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@DavidB Coincidentally, while all my friends and roommates engrossed themselves in the deathtrap that was the WoW free demo, I decided against it.
@RonanForman No, I havent watched yet
oh bollocks, it's still hanging on loading.
@DavidB That's how it was in the original box art.
I didn't play box art.
Y'know, I'm waiting for one of these Capcom fighting games to actually use "Retro Boxart Megaman" as an actual character.
@DavidB ...Box art. The art... on the game box.
@Gnomeslice Did you play box art
@DavidB No, I did not play box art.
@GraceNote I was hoping to see Megaman in the last Super Smash Brothers.
I didn't expect that to happen.
@GraceNote Also, I don't know if you're aware, but you could unlock a Retro Megaman skin in Lost Planet.
Unfortunately, that skin was only available for PC players.
stunningly misleading NES box art for the win. (some strong language)
@agent86 ". C’mon, this one was a no-brainer. I’m pretty sure there are academic papers dedicated to the cover art to Mega Man and how utterly atrocious, yet beautifully chaotic it is." XD
@AshleyNunn I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I dislike Bacon.
@AshleyNunn this is what @powerlord uses to woo women.
@Wipqozn I am picky about it. I don't like crispy bacon.
I'm sure @powerlord reads that is "Wipqozn is a terrible personn"
@agent86 That was so my first though when I saw it
@Wipqozn bacon is awesome, you take that back now.
@agent86 I think that's what women use to woo @powerlord
@agent86 Never.
@Wipqozn women woo powerlord?!
spoiler alert: I always win.
@agent86 Because you are always right?
@agent86 No you don't
@GraceNote oh snap
Unless you'd want to re-establish that fight you forfeited before you could properly lose.
@GraceNote that one time the arena was broken.
@Wipqozn I no longer accept you as any kind of overlord.
and forfeiting is different than losing.
@OrigamiRobot :(
@Wipqozn This is your own doing.
ergo, quid pro quo, e plurbus unum, I'm right.
Keep on with your excuses.
if it weren't for excuses, I'd never win :D
@agent86 The difference being you admit you are inferior to your opponent.
psh, inferior? me? never.
So, @GraceNote, what's the surprise again?
if she told you, it wouldn't be a surprise.
The surprise happening in a few hours.
@agent86 shhhh, I'm trying to trick her!
@agent86 nifty link, that blastermaster box art... no further comment really
@agent86 104.3a A player can concede the game at any time. A player who concedes leaves the game immediately. He or she loses the game.
@OrigamiRobot you just got served @agent86
@Wipqozn MtG Comp Rules FTW!
@DavidB Speaking of Blaster Master.
@OrigamiRobot but we're playing by agent86 internet rightness rules. by those rules, I always win, except when I don't. And whether I do or not is at my discretion. Therefore, good day, sir. good day.
is the music in the video, the music in the game? the main thing I remember about blastermaster was the hyperactive 80's 8bit music
@agent86 101.3 Any part of an instruction that‘s impossible to perform is ignored.
I don't think I ever finished blaster master. Or most NES games, for that matter.
I had a friend whose parents would only buy them a new game when they beat the one they had purchased previously. That seemed like a bad, bad thing.
@agent86 I would never see a new game ever that way
@DavidB Yes. But it's not Blaster Master. The game in that video is called 'Helena the Third' and it's an homage to Blaster Master.
@OrigamiRobot 101.8 THE X - CLASSIC ROCK 24/7 random sound effects
@AshleyNunn indeed, especially in the NES era.
I must say, I'm surprised powerlord didn't magically appear when we started to talk about bacon
I'm not surprised
I'm fairly certain he has 6th Sense. A bacon sense.
@GraceNote what would surprise you?
@agent86 Yeah. For sure. Although I did once leave my NES on for a really long time (a few weeks, at least) so I could try and complete SMB3.
prepares to be surprised by what would surprise GraceNote
@GraceNote Nor I, just wanted to crack my bad joke.
@agent86 This seems like a quick way to get a lot of good games in that era. Back when it only took less than a day to beat most games.
@GraceNote I don't think it was the only gate. But they did have to start by beating SMB, no easy feat for a preteen.
@agent86 The ending to Carrie startled me. I saw it for the first time over the weekend.
@AshleyNunn I think I've only beaten that game when warp-whistle "cheating" it.
It probably would've been a lot more impactful if there weren't 5+ minutes of commercials in between takes, though.
