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Wonder if @OrigamiRobot will show up...
@Tristan I hope so...
@Ashley You were tweeted! Keep asking!
Also, @Wipqozn, as much as it pains me to say it, fantastic job on that answer.
@OrigamiRobot is listed as "Snooze" on Steam. :/
@John Thank you.
@Wipqozn You're welcome.
What's this? A friendship blossoming between @John and @Wipqozn?
@Tristan Now that you said that he's going to insult me...
@Tristan You've really gotten into the whole "manipulating people" thing...
@Tristan @john's a great guy, so I would be happy to call him a friend.
@John It's pretty much the only thing I'm good at. Well, that and Battlefield 3.
@John Seriously? I thought it was a herpaderp question! I got the Nice Question badge, too. Just goe to show there is no predicting the community!
@AshleyNunn Totally.
@Wipqozn Awesome answer, btw. Thanks for updating it! :D
@AshleyNunn I know it is.
err, I mean...thank you!
@Wipqozn I gave my 2 cents on the answer...
@Wipqozn That's better. ;)
@Tristan Seeing as @OrigamiRobot isn't here, you should go buy a mic.
@RonanForman I can't afford to buy a mic right now.
@Tristan that's because they're overpriced.
They're like £10.
Maybe less.
@Wipqozn And because all of my funds are going towards hotel nights and lawyer fees.
Most laptops should have one built in, anyway.
@RonanForman I AM HERE
@OrigamiRobot Yay!
pauses video render Shall we get started?
@RonanForman Fine by me.
In the words of my Gravatar, "........yayyy........"
@OrigamiRobot Join Mumble.
Whatcha playing?
1 sec and I'll start the server
@AshleyNunn Terraria.
An adventure map.
Wanna play?
I know nothing about it, and don't own it :(
@AshleyNunn :(
@AshleyNunn It's only the best game on steam for $9.99
@OrigamiRobot Same server as yesterday?
@Tristan At least be plugged into Mumble so you can hear us, even if we can't hear you.
@Tristan If I had 9.99 I would totally be interested. (I spent all my spending money this month already)
@AshleyNunn =(
@Tristan yea 1 sec
@John I'll try.
It doe look like fun, if a bit tricky :)
Perhaps in February, I will have money.
@RonanForman @John @Tristan treetrunks.dyndns.org
@AshleyNunn By then I'll have better internets, so I can show ya the ropes. =D
@Tristan That strikes me as a plan made only of the utmost awesome.
@OrigamiRobot I'm already logged in.
@AshleyNunn =D
Oooh yeah! Crazy lag!
@John He left mumble.
I think he crashed.
@OrigamiRobot I can't join.
Q: Am I able to install spore GA on my Macbook Pro?

Jason WoelkSo I recently got a Macbook Pro OSX 10.7 Lion (2.3 GHz, Intel core processor), and I've been wondering if it's possible for me to install spore on it (including all patches and expansion packs). My main concern is whether or now the game will end up slowing down my laptop profusely or making it c...

@John I'm lagging bad. I can't talk.
@John I can't play it.
I'm loving the pomson
even if it should get nerfed, it still allows me to get some damage out there at little personal risk
without taking a wrangler slot
the big big big downside though is that the pomson won't really kill spies sapping your stuff, you basically must wrench them. I mean, you'll strip their cloak but not their HP
@badp Are you on Steam at the moment?
@Tristan yes?
If @OrigamiRobot @RonanForman or @John are on your friends list, can you tell one of them I won't be coming back. My internet's gone to hell.
@Tristan I will
@Wipqozn Thanks.
Also, @AshleyNunn, your cat is adorable.
@Wipqozn That was random XD but yes, my cat is adorable.
@AshleyNunn you just logged on steam... what made me think of it
been meaning to comment on it for awhile
cats are awesome
et cetera
Haha yeah, cats are fantastic. :) My cat is a complete herpaderp but I love him anyhow.
Also, I want to play through Link's Awakening again now...
Doooo it. :D
well, I'm going to finish playing through the Sacred Stones first
after that I just might
It's been awhile since I've played LTTP though, so I might play that instead.
I've only played through LTTP 20 or so times.
Clearly I need to do it again.
If I had a copy of LttP I so would. That game is classic.
I really really hope they release it for the 3ds. I mean I know I can get it on the Wii, but...HANDHELDS.
@AshleyNunn yeah, I agree.
One thing disappointing about LttP is the music
@badp My word sir.
it's consistently fantastic, then you spend any amount of time in dungeons
I must have heard that 20 second loop thousands of times
@badp Yeah, and if you are me, and die a lot....
Anyone ever played Terranigma?
Or, back to the question I asked last night during Zelda discussion, anyone ever played Suikoden?
Okay, since we were on the topic of LTTp music...
Q: What's the Bow Weapon's enchantability?

