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@GodEmperorDune Sorry, I will be slower next time ;)
and software rec instead of game dev, but i guess both fit
@GodEmperorDune It would likely be too broad there as well
Or do you mean close reason, not site?
@Ash i just now realized that two of our close reasons are also sites
now we just need piracy.se and ITG.se to complete the set
off to area 51
@Ash and yeah i meant close reason, not site
Did anyone on here get a chance to play the MMORPG that 38 Studios was developing before it went under?
don't think so
dont remember playing it
Started reading a bio of Bill Gates that sounded really good but it's so over the top silly praising that it's not interesting.
I've not abandoned a book in a while, but this is basically "OMG HE IS PERFECT AND MAGIC AND SO AWESOME" which gets old after like 10 pages
@Ash the isaacson bio of steve jobs was pretty good
@GodEmperorDune I've not read that. I should.
I love computer history stuff but this was just so...flamboyant and bombastic in its praise of Microsoft and everything Bill Gates that after 40 pages I was like "okay I get it I am bored"
isaacson does a good job of showing where steve jobs done goofd
particularly with the health problems near the end
Ah, see, I like the idea of that - this book is too much "HE REVOLUTIONIZED EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING WAS MAGIC"
Which, okay, yes, but man. Enough.
didn't he offer to sell off to ibm or something?
Q: Minecraft: PC with Windows 10 Upgrade?

Daniel GI have Minecraft PC on my computer, which is on Windows 7. We are upgrading to Windows 10. My question is, can I play my current version on Windows 10, or must I play the Windows 10 Pocket Edition Style gameplay? If I must have the Windows 10 edition, do I have to buy it, or will it be free sinc...

Q: Hacker Experience I recently just got added to Safenet's list, is my IP on a text file on their server?

tjpc3 The RedstonerI recently got added to Safenet's list after deleting a file for a mission. I know you only stay on the list for and hour, but I also heard there is a .txt file on the Safenet server containing the full IP of everyone on the front page. Is this true? P.S. I can't do an IP reset for a while so I'...

@Dragonrage he brought the pepsi exec in as his second in command, basically destroyed that relationship, told the board it was the pepsi exec or him and they picked the pepsi exec
also he did something where several of the initial people didn't get their shares
woz felt bad and gave those guys some of his
Woz's book, iWoz is pretty good. It's a lot of fun.
@Ash will check out
@arda what, you're not going to read the "everything bill gates does is great" book?
@GodEmperorDune I wrote that book.
@arda well played
Also I watched last 5 except last Steven just a min ago. Kiki one and the centipede one was nice
This is an AMAZINGLY good computer history book
(Then again a lot of Steven Levy's stuff is super good)
@arda I should watch the new SU stuff.
> Language:Chinese
Man amazon needs to support Turkey already
@arda if erdo lets them
I don't want Turkish books, I just want to be actually able to help authors.
@GodEmperorDune Goodreads failed me :P (I used their amazon.ca link)
I can buy physical books, but not ebooks.
I only have Hackers in physical format, I think.
And shipping of physical ones would be probably high
@Ash it might be the onebox, the page looks normal
I do have a pretty decent e-book collection. I should sort it at some point and put it all together.
I like physical books more, but ebooks are just cheaper, easier to carry and easy to read in dark.
I used to love physical books more but my ereader has really changed my views on it
I am trying to purge stuff because I hate how crowded my house is with stuff.
kids these days, we used to have to smuggle a flashlight under the covers to read a book in the dark
I might have to go on a book-selling mission soon.
@GodEmperorDune me 8 years ago.
@arda me 20 years ago
Also thinking about it, time does fly.
Every notable thing (I have a list of that.) I did was in last 2-4 years.
And I remember all of it like yesterday
My memory is not that good
i can remember things from when i was 4 like they were yesterday
that was a while ago
Not me. I can remember things that have a lot of emotional pull to them but other than that it's gone
@Ash yeah that's how i remember things too
(Running family story is the sheer number of times I have picked out gifts for myself, and then forgotten and get all super delighted and surprised when family gifts me the things I picked out a month or whatever prior)
I have one single memory from back I was 2.
except for all the weird minutia that is locked away in there forever
i only remember 2 things from that early. then i remember quite a few things off and on through elementary school and it starts getting sharper into middle school and later
Which is a pretty bad one. (dad yelling because I'm on his couch)
like the names of every character in every frame of the original star wars trilogy
@GodEmperorDune even the extras?
@arda yikes
@arda names of the actors? nah. the characters? yep
@GodEmperorDune oh
I remember a lot of stuff from books I've read
i can remember exactly what people looked like in elementary school
Oh man I am rotten at faces
@GodEmperorDune I can't remember the name of this one, can you help me remember it?
faces i can do
names i cannot
What people look like doesn't stick with me at all
@arda original trilogy brotendo
@Ash same here.
@Ash That's what I really like about using FBReader on my phone. It loads ebooks into an OPDS library which automatically categorizes them
Makes it way easier
i also have a hard time rereading books because i have the plot memorized
@SaintWacko Some of my stuff is in calibre, some of it is just in a random downloads thing, some of it is just on my ereader (because Kobo is evil and I can download books at 2 am when I have a need)
@Ash yeah if i don't work with someone daily, there is very little chance i will be able to put a name with the face
its probably why my headcanons are so bad
@Ash Ah, calibre is great
@SaintWacko I love it.
hmm, im almost out of votes again
@GodEmperorDune I even hardly remember people I worked with for months. (after a few months ofc)
Even if I had all the files sorted and in one directory somewhere, that might help.
also @arda you should check out the HAL9000 fan edits of the prequels
@Ash I don't really use it anymore, now that FBReader has its own library thing, but I used to use it to sort and categorize my books, then I had a little program that created an OPDS catalog from the Calibre library
@Ash do they all have same extension?
@GodEmperorDune will do
@arda i'll ping you the link on steam when i get a chance
i have it somewhere at home
Q: How does the passive item Unity add damage from your other guns?

