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Man I'm just now remembering how a majority of the main cast of B5 is dead
is B5 on netflix?
Hahaha. Good joke.
The openings for B5 are less hype than I remember. Season 5 is still the best. It starts with a supercut of excellent moments from the earlier seasons
Highlight of B5 is Sheridan leaping off a balcony
That's the least heroic jump ever
@Sterno dat cgi
@Dragonrage physics, bruh
@Sterno I'm going to slap you so hard. It's very heroic.
@GodEmperorDune yep. even knowing exactly how it works, it still fascinates me
@twobugs what? no swift kick special?
Q: In minecraft I need to be hungry for a video i'm making. Is there any cheats to make myself hungry?

ErykaIn minecraft I really need to be hungry for a specific reason (dont need to tell you) But is there any cheats to make me hungry?

I liked b5 and there are scenes that are still awesome but TNG and DS9 really resonated with me more.
@Ash what season did DS9 get good?
@GodEmperorDune DSL really gets good once Sisko shaves his head. Seriously, that's like a huge turning point.
It sounds stupid but bald Sisko is a badass.
that will be interesting to see
@GodEmperorDune He doesn't deserve it yet
Q: Minecraft Allow Placement of Blocks

herbertpostmanIs it possible to have a block, which I can't place on another block at all when I don't play Adventure Mode? I have a special button in my Inventory which I don't want to be placed on an accidental right click in Survival Mode because I changed its name with an anvil.

Q: Reach Dragon Keep Tina's mission

Sam EvansSo recently I've completed the main part of borderlands 2 where Roland and handsome Jack were killed and after that I started Tina's quest thing. I just got to the part where you reach the gate and Roland meets you there, however Roland was killed, he's not spawning in, and the gates down restrin...

the only bad thing about watching the flash is that it shares a name with an atrocity by macromedia
I made the mistake of visiting /r/AskThe_Donald
@GodEmperorDune Season 3 and 4 is wher it really starts to get good, but seasons 1-2 have some great episodes
there's an episode near the end of season 1, can't remember the name, which is one of the best episodes from all of Trek
@Wipqozn whats it about?
@arda y u do dis
@Dragonrage Links for completeness? Definitely not trying this at my local gym on a throwaway account. — Peanut 14 mins ago
"Duet" is the 19th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In "Duet", Major Kira finds herself compelled to confront an apparent war criminal, the brutally efficient head of the Gallitep slave-labor camp. == Plot == A freighter docks at Deep Space 9 so one of its passengers may receive treatment for a condition called Kalla-Nohra. Dr. Bashir is unfamiliar with the condition, but Major Kira recognizes it, and informs Commander Benjamin Sisko that Kalla-Nohra was only contracted during a mining accident at a brutal labor camp called Gallitep, during the Cardassian...
@Wipqozn cool, thanks
man it really sucks that people are calling trump the "god emperor"
its totally ruining things for me
@Yuuki I love this scene.
Oh man, Mr. Greg was a really good SU ep
@Ash by far my favorite :)
Q: August 19th 2016 7:40 Minecraft Item dragging

Coco24On Minecraft, I was just playing on my server when I was forced to quit and restart my game. I joined my server and the next thing I knew was I couldn't drag and drop items, shift click items, and a few other problems. I tried reinstalling Minecraft but it didn't change. It also moves the number ...

> The research you're being fed is being payrolled by the government which asks for specific results in advance. Almost all of the forecasts made in the past have proved to be wrong by the way, so there goes your credibility argument. I suggest also looking at non-mainstream research if you want a more truthful picture.
@arda i blame you for this
> Climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Globalists, so they can implement a carbon tax.
Wow it's really hot out, where's that global warming when we need it?
@Wipqozn why did you rek the misery horse room? MOD ABUSE
@GodEmperorDune just that wipqozn one
don't need two of'em
but there's no @Wipqozn allowed in that room
@GodEmperorDune Fixed!
@GodEmperorDune #ibetyouareagainstwestvirginiatooyouhippie
i don't know what "the Globalists" are and i'm kind of scared to google it
Q: Minecraft 1.10.2 skins not showing

