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@twobugs no one can know your mysery, it's only yours
your oursery however is public
@twobugs I havne't watched much of eiter, but I prefer super.
Damn, that's poetic
but whatevers man
people can love what they love
~ love !
@twobugs I didn't become the King of Dictionary for nothing
No, everyone has to agree with me
ESPECIALLY on the internet
Finally everyone figured out Skype for Business is way better for this kind of exchange than email
@Nzall haha oh my god
> Rebecca Black and her friends stand up in a fast-moving car and raise their fists in a black power salute, a homage to activists who stood up for their rights in the tumultuous 1960s. A full moon, symbolic of the fertility of social movements and of Rebecca Black herself, shines above Black's shoulder.
> "I purposely gave many shout-outs to the civil rights movement in my video, particularly when you see my friends and myself standing in the back seat of a fast moving car. The movement activists' standing up for their freedom, and us standing in the backseat of a speeding car driven by a drunken teenager, were both foolish things to do. But they and we survived to sing about it. This is the strength of the human spirit
@Sterno Ask Paranormal. Or Lifehacks.
> Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quoted from Friday during his 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech: "I got this. You got this. We we we, so excited. We gonna have a ball today."
@sequoiad compared to currently, when with certain talents Marksman is literally a 3 button class
Zeus damn it @Chippies, good job on trolling me with that link
@Wipqozn I forgot about Paranormal. That would have been perfect.
> 34 more questions with a score of 10 or more

Proposed Q&A site for phenomenon believers in: Psionics:Psychokinesis/Telekinesis; ESP:Astral/Lucid/RV/NDE/OBE; Energy:Meditation/Consciousness; Magic:Occult/Healing/Reiki/Crystals/Runes/Rituals/Exorcism); ET:Aliens/UFO; Metaphysical entities: Spirits; Astrology, etc.

Currently in definition.

@Wipqozn Downvoted 5 questions imdoingmypart.gif
@fredley No
@twobugs :(
@fredley I already did
@Wipqozn :)
@fredley Never
@badp :(
you can goto a codeblock of code in perl, and that codeblock can have a last; (a.k.a. continue)
16 = 2D
which would cause an early return of code execution whence it came
Solve for D
I get it
> my $x = 0; X: { say 'whaaat'; $x++; last if $x == 2; say 'whaaaaaaaaaaaaat'; }; goto X unless $x == 3;
$res[4] = 1
@Wipqozn Okay. Question posted. Because I like to beat dead horses.
oh it's not an early return, it's just an early "quit from the codeblock" that doesn't cause a return for the whole function
> sub x { my $x = 0; X: { say 'whaaat'; $x++; return if $x == 2; say 'whaaaaaaaaaaaaat'; }; goto X unless $x == 3; }
> x()
@Sterno Dead horses are the best ones to beat.
I mean, yeah. It's probably better to beat a dead horse than a live one.
Saltwater Reef Aquarium

Proposed Q&A site for saltwater reef aquarium professionals including people specializing in fish breeding, aquaculture and coral propagation.

Currently in definition.

and this piece of code is so nice it says last X if ... so Perl doesn't get confused just in case there are nested GOTOs
don't you hate it when your nested GOTOs end prematurely?
@badp I'll goto your nest
@fredley you don't want to
@fredley Also, I hope bojack carries that golden globe around for the rest of the series. I dind't even notice until about 10 minutes into the episode, and then I just lol'd pretty hard. It was great.
@Nzall yep. one of the reasons I've kinda gone off marksman
> Diane currently lives in LA with a Dog
I find that hilarious, I'm not sure why
but omre importantly thta's a nice attention to detail
@Wipqozn Because it's the kind of thing in real writers blurbs, but usually it implies they're single?
@Wipqozn Once you've finished watching, head over to /r/bojackhorseman. The amount of detail in the show is actually insane.
@fredley I will
It'll probably take me and your mom a few weeks to catch up
@Wipqozn With all the brexit burns, the regular burns just aren't the same any more
@fredley Your mom and I hooked up since I thought she was a naughty girl due to her voting to Brexit
Nah, trying too hard
cc @Uni
Oh and Samus stuff.
@sequoiad Demon Hunter is designed to have a simpler rotation, which kind of worries me
I don't know if it would really keep my interest in progression raiding
@twobugs Which side are you on?
@twobugs we'll have to wait and see how it handles at max level with gear and artifacts really
Because I'm thinking about Dwarven Brewmaster if I do get back into WoW.
Q: Aside from level recommendations, when should I start the DLC?

GillesDVI'm currently replaying Witcher 3. I've done one playthrough before, but haven't played either of the expansion packs before. I was wondering just how 'absolute' the recommendations are (level 30+ each) . Right now I've confirmed Ciri is in neither of the 3 areas and am at level 20+ I've read t...

