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But agree. London is in the middle of second "housing bubble"
prices have started falling a bit
I know wages tend to be higher there as well, but still you go down on hols and see how much costs of everyday stuff rise as you travel southwards
prices in zone 1 are out of the equation
I saw a 1 dorm flat in Hyde Park for £32M
@OscarFoley I own in Zone 1
really? Me in Zone 3
Not the Hyde Park end though
@fredley But you're crazy.
Zone 1 is city of london area right?
@OscarFoley Got a tiny flat in Shoreditch
@sequoiad No
ah, tube zones?
I got a nice 3 bedroom house rented in area 3
zone 3
yes sequoid
also, people speak funny down there and you get funny looks asking for gravy on chips :P
also, no chippie seemed to understand the concept of 'scraps'
I got funny looks everywhere with my accent
also, I'm using the word 'also' too much
lol :)
> 2 bed flat for sale
What, even, the fuck
Q: How do double D.Va ultimates work?

Jim ThioFor example, if I am out of my mech, and then I can recall the mech. Should I get killed instead? If get killed instead I will have another mech and a more powerful ultimate. Everytime I do my ultimate I can always get another mech quickly afterwards. In fact there is a case where I ultimate, k...

first day at uni halls in Bristol was great, there were 3 VERY posh people in my flat and the second I spoke they all looked scared
@Wipqozn I like the picture where the washing machine is in the bedroom
Also there's 3 toilets stacked up in one corner of the flat, wtf
aaaand lack of sleep hit me right now
none had ever been north of Devon until going to uni, don't think they'd ever heard scouse irl before :P
And that bath is going to be impossible to lie in
No wonder it's only £1m
@fredley oohhh okay
I thought it was in a picture, and they were literally on top of each other
like that
@Wipqozn lol\
I assumed it would have been some weird art
@Wipqozn real art is being able to use it
without breaking the toilets or some of your bones
> At the event horizon, time will become infinite. Now I'm 90% sure that this is a euphemism for maddening death,
but I'm a robot who can't feel and you're a person experiencing a very linear narrative so...
@Yuuki In the "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" system?
"We return to Earth, let them know.
We're heroes. Roll credits.

---- off with your plot holes.
Let's do this. Planet Boosters!"
@sequoiad ikr
im actually quite a way ahead of that as well
Anyone has a VR set (Virtual Reality)? Is it worth to buy one?
The only game I have that seems to support it is Elite Dangerous...
Wondering if it is the moment or not
@sequoiad I'm only playing very idly
@GnomeSlice damn the newest meganeko album is nice
> If you want a more ideal experience, you'll need an i7-3770K or FX 8350, 16 GB of RAM, and a GTX 970 or RX 480
doe Deus ex prequel 2
@Wipqozn only 16gb?
i have a gts250
only i7-3770k?
I shall make a game that only runs on 128gb of ram and 1080
and titan x
and insert highest skylake i7
I should update my computer this year
@OscarFoley depends if you've found a killer app for it or not
@Wipqozn Same. I'm starting to notice issues with framerate.
I don't know if anyone here has got one (I assume you mean a PC headset) but it's a bit rich for my blood yet
@OscarFoley also vr rodeo can give you an idea of what software is available:
@RedRiderX someone here had one
vr sux
Yeah? Interesting
@KevinvanderVelden and @MBraedley I think
I've tried the vive and stuff before, and it is really cool, but also still really expensive.
I don't see enough titles that'd justify my purchase
ZAPP presents...Famous Trump Quotations! https://t.co/cFq1rQ4veY
@fredley Aww there aren't any new ones yet.
@Wipqozn for an "ideal experience"? That's very reasonable actually
@RedRiderX yeah I've spent a bit of time on a friends Vive, it's great... but I havn't found any games I feel ready to drop that kind of cash on yet
@sequoiad just wait a couple years and it will be a fraction of the price
@Chippies that's the plan :)
right now the VR is in the high end enthusiast field - people who are ready to dish out any kind of money to have the best of the best
there's not a whole lot of "full" games either
tbh the only reason you'd even get a VR headset right now is if you play Elite and only Elite or if you are crazy about racing sims
besides racing sims and Elite, there's very little worth buying a VR headset for
@Chippies yeah, there's a lot of novelty games, but nothing really amazing as a full game except Elite/Eve
hopefully TES6 will be announced and have it as an option
besides, depending on your PC, you might have to upgrade your GPU and perhaps even CPU (and motherboard and potentially RAM as well, since upgrading CPU is always fun) to even be able to get the best out of the VR
@sequoiad not until they figure out how to deal with the motion sickness
@Chippies Time to upgrade
@Chippies "upgrading CPU is always fun" please
racing games and space sims work fine with VR because you're sitting in the game, just like you are in real life
or even without VR support
I have yet to upgrade CPU, but I fully expect it to be the worst
basically, I want TES6 asap
@Wipqozn what's your gpu?
Q: Is it possible to play offline?

