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> "From level 29-30 I went through over 1000 pokeballs. Literally," Riggnaros complains. "I cannot stress how ridiculous this would be for someone playing [without] spending coins on pokeballs (ie playing the game [free to play] - which is the majority)."
Well looks like I have a lot of thinking to do to decide on a phone
SO MANY CHOCIES. but not actually. IT'll be nexus or oneplus 3
@badp 1000 pokeballs? I got over 150 pokeballs yesterday while driving around with coworkers for less than 2 hours
I'm sure you could get a lot more in a big city
so you're only going to get arthritis I guess
if you have the means to use 1000 pokeballs, getting them seems to be the least of your problems
Number of times "Mr. Greg" has been rewatched: 2
Wonder if Pokemon Go has affected phone sales, or if @Wipqozn is the only nerd in the world who didn't already have a smartphone that could play it
@Sterno I know at least one person with a PHONE WORSE CAPS LOCKS than me. And also that dev I always complain about has the same work phone as me, and I think does have a flip phone for personal use.
Looks like the only realdownsides to oneplus3 are camera quality, and updates? Updates might not be as quick, by the sounds of it. Assuming nexus is so quick because google.
So basically you're worse than Awful Dev Guy
At least @Wipqozn doesn't have a burner phone
@Wipqozn the camera quality is still fairly decent, depending on what you're used to
@Chippies Well, my potato doesn't take good pictures
@Wipqozn well, it's definitely better quality than a potato
my OnePlus X has camera that's not as good as the OnePlus 3 (or even OnePlus 2) and it still takes great photos
the only issues it has is with low light photos
unless you're actually planning to use it for professional photography, it's going to be more than enough
Number of times "Mr. Greg" has been rewatched: 3
Damn it why is it so good
@fredley That person needs to look up the definition of threatening someone.
@fredley he just wants to send them a powerpoint
@fredley a bullet point?
get on my level scrubs
badp has the best puns.
this from @ThirdEyeBlind is like finding out your highschool's cool burnout skater dude actually became a pro skater https://t.co/b0sU7k8tkI
when lifehacks sends their puns they're not sending their best. they are sending lame and trite puns. and some, I'm sure, are good puns.
Third Eye Blind trolled the RNC
Oh dear, now I'm HYPED again
@TimStone excellent
Q: How to list questions that have a vote to reopen on questions that I previously voted to close

camelCaseScenario: I vote to close a question, which is subsequently closed. The OP and/or others fix the question. Someone votes to reopen. How can I efficiently find such questions? The purpose is to vote to reopen if my original concerns with the question are now resolved. I occasionally ...

@Unionhawk @fredley do curve balls increase the chance of capturing pokemons?
No idea
And I'm not a 1 rep user with confirmation bias
I mean what
Who said that
@Chippies I haven't noticed any improvement.
@Chippies IIRC from some question on the site the do the opposite, since you have to account for the curve. They give 10 xp bonus though, (assuming you don't have another nice throw or whatever bonus)
I've had plenty of them escape a curveball.
Perhaps this is an opportunity to get in on the PokeRep
(I'm still considering protecting your question, @Dragonrage, to prevent more "INSTINCT HAS BETTER EGGS", though technically those are just bad answers, not nonanswers)
@Arperum so, there's an xp bonus? That's probably the whole point of it then
I mean, there's also a bonus for nice etc, and I'm pretty sure those have a higher chance
But it might just be "it looks cool and 10xp"
@Chippies if you hit with a curveball you get a 10xp bonus.
but only if you don't get one of the other accuracy bonuses.
meh, I'll just assume it's all a sham and the chance is same regardless of what you do
You have to open your phone's keyboard and hold Up and B
@badp Οһ, Νіϲе. Ϲарѕ. Үоυ Κɴоѡ Ꮃһаτ Ιѕ Εⅴеɴ Νіϲег? Ѕреаκіɴɡ Ιɴ Ηоⅿоɡгарһѕ.
Alternatively: Yell at your phone
@Derpy you must be new here
@twobugs I did when I tried to catch Snorlax. It didn't help. He ran away.
Yell louder next time
/s is lame and I refuse to use it. All-caps and punctuation overload deliver the same message much more efficiently and naturally
zalgo text best text
Yes, I didn't hear you, so you should have yelled louder.
Q: Can i Move a minecraft pocket edition world from Android to ios?

user155542I have a world on my Android phone and want to have it on my ipad. How do I do it?

