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@Ronan There is at least one, which I saw and yes, you are cute so don't worry about your cuteness :)
@spugsley blush
@spugsley Ooooh gorgeous!! :D
@spugsley You are a beautiful model yourself though :)
@Ktash :3 I took that in Marymoor park which is one of the most beautiful places I've seen here yet!
@spugsley Marymoor is wonderful. And there are lots more places around like it too :)
@spugsley Hmm, actually, I could maybe also find some people who might be interested in this. Not sure though
@Ktash that would be neat :o let me know
@spugsley Any particular kinds or types of models?
@Ktash nope. I have worked with all kinds of models. Even people who didn't think they could be models :p
@spugsley Alright. I'll think on it and see if I can't find some people who might be interested. You getting to shoot more pictures is always wonderful in my mind :D
@Ktash :D
I have way too many chocolate covered cherries right now... :/
@ktash I might have screwed up our chances to go gallivanting around Disney Land btw
@spugsley I read just a bit. I'm sorry things are going crappy on that front. But it sounds like there might still be something going on?
And either way, I'm down for just doing a trip to DisneyLand/World at some point
I have some vacation time and I don't want it to all get eaten up for the holidays
@Ktash yeah, she did still reschedule so there's hope for me. If it was hopeless, I doubt she would have wasted her time
@spugsley That's good at least
Are you looking for anything in particular in terms of jobs?
(other than awesome-sauce like Disney, of course)
@Ktash something I'm qualified for haha. I've been looking at production assistants, entry level recruiter, entry level marketing, digital media services. Anything that relies on communication skills that isn't sales
I've applied to a LOT of amazon
I'd love to hear back from them
Do you want something at Amazon? I get a few recruiters a month from there trying to get me to give recommendations so I can probably put you in touch with one.
And part time or full time?
1 bag of chocolate covered cherries down, 3 to go
@Ktash Either part of full time. I would LOVE to work for Amazon mainly because they actually hire entry level and are a decent company to work for. I've applied to their recruiter positions, catalog specialist, admin assistants. These are actually things I can do
oooh and even a publicist job which I am probably a bit underqualified for but why not try
@spugsley Alright. I can try and reach out to the Amazon recruiter I talked to two days ago and see if he can get in touch or connect you with someone, if you'd like?
@Ktash I would LOVE that. Feel free to give my email address if they seem interested
I mean, I know my company is hiring if all you want is work. But it is not even close to something fun or interesting. We are just looking for a part-time host. And our hosts often move to other positions in the company, but it's obviously not really a great place to start :(
@spugsley I will do that :)
@Ktash what do you mean by "host"?
It is not a glamorous job, nor one I think you'd want. But I can put in a good word if you really want to go for it :/
@Ktash I'm not opposed to this
let me read more about the company
@spugsley Blink? You can ask me anything as well if you'd like
In the meantime I'll ping the Amazon guy :)
@spugsley I've contacted the recruiter at Amazon and will let you know if I hear back :)
I hit 10k!! Finally! :D
I can see deleted things. The power. THE POWER!
@Ktash Congrats :)
Thanks. It's not really that exciting but whatevs :)
It's still an accomplishment :P
It is. Only took nearly 5 years :)
@Frank Did I get flagged? If so, did I get banned?
@Sterno I don't know whether you got flagged, but you haven't been banned in over a year.
I'll try harder!
@Ktash is there a position I could potentially move to from host or would I be stuck because I no nothing about tech? I'm happy to pay my dues in a lowly position if it means getting something better. Sorry, I was away for a sec. Ian just got home and we had to make pizza decisions
@spugsley No worries. Likely, yeah, if you wanted to. One of our previous hosts does recruiting now, and another in an Executive Assistant. I think one became a project manager as well, but I'm not 100% on that
@Sterno Yes, and no.
Your Ghandi troll.
@Frank So basically, by flagging it someone trolled all 10k users.
@Sterno Trollception.
@Ktash that makes me happy.
where are you guys located in Seattle?
@spugsley We're in Downtown. On the waterfront google.com/maps/place/1011+Western+Ave,+Seattle,+WA+98104/…
