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I think I need to watch AD again
@GnomeSlice if no candidate gets a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives picks from the "top 3"
so if you had three candidates and all of them got 0, the house would just pick one.
not sure if you had more than 3 candidates how you'd pick the top 3 from that...
I'd pick the three least clownish
@Nzall I think 80% of Curse Premium subs are sold to people who just want to update addons. I nearly bought it yesterday when I had 30+ updates
I think that's such a narrow and improbable edge case that they don't actually have a way to deal with it
i can definitively say that if no one voted, GiantMeteor would win
@GodEmperorDune Would have already won.
@Ronan well yes
@sommerjj I only use 3 addons
DBM, Tellmewhen and some wierd balance bar one i wont even need anymore
Man I'm hot but at least I look swaggy
what's swaggy?
@sequoiad I used to be like that, and then I went down the rabbit hole of serious raiding. Then suddenly I needed ALL THE ADDONS. And I don't even have ElvUI or custom unit frames
@GodEmperorDune having swag
@sommerjj I've done serious raiding (as ranged DPS), didn't feel like all the addons were necessary?
@GnomeSlice i see...
some of the guilds i tried though got really sniffy if you didnt have all the addons and still get 100+ fps though
wwouldn't addons make it slower
We are deploying a fix to the web tier now. ETA 3.5 minutes for a full deployment.
Stack Overflow is now coming back online. Details to follow.
@sommerjj Wow, that's a lot
Q: What am i supposed to do?

Shoaib AkhterI am in a very delicate situation.i am in level 4 of Pokemon go and just need 200 more xps to go in next level but the problem is that i have no more pokeballs.Also,there are no pokestops available. What do i do?

Q: Do all Playstation consoles use 3.3V for controller port signalling?

ゼーロI have read conflicting reports of what voltage Playstation 1 and 2 controller ports use. Some say 3.3V, some say 3.7V and some say 5V. Does anyone know for certain that all official Sony hardware is 3.3V, or were some machines 5V?

@sequoiad They aren't really, its mostly just QoL. DBM and maybe GTFO are the only "mandatory" raiding addons imo. You don't need Recount/Skada, but most people want to see their meters
I use 12
plus ElvUI
oh yeah i have recount, but it's always hidden so i forget about it all the time
a lot of what were addons have become built into the default UI as well, like range radars
Custom unit frames are super helpful for healers and leaders, and my uses Exorsus Raid Tools because it streamlines a lot of stuff
I mainly like WeakAuras2
i healed through Cata though, with the default frames and mouseover macros
WA scares me, there's so much you can do with it
Tidyplates was the other one i used for a while to track multi-DoT effects
Stephen's Sausage Roll looks so good
Increpare makes fantastic games
Average ratings are... high. Like 10/10 high
destructoid gave it 10
@GnomeSlice not gonna lie, i thought this would be more nsfw based on the name
rps loved it
As a DK I use compact runes, and would want something equivalent if I played another class. Having my resources and cooldowns in the middle of the screen is so much better than looking all over (and away from the boss)
yeah i've seen people do crazy things with WeakAuras
4.5/5 metacritic
expensive but i may bite
havent played a good puzzle game in a while
so what is the object of the game? to get the sausages into the grabby thing?
@sommerjj that's why i used a balance bar for my Druid main that moved it to middle of screen, never found i needed that with any other class
mainly play ranged and healer though
can imagine it's a more pressing need for melee and tanks
@GodEmperorDune yeah you gotta cook them on multiple sides but if you do a side twice it burns
or something
well now i am hungry for sausage
apparently it gets really weird, which is par for the course with Increpare
Hearthstone done. It's so nice to hate the RNG rather than Niantic
@GnomeSlice thatnks, now i really want to play I am Bread again
@sequoiad Whats your thoughts on the new balance druid? I had been leveling a balance/resto and had a blast with the balance mechanics. I thought I might use my legion boost on him but now that balance is just another resource and you're forced to be a fat chicken I'm not so sure =/
I actually havnt played the new mechanics yet except for 20 min on a mate's beta
Fat chicken?
I'm kind of worried that my W10 lock screen is still in Chinese
Boomkin, Fat Chicken, Lazer Turkey, Oomkin
@GnomeSlice One of the classes in WoW transforms into a large owlbear
There are lots of lovingly crafted nicknames
Yes owlbears are things
@sommerjj I enjoyed what I played, yeah it goes a long way away and closer to the generate and spend type mechanic of other classes
Its as ugly as it sounds. You look like a fat chicken/owl/humanoid hybrid. With antlers
the Ion Cannon
You used to be able to glyph an alternate astral form where you looked like a regular person with stars on them but they removed it, forcing you to use the ugly owlbear
They removed Glyph of Stars? Haha
Hey Druids, enjoying the nice new transmog system we built into the game? Not anymore!
spam Moonfire! aka how to get your Tank to hate you forever in 30 easy seconds
re: swag
No more of this form.
Ugh, I'm just sad that this next 1.5 months until the WoW expansion hits is going to be awkward
Have to relearn my character only to discard it
don't play for 1.5 months
What do you mean? Class changes are up so your toon will play the same when Legion launches
@GnomeSlice I wish
@sommerjj Dropping this character in Legion
Q: Pokemon Go - Can 2 of the same Pokemon with the same CP have different stats?

