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instead of just using magic to build it real quick
@GodEmperorDune okay, so like worship through service.
@Ash yes, that
Ah, okay, let me ponder that one for a minute, because I can't think of any immediate church words
is Ana out yet?
@Dragonrage She's in PTR right now... the Public Test Realm
i should make isanaoutyet.com
That'll only be valid for probably a month
@D.Va Winky face!
@retro is back to asking questions about everything as they come out again
Honestly, we just called those acts of service, because the faith I generally ascribe to is all about seeing God's hand in all sorts of that stuff.
@Dragonrage shrug
i wasnt sure if it had actually been released or not.
Actually, I'm glad they're changing D.Va's ult in PTR... now D.Va no longer has to run from her own ult.
@Ash k, worship through service is actually a pretty good phrase
but it appears that they are available to public, so w/e
(Also now I have that "Will you let me be your servant" hymn in my head, thanks :P)
it was bothering my brain because i was sure i had heard of a word for this before
@GodEmperorDune Shiny, glad I could help :)
@Ash sorry
and thanks :D
@Dragonrage A lot of them are "Didn't Do The Research" type questions.
@GodEmperorDune It's all good, it's a decent enough hymn. Although it's replacing Guns and Ships from Hamilton, so it's a bit of a change :P
are questions about ana on topic even though ana is not released yet?
@GodEmperorDune There might be one, my religious vernacular is sadly mostly stuck to Progressive Mennonite ways of saying things and stuff because well, that's my faith base (kinda, mostly)
@GodEmperorDune No
@GodEmperorDune i think she is publicly available?
PTR or w/e
She's in PTR
So questions about her are legit
Then she is.
so PTR counts as publicly available?
@GodEmperorDune Not if they only pertain to her and she's not available for the wider public, but if anyone can get into this PTR thing, we're good
(or well, enough of "everyone" to have people who can theoretically answer)
Q: How does boosting Ana work?

RetrosaurHer weapon has two abilities: heal teammates, and kill enemies. If she is damage boosted, will she heal teammates for more as well as damage enemies even further? Does she need a healing boost from another allied Ana player to boost her healing?

Q: How much of a boost does Nano Boost provide?

RetrosaurAna's ultimate, Nano Boost, apparently: Increase an ally's damage and speed, while reducing damage taken How much of a damage boost and speed boost are we talking her, and what is the damage reduction? How long does the boost last? Does her damage boost stack with boosting abilities such a...

Time to make more smoothie!
(My experiments last week meant I had super strawberry smoothie. A little thick. Still good.)
@FAE is alive
@Frank I want to like smoothies but they usually involve bananas which I don't like or weird greens and stuff
though they have not graced us with visiting chat.
Or they have super odd texture junk
@Ash Mine also have bananas.
My favorite is strawberry banana.
Plus an entire tub of yogurt.
Bananas and me don't get along unless they're like in baking or whatever
the texture is just nope
peach smoothies
Because everything is funnier with the poo emoji
or something like that
@Ash Haha :D
Also, guys, vim is amazing
@SaintWacko the text editor?
Well duh
Q: What is the earliest I can get to Snowbelle City?

FAESnowbelle city is the location of the 8th gym in Pokémon X/Y. I'm still very early in the story, only at Geosenge Town. Most of Lumiose City is still blocked off for me due to a "blackout", which cuts me off from accessing Routes 13, 14, 16,. I attempted to take Route 4, head through Santalune Ci...

Q: How do I get back into my account after buying Coins?

user154810I just bought 20$ worth of coins and then it wouldn't let me back into my account I'm sure I'm using the right name and password, why can't I get in?

Q: Pokemon Go Crashing after avatar was picked

user154811My pokemon go keeps crashing after I pick my avatar and its been do this all day. Im on an android tablet so how do I fix it?

