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@Fluttershy outbuddies.com
Tales of Ze
@spugsley picture will be taken in a couple minutes :D
The only farming I did was for +dragon damage right before I fought Tiamat.
And then everyone had like +60%.
Oh, I need the stupid emblem I guess
Massive memory-use reductions coming in Chrome 55. This will help a number of real-world apps. Thanks V8!… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/784499020194459648
On the one hand, yay
On the other hand, what the hell NYT?
@TimStone my RAM will be so lonely without chrome to keep it busy
Yeah I probably don't need 8GB of RAM anymore
@TimStone Maybe it just turned out that a lot of the optimizations they did corresponded to stuff NYT was using
which reminds me I should upgrade to 16GB of RAM
@Sterno Enjoy failing at the puzzle
...the director of business development for a company is reaching out to me.
Because I have Sharepoint experience, and they need someone with that.
@Wipqozn Why would I fail? I'm awesome.
@Frank No. Run.
@Sterno too busy tap tap tapping at your chamber door
@Sterno Sounds like you failed, though, if crows are attacking
@Frank hahaha.gif
@Sterno If they're willing to pay me what I want, it's no worse than working with VBA and freaking Access apps.
@Wipqozn No, I have to pick up the kids so I shot at them, then switched to knife and murdered all but one, then tried to let it kill me. BUT IT CAN'T
@Sterno I've never tried attacking crows before
@Frank You need to start doing web development or something that's less likely to make you kill yourself.
I just run away like a coward
@Wipqozn They make satisfying splatty sounds when you kill them.
@Sterno I survived two years of it. It's a shitty platform, but, again, no worse than the other shit I've had to do.
Q: How do I log back in to Tuber Simulator?

HarrisOn MandragourasI deleted the app by accident and now it only gives me the New Game option. I know that the old account is still there, though, because on the new account I made, I was able to add my old account and everything was still there.

Q: Is a used copy of the first Call of Duty playable?

martDoes the first Call of Duty for PC have any copyright protection that makes a used, complete copy bought from Amazon unplayable?

Ah, yes. I remember why I didn't apply for this company before.
Man I want soba in broth but soup via takeout is weird and I don't want to eat in the restaurant alone, and I don't want to eat out with anyone either
Sharepoint is all they do.
Price +10K
I should probably just go hungry
@Wipqozn Take a book
@Wipqozn Just cry into a bowl and eat your salty tears. You can do that right at home.
That's what I do.
@Sterno Good idea!
I suppose the worst that could happen if I get take out soup is that I regret everything
@spugsley pictures!
@Yuuki Who?
@Arperum Nice hair
@GnomeSlice Those guys who regularly DDOS Blizzard. And I think PSN one time.
That's very bright
Gotta love those flags, @Sterno.
Well that's not a valid flag at all
@spugsley Panic?
Update: wharrgarbl
@Wipqozn I mean, it is spam
@GnomeSlice No it's not
@Arperum that's pretty impressive
Like come on man, you know that's not spam
@Arperum you look so much like the guy from silicon valley
@spugsley what could possibly go wrong
Annoying? Sure. Spam? No.
@spugsley What's happening?
Phone interview with Disney
Don't panic then.
@spugsley hype hype hype you're going to do great
@spugsley You can do it <3
@GodEmperorDune no clue. Don't know how that person looks like.
@GodEmperorDune he does!
we can set you up with some @spugsley plses in advance
I suppose @Sterno could secretly be Rebecca Black, in which case I can see calling it spam to be legit, but that' snot the case. I think.
Although I've never seen @Sterno and Rebecca Black in the same room together...
@spugsley Best of luck!
@spugsley You're going to rock it
@Lazers2.0 Okay. If you want to delete instead of resize your pics, I'm totally okay with that.
@Frank Honestly I'd rather they put them behind a text link. Even if they made them smaller it would still be a lot of images.
@Wipqozn There's lots there, and I don't know how many are really relevant to the issue.
If anything, punt 'em all except the first, and make that much smaller.
That's all that's really needed, I think.
> My ex's 3 y.o. daughter woke me up one night screaming bloody murder. I ran into her room thinking she was clearly being kidnapped or some shit, and she's just sitting in her bed screaming at the wall. I asked her what was wrong and she, through her tears and screams, said "there's a spider on my wall!" So I took a deep breath and calmly said "Pumpkin, you're not afraid of spiders." She just stopped crying and said "oh yeah. Night!" and proceeded to roll over and go back to sleep.
@Yuuki Child logic is fantastic
@KutuluMike Image not found
thpt. it's a slack image.
Image not found, clicking it asks me to log in to a slack chat
@Yuuki i wish logic worked on my kid
she just prefers to scream all night
@KutuluMike good photoshop
That sounds unpleasant
it's not a photoshop
it's the Upside Down House on I-Drive in Orlando
@KutuluMike so working as designed, not flipped by the hurricane?
yeah. built that way
but freaking a lot of people out on me and my friends twitters and fb
yeah it seemed a bit too neat for hurricane damage
@Yuuki spiders are the worst, and kids are adorable
@GodEmperorDune you have a kid? Man I can never remember who and who isn't a bridge parent
> Me at the age of 6 after a bad dream and staring out my window at the full moon: "Mom! Dad!"
Dad from their bedroom: ".....what?"
Me: "I'm scared!"
Dad: "why?"
Me: "I'm looking at the moon!"
Dad: ".....then stop looking at the moon"
Me: "...Ok!"
And that's how I overcame my fear of the moon.
@Wipqozn she's a month old
@GodEmperorDune I think J remember this now
I think I pinned it. Or was that @djsmiley2k? Pretty sure he has a newborn too
@GodEmperorDune now I remember.
And yeah you were hilarious with that joke
Q: How do I fix this debugger detected error that occurs while launching the game client?

