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for the next 6 or so hours
you can work now.
i'm almost out of close votes for the day
@badp but what about the other queues?
@GodEmperorDune whooops no work for you then, back to the review mines you go
has anyone done any research to see how activity has spiked after pokemon go launch?
anecdotally it seems like a flood of meh questions
It's just a popular game. Lots of new users who aren't so familiar asking meh questions. And the occasional moderator asking meh questions too :)
The viewcounts on the Pokemon Go questions are insane.
but i don't remember seeing this on even something like fallout 4
@twobugs Yeah @Wipqozn
@twobugs cc @Wipqozn on that sick burn
@GodEmperorDune Pokemon Go is inherently more accessible
@Unionhawk I was thinking more @LessPop_MoreFizz I think one of his questions was a dupe
@twobugs the joke is that @Wipqozn doesn't even have a smartphone so it couldn't possibly be him
@twobugs we can still blame @Wipqozn
plus its not accessible to canadians yet
@Unionhawk His phone is exactly as smart as he is
cc @Wipqozn
cc @Wipqozn
Okay well I fiddled with some settings and I seem to be able to run this program with significantly less crashing
Also these training sessions are 4hrs with no catering :'(
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, it's actually pretty good. Two weeks where I still get pay and benefits, and then 11 weeks of pay as a severance package
> Pepsiman is the Dark Souls of soda-based video games
@SaintWacko nice
@SaintWacko not bad
@StrixVaria i have 3 that got over 10k views already
What did I just witness
@Unionhawk pokemon go?
@Unionhawk The Dark Souls we need, not the Dark Souls we deserve
@Unionhawk what even dafuq
@GodEmperorDune Yes
The highest APM at SGDQ (advertisements per minute)
Including short live action cutscenes in which the actor was told to act as poorly as possible, and he fucking nailed it
But yes
Pepsiman is a game that exists
And it's everything you could ever expect
My brother picked Team Blue and I have disowned him
@fredley So you only have 1 PM candidate left? Is she good or bad?
She's Cameron's party
I want to know how much to laugh at @fredley
3 hours ago, by Unionhawk
fine, it'd be like if @fredley stepped down, and @evilfredley ran unopposed
I remember reading one of the people up for PM was vehemently anti-immigrant, trying to figure out if that is the last one standing or the one who dropped out. Or the sobering possibility of it being BOTH
Probably both?
Half the world is anti-immigrant, and half the world is looking to emigrate to Canada
it seems
It just seems strange to me how anti-immigrant some people are. It's way more of a gut emotional reaction than based on any fact (although plenty of this has to deal with certain elements intentionally misleading the general populace)
I heard 10 million people just WALKED RIGHT PAST BORDER PATROL, and this was YESTERDAY ALONE!!!
- some people
Like the notion that the UK's social services had been "strained to the breaking point" by "immigrants" when in actuality the influx of labor was what kept stuff like nationalized healthcare afloat
I heard mexicans are coming across the canadian border now too
Not on Don Trump's watch though
I say dumb things in jest so I don't have to think about all the dumb things people say for real
I mean, I want to do something to address these issues but I don't really know how to engage these notions in any kind of positive way. I've tried different approaches and they've all not really worked at best
I guess the answer is you just become more and more jaded but :(
I don't know if I can become more jaded about the current world situation
This just in: Earth may crash into sun!
Can I just write in "giant meteor"? But then Trump might win, so
This just in: Sun wants nothing to do with Earth and may support an "Earxit"
I guess I shouldn't
As distasteful as it is I'm most likely voting for Clinton unless polling shows a significant lean in my state
But god
(Early polling shows a big lean, enough to encourage me to vote 3rd party, but 4 months out)
@votegiantmeteor, Outer Space
Giant flaming meteor, extinction level event, 2016 presidential candidate, probably your best option. https://t.co/FAjr1s8bCD
53 tweets, 1.4k followers, following 1 users
Q: Why can't I log on

Carlyn D'orSo I recently started playing on lifeboat servers, and I could log onto servers before but now I can't. I have no idea what's going on and I need answers as to why this is happening and if I can do anything to fix it. I've emailed lifeboat support but they sent me to a link that wasn't very helpf...

Q: Can I still access the side quests from The Waking Sands after this event?