ChildishforlifeI was recently talking with my friend about leveling up Pokemon in Pokemon Go. We weren't exactly sure how Stats work in this game, or other Pokemon games for that matter, but we are curious if the main thing we should look at is CP, or if there are other stats that we should look at, that say co...

Q: Pokemon Go closes on its own?

user157123I have an Android phone and I recently downloaded the Pokemon Go app. Every time I open the app and get to the start screen where it shows the picture of Gyarados the pop-up box comes up and asks that the user be aware of their surroundings. Everytime I click the okay box, the app freezes up a li...

@GnomeSlice just if wow wasn't using a subscription system
I'm also playing for the intervening 1.5 months because I enjoy it, but I am annoyed by this aspect
I could easily unsub and then resub
I'm sure it'll be less frustrating when they fix some of the stuff broken by this patch
FUCK i just ate something so I won't be able to get blood drawn today
fucking fuck
During the 1.5 months we'll have invasions, demon hunters unlocked and broken shores and between all that there's running around grabbing all the transmog stuff you can get your hands on
I still need to figure out what I'm maining in Legion, but I'm confident it won't be Mage. I don't like the direction they're taking the class
be a panda
I'm struggling between sticking with my DK or switching to Demon Hunter. Because mentally I'm a 13 year old boy
That's a race, not a class. But I am. Panda master race.
Demon Hunter is really, really cool
I should play the beta more
if, we could like stop just going around adding to everything, that would be great.
I love Frost and Blood DKs but then Blizzard gave us double jumping and glaives
It seems to be just one person and I agree
I've never really 'settled into' a spec. I usually switch once or twice per expansion
@fredley What
I'm trying to get big into class fantasy though in Legion
I still haven't figured out what to boost to 100. I thought maybe druid but its looking like not so much anymore. I might boost my horde Warlock just so I can see the Horde specific content in Legion
Q: Can Aerial Ace be dodged?

DeMizeI've noticed and heard that in Pokemon games, aerial ace cannot be dodged( Proof/Source ) Does this mechanic implemen in Pokemon GO?Can aerial ace be dodged in Pokemon GO?

@fredley IT sounds like it's in a cemetery to. What.
I need to decide what to boost, too. I have everything at 100 except for Warlock, Rogue, and Hunter (they're all at 90-92)
I have two of those 300% potions on me so I can conceivably just boost 1, level the other normally, and speed level the other
is there a way of locating questions that i asked that were deleted?
@Dragonrage yes
Rogue is tempting with the new Pirate spec.
> This is the only road to the cemetery,
I can't even
> We don't actually notice when a car is driving through, unless we happen to be on the balcony or looking through one of the interior windows.

