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Q: Is Incense duration level-based?

MatthewRockI am level 6 trainer, and I have had 3 incense. I've used 2 already, and the description mentions 30 minute duration. However, both my incense lasted only 20 minutes, and the time bar(circle?) looked like 1/3 of it was missing. Is this because of my low level, or a bug? If a bug, is there a way ...

Q: Pokemons are not appearing

fynfhf gveefWell, i have been hanging out with my friend to catch some pokemons, the problem here is that we can see this white circles on map which shows us dislocation of pokemon, however when we come to the right spot, only my friend actually can see and catch them, we both had same level and interntet co...

I rode the entire way home today with Pogo running and open on my phone and my egg counters went up like 100m
I can't wait fro this to come out, to be terrible, but for all the fanboys to be all "ZOMG MOVIE CRITICS ARE SO ELITIST BLAAAAARG MASTER PIECE 11/10 BETTER THAN THE GODFATHER BLAAAAAAARG"
Q: Terraria can't find jungle temple

JoshI can't find the jungle temple, and I've explored the whole jungle I'm not sure how big it is, or if it's not there, please help

Q: How many levels do pokemon have?

dragonfireI know your trainer has a level from 1-40, but the game doesn't show what level your pokemon are. I've seen charts listing pokemon levels go up to 40 or 40.5, and sometimes even up to 80. Some of them mention "half-levels". What's the real answer?

Q: What were the fan remakes of chrono trigger?

duckxI remember reading about a few fan remakes of chrono trigger. Which ones had a major following that is a must play?

I can't wait for this to come out, and for Kirk to have been the real hero all along
kickass torrents died
@GnomeSlice yeah :(
19 hours ago, by arda
my favorite torrent site got shut down :(
@GnomeSlice Aww
torrentfreak.com/… < news article about it
I need a new external :(
Q: Lost my Pokemon account 😰

A.avisarI had my Pokemon account and I do not remember my password or the email I used for Pokemon go, can anybody help?

Q: How is prestige gain computed when battling a gym you own?

AresWhen I took over a gym, I wanted to level it up. I battled it with my most powerful Pokemon (who was about twice the CP of the pokemon in the gym) and I gave less prestige when I used a more powerful Pokemon (+100) than when I used one closer to the CP of the gym'd Pokemon (+284). So, how is pre...

Q: 1.10: Shoot Projectile Where Player is Looking

Daniel GSo, I know that back in 1.8, it was impossible to detect where a player was looking and shoot a projectile (like a wither skull) in that direction without using hundreds of command blocks. Was anything added to support this in 1.10, or do we still need wither bows?

Q: No gyms or pokestops on my map

Adil AliI have reached level 5, but all of a sudden I don't seem to see any pokestops or gyms or pokemons its like just the map is there and nothing else no matter which place I go.

Q: Want to make an op factions server with me?

RealuidPlayzIf you want to make an op factions server with me read the following for info Ranks: >{Heavenly}< {Phoenix} [OP] >Demon< <[Spiker]> [Starter] Colors for Ranks Heavenly-gold Phoenix-darkpurple OP-lime_green demon-red spiker-yellow starter-light blue Non buyable/earnable ranks: <>(({{[[Owner]]}}))

Completely unrelated but I got bored and discovered that the Weight Watchers app has pretty much every meat I can think of in it. Elk is 1 point per 3 oz. Ostrich is 1 pt. Emu is 2. Moose is 1. Kangaroo is 2. Bear is 5, unless it is polar bear, then it is 2. (And squirrel I mentioned earlier).
Had a great workout and some nice lady give me a ride home because it's like 100 F outside
I accepted because 1) it's 100F outside and 2) I've seen her around a lot so I was fairly confident she wasn't sketchy :P
Yay for the great workout and bonus ride home :)
@twobugs like I said yesterday, approximately 🔥 C
I can't even imagine living in parts of like, India where it can get significantly hotter than this
This current weather is what I dealt with working at sea base for a couple weeks. Most of the time it wasn't bad though
I realize those are extremes but Good Lord
Here it is 34C and that's enough for me
I can't imagine how that would even feel
Reading this wiki page... I don't even
> 30.6 (87.1)
Apparently it hit 54 degrees in Kuwait this week
That's the average monthly high for this city. The month? JANUARY.
@twobugs Noooope.
I mean I don't like winter by a long shot but that's just too much
Granted, if you told someone in that city how cold it gets over here they'd probably Nope just as hard (and understandably)
Yeah, for sure
Cold just feels like it's a lot easier for me to deal with than heat
I'd rather be warm
Since you can like, put on extra layers or whatever
For heat it's just like... you melt
Especially with humidity :(
Yeah, that's true but I just hate the sensation of being cold
cc @Fluttershy
my pokemon go experience
I was reading about the Amazon Rainforest. It's a beautiful place to see on like documentaries but I have no desire to ever visit
Everything is trying to kill you (and is very good at it), it's ten million degrees, the humidity is 200%
The worst part is the humidity because the more humid it is while being hot the less effective your sweat is
So your body just sweats more
Which means you have to have a constant supply of hydration AND you're drenched AND it doesn't even help you feel less miserable
@twobugs Yeah it has never been my idea of fun
Like I said, the keys are fun. That's about as hot and humid as I'll do
I've been to Key West once. It was nice.
On that cruise we also made it to Cozumel, which was nice but we only got to see a few blocks that were the tightly controlled disneyland version of Mexico
Q: My Minecraft won't work at all how do I fix it?