OwenOk. Whenever I go on a server, any server, nobody's skins show up. This has been happening since I made my account and its super annoying. My friends skins won't show up, mine won't. Everyone is just alex or steve. I haven't been able to google a fix because nobody else has experienced this. I kn...

ah, here was that site that debunked all the denier BS skepticalscience.com/argument.php
sad that it's php but the content is good
@GodEmperorDune I blame you for making me look at it again
@GodEmperorDune #therefrancedotjpeg
@Unionhawk yeah that was a good refrance
@GodEmperorDune Holy crap I forgot your name used to be Matt
also apparently gawker is sold
@Wipqozn still is I assume
@Unionhawk nah it's legally GodEmperorDune now
@arda anti intellectualism at its finest
@GodEmperorDune the comment I replied to was asking for it :P
@Unionhawk perfect
Wish Michelle Obama ran for POTUS :(
@arda me too
but i would also like a female POTUS that wasn't a FLOTUS first
@GodEmperorDune well clinton was flotus too
Yes that's his point
@twobugs ah, my bad
she is a great bureaucrat and will make great policy
but its always a thing that critics can point to "see, even the first female president rode her husband's popularity to win"
Q: I can't sign into the windows minecraft launcher

Daniel GhinnI have tried to sign into Minecraft launcher using my account and two of my friends accounts. It does not work. The Minecraft login servers are up. I managed to log in once today, but it was an offline session, so I could not play on my server. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this? Yes, I have t...

Q: How many planets exist within a single galaxy of "No Man's Sky"?

Tariq AliFrom It's impossible to visit every planet in No Man's Sky. Year: 2014. Publisher: Polygon. Sean Murray, co-founder of developing studio Hello Games, told IGN that the procedurally generated universe in No Man's Sky, the indie space exploration game that has captivated gamers since it was rev...

I should stop reading comments in internet news
*opens a news article* "huh trump is not a jerk about everything, he got one thing right" *scrolls to comments* "of course his supporters are a jerk about that"
Lol men's 4x100 got dq
Goddammit guys
Sorry Americans, sorry, sorry, totally not sorry.
I'm now angry at the comments.
@arda Yeah they're ALWAYS bad
Looks possibly protestable but maybe not
"the so anticipated men's diving" so anticipated, it happened hours ago
@Unionhawk oh no, now they won't get the gold! oh wait
@GodEmperorDune lost bronze and gave it to Canada
@Unionhawk i blame @Wipqozn and his hipster bowtie
God damn his bowtie
@Unionhawk Not a lane violation, hand-off violation. Hard to protest that. (Also, there was a lane violation on the final stretch.)
@MBraedley it looked within like a step. But yeah
Sorry Americans, sorry. (Totally not sorry.) #CAN #Rio2016 #4x100
cc @Unionhawk @EveryAmerican
Q: no pokemon on a lured pokestop

butchicI have this problem with my pokemon go. I am using Asus Zenfone 2 laser 500kl, everytime I am on a lured pokestop, there were no pokemon appearing. I can spin and got some pokeballs, egg or potion but there are no pokemon on the pokestop.

Q: Minecraft 1.10.2 Problem: Expected token 'm'

ReaLordI am making an adventure map that includes a sort of redstone clock. I want to set a command block connected to the clock and have it spawn items. Unfortunately, I am not very skilled in command blocks and could use a little help. This is my command. /setblock 138 93 254 minecraft:command_block...

@Yuuki perfect
what language is that btw? Looks like Thai language (but not sure)
@Yuuki oh shit Paris as a map confirmed?
@Unionhawk uhhhhh...
@Yuuki shh
I know that but the background looks official I think
And I think Paris is the only one on the list of active threat locations that isn't a map
@Unionhawk I'm at least 80% sure that the video only uses official Blizzard content (with the exception of the music and the whole credits/subtitles stuff).
Oh wait, there's one bit of random anime eyes superimposed over Reaper doing Reaper things.
Wait what, Spain only lost to the US by 6 points in men's basketball?
What the hell are you doing, professional NBA players?
someone needs to make a script or whatever that removes internet comments and bans social media
@Yuuki I don't watch much anime but that was amazing
@MBraedley kind of backhanded for a Canadian apology
28 mins ago, by Unionhawk
Q: Good moveset for Gengar in Generation 2?

gsamarasGood moveset for Gengar in Generation 2? It has an amazing special attack stat, but it seems like Shadow ball is a physical attack.