> Or when they crash through your kitchen
@arda it wasn't recent
@Dragonrage ah, cc @mods
@Wipqozn do you have a minute to help me locate an old meta question i asked that has disappeared (i assume it was deleted)?
@Dragonrage Dependson ow long the minute is. What was the meta about?
it was a feature request about close votes. i had linked this question on it if that helps
Why would anyone ever buy that house?
@Wipqozn thanks
@Sterno Someone asks him that, and he says it was because it was just the perfect house for him. I think he might be drunk. Always.
Or maybe it was $5.
Q: Pokemon go forgot my password and email linked to the account

OwenI forgot the email I had linked to my Pokemon account. I was logged out after my game crashed and I also don't know my password all I do know is my user name. Is there and way I could retrieve my password or email?

Old man yells at piles of sandstone
(It's an interesting article)
@twobugs Why discard it?
Mage is quickly becoming Not Fun
It's certainly simplified a lot
I'm still enjoying my frost mage, though
I'm going to start a hunter, too
Since they got a lot of changes in Legion
I don't like how they removed multistrike. Arcane is straight up broken right now (in a bad way) and Fire is the competitive spec atm
Fire is just weird and I don't like the playstyle
Yeah, I couldn't ever get into it
I played Frost a bit and it seems decent but not really competitive with Fire for raiding right now
can anyone deliver my baby sooner plz :/
wife really isn't getting the 'moving around lots helps the baby' thing D:
@djsmiley2k Try contacting customer support :)
Might try survival hunter. It seems interesting compared to the other two. I had a BM/MM hunter at 100 but I hate the playstyle.
@twobugs hah trying to figure out who that'd be in this situation
@sommerjj Yeah, I'm starting a gnome hunter to try out new Survival/MM
Survival was fun from what I played
In WoD MM was the only raiding spec and the play style was "dump focus, then stand there and channel to get focus back". The rotation was like 3 buttons
Survival is about pooling Mongoose strikes for maximum damage, from what I can tell
@Frank i got there 3 seconds late to flag it
Since that's your big thing, you get 3 charges, and each one increases damage of successive ones
I'm really interested in Demon Hunter, Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight, Survival Hunter, and Monk this expansion
Guess I have my work cut out for me on the beta
fuckkk i got my own doctor at my walkin
oh boy
It is currently 40 degrees outside, with the humidity.
It's so humid, your sweat won't cool you off.
@Frank I believe it. I was outside mowing in it.
@TrentHawkins I took a five minute walk, went, "screw that", and came back in.
@GnomeSlice oh, are you going to talk to them about the, uh, private thing?
Older than my phone
@Frank how are you going to catch Pokémon now?
@Dragonrage Today? I'm not.
Gonna game and do things inside.
Melee classes represent, now that you mention it I might boost a Warrior because I've always been secretly jealous of them
@Wipqozn I more or less acknowledged it was old in my link, rendering your criticism invalid and you a fool. A FOOL!
@Wipqozn is your phone older than @Stern'old?
@Dragonrage It might be
It's probably more outdated than sterno
@Wipqozn yes, and get an STI check
@Frank and here I was going to suggest we take a drive to the forks.
@TrentHawkins I was just at Polo park.
Slim pickings.
@Frank two of the biggest places here are reportedly The Forks and Assiniboin Park. Many potential in close proximity.
@twobugs he is a barber maybe
@TrentHawkins I might be up for it later. I just got back, though, so I don't wanna leave again right away.
is having 10/12 answers with a negative score reason to protect a question?
reading through the description on the priviledge, it seems like it is only used for "me too" or "thanks" answers, but I have seen it used to dissuade low quality answers as well on other sites.
@twobugs Father Time needs to keep his beard an acceptable length
Do you guys know if you can buy the bag slot/pokemon slot upgrade more than once?
@Sterno A whale is born, this day
@Dragonrage I think it's more like a "Beware of Dog" sign, while not activly dissuading, enough of a "this looks offical" to scare off most 1rep people from trying without a good cause
Q: What are the maximum bag space and Pokemon storage? How many upgrades are needed to reach the limits?

