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He could be Mr. Mime
@Wipqozn Snorlax?
Oh, oh, I know what my special move is as snorlax!
This room was placed in timeout for 10 seconds; the topic of this room is "General Arqade chat, wherein we have tags, we have the best tags, they really are terrific, let me tell you, just like our new mods, Wipqozn and Robotnik." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
None of the pig pokemon fit @fredley.
that was a weird countdown
@Dragonrage ikr
mods don't get it, I miss it :(
it went 7 -> 4
then was gone
@fredley Just pop in as @evilfredley
Oh well, I guess I'll go exist on a train for a while.
@StrixVaria aka reading time
@fredley Neither do room owners, so I'm always worried I'm going to start talking again too early.
@Ronan ...
@fredley What? The avatar?
That too
What was the first thing then?
You.... you can talk whenever you like
@fredley I know I can but if the room's on timeout it's for a reason.
@Ronan because I'm trolling?
Not counting those times.
@fredley He means during legit freezes
@fredley incognito mode
This is like mod abuse 101
Now had it been how to cancel a timeout, that's mod abuse 732
@badp 10 second timeout. Duh.
or is that 9 too many
I don't know the minimum.
Q: How do you properly utilize gyms?

ChaseCHow do gyms work in general? Do my Pokemon battle others there? How are the stats taken into consideration if they do battle? If I leave my Pokemon in a gym that I will not be returning to, can I get the Pokemon back?

for april fools, someone should write a script to randomly timeout the room for 1 second
That doesn't sound very funny
Most of our humour isn't very funny
can I make an australian itunes account and get pokemon go that way?
@Dragonrage wouldn't you then have to pretty much reset your iPhone and start over from scratch?
@badp i have an old iphone
@Wipqozn #gerudexit
also, i think you can switch between itunes accounts on your phone
but all apps are tied to your iTunes account
aren't they?
@badp yea
Iirc there isn't even a way to set up an iPhone without an iTunes account anymore
oh god they're playing sonic 6
It's a cool gimmick and that, but from the hour I've played don't think I'll keep playing for long
@Wipqozn please estimate the fasts gradient
How many fasts per second squared are we talking about here
@badp At least 28 gigafasxts
I bet @badp has never even eaten at Sonic
I have standards
We don't even have Sonic here
@Wipqozn diamondback turtle is better, imo
Sonic is a better fast food place than video game character
@Wipqozn your avatar looks like a purple riachu now
@GodEmperorDune I'll probably swap back at some poiont
@Dragonrage Are YOU buying Monster Hunter Generations?
@Wipqozn Yes, I'm still going to buy MHG
@Wipqozn maybe, I just had to drop 750$ on car repairs though, so idk
OH damnit
I don't need a 4th 3DS
You need to compensate for all the consoles I didn't buy
I'm bored
What's the hot new incremental?
@SaintWacko Hello bored
@twobugs That does seem like ahuge waste of moeny
Or do you not already own a NEW 4ds?
because a new 3ds is legit
I have the special edition MH4U one
So I REALLY don't need this
I think I can resist. For now.
Q: I found an egg, what do I do?

P1ratenI've played the game for about an hour now and came upon a Pokémon Stop. It dropped Poké Balls as they usually do, but it also dropped an Egg. What do I do with this Egg?

Q: How do I find Pokémon?

P1ratenAfter catching my starter Pokémon I've not encountered any more Pokémon, is it entirely random when Pokémon pop up or is there some kind of indicator for me to be on the lookout for?

Q: How many Pokemon Eggs does an Incubator hatch?

ChaseCAfter a certain amount of uses, an Incubator becomes unusable. Is this a set number of eggs or is it a range?

Q: How is it even possible to get real money for CS:GO skins?

PaulWith the recent reports of the CS:GO shenanigans summarized in this video by h3h3, one has to wonder how did we even get to this point? I mean as far as I understand if you sell a skin or any other items on steam, the money goes to your steam wallet and you can ...

