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@twobugs nah, we're just joking. Bojack is a super fun time happy show you should watch.
Right @fredley?
@MakaMido Uhm... Can you chat in English please? I think most of us don't speak Spanish.
I certainly don't.
So this is a thing that people made CC @Unionhawk
Statue with people for scale
I don't even know what "Hala Madrid y nada mas" is. All I know that it is a slogan for Real Madrid a football/soccer tem in Spain @Arperum
@Wipqozn Right!
@MakaMido and why are you saying it here?
@MakaMido WHy exactly were you randomly shouting that then?
@KevinvanderVelden @Arperum Don't ask me i am weird
@MakaMido Too bad. We did ask. We're weird too.
@twobugs Plan to get through the first 5-6 episodes. It doesn't get properly into the story until then.
@Wipqozn Well at least that weird orange haired guy picked the proper waifu
@MakaMido don't be weird by being random, that's not the good type of weird
@KevinvanderVelden SHUSH. You're supposed to be falling asleep around now because of lack of sleep.
Otherwise I fail to see how this resolved anything whatsoever
@Arperum Oh I've been doing that for the past 2 hours
Sugar rush hyyypeee zzzzz
As Jacksfilms said Random ≠ Funny
@MakaMido Yes. SO don't do it.
@KevinvanderVelden offers some more candy
@Arperum ok don't get mad
I should get back to watching Horse Show.
My 1.7kg bag of candy is nearly gone. And that's sad.
@Ronan yesssssssssss
@twobugs I like how Ichigo still hasnt shown any actual interest in her. But WHATEVER, SHE HAS A LARGE CHEST THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS RIGHT LOLOLOL
I've seen the first season.
@fredley OK
@Wipqozn Better than Rukia who has 0 character
ah shitty mangas, how I love to hate you
Man i got like 12 kills as iggy laat night and we still lost cause one of our players quit in the first 10 minutes
Oh wait did i describe EVERY CHARACTER IN THE SERIES
@twobugs More like ruki-who
Chad got what, a single panel?
A guy who has fought and killed superdemons is now a boxer or something...?
@twobugs Around episode 6 or so it starts getting 3real, and begins the downward spiral into abject misery joy and happiness
@twobugs hahahaha yes. It was a bit better near the start, but it falls into typical "way too many charaters in a shit manga" trap of folks just being some cliche, or their character just being wht they look like
like all the female characters in bleach don't have much of a character beyond "to meet this fetish"
See I liked up through the Soul Society arc because it was stupid but it kinda knew it
And it was like fun stupid
@Ronan Highly recommend 2 and 3. It only gets better and better.
@twobugs yeah same here.
I mean that was back when I was in high school so who knows, maybe not I'd feel different, but meh
@fredley By which you obviously mean happier and happier, right?
@KevinvanderVelden of course
2 chapters of Billy Bat today, which is great
I don't have netflix at the moment, so I'll have to get it again.
Excited to read those
@Ronan You don't have Netflix? weird.
Urosawa's work is always stellar even if it does tend to dwell on some of the same themes
I thought there was a room chat just for this show right?
I don't have netflix too
@MakaMido There's a few
I mean, who else would have the balls to sign up for an Astro Boy tribute special
And then kill Astro Boy
@fredley what? Edit: Ok
@twobugs wtf
@MakaMido There's one for folks who are up to date, and one for everyone to watch my misery as I get caught up
@Wipqozn okkkkk
and no I'm not joking. The second chat was for everyone to watch my misery horse misery.
