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> This erotic tale is 4,200 words of sizzling human on monetary unit action, including anal, blowjobs, rough sex, cream pies and living pound love.
I'm disgusted, yet strangely intrigued
I've read enough bad erotica that nothing about that sounds good because it won't be put together well at all
@ardaozkal pls
well uk is lucky
it is weekend so pound can't go much lower
@Chippies tragic back story is tragic
Two smart thermostats installed. Don't know if I'll be able to install the other two where I want them. May have to call in an electrician.
@MBraedley what kind and how much did they cost? We're moving in our new house in august and that's something I've been thinking about installing as well
Google Nest seems like the best option, but they are wicked expensive. Probably worth it in the long run though
For use with baseboard heaters only.
@MBraedley huh, I would've never guessed it's a "smart" thermostat from the way it looks
looks the same as any programmable thermostats I have seen
Well, maybe "connected" is a better term
it's not really much cheaper than nest either, hmm
But you can't use a Nest with baseboard heaters
woah nevermind, nest is 330$cad
I thought it was less than that
@MBraedley is that like, heated floor?
I'm not very good at the house stuff terminology :)
what's baseboard heating o_O
@MBraedley oh, I don't think I've seen any other heaters here in Newfoundland, other than the forced air through the ventilation ducts
didn't know they were called that
i'm still clueless even with the picture
it looks like a electric heater?
And actually, I shouldn't have said just baseboard, because you can get hot water baseboard heaters and electric baseboard heaters. Nest doesn't work with electric baseboard, but probably works with hot water baseboard, if it supplies power to the thermostat.
@djsmiley2k electric heaters that are near the floor, I guess
it's fixed right?
@MBraedley so, how come regular thermostats work with it and nest doesn't?
@djsmiley2k Yes, but there are different types of electric heaters.
@djsmiley2k yes
@Chippies Not all thermostats work with all heating/HVAC types.
@MBraedley yeah, but, like, what's so different about it?
I thought nest worked with a lot of different types and those seem pretty popular, at least around here
The ones I bought work specifically with 2 wire electric baseboard (and some forced air ventilation).
I think nest works with forced air, which is what we are gonna have, so that's still an option
@Chippies Nest does, but it's a low voltage device. You're putting the full 120V or 240V through the thermostat with electric baseboard.
@Chippies It depends.
> Silas: This looks like something I can use!
> *You have received: Hoe*
@MBraedley oh, that seems like a weird way to do things
@Chippies Not really. Most thermostats are just glorified switches.
Especially for electric heat.
I figured thermostats just turn the heat up/down depending on the temperature it registers in the area of thermostat
which is why you have to have the thermostat on the opposite side of the room from the heater
Q: Where does Master Overwatch get its data from?

DavidSWhere does Master Overwatch get its data from? I checked their FAQ, but it's not really addressed.

