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if you are returning there is no reason to make that an else
Maybe that's the real code behind "if else is a code smell"
Because that's just absurd, and silly
there is also a difference between a handful of if/else and 300 chained if/else is a code smell
We could probably lump lots of things into "if this causes another dev to go 'what the fuck' you should probably reevaluate your code"
i mean a dev going "what the fuck" is literally what code smell is
Q: Can waypoints (outposts, shelters, etc) appear underground?

HorusKolI was exploring a moon last night - had some luck finding scanners and oberservatories, so I had lots of locations pinging in my HUD to go visit. However, at least two of these sites seemed to be underground (should have gotten a screenshot, sorry). I parked my ship as close to the marker as po...

@GodEmperorDune I guess
@GodEmperorDune Apparently, it's for mathematicians.
So I guess that explains that.
Definitely explains the naming of variables.
Steam just updated and now can't connect :(
@Sterno nope, planned downtime
steam goes down every tuesday night
Oh, hey. I just googled that error and it took me to a steam page which said it can't read the web page because steam is down
Is this a new thing? I don't remember it going down every Tuesday
@Sterno nope. been so for years
@Yuuki mathematicians being involved is definitely a code smell
@GodEmperorDune Whoops, "for"? I meant "by".
yep, regular tuesday downtime
@Dragonrage cc @fredley
I guess I'm rarely ever trying to connect on a Tuesday
@Dragonrage he closed my github issue :/
@Yuuki Maybe not the worst offense in this...thing, but the way he stacks closing curly braces is pretty gross.
he won't fix that prob
1 min ago, by GodEmperorDune
@Yuuki mathematicians being involved is definitely a code smell
Oh hey, Anastasia (1997) is on Amazon Prime?
Using the 1.5x resolution mod for No Man's Sky. It dropped from 90 FPS to 60 FPS, but it's so pretty now.
Probably one of the best not-Disney Disney movies in animation history.
@Yuuki is that the one where rasputin is a badass?
@GodEmperorDune And a weird undead ghost thing? Yes.
And Anastasia looks remarkably western European for Russian royalty.
@Yuuki that reminded me, here is a pretty unrelated but a nice disney parody. Definitely worth listening. (nsfw lang)
@Yuuki da comrade
+ 2.343,455,424,592,571e+25
@Dragonrage pls
@fredley pls
@uni pls
note that the bottom two are supposed to be XXVIII and XXIX
is Arqade taking ages to load for anyone else?
Are you sure it's not supposed to be XXVIXXIX?
@Dragonrage Not for me. :( Sorry.
@Dragonrage fine here
maybe it is just my net. other people are complaining about it running slow
Kerala-Malayalam Language

Proposed Q&A site for to discuss about the Malayalm Language, litreature and culture of Kerala, state in India

Currently in definition.

User Interface

Proposed Q&A site for this site is for everything related to User Interface design. Best practice, what software is good all the way to working with UX and developers to implement the UI. (description can be changed, defined and updated, please send suggestions)

Closed before being launched.

@Dragonrage can you run a traceroute please?
what is the command to run on a mac?
i cannot load most web pages atm actually
most likely my net
this chat works fine though
traceroute afaik
traceroute usually finds where the issue is for me. my router, my isp or the website
what do the *'s mean?
@Dragonrage yes
it ran 7 times then is now just giving me *'s
@Dragonrage what ip is it giving asterisks on?
@arda 192.168.hunter.2
@GodEmperorDune giving asterisks on ips is very weird.
@Dragonrage oh mac, never giving important details :/
@arda i never knew that tracer's last name was oute
@GodEmperorDune you are on fire
@GodEmperorDune 192.168.urmom
@Dragonrage what was the last non star domain/ip it showed?
@arda cc @Wipqozn and @fredley on that hot burn
@Dragonrage urmom is in my private network!
@GodEmperorDune urmom™ is a public network
@Dragonrage belongs to XO Communications, I guess this is your ISP
aka issue is on ISP
xo.com is very slow and xo.net is inaccessible atm too
@Dragonrage cc @Wipqozn @fredley on that burn
Oh hey, duo is released
@twobugs Got into another raid. I may actually get Oryx this time.
We're trying for the Oryx challenge mode though.
So it could go badly.
@arda And an extinguisher is not required!
mfw steam servers are so shit that you can't do moderation
Q: How can I take over when the Main Tank dies?

