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Q: In the N64 Pokemon games, why was it required to save in a Pokemon Center

TylerShadsPokemon Stadium and Pokemon Stadium 2(I am unsure about the GC and Wii games as I do not have them readily available to test out anymore), it was required for you to save your portable game in the Pokemon Center in order to access anything involving your party or boxes/save data. Why? Was it a ...

@GnomeSlice If you don't try, you have a 100% chance of failure.
This seems like an unanswerable question.
@Ullallulloo I don't even know how to charge for this kind of work
@AshleyNunn I can see how it could be, but I'm not exactly an expert on that topic.
@GnomeSlice well you get paid $0 for not doing it.
@AshleyNunn I think it's kind of a tradition that was carried over from the original GB games where it didn't have enough memory to hold the current game state and the box in RAM at the same time, so it needed to save so it could load the rest out of memory.
@OrigamiRobot I get paid $0 and a lot of embarrassment/shame for doing it poorly.
I doubt there'd be an actual reason still on the N64.
@GnomeSlice and experience so you can do it right the next time.
@GnomeSlice What are the chances that you'll see these people again?
@Ullallulloo Every time I watch one of their videos? Besides, it will ruin my self-esteem.
@AshleyNunn yes.... why did they design it that way is off-topic...
@Wipqozn That was my other thought/
however, tyler is also asking (hello btw @TylerShads!), if this was due to some programming reason
@Wipqozn I've been spotted o.x
TylerShads used Teleport
I suppose so. I just don't know how we can prove that. But then again, I know little to nothing about game design, so maybe someone has information somewhere.
@GnomeSlice After I got my A+ certification, I failed to install a wireless router because I never restarted the computer. It was embarrassing. I got over it.
If you feel its unanswerable, feel free to close it, I just couldn't find anything myself searching google + bulbapedia + thought it was an interesting thought.
@TylerShads well, as a rule, we don't allow "Why did they design it that way?" questions
> Was it a specific programming reason that made the Pokemon Center code easier to use to access your data?
I think that is allowed.
I'm not certain.
@Wipqozn Wasn't aware of that one =x
Q: "Why did They design it that way, anyway?", and why do we allow or disallow these?

Grace NoteWe get an unusually large number of questions along this line. This question comes up because of this recent closure. I'm bringing it up because our handling of this is... inconsistent. This question is roughly identical in nature to the above, except it's not downvoted at all (possibly due to b...

@Wipqozn The main thing to look at is, "Are we the expected body of knowledge to actually be able to answer this?"
Q: Is there an easy way to figure out which DLCs have you bought already?

pootzkoAssume you bought a game on steam and 7 out of 10 DLCs that are available for that game. When you go (in the steam application) to "LIBRARY" -> "game XY" -> "DLC", you get a list of all DLCs that are available for the game XY but none of the DLCs are marked as bought or not... (?!) At least I don...

Q: Help me find the name of this strategy game

sepehr noor Hi, I remember playing a strategy game as a kid, based on tanks. It was pretty awesome. You had a building that constantly spawned tanks, and you could control them. The enemy had the same. The tanks could destroy eachother, but not the buildings. Instead, "destroyed" buildings were converted to...

Q: In the N64 Pokemon games, why was it required to save in a Pokemon Center

TylerShadsPokemon Stadium and Pokemon Stadium 2(I am unsure about the GC and Wii games as I do not have them readily available to test out anymore), it was required for you to save your portable game in the Pokemon Center in order to access anything involving your party or boxes/save data. Why? Was it a ...