I think @Chippies is Alliance
And is brewmaster
I honestly don't care that much, but most of my friends play Horde so /shrug
@sequoiad I actually prefer it. I preferred Focusing Shot over Lone Wolf in WoD, and I hated that I can't pick them both. Now, I have both Lone Wolf, Sidewinders and Volley and I literally have 3 buttons in my rotation. Then again, I hate complexity and challenge in my games
especially things like artificial challenge, like hiding important information
@twobugs From what I've heard Horde has more interesting characters in the sense of "I don't want to be that boring guy who just made an elf that looks like themselves except taller"
@Unionhawk Eh, kinda
er, races
I have given up on Batman NG+ because I simply cannot play the game without counter icons
Tauren are cool, Trolls are cool, Orcs are cool
I always find Horde leveling quite... dull... compared to alliance
Undead vary between 'cool' and 'very silly'
but I do like Taurens
Undead have great customization options
There's a "chosen undead" joke in there somewhere but I couldn't be asked
whoever RB'd my A51 link is a terrible person
@Nzall I found WoD MM Hunter very... slow.
cc: @Wipqozn
For Alliance I mean... Humans are humans. Gnomes are pretty meh. Dwarves are cool. Draenei are cool
@sequoiad I've tried several times to level an alliance character. I just can't. After leveling 11 alts to max level and getting my server slots filled, I feel like leveling one more on another server is just... meh
Dwarves are pretty sweet
Furthest I've gotten is level 40 or something like thta
Best race overall is Pandaren female though and I won't budge on that
and that's with full heirlooms
@twobugs I would agree if Pandaren could be Druids
I guess I just don't care about the alliance-horde war that's so prevalent in many of the alliance storylines
@fredley That's what your mom said
@fredley I'm basically a hero
@fredley Did you click your own link nad get trolled?
@sequoiad I've been lobbying for this for years
@Wipqozn one of our time?
basically I like any race than can be Druid. So Night Elves, Worgen, Troll, Tauren.
If I do warrior though I'll probably play Tauren female because I like their dual wield animations better
Worgen are really goofy
In an entirely different topic: I still haven't figured out why my desktop PC sometimes won't react when I press the power button
Worgen males look okay I guess but Worgen female is very, very bad
@twobugs Worgen has the goofiest animations and armor looks awful on them
I have done a bunch of things: replugged cables, shook it around to attempt to dislodge dust, waiting,...
My first toon was a Worgen because they looked interesting and cool but I've stopped playing him because of the visuals
it's to the point that I currently put my PC in sleep mode instead of turning it off
I have a female Worgen Priest who actually looks quite good in cloth armour
Didn't help I was playing a hunter and you look really goofy when you're holding a gun or a bow while hunched over
I almost want to try out WoW
though I always hide helm etc
and lo, when I turned it off last night because I didn't want it to wake me when it decided to install the Redstone update in the middle of the night, I couldn't turn it on this morning.
@Unionhawk It's interesting
@Unionhawk If I'm going to play any MMO I think it would be Tera.
I've already played it enough to know the combat is fun.
@Wipqozn ...maybe
@Unionhawk it's fun to play, but the big struggle right now is catching up on 100 levels of content
@Nzall Yeah, that's one of the big reasons my mind is telling me "no".
Well buying the new expansion gives you a level 100 boost
@Yuuki what @twobugs said
That'll teach you to not check your own links before clicking them
Once you have one character at higher levels it's easier to get others leveled up
Hmm... do you think Blizzard kept my WoW stuff back from WotLK?
and all expansions before that are included in the base game, which is like 15 EUR.
@Yuuki Yes
@Yuuki Blizzard does not delete characters
The most they may do is release your name back in the wild
If you want to just download the client you can see if your characters are still up
You only need a sub to play characters over level 20
I'm wondering if my characters are actually on a different account.
If you haven't logged in since 7 december 2010, you might be forced to rename your character
You really don't need to catch up on 100 levels of content, you might feel like you have to but when you get down to it all that matters is the current xpac
Yeah, it doesn't seem like my Account History matches so I think it's on a different account.
When I first started I thought I had to quest through all the zones, do the dungeons, etc until one of my friends told me to just get to max level and start exploring end game
Once you start messing around at max level you'll figure out what old content you want to go back and see
But achievements!
You can always go back and get them at max level
I know, just joking
I knew someone who wouldn't move on until he had all of the achievements
He was a very strange guy
My sarcasm module must be malfunctioning :P
I don't really care about achievements but I'm working on collecting mounts
I'm up to like 175 now
I didn't care about mounts, and then I saw the reward for the Lord of the Reins achievement
And I've been working on trying to get all the cloud serpent mounts
key word is "trying"
@Unionhawk I thought this was mod abuse
@fredley lolol oh my god that's fantastic
I can't believe I've waited so long to watch this
I can't remember, but I think my proudest achievement was getting a proto-drake somewhat early in WotLK.
surely @fredley is a hero
and to think his reward for all this is Brexit
I got both the Kael'thas mounts on my first respective kills on that char
I've cleared Tempest Keep about 5 times total and seen 2 Ashes drop :)
Not had as much luck with other sought after raid mounts, sadly
Q: What's Happens If I Blow Up The Barrier?