EnderThe Minecraft Wiki Enchanting webpage lists a lot of mathmatical formulae and charts all designed to help us understand how enchanting works in Minecraft. I pretty much understand all of it. However, since the new addition of Bow Enchants in patch 1.1 I've become slightly grey on the idea of th...

why does twitch tv cut out so much. grrr
Hmm, I think it might actually be possible to survive this tantrum spiral... wishful thinking.
LOL IEM stream has worked fine for me all day
@ArdaXi Now who needs individual bedrooms?
Yeah... I know.
Well, the good news is that my population is slowly dwindling to a level where I can reasonably give everyone their own bedroom.
Still, I'm still surviving so far, it's been about half a year since this spiral started. I've still got 75% of my population.
@ArdaXi I lol'd
@ArdaXi That's an optimistic viewpoint.
@Ullallulloo Would you rather he was in here crying?
That would just be awkward.
@Wipqozn No, I encourage it, just stating a fact.
I've got three dwarves on 24/7 coffin making duty.
btw, @OrigamiRobot Yesterday, my connection was lagging ridiculous amounts, then I fell off the world when a chunk didn't load, then my computer crashed, then supper got ready.
Given how peaceful this fortress was the last couple of years, I like the change.
At least this is a bit of a challenge.
So... what have we learnt?
Never, ever, ever, leave a doorway open into your fort without it being laced by traps. Your military does not count. Your military sucks.
Also, make coffins. Lots of them.
@ArdaXi So this incident created jobs? That's great!
@ArdaXi I always win.
The moment I designate a coffin for burial, it's assigned.
The hell? There's miasma... outside.
working on a few bits of api-based badge tracking, still beta, but give it a shot: withoutthesarcasm.com/stackapps/badge/badge.html
uh oh
strange mood.
oh, that went well.
Oh come on. I did not have this many dwarves.
I've got 100 coffins built already.
All taken.
I'm enjoying DF.
First fortress I actually have an idea of what I'm supposed to be doing.
Well, me too. I'm getting more and more successful at it.
@ThomasMcDonald That's usually the point where the fun starts.
You think you know what you're doing, then bam, Fun.
Although I've just had my, what, 3rd migration.
Now I have a lot of people doing nothing.
It's good that I get that reference.
Ah. But do you know clowns?
I think I'm overdue for a migration.
How many dwarves do you have?
113 and dropping.
About a year ago I have 215
Q: Batman Arkham city line launcher

JelenaHello people :)) Please can somebody help me...I can activate line louncher:( it doesn t shows in my weapons:(( I am stuck here...take a look on this you tube link(9 min i 27 sec) ... please help i wanna continue playing ;) thanx ...

Well... I'll just leave them to kill themselves.
@Tristan you didnt miss much
That was, meh
100Gb of video files.
150 filled coffins and counting.
The coffins now make up 180% of my population.
@RonanForman I dont think it was worth 100GB
@OrigamiRobot Not really, I think I'll be montaging most of this.
Oh look, the bronze colossus woke up. As if I didn't have enough trouble.
He is now in my fortress.
RIP dorfs.
He's caged now.
I could've avoided this entire mess... with just one cage trap.
I appear to have gotten my expedition leader stuck in a cavern.
Sounds like a good reason to abandon ship and start again once I finished this module
Hang on.
You can't have been going for longer than like a year or so.
Also the Dwarf Therapist OS X port is full of bugs
What were you doing in the caverns?
I wasn't in the caverns, I build a few stairs and then tried to remove them and then stuck.
and now I know not to try that again.
I thought a military barracks would be enough to stop enemies getting in.
I had like 12 dwarves training in there, but I didn't count on a megabeast.
Q: Should I only get unsolved street crimes in Free Play?

AlexI'm currently on the Homicide desk but have returned to Traffic in free play mode in order to finish all the street crimes. However, I'm still being given street crimes that I definitely remember solving. I thought the game would know which crimes you've solved and give you new ones - forcing me...

@badp people from cananda are dumb and shound not be on the interent
Urist McMiserable, you didn't die from thirst. You died from refusing to drink.
@Tristan FYI, I didn't get your messages before they didn't matter because chat and Terraria are mutually exclusive for me.
Q: Do Donald and Goofy still gain experience when you have an extra character in their place?

KecoeyIf you replace Donald or Goofy for someone like Tarzan, do they still gain experience points for enemies you kill? If not, do you think it is even worth it to use the extra characters at all?