@Ktash looks like a 30 min drive for me which isn't terrible. And it says only Thursday and Friday which is fine for now but do you think there would be the potential for more hours here and there? If you don't know that's okay, I could always apply and talk to your interview person if I got an interview
@spugsley Probably? We have another host at the moment who works part time (she brews beer and wanted a part-time gig on the side). I'm not 100% on that, but certainly something you can ask
View from our office (took way too long to find a picture of it): twitter.com/BlinkUX/status/738043207888572420
@Ktash Seems like a pretty neat company that isn't full of terrible.
oh wow that's niice
It's a pretty good group of people. And is usually pretty chill
@Ktash Question. How do you commute in Seattle? Is there public transportation, or is parking ample/cheap enough that that's viable?
@StrixVaria I bus most everywhere I go. Public transit here is fantastic pretty much across the board.
@Ktash okay. I think it's worth applying to. Don't feel like you need to like stick your neck out for me. If they like me, they'll contact me :)
@spugsley I'll ping our recruiter and give her a heads up. She always like to know when we know someone who is interested :)
@Ktash Okay :) Thanks for giving me the info. I really need something. I'm going stir crazy
@spugsley No worries. I can keep my ears open for other things as well
We work with a lot of companies in the area and sometimes they send us a "hey we're hiring if you know anybody"
@Ktash thank you, that would be great :)
Of course. No problem. Anything I can do to help :)
I hate knowing how internet stuff works more now because now stuff in shows makes me want to bang my head against walls more
@Ash Obligatory
Related: Never watch TV with a doctor
@Sterno Great now I am falling down a "tv does tech badly"youtube hole
@Ktash applied :)
@spugsley Yay! I'll let her know you sent it in and make sure she sees it and gives you a call or something :D
@spugsley Our CEO also runs a non-profit as well, but I'm not sure she has any openings at the moment for that. But I know a bunch of people from work help out with that on occasion too girls-can-do.org/#home
@Sterno last night I saw an NCIS re-run of the episode where McGee saves the day by "winning" an MMO and "beating" the final castle that unlocks the source code.
and I remembered hating that episode.
and then I realized that it wasn't the same episode.. they made a second one
@Ktash wow, I like this. I might look into volunteering
@spugsley I work with her all the time. I can ask her about any opportunities or if she's looking for any help next time I see her if you want
@Ktash yeah that would be nice :)
Okay so turns out being popular with girls is a bit more complicated than I thought it would be
@spugsley I'll do that then. I'm not sure if she's in town at the moment, but next time I see her I will. I know she's been trying to shmooze into getting Michelle Obama at one of the events so she's in D.C. a lot these days
@GnomeSlice Is this like that episode every sitcom does where you try to date 3 girls at once on the same night?
@GnomeSlice time management problems?
@Sterno not yet but like
more just like I suddenly realise this is what i was like when i was desperate and now I have a hard time turning people down
bc that used to happen to me
so now I'm in a few situations I don't wanna be in
@Sterno mods and se employees too.
@Wipqozn If they don't have 10k they should be demodded and fired.
@Sterno that seems fair
@wipqozn I did the snake fight with a knife.
Well, first I didn't fight him at all, I just grabbed the mask and ran, but then the room was sitting there at not-100% so I had to go back and murder him
Though now that I look, I must still be missing something in that room
@Sterno impressive. I think you'll need to fight him again later.
Rainbow 6: Siege is fun. :3 But super hard.
Ugh... tests that occasionally fail are horrible
Actual Trump quote: "There’s nobody that has more respect for women than I do"
The recently released audio is... abit fuct.
I look forward to having my dad explain it away next time he tells me to vote for Trump
If that doesn't kill his campaign, I'm convinced nothing can.
Somewhat glad there's no extended-family Thanksgiving dinner this weekend. If my right-wing conspiracy-believing uncle went off on any pro-Trump tangent - I might just get annoyed enough to cause a scene.
I think Canada building a wall makes perfect sense.
@Sterno "Walls work" - Fox news reporter on the Berlin Wall
I mean... she wasn't wrong, totally. It worked.
For certain values of "worked" perhaps
You just need lots of guys with machine guns on it
I mean Germany is still, to this day, dealing with the fallout
I... think someone tried to troll me in WoW? He was really bad at it so I'm not sure
Q: their neurotransmitters and give bona fide potential to the mind