@Wipqozn Miseripqozn
Three only anime I've watched yo
@GnomeSlice MAke Mushishi one of those
completion is robotech
also read the manga
the only*
also full metal alchemist brotherhood
God this is weird
@Wipqozn I enjoyed mushishi, but got a little bored after a while. All the episodes were essentially the same structure, but there was no overall story arc
Very pretty though
eh, I'm not a huge anime guy
@Wipqozn Just finished rewatching
My god that's a great series
@MakaMido Yeah sorry, I'm typing on my phone on the bus
just started reading FMA, it's been on my list for many, many years
@GnomeSlice FMA:B is amazing
@fredley yeah, it's a love it or hate it kind of thing
@fredley IT really, really is
Welcome to the bridge though, @MakaMido, hope you enjoy your star
@GnomeSlice Me neither
Manga is the superior format
@twobugs eh
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
visual novels are olay as long as they have nudes at the end to look forward to
Whoa I didn't say Visual novels.
I tried reading naruto manga back in the day
it was cool i guess
I was also like 12
@fredley I should finish watching that
I've only watched FMA
@GnomeSlice Well there's your mistake
Try reading something good instead
@KevinvanderVelden FMA:B is better
@twobugs hue
@KevinvanderVelden You should indeed fix that.
I mean, FMA is great, but FMA:B is still better
(I moderately enjoyed Naruto but it was really samey and drags in parts)
Yeah it does
I got bored
@fredley I agree that FMA:B is way better but I thought FMA went completely off the rails
@twobugs Naruto was pretty good. (I didn't start reading it until it was over, so I never had to wait for new chapters, which was mandatory for enjoyment.)
And not really in a good way
@twobugs I hadn't read the manga, so I thought it was alright
I watched FMA first, then read the manga. I might watch brotherhood at some point but meh
Anyway the FMA artist is really cool and I have huge respect for her
Quality series, she kept working while pregnant, realized the series was going to take more chapters than she wanted to wrap up so she just started making the chapters even longer
@StrixVaria when Naruto was good it was very good, but it did often go downhill between those points
idk where I got premium currency, but i used it on that
too bad i still blow ass with howie
Also bought one for Iggo but it's not that spectacular
@StrixVaria I started following it during the Pain arc I think and it was... a trip at points
@twobugs Pain was weird.
Like when an entire city is nuked and then revived about... 5-10 chapters later
Most of the Akatsuki were weird, though.
Everyone in Naruto except naruto himself is such an edgelord
@GnomeSlice A few characters become less edgelord, but yeah that's accurate
@GnomeSlice I'm trying to think of a counterexample, but the best I can come up with is Sakura?
Maybe Jiraiya.
i was gonna say "and her"
That's pretty accurate, though.
Hell yes I love when you ask someone for more info and they actually give it to you
also the old guy maybe
that gary guy tho
2 edgy
Sasuke's character arc is really strange
Ash's rival from Pokemon was in Naruto?
he had a fake eye
or something
@GnomeSlice Kakashi?
and pretty sure he eats sand
Apparently a village in Belgium with 33 people living in it has a ton of spawning spots for rare pokemon. ANd they want the thousands of daily pokemon hunters to go away at midnight, because they want some sleep.
No the Naruto author is just obsessed with eyes
no gaara or whatever
Oh, Gaara's eyes were fine.
king of the edgelords
@MakaMido I thought you were saying he probably downloaded it from the play store given the error
Gaara becomes a good guy
I thought he had a decent arc
@GnomeSlice I'm not saying he's not an edgelord, but Sasuke's entire plot arc was him trying to maximize his edgelordiness.
Sasuke is like good -> bad -> edgelord -> moar edge -> good -> haha jk
I don't really see anyone higher than him on the list.
Yeah true
And then good again
haha you're right I forgot sasuke
what about Obito?
Obito was a big 'wat'
also the big frog isn't too edgy
The frogs were cool
@sequoiad He's up there too.
and Itachi
sasukes brother right
our something
Itachi acts like an edgelord as a disguise.
I never got that far
@KevinvanderVelden There is no proof of piracy though.
Itachi killed everyone because he's really a good guy, see
is he the guy with the fuct up eye
@Arperum which is why I asked where he got it from
Itachi out-sasuked sasuke before sasuke even tried to sasuke
@twobugs SPOOLERS
There was some Russian kid who killed himself when Itachi died
@twobugs 4edgy6me
Which was kind of premature given how a thing happens later
@twobugs that is a spoiler.
