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brexit is the new cc @fredley
@badp time to @badprexit
@Unionhawk Edmund's new game, The Saddening of Fredley
@fredley is there an award for poorest cgi?
@GodEmperorDune The award is you
ouch, cc @Wipqozn on that sick burn
@fredley Such great graphics
Can't even tell they're not real
@Wipqozn the lies from these diamonds
Q: Minecraft /say command problems

JaluradecaSo I am making a Rubik's Cube in minecraft and i wanted it to tell you what moves you have made. I used the /say command, but it only says it once, i want it to say it every time. What i mean is when i press a button to do the move, it says "L", then if I press another one it says "D" but if I pr...

@fredley Congrats on your new PM! I'm sure you will have a happy and successful brexit now :)
@fredley that animation work
@badp ikr, it's almost as if you made it
@twobugs :(
That's not nearly ART enough for @badp
I would have painstakingly drawn each frame in paint
and you know that
@badp i do
I wonder if they actually ripped models and textures from like Colosseum
you can count the polygons on those models
BoJo got Foreign Secretary, which means he's your problem now
ah fuck
@badp 37 polygons
now THAT's an avatar for you
I dunno who
@fredley He can pal it up with Trump!
God dammit
my Personal Brand is too stronk to be given up for a pokememe
now that's some retrosaur grade stuff
jpgchu I choose you
just label it WAKE ME UP / CAN'T WAKE UP and you have an half decent thing
meeting status: super productive
I wish I had a strong water Pokémon right now
to wash your problems away?
@fredley wat
no, to kill the 7 arcanines at the nearby gym
I missed getting a dratini yesterday
I have a really, really low CP Dratini.
i thought we got rid of bojo
I saw a Dratini on the nearby thing today but I was at the end of my walk and it was approximately 100 C outside with Humidity of 300%
this is like when bush sent that crazy asshole to be our UN rep
So I didn't bother
I don't think it is possible to have a humidity that high
I saw a wild Dragonite nearby. Realized I had no hope in finding it as it was 3 footsteps away.
the one who didn't believe the UN was a valid organization
Ron Paul?
@GodEmperorDune He's Foreign Sec, means it's his job to deal with forrners he loves so much
@Dragonrage: Do you have oodles of Eevee's near you?
oh look, that's a sick @GodEmperorDune
@Ellesedil quite a number of them. not quite enough to evolve a 2nd eevee yet. my first evolved into flareon
sick bro
@fredley inf is best image
@GodEmperorDune just turn it flipways 45 degrees
I'm loving whoever keeps using lures at the Pokestop at my building.
@fredley not a pug, not my avatar
@Ellesedil that normally happens at lunch near me.
Yay, caught a Geodude!
all the restaurants nearby all get lured
First one I've seen
@Ellesedil rock on, bro
i get tons of geodudes.
i almost have enough to evolve to to golem
I'd love a really strong ground pokemon to smash some Volteons.
I missed a Jinx and a Ghastly today
Stupid buggy app
The only Ghastly I've even seen hatched in an egg.
i got a jynx from an egg.
I just hatched a Vulpix this morning!
never seen a ghastly, even though they are supposed to come out after 8pm
Same, and I play until 2 am.
@Dragonrage Saw mine at 7.30ish
Pretty sure it doesn't matter what time it is.
Maybe location is still a factor and we're just not in a good place for them?
@Ellesedil I was in the banking district
@fredley i liked domcho
i got a horsea from an egg
@GodEmperorDune I think @RobertCartaino played us like a fiddle there, by proposing an awful title with an obvious improvement he made it 'our' decision, not 'his' :P
@fredley That actually makes sense. Your ghastly may have been the ghost of a banking exec that threw himself off a bridge during an economic collapse.
Pokemon PCAP is really hard.
@Ellesedil bit morbid, but whatever
The banker probably only moved to Frankfurt
@fredley yeah, looks that way
@fredley scubagear.se /cc @Unionhawk
@fredley that's a very nice tree
@Dragonrage It lives in a giant bucket
@fredley wat
@fredley That's not very "wtrf" at all
You've dropped the ball on your "Meahwile" @fredley, STEP IT UP
@Wipqozn ok I've made it wat
Okay. Pokemon HTTPS MITMing is not possible.
It definitely pins the cert.
@fredley not really.A tree in abucket doesn't seem that weird to me.
Wait does that mean I'M weird?
@KazWolfe OK so just steal Verisign's key
How hard could it be?
Very hard as it's not Verisign
hello verisign yes this is pokeman
@fredley The Swedish translates to "horse carts, etc. all"...
speaking of
GeoTrust SSL CA
@fredley what
hmm, in 4.5 hours i can start getting more rep
@Wipqozn Tuesday's coming, did you bring your coat?
@fredley what happens on tuesday?
So yeah. Sorry guys, no MITMing Pokemans
@fredley what even the what
or i'm not sure. It does something really weird.
Okay, this is sufficiently "wtf" @fredley. You are forgiven.
@Wipqozn You have seriously not seen this?
@fredley Nope
Now you have seen it, you will see the refrances to it that are in many things
okay well I'll make sure to set aside 10 minutes to watch the entire thing
Q: Minecraft server connection