TroyenI've started off-tanking 60 ex primals on my Dark Knight lately, and the majority of the fight I spend outside of Grit to avoid the 20% damage penalty when there are no mechanics for me to deal with. However, sometimes the tank dies to a late heal or a missed cooldown, and I'm scrambling to pick...

@arda there's a maintenance, iirc
@Chippies It is long over
@Unionhawk urmom's high maintenance, just ask @Wipqozn
from this about why reddit was down for 1.5 hours today
@arda dat ascii art comments
@GodEmperorDune check /r/pitchforkemporium for more
also god damn, 12 macro on mouse only?
@arda is this your first time seeing a mouse with 12 thumb buttons?
@Chippies maybe - I remember something similar, but not sure
@arda I only visit reddit for r/the_dolan
Logitech G600 has 12 thumb buttons, 3 different clicks with scroll wheel, a ring finger button and 2 buttons below scroll wheel
Razer Naga has been around for a long time as well
@Unionhawk I visit reddit for /r/talesfromtechsupport and /r/askreddit. Also /r/steam and new games if there is drama
12 thumb button mouses are pretty much what "MMO mouse" is
I only saw this thing before
razer orbweaver
@arda those are kinda useless unless you're super hardcore
@Chippies yeah, probably
I got one of these
but I literally only use it for the LCD screen...
the LCD screen is awesome though, I got MSI Afterburner stats on it, so I can monitor my cpu/gpu temps and usage
@Unionhawk not gonna lie, i would vote for dolan over trump
just for the pls
@GodEmperorDune @spugsley would eat your babies
@Chippies rekt
southern pryde #willriseagain
@Chippies pls
give me a day
a day, and I'll make that for 5$
@arda not sure where you're ordering the hardware for 5$, but that sounds like a steal
and when I bought the thing, the LCD was just a bonus. I didn't know it would be the only thing about the device that I'd end up using
the only reason I even bought it was because my wife was pressuring me into getting something for my birthday, even though there was nothing I really wanted at the time... Logitech G13 seemed fun though
but since I have a mechanical keyboard, the keypad is kinda gross to use...
@Chippies how big is that screen
also dammit google. doesn't let me browse in english - so many useless turkish websites pop up as results
It liiiiives!
@Frank your maim circuit?
@GodEmperorDune Yuppers
@GodEmperorDune urmom is a circuit
@Frank Niiice!
Those main breakers aren't meant to come out.
@arda don't taze me bro
Or go back in, for that matter.
@Frank not without a crapton of work, no
@Chippies Yeah, it's true
or would it be @UnionMom?
@arda pretty small and the resolution is low as well
@Chippies perfect
@Wipqozn sounds like a union for all of urmoms
What do you use it for?
@arda it's also monochrome
Like, cpu, ram etc?
@Wipqozn @unimom
@arda idk, mainly just monitoring afterburner stats
@arda You can use @Unionhawk's mom for all sorts of things
@Wipqozn it could even be a boat!
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@arda ಠ_ಠ
@GodEmperorDune ಠ‿ಠ
the eyes of disapproval see all.... and disapprove
@arda ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_‌​ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ‌​_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_‌​ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
@GodEmperorDune garnet?
@Wipqozn 520 LEGALIZE @Wipqozn
@arda i dunno what this garnet is
@GodEmperorDune it was a reference to yesterday
and yesterday, it was about garnet having 3 eyes steven-universe.wikia.com/wiki/…
@Chippies that's quite good because I can fit that to this 5$ thing
@arda this has so many eyes it might as be a beholder of disapproval
@GodEmperorDune it sees the FUTURE. Ya better believe her.
@arda urmom is garnet
arduino ide is annoying
spotify down?
@frank all is well now.
@TrentHawkins Helps when you do what I say! :P
Text on bag reads as: "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language." https://t.co/vHknRBQoPG
@twobugs Doesn't look like we're gonna get it. Struggling with Daughters. :(
@Fluttershy Awww :(
@twobugs Sisters are dead. Working on Oryx now.
Yay! Oryx is a cool fight
Q: Can you breed for dragons that aren't unlocked?

Gavin PuckettI bred a nebula dragon with another galaxy dragon and I got a incubation time of 7hrs. None of the dragons that I have unlocked have a 7hrs incubation time.