> The game, according to the cover art: Who the fuck knows? Laser-firing space ships with boxing gloves? Flying coat hangers with googly eyes? A bell? A pyramid? This could go anywhere.
@agent86 I never actually beat it. My mom turned off the NES one day when she brought my laundry up because she thought I had it on by accident. :(
@AshleyNunn this is sad. I am sad for you now. :(
I beat SMB2 in like, 30 minutes, once.
@GnomeSlice Twinbee?
@agent86 I have it on the Wii, so I should really try to beat it, because I can saaaaave.
@GnomeSlice The US or Japan version?
@Wipqozn US. And the GBA port.
@agent86 Luckily today standards game standards different and you can still enforce the same policy and know they won't get stuck forever.
Take, for example, Super Meat Boy.
What is so difficult about that game?
I must depart for now... but I shall return!
@GnomeSlice Why don't you try it? It's hard but good hard.
I mean, it's hard... but you can pretty easily 100% any level with 3-7 minutes of trying.
@badp I've played it. I'm familiar with it. I played the original one too.
@GnomeSlice That... sounds about what I expected.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, well, that's the beauty of it. Although I wish you could say the same of all levels.
Stupid 5-5.
@badp You should play N or N+. Or Dustforce.
(and stupid exam period)
@badp I'm still trying to unlock The Kid.
@Tristan lol, bandages. I have like a dozen.
@badp Bandages? That's it?
@GnomeSlice Yes
I have more than that and I haven't even finished the first world yet. Only had time to play it once, so far.
@GnomeSlice Oh, but the first world's actually easy.
@badp I'm familiar with the game, I played the original.
And the 'dark' version of it was quite a bit trickier.
yeah, not a fan of the dark worlds.
I loved it...
It's a shame all of the characters have different abilities.
It basically means you can't use any of them.
Because Meat Boy is the fastest.
You should play Beyond Good and Evil, LIMBO, and Lugaru.
and it's not "lol bye bitch"
@badp Heh.
@badp also, you might like this.
I see that was ultimately counterproductive :P
I seem to remember you talking about Blocks that Matter a while ago.
But this says you haven't started it yet
@GnomeSlice I really could not stand BG&E.
@agent86 What is wrong with you.
@badp You're looking into Deus Ex?
@GraceNote Which?
@badp Did you just add Brogue to the 'to master' list?
DEHR is pending some €5 sale or some such
@GnomeSlice Yes
@badp Well, period, I s'pose
Also, I see Tyrian 2000 on that list. It's a very comfortable game, when you get around to it. Take your time.
@badp Do you buy all of these games and then only play the bad ones?
@GraceNote Oh, I just ended up getting bored. I probably don't have the save game anymore anyway.
Some of these are amazing.
Oh, that also reminds me that I need to try elfsquad.
Speaking of save files... sigh... Aquaria.
@badp Also, I almost bought 'Bob Came in Pieces' a while ago. How was it?
I'd spent so many hours making sure I'd explored every inch of that world.
@GnomeSlice You can try its demo on Steam. It's nice.
@badp I'd rather not have to download it.
Which is why I'm asking.
@GraceNote I dunno how far I am in that game. As you probably have noticed by the card description, I'm right after the first bonus mission.
@badp I noticed Psychonauts in your "To Complete" and was wondering how far you were?
@badp That's anywhere from "You only beat one stage" to "Who knows how far"
John the Green on January 30, 2012


At the end of part 2 of my saga, I had just set off on a minecart track when I realized not all the track was there…


The instructions recommended playing with a mod that doesn’t let Enderman move anything (which I did), but I don’t know if I did it right or if it’s working. Nonetheless, this doesn’t look like the work of an Enderman. I panic, failing to realize that my cart was still moving. I actually continued my trip without ever stopping. Though the track continued its game of terrifying me with a sudden descent made completely of powered rails that …

@GraceNote Oh, it's random?
@badp if you don't have a gamepad, I'd recommend against getting Dustforce.
@Tristan Shortly after "let's make out"
@GnomeSlice Uh... afaik dustforce doesn't have gamepad support.
@badp Such an amazing game...
@badp It does. Took me a while to figure it out.
@badp The bonus levels are hidden, so which ones you hit, well, depends on whether you grabbed them.
You need to manually remap the keyboard controls to your gamepad input.
If you check the store page, it says 'gamepad enabled'.
I'd recommend setting your dash to one of your gamepad's bumpers.
