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The clickbaiteyist of burns.
Huh, I broke Google's instant result box thingy
@PrivatePansy cc @Wipqozn and @fredley on that sick burn
(It's actually the Sun)
@PrivatePansy urmom is a sun?
I don't know why they don't just use the scientific notation
so if you spend too long outside you get a urmom burn?
i'm not sure if that burn is sick enough for me to cc @Wipqozn and @fredley
but the original one was, for sure
Q: I am in 56% of game I am not getting how to get the key

Sanket KoodiI am not getting how to get the key at 56% of the game please tell me

@Yuuki Oh by the way, if you want to get back into WoW let me know and I can refer a friend you
Also cc @Unionhawk @other people maybe WoW inclined
@Ash WoW thing I was talking about with @sequoiad
never change OP
> Those who flag duplicate, literally irrelevant to my question.
@Ash the Illidan novel
I think the dupe does look a little irrelevant
@twobugs i agree, but OP needs to say why
I also agree
Although to some extent I don't think it should have been marked as dupe in the first place
ugh, fucking itunes... every time i try to do something simple, half your shit is broken
Q: I can't play without WiFi or hotspot

JaneWhen I use my data for pokemon go , no poke stops or Pokémon in the sightings appear just the road and the avartar walking however when I use WiFi or hotspot , the pokestops and Pokémon appears again . I have been facing this problem just 3days ago and I can't play with our WiFi or hotspot . what...

now you went and corrupted your apple software updater... i guess i should be happy that you will stop bothering me about quicktime
@GodEmperorDune HEY! LISTEN!
@twobugs navi is less annoying than apple software on windows
I agree with that
a while ago i looked at the itunes API for windows, it is atrocious
Fi is also the most annoying but that's because she actually interrupts your gameplay to talk to you
home time, bye y'all
so bonjour is fucking things up
@sequoiad Have fun with DH!
"contact my technical support group"? wat
Your suffering pleases me
ugh i think i need to fuck around in the registry
this is not good
it's also not going to end well
What's the worst that could happen?
I mean, sure, Skynet
@GodEmperorDune You mean that thing which everyone that has Apple software has but nobody knows that it does?
Good morning bridge
@PrivatePansy yeah, that bonjour
So, as much as it kills me to ask this...
@Sterno What are your thoughts on NMS so far?
@twobugs I'm not sterno nor own NMS, but from what I've read, it gets repetitive (both stuff you do and the randomly generated stuff in game) after some time (mind you, we are on first day and people started thinking this way). Most people who recommends it are well, on the far end of exploration part of bartle chart, as it is a way to relieve stress and enjoy the views etc for them.
The online meet other people thingy is probably not real, and Sean is NOT clear about it, so I suppose he is either under NDA for his own game by Sony, or he wants the cash from PC gamers before saying that the game is actually nothing like what they promised on the multiplayer side.
Thanks, I'm hoping for some firsthand stuff from actual people and not just internet people though
The game seems incomplete though - some fun stuff are apparently going to be added in with an update. For example, base building is not a thing yet, it is going to be released with next update. Even though I think I might enjoy it, I'll wait until more updates or a sale.
@twobugs I see. I wonder @Sterno's comments too.
Q: Battle/Trade across iOS/Android GBA emulators Pokemon

eastyIs it possible to Battle and Trade from my iPhone with my friend's Android? If so, using what emulators? He is able to do so using MyBoy with Android-Android

not all all shocking:
Explorer: 93%; Achiever: 53%; Socializer: 47%; Griefer: 7%
@KutuluMike Where did you get that?
i googled "bartle test" and took it
the site linked from wikipedia is apparently down
it needs an option (C) cc'ing @Wipqozn afterwards?
... It's already pumpking season?
I guess? I don't mind if they're selling pumpkin stuff because it's delicious
And I don't care if anyone calls me a white girl for thinking that
I'll sip my pumpkin spice latte in my Subaru while I'm wearing my Uggs, thank-you-very-much
I've never liked pumpkin stuff. I've had easy access to them my entire life.
As in: my parents grow them to sell them.
I could understand being sick of it then
@fredley I know. I'm so popular.
I just like lots of the pumpkin flavored stuff and it's strictly Octoberish in the US
Achiever: 40%, Explorer: 87%, Griefer: 13%, Socializer: 60%
I get different things every time I take the bartle test, I blame it on the questions being annoying
@twobugs You keep griefing the test.
Not intentionally! I typically find griefing to be a complete waste of everyone's time
The test is very out of date imo
@twobugs it is delicious
The games back when the test was created were like that, but nowadays they should be like "U like 420 nospoking nubs?" (well, at least the dungeon, wizard etc ones should be changed (not to the terrible example above). I can't give a good answer.)
cc @Wipqozn @fredley
> Achiever: 80%
Explorer: 40%
Griefer: 73%
Socializer: 7%
also cc @uni and @Sterno, but not @fredley
Why am I %73 griefer again?
I think in almost all the situations posed by the test there are like 50 other things I'd like to know which would impact my decision
@twobugs yeah, exactly.
Like, "Would you kill a boss yourself or with a team?" is highly dependent on boss' power
For example: The Wizard/Bard question. How hard is the dungeon? Do I know the Wizard? Does my friend, the bard, need it? How do bards work in this context?
would you rather make maps, or own a tavern?
Would you rather be an NPC or an explorer? Gee I dunno...
@Dragonrage Brilliant.
@twobugs if i was an tavern owner, I could be Kvothe
If Trump wins I'll do some sort of crazy twitch stream as I descend into madness
@Dragonrage I don't know what that means
status update: apple supporter and bonjour gone... itunes status: still fuct
Each individual tune is fuct
@twobugs then you should read "Name of the Wind" and "A Wise Man's Fear"
And then be tormented FOREVER by the fact that the serie isn't ended
> Griefers