It became a joke at work now, because I was getting pokestops with 2 coworkers and we found a Snorlax and they both caught it and I spent 20+ balls and it ran away :(
I need to catch something awesome that they don't have...
@Chippies no idea. Do nice/great/excellent throws increase chance? To me it feels like they do, but could be confirmation bias
but I don't wanna go out, so there's also that...
All of this is confirmation bias
Thanks to 0 documentation
@Arperum echo -e '\a\a\a\a\a\a\a'
@fredley I think some of the decompiling said it does
All we really have is data mining
@fredley they probably don't. The only reason I thought it maybe did increase the chance is because I didn't know it had any other funcionality (xp bonus)
4 of us in the office caught an invysaur yesterday. theirs were app cp 110/97/99. mine was cp13.
so i feel your pain.
what does cp even stand for in this pokeman context?
This game is bad
combat power
Crouton Promulence?
@badp Combat Power
there's like a billion eevees around my office all of the sudden
@badp control point
@Unionhawk Captain Planet
Drowzee is overrunning ottawa
Call Probability
@GnomeSlice London is Drowzee Central
@badp 30%
Crunchy Potatoes
@badp Cream Puff
i get the idea that they want you to wander around to catch rare pokemon but I ain't flying to london to get a Drowzee
You want the best Cream Puffs, the most Cream Puffs
@KutuluMike eh, it was actually kinda funny. I had 5% battery left and I was throwing balls at it and it kept either smacking them away or jumping out and I was afraid my battery would die before I catch it. It was just hilarious in a sad way that instead it ran away
@Chippies oh, in that case you just need to get better at timing.
git gud
i thought it was actually escaping from your pokeball
@twobugs Chocolate Poutine
@KutuluMike yeah, well, I was at 5% battery... :P
@KutuluMike it was
Pokemon GO is the dark souls of pokemon games on a mobile platform
it did both
i tried to catch a venusaur at like, level 5. I wasted 37 pokeballs on it and it never did run away.
i swear it was taunting me
and the timing doesn't matter sometimes, because I've had some pokemon attack three times in quick succession without a break
I've hit lvl 16, and stuff has started running away
even stupidly low-level stuff like cp10 pidgeys
there's no defined timing for throwing pokeballs
I've had stuff run away from lvl 6 or so.
fuck they're gonna refer me to a blood clinic arent they
it seems that the higher level you are, the more frustrating mechanics become available
i just thought of that
@GnomeSlice They're going to take away all your blood
@twobugs You're a horrible person set of bugs.
No but im not gonna be able to just walk in today and do it
@Arperum Thank you for the correction :)
also i forgot to drink anything today so peeing in a cup it out
@Chippies I believe that's the definition of "Free to play"...
@KutuluMike usually frustrating mechanics become available as an option, not forced onto you...
pokemon running away, when previously they did not is a pretty frustrating mechanic to get as a reward for leveling up
god damnit
woah, when did I get 20 Great Pokeballs?
then again, I'm not really an expert on mobile games, so maybe it's quite standard
I didn't even notice
@Chippies it's pretty typical to make the game increasingly 1) frustrating or 2) boring as you get higher level, then provide a way to pay $$ to make it go away.
in this case, buy lures and incense to attract pokemon to replace the ones that ran away.
@KutuluMike Probably from leveling up
I'm also utterly stunned that you can't buy better Pokeballs.
Q: What is the max trainer level i Pokermon Go?

AndersSo I am level 6 today and I was wondering if anyone know how many levels your trainer can become in Pokermon Go?

Q: What do the skills Polar Hunter and Tropic Hunter do?

DanmakuGrazerThe descriptions mention powering up in cold and hot climates respectively. What does that mean, exactly?

Q: How large must a body of water be?

KaizerwolfNearby my work, there is a small (i assume man-made) pond/lake thing. I know it has been said by Niantic that water pokemon will spawn near water sources, but I'm wondering, how big do they need to be? I never get any water Pokemon near this body of water, save for when it rains heavily, and t...

