterno if trump wins, participating in /r/the_donald will be mandatory
Dear tumblr, thanks for sending me a bunch of notifications to vote today but I think if I vote today that someone is going to get very irritated because I am not actually an American nor do I live in America.
Yeah, it trump wins, I can very easily see a future where speaking ill of the president is illegal
@GodEmperorDune Just imagine all those people, knowing that they are the majority, and that their thoughts and feelings are justified and legitimate.
Imagine a fully weaponised /r/the_donald
@fredley is like the anti-Lennon.
@Ash CC @Gmail as well
Imagine all the people, living life in /r/the_donald...
@Yuuki Your post-vote racial hatecrime spike will be at least 10x, if Donald sticks to his word
@Ash I will allow it. Come vote.
If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide.
Under those circumstances, Trump himself couldn't vote
@fredley Nor could his children
Or his children's children
But hey being xenophobic is more important than thinking things through for Coulter so
Ann Coulter really raises stupid to the next level
I think I might actually be able to vote in that scenario
@Sterno oh, well, if you allow it, just let me get to America. So...give me like 4 hours.
Longer if I have to take something other than a car
@fredley By that logic, George Washington couldn't have voted or won.
Granted, there wouldn't be 50 states to give him a landslide even if all four of his grandparents were born in America, but that's beside the point.
@Sterno so did that win
@Sterno and racism
@Sterno This isn't just stupid. This is advanced stupid.
@fredley I survived!
But only because it doesn't look at strategic targets
@TimStone I guess rural areas would remain relatively ok, apart from the fallout/nuclear winter
@Sterno 3 cheers for FPTP!
Which means a human race descended from mostly mutant Trump supporters
@fredley "I guess some people would be ok, apart from slow painful death"
@Sterno If Trump wins you should move to Nova Scotia. We have an ample supply of Wipqozn.
You're not selling it.
Oh, wait, you also have a lot of @Wipqozn's mom.
@fredley I'm not very rural, just far enough away from the more-major cities. But if they attacked the air force base a ways south of here as they would, I'd likely be screwed
@Sterno yeah and she makes the best baked goods
@Sterno It's not something that should be legally sold
You may have luck in some alleys
@Wipqozn Is this a joke about weed?
@TimStone There's a place on that map called 'King of Prussia'
pity it'll be obliterated
@Yuuki No, my mother legit makes fantastic baked goods which all my friends, family, and coworkers love. People are always asking if she caan bake things, because she's great.
My mother is legit awesome
@fredley RIP giant mall
@Wipqozn Well, if you smoked or consumed weed, I guess it could also be a pot joke.
@Wipqozn we had this discussion before, I think I won
Oct 27 at 19:50, by Kevin van der Velden
You know, I think @Wipqozn is skipping out on the worst thing his mom ever did. She is responsible for @Wipqozn
hows the vote going?
anyone hacked th vote?
@djsmiley2k Well, I don't see any major news outlets calling it yet, so there's that.
@djsmiley2k It's way too early for any states to be called yet.
but no voilence or craziness right/?
@KevinvanderVelden Oh right
Polls don't start closing until roughly 6p EST.
Did any of the Trump voters try to harass voters at polls like he asked them to?
@djsmiley2k Trump is a viable candidate in this election. The craziness will always be here.
@Sterno yes but who won
@badp Nobody. Nobody won.
And nobody will win.
I also like how Trumps son posted a tweet with a picture of his filled in ballot, even though that is illegal.
We always lose. Always and forever.
oh man it shud be like eurovison
The only victory is this pear.
but that's not about us
We can only powerlessly watch
like we watched @fredley
It's about the winner
@Arperum Are you sure? It differs by state
@Sterno Yes. He even removed it after people pointed out that it's illegal in New York.
Q: How lethal is Sombra's Machine Pistol?

jojoHow much damage does it do up close, and what's the maximum range I can be at until the damage begins to drop off? How much does the damage drop off, and what's the max drop off? Can the weapon be burst-fired to eliminate the high spread, or is the spread unmanageable at all?