I guess.
Not that I'm watching or reading anymore. I watched up to early shippuuden. IIRC. But mostly together with my ex.
Karin worst character?
It needed more Shikamaru
what have i started
@StrixVaria no, @fredley worst character
I don't want to spoil anything, I just kind of assume it's common enough knowledge since it happened like... 3 years ago?
No wait. Like 5
@GnomeSlice IT's all your fault
@twobugs I don't think the anime is that far yet, even still.
The anime finished a few weeks ago I think?
@twobugs I did never finish watching naruto. I kinda want to know how it ends but don't have the time/motivation to go watch all the stuff I haven't seen yet.
@twobugs anime's still not finished by a fair way
Or it's almost done
Nevermind then
@Arperum Haha we haven't even delved into the insanity
I can't take most anime chars seriously
Because "oh god filler again"
At least most of the women in robotech except maybe Minmei were believable
I've seen some clips from the anime and they have some really silly moments in filler
@KevinvanderVelden No
@twobugs Probably. I should maybe just read the manga. Probably faster.
@Unionhawk :(
@MakaMido Yes I did, that is what I thought
@fredley tbf, Bridge is worst anime
yep. when I'm watching one of the big series I tend to check wiki etc to find which filler arcs to skip
@KevinvanderVelden Ok
the answer is usually ALL OF THEM
There's a scene of like, Susanso'o riding on the 9 nailed fox like a horse (this is filler)
That's all I know
Is this the biggest StackExchange Community
And they included that scene in an opening so you don't have to watch the filler!
@MakaMido only when measured by ego size.
Also by pokemon go questions
@KevinvanderVelden LOL
Anyway, @Wipqozn and I were just talking about Bleach originally because the last chapter just came out
We both followed it since like high school so this is basically the end of an era
Even if it was a shitty era
I mean, it is a @Wipqozn era
The best thing Naruto ever did was piss people off with the canon pairings at the end
Now I should work or something
I deleted my Pokemon Scanner Question because: 1. It was against the sites rules
2. I didn't want to start contreversy(I hate english yay(jk))
3. I found a good app
Annnnd I didn't want to lose reputation
also, lol the pokemon anime
That might be a spoiler in and of itself, idk
@twobugs Why would you stab nine nails in a fox. That's terrible.
Man remember being a kid and watching the Pokemon anime and it looped around like uh Saffron city?
That was an evil thing to do to children
@Arperum to create a really bad band name?
@twobugs now we are in a pokemon anime
@MakaMido wow
@sequoiad Eh. That's pretty lame compared to some grindcore band names.
Never thought of it that way
@arda ?? Edit: ahh ok
@Arperum has really mastered the always wait 2 minutes technique
(and no: not going to link the worst one I half know, I do not want that in my work search history plus I'm pretty sure I'd get flagged just for mentioning the name)
@twobugs I also remembered to wait 2 minutes but then forgot about it
in other, WoW related news, thoughts on the gamescom reveal?
@sequoiad 7.1 Looks good and I think it sets a good precedent for this expansion
Rapid content deliveries between raid tiers is something the game needs
@twobugs it does, a lot of people have been asking for this for a long time
I just worry it'll be too soon, but I'm sure they've considered that
I like the idea of going back to having mid-expansion 5-mans added as well
Q: How to scroll sideways on morph menu?

technikfeHow to scroll sideways on morph menu? I play on a server and couldn't find out - noone knew.

In other non-WoW-but-GamesCom-related-news, ELITE DANGEROUS 2.2
@sequoiad I do too. They're basically always well received but very resource intensive to design
@Unionhawk For an added payment of your soul?