> As per customs regulations, the carrier needs the recipient's . Please add it to the recipient’s address during checkout or by visiting "Your Account" and clicking "Manage Address Book" under the Address Book heading.
Amazon just sent me this email. There's a blank space where the required filed is
@twobugs We're failing Oryx pretty hard though.
Apparently it's my IC number.
Since Amazon doesn't have a field for it in their address book, they just sent an email with blank in it
@Chippies getting some stuff working
And we called it. Most progress I've made on Oryx to date, though. So that's something.
@PrivatePansy integrated circuit?
@Unionhawk Identity card
Specifically, the NRIC - National Registration Identity Card
@Fluttershy That's too bad, at least you made some progress though
I'm just in a really bleh mood tonight
WELP. GTX 1080 finally in stock. Dunno if I should grab or not
@twobugs imo grab
or wait and get rx480/470
Ugh I just
I was planning on doing financial stuff to get this all sorted out so I could purchase without worrying
@twobugs how much exactly does 1080 cost
ouch. I recommend sorting stuff out first then, quickly/
Well I can afford to do even my most expensive build and still have significant breathing room
I just don't know if I should
@twobugs have you considered getting a 1070?
It is 200 usd lower, and is still very powerful
I have
However, I typically buy the x80 models as I find it enjoyable to have top of the line stuff for a while
@twobugs I don't get it. The other hardware that's needed to take full advantage of the GTX1080 is much more expensive than the 1080 itself isn't it?
The monitor, for example
@PrivatePansy about same
@PrivatePansy Well that's what I mean. If I buy the GTX 1080 I'm basically committing to my expensive build
I think the 1080 build he linked costed 3000usd in total, with monitor, 1/3 is card, 1/3 is monitor
Ah, okay
I managed to get it down to around 2600 for the expensive build just by picking components well
That's still a lot for a pc
I thought you're fretting over the 1080 itself, which is probably one of the less expensive part of the build
I mean
Even if all this money just disappeared I'd be okay in the long term
I'm just a paranoid worrier ugh
don't worry, i'm sure the pro much twitch cash will come through soon
@twobugs Yeah. And I had a go at the Antiquated rune thinger tonight. But the two other people there were unbelievably stupid. They'd just shoot the boss before I even had the sword, then kill adds when I did have the sword. :|
@fredley @Wipqozn the next mod questionnaire should be "@gracenote presents: arqae modrator candidates: what do they know? do they know things? let's find out"
@twobugs if that is really the case, then you shouldn't worry about it IMO
@twobugs niiice
(also you should really add me on steam - have some links I want to share)
I'm exploding right now but I will soon
@twobugs tmi brah
Also where are those deets from this morning?
Uh the deets basically were about a certain Master of Ceremonies and his preference for naming planets in NMS
They're what you might expect
Unless.... @twobugs are you exploding with deets?,,,,xD
Well on the plus side, this is probably not the worst purchase of this magnitude I will make
@twobugs yeah, fits in with the rest of the ~*~*~*xXx~pro much420~xXx*~*~*~ crowd
That's not really him
He just likes a certain word
Well I need to try and sleep with several thousand dollars worth of adrenaline in my blood
@twobugs i bet he is just exploding with ideas for planet names
they are literally overflowing
Q: how to select thesis writing services?

melindaInternet have so many thesis writing services.so the customer get confused while selecting the best thesis writing services.while select the thesis writing service try to understand the nature of that particular thesis writing site.collect details about that particular site by reading the reviews.

oh the joys of arduino
for this, as it seems our stance on gaming history is kinda vague, maybe we should attempt to meta it before determining what to do? cc @Frank @Robotnik
@GodEmperorDune #ronnie2017
@Chippies took me 6 hours, but here you go. 5$ afterburner display. github.com/ardaozkal/AfterburnerDisplay
(yep, that is goat simulator. it is great at getting cpu and gpu to %100)
well, they apparently raised the prices, so it posts 9.10usd now
@arda mad hax
@GodEmperorDune not paying 60usd for a g13 :p
@arda i meant that you got something like that up and running so quickly
@GodEmperorDune Meh, I could get it done faster. I spent about 4 hours trying to get the screen to work, the libraries broke and got unsupported apparently.
@Dragonrage - Note that the Convo on that question is ~a year old. I just don't like broken windows, so took a stab at editing out the off-topic bit and merging info from the (now removed) comments from the OP, to see if that's enough to get it reopened. I didn't want to mod abuse/override the close vote consensus , however it is my belief that it's now on topic for us. I'll save @Frank the breath - he still thinks it's off topic :-)
@Robotnik i didn't notice the date on it. do we have a more up-to-date consensus on gaming history? if not, it would still be worth meta'ing
@Dragonrage we may never get another history question again, why meta until a concrete question comes up?
Mr. Blue lives in the blue house. Mr. Green lives in the green house. Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Who lives in the white house?
@waifu president obama
Q: How to retrieve a Pokemon Go Account