@twobugs You don't. SAve your money, and spend it more wisely. Like on a gift for me.
@badp Lol
@Wipqozn Is that a request for a bribe?
@Wipqozn No, he should get the MH New 3DS for me
I don't have a new 3DS
@badp ........................................no...................no...............no‌​t at all............................
Buy myself an expensive new computer? Because you guys say I'm worth it? Aw gee, thanks!
@SaintWacko Me neither :(
@SaintWacko oh, is MHG 3ds? i dont have a 3ds
Look you damn Europeans don't get any sympathy from me since you had some killer special edition n3DSes
@badp maybe someone stole it and is holding it ransom, so he needs money to buy it back
@badp ......yes :(
@twobugs I only have a simple old 3DS
@Arperum You poor fool
I did not have a gameboy until I was 20+
But by that logic I should buy 3dses and send them to people who don't even have 3dses
Which I'm not going to do
I still don't have one, I count my DS as one, sorta.
@Arperum they didn't make gameboys until @Sterno was 20
You just said you had one!
@twobugs I have a DS and a 3DS. DS was a gift from my ex, 3DS was a gift from myself.
His 3DS is so simple and old, it's an Atari 2600 on wheels
my 3DS is so new, it doesn't even exist yet
with a compact 20L diesel generator that doubles as monitor
@badp Mega64 did that with a ps2
Q: How do I catch a Pokémon?

P1ratenWhat do I do when I encounter a Pokémon? I've understood that you need to throw the Poké Ball to catch the Pokémon, but there's a whole lot of other stuff happening on the screen as well. What does all of it mean?

Q: Are there any ways to increase your chances of capturing a Pokemon?

ChaseCI've come across a wild Pokemon with a red circle around it and it broke out of the Pokeball rather quickly. Is there something I can do next time to increase my chances of capturing it?

"thankfully, as an American, I can solve this problem easily" #PokemonGo https://t.co/wM5Hoc4myr
So, the security training site I have to do stuff on once a month at my work...
@Sterno is it a gym?
They've got a "give us feedback on this month's lesson" form. We discovered that it filters out any characters that aren't: abcdeEfGghikLlMmNnopqrsTtuvwxYyz-.,
Please tell me it got hacked
So I left them this feedback:
> My entire company is wondering why this feedback input filters so many characters. in particular, capitals letters such as "i" are not allowed. Thats why that previous sentence didnt start with a capital letter. we all wonder if this is some horribly misguided attempt to protect against sql attacks. and why do you filter out the letter... well, i cant type it, but it comes after "i".
> seriously, whats going on with this form. That last sentence couldnt do capital "s", an apostrophe, or a question mark.
@Sterno wat
@twobugs Well, it is the site that uses flash.
@Sterno That's seriously bloody random.
@Sterno "flash", "security training" I hope you get training by means of "Whatever we do is exactly what you shouldn't do."
@Sterno in 2016? wat?
Q: My Roman Candle won't work in Animal Crossing New Leaf

StevenI used a powersave to cheat for a roman candle. There was a lost item in my first slot so it changed into a roman candle. But when I tried to used it the only option was quit. So I could not hold it. I thought that maybe it didn't work because it used to be a lost item. (you can't do anything wit...

@Sterno I can understand just allowing [a-zA-Z,.-] (maybe with a few more characters), but disallowing most capitals and the letter "j" is just bizarre
Maybe it was some sort of statistical reverse-correlation analysis, or something. Like "Most sites that got hacked had the letter 'j' somewhere in their comments, so we should disallow that letter"
@GodEmperorDune I'm pretty sure it's 1999
I'll tell you why 'j' is blocked
It's been 1999 for 17 years
They're afraid of jQuery
@twobugs So they just use Query?
or even uery because capital Q is out
No, query is okay
You can't use Dojo either
Q: What does the pokeball loading icon indicate?

h0ch5tr4355I noticed, that when I freshly connected into the game (or sometimes during playing) a pokeball appears which probably symbolizes loading (see screenshot). But what does it indicate ... ... Server issues? ... Client connection issues? ... Location service issues? ... Other problems? In thi...