R U no use relay?
do't put 240V through something that doesn't need it :/
@Chippies No, 90% of heaters are either on or off.
@MBraedley well, yeah, that's what I meant by "turns heat up/down", but the thermostat has a thermometer in it, right?
especially electric ones which only have on/off
And among the rest of the 10% their duty cycle is fast enough that they can reasonable simulate different levels of on or off.
@Chippies No, not usually, at least for traditional electromechanical ones.
@MBraedley are you saying the numbers on the thermostat are not temperature?
my whole life in Newfoundland has been a lie
and how does the thermostat know not to kick in when it's warm in the room?
lieat is a cheap short little rpg thing that you can play for almost free by reselling its cards somehow
the thermostats we have in our rental apartment are pretty basic and they don't kick in unless it's cool enough. I assumed it was due to some sort of thermometer in the thermostat
A number of thermostats will have a dial and a second needle. The second needle is an honest to goodness thermometer, but it isn't connected in any way to how the thermostat turns the heater on or off.
erm wut
The main dial is just a setpoint that was calibrated when the thermostat was made.
but even the word means to regulate temprature
@MBraedley oh, so it does represent the temperature, just might not be super accurate in your house
oh yeah right
if that's what you're saying then agree
@MBraedley wait so what's the point of that setpoint
I still don't understand how the thermostat knows how to get the right temperature at different ambient without having a thermometer hooked up to it
sounds like some sort of magic is involved
thermoresistor instead of thermometer and everything is right
@badp to be able to set the temperature you want, but I don't understand how it can adjust to the ambient temperature
There typically is thermometer involved
@badp It's what you want the temperature to be.
@MBraedley but how does the 'device' on the wall know if that's warmer, or colder than the current room?
oh so you can change it
even the basic thermostats seem to not kick in when the room is warm, and the only way I can see that working is with a thermometer hooked up to it
basically like an old fashioned alarm clock
dial goes past needle, click goes the thing
@Chippies there is one
you're being confused by people.
In my house, it'll show steadily increasing temperature as the number of people increases
@djsmiley2k but someone on internet said they don't!
@Unionhawk you must have an electric one that actually shows temperature in the room
I'm talking about the mechanical ones that just have a dial
me too
there's a themoresistor
@Chippies I do yes
once the current drops below a certain value
the relay switches on#becase it's now 'cold'
the 'big' dial you move is a pot.
So, the classic thermostat uses a coil of metal (or a coiled bimetallic strip) an a bulb with mercury and two contacts. When the room heats up, that causes the coil to unwind a bit, making the mercury move away from the contacts and stop the flow of power. When the room cools down again, the mercury sloshes back, completing the circuit.
@MBraedley ah, so, it is sort of a thermometer, it's just not a very accurate or informative one
that's all I wanted to know :P
you expect a thermometer to have some kind of measurement on it
it doesn't.
so you technically might not say it's a thermometer, and confuse people on the internets!
Hense why I said it's a thermoresistor.
@Chippies No. Turning the dial changes where the bulb will be level (which is where minimal contact is made). It doesn't rely on the thermal expansion of the mercury.
@djsmiley2k well, when I say thermometer, I mean something that can measure temperature :P Blame my lack of terminology knowledge
@MBraedley but the coil unwinds due to temperature changes though, right?
The only reason mercury is used is because it's liquid at room temperature.
@Chippies yes.
well, that answers my question :)
while it doesn't have an accurate mercury based thermometer inside it, it does have something that reacts to temperature changes, which to me is pretty much the same thing
And so a second coil can (and often is) used for the thermometer, but that's not connected in any way to the primary coil.
so, how does your 'connected' thermostat work? It adjusts temperature according to what the weather is gonna be like?
Holy fuck we have like an inch of solid hail.
@Chippies No, I don't think it has that much smarts, but I can control it when I'm not at home.
@MBraedley ah, that puts nest ahead of that one then, I like that nest learns on its own and I don't have to deal with it for the most part
Yeah, and if I had a different source of heat, I would have bought a Nest (or two).
Well, if you're willing to put the time to use the functionality of the connected thermostat, it's probably not a lot less efficient than the nest could be
I think I did an unintentional double negative
I figure I'll recoup the costs in a winter or two with these, just from the programmable side of them. I just need to figure out if I can install one in my bedroom, because when I opened it up, I saw more wires than I expected.
I think our house only has 2 thermostats in the whole house, due to the nature of forced air
Oh, I've got 8 in total.
Or more.
@MBraedley that seems like an expensive thing to upgrade :x
@Chippies I'm not going to replace all of them. The ones in the spare bedroom, laundry room, and storage room are all staying, since they're basically always going to be set to 15-18°
@ardaozkal tl;dr "I gambled all my money away and now I want it back!" ?
and he said that he was illegally betting (he claims that the bets are illegal, might be or not)
They're certainly against the TOS
@ardaozkal sooo, "I was doing illegal things and it's Valve's fault, because they didn't stop me"?
sounds legit
"I murdered a man and no one on the street stopped me, so it's their fault"