Q: After a system transfer, eShop purchases are no longer available to re-download.

JoshuaAfter a system transfer, my eShop purchases are no longer available to re-download. How can I find my purchases to re-download?

Q: How can I tell which street crimes I have solved?

AlexRelated to my other question about street crimes in Free Play mode - how can I see my progress on street crimes for each desk? I couldn't see anything in the Free Play menu when I chose a desk, and the in-game statistics just show a total out of 40. I was wondering if there was a way to double-c...

Q: How do I take over a city with culture?

santiagozkyI have just started playing Civilization IV. I have been trying to take over cities with cultural influence, but most of the time what happens is my city is taken away instead. How can I affect my neighbor's cities with culture instead of theirs affecting mine?

Almost all of the unhappy dwarves are dead \o/
@John you are EST right?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, why?
@John its just weird that you consistently have connection issues
@OrigamiRobot Yeah tell me about it.
I can ping you at like 40ms consistently
I'm running out of space for coffins, and nobody bothers to swing a pick any more.
@OrigamiRobot :/ Maybe it has something to do with Wine?
@John yea maybe it more of a terraria thing and not a network thing
@John like youre getting the info and it just isnt processed correctly
@OrigamiRobot I ping you at about 60ms, so I don't think network is a problem...
@OrigamiRobot Well, I can see everything you guys do.
I'm just not sending anything back or something.
You need a windows machine specifically for terraria :P
@OrigamiRobot Lol. I have a Windows machine, but it's running out of space with all the other Steam games that only work on Windows.
@John you dont have 30MB? :P
@OrigamiRobot Wait it's seriously that small?
@OrigamiRobot I could maybe scrounge that up. Then I have to transfer characters...
I guess I can try it with a new one first to see if it works better.
@AshleyNunn you got an even better answer on your golden leaves question
@OrigamiRobot Is that even possible? O.O
@AshleyNunn it has something i was going to suggest @Wipqozn do but I thought it was more trouble than it was worth
@OrigamiRobot He did edit his answer to show the trading for the bananas, if that's what you mean
@OrigamiRobot ?
@Wipqozn he put the panels in order
I did as well.
My map at the bottom also includes the directions, it's just too large for the page.
I also updated it to include the directions (and map locations) of the trade quest she needs to have done to get there.
I followed Wipqozn's answer this morning (because my save didn't work) and it worked perfectly.
Although I agree that xreeders answer is excellent.
@AshleyNunn I'm not trying to insult @Wipqozn 's answer
I personally think mine is better, although I might be biased.
I just like that other map better
@OrigamiRobot yeah, I can understand that.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not saying that, I am just saying what worked best for me
It is easier to read at a glance. Less scrolling, et cetera.
I was mainly commenting on the amount of attention your question got
when you thought it was a "herpderp question"
@OrigamiRobot See, I struggled with that map, because I kept losing where I was. I liked the screen by screen of Wipqozn's better. It better suits my style.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I got a badge. And got tweeted. It is RIDICULOUS.
@OrigamiRobot I thought it was hilarious since this isn't the first time ashley nunn has been lost in a game.
Yet awesomesauce.
I keep wanting to make a joke about how woman are bad with directions... but I don't want to, might be offensive :P
@AshleyNunn Yea the other map could use a grid to show where screens end/begin
@Wipqozn Haha, no, I am the kind of girl that needs to look at her hands to know lefts and rights.
@OrigamiRobot That would help, for sure. :)
@AshleyNunn left makes "L"!
@OrigamiRobot EXACTLY. That is the BEST thing anyone ever taught me.
@AshleyNunn yea my post about magic cards got tweeted....I was kind of embarrassed
okay, take 2, let's see if this is working better now...
@OrigamiRobot From the Wine appdb: " **What works:**
Singleplayer works like a charm, no issues at all Multiplayer works too, but is glitchy and is not recommended, it tends to time out a lot."
@agent86 I can hear you
StinkingBadges is my little badge tracking tool. Go tell me how broken it is.
@John Booo :(
@AshleyNunn Seriously. Time to put Steam and Terraria on a virtual machine...
@agent86 That is cool.
@John Good luck!
@AshleyNunn Thanks! I'll need it...
@agent86 loading loading loading..........
@agent86 Nice!
@OrigamiRobot yeah, I'm serializing the API requests to avoid hammering. It should be 200 msec between requests, give or take.
@agent86 I like it. The sad faces are a nice touch.
@agent86 the porblem was I didnt see that it was set to SO
gaming loaded fine
I never realized I had so many posts that were so close to a badge.
@John That;s what startled me too.
these are about all the ones I can gauge via the API
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, not having an account on the site it's trying to load could be a problem.
it stops at 5 for questions/answer badges, so there might be more
@agent86 Wow...
I have 10 of MSO's top tags down! Halfway to generalist! :D
two close badges here:
Q: What is this pillar of light?