user155086There's a minecraft server I have been recently playing on but now I can't log in to it w/o a VPN. I wasn't IP banned or anything, all my friends can connect to the server, and I can connect to all other servers. Posted a topic about it on the forum for the server and asked for beginning of peopl...

Q: How do I pick a team?

KevinI made it to level 5 in Pokemon GO, but the game didn't ask me which team I wanted to join and I am currently not affiliated with any team. Is there something I have to do in order to pick a team, or should I have been given a chance to pick a team upon leveling up?

Q: Does Incense increase Pokemon rarity?

DasBeastoMy house seems to only be surrounded by throwaway Pokemon, Pidgey, Caterpie, Rattata, etc. Occasionally a Jigglypuff will wander by to make things exciting. So yesterday I popped my first Incense because I didn't feel like leaving the couch so I figured they'd come to me. Suddenly I get attacke...

Q: Does Pokemon Go take into account STAB in gym battles?

shenlesIn the main series games, there is a concept of STAB (same type attack bonus), where a pokemon of a certain type will get an additional attack bonus (+100% iirc) when using a move that has the same type. This bonus is in addition to any modifiers caused by the target pokemon's resistances. For e...

I have almost gotten enough votes today to rep cap 3 times over.
@Dragonrage hmm sounds like sock puppeting
It's Such a Beautiful Day by the same animator is a good film
@Wipqozn you have the banhammer
@Wipqozn why would I sock puppet and vote up things while I was rep capped?
@Dragonrage To throw us off the scent
I'm thinking again, and I still don't know how I would sock puppet without a second account.
Jul 2 '14 at 10:01, by fredley
@badp I am the queen of France!
I am the queen of refrance
@Dragonrage Because you have a fourth account
@Wipqozn that would be confusing to keep track of that many accounts.
How do you know I don't own every single account on the SE network?
@Dragonrage sounds like you are speaking from personal experience
@Dragonrage Which is where you messed up!
@Dragonrage My god
We were all @Dragonrage all along
In the future everything is Dragonrage and Taco Bell.
@MadMAxJr What a terrible future
Also in the future, all games are minecraft mods
Only one man has the power to put an end to it.
Rex. Power. Colt.
@MadMAxJr Whoever wins... we lose
@Wipqozn if only we could get rid of the taco bell, then it would be a glorious future.
CyberHitler invades Equestria. Trump gets his sixth term as president. Space pope unifies the minorities of Titan. Wipqozn is the only remaining moderator after mod war 3.
Man I was playing DOOM last night. Such a great game
Not surprising that @Sterno is old and hates it
@fredley that's an old one
Add some killer piano synth here.
@GodEmperorDune You're an old one
cc: @burnqozn
That's true
but is he a Great Old One, or just a So-So Old One?
The really angsty teenage phase ones were kinda sucky eldritch horrors.
'S' for script

Proposed Q&A site for ancient scripts and scrolls

Currently in definition.

Etherex [Ethereum in Persian]

Proposed Q&A site for beta Q&A site for Ethereum, the crypto value and blockchain-based consensus network in Persian.

Closed before being launched.

Art History

Proposed Q&A site for art History. This site will speak about Artists history, history of art and the different style of the period.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Lifehacks warning. not sure why, but I would avoid
Heh, in a 30 minute walk I met like 10 people playing pokemon go
Q: Combat power versus combat abilities? What's the difference?

AnnaI have a question about CP vs abilities. I've found that it doesn't seem the combat power is related to the abilities of each Pokemon. For example, I currently have three venonats. Venonat 1 has a CP of 228. Confusion (psychic) 12. Signal beam (bug) 35 with 3 blue bars Venonat 2 has a CP ...