Q: Lag In Singleplayer

David Cole - Grammar PoliceNow anyone who has played Minecraft multiplayer would know that occasionally, the server will have a stutter, and no containers (chests, furnaces) etc. can be opened, along with all commands and chat become non-responsive. Today I got onto my singleplayer map world, and continued to work, but I s...

@twobugs Is this like some sort of demon invocation type of hacking? You say the name of "jQuery" and it appears to help you hack a website?
You have to turn the lights out and leave the comment 3 times
You have to say it 3 times
jQuery jQuery jQuery
Oh no I'm getting hacked by the spirit of jQuery
$(murgatroid99).life = null;
I think that's semi-valid jQuery
That's not my name, though
@twobugs $(user23230)*
or, whatever
this is a dumb joke anyway
@Unionhawk Your face is a dumb joke.
@Unionhawk Why not $(users[23230])
@fredley british humour best humour
Q: Do fade touched enchantments stack?

l ISimilar to rings, I want to know if fade touched enchantments stack. For example, I have a dagger that adds a 10% chance to use Hidden Blades on a hit, if I enchant another dagger with that ability, will that increase my chances of proccing hidden blades?

7 mins ago, by Unionhawk
> Almost 40 percent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.
I don't believe that
That's stupid and I don't believe that as a thing
I'm going to assume this is anti-millennial nonsense
And/or god dammit 40% this is why our generation which is basically defined as people younger than @Sterno is literally a stereotype
Well, you have to do some clean up with any breakfast, right? Unless you somehow got the food out of nowhere with no packaging or preparation
@twobugs There's a thing where the dude from Adam Ruins Everything (which is an awful show) comes into a company to talk about how to market to millenials and proceeds to just shit on them for an hour about how why the labels they're just people, stop with your stereotyping you fools. It was great.
Q: Minecraft PE gametag

NewtOK so my son wanted minecraft pe on his kindle fire, now he wants to change his gametag. When he clicks on change he is shown a message that he has to change the permissions to do this. He and I both can not find where these permission are. are they on the device or online? Any help would be grea...

Open cereal bar wrapper. Eat cereal bar. Throw wrapper in trash. ZERO DISHES
something like that
@Sterno tbh I think it makes more sense to just go hungry
I don't have time for breakfast
You have time for breakfast.
That's probably marginally unhealthy but studies have shown "breakfast is super important" has no real basis so
@murgatroid99 fruit
If you don't eat breakfast, then lunch is breakfast
studies have also shown that alcohol simultaneously causes and cures cancer, so you know
@murgatroid99 no
How many of you (who do your own grocery shopping) have unexpired milk in your home?
@GodEmperorDune fair enough
@Sterno I do
@Sterno I do.
@Sterno i do
Gonna drink it all tonight/tomorrow morning though.
@Sterno Wait do you keep expired milk?
Because about to leave home for several months!
Like, way past, that is
get the organic milk, it lasts like 6 months
@GodEmperorDune I don't think that's how it works
and/or I don't believe you
I buy organic milk, and I'm pretty sure it only lasts a month or two
@Sterno I do
it may not last 6 months but it lasts substantially longer than inorganic milk at the same store
oh it is a thing
@Unionhawk Before I had kids, if I had milk, there was a 50% chance it was expired. I only looked at the milk when I needed milk. If the last time I needed milk was 2 weeks ago, it is probably expired.
I mean, sure, I'd throw it out once I discovered it was expired.
Oh, heh
I always need milk. So it never lasts long enough to expire
We apparently had a gallon of milk in our fridge from August 2015 discovered January 2016
And nobody was quite certain whose fault that was
Anyway, cereal was inconvenient for me in that whenever I actually wanted it, which was rare, there was a decent chance I didn't have milk to go with it.
Because milk is nasty
@Sterno I do. I think.
Blind SOTN yesterday was interesting.
RAce over, blunt bunny is goinbg to win
@Ash People who change their usernames are LITERALLY WORSE THAN @WIPQOZN
I know my chocolate milk went bad, because I found that out by drinking it.
@Sterno Its still my name, just shorter.
The best part about that was my one roommate who discovered it decided that he shouldn't have to take the sealed container of milk out of the fridge and into the garbage, so it remained there an additional week or so
@Unionhawk wat
@Ash This is the worst possible way to find out.
you can also solve that problem by not drinking milk
I just add reminders on my phone
Q: Is there a mod that gives minecraft traditional save-restore behavior and disables respawning?

erzetIn more traditional games (say RPGs or adventure games), when you die, you get a "game over" screen and have to reload from a recent save. Is there any mod that brings something like that to Minecraft? Obviously, this would be singleplayer-only (or perhaps applicable to co-op adventure maps - wh...