@KutuluMike Yeah this is surprising
@Chippies Don't worry, they also get harder to catch for no reason other than annoyance
@KutuluMike boring? yes. Slow? definitely. Adding frustrating mechanics where they didn't exist before, giving an advantage to a low level player over a higher level? That's a first in my experience
but the lower level player doesn't have the advantage.
the pokemon they are catching are crap compared to the ones that are running away from you
lower starting cp and probably lower cp caps
Lots of games have newbie protection mechanics, these are just more noticeable (although they end up being a disadvantage in the long term)
@KutuluMike only if you care about CP
you can catch all pokemon a high level player can, except it's going to be easier because they won't run away
@Chippies I had ultra-rare pokemon running away from me at level 3. i just never saw them very often.
and in my experience, capture rates seemed much higher at earlier levels
I have never failed one
as I have leveled up, more pokemon jump out of pokeballs and run away
and I'm only level 8...
besides the Venusaur I emptied my bag trying to catch, I lost more than one dratinin or squirtle in the first 4 levels.
oh i had a ghastly jump out like 3 times but I still got him
but yes, the higher the level, the stronger they get, and the easier they escape. that's why you get better pokeballs eventually.
@Chippies They are
and berries
unrelated, but shebagging seems to be a much bigger problem on the bus than manspreading
@KutuluMike I'm still getting sub 70 cp pokemon and they often escape the first pokeball and sometimes run away, whereas I caught multiple 100-150 cp pokemon before reaching level 5 on first try
there's like 5 women with bags on seats and people are standing
tsk tsk
@GnomeSlice Ask them if you could sit there, please?
im sitting
Stand up, then ask
For someone else? no
Repeat until all bags are on the floor?
@fredley a young man asking for a seat? That's disrespectful to all the elderly people that aren't on the bus!
@GnomeSlice when you compared it to manspreading, I got a very different image of "shebagging"...
giving it a name legitimizes it
true fact I made up
calling facts true makes them true.
true fax
or it's late-night adult sister station ceeboobees
@GnomeSlice You need a youtube channel of these GnomeFax
Cat Fax
It's weird that Google didn't do a special doodle for the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing
@Unionhawk I don't think I have ever downvoted this many answers on one question.
@GnomeSlice :| I don't think that's the reason
Me neither
hey guys, I gotta ask something that I'm not really sure what to do about it. The user Alex recently flagged one of my questions (meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/11782/…) as a duplicate of his, more than a week+ after if was answered and done with. And he seems really defensive about it when I asked him why, saying "it's the same general question with the same general answer", which doesn't seem true to me
just wanted to know what you guys think
It's got no votes so shrug
I really don't like duplicating meta discussions like that
We are aware of issues affecting all Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange QA sites, we are investigating now.
Q: Does evolving a Pokemon change the moves it has?

AndersBefore I decide on what pokemon I want to evolve, I wanted to pick the one with the moves or tricks I wanted to keep. But I'm unsure if evolving the pokemon will change the moves or tricks that is has so it really does not matter.

Q: Can I deplete an area of Pokemon?

DaaaahWhooshIn this answer I read the following: As a side note, if you stay in the same area for a while, the ground appears to slowly turn grey and patchy. From my observations, these are 'dry areas'. They show up if you are in the area for a long time, and Pokemon generally do not spawn when you are ...

Q: How much xp/prestige do you gain at a gym by training?

Mythics WinterI have tested this a little bit and I'm not quite sure I understand the exact numbers or what impacts them. I took a gym, put in a 25cp Magikarp, and trained against it. 521cp Vaporeon: 10xp and 100 prestige 10cp Magnemite: 100xp and 1000 prestige I didn't record other numbers, but I know I wo...