WillfulWizardIn Pokemon Go, bag space and Pokemon storage are limited. First, what are the starting limits? More importantly, there are upgrades for 50 Bag Space and 50 Pokemon. How many of each of these upgrades these can be purchased? With all upgrades purchased, what are the resulting limits?

@twobugs Hell no.
@NBN-Alex if it is protected, it requires +10 rep to answer
"I'll just buy 10 more pokemon upgrades, what's the worst that could happen?"
If you were going to buy coins for real money there would be literally no reason to do gym battles
@Dragonrage forgot to move the one, sorry D:
Stardust, maybe, I guess
@Sterno prestige and e-peen
@Sterno crushing other peoples' hopes and dreams isn't sufficient reason?
Can anyone recommend some games with similar combat to Divinity: Original Sin?
for anyone playing pokemon go, are you still having issues with pokemon step-distances not updating?
trying to make sure I'm not going crazy
@Kaizerwolf yes
Off the top of my head, I can only come up with Temple of Elemental Evil.
there is a rhyhorn near my work. and it's been around for like 2 weeks now
and I cannot for the life of me track it
niantic still hasnt figured out how to fix stuff yet
also isn't Diablo kind of like Divinity Original Sin? or am I thinking of the wrong game?
@Kaizerwolf I thought that any single pokemon would only stick around for 15 minutes or so
@Kaizerwolf Well, they're both RPGs, but Divinity is turnbased :)
@WilliamMariager ah okay my bad, thinking of something else
Good things - rest of my computer bits have been delivered. Bad things - theyre literally sitting at my front door and my landlord isn't home so it gets to sit there til I get home.
> In December 2015, Gillette filed a patent infringement lawsuit that claimed Dollar Shave Club used its patented formulas to manufacture copycat blades.
Patent law is so weird
@Sterno why would you need a cat blade?
@murgatroid99 maybe there's also glitches with when pokemon leave the area? the rhyhorn sticks around for a loooong time, sometimes closing the app and relaunching helps
@Dragonrage There's more than one way to skin a cat.
@Dragonrage so he can become catwoman
@Sterno That was a really interesting read
@Kaizerwolf I remember reading about a bug where pokemon would not leave the tracker if they go out of range
@murgatroid99 i can confirm this is accurate. I walked 1.5 miles in on direction, and the bulbasaur never changed position
bleh. You would think, with raking in supposedly $1.2 million a day from this game, they could pump out bug fixes in no time
Well, there's also the 3 step bug
So I had a 600 CP Eevee nicknamed Rainer evolve into a Flareon this morning.
@Ellesedil Have you used this trick to evolve an eevee into a vaporeon before?
The consensus seems to be that it won't work twice
However, it was freshly caught and I did not close and re-open the game.
@Ellesedil I read somewhere that the needs one evolution to try it before it will actually work
but it seemed kinda fake and very old-wives-tailish
I was pretty sad :(
@Kaizerwolf they are making tons of money, why should they fix anything?
<insert "I'm finished">
I may have just gotten lucky with naming one Rainer and having it be a Vapenation but who knows
@Kaizerwolf Now that I actually work on software, I sympathize a lot more with the time it takes to develop, test, and publish bugfixes
i was giggling at the innuendo in the starlist when i realized that i was the one who said it and that's why i can't star it :(
@Kaizerwolf That trick seems to have been pretty thoroughly confirmed
yeah I do get the time it can take to bugfix and whatnot, especially when rolling out to other countries
but afaik they still have only one server in Cali
@Kaizerwolf scaling problems are notoriously difficult to debug and fix
I did use Rainer once before to evolve an Eevee.
I think the consensus is that it will only work once per evolution
That's lame.
especially when you can't replicate them in a test environment
$1.2 million a day could buy you servers in every locale necessary, and still have room for profit
Vaporeon being OP is lame
@Unionhawk True
Type effectiveness being 1.25/0.8 is lame
@Kaizerwolf As I understand, they are basically doing that
@Wipqozn is lame
@Unionhawk Also true.
It's not like they just have a box sitting somewhere in California
ooh got him
Glad that's over with
Q: How to keep the spawnchunks loaded without generating the nether or end