> alleging that Valve violated gambling laws and engaged in racketeering with a handful of offshore gambling companies.
> The terms of the lawsuit should be as follows: "We don't want any money....simply tell us if you're making Half Life 3 or not."
> The complaint, first reported by Polygon, doesn’t give a specific request for damages and doesn’t spell out exactly how much money McLeod lost by betting on the site.
This EU stuff is getting funnier and funnier
I wish I wasn't here anymore
@TrentHawkins getting money is easier than getting an answer
By that logic every sports thing ever should be liable because of all the sports betting that goes on
Not really
Oh, okay, they're talking specifically skins betting, I can see how people might be like "you created a world where this is possible"
I assumed it met the cash betting you can do on that stuff (the sportsbook I worked for allowed BTC bets on LoL, CSGO, Dota, etc)
He claims that the betting done doesn't comply with laws.
@AshleyNunn I think it's more about the fact that Valve hasn't stopped all the sites from allowing betting/gambling on the items in exchange for real money
the real money being the emphasis, I guess
as Valve doesn't give you real money for anything anyway
@AshleyNunn there are real money betting sites for CS:GO too (USD, not BTC)
@Chippies Yeah, I thought it was just about cash betting, not the items stuff
@ardaozkal I know. I just happened to work for one that used BTC instead of USD
I really want to see this guy lose and valve pay him in items
because you know, his losses are in items
@AshleyNunn is there really a difference though?
the items only add a middle man
you use cash to buy items, use items to gamble, use 3rd party websites to sell the items for cash and repeat
Well, I'll keep a close eye on this
it probably does make a difference on some legal levels
@Chippies selling items for cash is afaik against ToS
@Chippies I personally don't think there is a difference, but I can kinda see how it might from a legality standpoint or whatever because most things have a thing in the ToS that is like "you can't sell your stuff for money" or what have you
@ardaozkal so, the difference is that in this case Valve is somehow at fault because instead of putting blame on websites that let you bet for cash, they put blame on Valve for having items that can be sold for cash on 3rd party websites? :P
@Chippies Pretty much.
@AshleyNunn but as long as there is item trading, you can't get rid of selling items for cash
Valve doesn't offer that option themselves
they can't control all 3rd party websites
Valve subscriber agreement - 2G
by killing off the big sites, they'll just introduce more smaller websites
"You are entitled to use the Content and Services for your own personal use, but you are not entitled to: (i) sell [...]"
@Chippies Yeah, I don't see it really going anywhere, unless Valve has, as this guy claims, been giving kickbacks or support or whatever to the sites that allow the betting
And I think that's more the issue - that he thinks that Valve is abetting the gambling by giving support to the sites, and thus implying they are turning an active blind eye to it
@AshleyNunn the way I read it, Valve has been giving them the kind of support that any customer would get. I doubt they were actually supporting the cash exchange part directly
but I could be naive and wrong
boom. 3d:
You also understand and acknowledge that Subscriptions traded, sold or purchased in any Subscription Marketplace are license rights, that you have no ownership interest in such Subscriptions, and that Valve does not recognize any transfers of Subscriptions (including transfers by operation of law) that are made outside of Steam.
That case is dropped on day one.
@Chippies Yeah, it just gets weird because like...they're not really players or customers in any real sense short of the fact they have the items and whatever - they're obviously not playing the game. So it becomes this weird thing where if they're supporting them, it could be said they're supporting the industry
@ardaozkal I don't think so
and I'm not sure why Valve would encourage it, as they don't get anything from people trading items, afaik
So I can see how one might question the intent of that support.
I mean I think the whole thing is a crackers attempt by someone in too deep trying to blame someone else for their gambling issues
@AshleyNunn that literally reads "we aren't liable with stuff you do outside steam with your items"
@ardaozkal I can read.
12 mins ago, by Chippies
@ardaozkal tl;dr "I gambled all my money away and now I want it back!" ?
pretty much
@ardaozkal "I am not liable for murdering you" So now I can get away with murder?
But the thing is, his main point is not that, its's more "hey I think Valve is in bed with these sites"
Statements matter not
iirc skins betting is against tos
Which is likely completely crackers.
@Unionhawk I suspect it would be
@KevinvanderVelden trading is not illegal, murder is
@ardaozkal betting is
I suspect this whole thing to be laughed out of the proceedings
@AshleyNunn I didn't read it that way, I think the main point is that Valve hasn't done anything/much to shut down these websites
If you bet with it, you are liable for it
@ardaozkal betting is often illegal
Gambling is typically illegal
which they aren't required to
I seem to remember @MrRyanMorrison saying you can't make a skins betting site legally
If only that guy posted a lifehacks question and got tons of comments about how gambling is a serious problem
@Chippies Yeah, it sounds like a ridiculous tantrum, and they're kinda throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks
@AshleyNunn seems to be the (stereotypical) American way when it comes to suing people/companies :P
if I recall correctly, the defendant is responsible for all the fees in America, so people can sue left and right with no repercussions
Q: Overwatch game stats question incorrectly closed as off topic

