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Hey Linkedin, I have a suggestion. Instead of "Hey Twob, people are looking at your profile" please change the notification to "Hey Twob, robutts are scraping your profile and will spam you with annoying emails"
That's why you're two bugs. One bug is a decoy.
@twobugs i went through my linkedin and cleared out a bunch of recruiters the other day. hopefully that keeps the robutts at bay
The top voted answer to "A client tried to bribe me" on Workplace.SE is "Just take the bribe"
At least that's how I'm reading it
Q: How to return a fake watch "gifted" by a client

itsafakebroI have a wealthy client with whom I had/have a good relationship. After completing a job above and beyond their expectations they said they felt they needed to do something to repay me. I told them not to worry about it but they insisted. Later on in the day they came into our office and made a b...

I don't see it saying 'A client tried to bribe me'
so there's a problem here :/
I read it like this 'Shady client offered me shady gift of shady watch'
If a client "gifts" you something, that's considered a serious CoI in most jurisdictions I'm aware of
$25 is the cutoff here
Oh, conflict of interest?
Conflict of Interest
well if it's f ake.... it's prob not worth $25 \o/
Q: World Of Warcraft purchasing question

MAKSYMKASo I decided to buy WOW. And my question is what is better buying cds or buy it from blizzard web. As much as I understand I will need to pay monthly for subscription to be able to play Legion lets say. And if i buy the cds do I need to buy every single patch? And do I need to buy subscription an...

Q: Can't destroy or mine blocks

Javonne WinstonIm using a kindle on pocket 15.6. I cannot dig, destroy blocks or mine at all. Ive deleted and reinstalled, restarted my kindle and deleted all my game data. Is this a known glitch? How do.I fix?

Q: Command Syntax not working

BunkPlaysGamesI know this is right but, it says: Undetermined object at Column 1 Line 217 Here's the command: /tellraw @p ["",{"text":"[","color":"white"},{"text":"Gateman","color":"dark_aqua"},{"text":"]","color":"white"},{"text":" You need $5 to enter the town.","color":"dark_aqua"},{"text":" >>>","color":"...