Q: How do I add Pokemon to my team?

RobotnikClicking on my Player Avatar I can see various stats about my trainer, including one that says 'No Team', which appears greyed out. Clicking on it does nothing: I also can't seem to add them to a team from the 'Pokemon' screen either (although I can favourite them). How do I add Pokemon to my...

void is winning now lunt sucks
game over shut it down
@Sterno I was super unhappy. Especially because I was all excited about the prospect of chocolate milk.
blutn is in the lead now void sucks
.. I'm going down to the canteen to get chocolate milk now.
It's 12
No way I can find chocolate milk at this hour :(
I have some chocolate around tho... Might do a DIY approach
Make your own chocolate milk!
Just go find a chocolate cow farm
If you are out of ingredients for DIY Chocolate Milk, I'm sure Lifehacks could help.
@GnomeSlice yeah, chocolate milk comes from the brown cows
My daughters refuses to drink chocolate milk.
She's weird.
void is in the lead now blunt sucks
@Sterno to make chocolate, you just need vanilla extract and brown sugar
at least that's what I learned from watching Worst Cooks of America
@Sterno Nope. But I'm an outlier, I don't have milk (except cheese)
Q: Disk replacement

Henrik HansenMy som accidently made a serious scratch in disk #1 on his licensed copy of GTA 5. The game can't be installed on his pc any longer. Is it possible in any way to buy a replacement disk in order to complete the installation, and in case, how do I get one ? Or do I need to buy a complete new versio...

Q: What can I do with trainer levels?

Jay WongI know I can only use the gym feature after hitting level 5, but are there any other privilege or rewards for the levels above 5? For example, in Ingress, some items are only available for the higher level player. How about Pokemon Go?

Q: What happens when I transfer a Pokémon to the Professor?

h0ch5tr4355When I catch a Pokémon or when I select it in the menu I can select an option "TRANSFER"? What happens when I transfer it to the Professor?

@Sterno Sounds like she's a lizard disguised as a human
but actually, I looked away for a second and I think he died
he's a whole levl beind now
yeah void lost
blunt got some 1 minute skip, and void was already 30 seconds behind
what is this pokemon go? is it new?
hmm maybe i should play it to get HNQ rep
yeah this time run actually is over
unless there's some other skip later on void mnages to do that saves a minute and a half
ugh not available in the US. wat.
@GodEmperorDune Servers are apparently down or something.
@GodEmperorDune the apk floats around on the internet though.
@Arperum ios :/
@GodEmperorDune You're out of help there.
yeah, such are my first world problems
Part of me wants to try the Pokemon Go thing and part of me remembers how much I didn't like ingress and this is pretty much ingress with Pokemon
@Ash what was ingress?
It's the other game Niantic made
@GodEmperorDune Niantic's first game
Walk around, steal portals from the other team, strengthen your portals
I got bored fast and it also was hell on my phone battery
@Ash oh geolocation? those games are hell on battery life
@Wipqozn fail
It's too late now. You'll just need to believe me.
Those tabs are already closed
Q: Zenyatta's Orb of Discord and Reinhardt's shield

Mike OunsworthDoes placing an Orb of Discord on Reinhardt increase the amount of damage his shield takes? Bonus question: I have noticed that when playing Zenyatta, I can not throw an Orb of Discord through a Reinhardt shield. Are there any mechanics that help with getting on Orb onto a shielded Reinhardt / a...