DavidSI asked Where does Master Overwatch get its data from?, which was incorrectly closed as off topic. The mods assumed it was about game design or development, but Master Overwatch is not a game designer or developer. They do not make games. They are an Overwatch stats website. I then asked this qu...

-and i'm back \o/
@Chippies There are only serious lawsuits in other countries
By SA 9-C, valve can ban the user for taking part in illegal stuff. I really wonder what would happen if they were to ban him using his statements of doing betting.
@twobugs I didn't say that, but the US is well known for lawsuits
@SepiaLazers I'm seriously tired of "why is the barrier of entry so high?". No, it's really not.
Secondly, "it's a gaming fan website" is not really a reason that "barrier of entry" should be "low".
I think the barrier can certainly feel too high when you ask a question that seems on topic and it gets closed very quickly and you aren't given satisfactory feedback
I speak from this happening to me on other SE sites
I try to leave helpful comments but I don't always
I can understand that user's confusion about that close reason
I don't believe there's really a wording of that particular question that will really work
@Yuuki it's still Dev intent, just the Dev of the website rather than the Dev of the game
@Unionhawk +1
maybe SO might help as it is looking for API
And any attempts to do anything but edit will be duplicated
@Chippies I don't think that's true. There are lots of well known ridiculous lawsuits in other countries
no I don't see how it's developer intent
@GodEmperorDune What? My complaints are really tangential to the question that was closed.
Maybe I should have clairified: I'm seriously tired of people complaining, "why is the barrier of entry so high?". No, it's really not.
I think it's more about the fact that Application Programming Interfaces are only useful, well, if you're programming
@twobugs but far less countries have punitive damages
@badp "How does x of the website example.com work?" Without source code or help of developer, we can only "speculate".
@badp yeah
and building software against videogames is very likely off-topic
@twobugs ridiculous, yeah, but there's more lawsuits in the US for tiny things, because it's so simple to sue. If you win - great, if you lose - oh well, nothing gained, nothing lost
@KevinvanderVelden Perhaps. I just don't think it's fair to say that America is super sillyland
I mean, #trump
@ardaozkal if you ask the same of any TF2 trading website, the answer is very simple
@twobugs well, I did say "stereotypically"
Q: 'Callooh, callay!' Quote

BlueMoon93There is a pc game I've played recently where a common quote is a whimsical man saying 'Callooh, callay!' (like the Alice in Wonderland poem). What game is thing? I have a feeling it's Hearthstone, but I can't find anything related to that. Other games I've played recently are Dota2, LoL, AoM, M...

Q: Unable to connect to servers in Minecraft

Flaming PhancakeOk, so my Wi-Fi will not let me connect to Minecraft servers, I don't know if I should restart my Wi-Fi network for a bit or what. I've heard disabling firewalls, waiting it out or other things might help but I don't know what to do. I've also tried direct connect but it just times out. Does ...

they use the same official Steam API everyone else is using
@badp simple maybe, but speculative.
maybe they are scraping the pages, you can't really know
however I don't think that this is on-topic for us to begin with
Speculative is a red herring
"How can I get x data of TF2?" would get same answer, but would not be speculative.
And yes, it'd still be off-topic for us as you said.
Who cares if it's speculative, ultimately this is more of a programming on a boat situation
@ardaozkal well that's the XY problem for you
Or, more specifically, programming a game related thing
besides it's easy to tell a website that scrapes from one that doesn't
all Steam achivements websites have to scrape
so they take forever and a half to update
The game related thing is on topic, but ultimately it's not the center of the question
so it appears to be a mix
mostly the question is off-topic
pc players are added instantly *(steam api?) whereas consle players have to wait *(scraping?)
? for overwatch?
Steam api is great and does all things
I'd be shocked if the Steam API was of any use for Overwatch :P
@badp according to the site
Blizzard, like EA, Ubisoft, Riot, Epic, etc. is the kind of very special butterfly company that likes to think people enjoy having to juggle their very own very special videogaming system
Why yes of course when I get whatever the next Unreal Tournament thing is called, I also want bundled a bunch of ads for other games I don't give a shit about
thank you Epic! you sure know what's better for me.
@badp considering Blizzard only has a couple a couple of games and their launcher isn't really a storefront, it's just a unified launcher for their games
> a bunch of ads for other games I don't give a shit about
So, the Steam store?
@Wipqozn How likely is it that there's spoofing?
@Wipqozn ii mean i would like the brexit to not happen as much as anyone, but this seems a bit "w're upset we lost" kind of thing
@Chippies I intentionally made an example of a different company, but you today complained about the Overwatch ads
@Yuuki there's a checkbox to click where you swear that you're a british citizen
@badp (on the Overwatch launch page, which is admittedly silly as hell)
@GodEmperorDune Yeah...
@badp I didn't complain, I just reposted as a reply something I found silly a while ago
Hey. This game you bought. Would you like to buy it?
@GodEmperorDune tbh considering how much misinformation was spread by the leave campaign a second vote would probably have a different result. Also, tbh, a decision this major being made when it's barely a majority is kind of fucked.
it was silly because I had an ad to buy Overwatch after I had bought Overwatch
I had the option to play it or click on the ad and buy it. Again?
@GodEmperorDune Different result sicne folks seem to actually be paying attention now and realizing "oh right, I should have googled this shit first?"
@Wipqozn i fully agree, but then make it about that instead
Q: Where to find Assassin’s Creed 2 full game dialogues?