@twobugs depends on the industry for sure
@djsmiley2k I'm not sure this argument would hold up in court :P
Yeah, I don't see that as a bribe
tbf most places I've worked have told me not to accept gifts because 'reasons'
also depends on the potential relationship between the person and the client
race conditions are SUPER FUN
reasons were never explained, andd I never asked, and never got any gifts due to having no 'clients'
No one cares about IT until it doesn't work
@SaintWacko Under the law it'd very likely be considered a conflict of interest
'Bribe' is extreme
if the person is some lowly tech who fixed a high visibility issue, that's different from a person in a decisionmaking role or someone in a position that benefits the client directly (like someone in accounting who drops a zero from an invoice)
@twobugs How so?
What benefit does the client get from having given him the watch?
Potential preferential treatment
Accepting a significant value gift from a client is something that is taken seriously
@twobugs I suppose if that guy has any say in it
@twobugs depends if OP is in a position to give preferential treatment
I didn't think this was a thing in all industries tho?
I've always had it introduced to me as it matters for anyone.
Obvs. for certain ones, lawyers, blah blah
And, since I've had to go through this for several different jobs by now, I take it pretty seriously.
for me it's just another line on the contract
never had it mentioned more than that
it's probably industry specific then
other than when i worked at a supermarket
some nice lady came in and brought all the cheap flowers at the end of the day, and then tried to gift them to everyone there
@GodEmperorDune I don't really think that's true, but it's probably jurisdiction specific
I would view that kind of gift very negatively and I think you guys are really underestimating the severity of that
vendors are always coming and throwing free stuff at us
to be fair, not fake rolexes
I don't know about laws, but we definitely have company policies against accepting free gifts/meals/etc. above a certain value
I got another email from a recruiter today.
Somebody's looking for a Senior Sharepoint Specialist.
yup, the font's helvetica proper
thank you osx
at least the screenshot must have come from an external monitor so it is standard resolution
I think I must be misunderstanding async/await a bit
@Frank RUN
@Frank hahaha
@Sterno Yeah, I'm not even trying for it.
I've got an interview thursday :O
I'll be so happy to get away from where I am now
but not sure how to explain that to them if they ask haha
What if the recruiter offers you a fake Pokemon Go watch that you can play modded minecraft on?
I don't have the qualifications, anyways, and they'd never pay me what I'd want to take it.
@Unionhawk C#?
@djsmiley2k new challenges and opportunities is a safe nonanswer
'Q: My watch was running MineCraftGoPokeMonLimtzNoFlare and it's crashed, what time is it?'
@murgatroid99 yup
@GodEmperorDune that'll do, thanks
the truth is everything here is a huge mess and I'm scared to be around when it blows up
it's already too late
@Unionhawk As far as I understand, async creates a promise-type thing, and await blocks until that promise thing is complete, and then gives you the result
hmmmmmmmmm, futures
(inb4 promises aren't futures)
@djsmiley2k I used, "I felt like I was stuck in a rut, and wasn't growing in my position."
that's a nice one, thanks frank
Which is basically, "I've been doing the same damn thing for years and I'm tired of it."
it's true too
@badp I don't know what the difference is
I can do more than they let me do here.
It's not been years here, but I'm not suited to contracting
And they contacted me anyway!
@djsmiley2k all of this sounds pretty familiar
@badp 8 months ago I had 3 interviews
Where I am is the only place at the time that offered me a position
No wonder I took it even if I wasn't sure
it's pretty much how I got where I'm working now, while fleeing contractorship
@Frank yep that is the challenges and opportunities with a more personal spin
@badp yeah agency called me 'you will do contracting right?'.... and I needed a jorb bad
although as long as you don't answer with red flags, you should be fine
fuck everything about making a terrible mess and being unable to pull the plug on it
like don't do this
People here seem to rave about it, but with 2 young kids I can't think of anything worse than 'clock up lots of hours!'
no no no let's just keep throwing money at the terrible mess until it stops being a terrible mess
They were gonna offer me the other position 8 months ago
> "why are you leaving your previous company?"
"I'm not."
but took some other guy instead :/
everything is fine really no two things are on fire
@GodEmperorDune :D :D
our average has been 1.85 things on fire see
i mean we can figure out when people are fishing for a counter-offer, but that time was the most blatant
@djsmiley2k A good work life balance is important.
sure there was that time when 1.85 was the number of things that WEREN'T on fire, and one of them was the AC
the other b eing the water in the water cooler?
And don't forget respect. You can have the easiest job in the world, but if everyone treats you like shit, then you're just stuck.
@Frank yeah they don't do that here tbf, but the boss is sneaky here
and I can't be dealin with that
@djsmiley2k well, that's the other 0.85. The rest of the water cooler was on fire.
and stuff like the expected over time here
I signed up for mon - fri, 6-9
this week has been mon - sun; 6 - 11:30pm
@djsmiley2k I got so freaking tired of busting ass and getting yelled at more often.
@djsmiley2k wat
@djsmiley2k Holy shit, 15 hours?
Q: General question about the starter pokemon dungeon super mystery

LumiosOk here's the question, in the quiz what should I answer to get a riolu as my starter, I wanted to have this pokemon in particular because he's strong. Also if you have the time you can also list how to get each pokemon as starters, so nobody else has to ask "How do I get a pikachu as a starter?...

Q: When is it profitable to use the 'stock all' button?

The Pickle TicklerIn Tiny Tower (iOS app), there is an option to 'stock all' to stock all your floors. This restocks any floor with stock that has already been ordered and is ready to be delivered, and reorders more stock if applicable. Fortunately, this option does not require any bux. My tower is 50 floors tall...