timakroI'm on a creative server and I have the ability to use cheats, commandblocks, etc. I want to keep the spawn chunks loaded entity processing when no player is online. All solutions I know of work by transferring entities to the nether, the most common one used in iron farms spits poppies through a...

thank you , there's my second steward badge
steward badge?
1000 reviews
@Kaizerwolf 1000 reviews from a single review queue
ah, thanks
i have one from close votes, just got one for low quality
I just tested it and my "Sparky" did indeed become a Jolteon.
Niantic, you sneaky bastards..
EDIT: It doesn't work twice, however. Looks like naming them is a one time deal for each evo.
EDIT 2: However, my friend said it worked for him 4 times in a row - he got rid of the nicknamed one's nickname before evolving the next, though. I want to test this out some more.
I'm slowly learning all the badges and such. just passed the 30 consecutive days recently, but I have a lot to go for reviews and such
I did indeed have 2 Eevees nicknamed Rainer.
@Kaizerwolf no worries, just contribute positively and your rep will go up over time and you'll get all the fancy privileges eventually
@Ellesedil I don't have enough eevees to test on my end again. i got a jolt first time but my rainer did evolve to vapenation. could have been blind luck but we'll see
@Kaizerwolf I have 7 Eeveelutions, and I've transferred one or two. I'll have plenty of chances to try this again, probably within a few days.
i felt so proud, last night I caught a straight up 414CP Beedril, in one toss
@Kaizerwolf nice
I had 3 Eevee's/Eeveelutions named Rainer. I've renamed them all back to what they are. So, we'll give this another shot.
The Rainer/Sparky/Pyro trick only works on the first evolve.
Only thing that sucks is it is going to take quite some time in order to prove it one way or another.
Yes, I see that mentioned.
You can only do it once per type.
So despite my Windows lock screen being in Chinese, it links to the English stuff if I click on it. Curious.
@KazWolfe According to the statement above, it works again if you delete the nickname after evolving.
There's also others who are saying that it can work multiple times, and one person suggested making sure you don't have any other Pokemon nicknamed Rainer when you do it.
I have MFA set up (to my knowledge). I'll have to investigate more at home
Going to have to test it.
@murgatroid99 Huh. Interesting.
What pokemon is that
That may be a Niantic bug.
@GnomeSlice Fearow
@GnomeSlice fearow, iirc
@KazWolfe I'm sure that would come as a surprise to us all
Evolve a Spearow and it won't be greyed out anymore :p
@KazWolfe Do you mean the nickname evolves? Why would it be a bug? You had complete control over Eevee evolutions in the games.
because niantic
There's no way something like that is a bug
You can't accidentally have "If the name is 'Sparky', evolve into a Jolteon"
but you can have, "if the name is sparky and sparky hasn't been used before, evolve to Jolteon"
and depending on the implementation of "sparky hasn't been used before"
Woo! Lured pokestop gave me a jynx
Or it just tests the nicknames weirdly
I was thinking it was a bug the other way. That the fact that it cares at all about what other pokemon have the nickname might be unintentional
@murgatroid99 That's what I'm thinking
Though I guess that's also kind of hard to do by accident
It's possible they're just querying the nicknames of all your pokemon or something silly
That depends
If they're checking the entire list of pokemon names to see if Rainer occurs once, that's the bug.
@twobugs Like, if this is the first pokemon in the list that has the name x
@twobugs I guess. But you'd have to do something sort of convoluted to actually get the result we're seeing
@Unionhawk The question is: why would anyone ever write that code?
Uuuuuugh Im so hungry and have like 3 stuff I can buy and 2 I can cook. I've been eating the stuff I can buy in the last weeks and I got sick of them. I got sick of stuff I can cook too, plus water is extremely dirty here (very much lime), and I have to use a gas tank while cooking. (housefolk is visiting relatives and I decided to not go)
