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I've finished all my work and I'm taking a break
sue me
Work, what's that?!
it's what allows me to buy games
Games? What's that?
Oh, you mean like Team Fortress 2?
On another topic, is it just me, or does SWTOR start getting really tedious around Tatooine?
That would've been buy hats
At least as Lightning spec Sith Sorcerer.
@Powerlord I recently got to Tatooine, and I've spent more time on the Fleet than I ever did before. >.>
SWTOR can be tedious at level 2, depending on how you play. :)
It doesn't help that my tank pet is dumb as rocks.
mix in more pvp <-- solution
how dumb is the tank pet?
The thing is, I have to stop and heal my companion after pretty much every battle, and my healing doesn't seem very powerful at all. I know I'm not healing Spec, but stopping for ~15-20 secs after each battle gets really, really tedious and slow the game's pace way down.
That dumb.
uh, don't heal after battle
I could take my attack companion with me, but then it becomes "WTF are they attacking me?"
@Powerlord I haven't made it to Tatooine. But I've been running into that on Balmorra, so maybe you're just better than me. :/
@Powerlord You know you can use your full heal ability to heal your companion too, right?
use your ability... it heals both you and him
@Tristan That's what he's doing.
@Tristan Yeah, when I say healing, that's what I mean.
My actual healing spell isn't nearly fast enough.
Clearly you need jQuery.
(plus why waste my force power?)
Healing spam plugin.
@Powerlord You leveling a Jedi Sage, then? I thought you were already max level on your sorc.
I shouldn't have to use Seethe for 15-20sec after ever battle. >:/
@RavenDreamer My Sorc is only level 32.
$.spam($("#powerlord pet(@dumb=rocks)").heal);
@Powerlord Oh.
you should have 4 healing abilities. figure out the most efficient and include it in your rotation
Are there any writers around? I'm stuck again: docs.google.com/document/d/…
I dunno about Sages, but as a Sorcerer, you only get a HoT if you spec Healing.
(I'm thinking shield)
@badp they're ignoring you
But if I specced Healing, I wouldn't have Chain Lightning or second strike (or whatever the skill is that makes lightning strike twice)
Which in turn means that combat would take longer.
nah, don't spec healing to solo
I suppose I could respec up the third tree, whose name I forgot.
I'm liking it for my Assassin. Not so much the sorc.
@RonanForman glad I could help!
@RavenDreamer I didn't think they shared as tree with Assassin.
@Powerlord that sound tedious as hell
@RonanForman You're welcome!
@FallenAngelEyes Exactly!
@Powerlord The third tree is always "shared". Some of the individual talents change (i.e., lighting bolt trigger replaced with maul trigger), but it's got the same active abilities and procs.
It doesn't help either that every other quest on Alderaan is "fight X enemy at the end of Y cave"
non-instanced, so they respawn behind you,
@Powerlord This is why I love Stealth.
I'm sorry, it's not always fight enemy, a lot of the time it's use object.
Boy do I love random downvotes on 1-year old answers.
Year and a half old questions, with no recent activity.
It grinds my gears.
bah. Ronan doesn't appreciate my superiourly poignant writing skillz.
@RavenDreamer is it a bad question?
on questions? wild
@Ullallulloo Are they implying Ewoks aren't in the game?
@Ronan The crewman walking off followed ny natives seems suspicious. What's wrong with just having the crew wake up to find him missing?
@JuanManuel It's the highest voted answer on the question.
@Powerlord I suppose.
@RavenDreamer link?
@John Okay, sure.
Powerlord is a complete idiot.
@Wipqozn No.
As a playable race, no.
There are no Ewoks on my ship. Ergo, there are no Ewoks in the game
@RavenDreamer let's find out who it was and we'll ban them... WE'LL BAN THEM ALL!!!
@RavenDreamer well, I wanted to see the answer.
@Powerlord Jawas.
I'll just cry over here in my corner then.
@RavenDreamer smacks self
Bounty Hunters get a Jawa companion. So jealous.
@Wipqozn Here, downvote this instead - gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/48229/…. It's as good as any other posts of his for all random downvoting gangbanding and most wipqozn reply notification spamming purposes.
Right, right, I feel stupid now.
Anyway, I started playing a Mercenary in SWTOR the other day.
yeeeas, pewpewpew
@Powerlord The class where you heal others by shooting them in the face.
Good times.
@RavenDreamer Yup!
I think I'm the first person in my guild to take Cybertech, too.
I just wish Torhead et al had more data already.
I want to know what my options are for Orange armor; something like 75% of the items in that database have no picture.
And those that do have no info on how to acquire said item.
And now, class.
@badp oh badp, you're such a character.