Unless it's something like "why is ITG off topic?"
@OKAY,PANIC. yeah had that happen a few mins ago
He's right, though. It's asking the same thing.
Leaning towards oneplus 3. Now the question: should i buy any of there accessories, or just but a protective case / flip cover/ whtever from somewhere elsE?
@Frank reading through both, I thought mine was sufficiently different, and before I asked the question, I looked for anything similar and hadn't found his question
@Kaizerwolf Yeah, SE search sucks. But you're both asking how to flag modded Minecraft questions.
From seeing Alex around a lot recently, I feel like he gets overzealous with flagging at times, but maybe that's just me reading too far into it
So I'm using this expensive program but I'm using a text editor to edit the files it generates because this is a more precise and faster workflow :P
This is one of the best tracks I've hesrd this year
As a sidenote: the question being answered isn't related to it being a dupe.
> Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky and Lucifer, explained
Now there is a headline
I still feel as though the context behind my question is different, despite answers being the same. I know it probably doesn't matter much in the end, but it still feels like an unnecessary flag
@Kaizerwolf Context might be different, but you're both asking the same thing.
@Frank right, I understand
Context is important, but your question can just serve as a redirect to the dupe so people searching for either will find what they need
@GnomeSlice okay, sounds good. Thanks for your input all
Q: Need help for mobile terraria

Scampy CatI have crimtane sword and tools along with guns a godly Demonite sd ball and I don't know what to do next.I have maxed RED hearts and maxed mana capacity so I have some choices: 1:Quit the game 2:Get all NPCs for easy 3:Try to get to underworld 4;:Dig in the jungle Or just make a new suggestio...

Q: Does the Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV movie preceed the game?

David YellIt's been announced that there is a movie for Final Fantasy XV called Kingsglaive, see the website, due to be released on August 19th 2016. The main game will be released on 30th September 2016, see the website. I'm looking to avoid spoilers, so I'd like to know if the movie comes before the ga...

Q: Why can't I see any pokémon in Pokémon Go?

EmmaWhen I play Pokémon Go, I can't see any of the pokémon near me. Sometimes I will find the "circles" that show where the pokémon are, but I can't see the actual pokémon or do anything to catch them. One of my friends told me it was because the pokémon hadn't been "loaded" yet, but when I tried wai...

Is having my own non-vintage phone worth not being able to brag about having "unlimited data" to folks? Because I really enjoy pointing that out whenever folks talk about data plans (Aka I'm an ass)
See this guy's one weird trick to catch Pokemon! His legs hate him!
Rode 8.8 miles this morning
Caught 57 pokemon
you did?
@SaintWacko I hate you. There's nothing but a sea of pidgeys and weedles near me
Isn't there a daily cap
@SaintWacko His heart probably loves him
Using sublime text: better workflow than this several-thousand dollar software
Also your mom
@Kaizerwolf Those are great for exp at least!
@twobugs I like ATOM
I use ATOM and VIM
@twobugs true, I've lost count of how many pidgeys I've evolved
@Wipqozn I knew you were the worst
@GnomeSlice Science has been tainted by cheating
So we don't know
and I'll fight anyone who says "duuuuurr vim dumb use a gui lolol old man LE LAWL" to the death. THE DEATH I SAY.
@Kaizerwolf Just save 'em and mass evolve during a lucky egg
also @twobugs sublime got me through a html/php independent study, it's great
It's boring as hell but the best for exp
but actually folks who don't know how to use the terminal need to step it up. Terminal 4 lyfe.
I know how to use the terminal
@Kaizerwolf Most of them were pidgeys and weedles
But no
@Wipqozn Well I guess it depends on if you're one of those "Heh. I use vim. I'm better than you." people
I refuse
@Wipqozn I'll help you!
> The Pokémon Go servers are currently unstable or offline. Scanning will take longer than expected, or fail entirely until the service is restored. <~~~ I assume this is just a static label on the page?
If you are I will end you
VIM is the best
I have recently seen the light
It works, but like...
I really like having visual studio features
time for fun awkward convo with doctor i guess
assuming i can get in
@Unionhawk firmly grep it
I caught 6 weedles and 11 pidgeys and 13 rattata
@SaintWacko Youngster Saint in training
@twobugs damn straight! but seriously though, if you work in a linux environment then you should be able to use the terminal and be familiar with at least one terminal editor (nano, vim, emacs, whatever). It's just such a helpful skill to have.
I'll agree with that
I do not work in a linux environment right now
my only gripe with linux terminals is not being able to click around text, I gotta use the arrow keys to go everywhere
at least in the ways I've used it in the past
Very yes
I hate when Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V aren't copy/paste because muscle memory
I used to be a teaching assistant for a UNIX course in college, and we always used putty on a red hat running bash. I hated not being able to click anywhere
But once you get used to terminals they're quite nice
also yes control-c all the time, I would try to copy and it would either through C^ on the screen or quit what I was doing
@Kaizerwolf you can do that in vim =p
after using linux terminal for so long, i had to use windows command prompt the other day and it was AWFUL
so awful
Haha, a new political strategy is linking Clinton to Satan
This is going to be a fun election
Q: Pokemon Go with Google