TimmyI understand that No Man Sky isn't exclusively an online game other than naming planets and saving and such. I was wondering, for PS4 or PC version, is it possible to play this offline. For example if I'm on the road and don't have access to internet, could I play No Man Sky on my laptop when...

@Wipqozn upgrading CPU generally means buying a new PC
@Chippies It's a your mom 2016
@Chippies yeah, I figured
or a Morrowind remake with the Skyrim combat/controls
@Wipqozn ooh, I heard she's a beefy one
@Chippies but R9 280
if you don't want to dish out too much money on a gpu, the AMD Rx 480 is great value right now
I'll likely upgrade either this year or next
@Chippies +1
@Wipqozn ah, that's not too bad, I'd probably wait for new AMD gpu's before upgrading
I just decided to toss giant pile of money into the ocean on a new phone, though, so it'll be a bit
apparently 470 isn't much less powerful either
@Chippies yeah I'd probably do new RAM first
@Chippies this is true.
I'm at 8GB of RAM
@Wipqozn are you on DDR3?
@Wipqozn if you're upgrading your CPU, skip the RAM, you'll probably have to upgrade to DDR4
basically what chippies said
@Chippies good advice
Might just wait until next year and do a whle brand new top of the line omg why did I spend so much money build
@Wipqozn good idea
If you are going to build it yourself, I have a tip for you. Coolers are hell to install.
oh man, but 16GB of ram is on sale on new egg
when I was building my PC in december, I had a choice between the cheaper intel haswell or slightly faster but more expensive skylake. I went with skylake because I didn't want to buy DDR3 ram that would become obsolete soon in the future
@Wipqozn "do I want to eat this month, or a new GPU... hmmmm... I guess I'm not that hungry"
@Wipqozn order now, install later at worst
ram goes on sale quite often actually
@Chippies yeah
RAMs is cheap
I had 8gb at first, since I planned to upgrade to 16gb later
like if @arda joined a boy band, they'd be able to get plenty of RAM to power their animals
then RAM went on sale and 2x8gb was only like 10$ more than 1x8gb...
now I have 24gb ram
worst part of making jokes with variable names is that they spread EVERYWHERE making it hell to change
Is that not wat refactoring tools are for?
I guess I just don't do stuff that's likely to produce NaN very often in languages I use.

Proposed Q&A site for experts on PHP server side programming language. All of the parts of PHP can discuss and discover here.

Currently in definition.