Q: Why cant i use another google account on my phone for pokemon go?

SamanthaLet my boyfriend use my Google account because I have two, and now it only signs me on as him even tho he signed in on his own phone. And since you can't make a trainer account I was wondering if any of you would know what I could do?! Thanks!

@Dragonrage Huh?
Art History is a real academic field...
Wat wat = new Wat("Dragonrage");
@twobugs porkchat says it contains lifehacks
Okay it's nice that you use porkchat but you don't have to tell us all about that every day
Just because it was an idea by Robert doesn't make it Lifehacks.
I bet it was because it was edited by Robert
Also I am thinking about using a second account and going team mystic because there seems to be 2 non mystic players and the other person is yellow
hahahahahahahahaha cc @fredley Maybe exclude CMs somehow?
@KevinvanderVelden wat
Or at least Robert
That was your original plan you face
i don't know why it is actually giving a lifehacks warning.
@Unionhawk wat
@Dragonrage Porkchat doesn't give lifehacks warnings
@fredley Well now I'm confuse
Goddammit @Dragonrage
@fredley i added it after a comma in friday warnings
Vote to close Dragonrage as modded porkchat crash log
@Dragonrage Oh, it's giving a lifehacks warning because lifehacks is a link on that page
VTC dragonrage as unreleased content
because Robert is on the page
and his lifehacks profile shows up as a link
@Unionhawk ah, that explains it
@GodEmperorDune I mean, picking the winning team is only logical so it fits with team mystic
@twobugs I don't tell you every day. and I'm sorry talking about something annoys you
@Dragonrage This is one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a while
Hold on
let me find it then
@Dragonrage I'm just pointing out that for the past several days you have made a daily reference to porkchat. It's not something you need to tell everyone about.
19 hours ago, by Insane
I feel bad for terminal people in hospitals
19 hours ago, by Insane
@GodEmperorDune They deserve Pokemon
@Unionhawk Dammit
Easily beats "I have lifehacks warnings"
If you want to dig up most ridiculous things we've read in here, we can go dig up Unikitty transcripts.
@Unionhawk 19 hours is a while
That's still today in some time zones!
@twobugs i talk about it because a number of people have it and can relate to it.
@Unionhawk which one?
It's less than 24 hours though
So I'm logged in to my other gmail account: What starter do I pick?
@Dragonrage Tell me that you have burned my message, or telling people that there is a link to another stack exchange site on a stack exchange site is not particularly helpful
@KevinvanderVelden pikachu
Neither of those are starters
Walk around first
@Unionhawk if no one in the bridge lives in such a time zone then it is invalid
Pikachu is a starter
you can start with pikachu
Pikachu is, actually
You have to abandon your area three times
Keep walking and resist picking.
these are unvalorous hacks
Anyway, I'm not trying to start something but I'm pointing out the social cue here @Dragonrage
Cheating is okay if you're terminally ill!
Q: Futuristic Mercenary Text-Adventure

Nathaniel Ford(Note: I obviously have no screenshots, because this is a text adventure, but I'm hoping for identification anyway.) Game Description In the nineties I was in possession of a text adventure that came in a pack of other text adventures (for PC) whose name I've forgotten but would like to identif...