if they're checking for a pokemon named rainer when they should be checking if rainer was ever used in the past...
@murgatroid99 They might be trying to do something like make a dictionary of all Pokemon names and then check the results...?
Now I'm thinking Kaz is probably right: that it was only supposed to work once, and the way they're checking that isn't perfect
It's the only even kind of reasonable explanation for that being unintended behavior
@arda irony: you live in a country called Turkey and can't figure out what to eat.
/Me wants to go back home where I can cook or buy loads of stuff
I think speculating about whether this is intended or not is pretty hard to do
Unless it is intended to only work once and they thought that would work as a thing
I dunno
@murgatroid99 If that's true, then they'd have to store information against your trainer record indicating you've used up a nickname.
And the people who are reporting this working 3-4 times are very lucky.
@KutuluMike well we have some chicken here... i.imgur.com/kvszwo3.jpg
@Ellesedil That's what I mean by the "isn't perfect" part. It does seem most likely that they're using "does a Vaporeon already exist with the nickname Rainer" as a proxy for "has the nickname Rainer been used to evolve a Vaporeon", and it's simply not correct in all cases
I think that's the simplest explanation for the outcomes we're seeing
@GnomeSlice Jesus, do you think you have one, or just decide dto be safe?
off topic: rainer is an amazing name
In my case, I had 3 Eevee's nicknamed Rainer. I had already renamed my earlier Vaporeon back to Vaporeon. That's why I kinda think that they're just quering the list of Pokemon, or the list of Eevees, and seeing if the number of Rainer's are equal to 1 (as opposed to some other query).
@Wipqozn just to be safe. had unprotected sex the last time
TIL @GnomeSlice is about to be a dad.
Will probably be checking like bi monthly though
being reaponsible and all
@KazWolfe I hatched a Hitmonchan and named him Jackie
@Sterno nah she was on birth control
That's too bad. You'd probably have awesome dad stories.
@Ellesedil OK, so you only had Eevees named Rainer, and when you evolved one, it didn't become a Vaporeon?
Probably not
I can't even take care of myself
@murgatroid99 Correct. It became a Flareon.
@Ellesedil Are you team red?
no i mean Rainer would be an amazing human name.
@GnomeSlice No, Instinct/Yellow.
Huh. nvm then
@murgatroid99 So, either it does work once for nickname, or you need to make sure you have no other Pokemon/Eevees named Rainer.
@KazWolfe Phutureprimitive's actual name is Rain
I'll be able to test this over time....
that's close
@GnomeSlice jealously intensifies
@Ellesedil I think I saw somewhere that you can't have one named Rainer in your inventory, the others won't evolve to Vape
@Kaizerwolf not even randomly?
2 mins ago, by murgatroid99
@Ellesedil OK, so you only had Eevees named Rainer, and when you evolved one, it didn't become a Vaporeon?
@Ellesedil i was about to say "why did that not ping me"
@KutuluMike I think it still could randomly, but I don't really know, I haven't had the resources to test it myself
I need 23 more Eevee candy to start testing this.
Probably a few days.
Shovel more eevees into the candy grinder.
There are a frightening number of people wandering around playing pokemon
I do have 5 right now.
this is like what happened in Kingsman
Also found a dope picnic spot with three pokestops
@GnomeSlice Nice
The next time I evolve an eevee, I'll try with two Eevees named Rainer and no Vaporeons
That should help narrow down what the condition is
@murgatroid99 It will help if it doesn't evolve into a Vaporeon. The only issue with testing this stuff is that randomization requires a large sample size.
the biggest issue I see is there's only a limited window of time to test this, between having no eeveelutions to having too many of them
it makes consistent tests from one person next to impossible
Aaaaat fuck I landed right in middle of convoys

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