WrongOnTheInternetThe passive item Unity supposedly adds 2% of the damage of every other gun you're carrying to your currently equipped gun. How does it handle things like shotguns (which have multiple bullets that consist of most of their damage), charged weapons (which have different damage ratings), or explosi...

Also in which order should I read Weber books?
@GodEmperorDune thanks. Don't rush, I'm not back to Ankara until Sunday
@arda has the craziness died down?
@GodEmperorDune no
Watched a video of a guy screaming "15TH OF JULY WAS A DREAM. It felt like a dream. We have bills to pay. How can our children shoot at us? Gas bills, electric bills, we pay all the bills they make us pay and they eat Turkey from inside? EXECUTE. EXECUTE. EXECUTE THEM." just today
@arda yeah, they're all epubs
@arda oh shit :(
@arda That's horrifying :(
@GodEmperorDune it's fun until you realize this guy can vote
@Ash install everything and search for *.epub
voidtools.com < everything is a free local file search engine. I use it, after it indexes, it is pretty fast.
@arda that guy seems pretty young to have kids
@arda Awesome. :)
Also, that Ninite thing you linked me to made setting up my new machine so EASY
@GodEmperorDune child marriage in Turkey is a thing unfortunately
@Ash yeah. It is awesome.
(my mom herself was born when my grandma was 17 or smth)
I format my pc pretty often and Ninite takes all the setup hassle away
Except visual Studio. That still takes days.
@arda yeah this guy seems extremely upset
{more like ~6 hours, and hell I installed SSD, before that Itd take 1-2 days)
@arda It made it so easy because then I didn't have to go and find each program and download it or whatever
@Ash and didn't have to worry about unticking the install adware tick
They really need to let installers be installers. If you are out of ideas, find someone with one, don't fill people's computers with ads.
@GodEmperorDune the most fun part is that he isn't making any difference.
He just secretly complains about bills.
If bills are a problem, why do you have a good phone with a good front camera and mobile Internet?
i mean no one likes paying bills but i would think there are some more urgent problems going on in your country

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