@djsmiley2k wat
I'm not here all of those hours
but they just expect you to do exactly what they need, with no notice, etc
yeah, i had a previous boss that liked to play everyone off against each other. we foiled that by talking to one another
''oh you'll be in sat and sun as well
I'm on 12 days in a row right now
I've been working ~11-20 lately
'you've got a 3 week old baby? meh'
@djsmiley2k On call.
Tho looks like we might be taking him to hospital....
@djsmiley2k D:
@Frank 'contractors have to be on site during on call hours'
I've been there, done that.
@djsmiley2k i hope everything is ok
@djsmiley2k D:
I don't mind having a phone with me and dialing in
@djsmiley2k D:
@djsmiley2k 'contractors have to be paid while on site'
@GodEmperorDune It'll be fine ,we've dealt with it with my daughter
@Frank yes, but i wanted a weekend off
@Frank 'contractors have to be paid overtime'
not 12 days in a row
@KevinvanderVelden That, too.
give me mon/tues off?
@djsmiley2k like, you know, this isn't the start of the industrial revolution
My last job abused the crap out of the on call.
Nope - can't do that, as you're covering the late shift
@djsmiley2k i figured the british had laws about that
I've seen on call done well, it was my in old job
@GodEmperorDune 1 day off in 14 on average is the law
The boss (one of the company owners), figured increments of 15 minutes for on call was reasonable.
@djsmiley2k wat
We got called for the stupidest things.
in the EU it is unlawful to work more than, uh, 50 hours a week?
@Frank ffs lame
@badp on 'average'
@badp brexit, lol
48 hours a week
my old job, you were paid like £150 for having the phone all week
if it went off and you logged in, you claimed 1 hr at 1.5*
even if it was a 5 min check
Finally, one of my co-workers took it employment standards here, and they went, "Yeah, they can't do that. Without an official policy, on all counts as being called in, and is therefore three hours minimum."
If you were up half the night, you emailed in to let them know and took the day 'working from home'
3 hours? Nice.
So we modified our spreadsheets where we were keeping track of that. I went from a day of banked time straight up to five weeks.
All of a sudden, we stopped getting called about every little thing.
Suddenly they realise the benefit of just hiring enough people to cover 24/7 shifts.
@Frank funny how that works
It's been a long time since I've been excited about a Battlefield game.
Here is 4 people, basically covering 24/7
@djsmiley2k no, "a minimum weekly rest period of 24 uninterrupted hours for each 7-day period, in addition to the 11 hours' daily rest"
Boss bitched about it, but we just said, "This is what employment standards says."
Just do the math a little bit...
@badp orly?
@djsmiley2k that's illegal according to EU laws ("a minimum weekly rest period of 24 uninterrupted hours for each 7-day period, in addition to the 11 hours' daily rest")
but the average thing about the 48 hours is treu
@badp we can't have these tyrannical EU laws slowing our economy down
Q: Can I find out why a user got deleted (why I lost rep)?

Rudolf L. JelínekVery recently (a few hours ago), I got a reputation change of -22 reputation because a user (or more users) got removed. It seems I had edited 11 posts that just got deleted. 22 reputation isn't much, the world won't end, but I stand for it. I would want it back, but I found out in the help cent...

we're leaving the EU tho :D
No, you've talked about it but you haven't even started the process =p
@djsmiley2k in ~2 years
this is now
I was in 7-2 on sat,
Laws still apply, and they have certainly applied in the past
then 2:45 - 6:45 on sun, hmmmmm
But basically read this:
2 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Damnit, did I get my 24 hrs?
in other words, if they begin to be difficult as you leave the job, lawyer up
cept they nobbers here
they told the perm guys - you're now covering sats and suns as well. If you don't like it, we'll let you go'
@djsmiley2k ?
@djsmiley2k that is blatantly illegal
Pretty sure if it actually went to court they'd loose, but who has the time to do that?
@djsmiley2k that's okay, you're leaving anyway
@djsmiley2k Run. Run now, run hard.
@badp I'm not perm either. :P
But record everything, because holy shit, that'll be a freaking payout for you if they try it.
fuck every single thing about contracting
@Frank hoping to.
they should be so glad you are not naming names
@badp Amen
oh you wanna know the company?
that would open you to liability
So no one else comes to work for them
I'll reveal once I've left :D
though it wouldn't surprise me if it rhymed with pasture
The company is @fredleycorp
@djsmiley2k Probably still not a good idea.
@Yuuki Why not?/
Nothing i've stated is untrue
I'll say that working for companies the names of which rhymes with pasture is an extremely unwise idea. Do not
I have no clue who that is @badp but I'd never heard of these guys before working here
tho it's huge global company
@badp That doesn't sound like Trump, Inc.
@Yuuki I'd almost rather Trump Inc.
Basically in a Google indexed chatroom I wouldn't divulge info that could relate to your job
Or previous jobs
We've got a clothing company here, Nygard.
@twobugs ah yes
Apparently they are not the place to work. For anything. Ever.
ok sock puppets ahoy :D
@twobugs oh the company I contracted with was not pulling any of this garbage. If you had to work contract, the company I was in was probably one of the best to work in
we actually gave a fuck about what we were doing
we schooled pretty much all other contractors and kicked ass
we were not forced to put on suits to give a bloody show
it escapes, irretrievable time
@GnomeSlice wat
oooooooo is it @GnomeSlice poetry corner time?
when it was the time to pull overtime, my boss was the last out of the door, every time
Meh given my track record I should delete that
when we had to do overtime due to releases, he got it paid
@badp my old job was like that
we had to work saturdays too, once, and he brought like breakfast and spotify, and it was paid
I think something went seriously wrong when they let me go
tho at least I got the sleep apnea sorted!
@badp That's the way contracting should be done.
that boss was a really good man
And for some people, it works well.
that said the actual work was, no fault of his own or the company's, garbage
so true @badp
are any more bridge regulars going to contribute to the meta about adding a spambot to the bridge?
Q: Are we interested in getting spam reports to our chatroom?