Anyone want a Battle Pack for Paragon?
@Fluttershy if someone sees this and Fluttershy is already used their copy, I have one too, feel free to ping me.
@Fluttershy meeeeee
am I even eligible
@GnomeSlice Probably? I dunno what a battle pack even is.
I'll send it after this game.
@Fluttershy it is access to game and 2 or so heroes
I think everyone who has beta access or have paid has them
Heroes are free
must be master skins
I probably have it too
hero challenge or smth
@arda beta is open now
@arda Yeah, skins. idk why they call it a master challenge
@GnomeSlice I know, I mean the uugh give me a sec
this thing
Ohhh the friend code was probably to give somebody else access
@Fluttershy in that case I probably have it
Are you playing again? we should play
not tonight
I'm kicking ass with iggo and Scorch lately
Q: Is HP cumulative or individually?

Bhaskar VashishthLevel 1 minion horde card shows hitpoints to be 90. Now is it the hitpoint of one minion or all of them together. If it is of one than total HP should be 6*90 =540. Which one is it?

@arda No
@GnomeSlice that was a sarcastic comment but well an extension with a button etc that blocks you out so you don't keep on reading for an hour or whatever wouldn't be bad.
I really keep on reading and lose my faith in humanity sometimes.
You should learn to deal with reading shitty things better
It's a good skill
@GnomeSlice I agree, but being able to say stop to it for a while wouldn't be bad :)
I'm tempted to make a comment
But now I've ruined it so it won't be funny
Q: Breeding villagers in Minecraft 1.8.8, help needed

SessyBI'm currently trying out villager breeding, and it's been an hour of me afking and hasn't gotten any new villagers (I started out with 6) l. They are in a room that's 19x19, and I am wanting to know if such a thing as "too big of a room" is possible for them to breed. There's doors on 3 of the wa...

its 6am and I'm getting called from us
nope +491 something, not +1 as pebble showed
@GnomeSlice I just popped in for a match tonight to see how it's changed. I think I like the shop more? I'm honestly not sure.
Whee, thunderstorm.
@Fluttershy sorry, slack keeps deciding notifications are optional and so I don't see messages, I am not ignoring you.
@Ash Oh, it's fine. It likes to go into Do Not Disturb mode after 10pm by default.
Oh, is that what it is doing? Rude thing.
Q: hello im tttsj the youtuber i need to ask about minecraft 1.10.2

tttsj youtuberi can't join a server it said { you need to restart your game } . And i see the youtube , the people said need to change/switch my user . But i have no switch user button . How i gonna do ? How can i join a server :'( . My friends Vinking-45 and Dark-CEO have this can"t join a server problem . ...

@Lazers2.0 oh god
I just went 39/2/20 in my first game of paragon as sparrow
and got a penta kill
cc @arda @GnomeSlice @Fluttershy
i just need a card with life steal
I like Sparrow.
i always like playing rangers
Q: Why did my people reached go down?

technikfeYesterday my people reached was something above 520. Why is it at 493? (I am talking about my Aruqde profile not Arquade meta)

@SepiaLazers Aruuuuuqde
Q: How to change your minecraft characters name

AlleejahOn my phone it changes the characters names weird. In order to change it, you have to press the delete button a bunch of times and press space to get rid of the name one letter at a time. I don't know how to put in a name because it always jumbles up the letters when I put it in. And I have to d...

Q: Set settlement spawn point

TrudleRI remember being able to choose where I land in my settlement, when I fast travel. It was something like a carpet I could place on the ground (in the workshop-mode). I can't find that now. Did they patch it out? Or where can I find this option?