@Chippies tbh I really had to resist just getting fucktons of RAM with this compute
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment tempted to flag .s
I figured 8GB would last me until I got anew PC
it's so cheap that buying MORE MORE MORE is easy to fall into
@Wipqozn well, idk how you managed with just 8gb, my chrome eats 4gb on a daily basis
I've had times when I run out of memory... with 24gb total...
@Chippies My uncle has 3GB on his laptop. IT's terribe.
I was doing some troubleshooting on his PC, and it was painful
@Wipqozn tbh I think it's the HDD that's terrible, not the 3gb of ram
I was like "dude, you need anew computer
he says "it's only 5 or 6 years old"
getting an SSD for that laptop would do it a world of good, whereas more ram probably wouldn't make much of a difference
@Wipqozn That's like 48 years in computer years
@KevinvanderVelden yup
@Wipqozn ram disk ram disk ram disk
likeh his computer takes so long to do anything
when I still lived in Latvia, my PC had 2gb RAM and I was running anything from Vista to windows 8.1 on that PC and I could game just fine on it
This space plan game is kind of neat
as long as you manage the ram properly, 3gb isn't too bad for not-multitasking
ever since I got an SSD though, I hate even touching any PC/laptop without an SSD...
@badp not sure whether to look in or not
@arda yes, I have the vive and he has the oculus
@KevinvanderVelden Which do you prefer so far?
@Chippies Depends on what games you decide to play.
@Chippies 7200rpm isnt so bad, at least on game launches
@twobugs well I prefer the vive over the dev kit I have for the oculus =p
@arda for gaming it's fine, but for actual general use, SSD "revives" old PC's
But that's not a fair comparison
@Chippies yeah
@Arperum well, I did complete Far Cry 3 on that PC
Oh right, you only have the DK2 for the Oculus
VR is kind of intriguing to me but I haven't been sold on it yet
Yeah I'm not that insane =p
anything that would require more than 2gb of ram probably wouldn't really be playable on the CPU/GPU anyway
his comptuer just chugs along
Probably got viruses and spyware on it
Gawker has created a twitter account that filters out all "sent from iPhone" tweets from @realDonaldTrump to form @RealRealDonaldTrump
takes forever to launch programs, or run programs, or visits sites, or do anything
@Chippies I'm having issues with Just Cause 3 that seems to require more resources now than it did at launch
@Arperum that's odd, games generally seem to run better with updates, not worse
@Unionhawk @RealRealDonaldT
@Unionhawk Or with name limits "realrealdonaldt" twitter.com/realrealdonaldt
@Unionhawk So they're making a desperate bid for relevancy that is actually working?
@Chippies More DLC now. with more over the top nonsense.
I'm okay with this
@arda Whatever
My now dual screen setup might also have something to do with it. but I'm pretty sure RAM is bottlenecking.
@Arperum I guess it makes sense in that case. More content can be more demanding on the PC
@Arperum do you actually play on both screens? How much RAM do you have?
@arda ffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I can't believe I fell for that
kangaroos fear hyperdev
I mean
It's a procedural game
What is there even to really datamine

Proposed Q&A site for inter gaming Question like what thing is gonna happen when and why in a particular game

Currently in definition.