There's three bonus level options in the first level, in fact. Most people's more common first bonus level tends to be in the Asteroid sections, though.
Okay, well, that's not a bonus level so much as a normal level. You're on the last level of episode 1. Which, admittedly, it's actually telling you that, but hey, I just knew ASSASSIN.
I dunno why I recorded that one actually. It's not a very good run.
So you're about 25% of the way through.
Four episodes? That's helpful.
@Gnome Hey, you're alive.
@Mana I didn't run away.
@GnomeSlice Actually it was helpful to see a non-amazing run
@badp Strange... I watched a few pro runs and immediately started fucking shit up.
and compare it with the demo run on the trailer
Mine was like 20 seconds slower than the fastest perfect score run.
@badp Yep. They aren't all the same length, but figuring in bonus levels, the first episode roughly accounts for 25% of the game length.
@badp The controls in dustforce put me off it for a while; they're very difficult. It's much easier with a gamepad.
@GnomeSlice This sounds like how everyone describes every platformer.
@GraceNote I'm not everyone.
The controls in Dustforce are sincerely difficult to use well, particularly on a keyboard.
@GraceNote Oh. I thought "LAST LEVEL" just meant "the last level you have played is 'ASSASSIN'"
It was an exaggerated ubiquitous statement.
There are many things you do in the game that go against your natural instinct for all other platformers.
@badp It is exactly that, you're on a bonus game that happens after it. I don't really count much into that, though.
Like holding up to begin a wall run, whereas games like Meat Boy require you to jump first.
That initial jump will screw up your run in Dustforce.
Doesn't sound too unintuitive once you get used to it.
@GraceNote No, but it takes some getting used to.
It's not always evident what you need to do either.
I'm quite accustomed to getting used to new mechanics swiftly.
I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out how to clear a spike pit after a ceiling run, only to eventually figure out that I didn't need to jump on to the ceiling, I could just press up and save my double jump.
@GraceNote Me too, hence the warning.
The dash control is really awkward on a keyboard, which was part of my problem.
@GnomeSlice Good.
@Mana Yet.
@GnomeSlice I mapped most of the keys to the home-row, so that helped me out, but I hate using the arrow keys.
Being lacking of a gamepad, I've somehow managed to get adjusted to using a keyboard even in the most unusual ways.
@Tristan A lot of games I'll remap the arrow keys to WASD.
@GraceNote I didn't have one until recently. I should try the keyboard controls again, now that I actually know how to play.
@GraceNote z, x, and c are your jump and attack keys though.
@GnomeSlice That sounds like standard fare
@GnomeSlice Would it be possible to map those keys to your mouse?
@Tristan I... I have no idea.
I doubt it.
(Also, if you can remap the directional keys, you would naturally remap the action keys as well)
@GraceNote Yes, it doesn't sound difficult, but you need to play it, and you'd see what I mean.
The dash control I found incredibly awkward on the keyboard.
@GnomeSlice I was just wondering, because I have a gaming mouse, so I feel like the bumper buttons would help me out with jumping, at least.
And the flow of the gameplay isn't the same as most other platformers.
@Tristan I can find out for you later, if you like.
I'll challenge that but I'll take some time to get the game. Kinda busy trying to hackney up ways to get AoS 2 and Protosphere.
@GnomeSlice I'll test it out when I finish eating. I was just curious if you knew off-hand. Thanks for offering though.
The dash key is like the most important key. It's not evident until you watch some replays.
Dashing enables you to keep your speed up after flying down an incline, so if you keep mashing it, you'll maintain that super gravity-induced speed until you stop dashing or are forced tojump/do other things.
One of the most annoying things about the game though, is that to earn keys to unlock new levels, you have to get a perfect score on a previous one.
That's sweeping up everything, not getting hit, and not losing your combo.
Ooh, combotastic. Always love doing those.
@GraceNote May or may not be the kind of combo you're thinking of.
If you don't clean anything for a short time, your combo drops.
There are no points.
Sounds exactly like the kind of combo I'm thinking of
You get a rank based on your 'completion' and your 'finesse'.
@GraceNote It's nothing new.
So, hence, "I love doing those".
For a while, it found it really difficult to not get hit by any enemies.
Even though there aren't many in each level, some of the little bastards are tricky.
hmm. I have to get a release of bootstrap-sass ready for tomorrow.
but I want to play BF3.