AbdullahI had a Pokemon Go Account that was level 15 and when I attempted to change the password on my account I couldn't login anymore. Could I have some help please?

@Dragonrage The consensus is still "Eh... Kinda?". I'm pretty vocal in my support of it, Frank's pretty vocal against it, and there's definitely valid arguments either way.
In terms of examples, We have the 'game boy 4-colour-pallette' question which got closed with 66 total score and is currently at 7 delete votes. A question about EA's Mega Drive/Genesis carts is open and hasn't been touched. The E.T. one is one that I fought for, there's a specific meta for that one here: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/10622/…
@arda I have committed the horrible sin of memeing. Forgive me, Bridge.
aand off to sleep. 9am, wow. But I missed coding, especially for arduino, thanks @Chippies for helping me get a good idea for a self challenge (what I learned: how to communicate using COM in C# and getting COM data in arduino)
Q: Pokemon lost in Gym

Afzal PetiwalaI kept my Pokemon on gym and then gym went down for several times but I did not got my Pokemon back. It is still showing its assigned to the gym. What can I do to get it back? It was my highest CP Pokemon.

I love reading askagamedev, esepcially when you can tell that they only have enough time for a short question for that day: askagamedev.tumblr.com/post/149034321340/…
@NBN-Alex stuffs air horn with sound blocking things
Sound blockers are at 80% integrity and falling quickly, What will you do next?
Q: Can I stack items like Gravitrino balls?

Tom HartI've found some Gravitrino balls, and they're taking up a lot of inventory slots, can I stack these items at all?

// Whenever the response does not return a success status code, we return an empty list.
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
    return HttpStatusCode.Forbidden.ToString();
Gah. That's not what that does. at all.
Those comments are crazy wrong.
It's not like I've reduced copied code in the "use these classes to help you" quite a bit, but then running into nonsense like that. urg.
It's also littered with try{entire function goes here}catch(Exception e){Debug.writeLine(e);return null;} nonsense. why
</rant> Probably anyway.
@NBN-Alex try reversing the polarity
@Robotnik The AIR HORN NOISE has stopped coming out of the rift in space, but it is now coming out of the blockers that where placed up from before
It seems they've sponged up the noise and is slowly releasing it back into reality.
What now?
@NBN-Alex throws rocks at the now disfunctional blockers
@Arperum The rock bounces off of one of the blockers and somehow takes the source of the noise with it.
You hear the air horn noise coming out from the rock now, but it seems to be quieter then before
What do?
@NBN-Alex throw the rock at the rift in space
@Arperum The rift in space and time does not want the rock and tosses it back out
the rift closes up right as the rock flies out, it seems like that small problem is fixed at least!
still, the AIR HORN ROCK is still going, and also seems to reset the sound when it falls on the floor.
Set of the self destruct and hope it takes the noise with it
@KevinvanderVelden You look for a self destruct button on the rock, but it's just a rock.
@NBN-Alex no no, the one on your home
That button has been disabled due to the last time this happened
pushing the button redirects you to a TechNet article on how to reinstall windows XP to fix office 2003
Better look elsewhere
does the rock have a headphone jack
Q: Is there anyway to leave a space station without your ship?

Tom HartIs it possible to get off of the space station other than by flying out in your ship?