Q: Does having a Sub acct add charges?

PersonOkay so im only 14 and idk what im doing but i just made a sub account on my PS4 will it add charges to my moms card or will it just share the Plus member ship my mom has?

Q: Is it possible to create compressed iron (from pneumatic-craft 1.7.10) without explosions or compression chamber?

technikfeHello I play on a server with no griefing (1.7.10) but breaking blocks with explosions is not possible. When I wanted to start pneumatic craft noone knew how to get theese compressed iron ingots. I tried to explode them. I wasted about 4 stacks of iron. The server support is not responding. And I...

Q: How are my Pokemon selected to enter gym battle?

ericI'm talking about attacking a rival team's gym. Sometimes my whole army of Pokemon are allowed in the battle (that's awesome because they can take turn to fight until it times out of course). However, many times only 1 of my Pokemon is allowed which makes it almost impossible to take down gym. ...

Bug report:
Friday link inspector doesn't alert user if the link is in the sidebar
Feature not bug? :P
it does, they're just being sneaky w/ redirects
@Dragonrage I don't like sparrow, she has no escape abilities
Add me on Epic, we should play some time
My best ratio ever was a couple of days ago i went like 14/2 with iggy
Q: How can I change a Commander or ACU upgrade?

Mark RipleyWhile playing the Supreme Commander Forged Alliance campaign and after I have built an upgrade for my commander (or an ACU unit) the game appears to offer me the possibility of losing that upgrade and replacing it with a different upgrade for that part (chest or right/left arm) of the unit. When ...

Why does stack chat suddenly have a red address bar on Android mobile
Q: Is there sportbike equipment in GTA5?

Vladyslav KushneyI am looking for sportbike suits like racers in MotoGP have. Something like this https://www.infinitymotorcycles.com/images/products/medium/3_Dainese_Avro_Leather_Suit_Blue.jpg

okay this is cruel
Q: Where is the Courtroom in The Guild 2 Renaissance?

ShloEmiI've been called to the courtroom, arrived to the town-hall but seems to miss the meeting (there was no option related to the meeting). Where can it be?

my credit card application got declined
I'm 24 and i still dont have credit
@GnomeSlice isnmt' this something about their wildcard ssl cert not working?
Q: Lower CP but higher damage? (My confusion over attack damage )

Hey-men-whatsupI have two Goldducks: They have : Compat Power 1432 : (this one was from powering up then evolved Pysduck) Compat Power 1256: (this one caught in the wild) My question is which one will produce more damage to opponent in fighting? To be honest till level 16 I had never realized all of t...

1 hour later…
@GnomeSlice you've never had credit before?
easiest way to get your first credit card: department or jewelry store
they'll give credit to basically anyone if you buy something.
if you're lucky it's even a real general-use card these days.
Q: If I respec will my research slots be preserved?

user1821961So if I have the woodworking upgrade for 2 traits to be researched and both slots are occupied, if I respec and don't upgrade that skill again, will those 2 currently researching traits finish normally/correctly?

@GnomeSlice Another thing to try is through whatever bank you use, if you haven't. That's how I got my first credit card.
meanwhile the landlord upstairs is screaming his lungs out
I think I need to go shopping in a hurry.
or hole myself in.
dunno which is safer.
@badp that sounds unpleasant
is that how alphabetic order works :|
and why are they all three characters
Q: What are the huge flat Monoliths good for?

udondanMost Monoliths have two or three learning stones attached and the Monolith itself holds a piece of the story of one of the three races or a little puzzle for getting some rewards and some Atlas words. But every now and then I come a cross one of these huge slates which apparently have no way to ...

@badp They're Chinese names
Traditionally Chinese names are three characters - surname, generation name, given name
The ordering seems arbitrary, probably unicode ordering. It's certainly not pinyin ordering, which I believe is the preferred way to do this sort of thing
(Some surnames have two characters, and in modern Chinese names the generational name is optional)
Q: Dead Space 3 won't detect Mass Effect 3 save

Mr.Tomato PotatoSo me and my friend want to replay DE3. In the game if you have a ME3 save on your pc it will unlock the N7 suit. Since i don't have ME3 i asked my buddy to send me one of his characters save folder. For some reason it wont detect the save. Any idea whats the problem? Do i have to do something el...