@ThomasMcDonald if only amateurs did it, it wouldn't be pro -crastination.
go forth and procratinatify.
Spleef arena made.
@RonanForman What's the redstone under it?
@GnomeSlice The starting system.
Ah. I just use doors. when the doors close, the game starts.
@RonanForman Try logging in to the server ip 'treepunch.ca', and tell them Gnome sent you to check out Spleef.
Whoa. @OrigamiRobot is playing LoL by himself! <.< He really must have enjoyed it.
Q: Can you individually use a SOFLAM to your advantage as recon class?

Michael PryorI tried for awhile to use the SOFLAM to laser target air vehicles, but no one else on the team was hitting them with javelins or laser guided tanks. (Same problem when I jump in a tank in the CITV station). Is there any way to use the SOFLAM individually to destroy enemy vehicles?

@RonanForman ?
@GnomeSlice If you're free I could show you how it works.
@RonanForman I can see how it works. And I'm not, unfortunately. I thought you were interested in seeing mine?
@RonanForman Does /warp spleef work for you?
Noone's on the server.
Hold on. Try typing /cc
I mean /ww
Oh the warp worked?
I see you here?
When can we play ctw again?
What? NPC plugin must have been fixed
Whatever my NPC is saying, it wasn't written by me.
@RonanForman That was fast.
I've seen it, it's boring, mine pushes you into the area.
I spent like a week on that shit.
Yeah, the doors close and the you have to walk in.
I've been meaning to try to set up a piston system.
=[ I spent a long time on that...
spleef is boring in general.
@ThomasMcDonald What maps are in the reddit tournament?
@RonanForman Can your arena handle multilevel spleef?
@Wipqozn I found a potential gravatar for you, but I don't want to post it here, as it will inevitably start something I don't feel like dealing with. Where should I send it? O.o
@Tristan Please don't.
@GnomeSlice I said I didn't want to post it here for a reason. o.O
@Ronan Er, I think there was a call for maps the other day.
@GnomeSlice No, but I'm sure it could be adpated, at the moment its not designed to be,
@Tristan steam
@RonanForman Mine can handle at least 6, maybe more, I forget.
@RonanForman Yours is cool for 1v1. I'd do a drop system into mine, but it's hard because the number of players is always different.
Also, it's been designed so that users can play it without having a moderator or admin operating it from the outside.
@Wipqozn I messaged you.
@GnomeSlice You can't map to the mouse in Dustforce. =(
I'm going to keep on posting this until people watch it.
@Tristan Ah, shit.
@RonanForman Is that King Arthur's Gold?
@RonanForman Terraria looks fun :)
@AshleyNunn 'Tis, can get a bit hectic though with fighting the enemies
@AshleyNunn It is amazing.
I think I might pick it up in February when I have money again
@AshleyNunn You need to be able to be pretty mobile though for some of the boss fights, not sure if that may be too tricksy for you. It's ultimately a kind of Metroidvania style game, though you could just focus on the building aspects if you wanted (but there's no Creative mode, like Minecraft).
@FallenAngelEyes Thanks for the heads up. I think I might give it a shot. Is there a demo somewhere? Or do I have to buy it to try it?
@AshleyNunn Also, it's really more fun playing with friends. Single player is still really fun, but MP is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, as it were.
@Tristan shut up! You don't know me!
@Tristan Good to know. I am sure I can find someone, somewhere, to play with me
@AshleyNunn Well... I think most of us on The Bridge have it... So... Might be a good place to start looking. =P
@Tristan Haha I figured as much :D
God-dammit @Wipqozn...
@AshleyNunn No demo on Steam it seems, not sure if there's any elsewhere. :/ If @Ronan got Terraria vids up on the GamingSE youtube, you could check out some gameplay to get an idea of what it's like.
@FallenAngelEyes His are of a custom adventure map, so what they're doing is slightly different, but the general idea of the game is there.
@AshleyNunn Another good place to see what it's like is to check out TobyGames on YouTube. He's up to part 196 of a Let's Play, and it's hilarious.
@Tristan I will check it out :D
Yay! =D
@Tristan Oh, I didn't know they were doing custom adventure for Terraria too.
@FallenAngelEyes That's what the dreadskull keep videos are that Ronan's been posting.
@OrigamiRobot Well... Are you enjoying the game?
@AshleyNunn Also, if it's any indicator of how much I like the game... I purchased 4 copies to gift to random Steam users who didn't have it... >.>
@Tristan That is a ringing endorsement if I ever heard one.