Arle CamilleFew main quests afterwards, I will be no longer able to access The Waking Sands because However, I didn't clear the quests originating from there to spare them for the extra jobs. This is problematic because to actually become a Mechanist, I have to proceed through the main quest and get past ...

Q: Xbox 360 start up problem

LoganMy Xbox 360 is fine and everything but whenever I start it up it starts up the game that is in the disc slot without me even logging in to Xbox live or anything as soon as I press the power button the game starts up. Please Help

I don't need an extinction event, I just need it to like, take out 3 people
Can I do that?
3 tiny meteors on my ballot?
I think those are just thrown rocks.
I guess South Sudan is re-enacting Metal Wolf Chaos but without the America or Giant Mechanized Armor parts
Which, honestly, makes the whole thing sound a lot more drab.
@Unionhawk yes?
@Unionhawk get me a mewtwo in pokemon go and we'll talk
I was looking at my playtime in Skyward Sword and it's not as much as I thought
The game itself FEELS really long
I think that has to due with the repetition. Lots of revisiting areas, probably moreso than any Zelda I can think of
It's still a great game, but flawed
"Trump voted in with overwhelming popularity, when asked, people respond: "I thought we were voting for who the tiny meteors would strike!""
@twobugs it is a long zelda game
inline tag edits are so nice
welcome to the 10k
@Unionhawk I can see that I guess. I'm on the 6th dungeon at about 25 hours. I suspect there is at least one or two more main dungeons before the final one, and many sidequests
Twilight Princess was pretty similar. I liked that game much more on replay (in large part because the HD version uses the Gamecube controls)
@KevinvanderVelden Targeted Reentry Underneath Multiple Politicians, yeah i voted for T.R.U.M.P
The any% is fairly average, but the 100% is on the order of 9 hours or more
speedrun, but, yeah
I need to make my way to 10k but I just haven't had anything to ask about really
All my Pokemon Go questions have been covered 30 times already
(Which is nice, I like when people have already figured out the answer)
pretty much
Q: Will i ever be able to see pokemon in AR mode on pokemon go?

AngelWhat I really want to know is can this be something they can fix in the future with an update? Will I be able to see Pokemon in the future on my phone even if it doesn't have a gyroscope or will I just have to get a new phone? And does anyone know when the next update will come?

Q: I adopted a child in Skyrim but won't appear to my house

J HaywardI adopted a child from the Riften orphanage and he says he'll meet me there. I return to my home in Whiterun and I wait for 24 hours but he won't appear so I fast travel to the orphanage to find him still there. I wait for another 24 hours and he still says he'll meet me there. I have a child's r...

all my pokemon go answers would be guesswork too
i managed to hop on the overwatch hype which helped
I'm pretty sheepish about answering
thats mostly died down now though
Pokemon GO is a relatively shallow game. We're probably close to the point where every useful question about the game has been asked.
Speaking of answers, man, I only need 9 score for a bronze
@murgatroid99 i think we hit that a while ago
@murgatroid99 I agree, unless they add some serious content in patches I think we're either at or past the peak
most of the pokemon go stuff i'm seeing is dupes or rants about "y u no in my country" or "y u no work on my ipod"
I think pretty much all of the questions are protected too
I'm still 32 answers away from silver
so long as the average score is above -13 I can get the badge
i am 36 answers and 44 score away from silver
I should just start spamming answers at random
You could create a script to ask questions about minecraft and probably get better questions from it than we get from new users
@StrixVaria wat
#loveislove #sinissin #outisout
Okay, I did some searching and I don't think my Pokemon Go question is a dupe
@twobugs gogogo get dat mad repz
or at least views
I mainly just want to know because it's going to significantly impact my decision to keep playing or quit
If Incubators are only 1-time level rewards and/or premium items, fuck that.
@twobugs that question will go HNQ
someone dropped a lure on the pokéstop im in range of at work :)
Oh, you want to know if you can get an incubator at a stop?
i've been wondering the same
@Unionhawk Yes
and two reds are all it takes
I dunno
remember, we must stop team bl-uni
Q: Can you receive Incubators from Pokestops?

two bugsSince hatching eggs is such a big part of progressing in Pokemon Go, and you only have one infinite use incubator... this means incubators are a pretty useful commodity. Can you ever receive them from Pokestops? And if so, what level do you need to be?