angussidneyOver at Charcoal HQ, we run a headless chatbot called SmokeDetector which detects spam or offensive questions and answers from across the entire SE network. It posts all spam reports to the Charcoal HQ chatroom and some site-specific reports to various other chatrooms on the network. According t...

After naming about 50 things in No Man's Sky you end up naming planets "Meow" and other stupid shit
@GodEmperorDune I have not felt the need, tbh
@GodEmperorDune I'm tempted to put a dissenting answer in there.
I don't really see the need for the Smoke Detector in here.
@GodEmperorDune do you have stats on how many helpful spam flags get raised on Arqade?
@KutuluMike nope
And I have run into at least one instance where a user from that room has phoned it in.
@GodEmperorDune 5½ minutes is a really good average
@badp we ended up removing in 15 minutes max in that data set, so tbh I'm not sure if we need it
@badp yeah i'm fine with us going on as is
20-30 seconds is just crazy
30 seconds is failure to disengage
can you really check them all that fast?
plus, if you are genuinely interested in fighting spam, I believe Tavern on the Meta gets spam reports for every site that doesn't have it's own smokey
I dunno I'd rather have you guys enjoy the non-garbage posts on the site as well
then just have a constant feed no the bottom 5th percentile of the site
Lazers is pretty slow though
"quality sure has gone down!"
We already get reports of every post
no you're just looking at the worst of the worst
That is pretty much the only advantage I see to a second, non-rss thing
so that should divert of the Asian too
@KevinvanderVelden when I open spam when lazers post it, it usually is at -3 or -4 from spam reports
cover off the soap
well in all fairness, lazers only does questions
wet screen
@badp good point
@badp oh, yeah, (only) answers posted by charcoal can be a good idea
It would potentially increase response time, and also report on answers
@arda that said the numbers say it is not a problem
There's too much potential for kneejerking.
I don't feel like spam sticking around is a big problem we have
seems like it's all caught fairly quickly
And that's the point I'm making; we're already getting kneejerk reactions from those reading the reports. I think letting the spam survive for a couple extra minutes is better than risking false positive flags. — Frank 23 hours ago
Sums up my view.
and we have enough spam in chat already without adding more literal spam
@angussidney : about the dataset on meta post, were the spam posts around 15 minute answers?
I agree with @badp and @GnomeSlice
A: Are we interested in getting spam reports to our chatroom?

DragonrageI personally see no need for the chatbot. I have no idea when the spam posts you located were posted, but I would guess that the ones that took 15 minutes to get rid of were posted at night when most Bridge regulars are sleeping (so having chat notifications for them wouldn't help much). I know m...

I think our times are already pretty quick, and I think taking them from 5 minutes to 2 minutes isn't a big deal. Plus, if you use the median (aka the better measure), our average time si 3 minbutes
To add onto this, if you take the median time instead of the mean (which ignore the issue of outliers), we come in at 3 minutes - which is fairly solid. Honestly I'd like to see a much larger sample size than just 10 posts before giving a "Yes" vote on this one. I just don't think shaving off a few more minutes from an already good response time is worth spamming up our general chat. — Wipqozn ♦ 1 min ago
in other news, I caught a 1286 omastar and a 231 dragonair yesterday
TIL my building has a monthly pest control inspector
Cassini is getting ready to wrap up it's science mission for good :(
I always wonder why I saw pest control so often, becasue I never see any pests. Probably because they have a monthly check up!
good night sweet prince
where's my night cover replacement
it's 9pm he should be here
/me starts to tidy up
@djsmiley2k Does he have an Arqade account? If so I could ban him for GREAT JUSTICE
I'll even put "Made @djsmiley2k stay late for work, ya jerk" as the reason
I finish 9:30, but I've got stuff to tell/show him as per the boss
@Wipqozn tht's pretty good
one of my old place had fleas or something it in
but as the company actually rented the building, nothing was ever really done
i love wanda cc @fredley
"You don't love me, it's okay, I don't love you"
still not here, grrr
Looks like someone who just doesn't really get SE yet, or had negative experiences
haha oh man
@fredley, I love how wanda just doens't have any time for bojacks childness
@arda It's still NAA.
Q: Are there one-time pokemon I have to choose between in White 2