liams juriyaconcentrate on keeping up better mental structure. Brain Storm Elite The interesting definition of this mind enhancer concentrates on enhancing the center, focus and level of inspiration and certainty. With general use of this medication one can without much of a stretch elevate their neurotrans...

@twobugs perhaps it was an ironic hipster trolling by @Wipqozn
@arda good morning (or night for me I guess)
Q: My system is breached. What can I do?

TheBird956My system has been breached (by myself) and now it always give me the warning on the side of the screen and also when I do sys.status. What can I do to get my system secured once again?

Q: How to call a command inside a script?

TheBird956Most of the commands you can do in the game are typed like this in the console: chats.tell{to:"bird", msg:"Hello World!"} How can I do something similar in one of my script? Give me examples.

@arda Good Day, Sir!
@Coronus Good day, Coronus
@Ash Good night :)
I should shower and sleep so I don't get super tired at work tomorrow :P
@Ash OR.... schedule time for a nap tomorrow. Naps are the best.
There are games to be played.
@Coronus I work 10-5 and then it's family thanksgiving stuff so there's not a lot of time for sleep in there :P
What is there to be thankful for if not naps? :P Bogus.
I'm also hours behind you, 3 drinks in, and do not have to get up in the morning. Feel free to ignore me.
@PrivatePansy Hiya!
@Ash wait canadian thanksgiving is this soon?
@Coronus what timezone are you in?
@GodEmperorDune Google says 10th of oct
@arda ah
that has a nice symmetry to it
@GodEmperorDune I just watched the Thanksgiving episode of HIMYM where the Canadian said "Oh, REAL Thanksgiving happened like over a month ago."
@GodEmperorDune Pacific
@GodEmperorDune Yeah it's this weekend
@Coronus best time zone
What exactly is thanksgiving?
@GodEmperorDune Right?
@Ash \o/ all you can eat poutine?
Oktoberfest also started today, Trudeau tapped the keg
We don't have that over here and I don't really know much
@Ash My pub just released their Oktoberfest! Give thanks!
@GodEmperorDune there is a place near me that makes Thanksgiving poutine with stuffing and turkey and stuff actually
@Ash Poutine... with stuffing?
@arda in the US we celebrate the cooperation between the white conquerors and native peoples where they saved one of our villages before we systematically wiped them out
Oktoberfest for me mostly means I avoid a lot of downtown and stuff and try not to go places late when all the drunks are using the buses (which are all free late at night during Oktoberfest)
I have no idea why Canada does Thanksgiving or why we do it earlier than you lot
@Coronus yep. It's pretty good but it's a total carb bomb
@Ash I like carbs...
I'm just wondering how it's done. Gonna try it this weekend
Fries, gravy, stuffing, Turkey, cheese curds
@GodEmperorDune well I know the story but not much about what exactly is done at that day, but considering the messages here, you eat. A lot. I'm hungry now.
Peas sometimes but then you are getting close to newfoundland fries
BTW I talked my pub into making poutine as an off-menu item. I just described what I read from you Canadian lot, and... Mmmmm....
@arda mostly hang out with family and eat a lot. Usually turkey and mashed potatoes and veggies and stuff like that
@arda Cook... a lot. Eat... a lot. Nap on the couch... a lot.
@Coronus cheese curds, decent gravy (preferably beef), good fries = happy belly?
Oh, and in my family we try to state something we're thankful for. Cheezy, but a good exercise for every day.
@Ash Cheese curds (I described as squeaky cheese), brown gravy, and "whatever you pass as fried potatoe strips".
But living in California, I have no access to poutine, so I could only image they got it right.
Because it is yummy.
Q: Is there any stripped down GTA V version?

PP'n'MHC EntireThere is GTA SA lite version on Android!! Where i find Grand theft Auto v lite(without sounds,music,dlc, etc.) and the same for GTA San andress?I have low specs PC(2 gigs of RAM). PLease don't tell me to buy better one i don't wanna! I asked something like that on GTA forum already. Can you poin...