Q: Where can I find Ghost type Pokemon?

Hunter TurnerI know you can find water pokemon near water, and grass pokemon near... well grass. But what about ghost type pokemon? I heard a rumor that you can find ghost pokemon at night, but the only ghost pokemon I've caught have just been in random suburb areas during the daytime, along with grass type ...

do I have to walk around at a pokestop if there is a module there?
or do they just come to me?
@Dragonrage inb4d
4 hours ago, by GodEmperorDune
A: Is there a faster way to hatch eggs?

Master trainerI actually found a pretty great way to hatch eggs. I know it works but I haven't confirmed the rate at which I can hatch them. First I secured my iPhone to the ceiling fan. I have a brass knuckle phone case so I just tied the knot through the finger hole and duct taped it to the fan. Then I rea...

@Dragonrage Another answer directly mentions the fan
ah not quite an inb4
Looool I caught a lickitung
likitung confirmed, dankest pokemon
Ugh I don't know how to phrase this question exactly
And how to check if there's one like it already
I've been able to hit a pokestop from my desk every 5 minutes today at work, and coworkers keep using lure modules.
At this point, I think I'm fully bored of the game
@arda Too bad you can't evolve it into a Lickilicky.
Q: Is my movement tracked for hatching eggs while the screen is darkened but the app open?

two bugsHatching eggs sucks. I'd like to hatch these eggs while I'm doing my daily running exercises. Will my movement be tracked if the app is open but the screen is off? I ask because I attempted this with a treadmill, and I made no progress whatsoever towards my eggs.

Q: Do lure modules and incense cause pokemon to spawn near you or be drawn to you?

Stephen SchraugerWhen a Lure Module is used on a PokéStop, do pokémon in the area get drawn to the PokéStop? Or do new pokémon spawn within the PokéStop area of effect? When I head to a PokéStop with a lure module, it seems Pokémon appear from nowhere, and the Pokémon listed Nearby don't get any closer. So I am ...

This one might be a dupe but I honestly couldn't find another like it
hmm there's an abra 3 footprints away. do i chase it down during lunch or sit at my desk and watch netflix?
damn that is a lot of pokestops
I'm probably going to hop on my bike here in a bit and go hunt pokemon
Because I don't have to go back to work!
@GodEmperorDune there are 66 i can see from here
Damn Californians
plus 8 gyms
damn city livers
meh i am too lazy to go outside
what's this netflix? raising prices by $2...

Proposed Q&A site for speakers and learners of the Afrikaans language.

Currently in definition.

Q: Is my movement tracked for hatching eggs while the screen is locked but the app open?

two bugsHatching eggs sucks. I'd like to hatch these eggs while I'm doing my daily running exercises. Will my movement be tracked if the app is open but the phone is locked? I ask because I attempted this with a treadmill, and I made no progress whatsoever towards my eggs.

Q: Change Bot Difficulty In CS:GO

Ploggy344I just created a new game in CS:GO with no bots. Then used commands: mp_limitteams 0 mp_autoteambalace 0 then command: bot_add_t X3 So now I can play alone against bots but those bots are harmless. I do not know how to change their difficulty. I already used command: bot_difficulty 1 but...

Man if I have to have my phone active and burning through battery like a torch (it locks up if I use battery saver) to make egg progress that's seriously dumb
figuratively and literally
People should come play Overwatch with me
Not in the mood for KSP right now
I mean what are my options? Turn off locking, lower brightness a ton?
It would be great to work through my eggs at the gym though
@twobugs Battery savers usually make your battery die faster
That's the opposite of what is advertised :(
I feel like that's probably completely not true
Possibly supposedly maybe not entirely completely accurate
It does definitely help. You need to keep your phone upside down (as in, mic end on the top) and it blackens the screen (but doesn't turn it off)
That disables the rendering and saves power
The problem for me is that when I've tried that my game itself has become unresponsive
Reading reports it sounds like it confuses up and down in terms of locking input
Q: Will pokemon in pokemon go spawn without data access?

Daniel B.I'll be going for a hike in the mountains this weekend. I won't get cellular or data, but I will get GPS. Will pokemon still appear nearby or do I need to have data access to see them?