@Ronan Just ideas...
@Wipqozn Hey! I limited myself to the two minutes editing window!
@John No I think it's better.
@Powerlord Is the Mercenary the tank role?
@Tristan Merc can heal and shoots two guns. Powertech can tank and shoots one gun (but mainly uses a left hand flamethrower)
@DavidB Gotcha. I don't know much outside of my Marauder. =\
@DavidB Flamethrower is a separate weapon?
it's an ability. the offhand holds a shield or power generator.
My Merc has a flamethrower ability, but I don't actually have a flamethrower inventory item. :P
graphically, it's a wrist mounted flamethrower/rocket launcher
makes clinched fist motion that you can't see
Q: Skyrim Blood's Honor glitch/bug solution?

Brandon HaskinsATTENTION! I HAVE NOT cleared driftshade refuge OR I HAVE NOT completed the quest to find the helm of winterhold. When I go in Jorrvaskr my active quest tells me to go down to the Jorrvaskr living quarters and the quest arrow leads me to where Kodlak is usually sitting but there is no one in th...

That's in desperate need of an edit, but... I can't seem to figure out a good way to do it.
when you see a powertech running after you in pvp at 10 yards pumping out fire over and over... that's what I'm talking about
@DavidB Are they the ones who can pull me into the acid pit or the fire in Huttball?
@Tristan I just moved some things around... it wasn't so when you passed the initial formatting shock
yup, powertech gets the grapple hook
level 22
but feel free to improve it more
@DavidB God I hate that...
30 second cooldown (20 with skill tree picks)
well, the inquistor knock back is more annoying imo.
That makes me rage, too.
I shall not cross :p
It's especially bad when I'm about to get the killing blow on someone, and boom, I get knocked off the platform, or into the fire/acid. =(
PayPal is going incredibly slowly.
Why is this.
Q: Skyrim Blood's Honor glitch/bug solution?

Brandon HaskinsWhen I go in Jorrvaskr my active quest tells me to go down to the Jorrvaskr living quarters and the quest arrow leads me to where Kodlak is usually sitting but there is no one in the seat. Kodlak is dead and everyone is "mourning" but when I speak to anyone in the companions they act as if nothin...

still loading...
@ThomasMcDonald Are you trying to make a purchase? Or just view your account?
Powertech has to stand close to enemies to attack and close to friends to defend. With Merc, I can position anywhere I want... max range. Good for getting into huttball pass positions
Make a purchase.
or rather, preapprove a payment.
took about a minute to log in, now it's hanging on 'review your information'
@ThomasMcDonald Hm... I'm not really sure then. I just logged into my account without any issues, so I'm guessing the issue is with payments. =\
Jonah Hill got nominated for an Academy Award... What's the world coming to?
@Tristan I don't know who he is. Does that exempt me from not watching Doctor Who?
@John No...
He was the fat kid in Superbad.
@Tristan Why not? You make it sound like him getting nominated is a bad thing, therefore my not knowing him should be a good thing.
@Tristan Never heard of Superbad.
@John Are you even a real person? Or are you just a Cleverbot that somehow snuck into our chat?
@John Lucky you. :P
Jonah Hill (born Jonah Hill Feldstein; December 20, 1983) is an Oscar-nominated American actor, producer, screenwriter, and comedian. Hill is best known for his roles in Superbad, Knocked Up, Funny People, Get Him to the Greek, and Moneyball. He made his theatrical debut in I Heart Huckabees, alongside Jason Schwartzman and Dustin Hoffman. Hill was first nominated for a Teen Choice Award for his role in Accepted as Sherman Schrader. He co-created and stared in the animated comedy Allen Gregory on FOX. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in recognintion of his p...
@Tristan ...
@Ullallulloo THANK YOU. I'm glad someone appreciates my lack of knowledge of pop culture. :P
Superbad is a 2007 American comedy film directed by Greg Mottola and starring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera. The film was written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, who began working on the script when they were both thirteen years old; they completed a draft by the time they were fifteen. The film's main characters have the same given names as Rogen and Goldberg. The film was one of a string of hits by Judd Apatow. Plot Two weeks before their high school graduation, long-time best friends Evan (Michael Cera) and Seth (Jonah Hill) are about to leave for different colleges. Their mutual friend...
@John But, as @Ullallulloo said, lucky you. While he's been in some decent movies, I don't see him deserving an Oscar for anything he does.
@Ullallulloo That does not appear to be the kind of movie I would enjoy.
@John What kind of movies do you like?
@Tristan So why are you still calling me a bot for not having heard of him?
@John Not for that, it was for never hearing of Superbad. The way that movie was hyped when it came out, I figured everyone had heard of it. lol
@Tristan Action/adventure movies, mainly. Ones that come on TV. For free.