Q: Seperating Minecraft Mod Versions

ilovememesgirl123ok so, i like playing minecraft with mods. and i have always used version 1.7.10. but lately mods have been updated to version 1.9 or 1.10. and i want to have mods in 2 versions at a time. example: shaders mod in 1.10, more wolves in 1.7. but how do i do that? i tried just putting all the mods in...

@PrivatePansy oh, and that checks out with your full name
So why is the generation name part of what becomes your fist name?
Oh is it like like "Junior"?
Though I've never understood the "Jr" thing
Even in English
Like do you stick with being Jr till you die
Generation name means everyone in the family on the same generation share the same second character
What's your son then, Juniorer?
Generation name, variously zibei or banci, is one of the characters in a traditional Chinese name, and is so called because each member of a generation (i.e. siblings and cousins of the same generation) share that character, unlike surnames or given names. Where used, generation names were usually given only to males, although this varies from lineage to lineage and has changed over time. == Generation poem == The sequence of generation is typically prescribed and kept in record by a generation poem (bāncì lián 班次聯 or pàizì gē 派字歌 in Chinese) specific to each lineage. While it may have a mnemonic...
@PrivatePansy oh, so it's shared by siblings? Cousins too?
@badp Siblings, not cousins
Or maybe cousins
Oh okay. Would've been messy with cousins
Sounds pretty viral
After a few generations it's hard to keep track of cousins anyway
So you're like John the Millennial, cool. :P
Friends are as genetically similar as fourth cousins: pnas.org/content/111/Supplement_3/10796.long
Better than John the Vaper I suppose
Also, people in places like Singapore have both a Chinese name and a Christian or English name
Which they stick to the front of their Chinese name.
It's convenient because the surname position is correct when either names are read
@Yuuki okay that's pretty awesome
In fact, we should do a Bridge get-together next year.
Solar eclipse party, whoo!
user image
@Yuuki niiiice
@Yuuki I vote Cincinnati. That seems pretty central. (actually it might be)
@Yuuki maybe in 2024 :)
(article shows that as the next one)
@Unionhawk We need to convince @Sterno to acquire some x-ray film sheets.
I have the best reputation ever!!
Or everyone needs to get welder's glasses.
I think we should meet up in NOva Scotia
Why is this room chat so dead
@MakaMido It's Saturday morning and some people like to sleep in.
Particularly people with full-time jobs.
It's not dead though
I mean, come on, if this is dead then chat.se is 95% desolate
Woah. Things are getting too active here, better put the room in timeout.
This room was placed in timeout for 5 seconds; Calm it.
Let that be a lesson to you.
This room was placed in timeout for 5 seconds; ronan pls
I'd put the room in an actual timeout as a joke but I'd be afraid i'd pull a @badp and freeze it for 24 hours
This might escalate quickly
yeah exactly
Just like your mom
remember once how i g ot banned for a week?
them days. ehh
Please. You're not @badp. You're worse.
Yay! My new phone is here.
Q: In what direction does D.VA eject from her Mecha?

KaizerwolfI can't seem to ever predict where D.VA is going to go when she ejects from a dying Mechasuit. Is it player controlled, or is there a predetermined direction that she can go?

badp has removed Ronan from the list of this room's owners
Noooooo..... wait..
@badp you... used same hyperlink for both names
Now I am the @badp!
@Ronan I'm sorry
But then who was @Ronan?
@Chippies mobile
@Chippies sockpuppet
@Chippies part of the social experiment
You decide
Have you decided yet
Please decide
Deciding to not decide is a decision, too
Have you decided not to decide
A decisive decision
I hope your decision will serve you well
@fredley will remember this
The lack of allcaps in this @badp rant is really confusing me.
Not a rant
Sore throat, can't scream
I am screaming in sentence case to keep things interesting
@Yuuki you decide
I have a really strong hankering for fish and chips.
@Yuuki good!
scribbles something
Very good indeed!
Would you mind doing that again?
Hmm... I don't think a place near me has fish and chips.
This is problematic.
the jury votes, 6 8, 9, 7, 8
Q: MineCraft Forge broken?

user163699When I download forge 1.7.10 or any forge version. The text is squares and different colours. and all the textures are weird. It's not a certain mod because this happened before I added a mod. I am using an iMac, it never did this before. Here's what it looks like: https://gyazo.com/cf7e10c34f7c...