OrigamiRobotAs I was meandering along, I saw a dragon in the distance. When I got closer, this pillar of light rendered and I could see that the dragon appeared to be Alduin. I looked for a place to hide and observe the events, but once I had found a good spot, Alduin was gone. The pillar of light remains...

@agent86 Why isn't it showing me my progress on "Legendary" for MSO?
ahem ahem
@OrigamiRobot close badges?
I bumped the limit to 10, and realized I was editing the wrong file, sigh. refresh and you should see it.
@OrigamiRobot the 10 votes one, and what else??
@John it might be that their rep page is different
@badp close = near not close = burninate
I can't get that data from the API, so I have to grab your reputation graph page and scrape it
@AshleyNunn 10 upvotes for question and 10 for answer
@agent86 Hm
Cave... spider?
@OrigamiRobot wat
@ArdaXi Minecraft has those, yeah, why?
@John down votes all of them
@badp I am close to getting two badges from that question/answer
@Wipqozn :(
@John Err? I'm talking about my DF game.
@John Hey I've seen that first one!
@ArdaXi Well you didn't say so so I mentioned the only game I know of with those.
I've been talking about DF all day.
@OrigamiRobot Oh that's you. I didn't realize.
@John Did you think arda was being attacked by a megabeast in RL?
@Wipqozn Arda was attacked by a megabeast?
I'd love to be attacked by a bronze colossus IRL. They're easy to incapacitate, and then they're worth hundreds.
@John I thought @ArdaXi was a megabeast?
Okay, completely unrelated, but this is awesome. turnstylenews.com/2011/08/15/… All the Doctors as cats!
@OrigamiRobot :(
@OrigamiRobot Probably.
Its the fangs...and you support eating @John
@OrigamiRobot IF by "megabeast", you mean "is awesome", then yes, I agree.
@OrigamiRobot Yes. I'm against anyone who supports eating me.
@Wipqozn Arda was a "is awesome"? hrm...
Thanks for the 5 new badges guys! :D And thanks @agent86 for pointing out that I could get 5 new badges! :D
@AshleyNunn who is your doctor?
@John Yay for badges. I have three that are close.
@OrigamiRobot Eleven. You?
@John gah! you guys can exploit anything, apparently :P
@AshleyNunn (Psst. You're supposed to link them there so we can upvote them)
@AshleyNunn Ten.
@John I don't know how to do that XD
@AshleyNunn [words to be the link](link goes here)
@AshleyNunn it was ten, now eleven
@John Oh, nifty. Good to know. That will make linking things here that much easier.
@OrigamiRobot Good choice. ;)
@John try your meta.stackoverflow one again, it should be fixed.
@agent86 Yep, thanks!
Q: After a system transfer, eShop purchases are no longer available to re-download.

JoshuaAfter a system transfer, my eShop purchases are no longer available to re-download. How can I find my purchases to re-download?

New video in 4 hours! Man my upload speeds suck.
I hate questions like this- I can find the legit answer of how it should work, but I am never sure if it applies here.
@RonanForman Yay! And rats! But on the upside, we figured out what my problem was.
@OrigamiRobot You answered my question...
Yesssss. I also created my first tag on that question...but it got
Now we upvote each other and it's a win-win.
@John ok. and dont forget to upvote the question
@OrigamiRobot Right.
@John Which was...
I was surprised I had so many close questions to a badge. Also, I am a sucker for statistics. XD
9 answers with 8 upvotes...1 with 9....
@John Also it's not of Terraria.
@RonanForman Wine. Apparently multiplayer lagging out is a known issue.
@RonanForman What's it of?
I have 3 questions at 9, and a few at 7.
@RonanForman Oh cool.
I love to read/watch game reviews from you people.
Which reminds me, @RonanForman are you planning on doing more puzzle agent?
@RonanForman I have heard good things about that game, but I am not sure if I would like it or if it would frustrate me
@John No, I finished it, I was making more, but then I spent 5 minutes on a puzzle and realised it wasn't working.
@RonanForman Eesh. Ok then.
@AshleyNunn The start is definitely good, then it gets dark.
@RonanForman As in literally you can't see?
Q: How do I go about cleaning up the corruption in Riften?

SnipeHow do I go about cleaning up Riften or is it actually not possible? It seems all hope is lost for the citizens of Riften, but they still have me!