There's a wealth of difference between something "A Gamer could know" and something "A Gamer should be able to answer".
@GraceNote I think it fall under "Could know" but not "should be able to answer".
Although I do think it is an interesting question.
Do you think I would get a better answer on Game Dev?
Most likely. They're the people who actually do the whole programming part, after all.
The more I think about it, I think this Does belong on game-dev.
@TylerShads prossibly
since it's about the development of a game.
I say move it then, sorry ^^
Essentially, you're asking about fields of knowledge dealing with the interaction between the N64 and the Gameboy code - that's more what a Game Dev would know how it works, a Gamer is expected to know that it simply works.
The question is, do they have access to the code?
we should ask first though
A gamer certainly could know, but that's like asking your friend, who is good with computers in general, and they happen to know by having read up on it once - it's a chance thing, not a matter of domain expectation.
How random.
I honestly thought it was more interesting trivia, but thinking it more with how I asked it, yeah, it is a dev question shrug.
No harm, no foul. ♪
@TylerShads Game dev doesn't seem to like questions about specific games.
@TylerShads Then we'd have to find ways to add more angry badgers to this package we're sending you.
@TylerShads oh no, he's becoming disgruntled! Duck!
I'm suddenly popular o.x
New elections? Odd
@GraceNote Perhaps a larger box?
in Game Development, 1 min ago, by Trevor Powell
I mean, if it was rewritten to "What are the advantages of only allowing the player to save in specific places?" then maybe that'd work.
@Oak Skyrim
Feels like the last ones were really recent
The last ones were 5 months ago
@Ullallulloo oh hehehe you have a point
@TylerShads wait, did you just have to save anywhere in the Pokemon Center or at the computer in the Pokemon Center?
@Oak We grew fast.
@Ullallulloo We should just call this "The Skyrim Elections"
@OrigamiRobot just had to be inside a pkmn center
@Ullallulloo [insert tree pun]
GnomeSlice...actually...didn't realize that was John?
@TylerShads Now that is weird.
Oh my god that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.
@Mana Yup. That is precisely what happened.
@OrigamiRobot which is why i thought itd be good.
@Mana yeah, was the high point of my day.
@Mana I missed where he was supposed to recognize him
@Wipqozn some day
@TylerShads That is a good question
let me rephrase... on-topic question
Weew! Having 350+ AP with Sion is fun. =3
@FallenAngelEyes I can't see pings once the game starts, btw. x.X
Man, I love elections, with all the tension
Need moar candidates
Q: Minecraft | Creating skin miniatures

ShamaokeHow can I create a skin miniature in Minecraft? A miniature is a small preview of a skin. To understand what I'm talking about look at this site. Thanks.