@twobugs that you don't like it when I talk about porkchat? got it. I'll not mention it to you anymore.
@Lazers2.0 who VTC as game dev?
Okay whatever. Do your thing.
@GodEmperorDune misclick?
I 'unno, wasn't me
I wonder why I bother sometimes
@KevinvanderVelden If you walk away three times, Pikachu will eventually appear. If you see a set of circles with no Pokemon in it, that is actually a Pikachu. I had that happen on the 4th time.
@KevinvanderVelden must have been danmaku
@GodEmperorDune DanmakuGrazer
@Unionhawk inb4
@Ellesedil I googled, I might do that... tomorrow
i missed closing that by like a second :(
oh teh noes
@KevinvanderVelden Sure. I just wanted to point out that you might see some circles with no Pokemon in them, which is actually a Pokemon and probably your Pikachu.
Just keep that in mind in case it happens to you.
Also, actual sentences that were spoken outside: "Team?", "Valor", "Ok bye"
This entire city is team blue =p
Blue is dumb
There's like 5 gyms and their all blue all the time
Your face is dumb
the only thing good about mystic is a prettier logo
@Unionhawk your boat is dumb
Team Blue has a dumb nerd as the leader. Team Red has a Babe. Your choice.
I'm making a second account on yellow now
To annoy all of you fools
@twobugs Team Red's leader a strong independent woman who don't need no pokeMAN
Good, you're upgrading from Blue @Unionhawk
@Unionhawk inb4 b&
You're only one step away from being the same color as your boat avatar.
so @uni got hacked?
@GodEmperorDune Looking to essentially permanently migrate
only using blue to facilitate low yellow removal
on another device even
20 hours ago, by Unionhawk
Don't cheat in multiplayer games.
I mean, I could wait for it
But this is the general strat:
2 hours ago, by Unionhawk
> Step one, conquer gym to make it neutral. Step two, put low level cp in it, like 10. Step 3, get a bunch of people to beat that gym and prestige it up to whatever gym level you want, we got ours up to lvl 7 in 15 minutes. Step 3.1 don't add any additional pokemon to the gym until you are done leveling it. Step 4, put in all of your best pokemans. Step 5, wait until someone attacks the gym enough to just remove the level 10.
so technically it doesn't matter
you and your frat hax
since literally a dead squirrel could take on a 10 CP
So you want to make everything yellow or everything blue?
The majority of our fraternity is yellow, by a large margin
So we're going to take over the universe
or at least the university
i thought you graduated
we live streamed it in the bridge
Not yet
I wish there were yellow players here. Most gyms are red, with a bunch of blue. Almost no yellow gyms at all.
We're going to make the bookstore gym like a level 30 yellow with very high CP
and it's going to be byoutiful
@Ellesedil How can the 12 yellow players make a gym?
This game sounds stupid
@GnomeSlice it is
@GnomeSlice urmom sounds stupid
@GnomeSlice it's lowest common denominator
4 mins ago, by Unionhawk
2 hours ago, by Unionhawk
> Step one, conquer gym to make it neutral. Step two, put low level cp in it, like 10. Step 3, get a bunch of people to beat that gym and prestige it up to whatever gym level you want, we got ours up to lvl 7 in 15 minutes. Step 3.1 don't add any additional pokemon to the gym until you are done leveling it. Step 4, put in all of your best pokemans. Step 5, wait until someone attacks the gym enough to just remove the level 10.
@KazWolfe I just want to know how there are only 12 yellow players? Zapdos is the best legendary bird.
Zapdos is a yellow dodo with bad hair
@Ellesedil moltres*
Zapdos is super effective vs all other legendary birds
@GodEmperorDune I think that was @Yuuki
@Ash TIL @Yuuki and @uni are the same person
No way. A flying lightning type? Cancels a lot of damage susceptibility. Zapdos rules.
i should have known because of the leading "u" sound
And Zapdos can eat the other two for lunch.
Thunder for days.
@Ellesedil oh I'm not saying he's not effective, I'm just saying he looks dumb
Q: Do you have to have an account with Hamachi in order for it to work?

SoraHi i wanted to play minecraft with my cousin and i downloaded Hamachi, but i don't know what to do and I wanted to know if you have to have an account with Hamachi in order for it to work?

@Lazers2.0 no it'll magically work without doing anything
@KevinvanderVelden be nice to the new users... we need some non-pokemon go questions
Hence me saying it over here!
This is the snarking channel
Right, because we need more Minecraft questions.
@Ellesedil let's just be grateful that pokemon go doesn't have mods yet
Hrm, the one gym I knew of that was consistently yellow... is red now :(
And they're beefing it up.
I need moar Eevees.
Hmm a popular youtube channel has a video on how to cheat in pokemon go -,-
Those things won't be fixed imemdiately
@KevinvanderVelden What I read: "Hmm a popular youtube channel has a video on how to get my account banned."
there we go. 3 review queues capped
Ah it's basic gps spoofing
@twobugs so, was catching up on chat I missed and came across this and I had to backtrack because ~ oh boy potential drama ~, and I gotta say, I don't see anything wrong at all with @Dragonrage mentioning he uses porkchat. And, more importantly, he only mentioned porkchat in order to clear up your confusion when you replied with "huh?". Saying this after 40 minutes is probably a bit goofy, but just feel like your response is a little bit uncalled for, so I feel obligated to speak up.
I wish there was an easy way to bulk-smelt pokemon into candy
@fredley This is a horrifying sentence.
Just a pokemon-blender
@fredley the UI for it would be atrocious
I've just learned to smelt them on catching them
@GodEmperorDune What, like the rest of the UI you mean?
I'm a catch and release pokemon trainer. I just release them into a blender
@fredley yes, exactly

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