DragonrageWhenever I try to launch the game, this error pops up and the game won't start. I have added the Blade and Soul exe file to my exceptions list on my antivirus (a possible solution I found online), but it doesn't seem to have changed anything. Is there a different exe file I need to add to my exce...

Man @Dragonrage I barely on chat anymore. I think he hates us now.
i am always on chat
No you're not
well most always, i just dont chat as much
@Wipqozn Is me who hates you all, remember?
i have been a bit busy job searching lately, so i havent been as chatty
yeah, most of us just hate @Wipqozn specifically.
I don't hate anyone currently :P
@Ronan I think it's safe to assume that most Bridgers hate all other bridgers.
@Ash Well this is awkward...
@Dragonrage i thought you just started a new job
@KutuluMike Yeah that guy's a jerk
what @ash is saying is that she is fully prepared to hate @Wipqozn
@Ash but you have before?
@Wipqozn seriously, @Wipqozn is the worst
@GodEmperorDune not yet unfortunately
@Wipqozn Entirely possibly
@Dragonrage who isn't? That guy's a Jerks.
@Dragonrage ah, she is saving up all her hate for a powerful, @Wipqozn filled blast
Gotta use that hug gun!
@Frank Firing tests, just to ensure it's all in working order, you understand
My phone really doesn't want me to use the word jerk
@Ash Make sure to point it at @Wipqozn, and not the Bridge.
@Wipqozn so what you are saying is that @Wipqozn is so much of a jerk, he has absorbed enough jerkiness that he is now a plural jerk?
You guys are making this wait for sushi much easier
@Dragonrage i can't remember if I can make your mom jokes at your expense
@Dragonrage @Wipqozn is the uberjerk
I don't understand anything of what I just said except that it insulted @Wipqozn, so its all good
I might be wildly optimistic, but I think the last news about Trump might finally be enough to finish him. I'm probably wrong as I've thought that a few times before, but at some point something has to sink his campaign.
no call yet :/
I hate phone interviews
how long do I wait before I send a don't forget about me email
@spugsley This is for the actual interview?
@spugsley They probably realised they can need to give they job without the interview.
@Wipqozn no, we make your mom jokes at your mom's expense, and occasionally @badp's mom's expense
@spugsley 15minutes (which I assume has passed already)
@MadScientist you'd think so
yes we just hit fifteen minutes
@MadScientist I doubt that will hurt him on the polls at all to be honest. It should, but it just won't.
It's so busy here. I blame @fredley.
@spugsley 15 minutes is a good time to email.
> “This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course - not even close,” Trump said in a statement. “I apologize if anyone was offended.”
dudebro has nonpologies down to a science
@Wipqozn There's audio. I think that often has much more of an impression than just a written article
@MadScientist its also on friday and right before the sunday debate takes over the news cycle
@MadScientist I meant I don't think enough people will even bat an eye at the conversation.
They should, but...
i'm sure hillary will mention it but if Trump was a decent politician he would ignore it and it would die
he might get all flustered again and rail against it next week and give it new life
ugh what do I even say?
@spugsley "I'm just emailing to check we're scheduled for an interview today?"
@spugsley that you wanted to confirm the date/time of the interview and make sure they have the correct contact information, then give your cell number
@GodEmperorDune he will get flustered again. You can't teach a man like that to suppress his ego.
@spugsley his ego so bigly
What @GodEmperorDune said was better.
Trump is a great orator. He always takes the bait. He's a master de-bait-or.
@Yuuki hue
@spugsley I'd either do what @GodEmperorDune suggested, or tel me that Dolan is your favourite Disney character
@GodEmperorDune This~
I think my cat wants some sushi
We're great interview coaches!
Bridge Consulting LLC.
@Wipqozn I'm going to tell her that my Tumblr friend who got me this interview is very displeased and the Tom Hiddleston fandom is in an uproar
@spugsley Excellent
Got soup. No regrets. In a great take out bowl.
emailed. Asked her to pick a time that works for her next week and reiterated that I'm excited to hear more about this oppurtunity (@Yuuki our favorite word!)
@spugsley I can't wait to stop using "opportunity" on Monday!
What's the joke with opportunity?
@Wipqozn Yay soup :D
@Yuuki is that when everything shakes out?
@Ronan I think he joined a cult
Either that or the company is full of itself and thinks people will work shitty jobs for no money because it's their dream or whatever.
@Ronan it's a word used so often when job hunting it almost makes me want to gag everytime I use it
@spugsley So not just this one place? Cool.
Ugh, I'm going to have to start job hunting in like 3 months.
Too soon Onion.
Only women?
@GnomeSlice I don't see the word "only" anywhere. Please stop inserting it everywhere.
> At press time, the nation’s women’s daydreams were broken by the sound of breaking news push notifications on their phones alerting them to the latest national poll results showing a tightening race.
lol tho
Classy, onion
ugh this guy from Kijiji lives in Gatineau and he wants to meet tonight
That's like... more than an hour on the bus for me
one way
not sure it's worth the $75 lol
Uh, what exactly are you buying from him?
I'm selling him a laptop
an hour is too far to drive for $75
Well, maybe, not if he clowns out now
Especially since he'll probably murder you
Eh, that's almost what I make in a day.
It's $150 but splitting it with my dad since I'm just selling it for him
@Wipqozn Probably not?
@GnomeSlice Minus the cost of the bus, though
My bus pass is paid for whether I go or not
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, I sign stuff and everything on Monday.
Also you don't have a laptop at the end of it.
@Ronan It's a shitty laptop
@GnomeSlice Yeah, but you could probably sell it later not out of your way.
@GnomeSlice ah, I wasn't sure if it was something you could do with bus pass or if it was like me going to Toronto, where I need to take a Greyhound so there's more cost
It's been posted for like 2 months
Besides, if he wants it, can't he come to you?
@Ash Don't think so, I think I can get to Gatineau
@Ash Dunno, asked if there was a possibility of meeting in the west end and no response yet
starting to get pretty late
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for fresh prints.
@Wipqozn ouf
@Wipqozn You didn't let me answer!
@Yuuki nice, its starting quick
@Ronan You should have typed faster.
Q: In a high level Pokemon Go's gym, it seems the bottom most pokemons are the most important, yet they are the first to be kicked out?