@arda So where are you that is be morning?
@Coronus Yeah we do that too
@Ash Sooo..... What are you thankful for??
@Coronus Turkey.
GMT+3, EST+8
@arda yes, families get together and eat a massive meal. There is turkey of some sort (traditionally roasted, but a lot of families deep fry it), mashed potatoes, various other carbs and unhealthily prepared veggies, desserts
then the next day we spend copious amounts of money on things we don't need because they are heavily discounted
I never got deep-fried turkey. It seemed to be more trouble than just sticking it in the oven and forgetting about it for hours.
@Coronus from what i hear its more of a southern thing
and it cooks fast, like an hour instead of all day
@GodEmperorDune My supervisor in Oregon did it every year.
plus if you do it wrong you get a huge fireball
@GodEmperorDune This
You folk just made me very, very hungry.
And Black Friday is less of a thing now.
off to prepare breakfast.
@Coronus yeah some stores last year intentionally stayed closed
but other stores are still starting it on thursday night
Not in Sacramento/East Bay. They started Black Friday on Wednesday.
Yeah, it started with Thanksgiving evening online discounts.
i mean cyber monday is supposed to be the monday after
Then it turned to Thanksgiving Day sales.
We don't do the crazy sales thing
@Ash so when does the official holiday sales season start?
Yeah, don't these people respect tradition?? Get up early after eating 5 pounds of turkey to share a line with complete stranger for "Doorbusters" and then waste the rest of your income on Monday while sitting at your deadend job pretending to work while secretly finding the last of your Christmas present needs...
@Coronus my job, my cat, my family
@GodEmperorDune some places here do black Friday stuff when you lot do
@Ash your cat is cute.
@Ash i thought you had multiple cats
Thanks for all the online sales talk. It reminded me that I should file a report on the parts I ordered on aliexpress. 11 days since it "shipped" but singpost still didn't receive it.
@GodEmperorDune I only have one. My mom has 4, I had two way back when I was marriedish sbut that was like 5 years ago almost
@Ash ah, multiple past cats
@arda that sucks, hopefully you can get that sorted out
@ash you still want turtle pictures? I have some recent ones of her trying to "cuddle"
@GodEmperorDune yep. I also tend to post my mom's cats because she has a fat cat that sits like he is Jabba
The seller is trusted (wemos.cc), they likely forgot giving it to singpost or they're out of parts (I ordered a relatively new part)
@Coronus yesssss please! I love turtles!
@Ash yussss, when my pug is really sleepy she opens her eyes really narrowly and makes a jabba face
and then i speak to her in huttese
and she snorts and goes to sleep
@Ash Aww you signed out of Steam
@Coronus nope, i should still be there!
There's one where she climbed on my son's lap begging for the cookie he was eating. She threw a tantrum when he didn't give it to her.
She love food from him
@Coronus a turtle tantrum? bad @Wipqozn
@GodEmperorDune Yep. She throws fits if I am walking out the door and haven't said good morning to her.
I hear "Clunk Clunk Clunk" of her shell against the tank as I open the door to leave.
That's kinda adorable not gonna lie
hmm, I wonder if I can turn my raspberry pi into a wifi access point (which I'll connect to ethernet of modem).
So to start off your weekend...
Turtles are amazing :)
@arda I'm sure you can.
@Coronus look at that cute face!
@Coronus Well I know what I'll do in my free time today
@arda What's this thing: "free time"?
I hope it works as well as I do. Our modem can't handle our extreme wifi usage (8 to 18 devices are connected to it - I plan to move at least 5 to 8 devices to the raspberry pi ap).
Q: Help, can't trigger cooking lesson with Undyne

user168343I have poured the cup of water on Undyne after her armor overheated and I went to Undynes house, but Papyrus is not there and it says no-one is home.

Q: Breaking leaves noises in minecraft when no ones in the world

JdkenThis is not a prank I am not lying but in minecraft when I was building there was noises of leaves breaking but there's no one in the world I am scared now plz help.