Q: How many zombies can Dead Rising display at once?

user598527I haven't found a reliable source, Wikipedia and Wikia link to this LiveJournal post supposedly written by Crispin Boyer writing for Electronic Gaming Monthly. Plowing through fields of zombies--up to 800 on a screen at once Have the developers talked about the zombie count?

Hey everyone, I'm back from Holiday
and I managed to get my desktop working again.
@Nzall welcome back
they used to say that kojima has ahead of the time and I used to not believe them.
Q: Glitched textures when using Forge

user163699This happens on Forge 1.7.10 or any Forge version. The text turns into squares and different colors, and all of the textures are weird. I have not enabled any mods yet, so it has to be Forge. I am using an iMac, and it has never done this before.

Is this considered modded crash?
It definitely is modded tech support but well, last time something similar popped up, it was pointed that metas only covered modded crash
Q: Why can I not down-vote?

technikfeWhen I up-vote it goes well it even records itself in my profile. Though when I try to dow-nvote it says I need 125 reputation to vote. Why is that? Is that a bug?

Q: Extra Reputation lost from User removed?

rivermont - Will B.I understand what User removed means when losing (or gaining) Reputation. I encountered it fro the first time last week. However, when I checked my Rep. tab recently, this showed up: So did I lose 34 or 24 Reputation?

@arda whoa, it's a photoshop?!?!? I'M SHOCKED! SHOCKED!
@arda ehhjjjjj
but thanks for confrming it was, was too lazy to confirm for myslef
@Wipqozn You missed his joke, I think. <_<
6 mins ago, by arda
they used to say that kojima has ahead of the time and I used to not believe them.
@Fluttershy this is @Wipqozn we're talking about
Q: How long does oil last for the sword and shield?

DomIn Monster Hunter Generations, a new concept was introduced to the sword and shield wepons which was oil. I've been using it quite a bit, but the one thing I haven't been able to figure out is how long the oil effects last. It seems it is much shorter than cool and warm drinks. How long do oil ...

Q: In Pokemon Go, if two Pokemons have the same CP with drastically different IV (perfection), will they have the same chance of winning in general?

太極者無極而生That is, if I can catch a Pokemon with a CP of 1850, but then I checked the IV and perfection, and its perfection can be any where from 55% to 76%. Now, if I have another Pokemon with a perfection level of 97.8%, and I spent time powering it up, but so far its CP is only 1850, the same as the ot...

@Fluttershy I saw his joke. It was funny.
Also uuuuggghhhhhhhh, I wish deus ex was already out
I'll likely buy it the day before and preload it
Q: Minecraft java.lang.nullpointerexception group

MaxMy friend is having a really annoying problem with his minecraft but he doesn't have a SE account so I thought I'd ask this for him: Whenever he tries to log onto a server he gets the message : java.lang.NullPointerException group. We have tried: Reinstalling minecraft(including the .minecraft f...

@votegiantmeteor, Outer Space
Giant flaming meteor, extinction level event, 2016 presidential candidate, probably your best option. https://t.co/FAjr1s8bCD
54 tweets, 2k followers, following 1 users
^his campaign twitter
@arda 4 years too late
I like to imagine that this guy spends all of his weekends just riding through the woods doing this.
@Yuuki nice
Q: Make ground paths meet suspended paths

ErikEIn RCT3 on the iPad, after struggling with creating paths over hilly terrain, I decided to put some of the paths in the air. This has worked for me in the past. But now, I can't get the ground paths to meet up with the aerial paths so that guests can walk on them. Everything I have tried with ev...

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