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Q: Is the Zeta Draconis's Thraddash battle... endless?

FabiánI'm up for getting some sort of sacred relic from the star system Zeta Draconis. The problem isn't facing thraddash in battle, but the amount of them which were rounding the planet, I believe they were like around 50 of them, and I've been one-shooting every single one, but they keep coming and ...

So you guys know how i was unsure if i was being a bad person with work?
yesterday about 4pm i tld the boss I wouldn't be in today as getting no sleep etc knackered
@djsmiley2k Are you?
this morning 8am 'oh I really need you in to support'
I'm like 'well crap things must be bad, going to be there in 1/2 hr'
@djsmiley2k And you're at work right now?
It was because he hadn't come in and hadn't told anyone he wasn't going to be in
after telling me on wednesday "We'll sort your leaving stuff on friday"
so screw him, screw this place
yes, I'm here at work right now
it's utterly dead
the other guy in the office is still refusing to speak to me
which is just funny, as he's a 40+ yr old man
Also someone has told some random people to use my desk
so now Im on the desk in the corner, no one really notices me here, muahah
@djsmiley2k WHy?
Because I'm leaving and I guess it'll dump him in hte crap
which really is just a sign of how bad things are around here
But I think he's been here too long to move anywhere else, and so he's stuck hating it
and hating everyone who has some part of it
That sucks.
I mean I feel bad for the guys I'm leaving, but I can't hold up my getting away from here for them
He seems to have taken it as some kind of insult or something I guess
I know my boss likely went to him 'you'll need to cover this'
Annnnnnnnnd now he's talking to me like nothings happened
Sounds like fun.
@djsmiley2k he is reading the bridge :p
He's secretly @fredley
Not @Ronan because ronan is 16
Also \o/ customer admins breaking things so no one can log in on their site
@KevinvanderVelden Forever 21 16
@KevinvanderVelden Wait, if @fredley is 40+ according to this...
Does that mean that @fredley is older than @Sterno?
No that's @JasonBerk... rip :(
@arda rofl can't image that :D
@SaintWacko nice! Glad to hear it's going well (interview process - currently going for new job atm)
@arda imagine even...
@djsmiley2k sounds fun
meanwhile, my task just went from mission: difficult to mission: impossible in an ever-changing time limit
Q: How would a person get out of Fallout 4 power armor in real life

DemarschI wonder - if a power armor in real life would have been implemented more or less the same way as in Fallout 4 then how is its user supposed to exit it? What could be a mechanism to avoid false positives i.e. unintentional opening it from the inside?

@Sterno I completed the "rob the bank for the crazy conspiracy nutjob" quest last night. I plan to do a bunch of prague stuff before moving onto next mission, aka try to finish it all. I may have misssed one or two by skipping ahead, but man, I just wanted to get to the next mission. I just wish there weren't so many all at once / before the first mission.
@badp lololol
Q: How do I launch Starbound and the dedicated server from Steam

AequitasI'm using the dedicated server to play with my friends, but if I have already launched the game from Steam, when I select Starbound again and this time, I instead select "dedicated server", nothing happens. The dedicated server does not launch or anything. Note: I'm doing this by right clicking...