@Wipqozn with a #StageUp hash tag.
@Wipqozn Ctrl+Shift+T
@murgatroid99 It's too late
@Wipqozn urmom is too late
and so is urface
cc @squirtiddunowhatpokemonthatis
@Wipqozn No it isn't
@GodEmperorDune Well, yes, that's how biology works
@murgatroid99 Yes it is
@Wipqozn youtube.com/drbees
New mouse has solved my issues in Overwatch!
(If I moved the old mouse too fast, it would stop reading inputs altogether and the screen wouldn't turn at all. Reproducible out-of-game but never needed to move the mouse that fast before.)
This current one can track up to 10m/s, so I'm good.
The next message is going to be a Beedrill/Psyduck mashup... This is my prediction. psychic powers intensify
@Dragonrage what fresh hell is this?
@Fluttershy upset you didn't wrap this into a friday link
@Fluttershy that isnt psyduck
@Dragonrage that face is psyduck
@GodEmperorDune the result of the birds and the bees
or you are psyducking wrong
@GodEmperorDune it isn't psyduck
Crap! It's Farfetch'd!
damn, got me
@GodEmperorDune y u no use porkchat
@Dragonrage i don't put extensions from questionable sources on a work computer
16 seconds difference
I bet void is going to delete his Arqade account in disgrace
@Wipqozn you could help him out with that
@GodEmperorDune run a vm and do it there
@Fluttershy Any update on the break vs. sprain situation
@GodEmperorDune Have you gotten/tried the July IoTM?
@Ash yeah i'm still subbed
Q: Pokemon Go Egg Distances to Hatch

Tony WickhamAccording to Incubators and hatching Pokémon Eggs Each Egg displays the number of kilometers you must walk for the Egg to hatch. In general, the more kilometers required, the rarer the Pokémon that will hatch. A notification will appear when the Egg has hatched. What are the common distance...

Q: PokéStop cooldown?

gre_gorHow much time does it have to pass, for a PokéStop to be available again? Official support page doesn't mention it.

@Dragonrage that is a lot of work for marginal benefit
@Ash Not yet. Hopefully I'll hear from them tomorrow.
@Ash do you like clue or whodunnit type stuff?
why isn't the tag ?
@Dragonrage because only uber nerds spell it with the fancy e
@GodEmperorDune it's not a fancy é, it's the proper spelling.
@GodEmperorDune I'm bad at it but I like it
@Dragonrage Because most people won't spell it like that
@Ash so in the july iotm you play as a detective given a murder case, you go to various rooms in the house and talk with suspects in there. you have to use what they say to figure out and accuse the one who did it
@GodEmperorDune Oooh, that sounds nifty
Also, I've reached the sorceress' tower again :D
going to a room takes like 2 minutes (game time not real time) and asking questions takes around 5 minutes, you get bonus rewards based on how fast you are at correctly accusing hte right person
@GodEmperorDune So it works similar to the batfellow comic, in that sense.
@Fluttershy so, what you are saying is that we need to retag all of those tags?
@Ash i never played batfellow, i should probably do that since it's july alredy
@Dragonrage fancy e probably aliases to normal e
@GodEmperorDune I played through it a couple times, never managed to finish it though
@Dragonrage Considering most people don't know how to make that e on their keyboards, I think we should just leave it all as is
@Ash not to mention doing it on a mobile keyboard
@Ash yea, maybe. though searching pokémon returns the same results as pokemon
@GodEmperorDune for apple products it is pretty easy.
stares at his azerty keyboard that has é on it
interesting. when you click this -> it searches this instead
Q: How do I make a Pokemon stronger?

Kaz WolfeI recently caught a rather low-CP Growlithe, and I want to make him stronger, either through increasing his CP or by evolving him. What can I do?

Q: How do I throw a Curveball?

Kaz WolfeI noticed an XP bonus for a "curve ball" upon catching a Pokemon. I have no idea how I did this, and would like to know how to replicate this for the future.

though if you search the tags with pokémon it returns the same results as pokemon does
these aussies poking fun at us for not having pokemon go yet
@GodEmperorDune ikr. i can't answer or ask any questions
@GodEmperorDune i have them

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