Guest UaserIf, I Blow Up, Barrier, I Don't Know, What Happens, to Barrier.

Q: Can you use sleep dart on Junkrat's RIP-Tire?

UnionhawkIf I shoot Junkrat's tire with a sleep dart, does it stop moving? This might not make much sense at first, but you can put D.va's mech to sleep (she is able to move her joysticks still!), and you can also put Bastion and Zenyatta to sleep, so I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to make this possible ...

Q: Can I "learn" to play horror games?

martsSo here is the thing. I am a great fan of watching people play horror games (mostly REACT, see here). And I would prefer enjoying them myself, too. I was a big fan of F.E.A.R. back in the day, but let's face it, it's horror elements were not the major focus as it is a shooter. But I am just too ...

@Lazers2.0 I don't think this is on topic
Why do you let me try to cancel tests if you're always just going to fail to stop them, Visual Studio?
I got Baron Rivendare's mount on a random run while leveling a Deathknight. I think that's the most prestigious rare mount drop I've gotten
I should farm that. I farmed Stonecore for the drake and I'm farming Vortex Pinnacle on and off (but I hate that dungeon)
Invincible is my big goal but I've run ICC so many times I'm getting sick of it
@twobugs so not fair. around 800 runs at a guess and no mount
@SonofaSailor You can get someone to keep a lockout that just has Arthas
Same for other raids I think
But it requires a separate character and they have to extend it each week
Last night I dreamed it would snow and I wouldn't be able to go for a lunchtime stroll today... now it's about to rain :(
Well, let's see if I can't sneak in a stroll (with umbrella)
Q: What is the fastest way to destroy Junkrat's tire?

KaizerwolfAs the title states, what is the quickest method for taking out the 100 Health on Junkrat's Rip Tire? I would like to know in terms of damage and accuracy, as pure damage can't always guarantee an easy hit on the tire. Damage dealing ultimates can be included as well.

@Lazers2.0 shoot it
Soldiers ult is pretty dece
@Lazers2.0 Use another Rip Tire
Ah I have a turtle!
@djsmiley2k You know @Wipqozn isn't a pet, right?
this looks like a job for DR. BEEEES
I'm so disappointed /r/big_cheeto is not about Jasper
@djsmiley2k A couple of my friends own turtles.
@GodEmperorDune inb4 sorta
@GnomeSlice yeah but you didn't link it
@MBraedley this has confirmed how awesome california is with voting
i assumed all states did the cool stuff we do
Woo no rain
good morning bridge
Q: How to infinitely loop redstone detection with computercraft (lua)

user161362I'm trying to make a harvester/planter out of computercraft computers, and I can get a redstone pulse consistent with a crop maturing, but cannot loop my command 'redstone.getInput("front")' to keep checking without the program crashing. Help.

So it turns out I probably linked my WoW account somewhere else.
all of you guys with your lame stars.
Or someone hacked it something way back and I couldn't be bothered since I stopped playing WoW halfway through college.
@Dragonrage voting is important, yo
@Yuuki That sucks :(
Eh, I was on Alliance anyways. I wouldn't mind starting over if I did decide to get back into it.
Bear in mind that 1-60 has been completely redone
Some of it is pretty good!
man, other states are really stingy with absentee voting
The first time I did it was just quest zones after quest zone. The second I did 1-60, someone repeatedly soloed dungeons way above my level.
Well now all the zones have quests that are good and cool
@twobugs i liked the old way, though upper 50s to 60 were a pain in the ass
Silithus is still a wasteland, but that's fine
@twobugs that is where the gnome outpost is, right?
Gnomeregan? No
no, not the toxic waste one
@twobugs Was gonna say, "wow, things have really changed".
the flight path was this gnome mos eisley thing
I don't know what else you mean, Silithus is the place with all the bugs
Oh, no, you're thinking of Tanaris
Actually Thousand Needles Shimmering Flats
But that's just north of Tanaris
needles sucked
but the dinosaur valley after the desert zone was pretty cool
(Thousand Needles is underwater now and you get a boat for that area + faster swimming and water breathing)
if frustrating
@twobugs wat
is there a list of environment changes cataclysm did? like on a wiki somewhere?
Every 1-60 zone was revisited in one way or another
There might be a more specific changelist somewhere
@PrivatePansy HAha what
@twobugs Almost certainly a scam
Pokemon Stay
Hosted on Google's ad servers by the way, for maximum irony
You can probably submit feedback on it
If you haven't
@PrivatePansy Like it even has the name of a PUP site in it, c'mon
It's so painfully clear how quality has zero influence on ad tech business |:
Facebook is supposedly going to crack down on clickbait
We'll see how that turns out
@TimStone It's hard to determine that it's low quality if people click it and don't leave negative feedback
Also lol @ "Desktop" version, because how was that going to work? "Comes with free pushcart and extra-extra-long extension cord"
@TimStone "Walk using HJKL!"
To be fair, scams normally don't try to target smart people.
@Yuuki Learning about this was really interesting
Granted, I think some prefer people who think they're smart.
Sometimes they even try to exclude people who are actually savvy
Q: how do I get access to the single visitor set up (not visitor table)?