太極者無極而生It seems that in a high level Pokemon Go gym, such as level 10, 9, or 8, the bottom most Pokemons are the most important -- because if the attacker, with 6 Pokemons, can only take down one or two Pokemons, then the prestige is lowered by only 500 or 1000. Then the attacker probably is not going ...

I've been trying to work out why one of my hands has been hurting, I just remembered I swung it into a door earlier.
@Ronan #lifehax
@GodEmperorDune Don't do that?
Lifehack: Be aware of your limbs.
Lifehack: if you need to swing your hand into a door, use someone else's hand.
Lifehack: if everyone else says your question is off topic, ask on Worldbuilding.
Lifehack: if you're tired of having a country which functions either vote for Brexit or Trump
Man I'm such a jerk
Okay I should hop in the shower, then play some RE4, then read the book of @StrixVaria (sorry I've been behind on feedback btw, I'll try to get caught up on sunday), then go to bed.
@Wipqozn You seem to be getting pretty close to the end.
@StrixVaria The chapter where I left that comment about Byren being my favourite is the last one I read, I think.
@Wipqozn Ok, so ~1/3 left by chapter count, but less by words I think.
Yup, chapter 39 is the last I read. Chapter 40 is next.
When I go to work on Monday, I'm going to be in a different building than I've been in so far. I know I'm going to forget at least once
@murgatroid99 if only your company had some sort of mapping application
Oh, I know where I'm supposed to go. I just think I'll forget that I've moved
We do actually have a great application that shows the exact internal layout of each building and where our seat is
Well, I just 100%'d The Turing Test in a little more than 5 hours.
The fact that Bob the Builder went from cute cartoon to creepily real looking cartoon person makes me SO uncomfortable.
Like the one on the right just creeps me out
Yeah I discovered that the other week. It's the worst.
uncanny valley for sure
Q: KSP Protecting Engines (Spaceplane)

Jebidiah KermanHow does one protect a planes engine during Re-Entry? Mine keeps blowing up