It sounds like they're planning around them though which is perfect
@Unionhawk oh yeah I should play that with my vive
@KevinvanderVelden either router is fried or the fuse. Will fix the description when I get Internet at pc again
Hahahahahaha they added passenger missions, and passengers (or just VIPs maybe) can ask to be taken into conflict zones
that's amazing
(that should be safe as long as you keep your distance and remain neutral)
@twobugs yeah I can imagine, with mythic dungeons as well for small-group content and world quests there should be quite a lot to do when not raiding
@arda fuse. flipped a switch in fusebox and internet is back up
@twobugs there is also potential within the story for them to extend the same redesign to other old content as well
Yup, I'm excited for Legion. I think they're doing a good job addressing concerns people rightfully had after Warlords.
If I have one concern right now, it's that maybe Legion could be a bit too ambitious?
I mean, it is blizzard, they've got quite a bit of experience with doing this thing
I don't really think it's too ambitious
and I'm just hoping that Order Halls will not slide into being Garrison 2.0
I think too ambitious was their plan for Warlords being a shorter expansion followed by Legion. That crashed and burned, but they've clearly got a ton of people working on Legion now who can produce good content
The team greatly increased in size and there were growing pains
@twobugs yeah, Warlords had some serious pacing issues, and the whole 6.1 "Selfie camera" patch didn't exactly help endear the unhappy players
Well people massively overreacted to that I think
It shouldn't have been called "6.1"
6.2 had some good stuff in it, but by that point it was almost like the damage had been done
Well the biggest problem with Warlords is that the pacing sucked. If they had extended Highmaul a bit and given it a tier set (honestly just copy/paste the BRF tier into it), it could have been it's own tier
That would have given them enough time to work on a Foundry tier set and associated questing area
And then keep Tanaan as is
Highmaul was fun, in fact all the raiding in WoD was pretty much spot on imo
If the first two were about 6-7 month tiers then the pacing would have been worlds better than another 14 month drought
It felt like they had this plan to release bits over time, then somehow they ended up rushing bits out instead
like the garrison levels
I think they should have added new garrison buildings and kept building out follower content to be more interesting
the level 3 cinematic only really makes sense at 6.2
which made me think it was originally planned to take faaar longer to hit level 3
Also the whole 6.2 end cinematic just feels like... they had planned for another patch or two to continue the story because there's just so much unresolved
We narrowly managed to defeat the legion, but the timeline is totally derailed and there's a super uneasy peace on Draenor
Both of those are good storyline hooks
haha niantic support is a joke. they are apparently automatically marking ban appeals as solved instantly. While I'm happy that hackers are gone, I read many stories of people getting banned no reason on /r/pokemongo. While they might be lying, at least a proper ticket should be accepted so their account can be investigated
@twobugs honestly, I hated the garrison. When it was announced as being an optional thing I was like "yeah, that sounds cool"
Damn, AM2R is hard.
@twobugs lolololol basically
but it wasn't really optional on release at all
@sequoiad I think the idea is great, but the execution was very flawed
Having your own base you can customize? Sure, that's cool
@twobugs I still groan that the author went with naruto X hinata since he thought it was more popular among fans. Like I know my shitty manga aren't literature, and the authors don't really have some creative vision in mind and just make shit up as they go, but damn.
@twobugs I would actually really like to see this as a future storyline at some point
@Wipqozn It's way better than Naruto x Sakura
Hinata is the superior Waifu
go back and revisit Dreanor, catch up with Y'rel and Durotan
@twobugs I agree. Hinata has, like, an actual character.
Or at least more than Sakura has
but still stupid to make your decision because "I thought it would be more popular"
I think my complaints with the Garrison are that 1) they segmented the playerbase 2) they had no depth 3) the buildings weren't remotely balanced in terms of the perks they offered 4) it was pretty easy to 'finish' all they had
@twobugs hinata best naruto character
It seems to me like they designed the Garrison with the intent of having reputation like rewards without it just being a bar to fill. That's a Good Thing IMO. It just fell flat.