@Tristan Well, not me. :P
I don't really watch many movies anymore. Mainly I just watch Burn Notice, White Collar, and Warehouse 13.
@John But it was written by a 13-year-old Seth Rogen!
@John Burn Notice is awesome.
Though I did like National Treasure 1&2 and Night at the Museum 1&2.
@Ullallulloo Yes. I like awesome.
@John Add Doctor Who to that list and we're good. =P
@Tristan Well...I'm still waiting in a waiting room so..... checks Hulu for Doctor Who
@John I didn't mean right now. I know you've got personal stuff going on. How's he doing?
Also, the closing scenes of part 1 and part 2 of the Warehouse 13 finale are quite moving.
@Tristan He might not need a heart transplant. :/
@John Which season?
@Tristan The most recent? 3?
The one with Emily Lake and Stand.
@John That the one that ended after they flew out of the pyramid with Icarus' wings?
The scene when they find Steve dead with that song "Running up that hill" playing.
@Tristan No. That was like, a year or 2 ago.
That must be season 4 then, cuz I've seen the first 3 seasons.
And then the scene where the Warehouse is blowing up while the sad violin music plays.
And the team is standing in a little shielded bubble watching it.
Oh, cancel that. I've only seen the first 2 seasons. I thought Netflix had all 3.
@Tristan According to Hulu, it's season 3, episodes 11 and 12.
@Tristan Now who's out of the loop, huh? :P
@John Not me!
You are missing probably 2 of the best scenes in that show. Period.
@Tristan Oh? You've seen season 3?
@John I haven't seen season 3... But I have seen all 6 seasons of the Doctor Who re-vamp.
all bow before @John, spoiler king
@Tristan Fine then. We're both out of loops, just different ones.
@IanPugsley Hey, @OrigamiRobot said I was way overdue.
15 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
@John you're overdue
oh man, I am so guilty of being proud of some of these things
@agent86 Wait, you like Justin Bieber?
@John no, I hate him and I'm proud of it
@agent86 Oooh, that makes more sense.
HAH, take that, people who like something popular! I hate that thing, and that makes me superior!
maybe today I hate Skyrim
stupid Skyrim
@agent86 But haven't you played it?
You're not allowed to hate something you've played.
The Amazon thing was MW3.
I'm allowed to though. I haven't played the most popular game on the site! That makes me superior!
@Powerlord LIES!
@Powerlord Not worth the money.
@John no, I haven't played it! not a single minute!
@John WAIT NO now we're even. I have to hate some more things now. goddammitsomuch
@agent86 I agree! I love hating popular things!
I'm such a bad ass.
@agent86 Then how do you explain your answers in that tag?!
raises voice accusingly
@agent86 On an unrelated note, I think it's funny that is your top tag and you only have one post in it.
@John Google, like everything. He hasn't actually played anything, duh.
Doctor Who does not appear to be easily accessible on the internet.
@John @ArdaXi should be able to help you with that
@John I think they took it off of netflix. =(
21 hours ago, by agent86
@John I guess my point is I think that my reliance on google is perhaps overstated a bit ;)
@Tristan I don't have Netflix (DON'T HATE ME FOR THAT) so that wouldn't help me anyway. :/
Now, time for me to go be cool and watch the latest episode of this super awesome TV show that @Tristan is super far behind in in revenge for him calling me a bot.
@John uh, you're allowed to hate games you've played. You might even hate a game -because- you played it.
@John Having played 2 other TES games, I know where the UESP is ;)
@DavidB Shhhh!
oh right, I forgot- this is the internet.
@John I <3 that answer. I had to ask my wife to check my trig, because it's been like... shit, 14 or 15 years since trig class and I never was any good at it :P
@agent86 So you do Google!
@John what's a google?
heard it here first. agent86's secret for success - get wife to answer all the q's.
@agent86 I would <3 that answer too if had my name on it, had >100 votes, and got me oodles of rep.
@John eh, the rep cap ate quite a bit of that rep. I think Joel tweeted it, which is really what made it catch fire.
@John That's a googel.
I think that's one of his gold badges on the gaming site - the link to that question.
@agent86 Oh...it kinda takes some of the accomplishment out of it to know that you owe some votes to someone else... :/
The Amazing World of Gumball was created for people tripping on acid...
@Ullallulloo It's a homophone. AYPI?
@John eh, kind of a 6/half dozen thing. I think it was cool to get tweeted by Joel. He could have been tweeting just the question though, and thought my answer sucked and others should post something better. I don't want to make it out to be anything more than it was.