Furthermore, never click hyperdev links
@twobugs multiplayer lies
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment ...
Furthermore, it's Friday
So, like
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment what
developer intent and unreleased had a baby?
@arda But that's already been handled in a non-datamine way? I'm not sure what you're going for
@twobugs sean blamed high server load
@Chippies I play on one screen. Browser on other. I should check, but possibly only 4Gb.
Yes well given that people have proved via packet sniffing that you can't actually have multiplayer
@twobugs ah
@Arperum eh, if anything, maybe the browser being in the foreground uses more ram, but other than that, it shouldn't really affect anything. 4GB does sound quite little for JC3 though
@Chippies Yea. It might be 8, but not sure.
If it's 4 I need to upgrade it.
I know for a fact that if you're low on RAM, closing your browser will make a huge difference
especially if you're using Chrome :P
especially if you have bajillion tabs open, like I do...
Or, if you use Chrome, adding more ram will make a huge difference
I upgraded to 16 last year
Best decision
Because now I can run chrome and modded minecraft without hitting outofmemory
I upgraded to 24gb, some pages in Chrome still manages to leak enough memory to fill it all up
But @Unionhawk - modded minecraft is illegal!
@twobugs do you know any BM monks in WoW?
Yes, the main tank of my guild is one
How does he find survivability since prepatch?
I haven't seen him online for a bit but I know he's sticking with brewmaster in Legion
it seems to me that the opinions are split between the people who have shit gear and think it's squishy and people with godly gear that think it's impossible to die
Honestly I wouldn't worry about prepatch at all, nothing is balanced for raiding at 100
eh, even at timewalking dungeons I had a priest complain at me that he had never seen a tank take so much damage (which kinda is what monks do, they don't really mitigate much damage)
but either way, BM monk seems very gear reliant
everything's unbalanced right now, cant really tell
Don't you still have guard? And BM was considered to be one of the less gear-reliant specs I thought
meanwhile, my bear druid in 640 greens takes soooo little damage
Timewalking is also not well balanced
@twobugs no guard anymore
there's only one mitigation skill that isn't on a massive cooldown and all it does is increase stagger amount
Hm, well I don't know what the idea is for BM but every tank class has some form of active mitigation
meanwhile, hitting 33% haste on my balance druid is great
well, the "mitigation" on BM is stagger as much damage as you can and purify it
basically a machine gun
Q: If time travel is possible in the future, no matter how distant, why haven't they come back to tell us?

Aric FowlerIn a world where time travel is possible, but will not be invented for the next 200 years, would travelers from the future come back to prove it exists? Surely, they would bring that technology back in time to let the people of the past use it? I have four theoretical explanations so far, can a...

worldbuilding pls
purify now only purifies 50% of total staggered damage, so you're still taking damage even after purifiying
Maybe time travel is possible but it just keeps your position absolutely constant
So even traveling a year back/forwards would be Difficult
@badp This seems probable
Rest assured that I will use time travel to punish @badp nonstop
> Brewmasters do not rely very much on avoiding damage through dodging and parrying attacks. Instead, have an additional way of dealing with incoming damage, an ability called Stagger Icon Stagger, which causes part of the damage to be done to the Monk instantly, while the rest is done over the course of 10 seconds (with the possibility for the Monk to remove part of the non-instant damage).
@twobugs you may have time travel but you still need to deal with air travel
I should try to gear it up a bit more and git gud
I love the bear druid, but that's the only spec I actually like on it... Although I haven't really tried balance in prepatch, but I don't like the idea of carrying around two completely different gear sets
You don't have to
Leather will have agi and intellect on it
You might want to carry around pieces with the right secondary stats
I guess you're right, most of my gear is too junk to have both yet
I'm in a main limbo right now, I have no idea what to main...
What if we lived in a world where ‡ started an half-hashtag
Does that world even exist?
I don't think that world exists
you could even have the †quartertag
Let's make our world that world
You could, but on the other hand, you could not
but would we
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment remember micro buster (the user who randomly joins and asks random people how they are and doesnt reply for hours) or smth? his proposal lol
whatever happened to # being the hash sign? When did it become a hashtag?
wait, it was never a hash sign
what does hash even mean
there there
we call # a cancelletto so I dunno really
hash browns
# used to be either number sign or pound sign
or sharp, in music
The symbol # is most commonly known as a number sign, hash, or pound sign. Other names include octothorpe and hashtag. The symbol is used for a variety of purposes, including the designation of a number (for example, "#1" represents "number one"), an abbreviation for pounds avoirdupois in the food industry, a searchable metadata tag on social media platforms, and a button on telephone keypads. The symbol is defined in Unicode as U+0023 # NUMBER SIGN (HTML # · as in ASCII). The symbol may be confused with the musical symbol called sharp (♯). In both symbols, there are two pairs of parallel...
apparently it is also known as "hash"
I'm serious btw, hash is a dutch word for weed =p
@KevinvanderVelden hashish is made of weed, so...
@KevinvanderVelden it's one of the many in the uk as well
Hashish, or hash, is an extracted product composed of compressed or purified preparations of stalked resin glands, called trichomes, from the cannabis plant. It contains the same active ingredients as marijuana—such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids—but often in higher concentrations than the unsifted buds or leaves from which the marijuana is made. Hashish may be solid or resinous depending on the preparation; pressed hashish is usually solid, whereas water-purified hashish—often called "bubble melt hash"—is often a paste-like substance with varying hardness and pliability;...
usually used by people with fake dreadlocks, whilst spouting a half-baked conspiracy theory
@Chippies attempts to use "octotorphe" in an non-ironical way have been linked to sudden death
Don't you mean "octopus" leading to sudden death by giant squid?
@badp ‡ is quadtorphe and † is bitorphe, I believe
"Octothorp, octothorpe, octathorp, octatherp"
so long as we don't have the octotrump
the internet delivers as always
USA are you ready? #octotrump #trumpzilla #unitedstatesofTrump #republicofTrump #biggly https://t.co/6Jm8jS3VME
It's kinda weird how sometimes you can be in such a bad mood that work can be a nice distraction
Q: Steam no mans sky on Mac?