@arda *I hope it works as well as I think it will.
@arda As do we all.
There's always the chance of Skynet.
@Coronus nuget install Asimov.ThreeLawsofRobotics
Yeah... But in which order?
You walk on a knife's edge, @arda All for WiFi connectivity.
@Coronus my csgo ping is worth risking the world!!!
1 hour later…
Q: Help pls?!?! i need help on solving this problem

Vincent G.Can a android device join a iOS device using the new xbox playing system, because i seem to get a hard time going my friends world? i have the android and she has a iOS...

1 hour later…
Q: How to close broken bus line?

CarlAfter a big reorganization and the complete demolishing of an industrial area, I ended up with a broken bus line with two lose ends. How can I connect the ends to close it? Usually these ends tie themselves up automatically but this time it's just not happening, no matter where I drag the stops...

Q: Skyrim Shift-Tab Bug?

RandomSkyrimPlayerI've had multiple times that shift tab isn't working. This time, the game had to load for a long time, so after five minutes of staring at a spriggan, I decided to use shift-tab to spend my time looking at the steam thing. I never had been able to actually click anything, but this time my cursor...

@GodEmperorDune I've never known my manager before day 1
Q: What did I found on quest?

user168361I found something unusual on a Red Rocket Reveal! quest - like a small hovering icon or item with flame-like glow. Nothing happens when I tap it, and I was afraid to finish the quest, so I won't miss something ;-) Any clues?

Q: How to make a double door?

Rudolf L. JelínekI was trying to make a double door that would open fully (both doors) if one was opened, and close fully if one was closed (by right-clicking, not by buttons). How can I make a double door like this? A compact way of doing this would be good, and I don't mind using command blocks, though reds...

@Yuuki I didn't meet my boss until I think my 2nd day of work at Google.
The first day was too busy with trainings.
do you guys think i try too hard
well you probably don't really know i guess
See if my friends have been telling me i try too hard when it comes to looks now
Some of
is that a thing
@GnomeSlice try what too hard?
like, care about how I look too much
@GnomeSlice well, you do own couple hundred dollars worth of hats
which doesn't necessarily indicate trying too hard, but y'know...
omg you're right
my cat is blocking the keyboard, it's so hard to type... :/
@GnomeSlice If you're trying because you care about how you look and want to try then it's fine. The only time you can try to hard is when you don't want to try but feel like you have to.
it's fine as long as you're trying to look good to yourself, not someone else, imho
I have 2 pairs of jeans, one of which is more than 5 years old, 2 sweaters, one of which is for work use only, 3 pairs of shoes and a bunch of t-shirts
as long as my hair looks fine and my clothes are half-decent, I look good, imho :P
why are your friends telling you you're trying too hard?
what has prompted them to say that?
I spent a year living of a suitcase with a very similar wardrobe @Chippies, only difference is I only had 1 pair of shoes. I still managed to get by looking OK I think.
@stanri I've had these shoes for so long, I don't even remember how old they are
one of the pair is skate shoes, which I actually used to skate with when I lived in Latvia, and I've lived in Canada for 4+ years now and I hadn't had a skateboard for at least the last 3+ years of living in Latvia, so those shoes are pretty old, I guess...
they're still in good shape though
What's living in Latvia like? Sounds cool.
@GnomeSlice I don't like the term "tryhard". It's more about what Ronan said. If you want to do it, that's fine and it doesn't really matter.
If I get Sun, I think I'll nickname Solgaleo as "Doggo".
Q: Pewdiepie's tuber simulator

JohnnyHow do I change my login info from Google play over to game center with out having to start over? I keep looking through other websites but none if the problems state the same probably I'm having.

oh damn
brb buying some reddit gold
reddit.com/r/Music/comments/56cdgm/… omg its real [nsfw lang]
@Lazers2.0 I keep hoping "Tuber simulator" is a game about potato farming
> What's the thing you miss the most from the 80s?
My youth.
Q: Total size of Real Racing 3 Android

DabdabdabWhat's the total size of Real Racing 3 on Android. It days there it's 43mb but when I install the apk it stills download