MichilaHow can I sign in online from a computer to my Pokemon go account if I signed up with Google? I tried using my email and my user name

You can't even make up a drinking game for this shit anymore because nothing is predictable at this point
you would just die of alcohol poisoning in the first few minuts
@twobugs I remember my fellow students and I cracking jokes about how our CS prof always used the terminal. He always said it was fast, and we were like "LOL OH YOU, SILLY OLD PEOPLE"..and well, now I agree with him. Not for everything, but for a lot of the daily development stuff I do I find terminal is quicker than GUI.
Went out to get ice cream
The truck wasn't there, but there was an Electrabuzz, so all in all a good trip
Man, if I get a new phone, thebest part will be not being tortued by your pokemon people
Terminal with tmux does it for me
alls well that ends well I guess
@Wipqozn join us in our suffering
Time for lunchtime gaming but back to Hearthstone
@fredley Pretty sure I'm going to go with the OnePlus 3. Any suggestions on phone cases?
@Wipqozn Same here. It's the main reason I'm so happy to have Ubuntu on my SP3
fun fact: if you sit at your desk playing pokemon: go, and jiggle your phone in your hand to simulate walking, the game doesn't care but you do look like a moron.
The only graphical program I open is Chrome
@Wipqozn I'm only playing because my girlfriend wanted to try it out.
Pressuring @Wipqozn into buying things is one of my favourite pastimes
@fredley and this time it isn't even, like, a small purchase.
@Wipqozn You should buy a pony
@SaintWacko That reminds me, I haven't watched MLP season 6 at all. or 7. whatever season is the new one.
@Wipqozn you should totally buy a house
@Wipqozn You should buy the world
@fredley I am getting to that age
lol @Wipqozn is old
I heard @Wipqozn was even older than @Wipqozn's phone
@Unionhawk I am less hip than the librarian.
but the libarian actually is super cool
i hear betamax is a safe bet
@fredley That's impossible
@Wipqozn 6 is halfway done, and the second half is starting soon
she's got all this scifi stuff on her desk, and goes to the local scifi/fantasy convention every year.
@Wipqozn's phone is ancient
@fredley lolol that's a good one, actually. Nicely done.
@Yeedle @RyanSeacrest @StackOverflow yes
going to a con next weekend, cant wait
@sequoiad Just had a con last weekend.
@fredley @Wipqozn is vintage?
now I have to kill like an hour and a half somehow
without my phone dying
So no pokemon go then
@fredley I want to know who thought that was a good idea.
@GnomeSlice Go and buy some barrier contraceptives? Just a thought.
...just in case you have versions of Java installed older than October 2008
Well, poop. Looks like my car needs more repairs than they thought. And based on part delivery times, it'll be another 2-3 weeks
...in which case you are already fucked
@fredley I have some
The main reason they weren't used is the ed thing, couldnt get one on
@TrentHawkins Really should've gotten that dear processed as punishment for running into you.
Also the ones i had were probably too small
got magnums for next time
I went and got a whopper, pretty much a contraceptive
havent been to burger king in a while
Dear Uni: no you are not allowed to have fried mac and cheese you need to lose weight. Love, Unionhawk
I am not dressed for that walk tho
damn it's hot
It is mid july
wasn't expecting to have to wait this long
Well, then, looks like I should start updating my addons then
for comparison, I got 86 addons installed
should have just gone to the sexual health clinic downtown
but fuck that
Fortunately, with 200 down and an 850 pro, each addon takes like 3 seconds to update
@fredley ahahah so many great comments on that
res is going crazy 0ws.pw/omvi.png
@GnomeSlice the important thing is you are getting it checked out
if not a single person voted in the presidential election, who would win
@GnomeSlice Sanity
I think congress would pick in that case
Well between the two remaining I'd probably go Trump
both huge clowns
@GnomeSlice Ask on Bob Loblaw's law blog Law.SE
@fredley That's a thing?
I am the law

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