@sequoiad that's life :D
@Lazers2.0 voice command? biting something?
Ok next message really needs starring / pinning
Sony have enabled 2FA for PSN accounts -> arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/08/…
Annnnnnnnnnd the site has gone down
@badp did you really ban me for that
itchy trigger finger
@GnomeSlice A comment like that about her is going to lead to nothing but drama in chat, and you should know that.
You weren't suspended by a mod either, it was by the community.
I'm okay with that
Anything that's 30 minutes long is community flag suspension
@Wipqozn I find that highly suspect, because it took literally 2 seconds
and the message was "a clown"
@GnomeSlice I know, I can see that, and that sounds like it may have been a mod then, in which cae they gave you the shortest possible suspension they could have, aka a regular ol' click that flag button one.
and we all know who hates that word in here
just seems a little unreasonable is all
We got someone with coulrophobia in here?
Clowns are horrible but not me
@GodEmperorDune One of those people that seems more focused on drawing attention to themselves than actually producing quality content
Depression Quest was relatively strong but that still applies
@GnomeSlice Stop.
6 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice A comment like that about her is going to lead to nothing but drama in chat, and you should know that.
@Wipqozn I never got to respond to it last night
somebody banned me
@GnomeSlice That doens't mean you need to respond to it now.
@Wipqozn Oh i thought you meant a comment about bp, didnt see the her
@Wipqozn he asked me a question
"Do you want to back up to a floppy disk" WHY IS THIS STILL A THING ITS 2016!!!
What program is suggesting that? o.o
Maybe floppies are coming back like vinyls
(probably not)
@GnomeSlice snorts
some customised Smoothwall install
@GnomeSlice Yes, and before you had a chance to answer you got banned for making statements which are only going to lead to trouble, which that answer is too. Frankly i don't know enough about the whole drama to have an opinion one way or another on the people involved, but I do know it's not a topic we want to be discussing herein chat. and starting off that discussion with insulting her, or saying she just wants attention, is not going to lead to anything but an anger and drama filled chat.
the "drama" is a chuck tingle dating sim lol
It's gonna be hilarious
There is a lot of nuance to the word clown
also people say worse things about trump in here
anyway time for work
@badp I have my stream from last night playing and I heard a ping in stream and thought it was RL
@Wipqozn I had that happen while watching bridgers' streams
@arda Yes. Watching @twobugs does that to you.
I'm in Schrodinger's box today: working from home
wow wow wow
i love how 'celebrity' is something that means you can't have a voiced opinion on something these days
unless @GnomeSlice has deleted a lot of comments which I can't see of course. But it doesn't look that way
I would have expected you to be and not be in Schrodinger's box today...
@djsmiley2k Was about something from yesterday or so IIRC. I vaguely noticed it, don't know context.
ah ok
this is why the site sometimes needs PM :/
Is @badp still awake? (for no specific reason, just curious)
He's at work I think?
He might have died
Yea, and he did not sleep at all last night because way too bloody hot.
Also: I want to sleep.
He's italian, he has no excuse
He's on a train
nom nom cold pizza
cold pizza best (leftover) pizza
I once made curry sauce pizza
@djsmiley2k To each their own?
Dammit. Do I grab a donut or not
The answer is no: You grab all the donuts
Not a choice!
I will try to stream tonight cc @badp @GodEmperorDune
@twobugs you're two bugs! Just step on the donuts and everyone will be like "ew bugs, I'm not eating that"
I've been inactive recently but I think I was getting sick or something. I have been exhausted for the past week or so
@MBraedley It was EPIC.
@twobugs Sleep apnea!
@twobugs Streaming what?
@MBraedley Dunno. Open to suggestions
@Arperum yup
@djsmiley2k I was tested but don't have it apparently
@badp You're alive! \o/
Unless you're a zombie
It's 38:10 and I'm not actually feeling sleepy yet but I'm heading home
I'm so happy you don't have to drive @badp
Hopefully before 39 o' clock
I still have two hours of work to go :(
And then dentist >_>
Dentists are the worst
It's really weird, at other times when I chose to do all nighters I never managed to make it past 12
@MBraedley Last time I did this nobody seemed interested
Well no, no teeth are the worst
@twobugs ojh :/
I do
plus iron deficency
@badp All nighters generally tend to be the worst around 2PM for me.
and weird liver function
/me thinks the last 17 or so years of antidepressants may of broken the rest of his body ;/
@Arperum never made it that far. Well, before today
@djsmiley2k you should eat some augment-o's
I'm on iron tablets now
Docs trying them to see if things improve
I've skipped a night enough times. And then I try to go to bed on a reasonable hour the next day.
Body parts are definitely taking turns to feel funny
I was dead at like 11 30 last night