@TimStone That is cities above what size that get nuked?
I don't think it's worth griping about though. More states allow it than don't, and the purpose is to avoid voter coercion. I think we already probably know who Donald Trump Jr is voting for even if he doesn't take a ballot selfie
@Arperum >100k
@TimStone And the standard selected nuke?
Yeah, the largest (besides the extinction-level event meteor)
Legal in 19 states, ambiguous in 11, illegal in 20.
I wonder if anyone has ever been arrested for it
Probably not.
@TimStone I would be dead, I'm in the second degree burn zone for two cities.
wut, why was there 2 topless women at trumps voting station?
@djsmiley2k Femen protest?
@djsmiley2k No 'r'.
orly? :/
The Fremen /ˈfrɛmən/ are a group of people in the fictional Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. First appearing in the 1965 novel Dune, the Fremen inhabit the desert planet Arrakis (also known as Dune), which is the sole known source of the all-important spice melange in the universe. Long overlooked by the rest of the Imperium and considered backward savages, in reality they are an extremely hardy people and exist in large numbers. The Fremen had come to the planet thousands of years before the events of the novel as the Zensunni Wanderers, a religious sect in retreat. As humans in extremis...
wikipedia disagrees
The real issues:
Here's an election we can all get behind. <3 if you want Buffalo Chicken Pizza, RT if you want BBQ Chicken Pizza.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/796045889513132032
bbq chicken or buffalo chicken
@Unionhawk Did you do RL voting yet?
@Unionhawk Great, even Twitter-based pizza elections are FPTP.
I hope so.
@Yuuki lololo
@Arperum lol wtf
Is this legit?
@Wipqozn Like 3 weeks ago or whatever
I even grabbed extra stickers for today
@Unionhawk Good.
so I can go to trivia with an "I (ohio) voting" sticker (the joke is ohio is kind of heart shaped)
@unionhawk Your state is going Trump and I blame you for it.
The advantage of voting on a tuesday: trivia is also on tuesday
@Sterno You would be wrong
Wrong that it's going Trump or wrong to blame you?
To blame me
No, that part is definitely correct.
I did my part 3 weeks ago or whatever
It doesn't seem fair to blame @Wipqozn for a US election
@Unionhawk Dont worry, @Sterno is just upset that Trump is winning his state as well and that it's his fault.
We've been over this
@Wipqozn Hey, I've been working on creating new voters. I'm playing the long game, here
@Sterno Since when has fairness affected @Wipqozn's culpability in everything?
@GnomeSlice Yes.
@Arperum hahahaha that's nuts
@GnomeSlice No, that's a different part of the anatomy.
@Sterno Oh that's why you had kids
That, and slave labor
@Sterno Makes sense to me
@Sterno i am intrigued by this idea and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
Q: How to transfer your Overwatch friends' list to the PTR?

user3246152I have a list of friends, most of whom I've added using the 'recent players' feature in the main Overwatch game. I'm attempting to add these people on the PTR (because my friends' list doesn't sync, I guess) but I don't have their full battletag. Is there any way to either see their battletags ...

@GodEmperorDune Well, the voter creation process is typically a private affair.
@Sterno no the slave labor part
was that so hard, finally I know who won
you keep tipping around the point when that's the winner right there
makes sense
Q: Why can't i swap my acro bike for the mach bike?

KitsunelordSo every time i talk to ryder he says (may the wind always be at your back on your adventure!) Him saying this is keeping me from getting the mach bike so i wont be able to get both bikes

Why are you posting screenshots, isn't the link enough
you do that even more than me
i found those passages particularly noteworthy
and I'm on my phone so I'm not blockquoting
Stupid question - when does teh election actually end today?
7pm local time in each time zone, it'll probably start being called 10pm EST
Q: Build me a Brick Wall!

dylanI need help building a brick wall! Throw together some code for me using no input and produce the following output wall shown below: _|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| ___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|__ _|___|___|___|___|___...

@arda inb4 trump
UK... What have you done??? #Brexit #Toblerone https://t.co/BmrrJWD8sf
Oh good we're getting hit with a solar storm as nature's way of punishing us for our transgressions
(Luckily only a minor one)
@Ash varies by state
@Unionhawk Your face ends at 7pm local time
Open till 8:00 pm here
Aaaand voted.
Technically if you are in line at a poll when it closes you still get to vote, so even "polls close at X o'clock" isn't always accurate
Has anyone mentioned yet how Trump doesn't even understand basic voting laws, but thinks he can be president?
He's now suing the state of Nevada for keeping polls open three hours past their regular closing time. :|
@Fluttershy wat
Oh, sorry. He's suing the registrar for that particular county.
1 min ago, by Yuuki
@Fluttershy wat
But yeah. Suing. Because they had to stay open. Because people had to wait in line for hours.
And even if someone got in line after the polls closed, what's the reasoning behind their votes being invalid?
@Fluttershy wait what
Like...isn't the rule "if you're in line when they close you can still vote"
@Ash it has always been that way but I am not sure if it is codified in law or just a very long tradition
Fair enough, but I still don't understand why he thinks suing them is the right way to go. Unless he thinks all those people aren't voting for him?
Republicans tend to do worse when more people vote
And the Nevada example was in a majority Latino area, so most likely they were NOT voting to MAGA
Q: Do I need a "wired sensor bar" to play Skyward Sword on Wii U?

JuicyTo play Wii's Skyward Sword on Wii U, is a Wii Motion Plus and Nunchuk all what I need? In particular, do I also need to buy a Wired Sensor Bar?

Q: Need Help fallout 4 keeps crashing

Robert__garnetSo last night I got on fallout 4 on my ps4. I get about 25 minutes in the game and it crashed turning my whole system off. At first I thought maybe its a bug or something but it crashed a second time I tried 5 times and it just keeps on crashing. So if anyone Knows whats happening tell me.

Honestly why isn't the law: If there's a line open MOAR POLLING PLACES
because most schools and libraries already are
In a stunning upset, Joe Exotic has won the presidency.
@Yuuki For Trump?
Oh wait no, that's private
I'll just continue to assume you voted for Trump though @Yuuki
@Wipqozn it's okay, we're not american
It's not illegal for us to find out

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