Farhad JabiyevI really like all AC games and played all main games except Rogue and Syndicate. Before starting the Syndicate I want to refresh my memories about all AC games till Syndicate. I have watched AC1 movie from youtube. I mean all cutscenes and dialogues of the game. But, I also want to read texts be...

Q: What is considered a bomb tower's "footprint"?

sensiwooIn Bloons Monkey City, the 3rd rank (upgraded using Monkey Knowledge Packs) in for the bomb tower says that the "footprint us reduced 5%". What does that mean, and how does it affect my game?

Q: Automatize Minecraft split-screen launch process

wilTo play local split-screen multiplayer Minecraft on PC (with controllers), I installed the mod joypadmod in a profile where I installed the forge application. Then, when I want to play, here is the procedure I have to follow every time: Connect my controllers Edit the DisplayName field in %appd...

I don't understand why such an important issue was simply a popular vote
And just simple majority, at that
really it should be "leave campaign fuct us" therefore vote out any MPS that had anything to do with leave campaign
@GodEmperorDune the more than 52% thing? Because that is one of the things listed
@twobugs david cameron has a gambling problem with referendums
I like that Scotland and Northern Ireland have very different plans in mind
unlike London who is stuck with the rest of England and desperately wants a recount
It's going to be great when Scotland tries to leave the UK and all the UKIP people desperately 180
@Wipqozn if this was before the election started sure
@twobugs I don't particularly have an issue with simple majority
also lol
> To be fair - when resetting my phone I get an additional warning - are you sure? But then a brexit is nothing compared to wiping your phone.
@twobugs and northern ireland
and gibraltar
@badp the problem is that the simple majority is often uneducated on the matter
UKIP will not have a united kingdom anymore, just england
@badp I think something like this, where you're making a huge decision about the future of the country, should be decided more firmly than a few percentage points
I like to think than more than half of the population of every EU country is even somewhat vaguely happy to be part of a bigger whole
there should be a balance between what the majority wants and what people that actually know what's up think is best
@GodEmperorDune Actually this petition existed before the vote happened
@twobugs it really shouldn't have come to a referendum at all
A supermajority would have been a better cutoff for leaving a significant geopolitical union, IMO
> "created_at":"2016-05-23T23:39:38.957Z",
@GodEmperorDune Well yeah, but that's Hameron's fault
@twobugs you can be within a few percentage points of any cutoff point, and while I can understand that us outsiders didn't really have to care about whatever the cutoff point was because the thing is only exploding in our face now, this is something that should've been discussed in February
if UKIP wants to run saying "elect us and we'll leave the EU" then let it happen through regular parliment elections
@twobugs oh yes, 100%
@badp Absolutely, but I'm talking not about they just beat the cutoff by a few percentage. I'm talking about the final vote being what... 48% to 52%?
That shows the country itself is barely leaning one way
@twobugs but thats exactly a "but it was so close to the ctoff" argument
@GodEmperorDune No it's not
The idea of a supermajority is that you require a very strong sentiment
anyway, the referendum is not binding
so there really isn't a cutoff point for anything
This is showing a very slight leaning towards leaving
technically not...
because no amount of Leave votes would result in anything being done
I'm absolutely not saying that it's invalid because "they barely hit the cutoff"
the cutoff at 50% is mostly made up
i mean hamerons already resigning and said "next PM can do it". EU said "nah its time to GTFO"
but I must feel that if more than half of the UK wants out, more power to them, GTFO
I find it really hard to believe that MPs will actually block it
@Wipqozn that guy is the slimiest
I'd say that this is a decision roughly as important as changing the constitution, which usually requires something like a two-third majority
basically UK's Ted Cruz