Actually I think I rediscover it every time I go see a kids film, it always freaks me out.
still not as creepy as the albertsons vegetables
@GodEmperorDune why are these even a thing
@Ash i don't know
i don't know who approved that ad
They look like they want my soul
@MBraedley Was it a good 5 hours?
@Wipqozn Yes, I'd say so.
@Ash yes, its even worse when you are driving and see that on the side of a truck
The puzzles aren't all that difficult, and that's my biggest complaint.
That shows, I think, since I came in at about an hour under the average play time.
I like puzzle games where I know the end state, but the path to that state is non-obvious and non-trivial, and unfortunately The Turing Test fails in at least one of those respects on pretty all of the later puzzles.
I didn't really get to flex my problem solving skills all that often.
However, it was still very enjoyable.
ugh why can't things ever be easy
I have been dreading this damn interview for DAYS
and it didn't even happen
Did they reschedule you?
@MBraedley nope, no emails back
That really sucks.
probably just decided I wasn't a fit or hired someone already and are just ignoring
which is shitty but possible
Yeah, there isn't much recourse for not being interviewed after it was set up.
You could try and take them to court over a breach of contract, since you technically had one, but that's probably not worth it.
@GodEmperorDune though I did take some hawtpics yesterday so life is okay
@MBraedley haha I just have an email that says "I'll call you at this time". It's fine. If it wasn't meant to be there's hopefully something better waiting
@spugsley yuss for hawtpics
@GodEmperorDune yeah. I'm feeling the West Coast today. Washington's weather is rad
hawt pics!
I just need some models
I miss my NC models :(
@GodEmperorDune lol
@GodEmperorDune Now I am going to have nightmares forever
Like seriously who decided that would be a way to SELL vegetables
i blame @Wipqozn
I blame @Wipqozn for everything. Always have, always will
I'm positive it's @Wipqozn's fault that I didn't get called today
My brain sees games like Shenzen I/O and really wants to like them but I know it will frustrate me in like ten seconds flat
I'm not sure how, but I have no doubt he's involved
@spugsley oh i totally heard he was messing with disney's internal corporate calendar system
Oh, she just emailed back and said she never saw my confirmation (but she replied to it?) and didn't have me on her calender
@spugsley because @Wipqozn erased it, clearly
Sounds like you might consider asking your Tumblr friend for another point of contact.
But I'm still new to this job thingie, so take my advice with about five Matterhorns-worth of salt.
@Yuuki sadly she's not in this department. She asked a coworker of a coworker of a coworker to get this lady's email and she is the hiring manager for this position. So I think I'm pretty much in it with her
@spugsley for the next time, you can also send a friendly reminder the morning of to make sure you're still on for later that day
i mean people should get their stuff together so it's not necessary but...
@GodEmperorDune I always do this with anything. I've been burned before.
@GodEmperorDune apparently it was my fault because I didn't schedule through Boomerang
that's why she didn't see it :/
soooo probably not getting this job even though she is going to call Monday
@spugsley boomerang?
@spugsley I think I own that exact shirt.
@Ronan :D Is it from American Eagle? I got mine at a thrift store nearby in the mens section but looks like it's from there originally
@GodEmperorDune scheduling tool. I had to download it. I didn't see a link confirmation because I didn't have it
@spugsley We don't have that in the UK.
@Ronan it's okay we can still be shirt buddies
@spugsley yeah they probably should have made that more clear in advance
@spugsley The colours are slightly different as well.
@GodEmperorDune I feel like I'm playing a game. I don't like games. It's why I have been jobless for so long. I hate this back and forth and now I feel like a butt
@Ronan I'll allow it
@spugsley yeah i've never had to do that for my jobs
@spugsley We could definitely trade and no one would notice though.
@Ronan you should take fancy model pictures of yours and I'll put you on my fashion blog and you'll get famous (because one person follows me and I get like 20 views per day)
@spugsley Haha sure
@GodEmperorDune I hate it so much. It's why I haven't kept a job. I honestly feel like there's no place for me in the job world. But I am BORED. So bored. And I want to make money. Art does not make money. And I'm tired of doing nothing and now I'm having an anxiety moment. This is wonderful.
If I'm ever in whatever state your in now I'll be a model if you want.
@Ronan I'm in Seattle, WA now and I will definitely take you up on that :p
Gotta corner that market for cute English boys.
I def want a part in that market
that was certainly creepy but I stand by it
@Ronan just follow @spugsley to her cave behind the waterfall in a VERY REMOTE part of the state
I'm not sure if I count as a cute English boy anyway.
@Ronan she'll ply you with tea and crumpets
@Ronan you do :)
@GodEmperorDune I like that this scenario makes me sound like a siren which is what I have always wanted to be so I approve
@spugsley That's very nice of you to say. Although you haven't actually seen a photo of me taken in the last 5 years.
Unless there are some on Facebook...
@Ronan i'm sure it'll work if you put one hand behind your head and grab your armpit with the other one
@GodEmperorDune Wha-- oh right I did draw me doing that.

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