Well, my iPhone is in order
@Nzall \o/
@stanri it's not. It's a nice place geographically and there's nice places to see, but the economy is crap and most people aren't very nice. It's good for visiting, but not so good for living in.
@Chippies sounds like what I got out of japan after an extensive research (an hour of google searching)
@arda Idk, I thought the economy in Japan wasn't too bad
Latvia does have some of the fastest consumer internet in Europe though, so that's a plus
economy is ok, but working conditions are bad
my sister worker at a shoe store for a month, in the end they paid her 20 euros and gave a bunch of reasons why that was good
holy hell
after mom threatened to file a complaint to the taxes people or whatever they are called, they paid her the 200'ish euros they owed her
needless to say, she quit right after
also, minimum wage in Latvia is 360 Eur/month, so, as I said, economy is quite crappy
and a lot of businesses will go out of their way to avoid paying taxes
360eur/mo is very good for turkish standards
and will often pay min wage officially and pay extra unofficially
min wage is 200usd/mo
Most jobs give min wage too, not even only at entry level
heh, it was a lot lower when I lived there
when I was 14, I worked a full month, 8 hours a day for 5 days a week... I got less than the equivalent of 150 usd
and the job was pretty hard physical work
Best part of turkey is I can work freelance or remote and get more money in a week than doctors get in a month
Except paypal is now banned in turkey :/ Can't get payments, lol.
where do you find freelance work, if you don't mind me asking?
Forza Horizon 3 still doesn't have a PC demo... :/
I mostly used to stick around dev etc. communities and would apply when someone needed help with programming or translation.
Ah, figured
I used odesk.com years ago, but then I stopped and the site changed a lot and now it's even renamed
and I am not confident enough to apply for anything anyway
there's this one guy that I worked for on odesk a couple times and he still messages me on skype once or twice a year for a bit of work, but that's all the freelancing I do
I might consider freelancer.com though. It supports non-paypal stuff too apparently.
Whatever, I should finish translation this before looking for other stuff. Last %20!
I know odesk had multiple different payment methods, including direct deposit. I would assume freelancer probably has a bunch of payment methods as well
I mean, paypal isn't available everywhere, especially in the 'less developed' countries, which, ironically, is where a lot of freelancers live in
tbh the easiest way is doing stuff for people you know from communities
yeah, if you know people :P
or more importantly - if you have the skills that the people you know need and are willing to pay for
Simplest workflow for me would be finding game on steam, mail devs asking if they need turkish translation and talk about my experiences and how a notable percentage (%1.64 of 125m people. Notable amount) of steam is turkish and how they care about turkish support etc etc.
I use ideal as my main source of income
Will check.
@stanri oddly enough, ideal.com is an actual web page that's about hiring and stuff
Now it's upwork. It works pretty well for me, I am really picky about clients though
Oh I didn't know
The fact that I'm 16 and can't sign binding agreements like ndas might be problematic tho. It has already been proven problematic while we were sharing a copyright.
@stanri I googled it since I had never heard of it :P
Haha you are on the ball!
I wish schools would teach how to do job interviews
Schools need to teach a lot of stuff
but I also don't want it to start now, because then I'd be even worse off than I am now
like filing taxes, home economy etc etc
Whatever you do, dont say "because my dad made me" at your first job interview when they ask why you applied. They won't like that.
I had a job interview at the library on thursday and I was probably more qualified than most, but since I suck at interviews (social anxiety, yay), I didn't get the job
but no, forced C++ classes for 5th graders by non-programming teachers is a better idea than tax lessons or home economy lessons.
too bad you can't build experience if no one is hiring you
(they keep proposing that and will add that one day)
@Chippies some companies totally understand. I was really nervous at job interviews and I got the job even though I was a nervous wreck and felt like I completely messed up
@Chippies ugh, indeed
@stanri I suck at answering questions, especially if I haven't prepared answers beforehand
Surely that's what internships are for? I did 6 weeks of internship while studying
A friend graduated from from the country's best university, had experience in university (she interned, she was an MSP etc etc, she didn't have an empty resume), and she couldn't get a job for 2 years as no one was looking for juniors.
Ouch. That's a horrible job climate.
@Chippies that sucks :(
@Ash it sucks, but I'm not too sad over it, as the job was quite out of my comfort zone (basically teaching people how to use computers and facebook and such), even though I know I would have adapted to it quickly and it would have been fine, I was still scared to death about the idea of having to start a new job
I'm just disappointed that they probably saw what a wreck I was at the interview and decided I'm no good for the job
I'm not good at first impressions when I'm supposed to actually impress
Everyone loves me though once they get to know me better ;)
First impressions are mad hard, especially when it is an interview.
it also doesn't help that there's no decent jobs around here to begin with...
there's maybe one job posting a month that's not for retail or surgeons/doctors
That does make things super difficult yes
I don't even care about getting a high paying super awesome dream job, I just want to get a job where my body doesn't hate me and I don't feel brain dead doing it (my current job involves very little brain activity)
anyways, I need to go to bed, it's getting "late". TTYL y'all!
Get some good sleep :)
Q: Will I meet the pokemon next time that I don't have and it appears in my pokedex suddenly?