zaroseI recently bought White 2 used, and the previous owner had made it to the Elite Four. Other than the starter, are there any Pokemon they might have chosen over another, so I should attempt to trade that to another player and then trade back once I start anew? A similar scenario would be the Mount...

He's probably just irked about this question
@arda WOW
okay, time to take away @arda flagging rights
wait, or do we justdelete his account?
No more semaphores for you, young man.
@badp you have more experience than I do, what's the proper course of action here?
Including that top few pixels of text was evil and I hate you
but seriously that was NAA
so I approved your flag
and then I banned you
and then answered the question
@twobugs I hate both of you :^) Also don't forget to add me on steam
@Wipqozn and then bought him Bad Rats
@Wipqozn I would say, condemn him to the pls
Like so
@arda pls
@arda That reminds me I need to block you on steam now too
Guys, I think I have found proof that @Chippies is the infamous hacker known as "4chan".
@badp good idea!
@arda pls
@Wipqozn NOOOOO
@Yuuki My WORD
I think he added me
@Yuuki recruit a friend starter edition + PC that can run 2 WoW at same time :P
So did your mom
free teleports
@arda pls
@Yuuki so you're from Federal Bureau of Rookies, you say?
@Chippies pls
I should log on more accounts just to mess with @Yuuki
but I won't, because I filed tickets to delete my 3 unused starter accounts...
@Chippies pls
@Chippies but why
@arda why delete?
because I don't need them and they're no good to me
@Chippies yep
@Wipqozn pls
the only reasons I would even need a starter account is for recruit a friend and you can only do that with a fresh starter account and the bonus lasts 90 days
@Chippies pls, clearly they would help you now
@Wipqozn Yeah, it's great, she just completely deadpans him
after 90 days, the starter account becomes useless, not to mention those 2 of those 3 accounts were made by mistake due to blizzards great recruit a friend system where instead of confirming that recruit a friend has worked, it just gives you an error and no confirmation and doesn't even let you know the starter account was created for 10'ish minutes
Q: After you complete TW3 main story can you still play?

alex2003superAfter approaching the Isle of Mists (I won't say anything about that to prevent spoiler) the most secondary quests are lost, but some - as far as I'm concerned - remain. There are some interesting DLCs too, which I might like to complete after game ends. There are 3 endings for Ciri, one of them ...

Q: How many levels does Asterix on SNES have?

RichouHunterI've recently bought Asterix on the SNES, and it's kinda hard. I'd like to know if I'm getting close to the end of the game, but I can't find this information on the Internet. :( Any help?

@Chippies Is there any way to tell when someone has accepted your recruit a friend invitation thing?
@SaintWacko add them to your friend list and it will have a summon friend icon to their name
also if you have partied with them, right clicking on their name will show summon friend option
@Chippies pls, user error
(the noises you can hear now in the background are 2B exploding)
@badp sounds like your average tuesday
@Chippies my average Tuesday on a Monday? pls
@badp sounds like your kind of thing
@Chippies my kind of thing is more like "pls"
@SaintWacko also, if you're recruiting yourself, once you accept it, a new starter account will be created for you
Q: Is it possible to run No Man's Sky on Mac?

Nathaniel ZavalaIs it possible to run No Man's Sky on Mac? I don't want to buy a PC, so is it even possible to play on a Mac? I already have BootCamp installed, but it still doesn't seem to work, I guess because it has an Intel graphics card, which the game doesn't support. I really want to play the game. I'v...

Q: Use of outdoorsman skill at local map

vianna77How can I use the outdoorsman skill at local map? I see it is possible to add it to the hotkeys but every time I use it, I get the Invalid Target popup. There is no useful documentation explaining how to use it and the only places (at local map) that I can find some utility for that skill is on...

@Lazers2.0 oh, you love the game? Well, in that case, I guess we could make an exception and let you play it on your unsupported mac...

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