Other than that I still feel wide awake
And 10 the night before
@twobugs I should watch your streams again at some point, I liked it, but time is a thing I lack lately.
@badp Wait till you get home and it's quiet and the auditory illusions can fully kick in
two boos
That's my Halloween username this year
I could even be in my bed in 40 minutes from now
@KevinvanderVelden yesssss
If the landlord comes knocking I know what to think
I am skipping donuts as I always regret partaking later
@twobugs Can I have them? I could do with some sugar rush.
@twobugs Yes, if you don't want them I'll also take them :o
@KevinvanderVelden INB4 MUHAHAHAHA
@Arperum "also"
10 secs ago, by Arperum
Sure, first come first serve
@Arperum don't you hum at me mister
@KevinvanderVelden What if I do it anyway?
I 'unno, I'll put on blackbriar or something
I mean, that's pretty much regardless of the humming but still
@KevinvanderVelden a black bra?
Uuuuh, no? That's not what I said
(INB4 modabuse)
Black brie?
Black Blair? That's racist
The last thing i needed was the intense smell of gasoline
Thanks NS
Black Friday
Rebecca Black Friday
Black Brain?
Ugh I have a bit of a headache
Lack of sugar, you should grab a donut
No I need to be healthy
Also my password was apparently revoked with no warning
U've been fired?
I hopefully have a new job!
Second interview yesterday went really well
@SaintWacko \o/
I should know early next week
@SaintWacko YOU STOLE @twobugs's JOB?
Apparently @SaintWacko is my replacement
Ah damn mobile inb4
@KevinvanderVelden Does this mean that @SaintWacko is going to stream games now?
No there's something weird with our system that just locks people out randomly
But good luck @SaintWacko!
@SaintWacko Here's hoping!
My second interview is on Monday.
But I can't start until middle of September, anyways.
I did this shoprunner sign up for free 2day shipping on my newegg order but it was only half my order :/
@twobugs other people trying to login as you?
I hope not!
It's @SaintWacko !
I managed to get nurse and doctor appointment in between finishing this job and starting new one
I'm like 'I can only do thursday'
they are like 'Ok, sorted'
.... me: 'what, you , how?!'
I talked to our IT guy and I thought it was resolved but I still can't connect to even internal sites
Ur so fired -_-;
I rmemeber having to revoke a VP's remote access once
then he called the IT desk and no one would answer the phone to tell him he had no job
In other news, I'm continually getting updates from my new employers
this is weird, Employers who feel like I should actually know what's happening
@SaintWacko Oh and good luck!
@djsmiley2k I haven't been quite as busy in the Bridge lately, because I've been spending the past couple weeks burning through a Python course as fast as I could :P
Oh well, if I get fired then full time twitch streaming!
In order to prepare for this second interview
@SaintWacko Not cisco is it?
@djsmiley2k No, Treehouse
I found learn python the hard way really good btw
just the free online course
I have a 'pending' interview with Cisco for a role there which is heavily python and bash based.... waiting, waiting waiting
Half way through the process they went 'oh we don't need anymore people sorry, you're next in line'
which I should play oine day. I regret very much not buying it during one of the beta sales.
@djsmiley2k Oh, the company? No, the company is one that manages and controls pumps for the oil field industry
Python the hard way? Like... if you can't write this script the bomb will go off?
Ah nice
@twobugs and the bomb is attached to your unmentionables
I thought you meant the online course
@SaintWacko ah :)
So anyone got a nice idling type game I can play while at work
I enjoyed that potato one
Egg Inc is neat but it's a mobile game
I need something in browser
An old one is fine
if it's good :D
There's that RPG one... I can't remember the name but @StrixVaria 100%d it
@twobugs What kind of game is this?
Incrementer, pretty active one
@djsmiley2k Realm Grinder? Cookie Clicker? Kittens Game?
Current status: in bed
Realm Grinder is pretty complex.
Maybe I should have a shower first tho
well kongregrate is blocked
I asked one of the tutors what's the minimum browser support level our projects should target. "Punch cards" came back as the answer
well nevermind then.
Realm Grinder sounds interesting
@KutuluMike Doesn't like like it on the first few ascensions, but it goes seriously deep.
I've been playing Realm Grinder for like, weeks.
@PrivatePansy so telnet? fun!
@PrivatePansy sweet! fires up lynx
yeah, once you unlock excavating it picks up.
I just got mercs so now I have to figure out merc builds.
Awwww kitten game is blocked too, sad times :(
Someone remind me about realm grinder
You can implement your own plain text MUD
How cool is that?
@twobugs don't forget Realm Grinder
@KutuluMike I haven't played it in probably months.
@Arperum they just added a new spell thing after R42
@twobugs your realms are inadequately ground
I was on R3 I think? Not sure anymore. Not far in anyway.
I"m on R3 now.
Q: Which consoles + games will I need to play the entire Kingdom Hearts series when KH3 is released?