@Oak Are you going to run?!
@Mana I love the tension of watching others and not knowing who will win :)
@Oak :(
At least we got 4 candidates in like an hour
That's a good sign
I don't think I'm going to nominate this time.
@GnomeSlice because you no longer want to, or because you are pessimistic about your chances?
Because if it's the latter, I think you should nominate
If I nominate another user, do they get a message to accept the nomination and fill out their election profile?
I've kind of made a complete ass of myself since the last election.
@OrigamiRobot I don't think you can.
@OrigamiRobot you cannot, one can only self-nominate
@GnomeSlice This we changed it after the first one.
Oh, I could've sworn I saw something about nominating others and the requirements to do so. I have brain problems.
@GnomeSlice I think that if you're still interested in the position, you should nominate no matter what. First of all, because you have nothing to lose; no one will laugh at you for trying (at least I won't). Secondly, because it tells other users you're seriously interested in that position. If not for this election, this will carry weight for the next.
Arda wasn't super-popular in the last elections, iirc
And yet he tries again
I can respect that
I don't actually recall the stats from the last elections, to be honest
And I got absolute last in the first.
Being last > not being there at all
Unless you got like no upvotes or something like that
@Oak I'm not as eloquent as most of the other users. I don't have the reps, the flags, I have more suspensions, I post more controversial stuff, and I can't guarantee time for moderation.
@Oak The reason I don't nominate myself. =P
@TylerShads—How did pokemon trading in the N64 versions work? (I never played them, myself.)
I know that in the Gameboy games, trading Pokemon was only allowed within Pokemon centers because imagine what would happen if you ran deep into a cave, smashing rocks and pushing boulders, then traded away your Pokemon with Strength and Rock Smash? The game designers wanted to make sure you were someplace safe (A PokeCenter) before ridding yourself of any HM-bearing Pokemon.
@Oak What if you get downvotes?
@GnomeSlice err
@GnomeSlice They don't show downvotes to save your pride
@GnomeSlice But you didn't get only downvotes, didn't you?
Do I need to use "didn't you?" or "did you" at the end of that sentence?
Always forget
@Oak Did you
didn't makes no sense
But you didn't get only downvotes, did not you?
@Oak depends on what you want the sentence to say.
Yes, but sometimes natural language makes no sense
thanks :)
@Oak I didn't run.
@GnomeSlice so you got no downvotes! Super!
if you are actually asking: didn't
Give it a go, see how it goes now
if you are confirming that he did get only downvotes: did
I think I'll abstain again.
@OrigamiRobot now that makes sense. Thanks!
And he's correct, it's 'did'.
@GnomeSlice :(
Come on
@GnomeSlice see, you already help other users (with their English), that's a mod-like quality
I think 'didnt' is correct in this case
Do you honestly think I'd make it?
Oh sweet! Steam let me in the mobile beta! :D
I think I've generated more flags in chatrooms than anyone else on the network.
@John cool! Who are you, again?
But you didn't get only downvotes, didn't you? = But you did get some upvotes, didn't you?
@Oak ...
That was pretty funny...
... and it's stuck there until the bug is fixed
@GnomeSlice my point is, even if you won't pass this time, next time (and after Guild Wars 2 or Diablo 3, there will be another election) people won't ask themselves who you are, like people are doing to poor John here
@Oak Yeah... well I linked to the conversation, so hopefully @GnomeSlice won't have too much of a tarnishing effect on my reputation. :/
@Oak Those games are never coming out.
@Oak I think everybody knows who I am.
@GnomeSlice You... have actually seen me around the site, right?
@Oak John who?
@John I thought your username was just 'John'...
@Oak I dunno, if someone was a good candidate, I wouldn't really base my decision based on the number of times that they've run before.
And it's still showing as John in chat. I checked, so I assumed it wasn't you.
@GnomeSlice It was
@GnomeSlice It was for a long time, but you have seen me around the site, right? RIGHT?
@GnomeSlice well that might be true. And I'm sorry, I'll stop pestering you, I'm a bit overdoing it. I have a hidden agenda here that I want to see as many candidates as possible. Why? I'm not even sure myself :)
@GnomeSlice It's John in chat because on every other site in the network, it's just John, and I have my chat parent set to MSO.
@John I'm sure I've seen you on the site...
@GnomeSlice Good.
@Tristan Up for some Spiral Knights?
@John I think I'll pass, man. But thanks for the offer. I'm debating on whether or not to go to sleep.
@Tristan What is the biggest competition for sleep?
@OrigamiRobot wat
@Tristan What is the other side of the debate?
@Oak I'm not actually sure I'd be a good moderator, is the thing.
That's reason enough for me to not nominate.
@GnomeSlice that is true.
I like the format some of the candidates are using
which separates why they want to be a mod, from what will make them a good mod
@OrigamiRobot Well... I like to think of it like a hamlet soliloquy. "To sleep, or not to sleep, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of Tier 2 depth, or take arms against a wave of LoL Champions."
Q: Will items dropped on the ground ever disappear?

Biff MaGriffWith the thieves guild missions to steal X amount worth of items from Y I find myself with a lot of crap items that aren't even worth selling. So usually I just stop and drop everything on the ground. Unfortunately this means that Riften now has random piles of plates and goblets and other garba...