Vim is the best
@GodEmperorDune Yes
I'm using more nano lately though
Oh what? @Powerlord was here? I see him in Polygon comments, but haven't seen him here in an age.
@arda yeah i like that nano tells me what things are
I'm really enjoying the full keyboard interface
@Fluttershy ...was?
@Powerlord Oh! You're still here. Hi!
There. Smoothie making complete. It's less solid this time!
@Frank So, you had a Roughie last time?
@Powerlord Well, I suppose, yeah.
Was still seriously good.
Tons of strawberry and banana.
I've gone through almost two pounds of strawberries for 3 litres of smoothie.
wait i thought canada used kg
dat glitch
I don't use kg for much, most of how I think of weight is in lbs
caught a charmeleon, got the pokeball of death, pikachu in inv
Which is annoying at the grocery store when meat etc is in kg
@GodEmperorDune we are slowly converting the world to USCS
Of all the places to be a gym here
so you use metres, litres, and lbs?
A lobster painted on a wall
@Unionhawk go team red!
Aka, Wall Lobster Gym
@Unionhawk time to submit to /r/shittypokestops
@GodEmperorDune feet/inches if we're talking height, sometimes feet for distance, then kilometers for farther. Litres for liquids. Lbs for weight at least in my head
@GodEmperorDune currently level 1 blue held by a 700 electabuzz
@Ash that is the worst of all systems
@Ash I keep thinking chat is hiding the rest of your name. I guess I'm too used to your old name.
@GodEmperorDune It shouldn't work, but in my head, it does
@Powerlord Nope, name is tiny now.
@Ash That makes sense, feet make more sense for shorter distances
(I only have chat open on half of one of my monitors... which tends to trigger "mobile" mode in a lot of "Responsive" sites.)
@Powerlord I do the same thing
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, Canada's got a pretty bad mash of metric/imperial going on.
Seriously, just because my window width is less than 1000 pixels doesn't mean I'm on mobile.
My window must be 960x980 (assuming the taskbar is 100 pixels tall)
those first post reviews are looking juicy. just have to wait 25 minutes to review again
Q: Why do I sometimes see leaves but no Pokemon appears?

KatThe leaf animation signifies a Pokemon is at that location, but there are many times that I stand directly on the animation for multiple minutes and nothing pops up. I've tried walking around the spot and still found nothing, so it doesn't seem to be that my location is slightly off. Some other p...

Q: Pokemon go how to I get new account but keep Pokemon?

John smithIf I want to join a different team. If there a way to start a new account and just transfer my Pokemon

Q: TF2 – Engine out of memory

AngelplayerWhenever I join a multiplayer game in Team Fortress 2, I can play for about a minute, and after that I get an error message and the game crashes. The error message is: Engine Error: Out of memory Screenshot: This shouldn't be happening – I have a good 8GB of RAM. I've turned a few advanced ...

Q: Why can't I sign into my Pokemon Go account?

CrumbsI haven't forgot my password or username for sure but when ever I try to log in to my account it tells me (Unable to Authenticate please try again) and I can't get back in. and I'm pretty sure I have good connection to internet or wifi.

@Dragonrage too bad someone else will clear them first
Another tinder date tomorrow
@GnomeSlice good luck
I have never played a Pokemon game except Snap
more people play pokemon go than use tinder
And it's approaching Twitter
@GodEmperorDune people have their priorities right
maybe you should try to get some dates at a nice pokestop
You know that was fast, but way faster than I expected
For ana amari......dirty stuff :(
the cute girl playing Pokemon does not want to get hit on. She wants to catch Pokemon.
wat, is that you @retro
the handsone guy playing Pokemon does not want to get hit on. He wants to catch Pokemon.
For the first time in...five? years, I've used all my votes in a day.
@KazWolfe Maybe. Maybe not.
Running into people that share your interests is one of the best ways to meet people.
@Frank I think we would get along very well. Easy to anger, easy to incite into internet arguments, and shameless.
@Wipqozn Whaddaya mean "used to be"?! scoff
also yes, I did get every single one of those pings
@Frank or a really easy way to get restraining orders placed against you.
@KazWolfe If you're creepy about it, sure.
also my chat name was never JohnTheGreen, just on the site
But that's not specific to Pokemon at all.
cc @Uni @Fred
when your default state is shy to the point of creepy...
Holy crap, Mount & Blade II's map editor is fantastic.
so it's pharah's mom right
and soldier's... wife? mistress?
who is this?
@GodEmperorDune Waifu? I have him blocked, so it must be retro is Retro.
no i mean who is pharah's mom/soldier's lover?
Q: Pokemon why won't it work

user154819Whenever I play it saves but as soon as I get past the opening screen with the balloon thing it freezes as the picture of gyarados and says that if doesn't have player info or something like that any answers?

Q: Pokemon GO Gyms

Striker sniper I have just recently joined Pokemon GO. I was just wondering when I leave a Pokemon in a gym and it gets overtaken, what happens to the Pokemon I put in?

Ana Amari, techinically nothing has been revealed about S76's love interestes
Although I would totally ship S76 and Mercy
I mean, he could've been a playa and gotten both Mercy and Ana
I mean he's got his arm around her in her origin story video
so then what is the relation to d.va
well, around her shoulder
who's waifu is d.va?

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