@Lazers2.0 erm
Space is kinda... big, and also empty
Of things like air
@sequoiad There seems to a port on the rock, it says LINE OUT
examine the rock for other ports
It's unclear if that port was always there, but wikipedia seems to agree that man invented the headphone jack before the wheel
@NBN-Alex will it accept my shitty earbuds that came with my iphone?
@Lazers2.0 Having negative response as self-answer seems weird to me
@Robotnik It will accept them as an offering
@sequoiad There's a USB2 micro port as well, along with a port that says DENNIS
have we discovered Apple's next product, the iRock?
@sequoiad highly unlikely. It's a DENNIS and not a thunderbolt or whatever.
@sequoiad hurtling through space blasting an airhorn noise into pure vacuum? I'd say so.
There's a 20% chance it's an apple product, but it also survived a fall without a scrach
Well, airhorns expel air, doesn't it?
also, its battery has lasted longer than 3 minutes whilst using features, can't be Apple
@PrivatePansy this is true, which is why the blockers failed.
@PrivatePansy So basically, we've invented a rock with a thruster lol.
"Dennis Port is a census-designated place in the town of Dennis in Barnstable County, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. At the 2010 census, its population was 3,162." wat.
@sequoiad It's confirmed that the rock came from good Ol' USA soil. the DENNIS port seems to be added after the fact. (Possibly when tossed out from the rift?)
{also, wut? Didn't look into the fact that Dennis port existed!}
plug @Robotnik crappy earbuds into the line out.
@sequoiad done.
sound stops, and nothing seems to be happening.
@Arperum When I go to the grocery store I always buy 2.5 apples
There's a small delay, but the desk flip in the distance causes the noise to come out of the earbuds.
I ask the cashier to keep the other .5
@Arperum DAMMIT
Final options:
A: unplug the earbuds.
B: disconnect the earbuds.
C: remove the earbuds.
@fredley 5 (error range of 2 factors)
@fredley Half a minute?
@Arperum bang on
@fredley Needing the error range?
@Arperum It's not less than 5
Because I've had very low plugin count website completely come to a standstill because of the custom theme.
Seconds per page load that is
@fredley Eh, My pageload goes to ~30 seconds every time the bloody API dies. because API1 tries to connect and waits until it notices there is some DNS issue with API2
@NBN-Alex what about cutting the earbud wires and connecting them to each other to create a short
Q: Why does my friend have less Pokémons than me?

MakaMidoWhy does my friend only have 138 spaces in his Pokédex (Sorry can't provide a screenshot), when I have 142 spaces in the Pokédex? We both are Android. And I am pretty sure we both have the same version of the game. Could it maybe be because my friend got it from Germany while I downloaded the...

I've dealt with a system that took ~30 second pageloads when I started working on it. I was able to reduce it to ~1.5-2 while adding functionality (worked on it on and off for a couple years)
@sequoiad the cord is cut! You manage to take the strands of cable and connect them to each other.
@Arperum that sounds easy-ish to fix, give the API a timeout of 1 second
@badp I have no control over the API. I guess I could reduce the timeout for my requests to API1.
@Arperum yes
The sound has transferred onto the earbuds, but there seems to be something new happening! The ends of the earbuds are acting as an AIR HORN thrusters, rocketing the buds out of a window and into the night sky. You're left with a rock again, a broken window, and the feeling of accomplishment as that problem is for someone else to deal with.
@NBN-Alex \o/
Can I keep the rock again?
@Arperum You add the rock to your inventory
@NBN-Alex So now I can smack annoying things with the rock again?
@Arperum It voids the warranty for the rock, but yes.
Q: Why somethings don't show in friendly battles?

CeleritasI noticed my base in Friendly Challenges doesn't look the same. I think it's an older version. For example there is no archer queen. Also if I move buildings around and immediately start another, there is no change. What is going on? How long does it take for changes to take affect to friendly ba...

Update on double amounts that come back from API: I don't even. WHat the hell is going on here. if I do the request in code: I get 2.0, if I do the request through postman for testing I get 2
@NBN-Alex using the rock voids the warranty? definetly Apple.
Q: Does Niantic ban for using the Nox app player?

Mr. MeeseeksI've been having a discussion about the recent bans with a friend who is disabled. He is paralyzed from his waist down due to a serious injury some years ago and has been pretty much bedridden ever since. However he is a huge Pokemon fan, ever since the release of PoGO in our country he wanted to...

Q: Candy Crush Soda Saga: Best levels to complete quests

Max WilliamsFor example, the "Go Fish" quest requires you to match two fish together, a certain number of times. I've played levels where there are fish generators next to each other, and a lot of the work of finishing the level is matching the fish together to make "triple fish". These levels would be ide...

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