Q: Do all players spawn on the same block in SMP?

disponserDo all players on server spawn at the exactly same spot? What I mean is, do all the players have the exact same spawn coordinates? I know that the player spawns at the same point so if I place a dirt block in the place I spawned all the players will spawn on it?

@RonanForman dark theme or actually physically dark?
@AshleyNunn Physically dark.
@RonanForman Oh, that would be a problem.
@RonanForman I think you need to turn up your brightness.
You use switches to allow you to certain blocks at a time.
@AshleyNunn @RonanForman was complaining that Terraria was dark too.
Me and Robot didn't think so.
@John No, it's actually part of the puzzle, it's litterally pitch black.
@RonanForman Hm, ok then. Don't mind me.
@John My monitor's brightness it at full!
@RonanForman aside from that, you were having problems seeing in Terraria
@RonanForman Seriously? Do they make exceptionally dim monitors in England?
It was night, I wasn't expecting it to be light!
It there a limit to the number of machines that I can tell SteamGuard are ok to access my account?
@RonanForman also, after hearing you speak for a while, it was getting hard for me not to use a couple Britishisms
Also it's a one off LP I'm uploading as I don't want to ruin all the puzzles.
@OrigamiRobot Like?
@OrigamiRobot Yes. That always happens to me every time I play with Ronan or DMA.
@RonanForman I almost said "rubbish" without even meaning to
I dont even think you said rubbish
Initiating Terraria install on Windows VM.
@John Here's hoping it all works out for you :)
@AshleyNunn Thanks! It looks like it might be! :D
Or...not. Hrm...
@John Boo :(
okay all you upvote-whorers, now it's my turn
Q: StinkingBadges - Track your progress towards long-term badges

agent86I was curious how far away I was from Generalist, and there are some data explorer queries that can show you your progress, but I thought it should be possible to make this work with the API. A bit of work and a few feature requests later... Features Track the number of days you have towards ...

go forth and upvotify, my minions!
@agent86 23 seconds.
@agent86 I had to create an account just to upvote this
@OrigamiRobot bwahahahaha
@OrigamiRobot I think most people create accounts on Stackapps just to upvote something.
sorry, whenever I command minions I have to do an evil laugh
@John What do you use for a VM?
it's in the contract.
@RonanForman VirtualBox. Why?
thank you guys though, I appreciate the feedback and the votes :)
Just wondering, might come in handy.
@agent86 And we appreciate all the badges you've just helped us scheme to get! :D
@John I only got one :(
@OrigamiRobot :(
Can I force a dynamically expanding hard drive to expand?
@John What does that even mean? (I am not a programmer or a computer smart person).
@John That sounds horrible for some reason
@AshleyNunn A dynamically expanding hard drive is supposed to get bigger by itself as it fills up. I don't have the space I need and it won't expand, so I want to know if I can make it expand.
@John this is on a VM, right? (otherwise I don't see how it could work.)
@AshleyNunn Oh wow, I'd love to see that happening in real life.
Q: What is the purpose of this unreachable lever?

Shadow WizardI love to roam the world, looking for adventures. This led me, among many other places, to Ironbind Barrow - good place with good treasure and it gave me a good laugh (see below) but that's not the point. After getting out to the Lookout, I saw strange structure far below. I done my mountain goat...

Q: Does extra research on a map do me any good?

SternoI started playing Unstoppable Gorg, and from what I understand the research you earn on previous levels carries over to the later levels. So right away on level 2 I decided to drop 2 research centers on there and upgrade them both. The end map scoring said I had something like 430/100 research. ...

@John It will only expand up to the file size you'd initially given it.
@ArdaXi laughs I just made myself sound like a herpaderp, huh?
@AshleyNunn Nah, I was thinking the same thing for a full minute until I went "oooh, a VM!"
@ArdaXi Haha, oh good :P
@AshleyNunn Yes, it is.
@ArdaXi I know, and it's not there.
Or maybe it is there. Ack. I need to start making bigger virtual drives.
Where's @GnomeSlice when you need him?
@RonanForman Wait, who needs @GnomeSlice?
I want some free games to make videos of.
@OrigamiRobot So, Terraria is tiny, but .NET is 1G.
@John well nertz
@RonanForman what sort of stuff do you like to play?
Hm. I seriously can't do anything else on this VM. I guess I'll be making a new one with .NET and XNA on it. Hey, maybe this one will run "The Sockening"! :D
@John The sockening?
@Ashley Pretty much anything.
@RonanForman Sugar Cube? indievania.com/games/sugar-cube

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