Q: Pokemon Go EXTREMELY bugged

MatthewI've been trying to get pokemon go to work properly and i've tried every single solution I could think of, and none of them worked. Where do I even begin with my list of problems? The first one is that I can't sign up with google. Whenever I try to sign in, it rapidly goes back and forth to a co...

Urgh. Getting some not-so-good feedback from our accountant. I really screwed up my timesheets and it's going to cause a headache
@twobugs :/
Q: How can I log back in to a Pokemon go account

JESSICAI was on like level 6 when the app crashed and made me log back in. I put all the same info but it took me back to level 1 and everything was lost. When I sign on and off it will only revert back to the new one. It made me make a new username and everything. Any ideas on how I can get my other pr...

Q: Pressing in random locations: what does the blue circle do?

Tim MaloneIn Pokemon Go, when you press on the map, you create a pulsating blue circle for a brief moment: Does this have a purpose? Does it perhaps help you "look closer" at a particular spot on the map for potential Pokemon?

@GodEmperorDune It's apparently all fixable but I feel like quite the fool
It's just confusing because the last place I worked didn't too timesheets, and other than that the places I've worked did timesheets but it was completely pointless (i.e. you always entered the same stuff regardless)
@Lazers2.0 this is dupe, but i can't find it
@twobugs i'm surprised they didn't cover it at orientation
My boss says not to worry about this too much but to focus on doing a better job in the future
> We have received your item.

Your item will be reviewed by our exchange center and a replacement will be processed. Your replacement item will ship soon (usually within a few days), subject to inventory availability and shipper delays.
And that's exactly what I'm doing
I hope by "a few days" they mean before the end of the week.
@twobugs Yeeeah, see we're putting cover sheets on the time sheets now

 Pallet Town

Pokémon Go related chat
Yeah, apparently this is certified Not The End Of The World
@AnkitSharma bloody hell that theme
@KevinvanderVelden Right?
Everyone says gaming has the most boring theme, but dear god
Well, people do, anyway
I hate that theme
Boring > Silly
@KevinvanderVelden My fav theme is movies.se ;)
@Unionhawk boring is better then 90s geocities

 The Screening Room

“We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselv...
@Unionhawk it makes it easy to bridge during work
@AnkitSharma That's pretty tolerable
@GodEmperorDune YUP
@Unionhawk That also have cool scrawling feature for the footer
I should probably be testing my code huh
Q: Can you increase the distance walked on a running machine?

MatthewFordCan you clock off some distance using a running machine? Or do you have to be outside.

@Lazers2.0 isn't that a dup?
@Lazers2.0 gogo answer @twobugs
I assume
@GodEmperorDune Already answered
I don't think it uses a pedometer at all
You know, we wouldn't have to guess this shit if the game explained any of this
@twobugs :/
it is a question, so it basically has a 97.862% chance of being a dup
@Unionhawk most of these questions are from the game's poor UX
It's provably the worst game I've played in the last 2 days
They clearly spent time on the UI, it's pretty slick
They just didn't think about how stuff fits together
Or how to get users started
(source: it's the only game I've played in 2 days thanks to laptop service)
its slick, just not intuitive at all
@BenBrocka probably hates it now that I think about it lol
Or at a minimum that's a good joke
@Unionhawk urmom hates it
She does user acceptance testing, so
@Unionhawk can confirm: GPS drift from my phone lying still has given me a few 100 meters on my eggs
@KevinvanderVelden yea, if you close and reopen the app, gps drift can bring pokekmon 1 step away to you
and your distance goes up
well ingress only works on gps movement
oh, hey look.
the servers are down again
@Dragonrage lunch rush broke it
It still works for me
@GodEmperorDune it's 4pm
@Unionhawk it's 1pm
Though actually, it's fine for me
so apparently the pokemon go virus has hit my company now
so can we downvote that tie your phone to your wheel answer to oblivion pls?
I am not receiving angry emails that are one word and are all caps
@Dragonrage The rest of it is fine
Q: Do more pokemons spawn if your the app is active

Matti BijnensI have recently had my phone laying on my desk with the game active. I noticed that there spawn quite a lot of pokemons around me. Is this because I have the game active, or would I get the same result without having the game active (and often opening the game to catch them)?

I just tried to capture a Golbat twice, and both times the game froze after the pokeball hit
People were saying the servers are having trouble again
They seem to be getting more stable, though. It's already way better than trying to play Friday

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