mhelvensWhen Kingdom Hearts 3 is released, I'd like to play through all Kingdom Hearts games in order. Let's say that by all I refer to the main games + the 'Chain of Memories'-tier games. (I believe there are some smaller tie-ins, but I can do without those.) Which consoles and discs (cartridges?) will...

Q: Does the pets provide bonus for the party during quests?

Rafael LimaI found a lot of information saying that it provides bonus for the owner of it, but... it somehow doesn't make sense, on a party it's sort of expected it would get a bonus for everybody, no?

@Wipqozn -1 for being seen
@Lazers2.0 All of them.
@Sterno Yes
paused at the skylight window. -5
I did find that route but went back and did checkpoint stuff anyway because I HAVE TO
Right now I've got like 30k credits and already bought both Praxis kits for sale. I'm pretty sure I explored way, way more than I needed to
I wonder how @badp is doing on hour 39 of his day.
@Sterno ded.
Tat was unexpected.
@Sterno just out of a shower
and almost straight into my bed
Goddamnit Sterno
@RedRiderX I got a sorrow spider
Does anyone have a link to that anti-friday userscript?
I don't think those follow through link shorteners
Can we stop with all the Friday trolling and starring that happens every single Friday? It's getting really old.
Years of data suggest we can't.
@Sterno Congratulations, you just made me install It's Never Friday on my home machine. Been meaning to do that for a while.
@MBraedley link?
I just don't click links. Especially starred links.
@Nzall gist.github.com/Unionhawk/… plus you need Greasemonkey, if on Firefox.
If you're on chrome, just use PorkChat
@MBraedley Does TamperMonkey work as well?
@Nzall For Chrome
Okay, it works
Yes, but as I said, just use the Chrome extension.
@twobugs Clickpocalypse 2
That one is pretty passive but one of my favorite incrementals.
@MBraedley lol I forgot I forked that without the "all links are Friday on Friday" feature
It was quite fun
@Sterno Oh wow, yeah, that's surprising.
@Sterno I did the whole quest where you mess up the fake cop
Man, I wish I'd gotten this conversation implant earlier
I mean, I don't think I've needed it, but it's kind of cool
@Sterno How do you feel about the game in general? enough polish? performance alright? not many bugs? gameplay enjoyable?
I'm happy with it.
How amazing is the world that we can now drive electrics cars faster than they can fall out of a plane?
The Tesla Model S P100D is now faster in a straight line than it would be if you dropped it out of a plane.
@Nzall That's a cool way to think about it
@Nzall pfff, not very aerodynamic then is it
It can beat terminal velocity. Good step forward, I guess.
Make it more aerodynamic so it has a higher terminal velocity =p
@Sterno yeah it's near
Honestly, I don't remember my life before I saw this: https://vine.co/v/OP3zzVqBi0V
Now we just need to figure out how to make the government fill in papers at a faster rate than it takes for them to have to start using new ones
Important Vine Alert
@Unionhawk just another mildly amusing vine
seen better. seen worse
@KevinvanderVelden I know you're joking, and the tweet is using the wrong word, but he's talking about acceleration, not speed.
@MBraedley oh that's not clear from the tweet at all
So it accelerates faster than gravity basically
@Sterno how? what? How did you manage to make that translucent if you don't hover it?
I don't know what you're talking about so I'm going to blame @fredley scripts
Yeah, if you just installed PorkChat it's one of the features, you can turn it off in the settings.
@KevinvanderVelden Would it have been clearer if he used "quicker" instead of "faster"?
ah, okay
@Nzall PorkCHat.
@Sterno That's a safe bet
@Sterno Also I thought this was in reply to @MBraedley installing the no more friday sript
Could have had a better name than PONIES
@Nzall That name is based in history
@Nzall Sounds like the perfect name to me
I mean for clarity. I checked the options menu, but many of those options just have a really obfuscated name
@MBraedley no it would have helped if he used the word accelerates =p
Or doesn't make meaningless complications and just says compares it directly with gravity
It would have helped if @fredley had voted against Brexit instead of for it
@Wipqozn I really kind of want to do a playthrough where I murder everyone. It's hard to hack all these turrets that you can set to friendly fire and NOT do it
That's what he referred to
@fredley wasn't there even a backronym for PONIES? That was the best
There was
He posted it for the Stack Apps thing
@KevinvanderVelden Prevent Oneboxed Naughty Images Everywhere Safely
@Nzall That's not how any of this works
Essentially, what they say is that the car can do 1-60 on the road in a shorter timespan than it takes for that same car to reach 60 mph vertical speed when dropped from a plane
Huh. Apparently FF 15 is pulling a reverse FF 13.
First half is open world.
Second is linear.
@Wipqozn I think I just found another way into Koller's that totally bypasses the shop. it's super easy though so maybe it doesn't open until you've been there once.
Or maybe you're just bad at the game
This Next Warehouse site has the monitor I want in stock but meh shipping
@Frank I'm excited for this game even thougg I expect it to be a bit of a mess
@twobugs I'm curious to see how they work it.
@TimStone Just think. One day you might look back and think of 2016 as the last good year.
If that's the direction we're going we're torching this place
@Sterno pls
Dammit I might just buy from Next Warehouse
Independence Day IRL cannot happen soon enough...
@Nzall Then we just find out the earth is screwed because aliens have way better tech than us.
@Frank yeah, it won't be lasers against missiles this time, it would probably be planet busters versus sponges
Woo, I'm coming up on flag 1500.
Oh, it actually doesn't have this in stock. It just doesn't tell you that until checkout. Wonderful.

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