@GodEmperorDune yes. Didn't he openly admit on news thta he lied to get people to vote leave?
@Wipqozn yes
@MadScientist Yup, that's my point
@Wipqozn yup
politicans, lying
and night of he was already talking about govt conspiracies that would be the deciding factor if it was a close vote to remain
@djsmiley2k shocker, I know
Yes, politicians do lie but some of them lie a lot more than others
@djsmiley2k i thought the UK wasn't as bad as the US with things like that
anyway, if there was a referendum today, in which the question was "Should we kick the UK out of the EU", and I had to vote right this second, I'd vote yes
maybe in a couple weeks I'll have cooled down
I'm fully confident that in the coming years the UK will be begging to be let back in
@twobugs i'm confident that England will be begging to be let back in
And the EU should respond by sticking them in the EEA where they have to follow the rules and, this time, not have a say in what the rules are.
the rest of the UK will already be in the EU
Or at least that's what my schadenfraude tells me.
I do kneejerkingly feel that we might have to make an example out of this situation so that those exhulting assholes in Italy (and France, and wherever else) get a real nice reality check
London should get to secede along with Northern Ireland and Scotland
@twobugs i don't know if london can secede
That would be a nice wake-up call for the UKIP
the sad thing is, the City of London might
@twobugs the UKIP would probably only gloat about it
@badp the city of london count had only like 10k people in it
Gloat about losing their own capital? Yeah, I can see that actually
@GodEmperorDune how many in Lichtenstein?
@GodEmperorDune But it has a ridiculous amount of the money.
the problem with those protest parties is that they do very well until they actually win
@badp i don't know all the funny names associated with london
@badp much like the repblicans in the house and senate
@GodEmperorDune Liechtenstein is another country.
yeah I gone done typod
> it was a 'mistake' for Leave to claim there'd be £350M a week for NHS
I'm pretty sure it was on purpose.
@Yuuki yes it was a mistake for Leave to win
@Yuuki because it was debunked but never left the busses
Man, if I could live like a politician and just claim everything was a mistake...
> "Why did you slash this guy's tires?"
> "Because he was an a- I mean, it was a mistake."
> "Okay, very well then."
don't worry though, if elected I will never put the bridge on timeout for 24 hours
And if you do, it'd be a mistake.
And then we'll all be forced to forgive you.
I mean it's one thing to make mistakes once you're in charge. You have to make calls and your success rate isn't going to be 100%
it's another thing to claim your campaign was a "mistake"
A very very evil part of me wishes that should the UK's economy start tanking, they pull money out of pensions and healthcare to fund other necessary services.
"whoopsie daisy I am afraid I sort of lied to you I actually meant I will never put JUST the bridge on timeout for JUST 24 hours"
I realize that that is a horrible thing to wish and that I hope that will never happen. Just thought I'd get that out there.
@Yuuki so a japan slow death spiral?
@GodEmperorDune The parallels are astounding.
Japan's slow decline can be attributed to a really poor birthrate along with inability and unwillingness to accept foreigners.
@Yuuki pretty much
young hardworking immigrants are great to have in any economy
which is why it annoys so much that the US is having economy woes and we are not letting all the syrians in
To be fair, they're also an ocean away. It's a bit more of an investment for the US to bring in Syrian refugees than it is for, say, Germany or the UK.
Q: Why is Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention asking for my location information?

user1301428Right before starting Tutorial 3, my PS Vita asked me if I wanted to allow this game to access my location information. Does anybody know what this information is used for in the game?

@Yuuki yes but we have much more room than Germany or the UK
@GodEmperorDune I mean, we are, but a small number, and REQUIRING THE PERSONAL SIGNATURE OF THE FBI DIRECTOR
@Unionhawk yes that is a stupid requirement
Which is v dumb

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