MikeI have downloaded steam on my Mac, will I be able to buy no man's sky? I am reading that it is only available for the Pc, if so I am gutted

@Lazers2.0 Buy yes. Play is something else entirely.
hey guys, check out this question and it's answer:
@Arperum pls
Q: Horrible Frame drops on Black ops 3 Zombies

OilAfter more or less 10 minutes of playing, my graphics card seems to be creating strange anomalies across the screen. I tried updating my Display Drivers. And also installing older drivers. I am thinking then it might an actual ingame issue. My GPU is the Radeon R9 270 I am not sure what else to...

the guy figured out an hour and a half later that his GPU died, and posted that as an answer
but it's such a specific case to him only, as far as I can tell. should I vote to close it or anything?
I wouldn't VTC, too specific is not a good close reason
No, leave it open.
Especially since we don't have too localized
right, I figured "too specific" isn't really applicable
tech support questions can pretty all be too specific
@Arperum I was only asking if the user had tried to make it as a self Q&A question
no need to jump down my throat about it...
It's a 90 minutes later thing, it wasn't like an immediate self-answer
If they did it with an immediate self answer, that'd be more wat
70% more wat on average
true, but I figured for my own peace of mind, I would ask. There's no harm in that
I don't think @Arperum was responding rudely
You did the right thing by asking
The situation seems resolved to me
Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy. 10/10 for all (by happytailsresort) https://t.co/EY8kEFuzK7
I can't help but feel like we're really running into inflationary values for these dog ratings
10/10 is a fairly low rating
@Unionhawk perfect
Q: What are my chances to get anything from Pokestops?

Fredy31The items you get from pokestops are variable. Sometimes you get 3, sometimes up to 7... Is there a breakdown of how that is generated? Like how it decides to give you once 5 pokeballs, then 1 ultraball + 2 potions, etc.

Man one of my dumb acquaintances really wants to hang out for numerous hours tomorrow
@Unionhawk yeah, I've seen up to 14
I've blown him off for several months so I should probably hang out with him tomorrow
@arda 14/10 is reserved for truly legendary puppers
in other words you should mentally dock 5 out of all dog rates
(and watch the ratings creep up anyway)
I have seen exactly 2 14/10s. One was the guy who took his really old dog on one last road trip, and the other was a dog that guided a blind dog who jumped off a dock by mistake to shore.
those are two decent examples of 9/10s, yes.
@Unionhawk there is a new one
Looks better than the last few Star Wars movies
CPR dog
@Sterno Are you one of those Ep 7 haters
@Unionhawk you should rather think about the 8/10 dogs
@Sterno my excitement for it can hardly be contained
This left me speechless. 14/10 heckin heroic af https://t.co/3td8P3o0mB
@twobugs I didn't hate it but I've had no desire to rewatch it.
I will allow that
Carry on

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