I wanna be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire...
@Tristan What would you do with the money? :)
@AshleyNunn Buy a car, house, pay back my family for the help they've been giving me, and invest.
@AshleyNunn I've got a vanilla Terraria video from before things got all crazy in hard mode on our multiplayer server
@Tristan Good plan :)
I'm gonna add some commentary to it and split it in two before uploading, but I'll be sure to let you know when I do
@IanPugsley That would be super awesome. :D
So, the Season 1 campaign trailer for League of Legends makes the game seem way more epic than it actually is.
@badp Re: Backloggery, yeah that was a deliberate design choice on the creator's part, but he's looking into remedying that. The last bullet point here explains it.
@Tristan ?
@Wipqozn Well, it was in exasperation at you not responding on Steam, but now that I know why, I feel it was unnecessary.
@GraceNote You didn't see the Street Fighter x Tekkan Megaman picture I posted the other day?
Here, lemmeh repost it.
@Tristan yeah, you're basically a terrible person
@Mana was it this one?
2 hours ago, by David B
user image
@Tristan also a better close up photo
@Wipqozn I do what I can.
That's the image which made me say the item that got starred.
		points[0] = origin.add(-width / 2, -height / 2);
		points[1] = origin.add(-width / 2, +height / 2);
		points[2] = origin.add(+width / 2, +height / 2);
		points[3] = origin.add(-width / 2, -height / 2);
I hate myself
@Mana Being one who uses "the other day" as an equally nebulous degree, how long ago are we talking?
@FallenAngelEyes He doesn't even need to do all of that, he could just interface with things like the Steam API
"Oh hey he owns those 100 games let's at least put the game names in it for him"
Without such a fundamental feature, I've basically done the same work on Trello and got something arguably better out of it
@Mana You didn't actually post the image directly here, did you?
Would that cover the use cases he stated, like imports, independent games, or self-created games?
@GraceNote I did
one sec
...oh my.
@badp Well, the reason I suggested it is the site's most of the use cases you have in your Trello thing, minus "to get" and "to install", that's all.
I understand not liking it because of its lack of a central database, but I'm more forgiving of it because it's just one guy running the site. All the other sites I know that do that (GamerDNA, Raptr, PlayFire, etc.) are huge and run by teams of people.
I don't know what to think anymore.
@Tristan Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
More likely, I am.
Q: Wii and S-Video results in black white window

Matthias KüchI've bought a third party Wii S-Video + Composite connection cable for my european black Wii (PAL / Wii Sports Resort + Wii Motion Plus edition). The connection of S-Video and my tv tuner card results in the following: which transforms to: and back... The Wii "Screen" menu states that 480...

@OrigamiRobot Good, good. Let the League flow through you.
god my team is idiots
I love how Puzzle Agent, upon failing a puzzle, tells me to "remember" something that was never mentioned in the rules. o.O
How do I respond to this?
@OrigamiRobot You enter the captcha. >.>
@OrigamiRobot You lie to us, naturally
@Tristan what is a "captcha"?
@Tristan you're ruining the poorly-crafted joke where he cropped out the captcha
@IanPugsley I have my suspicions.
@IanPugsley I cropped out the irrelevant garbage
@OrigamiRobot aww I'm telling, you called their design garbage!
@Tristan I entered "CAPTCHA" like it asked. It didn't work.
also apparently @StackExchange is a thing...who does it ping?
@IanPugsley Pretty sure it's the same as @Lazers
is there something that says when/why the captcha triggers?
I'm often surprised by it, like, cmon stackexchange, seriously? did I get uploaded into the matrix overnight and now I've turned to a life of spam?
@agent86 I assumed the site was trying to be friendly.
@Tristan ah right - the feed from other sites
> We've added disconnect adjustments for the bots in this patch. If a summoner disconnects, one of the bots will return to base and wait for them to come back.
@GraceNote yay! That sounds like a good thing.
@OrigamiRobot It's more balancing in exchange for removing the otherwise amusing challenge of ending up 2v5
@GraceNote "amusing challenge" - I didn't have a great time as a noob spending forty minutes to go 3/18/4 or some such
this was before I knew about the vote to surrender option
@IanPugsley Yeah, it's a bit different if you're in a losing scenario.
The balancing part is really important - it's entirely for the better to have this change.
You can always simulate unbalanced teams by having a dedicated idler, anyway.
@GraceNote never thought of that

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