@John That's how all his answers are, he just Googles it. :P
it made me happy, I suppose you could say. I was pleased with the results. that's about as far as I can take it :)
@John I'dn't any.
@agent86 Yeah, I guess that's acceptable. :P
1GB to go and I can play Deus Ex!
Heh. For all their talking here, Raven and Mana have yet to find each other on G+, though they are both in my circles and I am in theirs. This amuses me.
Hmm, Romney's tax rate: 15.3%, mine for last year will be about 20%
Well, I'm stupid. I completely missed the expiry date on my download password for the radiangames collection.
@GnomeSlice Make the first 3 words a separate message so I can star it.
@John I made sure not to this time.
@GnomeSlice Then maybe you're not as stupid as you try to appear.
Wait, MacPherson is back? Again?
Oooh, from dust is only £4.
@John I don't know Mana's real name though.
Unless it's Alex, in which case I do.
@RavenDreamer you do
@RavenDreamer Mana says on his profile that that's his name.
He's in my google+ suggestions, list, actually.
@RavenDreamer Check your G+.
@RavenDreamer Not sure he wants that posted here, but yes.
:3113944 It still has history even if I delete it...
@RavenDreamer Yeah, but that history isn't visible to everyone.
What has been said cannot be unsaid! (on chat.SE!)
@RavenDreamer -_-
@FallenAngelEyes Hello, Fae!
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, I just saw that myself.
A "veritable bot army!"
@FallenAngelEyes Is this game free?
@John Yes.
Let me give you a referral link!
@RavenDreamer I had a feeling someone would have one of those... :P
@RavenDreamer I still have no one who's accepted my referrals actually play :(
How many referrals do you need to get a free Twitch?
@GraceNote 350.
@RavenDreamer That a lot.
I don't think I have any referrals for anything. Ever.
Click it, John!
Chat says I've sent 5 invites.
...criminy, I don't stand a chance
@RavenDreamer It has been clicked.
@GraceNote Yeah, same. :(
I like seeing that the roster of AI champs is increasing.
I'm excited about this update though.
@FallenAngelEyes That's intimidating.
goes eat dinner
How well does this game work with only a trackpad and a wireless modem?
@John ...uuuuuuh, I would not recommend a trackpad for this game at all
40 bots. Wow.
@FallenAngelEyes Thought so. Nothing works well with a trackpad. :/
How much fun would LoL be to record, because I might actually finally get it.
@GraceNote Should be pretty exciting.
@RonanForman There are tons of videos of it. But... I doubt playing against AI would be any fun to record.
@RonanForman What's the standard quanta for fun?
Barrels of Monkeys?
@RonanForman There's already programs out there to let you do this. You don't even need to do it live.
@RavenDreamer Did you see the recent Terraria vid?
@RavenDreamer More fun than @RonanForman respawning over and over again.
@RavenDreamer Well dragons is difficuly, I think monkeys is annoyance. I'm going with Tigers.
@RonanForman Oh, I've recorded it before.
@RonanForman leaguereplays.com
Use that to record games, then you can go back and view them later and use fraps or something to record the viewing.
anyway, food time now flees
Ooh, the article has a list of the new bots
@GraceNote Jax Bot has me worried. =(
I'm just hoping they remove the random dodge chance that bots apparently still have
"The IP reward has been increased for each match, and the daily limit on match rewards will be removed" - this is music to my ears
That is good news. Moar IP means moar champions purchased!
Hopefully they don't raise the price to counter.
@Tristan Every new champion is comin' out at 6300, so I don't know what else they can do.
...15? The hejudas you get that 15 from?
6300 + 3150
Haha, I see
Took your halving a little two far, eh?
I had conjoined prices.
It's a serious disability affecting tens of people each year.
Oh wow.
Miss Fortune splash pic update incoming?
@FallenAngelEyes does that let you record the opposing team's view?
Tristana is the only mover in the bot crowd.
doubt it, but that seems fairly important
Oh, and Shyvana.
Otherwise, there's no pulls or throws or knockbacks
Alistar was one of the original bots.
He's not making a comeback yet.
Technically happy for that, haha.
@agent86 That is an awesome comic :)
@Tristan try to 1v5 easy bots (2v5 is pretty easy)
@GraceNote @Tristan's counterpart?
@AshleyNunn yvw :)
@John I do have my best games playing as Tristana.
@NickT I'm in no rush to attempt something like that... >.>
Ranged AD type, I assume?
@Tristan That's...coincidental.
I've only played one game with you and because I had thrown the lot of you in an Int Bot game unexpectedly, I didn't consider it showcasing your talents and preferences
@GraceNote Yeah, that game was pretty rough...
We made it, though.
Also, I do my best with Tristana and Jax. though I did try Garen last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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