StarkjjjjjI haven't caught a wild charizard before and I simply touched a Charizard at a gym. When i check my pokedex, Charizard's shadow appears at box#006 and it's shown there seen 1 and caught 0. I don't think I seen a wild one before and it isn't in my journal list as well....so will I meet a wild char...

Q: Are Mafia 3 saves backed-up to the Cloud/How do I manually back-up my saves?

Camouflaged CowFor Mafia 3 on PC (Steam), when I exit the game, I notice that there is no Cloud upload. Does that mean the saves are just local, like Just Cause 3? Is there a way to back them up manually?

Q: Where is the NPC for doing proving grounds in the Dreamgrove?

garglblargi spend quite some time looking for this NPC but haven't found it... i also searched for maps of the Dreamgrove to check if it's marked on there, but to no avail.

Today I'm talking the U2 7966
Nothing like getting yourself locked out of the billing system when you are the only one here on a Saturday to make your day more awesome :P
Is it temporary, or?
@TimStone It's one of those "contact an admin" things
Argh, that sucks
So I am just hoping the admins are able to answer frantic BBMs and assist me
It's my own fault for messing up the password change
Happened to me the other day if it makes you feel better
Copied the auto-generated password and then somehow lost it on my clipboard |:
@TimStone Yeah, I did something similar
Looks like the CEO saw my ping to the group, though, and has fixed it for me
Q: How can I make a machine where when I press a button, it plays a specific record?

MattmontanI want a jukebox type thing where I have a list of buttons that when pressed, play a certain song. I can use command blocks if they are needed. So far I have tried to use droppers to place disks into jukeboxes but I can't figure out how that really works.

That was a panicky few minutes, though, because I knew my on-call wasn't an admin for this so I was like well crap it's Thanksgiving are people actually watching their phones
Oh yeah it's Canadian Thanksgiving
It is! :)
I kinda like that I get to do both Thanksgivings this year
(even if I don't love turkey as a food)
@Ash Back when I was in the army they tried to serve turkey once, for Christmas.
After tasting it all we could say was - well, they tried
Oh boy, that sounds...fun
Discover the power to change your world. Watch the NEW official #PowerRangersMovie teaser trailer ⚡️ – Coming to th… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/784759590772543492
@Dragonrage Language is fantastic.
It really is
Q: How is the Digital I/O Expander supposed to help me build the Color-Changing Vape Pen

DJ PirtuAs the DX300 Digital I/O Expander is unlocked right before the mission, I'm assuming that this is supposed to help build the circuit. But I can't figure out, how to work around the limitation that the DX300 only ever optputs either 100 or 0, while the mission requires the input to vary between v...

Q: /testfor Problem! Minecraft 1.10

ReaLordI am trying to make a door open when a player is holding a nametag named "Key 1224", unfortunately, I may have done something very wrong or Minecraft is simply not working. This is my command: /testfor @a[r=10] {SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:name_tag",tag:{display:{Name:"Key 1224"}}}} I have set...

@Fluttershy Heck, yeah.
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