@GnomeSlice Nice starbait
From what I played of Legion the order halls are already way better than garrisons for a ton of reasons
@twobugs Order Hall missions are basically for artifact power or relics right?
Yes but they have like a storyline going along with them
The order halls are also way more interesting and alive than garrisons ever were
@twobugs well, I already have 2 reasons to do them then
Even the ones people threw tantrums over (like rogue) are great
@twobugs are the Rogues mad that they're in a sewer :P
They're mad it's not Ravenholdt, aka one of the most boring areas in the game
I personally think having a covert hideout in a flying magical city that even the mages themselves are not aware of is excellent
Plus they did a great job incorporating all these rogues you see from quests into the order hall
@twobugs why would they even want Ravenholdt? Underbelly is much more awesome and should set their WotLK PVP nostalgia senses on overdrive
I don't know but hashtag "ravenholdtorriot" was a real thing
Along with people desperately trying to get hashtag "nocontent" trending for 6.1
although, I was kinda sad Druid order hall isn't Moonglade
It would have been nice to have an actual reason to go there again
The druid hall is really cool, you can actually use those emerald dream portals all over the world
@twobugs yeah, when I actually got a look at it I was pleasantly surprised by how nice it was
Hunter is probably the most boring I think, it's just some hunting lodge
But it's still interesting enough
@twobugs a DK mate was moaning about it being Archerus
Under Light's Hope Chapel is nice, but the Paladin order hall is basically a basement.
Which really makes the Paladins sound like a weekend meeting of the Boy Scouts.
What https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/766246213079498752
Well, you're Boy Scouts who burn undead and demons with Holy Light
@Unionhawk He's trying to come up with something else because they're not going to be calling him "Mr. President".
@sequoiad Meh, Archerus has always been great and was a class hall back in WotLK :P
@Yuuki they basically are, bunch of goody-two-shoes with their "rules", and religion, and "Seals", which are basically Scout badges :-P
So I got to 20 on the Paladin. Dropped Inscription for Skinning because I'm a poor mofo.
the Ashbringer basically has a badge bult into the design it as well!!
I'd play Paladin but Blizzard is deadset on making DK and Paladin the least mobile classes in the game
Which is really frustrating
Also I think Retribution needs another design pass or two. It's in a weird spot.
@twobugs Apparently, Holy Paladins are supposed to heal in melee range now!
I'm assuming that's why the artifact gives you armor.
As opposed to the Druid one which procs an extra HoT.
@Yuuki One of your heals is a cone, I don't think you're supposed to heal from melee entirely though
Blizzard didn't like Mistweaver doing that
Maybe not entirely from melee, but they said something about it in the class previews I read.
I could be wrong, but I know getting targeted for ranged abilities while you were in melee range was a thing if you tried to heal from melee range in Warlords
My dad tried to tell me the other day that anyone who doesn't vote because Trump is awful is like voting for Hillary and I tried to explain to him and failed that that's not how math works.
@Sterno :(
If you're not with us you're against us!
@Sterno Well your dad is partially right in that our voting system is abit fuct
But he's also wrong otherwise
By not voting you're giving everyone else a bigger vote. If you would normally vote for democrats but now aren't then you're essentially taking a vote away from them and giving both parties half a vote
So it does sorta come out to -0.5 vote for democrats and 0.5 vote for trumpistant
The whole "would normally vote" thing is a fallacy
Don't nominate someone who is an asshat or I won't vote for them
I think this election is a pretty clear example of how both major parties need better primaries
The two major party candidates are two of the most disapproved of candidates in history.
Oh hey, Terminator: F--k You, Audience is on Amazon Prime.
If I vote for Trump, Trump is +1. Clinton is +0. +1 net for Trump!
If I vote for Clinton, Clinton is +1. Trump is +0. -1 net for Trump!
If I don't vote, it's +0 net for Trump!

They idea that Trump somehow deserved my vote and can only lose it rather than gain it is ridiculous.

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