GagsI see a lot of prisons where visitation is not at a visitor table but one on one through a window. It seems like it would help get rid of all that contraband, but I do not seem to have the option (the only "visitor" item is the visitor table).

Q: Why does it say my bag is full at a poke stop when I have no poke balls left?

AlwxI try to spin the poke stop but it says my bag is full but I don't even have any pokeballs why is this happening?


Dom JonesSo, I had three 5K eggs going at once, and when they were ready to hatch I went to the little egg tab and they weren't there. This happened after the recent update also. WHERE MY EGGS AT?

Q: Is there a limit to the number you can transfer back for candy?

Susan SweetIn Pokemon Go I have come to a point where it no longer lets me transfer pokemon back for candy. Is there a limit to the number you can transfer?

Since they're just a waste of the scammer's time
@murgatroid99 Not if the content was pre-screened, but then the market wouldn't be as lucrative
@Yuuki Given that PoGo has more users than Twitter, and there's plenty of dumb people on Twitter...
Things I find interesting: how programs sort non-standard characters like Chinese.
@TimStone Do you know what kind of manpower it would take to manually verify the validity and quality of every advertisement in an entire ad network?
BTW @Yuuki apparently I get to do one of your interviews, so…food bribes are accepted and I will figure out a good time to schedule
@Yuuki By their unicode encoding?
Ah the joys of relinking a complex a poorly documented code project by hand
Alas - progress!
My food is not here
@murgatroid99 And yet Google still does a pretty damn good job most of the time.
@StrixVaria Right. I don't think they do it manually. I think they use automated processes and user feedback
@murgatroid99 That depends on whether or not all of the shitty ads would still get submitted if the people placing them knew that they'd get screened
So it's not an easy question to answer
@TimStone I don't see any reason to think people would stop trying
What I'm hearing is that it's @PrivatePansy's fault for not reporting it
Spam filters haven't stopped people from sending spam
In every case
@PrivatePansy Yeah, but it's interesting because that I'd like to know why they're ordered the way they are. Most common characters first?
@murgatroid99 There's no cost associated with that though
@TimStone Hmm... I brought some tea leaves back from China?
@twobugs Someone sent it to me. And I think Google's position is both far too late and ridiculous in how little they do
Anyway, it's more of a criticism of other ad networks, Google does a decent-ish job now
@Yuuki Probably in the order of whichever dictionary the Unicode committee reviewed :P
I think the bulk of malware has been served up by other networks recently
(this was just a PUP, which is bad but requires someone to fall for it, so meh)
@PrivatePansy In order to actually filter that ad, someone would have to discover that the owner of the domain does not own the trademark and does not have permission to use the trademark, and I don't even know how you'd verify that
I mean, if adsense is intelligent enough to pair up a 'CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD NOW' scam button to a software downloads page...
@PrivatePansy I figured since 张 is, I think, a more common character than 周 and yet the latter comes first when sorting.
@murgatroid99 They don't manually review by default, but there is a manual review process in some cases.
@PrivatePansy So you're blaming @murgatroid99 and @StrixVaria personally. Hmm... This rabbit hole keeps getting deeper
@PrivatePansy I don't see how that is in any way relevant
I mean, putting "download"-related ads on a page that says "download" a lot seems pretty simple to me
@twobugs Well, I personally fault @murgatroid99 and @StrixVaria for Google not being our benevolent overlords yet.
So there's that.
@Yuuki I blame them for doing self driving cars before jetpacks
It's 2016, where the heck is my jetpack?
I'd rather have a self-driving car than a jetpack
Star Lord-style jet boots/mini-packs would also be appreciated.
@murgatroid99 same. they would probably drive better than 90% of the people currently driving
@PrivatePansy At least they stopped showing scam sites when searching for program downloads in a lot of cases now
@murgatroid99 Because the 'smart' ad network is actively aiding the scammers and actively profiting off it
How many hours to the start of the opening ceremony in Rio?
@Yuuki Don't blame me, I voted for Yahoo

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