The smallest percentage of students are known as Griefers, or Killers. In the online gaming world, griefers willfully damage and vandalize other people’s creations. They take pleasure in the turmoil they cause in the game world, and in the damage they wreak on others. In the classroom, those students often are the first ones to see if they can “hack” the system, and are often willfully oblivious to the consequences to the community. However, Griefers are often your risk-takers, the ones who are used to starting over with nothing, over and over again — because they’re always bein
That thing is outdated as hell. First of all, griefers and killers have a difference, and it is probably the highest percentage nowadays.
Eh, the author is still alive
it's because itunes does some funky shit instead of distributing a standard msi
its like they don't want their stuff to be uninstalled
fingers crossed, don't fuck up my system itunes
Q: How do I add a radius to a tp command with another specification?

CraftGuy12345I'm trying to make a certain amount of villagers look a certain way, but I can't figure out how to add a radius (so only some of the villagers look that way). My command is /tp @e[type=Villager] ~ ~ ~ -90 30

Q: Will my progress on minecraft servers be lost if I switch hard drives on mac

ToxicatedI am switching my hard drive because the mac computer is very old and has a small hard drive, I am using a duel bay hard drive docking station to transfer my old stuff to the new hard drive. I am only wondering about my progress on servers and not single player worlds.

Goddamnit Blizzard, why do you have to break my fun?
yay first steward badge
so I had a name chosen for my demon hunter on a connected realm to my own, Toosoon - Executus
@Dragonrage nice
I should spend more time in reviews - gotta up that mod score somehow :P (at 22 or 23 atm)
turns out that I can't make them on that realm because the level restriction is based on the old realm limit, not the new connected realm limit.
oh I went ahead and took the test again, more carefully: Achiever: 73% Explorer: 53% Griefer: 53% Socializer: 20%
@arda the test is dumb, the questions are vague and everyone gets different results every time, depending on their mood at the time
the questions are extremely vague and outdated
I guess it would work if the test was strictly about DnD, maybe
@arda thanks. that is the only queue i consistently cap or almost cap on
@Dragonrage grats
@GodEmperorDune ty. only 2 more to go to catch the number you have
also well done itunes, my computer is not horribly fuct
Q: How come whenever I configure/Format Drive on my Xbox 360, it wont show up in horizon or windows explorer?

Premium Gamer I made sure I ran horizon as an Administrator, but it still won't show up my flash drive!

@arda Mine just said "100% Awesome".
@Sterno Only 100%? Heh.
@Chippies hmm... now that you said so, I think that I might make a website that determines their gaming style using their steam game times
@arda that sound incredibly inaccurate...
anyone that ever played an MMO on steam would get whatever stats you assigned for MMO
@arda so, if i have 17k hours on skyrim, what does that say?
or any idle incrementals
@Dragonrage it says that you have no life
@Dragonrage in less than 5 years you have nearly 2 full years of game time?
that's more hours than you've slept since Skyrim was released
no, I only have 260 hours. I was slightly exaggerating
hmm I wonder if the issue is mono or RPI or ARM
Porting C# stuff to RPi is hard
Q: I am playing Pixelmon for minecraft and I want to install the fast building mod to use while I play. Is this possible, how would I do it?

AceTrainerAlyssaPretty much the title. I want to play pixelmon with fast-build as well. If I can how would I do this? I use forge so please try to keep it available for forge exclusively. Thanks!

Q: What changed in the evolution animation?

gitsitgoI was doing a lucky egg evolution marathon last night and noticed that the animation for evolutions changed. This is with the latest patch v0.33.0. I can tell it was different but couldn't quite pinpoint exactly what. More research today confirms that it did change, and some new things like how ...

How so? Isn't mono available for it
It is
Apparently the issue was the slow IO
Works well now, but the process that takes 5.34 seconds on my pc takes about a minute on it
Yeaaah the raspi isn't the fastest
Which version?
Raspbian or mono or .net version?
Raspi 1(b) 2 or 3 =p
ah. 2b
hmm, might do a little overclocking
Changed overclock mode to pi2, much faster
still taking a lot, but well, better
Do doublecheck the temp =p
yep, created an alias for temp checking
will open a second screen and put it on watch
why do people put links to pirate games in answers and suggest that people use them?
Who knows?
is that a valid mod flag? we dont support piracy
@Dragonrage I think so. Spam might apply too
Q: What does DPS mean?

NiteCyperI know it stands for Damage Per Second. I think it originates from MMORPGs, particularly World of Warcraft. Most recently, I used it to refer to "character-classes whose role is primarily damage-dealing". Am I using it appropriately? Is it more often used to refer to classes or numerical damage p...

@Lazers2.0 I don't think this is really unclear, but it's not a very good question
@twobugs It's unclear as to what he wants to know.
I think he's going more for the tautology than just the meaning.
He wants to know what the term means? I don't really see an indication otherwise

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