A minecraft userWhenever I click on my minecraft to start it, it doesn't go to any screen but a small box that says "The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Run-time Installation or the runtime is corrupted. The system cannot find the file specified" Help?

Also, appreciate the following, all of you
@Unionhawk If you haven't, you should play GTA5
"Millennials" appears quite a few times
Rockstar is kind of like the South Park guys in that they're clearly very smart and talented but it's a very open question whether or not they actually understand satire
@twobugs I watched a let's play because cba and no pc release forever and then cba
I do kind of remember that though
To be fair that was probably mostly in the context of old dudes complaining about stuff so that's in character
Not entirely
The Rockstar lead devs are... interesting
I mean it's either old man yells at cloud, or "lol, old people like to yell at clouds amirite"
The people of this room are the clouds, by the way
It's an analogy
Yay! Tomorrow is computer building daaaaaaaay
I am so excited
If you bought a SGDQ shirt, it's delayed due to the volume of sales. Targeted shipping date is by the end of July
> Hello! I just want to start by saying thank you for ordering official GDQ 2016 shirt(s). With your support we were able to raise $66000 for Doctors Without Borders!

> I also want to say thank you for your continued patience with your order! We sold well over 20,000 shirts for the event so it is a massive undertaking for our team in Illinois to handle. They're all working as quickly as possible to make sure the shirt speed run is 100% with no glitches or damage boosts.

> There are also some orders that have included Yeteemart items, those may be slightly delayed due to backorder of those
Q: missing pokemon go coins

Mohd AlomarI have problem with pokecoins, before three days, I was playing and my bag was full then I slept after that in the morning I found that pokecoins are less by almost 4000 coin. I opened my bag I found that the capacity is 600 and got 3 lucky eggs and 200 balls with 3 incense. I contact the support...

Q: Doom 3 BFG edition - cannot spawn characters

warchestI cannot spawn any characters using the console in Doom 3 BFG edition. This is what I see when I try spawn char_hazmat: ] spawn char_hazmat Writing generated/rendermodels/models/md5/chars/hazmat.bmd5mesh WARNING: file def/npcs.def. line 1021: Model 'models/md5/chars/hazmat.md5mesh' defaulted ......

Can I just say that this kid is 12 years old or less? Mother of lord https://clips.twitch.tv/nintendo/ShinyAardvarkHassaanChop
Dear god
Time to play the final Splatfest and get really mad!
You could also watch the U12 smash tournament and feel extremely inadequate
@twobugs Team Marie 4 lyfe.
@Unionhawk I am not an old man, going to yell anyway.
METALDAYS! AAAAAAAH enthusiastic screaming
Q: Pokemon Go. Is there a way to transfer more than one at a time

Alex CohenIs there a way to transfer more than one pokemon at a time. Vendoring all the trash pokemon for candies individually is really annoying and time consuming.

@Fluttershy incidentally, that's today's Yetee shirt set
Q: How to fulton gun emplacements that are under the shed?

vickyaceThe shed woth four pillars and a camo net houses a gun placed on a tripod that I could fulton if it weren't under the shed? Is there a way to do that?

Q: Dull Ember in Scholar of the First Sin

SaidoroI'm looking for the Dull Ember, so that I can imbue my stuff. Everywhere I've read puts its location in the Lost Bastille, in the room the giant crow drops you off at after you beat the pursuer in the Forest of Fallen Giants, but I've got no idea where that is, and my initial reaction to seeing t...

@Fluttershy I went with the longer haired one
I just won like 10 games in a row so I'm completely confident my team will lose overall
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