@Tristan T2. Definitely T2.
@John I was really just using that as an example, as I am unbelievably tired, and neither the coffee, nor the Monster I drank are helping.
@Tristan :(
@John oh, I've used up all my stars for the day :(
@Wipqozn :(
@Wipqozn covered.
@Tristan THank you!
@Tristan double
quick, log into steam so I can brohoof you @Tristan!
Four out of the 8 starred messages are ":( - by @John"
@Tristan I lol'd
@Tristan one of them is about starring all the :(
1 hour ago, by OrigamiRobot
I support @Wipqozn in his effort to star all of @John's :(
@Wipqozn Oh! And one of them is a full sentence ending in :( by @John
@Wipqozn Hm... Might want to retry that one. The ( looks like a weird tongue.
@Tristan It really does.
@Tristan Now I can't not see this.
@OrigamiRobot SUCCESS!!!
Is this the behavior of potential mods?
@OrigamiRobot Yes.
@OrigamiRobot There's a reason I'm not running.
Which means you should obviously vote for me.
@Wipqozn Are you going to run?
@Mana Yes sir.
Got a problem with that? If so, I'll see you at the flag pole at dawn!
Cool. Good luck!
@Wipqozn But I'm considering running myself. Although I expect no on to vote for me.
@OrigamiRobot Well, I just assume everyone is going to vote for me 3 times.
@Mana Thank you.
@Wipqozn Look!!! @FallenAngelEyes is close to joining us!
@Tristan Not quite, still haven't watched it yet. :P Friend of mine who does linked that though.
It's raining gravatars!
Now is an excellent time to start.
I have too much tv already!
@FallenAngelEyes That's not TV, that's youtube.
@Wipqozn Is there a youtube playlist that has the eps in order?
@Wipqozn of a tv series >_>
@AshleyNunn I have never seen one. The problem is that they often get taken down and put back up
So a single playlist would probably go out of date too quickly
@murgatroid99 Right. Unfortunately, that would be my best way to find all of it.
@AshleyNunn But they're all numbered fairly well, so they're not hard to find.
@AshleyNunn I usually just search by episode number and then click the first link that is English and HD
@Tristan Neat. I am tempted to at least check out one episode.
@FallenAngelEyes What are you watching?
I'll let you know which ones are inferior to MLP:FIM
@AshleyNunn Then watch the one @Wipqozn linked
That is the first
@Wipqozn :P
@AshleyNunn The first one is a 2-part episode, but the rest of them can be watched in any order, for the most part.
@Tristan Except for the season 2 premiere, which is also a 2-parter
@murgatroid99 If I wasn't in class, I would.
@Wipqozn How many seasons are there?
@AshleyNunn so? Your entire class can watch?
@Wipqozn Ahh yes... Discord...
@AshleyNunn They are part-way through season 2
@AshleyNunn They are part way through the second
@Tristan discord <3
He's my favourite character in the series.
@Wipqozn This disappoints me... Clearly Derpy should be everyone's favorite.
@Wipqozn That would be more exciting than discussing individual word usage in a tech document.
@Tristan Clearly
@Tristan On the other hand, Discord is Q
@murgatroid99 Pretty much
He was created as a homage to the character.
@murgatroid99 Q?
Apparently the producers were really happy when he agreed to voice the part
@AshleyNunn From Star Trek:TNG. He is the same actor and almost the same character
@murgatroid99 You said Q and I thought Bond...
Q is a fictional character who appears in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, as well as in related products. In all of these programs, he is played by John de Lancie. The name "Q" also applies to all other individuals of the Q Continuum. Q is said to be omnipotent, and is continually evasive regarding his motivations. His home, the Q Continuum, is accessible to the Q and their guests, and the true nature of it is said to be beyond the comprehension of "lesser beings" such as humans so it is only shown to humans in wa...
@murgatroid99 Ah I don't know anything about Star Trek.
@AshleyNunn I died a little inside...
@Tristan Sorry. My knowledge of anything remotely sci-fi is relatively new.
@AshleyNunn It contains Doctor Who... So it's a good start.
@Mana I really wish I could star this
@Tristan True
I go away for an hour and what happens to this place?
@Tristan Oh good.
not an hour. Felt like an hour.
@Mana We're discussing Star Trek, and sci-fi.
@Tristan @mana is a corrupt mod who hates happiness though.
He wants us all to be miserable.
@Tristan I know Doctor Who, Firefly, Babylon 5, and a bit of Farscape.
Now, if you elect me as mod, there will be fun times all around!
@Wipqozn You need new jokes so badly.
@AshleyNunn That's a pretty nice start. Now to add Star Trek, Star Wars, and... hmm...
@Mana Whatever do you mean?
@Tristan I've seen the original Star Wars movies. :D
@Wipqozn siiiiiiiigh
@Mana I'm afraid I don't understand your frustration.
@AshleyNunn Yayyy! =3
Also, I love this wallpaper:
@Wipqozn Saved, but... It won't be replacing my current background anytime soon.
@Wipqozn Problem is, that is his "Priceless" face
@Tristan Which is...?
@Wipqozn I'm just gonna leave it at that, as I don't want to give anyone anymore of a reason to make fun of me. <.<
@Tristan steam?
@Wipqozn Hm...
I actually have two back grounds right now, one for each monitor. This is one of them (which is awesome @mana):
I have one background that I have used for a few years
@murgatroid99 I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
@murgatroid99 Your monitor is small?
@murgatroid99 How can you sit at your computer and not think it's going to spit fire at you?
@Ullallulloo Actually my monitor is not that small, but this image was not made as a background
I just liked it and decided to use it
I have a lot of wallpapers that Windows 7 rotates between, but my computer isn't fixed yet, so I can't really post them.
Just in case anyone's wondering, Steam tells you you're allowed into the mobile beta by way of an inventory item.
@Tristan OK now I am curious about what your background is
@murgatroid99 One sec. @Wipqozn said it gave him a virus, so I'm looking into it.
@Tristan OK
@Tristan Well, do you have a viral background?
@Tristan bwuh?
Well, the good news is that I'm 99% sure the virus didn't come from my computer. The bad news is, I think it came from Dropbox.
@Tristan That's a special .jpg.
@Ullallulloo I've scanned the file 3 times now and it's come back with nothing. My AV programs are up to date.
@RonanForman who's your dad? O.o
@Raven ChrisF, why?
@RonanForman Because of the starred comment about your dad.
Is the steam sale Glow Fish any good or a kiddy game? It is only £1.74, so, considering getting it, but, not really sure if it is worth it :/
I assume he's a moderator somewhere else?
Ummm, DIY and webapps I think...
Possibly somewhere else too, I'm not sure.
@Tristan I did notice that link took a while to work....now I'm glad I canceled before it did.
@John What link?
@RavenDreamer He's got like 3 diamonds, 20K on another site, and 10K on ~3 more.
@William Being a 'kiddy' game and being fun aren't mutually exclusive.
His chat profile says so.
@Tristan The Dropbox link that you posted here for @Wipqozn a few hours ago.
@RonanForman ok, I said that wrong.... Moonbase commander is one of my favourite games and is completely kiddy/bright colours e.t.c. ... Is it fun/worth the money then!?
@John Well, after some digging, @Wipqozn said it might have been something he had on his computer already. As far as I know, @OrigamiRobot hasn't had any issues with Dropbox.
@Tristan Nor I, but still.
yeah, and it didn't show up on my laptop when I access that earlier link.
Haven't played it, I just wanted to make the distinction.
@RonanForman fair enough! I'll be more careful next time! :P
Just can't seem to find any reviews or anything :/
@WilliamHilsum I think @FallenAngelEyes has played it...maybe...
Q: Is this Fireplace Safe?

Sonic42I built a wood house that I'm rather proud of. I've built a fireplace that seem safe, but I don't want to risk burning my house down. I've seen plenty of tutorials online for making safe fireplaces, but most of them are more than 1 year old, and possibly obsolete. I tried reading the Minecraft Wi...

(Thanks @John) @fallenangeleyes when/if you are there, can you let me know if Glowfish is worth £1.74 or not! Thanks!
@FallenAngelEyes I was wondering that as well... <.<
So, I'm running a full scan now.
I don't think I've shared anything from my computer here, but if I find a virus I will mention it just in case.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh, I can't star that!
I need stars :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz elections? there aren't any elections. just a figment of your imagination.
@Wipqozn The day resets in 9 minutes.
@John Dawn of the 2nd Day.
@Wipqozn (If you are out of stars, Pin!)
@Tristan What?
@John Get out.
@Wipqozn Why?
Oh...some reference I should be getting that I'm not getting?
@John Yes
Just so you know @John, all the respect I've gained for you?
All lost.
@Tristan That took me a couple of minutes to get
@Wipqozn You already know I've never played Zelda. Why should this be reaffecting you now?
Also, for anyone who's played Majora's Mask:
Or anyone who's a fan of video editing, I suppose.
@WilliamHilsum I haven't played Glowfish, sorry, though I seem to remember looking at it a couple months back and deciding not to shell out for it, for some reason.
@John IT just is.
@Wipqozn Everytime you capitalize the first syllable like that, I read it like you've hiccuped.
1.74 isn't bad for a casual game
@FallenAngelEyes For a second I thought you meant Metascore and I didn't understand why anyone would consider buying it
@murgatroid99 haha

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